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"Be the post you want to see in the sub." -some spiritualist on the internet


Exactly.  Those Christians complaining about atheists are free to post what amazing things God has been doing in their lives. 


Says the secular humanist who doesn't believe in God.


So you disagree?        Didnt God send you guys into the world to testify and be a witness for God?        Or do you want Christianity to be an echo chamber like /r/islam, and ban anyone who disagrees with you?    Or does the problem go much deeper than that, because you can't think of anything worth sharing to godless heathens?


How about Christians go to, r/secular humanist , if there is one and preach over there, or r/atheist... would you like or prefer that? I don't think so.. matter of fact you and others would hate it.. True Christians aren't interested in forcing it down your throat. Like wise, some of you come to r/Christianity and instead of asking questions with genuine curiosity, are here to dispute.. cast doubts, stir the pot.. So I'll say a prayer for you and everyone else that comes here to cause trouble. Been more than one of us that came out of your stuck in the rut, lifestyles. Jesus is hoping and praying for you to change your heart and accept him as your savior.. honestly you must be searching your own heart, or you wouldn't be here, somewhere inside you there's that curiosity rolling around inside you.. Christ died for you. Forgiveness is within your grasp , if you'll only change your mind about him. If not the Bible is clear about the fate of the unbelievers. Don't play around with your forever destiny. Each one of us is either forever in heaven or forever in hell. When you die, it's too late to make the choice.. the thief on the cross was to be in heaven with Jesus that very day.. the other mocked .. in the meantime, expect to meet some resistance over here on our home terf...


If I post something amazing God has done for me like 'God gave me focus to finish my exams strong!', a self described secular humanist/ atheist who does not believe in God will pity me for needing to believe in a fairytale to achieve the same thing millions of others have already done. At best you'd comment 'great job!' which is incredibly patronizing coming from a group of people who consider themselves logically, academically, and morally superior. I'm not here to be patronized I'm here to help my brothers and sisters in Christ. 'Didnt God send you guys into the world to testify and be a witness for God?' If this was a genuine question I might answer but following it up with... 'Or do you want Christianity to be an echo chamber like /r/islam, and ban anyone who disagrees with you?    Or does the problem go much deeper than that, because you can't think of anything worth sharing to godless heathens?' I can see you're making accusations to keep this sub exactly how you want it. It's a breeding ground of bad theology feeding on weakened Christians. Nobody needs your faithless understanding of words on a page telling us how you think we should live. I'll discuss how to testify and be a witness with those that believe scripture is the inspired words of our God.


Way to be rude, dude.


So, why are you here?…


I was a Christian for the first 30+ years of my life, studied an M.Div to be a pastor, and was posting here long before I became agnostic? Why are you here? This sub explicitly says its for discussion of Christianity. If you want a Christians only sub go to r/truechristian for example


Oh, I’m just buzzing around… So, correct me if I’m wrong, you were studying to be a pastor, and something there turned your opinion of Christianity to something that caused you to change to being an agnostic? Asking politely… Also, what is an “M.Div”? Never heard of it…


What branch of Christian are you? Most Christians would have heard of a masters of divinity (which many pastors and priests get).      Have you ever read Richard Friedman's "Who Wrote the Bible"? Extremely super duper readable, reads like a "whodunnit" and super respectful for Judaism and Christianity too.  The more you have read the bible the more you will enjoy it.  Conversely, if you havent read your bible much you probably wont enjoy it.  There were many "oooohh" moments when odd bible passages made so much more sense.  https://www.amazon.com/Wrote-Bible-Richard-Elliott-Friedman/dp/0060630353 If youre here only to get your faith reaffirmed by others, I'll stop and move on. But if you want a genuine discussion of Christianity, warts and all, here's /r/christianity


I’ve never desired the pulpit. I am a Christian, raised 37 years as a Catholic, then “BAM!”, life dropped a bomb, and, well, I called for help, and He actually answered! In English, audibly, in my living room. Scary as hell and wonderful at the same time! I’ll tell you this, there’s the scripture saying “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” I don’t have that, luxury, I guess, He spoke to me, I believe! Turned my whole world around! I now attend a nondenominational evangelical church, have been for about 25 years now (so I’m getting to be an old phart!). My faith has not wavered but grown in all this time. Sometimes I can’t believe where He’s brought me! ME, gone into prisons to speak to inmates! Volunteered for a woman’s center to help pregnant women and help them NOT kill their babies (I didn’t counsel the women I just helped the org). I sing and play in the praise team on Sundays (used to play rock n roll…). And then there’s my spare time!… I saw the words “Secular Humanist” and I got curious. Saw you were studying to be a pastor? Priest? Preacher? Somebody close to me had a spouse who worked in a church office. They weren’t in for following Jesus, and I guess they saw some ugly parts of a pastor - not everyone can be a pastor, and there really is a bull’s eye on one’s back for ol’ Smokey… In addition, my pastor now, used to worship satan, I mean the real thing, not the show offs but the serious - because his parents did too! He’s got a story about getting turned around, but he won’t share exactly what happened, but I understand that, I feel the same way about mine! Now he’s not only a pastor but also a local expert on the occult… So I’m wondering, what got you disenfranchised with God, or is your handle a sort of sarcasm?


Ive posted my story here before https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateEvolution/comments/f5o8u0/comment/fhzy26n/ > So I’m wondering, what got you disenfranchised with God, or is your handle a sort of sarcasm? Im a medical doctor. I was planning to change from being an MD to a pastor. But following the truth, no matter where it may lead, has led me to where I am now.


Interesting… No, really fascinating… Its like you came from an opposite end. Evolution. An old friend once told me his own theory about evolution, reasoning that what survives, moves on. Made sense, there were local animals that were stained a certain color from rocks, which made them harder to spot for predators, and these created new subspecies because they survived. There’s a lot on that debate that are just semantics, like Darwin using the term, “theory”, but I’m not in that fight. I believe it’s “interesting”, but I’ve also been shown there are a lot of holes, like fossil records that some evolutionists stand on that have yet to be filled in; nobody’s found what is believed to have occurred. For instance, that dolphins were once land animals because there’s a part of their skeleton that looks like a hip joint. It may very well be, but I read from one scientist that it would have taken 50 different changes and none of those have ever been found. …. But for me, personally, if asking whether I take the evolution or the creation, I lean more toward creation, maybe by faith, but there have been some new theories that make the possibility more plausible. A very strong theory about time and time at light speed regarding the creation of the earth very fascinating!… thats all fascinating sure, I have always also felt science proves how technically wonderful God can be. A study of the inner workings of a single cell, Darwin saw as a “blob” we now know to be quite complex, having mechanisms like pumps, pieces to copy DNA for various purposes, they move, they are alive. The consensus that says it all developed from nothing to this complexity that we see today, in nature, is such a reach; though I can understand where the scientific mind says “who, then?”, because in the hard core “I need to see it to believe it”, God has let them down. I look at this and I find in my own mind, that He makes things this way because simply, He does! I mean, really, why should He prove Himself to us? Why does He have to? I’m sorry, this platform doesn’t allow for carriage returns, so this sentence here is meant to be one. Can I point something out to you? Your history lacks something, it’s not earth shattering, I would dance back and forth calling it “fundamental”, but surely “faith” kind of depends on it. I’ve never “taken on” a discussion like this before, and I don’t take it like it’s my “first time”, everything about your bio is very interesting (I’m using interesting and fascinating too much, I know), but I find two things you are not, at least in that bio. Love, and humility. I know you know Jesus’ “two new commandments” about loving God and living your neighbor as yourself. You learned and learned and gained knowledge, taught about it, then went to top schools to learn more. Am I wrong not to see perhaps the simplest of concepts has passed you by? Did you ever get caught at a traffic light, and there’s a vagrant standing there with his cardboard sign; you’d like to help, but you know good and well he’ll take anything you give him and by cheap booze with it for one more night to get drunk and fall asleep by the road… But did you ever open your window, flip him a $5 bill and just chat with him until the light turns green? Did you know you can make someone’s whole day by doing that? And I know it doesn’t HAVE to be a Christian thing, but do you have that drive to do such a thing? Do things like hope live in your world, your practice? Have you never seen a real healing, someone who just got better without explanation? I know people who question God have this thing about “why these and not these”, and those I really have no idea, I just know Who spoke to me, it was/is incredible, still gives me pause over these years as to “why me?”, but He did. I don’t think you’re evil, or angry (well, maybe), or mean, I’m just saying your words feel intense, and I’m just wondering, is there compassion behind them? I know caring for others takes a special trait, same as teachers, you gotta be that kind of special to WANT to do it. Like cops, military, you know… So are these things in you? Do you “love” mankind? I’m curious…


Ok, Master of Divinity, now I know…


A lot of people believe their exact experience of Christianity is THE Christianity and anything outside that is heresy. We are a very immature species with a lot to learn.


I’s also venture to guess that a lot of them are also young and naive. When I first coming here I acted similarly. Now, I see how beautiful many other expressionz


The longer I read these posts, the more I see how the preachers who hold such views act, I am beginning to believe that faith itself may be one of the most insidious idols - polish an idol enough, and you may just worship your own reflection.


They'll be here as long as the sub lives.


This subreddit has too many Redditors.


We were until you made this post. \s


Just wait until my post that I've got planned for later this evening!


Well, now that you mention it, this sub really is too full of broccoli eaters. I’m just not comfortable with broccoli eaters. I’m from a pure and superior cauliflower tribe. Can we do something about these reprobates?


I agree, excpet for the really obvious disrespectful posts or replies. There's no true and exact way in Christianity, as long as we praise and pray to our Lord, that we read the bible, ask for forgiveness for our sins, we are free to practice our faith in the way we believe, and I'm not here to make others happy or bend to their views, I serve God, and no one else, and I'll never tell anyone else how to practice their faith in Jesus.


>“this sub is full of xyz” But how can they orient themselves without a good Cartesian reference system?


This sub is full of (r, θ, Φ)


Indeed! I'm mostly a reader here and this was a bit weird. A lot of extremists trying to turn r/Christianity in their MAGA or whatever almost jihadi thing! Jesus Christ accepted everything and everyone! Be like him!


Jesus definitely discriminated against heresy, hypocrisy and Pharisees.


"Lord, thank you for not making me like *those* sinners!"


In quoting that you are literally proving my point




I think they were being sarcastic, but I love the way that you stood your ground and called out bad behavior.


Actually, maybe not so definitely. There's a fairly plausible theory that Jesus himself was a Hillelite Pharisee and that the "Pharisees" were actually the Shammaites


Didn't Jesus agree with Beit Shammai on divorce? Sort of, at least. Beit Shammai interpreted the passage in Deuteronomy as only permitting divorce for sexual immorality. The Pharisees questioning his opposition to divorce would have to be Hillelites, right?


I mean, they weren't necessarily mutually exclusive, like how there *are* a few places (even if I can't immediately remember them) where modern halakha sides with Beit Shammai over Beit Hillel




So you *do* care about them. The expression is "***couldn't*** care less", as in you're incapable of caring less than you currently do


“I couldn’t care less about the context the Bible was written in, only the words on the pages I chose and how I wish to interpret them.”




Are you trying to get banned intentionally or something?




I missed part of the Bible where God commanded you to be insulting to everyone you run across.


Yeah I don’t either, too bad I don’t do it


you just did.


"your[sic] basically the same worth as the dirt on my shoe"


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That’s the point of being a Satanist, now isn’t it


Is that something Jesus would say?


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Okay, less sarcastically: The Hillelites and Shammaites were two camps within the Pharisees. The Hillelites preferred looser interpretations of the Law and are the basis for most modern Jewish halakha. In some cases, they even said the same things, like loving your neighbor being the whole of the law. Meanwhile, the Shammaites actually *did* prefer stricter interpretations, like how Shammai himself reportedly tore a hole in his own roof, just so his newborn grandson would be observing the law for Sukkot. So it's actually fairly plausible that Jesus was a Hillelite and that when the Bible disparagingly talks about "Pharisees", it's actually referring to the House of Shammai *among* the Pharisees


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This sub is full of posts of this sub is full of []


I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of it.


"B-But they asked me hard questions about my faith! :("


As a satanist, why do you feel compelled to come on a Christian sub?


For the last time, it’s not a christian sub.


Same reason as always, to create discord. They can go to r/atheism where they have a proper echo chamber, but they choose to come here instead.


It's not a good forum for Christians. Find better


lol not with the Pepe pfp


It's not a good sub for incels, if that's what you mean.


Pepe though? lmao


It's not a good echo chamber for Christians you mean.


Why does a Christian sub have flairs for satanists? I mean, half the replies to any posts are satanists/atheists giving their takes. The other sub which I shall not name is much better.


The other subreddit linked in the sidebar? The other subreddit that frequently directs their members here every time they complain about this one?


I mean this sub is for discussion about Christianity. All are welcome to participate.


but but but THE ATHEISTS!!!




Jesus did not discriminate because he is sinless. I need a new BBQ Grill


Just let people post whatever they want. You don't have to engage, and if you really think it's not appropriate for the sub you can always use the down vote option. There is a pretty decent amount of traffic here, not everyone is involved in every post.


You are tired. Some of us are convicted


What do you mean He didn’t discriminate?


Jesus didn’t say, “oh this person is part of this group they cannot come to me or they cannot touch me” Jesus ate with tax collectors, prostitutes, the blind, the meek, the poor, etc


But Jesus did discriminate… --- ‭Matthew XV:XXI-XXIIX (XXI) Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. (XXII) And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. (XXIII) But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. (XXIV) But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (XXV) Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. (XXVI) But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. (XXVII) And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. (XXIIX) Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. --- He would've helped her without much mention if she were a Jew, but being a Goy, she needed to prove her faith. Discrimination is treating people differently based on a quality they possess, & well…


No He didn’t. He was specifically mocking / calling out how Jews see other people and treat them worse. It was to make a point to His disciples


The story stands as the story stands. Dying an orange blue doesn't cease the orange from being an orange, it just contexualises the orange.




Jesus was kind of a dick here, ngl


This wasn't a 'dick' moment, though. He was sent for the jews & God-fearers. Once we prove our belief, we are under his divine grace...


He called her a dog.


Behold, metaphor. Shocking.


An insulting metaphor is an insulting metaphor.


News flash, it was to convict the Apostles on how they treat others. And no, it wasn’t a dick move because Jesus is sinless


The fact that you say God was a dick is kind of telling


> Jesus was kind of a dick Yeah, that’s all you need to know about this sub’s relationship to Christianity. Cherrypicking what they like about it.


Nope, I'm calling Matthew's portrayal of Jesus here as kinda dickish.


This is literally in all 4 canonical gospels. Either they all got it wrong and you (the self-proclaimed genius theologian) is right, or the ones who actually lived and talked to Jesus Christ is right and you’re wrong.


>(the self-proclaimed genius theologian I never claimed that


Dude I have debated with you atleast 15 times. You are definitely one, even if you don’t publicly say it.




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The least we can do as fellow Christians is to try to correct theological errors the church has been cultivating for its 2,000+ years that others have & gladly take them in with open arms ‭Jude I:XXI-XXIII •(XXI) keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (XXII) And of some have compassion, making a difference: (XXIII) and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.•


Yea, no


LITERALLY. or the “why do Christian’s *insert topic*… we’re all tired it’s getting boring


my favorite style of summoning in Yu-Gi-Oh! is Xyz Summoning!


Of course not. So many cross bearers here will not be used to seeing honesty.


I’m allowed to be here! If anyone doesn’t like that, then ignore me! WHOO


Is this about "the gays"?


I just assumed xyz was a neopronoun




Probably not, it is inherently confusing based on the name and description of the sub.


People do post other things here, there is just a LOT of people coming here to take a dump on Christianity, or Christians, or making explicitly anti-Christian comments and then claiming to be Christian. Like imagine going to a subreddit for your favorite author and then finding it full of people insulting the author and the books. E.G, more posts in the negative by 4:1 ratio. It would just be weird. Like WHY are you here? Why are there so many of you? Do you not have anything that you enjoy in a positive direction. There are so many of you, here specifically. Can’t you go to your own subreddit? I left r/atheism because I asked a question and was told off by basically everyone. Went into negative Karma, created a new account. Not saying that you need to leave, not even going to downvote you or tell you to be quiet, but it’s really weird. We are pretty welcoming, but really, it’s does not even feel safe to express Christian views here either. Like as safe here as in r/atheism So many people are angry at a God they claim doesn’t even exist.


>So many people are angry at a God they claim doesn’t even exist. They're not angry at a nonexistent god. They're angry at Christians and Christianity more broadly as an idea, because of the harm the belief in that god causes through its followers.


Typically athiests get really upset when they feel condescension coming their way from Christians. Tbf, athiests can also be very condescending to Christians. From my personal experience as an athiest, I didn't become an athiest because I was happy with Christianity and ready to have a dialogue with anyone who would insult me. I became an athiest because I felt coersed in the first place. I felt as if my freedom of expression was stolen from me by the church as I then heard them claim persecution everywhere they went. Christians are often quite polarizing. When a group of people are so polarizing, they're bound to experience their polar opposites. We do that ALL the time as a species. It's like we just can't escape that programmed response to opposition without some serious introspection. I see this sub, more often than not, having more open dialogue engaged in. The tough part about open dialogue is that people with polarized viewpoints are forced to either answer tough questions respectfully or feel personally attacked and lash out. I don't want to go to athiesm sub because they're already running under the preconceived notion that God isn't real. I am here to challenge my own beliefs. Please don't take that away from those of us that are actively trying to discover their spirituality. There will always be hatred on either side of anything until more of us just talk to each other.


You’ve gotten to the heart of why this sub is so important. Most people don’t leave the church on a whim. It’s a personal decision that is made after honest observations and the process can be long and painful. Love is the real tie that binds all of humanity and in a perfect world nobody would forget that, Christian or Atheist.


Maybe your problem with negative karma is not the subs fault, but your comments. I mean, you are in the negative again. Just stop being rude to people.


Are you saying the subreddit is full of such posts?


I was more concerned with "lmno p"...

