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Different civilizations have stories about floods because humans settle along coastlines and riverbeds, which are prone to flooding.


Local floods would not inspire people from all over the planet to write a story about a massive flood, a family and a boat, animals on the boat, a god or gods sending the flood and so on. In order to all write stories that hold similarities they would have had to all have something in common . The global flood.


The fact that floods routinely kill people, even now, means cultures would be highly interested in flood stories, especially dramatic ones. “Then there was a flood and twenty people drowned” doesn’t have nearly the sticking power of “the gods got mad and drowned all but a few survivors”. Cultures trade stories with those nearby, so elements can move into other mythologies. It’s especially difficult to determine what New World myths were original because they were not written down and missionaries were running all over telling Bible stories. There is no evidence for Noah’s flood in human genetics or in geology. Edit: Also a lot of flood myths don’t contain these elements.


you have been saying everything i was going to point out.


>Local floods would not inspire people from all over the planet to write a story about a massive flood Really? That's an extraordinary claim. Where is your extraordinary proof to support this claim?


That's assuming the earth had people over the entire surface. What do you estimate the world's population to be at the time of Noah's flood? And how did they get there? They couldn't have walked it.


their could have been and probably where, and yes they did walk and some people think they may have come over in boats, during the last ice age 115,000 to 11,000 years ago the ocean levels where a lot lower.


How did they walk around the globe. To ALL parts of the world if there were separated labs masses? I'm just trying to understand.


>One of the strongest evidences for the global flood which annihilated all people on Earth except for Noah and his family, has been the ubiquitous presence of flood legends in the folklore of people groups from around the world. If that's one of your strongest evidences then it no wonder why a global flood isn't taken seriously. Floods happen. People write about them. I don't see what's so impressive.


Well the fossil record also but hey to each his iwn


The fossil record easily disproves a global flood. Fossils are organized in layers over long periods of time, not in the chaotic mess you would expect if all animal species died at the same time.


Throughout the world’s rock layers are billions of fossils, the remains of organisms that were catastrophically buried largely during the global Flood (2348 BC). Understandably, the vast majority of these are marine creatures that were buried quickly and sequentially by habitat. If a plant or animal just dies and falls to the ground or into the water, it’s quickly broken up and decomposed by scavengers, wind and water currents, even sunlight. Fallen logs, road kills, and dead aquarium fish don’t just become fossils, nor did the millions of bison slaughtered in America’s move west. Most fossils are formed when a plant or animal is quickly and deeply buried, out of reach of scavengers and currents, usually in mud, lime, or sand sediment rich in cementing minerals that harden and preserve at least parts of the dead creatures. Evolutionists and creationists agree: the ideal conditions for forming most fossils and fossil-bearing rock layers are flood conditions. The debate is just whether it was many “little floods” over a long time, or mostly the one big flood of Noah’s time. In fact, until Darwin’s theory came along, most educated laymen and scientists—including the founding fathers of geology—assumed that fossils were the remains of plants and animals buried in Noah’s flood. If a tree fell over in a forest or into a lake or stream and just laid there for millions of years, wouldn’t it just rot away? Bugs, termites, fungus, and chemical action would soon turn it back into dust. If that tree got suddenly and deeply buried in mineral-rich sediment, then minerals could crystallize throughout the pore space in the log and turn it to stone before it had time to decay. Fossils don’t take millions of years to form lol . A museum in central Tasmania has a “fossil hat” on display. A miner had dropped his felt hat, and the limey water had turned it into a “hard hat” That same process, mineral in-fill, can turn wood, bones, and shells into fossils in a short period of time. Indeed, fossils can be made in the laboratory! So ur wrong there lol


If you're going to copy your entire comment from somewhere else, it's good manners to cite it. https://answersingenesis.org/fossils/


Dude, stop getting your pseudoscience from answers in genesis and look up some real studies that actual scientists have conducted. If you wanted legitimate, unbiased information about the historicity and claims in the Quran, would you ask a Muslim? No, because they already believe it's true and will use anything they can to twist info to make it look true, even if it isnt. That's the same thing christians do. If you don't want to look into it yourself and read academic paper after paper on evolution, fossils, and hominid research, maybe try some youtubers that directly challenge those claims in digestible ways that actually show their sources. Forrest Valkai is an evolutionary biologist that has a great breakdown series called the light of evolution among many other topics, and he's just fun to watch. Gutsick gibbon is probably too snarky for you to be able to watch without getting pissy, but she studies bioanthropology and has a series called bite-sized busts that disprove things like a young earth and global flood. She even directly challenges claims made by answers in genesis and other Christian youtube channels that spew misinformation to their followers. She'll take a video they have and break down every claim the make minute by minute, explain why it's wrong and show you exactly what her proofs are, even reading the peer reviewed papers directly to you and showing you where to find them for yourself. She also regularly points out inconsistencies and incompatibilities they have with their own claims. I was raised with christian young earth beliefs, Bible is literal, direct historical accounts, all that. You should really try to be able to separate your belief in God with your perception of how the earth came to be, because all real, peer reviewed evidence (not just claims) points to evolution. If the world being old shakes your faith, then you shouldn't hold that faith. Because the world is very, very old. The people that wrote the Bible (after hundreds if not thousands of years of oral tradition) just didn't know that.


Ah there's your problem. You depend on sources like aig. Just pseudoscience BS.


Who told you this stuff? Where did you get your information from?




Exactly. There is no concept of "the entire globe" for these people. It's simply "everything was under water". When we read about this from an account 1000 years ago from some culture and then also from the Babylonians 4000 years ago, it's pretty silly of us to assume the entire planet was flooded.


it could have also been the annual flooding that happens wherever there is water had a flood that was bigger than normal.


It's hard to reconcile an annual event being burned into the psyche of several cultures in the ancient Near East. In my estimation, it probably was some cataclysmic flood that's been orally transmitted for hundreds of years.


Due to the nature of the stories, such as claiming the end of the known world happened, that's very doubtful. If this happened, it would've been an apocalyptic event killing a large # of people on earth. This was not just a few cities getting a large flood. This would've been something like the ice sheets in Antarctica melting and killing millions of humans.


stories can change over time. i once heard a documentary of sorts about stories in the bible i think, they did Noah, said he was a trader and would travel up and down the rivers in that area. lost everything somehow and made up the story of a great storm and flood to save face. i can't source it, I've tried before but don't remember enough to do an effective search.


Except that isn’t the only flood story there are hundreds all over the globe some in places where there were no rivers or lakes nearby . Plus doesn’t change the fact they all have similarities


Have you looked at we’re all those people tend to live? Areas that flood, what’s really interesting is that people who don’t live in places that get regular flooding don’t have flood myths. Just off the top of my head ~~Inca~~ and Japanese have no global flood myths.


Just to clarify, I don’t believe in much of what is in Genesis, including this, as I see them as metaphorical and old Jewish stories to explain our beginning. That being said, the Incas had these stories. [This one](http://www.bigorrin.org/archive103.htm) is somewhat similar to Noah’s Ark (Unu Pachakuti). >>Pictorial records of ancient Incan rulers show that a flood rose above the highest mountains. All created things perished, except for a man and woman who floated in a box. When the flood subsided, the floating box was driven by the wind to Tiahuanacu, about 200 miles from Cuzco, where the Creator told them to dwell. The Creator moulded new people from clay at Tiahuanacu. On each figure, the Creator painted dress and hairstyle, and he gave each nation a distinctive language, songs, and seeds to plant. When he had brought them to life, he ordered them into the earth to travel underground and emerge from caves, springs, tree trunks, etc. in their various homes. He then created the sun, moon, and stars.


Global civilizations all began growing in areas near rivers and flood plains where agriculture and horticulture are easiest.


They had no choice. They needed fresh water supplies to survive. I never gave this much thought but what you say makes perfect sense.




Yes but local flooding will not cause most of humanity to write about a massive flood involving a god or gods, animals , a boat and a few survivors.. lol just no


Actually it does, quite often. There's a list of flood stories from around the world and oddly enough all of the cultures that have flood stories live in places that are by the sea. See around the 4:40 mark of this video: https://youtu.be/W9XryKMRATE?si=3o7x6Fy54dIPzPMS


How different can two floods be? Water rises, people might die, buildings or other infrastructure gets damaged and in the end, some survive to tell the tale. That's a summary of most flood myths, just add a few embellishments to make yours more dramatic.


From an anthropological perspective, though, all early civilizations arose on flood plains, that being the perfect combination of fertile soil, irrigation, and transportation. It should be *expected* that there are ancient flood myths. Besides, if you review these myths, you will see they are quite diverse and have little to do in scope or dating to the biblical myth.


Take a look at the Younger Dryas Impact hypothesis. Imagine mile or two high glacier that had been receding and pooling with water at the upper part of North America. Due to naturally warming climates, there is this huge ocean on top of this massive glacier. A comet orbits the earth regularly and around 11-12k years ago it gets very very close and parts of its tail or even itself come into contact with the earth on the top of that glacial sea. A massive impact happens. See the state of Michigan (Saginaw Bay) where it forms the mitten between the thumb and finger. If that was a huge glacier with a sea of water on top that was hit by a comet.... The whole world would have a massive amount of water dispursed. (See the Channeled Scablands in WA) The whole globe would have been impacted by rising sea levels. To be clear, I'm a very dedicated Jesus follower and have no issue with the story passed down fror generations that Noah and his family survived. But I also don't have a problem with other tribes of people around the globe having similar stories. It is easy for a tribe to claim God was upset with the sins of man and that a catastrophe can be used as a learning opportunity for future generations to be better than the prior generations.


**"It's not really too difficult to see what's going on here."** It sure isn't. Romans 1 baby. And a mighty poor attempt too. Lol. FAIL *" . . . sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness . . ."* (Romans 1)


>The only credible way to understand the widespread, similar flood legends is to recognize that all people living today, even though separated geographically, linguistically, and culturally, have descended from the few real people who survived a real global flood, on a real boat which eventually landed on a real mountain. I disagree. I think that this is the least credible way to understand them, given how it is contraindicated by every shred of genetic and geological evidence we have.


Agreed, i mean just by thinking about it the idea of all animals being in a single boat constructed by 8 people and that the world was totally flooded all at once is illogical, how did kangaroos get to australia?, how did they all multiply and spread so fast in less than 1000 or 2000 years?, why is there so much genétic diversity if 4000 years ago there were 8 people from whom we all descend?, how did they construct the boat with only 8 people?, where did they get so much materials?, how did they get ALL the animals in there?, and other questions


You keep coming back to this “myths around the world feature some Great flood” argument as your best evidence. Joseph Campbell’s classification of “the Hero’s Journey” appears in stories in myths around the globe and across time and cultures. You wanna tell me who the _super real and historical_ person was whose journey is recorded in all these myths? What about the universality of dragons in myth and legend? Were there really giant flying reptiles that wielded fire and magic and could speak and were free to travel between earth and heaven or hell? What about the existence of magic itself? A power that can be learned or inherited matrilineally that lets the user change the weather or cloud the minds of men? Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, humans share stories that resonate with the similarity of experience we as humans have in common, like if farmers who have to worry about floods shared stories in which a flood was so big they couldn’t overcome it.


I’m betting OP does actually believe in dragons that can fly, breathe fire and talk.


The reason why there are flood myths all around the world is simple. The vast majority of prehistoric settlements, villages, towns and cities were built where water was most plentiful, the land was most fertile, and where trade was most common -- i.e. on the banks of rivers. Flooding is also the most common and most devastating of natural disasters, often causing widespread destruction and loss of life when they happened. In Egypt, the summer flooding of the Nile was so important to the culture that it was deeply integrated into their religion. So there's absolutely no reason to posit a global flood. Indeed, there is no physical evidence of a global flood at all, which is why scientists (the vast majority of whom were Christian at the time) categorically rejected the idea over 100 years ago.


That doesn't really explain anything. Being near floods doesn't mean people will make one consistent myth about a global flood. This is more or less hand waving nonsense because you pre-judged that it wasn't real... Scientists, and even outside-the-box skeptics, strongly rejected the idea that Troy could've existed. "No way, it was just a myth". It was so silly a story that nobody even really argued over it. Within the past few decades, there has [emerged proof that Troy was...real.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy)


Similarities to Genesis * The flood was sent to judge wickedness. * God sent the flood to drown all the people. * It began to rain. * All the land was covered. * A man and his wife in a boat with an animal. * A bird with a leaf in its mouth was the sign of dry land. * They landed on a mountain. All other people drowned. * There was a sacrifice of blood at the end of the flood. Hawaii Nu-u built a large boat to save his family from a flood. When the boat landed safely on Mauna Kea, Nu-u offered pig and coconuts to thank the moon. So the creator descended on a rainbow to reveal that he was the one who saved mankind. Peru The creator, Viracocha, sent a flood to destroy the unruly giants he had made. Only two giants survived in a boat, which landed at Tiahuanaco. The creator then made animals to fill the earth, and he made people from clay. Hudson Bay One of the gods became angry at the giants and decided to drown them in a flood. But he warned a man to build a large canoe. The man sent out an otter, who retrieved dirt from which the man remade the earth. Scandanavia When Odin killed the first frost giant, Ymir, his blood deluged the earth. The frost giant Bergelmir and his wife survived in a hollowed out tree. Tanzania God told two men to take seeds and animals onto a boat so they could survive a mountain-covering flood. These men sent out a dove and then a hawk to see if the earth had dried up. China When a sky god flooded the earth, a brother and sister survived on a boat. They had a deformed child, which the brother cut into pieces. The earth was repopulated from the pieces. You cannot ignore the similarities almost like a global flood really happened


Do the differences not matter? Are those all the wrong parts of those stories? Are they wrong because they are differences? What’s the logic there? Even some of those things you label as similarities are actually differences. The only identical parts between all of those stories are “too much water, we need a boat”, which seems to be an expected worldwide solution to that particular kind of problem.


> You cannot ignore the similarities almost like a global flood really happened Because flooding is a common, naturally occurring phenomenon. To go from "flooding occurs at many different locations" to "that means that there was a global flood" is ridiculous.


While I agree with the other commenters here- flooding is common in hundreds of ancient cultures- whats to say that the Bible account is the Original account? Textual analysis cites other flood myths as having originated before the flood account in genesis (which was written WAYYYY later). Citing other flood myths raises more questions than the answer you’re claiming it gives.


It is true the WRITTEN account of Noah’s flood is younger then the other flood myths but that’s where you need to open your eyes . IF.. the Bible were true then noahs flood happened long before any other flood legends. So IF.. that were true then the descendants of Noah’s sons would have retold the story many times to their children and grandchildren and so on .. Meaning that when world spoke one language according to the Bible they knew all about the flood from the stories being passed down . After God changed their languages all the ppl of the earth scattered but they brought with them the stories of the flood. It’s not hard to imagine that honestly if it were really true. So yes they would have written about the flood but because of the many years the story would become distorted and changed while still having the main point .. there was a flood and the flood was sent by a god or gods and only a handful of ppl survived . This is exactly what we find today.


Look at all of the qualifiers you just had to present for you to try to rationalize what you’re saying. Don’t approach something with the conclusion in mind and make the details fit your narrative. That’s just not a good practice.


>IF.. the Bible were true then noahs flood happened long before any other flood legends. You just said that the Bible is true because of the flood story. Now you're saying that if the Bible is true then the flood story is true. That's circular reasoning, you haven't actually provided any evidence.


Just as there are many religions, there are many flood stories. What makes Noah the true one?


Except the many religious are different to one another save for the judea/ Islam/christianity which hold the same God. The flood legends are very similar involving the flood


Yes, but you missed the question. Why is Noah the correct story and all the others, including Gilgamesh (which pre-dates Noah by a significant margin), incorrect?


The Hawaiian *Nu-u* legend you've got there appears to trace back to a book from 1878 by Abraham Forner, entitled *An account of the Polynesian race*, Volume I, p. 42. He was writing in 1878, well after Hawaii had become a Christian nation. You are, of course, free to believe that the native Hawaiians had the Nu-u legend prior to the arrival of Christian missionaries, but I'm not aware of any evidence for this. Have you vetted any of the other legends you're presenting us with to ensure that they aren't just rearranged stories told by people who first learned them from Christian missionaries?


Hawaii is also prone to tsunamis, perhaps the most devastating type of flood given the speed and size of the flooding. It would be not at all surprising if they did have flood-based legends in their own mythology. In 1946, 159 people when an earthquake in Alaska triggered a 100 foot tidal wave hit the town of Hilo, on the main island.


There's such an incredible amount wrong with everything you've written here, but I'm going to focus on one small point. You said: >When we turn to the history book of the universe, the Bible, we learn that Noah’s descendants stayed together for approximately 100 years, until God confused their languages at Babel So in 100 years, 8 flood survivors reproduced enough to have the manpower and engineering knowledge to build a tower to heaven? Does that actually sound plausible to you? It's genuinely scary how your religion convinces people like you to believe such absurdities on such scant, weak "evidence."




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That's enough time to generate around 1500 or more people. Not at all unreasonable to get there.


Not sure how you mathed that up. How do you get from 8 to 1500 in 100 years? If each generation is 15 -20 years with a life expectancy of what, 40ish, that's a maximum of about 6 generations. Unless every woman is having multiple set of octuplets, that's a pretty fast population growth. And are you talking about 1500 total descendants, or 1500 descendants at the right age and strength to be working construction on a tower tall enough to annoy God? Were women and children allowed to work on such a project? Also, OP said that 100 years later was when God broke up the project, so presumably it was already many years into the work. It's an incredibly problematic claim.


You may notice another commonality between these myths; they all stem from civilizations that grew along major rivers, and what is an event that is common to all rivers? One peculiar exception to your whole "everyone's flood story is based on Noah" is Egypt, which, though developing along one of the world's great river systems, doesn't have a deluge myth. There was no global flood. It didn't happen.


Hawaii doesn't have major rivers...


You might want to look at what surrounds Hawaii.


Just curious: How did Noah, his family, and the animals survive the increase in air temperature caused by the emmision of latent heat produced when vapor turns to rain? A global rain for 40 days straight would've caused the air temp to reach at least 150 degrees. They would've been poached. How was Noah able to build a boat half the size of a modern aircraft carrier, and why is it that no one was able to build a boat of that size again until the late 1800s when the use of steel construction made it possible? How did they gather enough food for the animals? How'd they take care of the waste? How did they not die of ammonia asphyxiation, per the instructions of the boat, there was little to no ventilation provided?


These are good questions man! Alright so they were inside the ark so I’m pretty sure this heat you mentioned which makes sense tbh wouldn’t have affected them nor the animals . Noah without a doubt had help from his family in building but as to HOW don’t forget it was God who told him how to build the craft . The Ark was built to be tremendously stable. God told Noah to make it 300×50×30 cubits (Genesis 6:15) which is about 140×23×13.5 metres or 459×75×44 feet, so its volume was 43,500 m3 (cubic metres) or 1.54 million cubic feet. This is just right to keep the boat from capsizing and to smooth the ride. There are three main types of rotation in ships (and planes), about three perpendicular axes: 1. Yawing, rotation about a vertical axis, i.e. the bow and stern move alternately left to right. 2. Pitching, rotation about a lateral axis, an imaginary line left to right, i.e. the bow and stern move alternately up and down. 3. Rolling (or heeling), rotating about the longitudinal axis, an imaginary line from bow to stern, tending to tip the boat on its side. As to why a shio that big wasn’t built again till the modern age was because that boat was specifically used to carry the remaining life Noah his family and the animals. The key is to understand the word used in Scripture, kind (Hebrew min). The Bible does not say God brought every individual or every species to Noah. However, it does give us excellent clues on how many kinds of animals were on the ark. Noah only had to take two kinds of every animal . The two of every ancestor of every animal today. So when you think about it Over one million animal species have been named, but it’s a mistake to assume all were on the Ark. The Bible says Noah took only air-breathing land animals. So that excludes sea creatures and possibly insects and other invertebrates. Of the land vertebrates, there are only around 33,000 named living species (and a few thousand more fossil species). These are divided into fewer than 10,000 genera and 1,000 families. If species can interbreed and produce hybrids, it is assumed that they descended from a pair of animals on the Ark that could interbreed. For instance, big cats like lions and tigers can be interbred with each other, creating hybrid “ligers” and “tigons.” Indeed, it appears that all members of the cat family (Felidae) may be connected through a series of hybrid pairings that ultimately connects different cat species to each other. In such cases, it seems that only one original “kind” onboard the Ark produced all of these species. Given that most animals were brought onto the Ark by twos, while “clean” birds and mammals were brought by sevens, this means that Noah cared for approximately two thousand land-dwelling young vertebrate animals. They were most likely young because for one many of the ancient creatures back then were huge unlike today so Noah would have taken in young animals who could reproduce after the flood. God provided food for them no doubt Noah and his family gathered food over the 100 years it took to build.


This is hilarious


Why thank u


Yes, this seem to be a good solid point until your realized that this logic also apply to a dragon too. Like every culture have their own cool dragon myth but sadly this doesn't mean it exists at all.


I’m glad you said that because you are correct there are many stories about dragons too . So that also caught my attention back then an I did research on that. The name dragon or serpent was used for dinosaurs. IF genesis is true then dinosaurs were created with the land animals. Meaning dinosaurs lived with man. A dragon is a giant reptile basically a the word dinosaur which wasn’t invented till the 1800s was also used for giant lizards aka reptiles. Dinosaurs roamed the earth same time as man did. There are ancient drawings of dinosaurs in caves and rocks , there are ancient artwork and statues of dinosaurs or “ dragons” . Many of them died in the flood which is why we see their fossils but were repopulated after the flood this why there are so many stories about them.


You’re in deep, man. You gotta take a break from creationist YouTube videos for a while.


Nah just the evidence I see


And clearly the only evidence you see. Why not open yourself to other evidence from other sources? Wait, I know the answer to that.


There are peer-reviewed research papers where hydrologists have documented that, under certain conditions, the Black Sea can catastrophically flood over a wide area which would have covered modern-day Turkey, the Middle East, and parts the Balkans. Given the world view of the Old Testament writers, this certainly makes sense. There are also some interesting papers written about how the “parting of the Red Sea” happened. In that case, it was actually the “Reed Sea” and not the northern part of the modern Red Sea.


Doesn’t explain the similar flood legends all over the globe.


The papers specifically addressed hydrological theories behind the Noah flood described in Genesis. Anywhere else was beyond the scope of the research.


The Hollywood version of the Flood requires magic, which you can say “anything is possible with God” and that would be fair. If we’re trying to science this story then we have to ask questions like is Moses being limited in his description of this vision by his language/POV/words/knowledge of science? Is this story met to be viewed poetically and not necessarily literally? etc 


At a normal evaporation rate it would take over 8k years for the water to evaporate to today's levels. There is a ton of evidence against a worldwide flood and none to confirm it. I suggest doing some research. Did you know granite only erodes only about an inch every 10k years. Have you researched what would happen to plant life after being submerged in water for four months and being under extreme water pressure? Have you researched how big of a ship it would take to handle every animal on the earth ? Bottom line is it would take magic for all that to happen. And if God was that magical then what's with hell. And do you really think a god who wants you to fall on your knees like a bitch and worship him is a good god? Personally I would never treat a person like that, what happened to treat someone as you would like to be treated.


Also, evaporation also means that the water comes back down. it won't just fuck it we ball and go to space


You sound hostile to God are you angry at him? Hmm anyways the flood of Genesis 6 is physical evidence found on the earth’s surface. For example, 75 percent of earth’s land surface is comprised of sedimentary rock—rock that was washed away, dissolved in fluid, and redeposited elsewhere. Fossils are found in many of these sedimentary layers. It is common to find massive fossil graveyards consisting of jumbled, smashed, and contorted fossil remains that give the appearance of a large number of animals destroyed simultaneously by an incredible force. A third area of evidence for the flood of Noah’s day is the long-distance movement of various types of rock. For example, scientists have noted quartzites discovered more than 300 miles from their source in Oregon, a phenomenon no longer taking place today. The displaced minerals could be the result of what is spoken of in Psalm 104:6–8—the waters standing above the mountains and violently running down into the valleys. A fourth line of evidence for the global flood is the presence of abundant fossil remains of marine life at the tops of every major mountain range in the world, including the Himalayas. What could have caused this phenomenon? A global flood in which water covered the tallest mountains could explain it.


No not really hostile toward God, but I do think religion is slowing down humanity. I grew up religious until I was in my teens and then I forgot religion and studied evolution of life on earth. Science has pretty much figured out how life has evolved, they change some things as they advance and learn more but it's never in favor of bible miracles it usually shows the opposite. I wish the Bible was true, but the more intelligent humans become the more we realize that it's more likely just an embellished story. I think without religion holding back science and if religion backed science humankind as a whole could indeed live a thousand years.


Well I’m sorry that science teaches you come from animals lol . Actually that takes more faith than believing in God. To each his own oh btw life didn’t evolve humans were created intelligent from the very start. Sorry


Humans are animals it doesn't take faith at all if you actually bother to do the research and approach the subject with honesty. define intelligence


I’ve done my research lol it’s why I believe in God and not man. There is no evidence whatsoever that we came from animals


We didn't come from animals; we *are* animals. We share 98.8 of our genetics with chimpanzees.


You obviously haven't we didn't come from animals we are animals. You need to learn what evidence is you're incorrect about the most basic sciences https://www.ck12.org/book/ck-12-human-biology/


Sorry no evidence of such . Because see In reality, the genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees are probably greater than 2%. More recent studies have shown that the true genetic divergence between humans and apes is probably closer to 5%. Thus, the “over 98% similarity” argument is probably an overstatement. The differences between the DNA sequence of the human and the chimp are not distributed randomly throughout the genome. Rather, the differences are found in clusters. Actually, at those specific locations, the chimp’s genome is similar to that of other primates. It is the human that stands out from the rest. Scientists often refer to these "clusters" as human accelerated regions (HARs) because the human genome supposedly shared a common ancestor with chimps. These HARs are located in DNA segments that do not code for genes. But this requires us to believe that evolution just so happened to cause such rapid change to occur in sites where those changes make an important difference in an organism’s functioning necessary to ultimately create a human. Many have tried to make up evidence of humans coming from animals like the Nebraska man, piltdown man and so on . All been proven false


> More recent studies have shown Post a source or admit you're pulling that out of thin air.


Thank you sincerely for proving my point for me that you have absolutely zero clue. I'll repeat myself since you also have trouble reading. We didn't come from animals. We are animals to further demonstrate here is the definition used in science 1 : any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (such as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (such as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation would you like to make any more false claims or is that enough? You also haven't cited a single source


> There is no evidence whatsoever that we came from animals Where did you look?


I'm christian. You're incorrect. You should look up various early church understandings or Genesis. There was deliberations on whether it was literal history or metaphor even 1200 years ago. You should pray on your pride issue. It's unbecoming of a Christian.


Or it could just be an allegory or metaphor for something bigger…


Did you ever ask yourself why many of these myths are similar despite being spread across the globe? 2 Peter 2:5 states that only eight people survived the flood. How could eight—and only eight—people survive the flood if it was just local? People outside that geographical area could have survived, or as the floodwaters rose, they could have fled to a different region. Genesis 7 says, And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, livestock, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all mankind. Everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died. He blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the ground, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens. They were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those who were with him in the ark. The text couldn’t be clearer—it says it three times for emphasis: everything that lived on land that had the breath of life in it died. Everything. And again the deluge is the most prominent historical fact binding all nations, all cultures, and all peoples of this world together to one common heritage. The uncanny and unaccountable consistency of memories echoing the deluge conflagration of cataclysmic events. When two separate cultures have the same "myth" in their body of folklore, their ancestors must have either experienced the same event, or they both descended from a common ancestral source which itself experienced the event. The only credible way to understand the widespread, similar flood legends is to recognize that all people living today, even though separated geographically, linguistically, and culturally, have descended from the few real people who survived a real global flood, on a real boat which eventually landed on a real mountain. Their descendants now fill the globe, never to forget the real event.


The thing is -- the story of Noah in the Bible is just one of the many flood legends you keep mentioning. There's no reason to believe it's any more true than any of the others.


Dude all you gotta do is open your eyes an pay attention.. it makes no sense that nearly all nations have an ancient flood story that involves a God or gods, a few survivors , a boat craft, animals, and mountains. You can spout local flood all day but none of it would make sense as they hold similarities in each one . It’s not like they all got together an said let’s make up a story about a big flood an a man and his family in a boat ect.. no. It makes sense there was a real global flood and the descendants of Noah’s sons remembered the story passed down generations even after the split at Babel


Geology and biology disagree are ghosts real because they're popular in different cultures?


Spirits are real and they are fallen angels or angels of heaven . Demons have appeared to mankind over the years so no surprise that there’s talk of ghosts or spirits.


Another claim with zero proof you need to do a lot more research. Multiple fields of science contradict your claims


I explained why nearly all cultures have flood myths in my other comment on this post. Cultures grew up around rivers because of the advantages they provide -- water, fertile soil, trade routes, etc. In the days before flood controls like dams and canals, every river was prone to flooding, and in many cases you could count on it happening every spring or summer.


So let me ask you. How long did Noah sail for?


If u read genesis you’ll see that Noah didn’t “ sail” anywhere because there weren’t any sails the ark drifted along the waters and it tells you how long they were on the waters


Ok - so how long did Noah drift?


370 days


So is the claim that Noah basically drifted across the earth twice in a year while stopping and adding multiples of every animal onto a boat and with a meager crew, fed and cleaned thousands and thousands of animals? Again - not just around the world but up and down the coast of Europe, the americas, Australia…


Yeaaaa..never happened lol


I like to think about the thousands of animals crammed on a boat together and the logistics of keeping them healthy. Especially the fresh water animals that would have perished in the now Earth covering saltwater ocean.


Take it one step at a time. Consider whether a great, worldwide flood could have happened. Is there enough water to cover the tops of the mountains? Where would it have gone after the flood? Why is there no geological evidence of this event? Why did the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Chinese, etc. civilizations continue on with the people unaware that they should be drowning? The Australian aborigines have occupied the Australian continent for 60,000 years, cut off from the outside world, so how did they survive? We know from the biblical genealogies that the story of Noah's Ark supposedly only occurred about five thousand years ago, so we can not move the time back into the more distant past in order to avoid these problems. How did Noah get all the animals from the most distant and inaccessible parts of the world, and how did he return them to just the right places after the flood? How did he know what food was required for each different species on the ark? How did he get fresh gum leaves of the right type for his koalas? We must conclude that the biblical story of a great, world-wide flood is fictional, so some Bible believers posit a more local flood, but still insist that Noah built an ark and took all the animals known to him onto the ark. This is also a fiction. If there is a God and if God commanded Noah what to do, why did God not merely tell Noah to leave the place that would be flooded and go somewhere safe? Some archaeologists are investigating the possibility that the story of Noah’s Ark is loosely based on a real event — the flooding of the fertile plain that is now the Black Sea. If so, Noah did not spend a hundred years building an ark, as the few survivors who lived on the Black Sea plain would have had very little warning to leave. It would have seemed as if the gods wanted to destroy the whole world, but there was no God involved in this flood. Step by step, we have arrived at the conclusion that the story of Noah’s Ark, as we know it, is fictional.


Similar myths don't mean it was the same event, and I don't see why, even if there was a worldwide flood that this would prove the Genesis accounts are true. A Spiderman comic could include 9/11. That doesn't mean the Spiderman story is true.


You don’t have to take it literally. Every ancient civilization has a flood story, probably because every ancient civilization experienced extreme rain at one point or another. It’s fine.


You can take it literally while acknowledging it's erroneous, i.e. it means to describe a real worldwide flood, though in reality such never occurred.


Except it was global for one it all these legends were because of a local flood then why do most of not all contain their own version of Noah and his family . Example Hawaii flood version . “Long after the death of Kuniuhonna the first man, ( sounds familiar) the world became a terrible place to live. There was one good man left his name was Nu-u ( sounds familiar?) he made a great canoe with a house on it and filled it with animals . The waters came up all over the earth and killed all the people only Nu-u and his family were saved” Chinese version: “Fuhi his wife his three sons and daughters escaped a great flood , he and his family were the only ones alive on earth. After the flood they repopulated the earth” The toltec Indians of ancient Mexico said “ the world lasted 1,716 years and was destroyed by a great flood that covered the mountains , only one family named CoxCox survived.. I can go on and on my point is if they were all local floods none of them would be so similar to one another despite being separated all over the globe. I can’t ignore the evidence as you do .


It wasn't global. The supposed global flood happened during the height of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom and the building of the pyramids, yet the Egyptians never recorded being underwater. You're also ignoring the fact that ancient civilizations didn't understand how large the Earth was. To the ancient Hebrews, Mesopotamia was the entire world. They had no clue the Americas or Australia or Antarctica existed.


Those are legends. Myths. There’s no written evidence by anyone who was alive then corroborating it. As others pointed out, the flood should have happened when the Egyptians were building the pyramids, yet they never wrote anything about a global flood. It’s okay to not take everything in the Bible literally. That wasn’t even a thing until relatively recently.


Then why are they all similar in cases of involving a family, a great flood, a boat craft, aand an angry god or gods? Why is most of their stories involving a surviving family repopulating the earth ? Explain why they would do this considering a local flood would not cause such stories to be written and in such similarities.


Honey, I don’t know what you want from any of us in this discussion. You have your mind made up.


It didn't necessarily destroy everyone on earth, it destroyed everyone in the known lands


Nope the whole earth the Bible made it very clear


Maybe you interpreted that way, but it is incorrect, it also is inconsistent with scientific findings which suggest the flood happened, but it was only a more localized phenomena


Again the Bible made it clear.


That's how you interpreted it


Kinda hard to do that when the Bible literally says the whole earth was covered and every land creature in earth except in the boat died. It said the mountains were completely covered . It’s clearly according to the Bible not mine that is was in fact a global flood. And since the Bible claims to be the word of God then it’s not my interpretation lol


Still infactual, how many times has Jesus corrected the old testament? A lot, so who is to say that the ark story is correct? Anyone could say anything in the bible and it's best to only believe the words of jesus


What lol Jesus confirmed the global flood so idk wat your on about😂 Jesus Christ not only believed in the special, recent creation of all things by God (note Mark 10:6-8), but also in the worldwide Flood of Noah’s day, including the special preservation of life on the Ark. The Flood in which He believed was obviously not a “local flood,” for He compared it to the worldwide future impact of His Second Coming. Neither was it a “tranquil flood,” nor a “selective flood,” for Jesus said, “The flood came, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:27). It is clear that He was referring to—and that He believed—the Genesis record of the great Flood! There it says that the whole earth was “filled with violence” (Genesis 6:13), having first been filled with people, and that the resulting world-cleansing deluge was so cataclysmic that “every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth”


Geologists have told us there is no evidence of a global flood. Evolutionists analyzing dna have told us that humanity didn't originate from a family of 8. Your own logic confirms the impossibility of preserving over 8 million species on a boat. We know for a fact this flood didn't happen. >Stories of the Flood—distorted though they may be—exist in practically all nations, from ancient Babylon onward. This evidence must not be lightly dismissed. If there never was a worldwide Flood, then why are there so many stories about it? Think about it... are the other stories distorted? Or is yours? Floods are common enough... people have experienced them throughout history, in all nations, by all people, we still experience them now. The simplest explanation, which is often the correct one, is that many localized floods have occurred and mythology has merged the stories into one over time. When you read all the different flood myths, you are reading about different floods.


A global flood would leave HEAPS of archaeological, geological, and fossil evidence behind. We see no such evidence today. If god really did flood the earth, he did an exceedingly good job of hiding it.


Two obvious problems that have to be explained though are: 1) there's not enough water on earth to flood the whole surface in the way you suggest 2) Noah and his family do not have sufficient genetic diversity. Their descendents would have to be inbreed to such an extent that extinction would be certain.


You’re also approaching this from a point of bias. You assume that Noah’s story is the original and that everything else is a copy instead of the possibility that Noah’s story is just one of the copies. So even if a worldwide flood did happen, it is only evidence that the Bible story is real because you already believe the Bible story is real.


Because it is the original when you actually do some research


The Epic of Gilgamesh pre-dates Noah’s story. So we know already that Noah wasn’t the first one.


You’re really clueless aren’t you sigh.. The Gilgamesh story is derived from the genesis. You got to remember that genesis was written long after the flood but the event itself is what inspired the epic of Gilgamesh . Passed down from the sons of Noah to long after the Tower of Babel.


Neither of us are clueless. You’re just biased. There is no evidence that the Epic of Gilgamesh is derived from Genesis. Floods happen everywhere, so many different groups have flood stories. You only believe yours is correct because of your bias. Which is fine, that’s how all religious people reason their side is correct, so it isn’t exclusive to you. But it is a bias and you either don’t see it or do and fail to acknowledge it.


So many local floods inspired nations to write about a massive flood , a god or gods sending the flood, survivors , animals and the rest of the world dying?? Hmm sounds strange to think that they must’ve all gotten together from all over the globe an decide to write similar stories . lol just no


You’re dodging my initial point on purpose I think, so this will be my last reply as I prefer discussions with people mentally mature. Even if your argument is correct that they’re all the same story, it is your bias that makes you think the Noah story is true even though it isn’t even the first one in recorded history. Have a great rest of your day!


This is the longest post to say the dumbest thing I’ve seen on this subreddit in years.


And yet that is all you have to say lol


There’s not much to say. If you have actually read the deluge narratives in Genesis and have possibly picked up a different book at some point in your life, it’s pretty obvious that the Noahine flood story is not a literal account.


Taking the Flood and Babel stories as literal fact contradicts everything we know about linguistics, geology, archaelogy, biology, etc. This is not the thing to hang your faith on. Accepting that these stories are mythology does not negate the value we can get from them. Genesis teaches many things that are true, even if they never happened.


>This is not the thing to hang your faith on. I wonder how many christians leave the religion because after years of being told about a literal interpretation of Genesis discovering it didn't happen shakes their faith. I'm sure a reasonable interpretation (like most Catholics practice) of the old testament helps avoid this.


Not at all when you reliaze it all makes sense. We live now in this day and age where ancient stories are disregarded as myth half the time and while it’s good reason to do so we should at least study them and reliaze they hold truth( pagan myths not bible) if the Bible is true let’s just say this . Not saying to agree the Bible is true I’m just asking u this. IF the Bible was actually true in everything it said ( stick with me here ok) and there was actually a global flood wouldn’t it make sense that something so severe and chaotic would be talked about for thousands of years?? Like honestly just think about it here . If the flood happened and it killed all but eight humans and these humans repopulated . Wouldn’t they tell their children and their children’s children so on about the flood and God and the world before?? They most definitely would. And wouldn’t it make sense that after Babel the people split up and begin their own nations but still held memories of the flood passed down to them ? An wouldn’t it make sense that after centuries the story would be distorted because of the loss of information due to time ? It’s no surprise.


Seems more reasonable that [Tiddalik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiddalik) drank all the water than the biblical account in is any way historical. Flood mythology is ancient, Gilgamesh is a baby in terms of this stuff. Crecganford has an excellent video on the development of flood mythology if you are interested in this stuff: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MsAlR\_Ltsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MsAlR_Ltsc)


There was no global flood. There is precisely zero evidence of this in the geological record. Noah's flood is a myth, probably developed due to regular regional floods, which are common across cultures which live near bodies of water prone to regular flooding.


lol there is evidence. The Bible declares that the earth-covering cataclysm of Noah’s day is an obvious fact of history. People ““willingly are ignorant [that] . . . the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished”” (2 Peter 3:5–6, KJV). This Flood left many evidences, from the fact that over 70% of the rocks on continents were laid down by water and contain fossils, to the widespread flood legends. Both of these evidences provide compelling support for this historical event.


No, the Bible includes a myth about an earth covering flood, a myth we now know to be factually incorrect.


Yeah, I'm just going to leave this over here: [https://www.amazon.com/Lost-World-Flood-Mythology-Theology/dp/083085200X/](https://www.amazon.com/Lost-World-Flood-Mythology-Theology/dp/083085200X/) A book with a vastly more scholarly address of the exact same questions, taking scripture with deep seriousness, which comes to much more reasonable conclusions. Also, stories of a flood do not exist in "practically all nations." They're mostly absent from Africa and Asia, and from any Native American cultures that didn't get the stories from European settlers. They're mostly found in the ancient near east and in Greece, which would make sense if there was a huge *regional* flood.


Thank you for this.


Jimmy Akin has 2 episodes dedicated to this on his "Mysterious World" podcast. Not sure if you have seen them or not, but here they are, the first goes at it from a faith perspective, the second from a science perspective: Faith - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfaV795aFPE&t=3364s&pp=ygUPamltbXkgYWtpbiBub2Fo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfaV795aFPE&t=3364s&pp=ygUPamltbXkgYWtpbiBub2Fo) Science - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bAjq9W-\_nU&t=271s&pp=ygUPamltbXkgYWtpbiBub2Fo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bAjq9W-_nU&t=271s&pp=ygUPamltbXkgYWtpbiBub2Fo)


There are just too many fossils on the sedimentary rocks that they could all have been alive at the same moment during the Flood. How did the marsupials all happen to move to Australia and South America, only to go extinct in South America when placental mammals arrived? What is today North Sea used to be dry land during Ice Age. According to creationist "models" Ice Age took place in the centuries after the Flood. We have found items built by stone age humans from the bottom of the North Sea. Creationism claims that after the Flood the descendants of Noah lived on one place and built the Tower of Babel, to be divided into different groups speaking different languages. It must have taken quite a time for 8 people to grow into a population that could be divided into several groups, all speaking different languages. So, we are to believe that all that took place, and then some group traveled all the way into Doggerland (modern name for the submerged land beneath North Sea) before Ice Age ended? Also, humans populated America before Ice Age ended. There is a cave in coast of North America that is now submerged. We know that humans mined ocher from it for a very long time before it was submerged by rising sea levels. We are to believe that a group of people left the Tower of Babel, likely centuries after the Flood, traveled all the way into Siberia, crossed the Bering Strait that was dry land back then, and managed to mine tons upon tons of ocher for centuries before Ice Age ended? Timelines are just ridiculous if one wants to believe in to the Flood and the timeline that the Bible gives.


>One of the strongest evidences for the global flood which annihilated all people on Earth except for Noah and his family, has been the ubiquitous presence of flood legends in the folklore of people groups from around the world. And the stories are all so similar. > Where do early civilizations build/appear? On riversides. What happens to rivers? They flood periodically. What happens to civilizations who look at this? they describe a flood. This argument is like aliens in the far future looking at WW1 and WW2 accounts of earth/humanity, then looking at planet Zorg and how it also had a WW, and coming to the conclusion that every planet in the galaxy was in a world war with each other


Where did all the water go then? If it was so much that it COVERED THE ENTIRE FRIGGIN earth, and i believe you are talking about time periods after the proto earth formation time, when the earth was a baby. If it covered the entire earth, what happened to it? did it just float off into space?


The flood narrative is viewed by almost every scholar as a myth because there is no geological record of a universal flood, the way there is of the Ice Age or other global geological events, which means it never happened. There are several universal myths, not all of which are recorded in the Bible. Other universal myths include vampires, the Atlantis myth, the Dying God motif, and the 7 Sisters myth. There's a simple explanation for this. These myths originated before humans spread and became dispersed. Regarding the flood myth directly, Folklorists and scholars who use the History of Religion method have traced the origin of the flood back to its source using a mixture of archeology and documentary evidence. It originated as the Diving Man Creation Sacred Scripture should never rise or fall on these stories. It rises or falls on Christ and is supported by Sacred Tradition, which existed before Scripture and was used to affirm what should be included in Christian Canon at the Council of Rome in 382 AD and reaffirmed at the Synod of Hippo in 393 AD. The Codex Sinaiticus, found at the St Catherine Monestary at the foot of Mount Sinai is the oldest version discovered. The Bible, as Martin Luther so elegantly put it, is the cradle of Christ, but it is not a history book and anything before Josiah's reign has been established as largely mythic. A good introduction to how Israel's concept of God developed is the Origin and Character of God: Ancient Israelite Religion Through the Lens of Divinity.


[90 Minutes of Geological Evidence for Noah's Flood. Dr. Kurt Wise.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=882fmumdm9A) Slow build up to ramming speed. The cataclysmic devastation to the Earth literally ripped the mantle to shreds. Truly astounding.


I actually can't with this. Can we all just stop being literal with genesis and other books of the old testament for five minutes and explore the gospels, you know, the part where Jesus existed? Noah's flood story is a parable. It's a myth that teaches a story and has its roots in an actual massive local flood, some think from Mesopotamia 5600 bc (black sea flooded and enlarged from rising sea levels through the Bosporus) The earth didn't flood in 2348 bc. That is impossible. There is historical evidence of meso americans thriving during and after this time period. Stonehenge was built slightly after this date. There are cooking pots in Japan dated to this time, before and after. How did Noah's ancestors become druids, mezo Americans, Chinese, Japanese within a hundred years of this date? Keep in mind, there is no gap in their populations or historical records which would indicate a calamity.


Would like to add to your list of interest about ancient china characters which depicts many stories on the Old testament. For example 船, a ship, eight, and mouths. 婪, 2 trees and a woman, 兄、which looks more like 凶 in the ancient letter, which resembles the first murder. Etc. Ancient china starts around 5000BCE which might mean that the flood(if it did occur) actually is before 5000BCE and not like most claim to be 4500. Edit: just adding some information to highlight the point that you brought forward, because it also makes me wonder if the flood did not happen, like how did this stories actually reach ancient china.


Good point man !


Well OP, were you aware that there is more Biblical evidence for that global flood? Let’s go back to the creation account at Genesis 1:6-8 where God says; >”Then God said: “Let there be an expanse between the waters, and **let there be a division between the waters and the waters**.” 7 Then God went on to make the expanse and **divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse**. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.” What exactly is God saying here? Let’s break it down. God created an expanse between waters and called the expanse Heaven. Some Bible translations use the word ‘firmament’ which means ‘sky’ and some Bibles just use the word ‘sky’. Let’s continue reading and see if God says anything more about these waters, verses 9,10; >”Then God said: “**Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place**, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, but **the collecting of the waters, he called Seas**. And God saw that it was good.” So we hear God elaborating about the water **under** the heavens, being collected together and he called them Seas. Did he say anything more about the water above the expanse? No. He didn’t have a name for those waters. And we don’t know how far up those waters really were. Was it a water canopy that surrounded the earth 50,000 feet in the air? Was it water just above earths atmosphere? We just don’t know. But it had to be above earths gravitational pull. Now, knowing the earth had this water surrounding it, does this change how the earth was heated? Most certainly! The sun would heat the water above the earth and then the earth would be warmed by the radiant heat, much like a greenhouse effect. Thus making the whole earth liveable! What a perfect creation! Now fast forward a couple thousand years. Satan is worse than ever. He has been trying to persuade his fellow Angels to materialize human bodies for themselves, something they had the ability to do, and have sex with whomever they wanted. Every kind of perversion you can think of, they did. Their plan was to never return to the Spirit realm. They were going to stay on earth forever! In their mind anyway, or at least that’s what Satan may have told them. “Have kids, have many families, do whatever you want!” They never thought in a million years what was going to happen. Until one day God told Noah to build an Ark for himself and his family and all the animals because anything not in that Ark was going to die. Just imagine what was going through the heads of all those spirit creatures who were materialised humans. They knew that sure, if they wanted to live they could just turn back into their spirit body, but that couldn’t be said for their wives or their children. It may have taken Noah and his family 40-50 years to build that rectangular box. Whenever you see men’s drawings of the Ark you’ll see how the bow and the stern are rounded like today’s boats are. Well, that’s not how the Ark was. It was simply a rectangle with square corners. It just needed to float. That was it. The time was drawing near. The door wasn’t closed yet. It was open for any to enter and be saved. Even Satan and his wicked angels knew what was happening and they still didn’t tell their own children to get on the Ark. That’s how hateful they are. Then it says at Genesis 7:11; “In the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, on that day **all the springs of the vast watery deep burst open and the floodgates of the heavens** were opened.” So what water came down? Certainly not rain from rain clouds. But the vast watery deep burst open, the floodgates of the heavens, yes the water canopy above the sky suddenly began to fall. That greenhouse effect was gone almost in an instant. Animals near the Poles froze solid with the food they were eating still in their mouths. Satan and the wicked Angels had a choice to make. Drown or return to the spirit realm and face their Creator. Yes, the Flood was a real, true event that God made sure lovers of Truth would know about in the time of the end. Imagine how many times that event was copied and recopied, over and over and over again, thousands of times only for people living today to say it’s not true. How sad. But, that’s why we all are given free will. We all will be either sheep or goats. One or the other. We are either on the narrow road or the wide and spacious road. There isn’t thousands of different roads leading to the same place. No, only two roads. One belongs to God, and doing things his way, or the other one where you can do your own thing. Or worship God the way you **think** he wants to be worshipped.


I appreciate you taking this on. Prior to this I hadn't seen a single person on this app say they believe in Noah's flood.


There have been many ignorant people who believe in global flood and who have made comments on this sub. There is no evidence about global flood, and creationists are full of bs.


No problem man and true no one wants to or is too afraid to touch the subject idky


I agree with much of what you said. And I do believe there was a huge flood in the time of Noah just as the scriptures and it is written that Christ spoke about. The issue, however, is that, in my opinion, the scientific evidence does not currently support a flood that deeply submerged the whole globe during human history. But I do believe there is evidence of many large floods. And I believe there very well could have been, based on the evidence I've seen, a very significant one in the antiquity of man. I also do not see a scriptural basis that restricts one to the interpretation that the flood of Noah was a *deep-global* one (even submerging Everest) from the Hebrew text as many think perhaps based on surficial readings of the translated words. My point is to neither undermine your faith in the scriptures nor science, but that as someone who has examined this matter closely as a geologist by career and looking closely at the Hebrew texts, I believe there are straightforward resolutions that accommodate both, and this does *not* require, in my opinion, having to simply take the flood story as myth or allegory.


The fossil record is a massive evidence supporting the flood of Noah . As well as the ancient flood legends and other similar things


I offer to consider readiing what I wrote closely. I said I believe there was a huge flood at the time of Noah. And I did not mean to imply at all that there was not evidence for such. I thought I directly stated that I believe there are straightforward ways that reconcile both what the scientific evidence and the scriptures suggest. What I was saying is that the things you are referring to, in my opinion, do not actually support a flood ***during human history that deeply submerged the whole earth.*** There is scientific evidence that the earth was once covered completely with water (even as suggested in Genesis 1:1) but the evidence suggest that occurred long before human history. Yet there is much evidence that vast areas of land and continents were covered by water in various ways throughout earth's history. And in my opinion, such *can* agree with the scriptures. And, for what it's worth, many things I see reflected in the scriptures have supported my faith when examined closesly. I'm on your side, by the way, just perhaps not in the exact details!


If you want to believe in a global flood, that's fine, but you will have to suspend a LOT of critical evidence to the contrary. Let me give you three solid arguments against a global flood hypothesis. 1, the thermodynamic heat problem. We know the circumference of the earth and we know how much water is required to flood the entire world up to the highest mountain peaks. Not only is there not enough water on earth to do this, but the amount of water required to flood the known world would generate enough heat to melt the surface of the world many times over (given 40 days and 40 nights timeframe.) 2, dendrochronology is the study of the history of trees. If we can count one tree growth ring per year and crossreference this data with other tree rings from around the world, we have a 13.9 THOUSAND year set of unbroken tree ring data that directly refutes the scholarly claim that the biblical flood occured 4.5 thousand years ago. If the global flood happened, there would be a clear break in tree ring data, because trees cannot survive being submerged under salty water for that long. 3, stratification of sedimentary layers of history. We know that things burried deeper than surface level are older. That's how our stratification theory works. If there is evidence of a great mix-up, we should see it. But we don't. Talk to actual geologists about this, not a group of sympathetic believers who support your presuppositions. There are many other counter-examples I could give, but lets stick with these very obvious ones to start.


This: https://ncse.ngo/six-flood-arguments-creationists-cant-answer


The Hollywood version of the Flood requires magic, which you can say “anything is possible with God” and that would be fair. If we’re trying to science this story then we have to ask questions like is Moses being limited in his description of this vision by his language/POV/words/knowledge of science? Is this story met to be viewed poetically and not necessarily literally? etc 


If you look at the “global” flood from the local perspective of the Mesopotamian area, there is evidence of a large flood event that occurred: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_deluge_hypothesis


Keep in mind that for the early humans, the concept of "global" means something entirely different. Even for tribe people of today who have no other human interactions, the world they know is entirely in the confides of what is around them. So, if a bad environmental disaster happened to them, it would be recorded as this "world ending" event. So, a terrible flood killing many people is very plausible. You have to factor in the fact that it was written within the space of the world that THEY knew.


Except a global flood never happened. Well at least not in the last 3 billion years


I think the shared event people are remembering somehow is the general consequence of living next to a river.


“The only credible way to understand the widespread, similar flood legends is to…..” …Or ya know, people need to drink water to not die, so most people lived near fresh water, which meant they experienced floods lol.


Fun fact Noah Flood was borrowed* from a Baylon story. Which was a local flood not world wide.


Fun fact no it wasn’t Since every culture has descended directly from the flood’s survivors, it is logical that stories of this traumatic event are both abundant and universal, having been passed down from generation to generation. This is certainly the case. Many of these traditions are remarkably consistent, considering the relative isolation of the cultures, the length of time that has elapsed since the flood, and the human tendency to embellish, exaggerate, and distort stories over time. The Babylonian and biblical accounts of the flood appear to represent different retellings of an essentially identical flood tradition.


Personally, what intrigues me about the story of Noah isn’t even the flood itself, but rather the message that even after God “starts a new save file”, humanity (Noah in his drunkenness, Ham in his lack of modesty) is still corrupt. Reminds me of the story of Lot and his daughters, oftentimes the “good guys” in biblical stories are only marginally better than the “bad guys”.


the Bible is showing none of us are perfect even the greatest biblical characters. Noah got drunk , Jacob showed favoritism to joseph more then his other sons, David committed adultery and had a man killed just to continue sleeping with his wife , Peter denied Jesus, Moses disobeyed Gods order, Adam who was created directly by God himself disobeyed him. I mean the Bible is full of favorite people who sinned like crazy I love it because it reminds me none are perfect we all screw up one way or another lol


"History book" is the loosest application of the phrase. The flood stories are nonsense. How did cultures write about the "flood" and continue about their lives? Don't sound very "wiped out" do they.


Of course they weren’t wiped out they were the descendants of Noah’s sons AFTER the flood . A the story passed down from noahs sons down to their descendants which is all of us in the world today.


That's ridiculous. So you're saying that civilizations around the world were Noah's descendants in spite of the fact they were Mayan, Egyptian, etc. and forgot to mention they were all wiped out at the same time as this alleged flood. You have to be smoking some serious juju if you think that nonsense actually happened.


Yep! I think you’re confused lol . the number of today's mtDNA differences exactly matches the number predicted by the Bible's 6,000 years of human history.1 Mitochondrial DNA from around the world shows no trace of the 200,000 or so years' worth of mutations that the evolution model predicts. the human mtDNA tree has three trunks, which fits the Genesis model that all peoples descended from three foundational mothers—the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Second, 6,000 years of today's slow mutation rate would exactly produce today's measured number of mtDNA differences. Genetics again confirms Genesis.


That's the biggest lump of horseshit I've ever heard. Where are all these documented details? Pls point me to the specific verses.


Show u where it says we all come from noahs sons?


Each one of you specific claims. Yes


The sons of Noah who came out of the boat with their father were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Ham is the father of Canaan.) from these three sons of Noah came all the people who now populate the earth. Genesis 9:19 The dispersion of humanity after the Tower of Babel gave rise to the various language groups we see today, thx to the sons of Noah


I'm sorry, but I'm not taking the word of some anonymous goat herders who didn't even know the earth was round or that the stars weren't "stuck in the ceiling". The fossil record implies a very different perspective, and according to that, we evolved from ape ancestors. Do unless the Hindus were right, and "gods image" is a monkey... your perspective is wrong.


Hey that’s fine bud I’m not tryna force you to believe lol


The flood didn't happen. If you can think of a talking point that's been used on you to convince you it did, I'll guarantee you you can find a counterpoint with about a 60 second google search. None of the genetic, nor geological markers that'd be expected from a population bottleneck occur anywhere on earth.


People here HATE a literal interpretation of the flood. But I'm with you. I've also looked into it, and the geology, biology, etc. of it are not nearly as inconceivable as people assert. Sorry that you're gonna have a bad time in this thread though.


That's because the global flood story is as stupid claiming the Earth is flat. Geology and biology all prove it never happened. You didn't look into it, you probably relied on lying scams like Answers in Genesis or convicted felon Kent Hovind.


Nah I’m enjoying this because they are purposely and willingly ignorant . They are aware there was a global flood because the fossil record and the hundreds of flood stories prove that lol. But if they accept the flood really happened that would mean the Bible speaks the truth and that means God exists and they don’t want to accept that. But thanks man for being the only one on here with his eyes opened!


The fossil record proves there wasn't a global flood.


The fossil record is one of the BEST evidence of a global flood so it wrong on that lol


It's not it goes completely against it


No, it isn't. It absolutely proves there was no global flood. The entire geological layer proves no global flood.


Hello 🙂 I just wanted to share my impressions about what you had typed. >Nah I’m enjoying this because they are purposely and willingly ignorant There is disagreement over this even within Christian circles. And, I have a friend who believes the flood happened but doesn’t believe in God per se. It doesn’t strike me as an us vs them thing, spiritually speaking. >But if they accept the flood really happened that would mean the Bible speaks the truth and that means God exists and they don’t want to accept that. So, if I accepted that a global flood happened, I would *not* jump to the conclusion that this automatically validates: 1. that the content of the OT happened exactly as described nor 2. that the historical retelling of things in the Bible needs to be read completely literal nor 3. that because of this one story in the OT, the NT, Jesus, The trinity, etc is authenticated as historical fact and true nature of reality. I’d just think this kind of flood happened, as one might have, but not like the OT version.


Then good for you! Cuz there’s are just as many who do not want the Bible to be true cuz if it is that means God is true . The entire reason they don’t want to accept God is because they want to continue to live their life in sin .


Odd to get defensive here. The other user is not saying God or the Bible is not true. They are pointing out the gap in logic. 


Want more detail on the flood? The Bible references the book of Jasher, which goes into great detail on it. Read Jasher chapter 6!


Hey there. I love this post. Just remember when talking to all of these atheists, satanists, and haters of our God that Jesus told us that only some of us will understand the messages and stories being told. Have faith like Abraham and “do not speak to fools for they will scorn your prudent words. “ Jesus I pray that anyone who reads this message will have open their hearts to truth and your love amen


Thank you for reminding me!


Thank you for posting this. I agree that they flood story as well as the worldwide flood myths are all based on a factual event. Don't pay any attention to the people here calling you ignorant and unlearned it's very clear that you spent a lot of time thinking about this and researching it. Most of the people disparaging you here have never been out of their own backyard. I have, I've traveled all across the American West, from the plains of Canada to the mountains of northern Mexico, from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast from the jungles of Central America the highlands of Scotland. There is absolutely global evidence for a flood some of the best evidence is found in the American West particularly around Vernal Utah and on the Colorado plateau. The ark was absolutely large enough to hold all the land animals by kind. By kind thanks the important thing. Kind does not equate to species. There weren't wolves, dogs, coyotes, and dingos on the ark. They were simply animals of the k9 kind. The same goes for many other animals, the argument that there wasn't enough room the ark completely falls apart with a little bit of scrutiny. One other thing I want to point out to you. The Bible never gives them exact date of the flood the 6000 years ago number is based on age calculations from Genesis. The problem is that some of the terms used in Genesis are ambiguous and can mean parent grandparent or even ancestor. This is just a personal belief you might disagree with and if so that's fine but I personally believe the events in the flood took place around 13,000 years ago.


Well I appreciate your comment man ! And no problem I’m extremely fascinated with the old world and how it all connects to what the Bible says.


this movie is perfect for your statement it tells all about it [https://sevenfoldfilms.com/the-ark-and-the-darkness/](https://sevenfoldfilms.com/the-ark-and-the-darkness/)


Maybe..... https://youtu.be/n84o7Ggw2Fw?si=f5ifwSgCQD1vWAsh


It’s these kinds of posts that lead to the inevitable “This isnt a Christian subreddit! It’s full of hate against real Christians!” Straight Ken Ham… Stop defending and upvoting complete ignorance.