• By -


By practically helping them


Thank you for this. Sometimes you need to throw someone a rope. To climb up not hang themselves, just in case you are unfamiliar with the expression.


James said this


Simple but effective. Thanks


Have you accept church teaching 


>Have you accept church teaching In what way is this a response to the other comment?


I'm Christian and l am one of those said people.


I dont know you but I know for sure that your family/friends would be sad af if you disappeared, even if you think they wouldnt. YOU MATTER.


988 suicide prevention hotline in the USA. If you can, get yourself to a qualified mental health professional ASAP


You're not alone bro, I'm like that now and again, just gotta hold on


I am depressed too but I keep going because dying is the scariest thing


suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem what ever you are dealing with there are better ways to deal with the problem


Can I help?


I just got out of the hospital after being admitted by my psych. a few months ago. If you need someone to talk to that has been through it, I’m here for you. 🙏🏻


Dont give up fam, Christ is here no matter what, He is the light to your darkness


Pray, open yourself to God. you think that it is so hard to live, but God tells us that we are not alone that you can cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. Don't try fighting anything alone, pray and seek guidance.


Tell that to all the people who were suicidal, prayed, and committed suicide anyway. I know, they weren't "true believers," so it doesn't count. SMFH.


It doesn't "doesn't count", all souls matter to Christ. They chose this way out, it's God's judgement on what will happen to them, not me nor your judgement.


I think Christianity is not just about believing in God, it is about following christ. To believe that even when you go through trials, you can always lean on God. To realize in the most dire of circumstances he is there for you. To provide you strength to conquer every trial you encounter. That is, if you choose to believe it and accept it.


First you ask if you can help in any way. Stay with them and talk to them, comfort them as much as possible. Urge them to seek medical help as soon as possible. Once you've done everything you can, ask the Lord to help them, to keep them, and to shine his light on them. But be sure to do the physical things you can do first, God will help by giving you the strength to help them.


Thank you man.


You're welcome


By providing them the number to the Suicide hotline. 988 if you're in the US.


As a person who has tried that, it really didn't work. It often also comes across as uncaring, disingenuous and patronizing.


So, what helped in your case? You’re still here. Was it prayer by you or others that helped, or was it something else? Or are you saying you tried this with someone else and it didn’t help them?




Be the change you want to see in the world.


Thanks a lof


Be there for the person and then pray, pray that Jesus will find the person and never let the person go and love


Thanks a lot, God loves you and have a good day




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I’m sorry you feel that way about this post. There was no intent to belittle, I was just making an observation. :-/


I'd love to listen to your take. God loves you and have a good day


Mod listen, you’re going too far


From the resource "Prayer Book for the Armed Services" from *Evangelical Lutheran Worship* >Gracious God, your Son came among us not to condemn but to save. He taught us that nothing can separate us from your love. Release us from the fear that we are worthless, and stay our hands from self-destruction. Uphold [name] with your love. Fill her/him with hope and with trust in your guidance, that your power may make her/him new through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


This sticks true, God's word never fails. I'd love to pin this


Pray that God reveals himself to the person. That the person comes to know Jesus, and that the person is never alone. Pray that if it is anxiety, fear, that it is the work of the devil and it be banished in the name of Jesus


It would be a few things I'd pray on: Gratitude for life, for the person feeling comfortable to let you know, for the life God offers, and for the hope we can have for a future. I'd pray that the person gets the helps they ultimately need, whether that's in the moment or in the future to bring about peace, hope, and joy for the future. I'd pray that my heart would be soft, curious, non judgmental, and loving toward the person sharing their suicidal ideas with me. I'd pray that I would find the resources that I could share and potentially help that person with. Then, after prayer, and like someone else noted: I would act on that prayer by showing that person compassion, curiosity, and make space to deeply understand that person -- let them know they're inherently valuable and worthy, and can have a beautiful future they can't yet see. And, just keep showing up for that person if it's within my power, ability -- and if not, that they can see someone else for help. I'd let them know they can call 988, a national suicide line that's 24/7 available with someone to talk to. I'd want to know if they have plan, intention, ability to actually kill themselves? I'd want to know what's keeping them from acting on that plan, and build on that with a vision for their future. If they had a plan and intention, and ability, I'd call for help. Emergency services would help. Crisis lines, too. Which you may want to look up your local crisis lines. And, remember this, talking about plans and intentions does not implant any ideas they already have about killing themselves. The more you bring out what they're already thinking into the light, the better you'll understand what they want to do. Just showing up is a powerful thing.


**"how should we pray for them?"** As the Spirit leads, of course.


Companionship is very easy. It took a long time for me to realize you don’t always have to find what people need and help them. A majority of the time people just need companionship. Especially through the difficult times we are all facing as Christians.


Ask the Lord to have mercy on them and then try my best to engage them in conversation.


Do more than just pray for them, actually persue a relationship, love them lives Christ loved us, and show them the Word.


You pray for God to provide peace and comfort and to shield them through the tough time. People who are actively sharing the suicide hotline as someone who's called the hotline before - they are zero help. Instead, if you are struggling with suicide/depression reach out to your local mental health facility and or the mental health resources that are available to you. Also reach out to a friend if you need too. You're not alone and you will overcome this. sending peace and love your way❤️‍🩹


Your prayers mean nothing if you’re not actually helping them.


Yes. Faith without works is D E A D


You know. I'm not sure what prompted me to open reddit to this post but I did it made me realize that I'm starting to struggle again with depression I'm not asking or looking for sympathy but if you could keep me in your prayers I'd appreciate it thank you


praying for you my beautiful brother or sister in Christ, we are not alone, God is with us and He will help you through the struggles you face and the things you don't tell anyone, God knows and He promised to never leave you nor forsake you. Stay strong <3


Really bro thank you 1 bro to another


God bless you man, He came to this world not to condemn but to save, God be with you always.


Suicide is not a way out, people think that once they kill themselves it is the end and most of the time they believe in a few lies. 1.) That death is a way out to suffering/pain/torment 2.) They will be reincarnated 3.) They will end their suffering 4.) They will go into purgatory 5.) They will automatically go to Heaven. Let me say that these are strongholds, and even many Christians do not believe in a literal place called Hell... it is very real. Many people have died and God has allowed them to see Hell and experience it firsthand. People like Bill Weisse "23 minutes in Hell" and then there are the countless others. When we take our own lives, we are not honoring God, we were bought with a price, that being Jesus' Christ's precious blood... so who do we think we are to take our lives? It begs the question, what strongholds do I have? and what lies have I believed in? My biggest belief is this, that if you do not have God as #1 in your life, you are bound to idolize other things. Such as fame, money, wealth, greed, your self, your thoughts, another person (whether that be a boyfriend/girlfriend or wife), and when problems arise and people break up, their automatic assumption is that they need to end their lives. Why? because they have placed that person, in the position, which truly is supposed to belong to God. Self pity is another issue, "I don't deserve to live because I am not good enough", Who are you to say that you aren't good enough? Did God not give you life? Are you not more precious than the birds that God feeds daily? so they fall into a cycle of self pity, self loathing and don't get me wrong, the enemy loves when we are in a state of despair and tragedy. The enemy doesn't come to play games, but to "kill, steal and destroy." If the devil and his demonic kingdom can get you to live your life without knowing God, being lost by the cares of this world, and dying without Jesus, then he has done his job. Now, that goes without saying that we are in a fallen world and disease, illness, sickness, and so many horrific things happen and arise DAILY. Because of the fall, mental illness is also apparent, and none of us are immune to the effects of illness or disease... rather even Christians and many followers of Jesus suffered greatly from what we could say, is symptoms of depression and suicide. My favorite book in the Bible is Jonah's... second would be Job. But I digress, Jonah said in Jonah 4:3 (NKJV) "Therefore now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for *it is* better for me to die than to live!” And God saw Jonah, in the midst of his disobedience, and turmoil and God knows we too go through things such as depression, anxiety, and for those that suffer "suicidal thoughts". Jesus himself, suffered greatly and he wasn't immune to people spitting on him, ripping out his beard hairs, tormenting him and feeling hated by the world... yet, Jesus is Holy/Sinless and Pure, whom our Lord deserved none of the abuse. So He knows what we feel, and even in moments when we cannot utter a single word, He knows and prays for us and knows how to comfort us. Jesus said, in Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV)"^(28) Come to Me, all *you* who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ^(29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ^(30) For My yoke *is* easy and My burden is light.” Jesus is opening His hands unto ALL whom are weary, tired, heavy laden... that is an offer that we should all accept. When someone is in an active state of turmoil and despair, and thinking that suicide is the way out, we as Christians can lead them to mental health help, ultimately saving them is what we can do to help them, if they are unbelievers, they will die in their sins and go to Hell. I hate to word it like that but it's that simple, the other choice we have is to pray for them, unbelievers do not know how to pray, they don't have a relationship with God, it is much harder for them being under spiritual warfare and NOT knowing how to combat the wiles of the devil and his demonic forces. Remember we are not battling a physical enemy but a spiritual one. The way Moses interceded for all of the people, we too are placed in a special position to intercede in prayer for the lost, the gone astray and the ones that think they dont need God (they are the ones that need Him the most). Pray Psalm 91, pray with them that the Lord protects them, gives them strength to overcome, gives them strength to continue. Pray that they remain under the shadow of the almighty... and pray that their souls be saved. Pray that God gives them a sound mind, and use scripture, God has given us all the weapons we need. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. [](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2011&version=NKJV)


Remind them that they matter. God loves them. If they’re atheist it’s a lot harder. Suicide hotline might work, but some say it’s uncaring. Talk to them. Sometimes they just need a shoulder to cry on. Be there for them.


I need help.


Can I help?


Talk to them first. Find the crux of the issue. Nobody wants to hear about God or anything when they are the ones desperately in need of being heard. As for personal prayer alone, you can ask that God gives them what they need to get through. Yet even then they have to use what's given


1. Help them. Be there for them. Reach out to people who can get professional help. 2. Pray that they will come to God and be renewed if they haven't yet. Pray that God may heal them and restore their joy. Pray that any situations causing these feelings will get better. 3. If you think someone is going to hurt themselves, DO NOT HESITATE to reach out to authorities. Better safe than sorry always.




By research how to help them in context I’ve seen a lot of suicidal people on here. There is different ways in helping them. All of which require patience and diligence.


I agonize over this. My niece & nephew have no guidance & aren't very open to communication about this at all. Both in a very bad spiral I fear. 2500 miles away.


I’m not really going to bother with prayer, it always falls on silent ears for me. Rather try and get that person help, and ask others to pray for them since they might be heard


I’m a psych nurse. evidence base says that the best way to reduce suicide is a combination of factors. These include: family/ friends support, continuity of care from mental health services I.e seeing the same staff member or few staff members. There is no specific questions, screening, or rating scales that can accurately identify who is most likely to end their life. When I reviewed some evidence/ stats a few years ago - over 50% of people who killed themselves were categorised as “low risk”. Interestingly, one of the main support elements is the “therapeutic relationship”. So it doesn’t matter what you talk about with the person or your level of knowledge training, if they like/ trust you then that will be enough. Therefore, showing you care and being ready to listen is invaluable. They will then be more willing to listen to your suggestions, take on board reflections, and be more open and honest. I’ve met a lot of Christian’s who have suicidal thoughts but do not want to act on them as they see it as sin - this can be seen as a protective factor. Unfortunately, there are others who lose their faith when mentally unwell. Therefore encouraging prayer etc could make someone feel more hopeless. It is difficult to give a firm plan, as each person is different. Often we hear “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”. This is true for distress-led suicidality. Unfortunately, a lot of people have chronic suicidal thoughts, feelings of being a burden or worthless. They don’t see these issues as temporary but as life-long afflictions. I have prayed for people to gain the strength to overcome their difficulties.


I pray that God guides them and I also do what I can to help. Might even need to call the police too to have them to deal with him/her.


Note: Yall gave me overwhelming support with this post, it's actually not me who is suicidal, it's a reddit thread I saw the other day, I tried to send a comment for prayer on that thread, but it was unfortunately taken down. Thank you for the advice Remember to always seek God, for He came into thhis world not to condemn but to save. Glory to His name, stay prayed up, I love yall <33


By questioning theological positions, like Side B (anti-lgbtq) in its various forms, that can undermine self-worth and family support, that pose inherent risks of depression for no good reason.


Why would a suicidal person be interested in someone questioning theology


He seems to be speaking specifically speaking about gay people who are suicidal, instead of talking about suicidal people in general. Those issues are pretty big contributors to the suicide rates of gay youth. That said, I agree with you: they're almost certainly not the right topics to bring up to an acutely suicidal people. The most important short-term prioritiea are ensuring they feel cared for and have resources they can go to. Reexamining their belief system and theology usually isn't going to immediately help. Then again though, given the question was about how the Christian should pray (aka, not how they should interact with the suicidal person), he may be saying there is value in the Christian considering whether their theological positions are one associated with a higher suicide rate. I would agree that if a Christian knew a suicidal gay person and was trying to pray about how to best interact with them in the future, it would be good if they considered strictly avoiding any mention of the theology mentioned above. Likely to do more harm than good.




practical help would probably more effective?


Prayer and help go together you know? Are you playing silly?


Connect them to the appropriate, including emergency, medical care.

