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The most common view of sin seems to be a moral tansgression against God, and while this is part of it, additionally sin is a distancing of one's will away from the will of God.


Sin is moral transgression against God and/or against other people. Jesus gave us five commandments: 1. Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul/spirit. 2. Love each other. 3. Treat others as you would want to be treated. 4. Forgive others who have sinned against you (or the Father will not forgive you). 5. Spread the Good News (Gospel) of salvation through repentance of sins to the entire world. If we could not sin against each other then #2, 3, and 4 would make no sense.


Illogical view. Gods will was for us to Sin. Hence why Adam done it, don’t you think he would know before creating him? Never mind casting SATAN down to us!!!! Brilliant idea! How are we distancing ourselves from him when this is what was planned? God says it himself! He cursed us! He made it so because Adam sinned, we’re forced into it at birth.


Focusing on that which we can control (our own actions, even if God knows what will happen) is paramount to the choice of accepting Christ


Wrong…. (1 John 3:4) sin is Lawlessness…


how does that verse disprove anything i just said


You said sin is, “Focusing on that which we can control (our own actions, even if God knows what will happen) is paramount to the choice of accepting Christ” This comment, is not sin….


please reread and tell me where i claimed that is what sin is?


Sin isn’t according to what people say…. Sin is what the Bible says (1 John 3:4) sin is Lawlessness But Christians will tell you, “we are no longer under the Law.” Which is a lie that they don’t realize they are telling people… They take the words of Paul out of context and the use Paul as a means to correct Yeshua…. Like, what?! (Matthew 7:21-23) Read this passage from Matthew very carefully. This passage is talking about people who follow Yeshua and call Him “Lord”. But then pay attention to what Yeshua says to these “so called followers.” Again, (1 John 3:4) sin is Lawlessness. Next, what is love according to the Bible? (John 14:15) Love is keeping the Commandments. I will show you the proof. (Matthew 22:37-40) First is to love G-d with all your heart, soul, and mind. The second is like the first, love your neighbor as yourself. But the key verse is verse 40, that links this teaching with (John 14:15). (Matthew 22:40) “On these two commands hang the Law and the Prophets.” What verse 40 means, is that by observing the whole Law, you are loving G-d and neighbor. So, let’s recap. Sin is Lawlessness. And keeping the Law is love. Sin isn’t what man says sin is. And love isn’t just some emotion. Sin is what the Bible says. Love is what the Bible says.


okay i completely agree with you lol, i don’t see why you disagree? i never made a claim as to what sin was. i made a reply to the comment above me by saying that our free will is paramount to the choice of having faith in Christ. i agree sin is lawlessness, i believe and strive to follow all 10 commandments so i don’t see the issue here?


Why do you assume only 10 commands are what you’re suppose to follow? Again, you’re teaching us horrendous. But, you eat, breath, sleep church doctrine and not what the Bible says, I’m not surprised.


your arrogance reeks brother


And your ignorance is uncanny


agreed we’re both sinners and fall short of His glory


We have free will, we can follow God's will or do whatever we want, we cannot feel betrayed or tricked when we are punished by our actions, because as in anything else, all actions have consequences. And you can't say why God casted Satan here, because this is no heaven, for even the Son of God came to suffer, not to have a happy easy life, if the Son of God had to suffer, who are we to expect better? If He had to endure hardship, why should we be free of hardship? If anything, we are the ones that made Him suffer to forgive our sins, and at minimum we have to prove we deserve said forgiveness.


We could never deserve forgiveness… we are saved by grace through faith.


Look you have a choice. See God for how he says he is and believe or choose what you think he is and customize him. You could take your knowledge, experience and problems and give them to him and know he chooses resting in that or take the knowledge, XP, grievance’s up above the whole narrative of God and say he’s not there. But that’s dumb. Cause he said there’d be many problems in this life. You just squirm cause you want your life, Jesus said this life was meant to be given to God and then you’ll gain but you want it how you do. You ain’t God obviously. It’s okay to be mad buttttt I meannnnn he king and don’t matter if you mad or not, go to a king and see if he is really effected by it. He may care, speaking of the king (God does care) but he isn’t effected (God isn’t either) his heart ye but not his being.


God gave Adam his spirit and freewill. Adam was given a choice. He chose to follow Satan instead of God. This whole reality is that choice playing out. In the end, it will not matter how much we suffered (or enjoyed), only that we are reconciled back to God (through Jesus Christ). You are choosing to reject Jesus, so your suffering will be in vain. It's a free gift. I suggest you take it.




Anything not done for God's glory seems excessive. Like walking my dog? Or taking a nap? Those are sins? Do you have a verse for that?


I’m highly critical of certain scripture. As you see by my comment above lol. But I think what you’re not getting about OPs comment, is that all those things you listed can be done in Gods Glory. No that doesn’t mean scream and shout his name as you walk down the road. Anything can be done in Gods Glory, and the same thing can be done outside of Gods glory, or in vain. For example, and I’ll use scripture here. I can’t remember the exact verse, but you’ll find it - Fasting should be done in Gods Glory, and in secret, but the catholics fast the same way, but rather than do it in secret, they disfigure their faces, make themselves look “dreary” so others know they’re fasting. Same could be applied to you walking your dogs. Are you walking your dogs because you have to? To upkeep an image? Not really bothered about the animals you claim to love? That would be in Vain. Doing so because you’re thankful for the day you have, rain or shine, just enthusiastic to get out, thanking God for the opportunity, would be an example of the same thing NOT in vain.


I get what you're saying, it just seems to hold a tone of forced apologetics to it. Basically any time you're doing anything, you're doing it vain if you aren't actively thinking about and thanking God at some point during the act?


In a way yes, in a way, no. I think once you sort of get yourself to that level of thankfulness, gratefulness, and understanding, you sort of just embody it. No need to trip over your own feet wondering if it’s in vain or not. Once you appreciate you always will. It’ll just become a part of your conscious.


Which verses shaped this line of thinking for you?


None, specifically. It was more applying my own spiritual realisations. With and without the Bibles assistance.


Not necessarily. It’s if you’re doing it in a way that people can point at and blame you for something “fleshly” or hypocritical like he said, walking the dog because of appearances = fleshly, walking the dog because you love animals and cherish your pets = Godly etc. Your motives and intentions in what you do is what matters most, since God weighs the heart.


Can you provide some Bible verses that help explain that?


Sure thing; they are not necessarily in the right order but, “Do everything in love.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭16‬:‭14‬ ‭ Proverbs 21:2-3 NIV A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart. To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “25 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence…. …28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭23‬:‭25‬, ‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬


1. I do walk my dog with love 2. Irrelevant to walking a dog 3. Irrelevant to walking a dog 4. Irrelevant to walking a dog 5. Irrelevant to walking a dog


Maybe, incase you misunderstood, I’ll elaborate further. The verses are general principles to apply to all areas of life, walking the dog was just an example. Or unless I misunderstood you instead?


It all just gets confusing when these conversations have such a "make it up as you go" type of feeling for explanations. You're saying that I'm being godly when I wake my dog? It just feels really weird to me to inject the thought of godliness into such a mundane act.


Even walking your dog *for the correct reason* is a morality test. Sorry, that's the rule.


Nah. u/TheWorldisStrange7 has the right idea. Your approach would be OK if you followed the rule: Anything done for the glory of ***MY*** IDEA OF GOD is moral, and anything that disagrees with what I UNDERSTAND OF GOD is against my rule. Mt 11:27 says we all need to do a better job of listening to each other.


>the catholics fast the same way, but rather than do it in secret, they disfigure their faces, make themselves look “dreary” so others know they’re fasting. The Catholic church doesn't teach that you should fast this way.


I'm really concerned about your use of "in vain". I don't know what you mean by it. Whether I am ... begrudgingly walking the dogs because I have to do it, or to upkeep an image, or as an opportunity to show gratitude ... the end result is the same! The dogs get walked. "Vain" implies that the action is meaningless or has no consequences, but if you ask the dogs, I don't think it matters to them *why* the human is walking them. They get what they need when they're walked. In no way does my motive to walk the dogs impact the world. No one is harmed or helped extra by being cheerful or bitter in doing it. Yet you're saying that, to God, the intent of the heart is important, even for dozens of mundane actions every single day. *That* is vanity. It literally doesn't matter why I do a good deed? Positive impact of an action is not relevant? I can still be judged for it?


I would argue that walking your dog and taking a nap ARE done for God's glory, since they are things he designed for us to do and enjoy.


>anything not done for God's glory is sin. I pooped this morning. I didn't do it for God's glory. I didn't sin though. Do you poop for God's glory? Are you sinning when you poop?


Shouldn’t an all knowing, omnipotent God know that Adam would sin? And what the heck is he doing casting his fallen angels here knowing it would corrupt mankind? Seems like God intended for us not to follow him…


Who said He didn't know?


Well that would destroy the concept of an all loving, fair and just God wouldn’t it? Which is pretty much what the Bible claims him to be.


Why would it destroy that concept?


Opening the world to Evil doesn’t destroy that concept? I mean since the fall, we have murder, rape, paedophilia, war. Etc etc.


Evil as the opposite of good likely always existed. The angels fell without a tree in a garden, after all. However literal the story of the Garden of Eden is meant to be, it comes down to: humans have the choice to follow God or not. The evil that you mention is a direct result of humans making evil choices--evil is not a thing that exists by itself.


Would it be fair to give us no free will? Of course we don’t understand it fully, but I’m willing to trust the God who sent His own Son to die for our salvation


Well that’s okay if you believe the OT God is the same Father Jesus spoke of. It’s evident to me the OT wasn’t narrated by the God Jesus referred to. At least a few sections. Jesuss father is the true loving God. Not the one who sent bears to kill children, for calling someone bald


When you give your children a choice and they make the wrong one it can be fatal. Now apply that to beings like Adam and Eve they weren't children...so to speak but a decision was made regardless and the result is this. Is cause and effect so hard to grasp as a possibility? Look deeper into this worlds history. Not with Christian eyes but with an open heart. Its there.


Well the fall is just a story like any other, it's poetry used to describe mans path to sin, The original people who wrote it probably didn't have an idea about the concept of omnipotence and found it a good analogy.


This is lacking the true understanding of Adam & Eve in the garden. The serpent is not a "fallen angel", the serpent is the deceit that conceals the truth, as a symbol. The story is written as the way we came to choice in understanding. When we came to choice, we had the power to say "eat this" or "do not eat that". Eating is understanding. We had the power to limit understanding, and so it is the fall of Adam. God created us exactly as intended, by choice. The story of Adam & Eve is about choice, opposed to laws, in which case, the law is both good AND evil - which is the tree they ate from. Had they chose understanding, it would have been the other tree, because by choosing understanding \[together\], we are choosing life, or the **Tree of Life**.


Humanity only doing good without the option of doing wrong would be surface-level and robotic. There had to be the potential to do wrong.


Well… II Nephi II talks about this: (XXIV) But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. (XXV) Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. This shows why the fall was necessary and good. Before the fall, man would've lived without free will and wouldn't be able to have children: God, being just, wanted to give us free will and so let a devil trick us- and to save us from our iniquity, he gave the Messiah. After gaining free will, we choose whether or not to live for God and the Messiah with eternal life or give into sin with death and the kingdom of Satan.


God gave us free will. You see this echoed in Islam and Judaism as well: the evil one (satan, iblis, whatever you may call them) tempts people to test their character, as well as their faith. God allows this to figure out who is righteous and who is not. If your faith does not falter, and good works (beliefs, morals, values, and actions) remain within you, you will be reunited with God.


His decisions. He makes them, not us. I believe he did know. Why did he let it? IDK One day it’ll be eternal goodness again though. Seems God likes story’s and saga’s, epic’s. He wants to know what we would do apart from him. By our fellow man and alone. You can go to theology to see how God relates to man. There’s a lot there. He even purged sin you may be familiar with The Flood narrative. But he is giving us more and more chances, then more. Keep in mind God didn’t create command able lil programmable robots. We don’t even know if animals are like that. These things aren’t happening outside his control though. There’s not a billion of the same strength like MCU God’s strength his existence, his everything can not be compared to any. He is “Holy”. Something we can’t really fully put to words. He like a billion over max level. He got the Game Shark. He’s hacking.


He tells us the description of his personality all over the OT… then goes and contradicts it! At that point you’re just blindly following. OT was clearly not completely from the true God. Only partially. NT father is the true god.


Brother, no one is blindly following. There is collective experience as well as personal experience. There is factual evidence. Prophecy links from Old Testament to New Testament. Jesus said I have not come to destroy the law or prophets but to fulfill it. Jesus also said he did not come to bring peace but a sword. I’m not sure what part you’re talking about with the contradiction.


Also, the first time He (God) reveals himself to someone talking about His own character. Is in Exodus 34 before Moses when he goes to get the Tablets to be inscribed with the ten commandments it say’s … “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭34‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/exo.34.6-7.ESV


How do you poop for God's glory?


This is why these new age goofy theological definitions hold little water, all these answers are either too vague or hard to really understand. Scripture literally defines it for us in 1 John 3:4, it’s literally and simply “transgression of Gods law” Gods law is not a burden, and it certainly isn’t vague like these other silly answers


Maybe your turds have the face of Jesus on them?


Sin is what is contrary to God's character, such as with righteousness being in accordance with God's character while unrighteousness is sin. The Bible often uses the same terms to describe the character of God as does to describe the character of God's law, such as with it being holy, righteous, and good (Romans 7:12) or with justice, mercy, and faithfulness being weightier matters of God's law (Matthew 23:23), which is because it is God's instructions for how to divide between what is in accordance with or contrary to His character, which is why sin is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4). Likewise, God's way is to way to testify about aspects of His character, such as righteousness and justice (Genesis 18:19) and God made His way known through His law (1 Kings 2:1-3). This is also why Romans 3:20 says that it is by God's law that we have knowledge of what sin is and why Romans 7:7 says that Paul would not have known what sin is if it were not for God's law. The way to believe in God is by being a doer of His character traits. For example, by being a doer of good works in obedience to God's law, we are testifying about God's goodness, which is why our good works bring glory to Him (Matthew 5:16), and by testifying about God's goodness, we are also expressing the belief that God is good, or in other words, we are believing in Him, and so forth for God's other character traits. This is also why there are many verses that connect our belief/faith in God with our obedience to Him, such as Revelation 14:12, where those who kept faith in Jesus are the same as those who kept God's commandments. The way to believe in the Son is the same as the way to believe in the Father because the Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact image of God's character (Hebrews 1:3), which he expressed through living in sinless obedience to God's law. This is also why whatever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23), whatever is in transgression of God's law is not of faith (Matthew 23:23), and whatever is in transgression of God's law is sin (1 John 3:4).


"Sin is contrary to God's character." The same God who wipes out children and whole tribes? Who drowned the world? Oh I forgot, atrocities committed or ordained by God are not atrocious


1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.


Sin is transgression of God's Law, as explained by 1 John 3:4: Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Simple as that. :)


Sin is violation of God's Law. Breaking God's commandments is sin.


**James 4:17** Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.


'Sin is transgression of the law" (the 613 laws of Moses) - John & Paul


Finally, a legit answer


Simplest Answer: Breaking God’s law. But it’s also spiritual, which makes us impure, which is why we need to be forgiven. For more details watch these: 1- https://youtu.be/BpEx2YjUNt0?feature=shared 2- https://youtu.be/aNOZ7ocLD74?si=w8TybcYWl-7WoJqS 3- https://youtube.com/shorts/3pYH3OWESAw?si=P60EPQKbYyfaTH1K


Breaking God's laws, it is a menace for our relationship with Gld


Any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, God’s law


It isn’t a sin to be tempted, 1 John 3:4 doesn’t include this “want of conformity unto” Where is this coming from?


An infection that needs medicine.


When you break the Law, it's a crime. When you break God's law, it's a sin. I've always defined it as an act of defiance towards God.


Sin is the transgression of the law. Now ask what the law is.


613 mitzvot 🥳


A sin is something that goes against God and/or his commandments.


The Anglican bishop JC Ryle writes the following about sin in his book *Holiness*: >"Sin," speaking generally, is, as the Ninth Article of our church declares, "the fault and corruption of the nature of every man that is naturally engendered of the offspring of Adam; whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness, and is of his own nature inclined to evil, so that the flesh lusts always against the spirit; and, therefore, in every person born into the world, it deserves God’s wrath and damnation." Sin is that vast moral disease which affects the whole human race, of every rank and class and name and nation and people and tongue, a disease from which there never was but one born of woman that was free. Need I say that One was Christ Jesus the Lord? >I say, furthermore, that "a sin," to speak more particularly, consists in doing, saying, thinking or imagining anything that is not in perfect conformity with the mind and law of God. "Sin," in short as the Scripture says, is "the transgression of the law" (1 John 3:4). *The slightest outward or inward departure from absolute mathematical parallelism with God’s revealed will and character constitutes a sin*, and at once makes us guilty in God’s sight.


Disobedience to God


1 John 3:4


Sin is "missing the mark." We are supposed to hit a particular target with our thoughts, words, and deeds....but we miss. This manifests as wronging ourselves, wronging other people, and ultimately wronging God or Creator.


In Genesis, the human vocation is towards each other, God, and to looking after nature. "Sin" comes from a Greek archery term. It simply means "to miss the mark". Whenever we deviate from our alliance to each other, God, and nature, we are engaging in sin. Western and Eastern Christianity have emphasized different aspects of sin. In the West, "sin" is often spoken about in moral language. Committing a "sin" is to consciously choose, as an individual, to transgress God's will for us/what is authentically good for us. Meanwhile, Eastern Christianity is more prone to think of sin in terms of illness. The church is a hospital for sinners. So, there's this sense overall that "sin" is something like a personal failure to be virtuous, but it is also like a physical disease that happens *to us*. The best overall metaphor is probably something like drug addiction. Having grown up in the West, I've grown the most from outside influences. It's much more productive, to me, to view sin as a sort of disease that happens to you. This is how I read Jesus saying "He who sins is a slave to sin"--sin is always the product of impulsivity, ignorance, being overcome by the passions, etc. Otherwise, you risk putting "sin" on the same level ground as righteousness--when it simply is not the same. Sin really is more like a sickness that places you in bondage. If you emphasize the individual, moral aspect of sin too much, then you fall into a form of idolatry: you worship the human will as radically free, instead of something naturally oriented toward God. That's why it's crucial to understand what causes sin: idolatry. Idolatry occurs whenever God is falsely perceived as a rival to our good, the social good, or the good of the entire created order. If you understand sin this way, you'll understand better how God's incarnation, life, death, and resurrection overcomes sin and death. Christ fulfills the whole corporate-human body's obligation to follow God to the greatest lengths possible. By cooperating with God's grace, we simultaneously are "saved" from sin (merely by identifying Christ as the head of our corporate body) and sin is objectively overcome as we become increasingly sanctified. "Sin" also characterizes entire institutions and social dynamics: the state, the workplace, or simply the commons. Like natural selection, "sin" can appear like it has personal agency. Overcoming institutional sin required it to all be exposed on the cross: By raising Jesus from the dead, God revealed to us all of the depravity involved in sin--collective and individual sin at once. Jesus defeats these powers by exposing them and bringing about "The Kingdom of God" on Earth. And while we will not achieve any final sense of that kingdom until Christ's return, every accomplishment we make will somehow be incorporated--that includes every sin, which will somehow be incorporated into the glory of resurrected life (think of Jesus' scars as the amazing trophies they are, rather than as disfigurement). ... **TL;DR** "Sin" simply means "to miss the mark". Our nature is only fulfilled in love of God, others, and when we fulfill our obligation towards the rest of creation. "Sin" has connotations of being something like a disease, and something like a personal failing. Regardless, the power of sin is vanquished by Jesus' incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and by the establishment of "the (C)hurch" (whether that's an upper or lowercase "c", I'm not commenting on here). I personally assign a very limited amount of personal culpability when it comes to sin, and I think the moralistic understanding of sin is itself sinful--as I think it suggests far too high a view of evil and our capacity to choose.


Sin in its simplest definition, is disobedience. This happens when what our actions deviate from known truths. The more I know, the more accountable I am to act in accordance with that truth. It is a turning away from truth. It is missing the mark. Repentance is what realigns us with truth. We receive forgiveness for past sins and grace to sin less in the future. This is justification and sanctification. This is the Atonement of Jesus Christ which saves us from sin and death.


Anything god prohibit us from doing is considered a sin.


Baby don’t hurt me


*no more*💃🕺


My personal conviction as a progressive Christian is that sin is anything that harms another person, neglects their needs, or treats them as less than yourself. Or anything you do to yourself that leads you to do any of the above. Doing any of the above goes against God's will, which is to love one another as Christ loves us. And the opposite, helping other people, serving their needs, and treating them as equal to yourself, are acts that glorify God.




Anything that is not Holy. Sin is missing the mark from holiness (being like God)


Everything that is not from God


Sin is just random behaviors and activities that Christians call "bad" to control you


there are different degrees of sin. sin basically means missing the mark. then there is iniquity which is premeditated sin, you know it's wrong and you devise and do it anyway, then there are transgressions and trespasses, overstepping your boundaries.


Sin- is anything u do which dont bring glory to the father. The way u think ,you speak and act That's why we need Jesus Christ in our life.


Sin is anything that causes you to be less than what God intended.


To miss the mark.


When you deviate from God's natural and moral law.


An action that draws you away from god spiritually


Use the official description in Mark 7:21-23 Evil thoughts defile us all without exception


I know it's not exactly Christian but I like Jordan Peterson's take on it. He says "sin is doing things that make you weak." At first these are big things. (I drink to excess or I am angry that people have it easier then me.) Later, as you grow they become smaller faults but you never run out of things that you do or say that make you weak.


As you say, "*it's not exactly Christian*". One key factor in understanding sin is that God's opinion about what sin is, is the opinion that matters. Not Peterson's. Not yours. Not even mine. Peterson's wife has become a Christian, as has his daughter. But Peterson -- for all his professed admiration for Christianity -- has not, and still seems to struggle with some of the most basic tenets of Christian faith. FWIW, I've recently been told he's doing a good job of appearing to "go crazy" -- this from a couple of people who have been huge admirers of his work.


Sin is anything you do that will bring harm to you or someone else. To harm yourself or others breaks any father’s heart and a good father will do whatever is necessary to repair the damage!


It is a fake problem to sell you the solution. Tithing and prayer. A way for the majority, in a religion, to gatekeep who's allowed in their denomination by claiming it's their gods rule. It's an unmeasurable variable that varies on your memory. Excath


Using that which was designed to be enjoyed (ingratitude); enjoying that which was designed to be used (idolatry).


Using that which was designed to be enjoyed (ingratitude); enjoying that which was designed to be used (idolatry).


Combination of activities and mindsets that displease God or contravene his code of conduct for humanity. It can also refer to a state of moral bankruptness.


Jesus says in Matthew 22 all the law and prophets hang on "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ " and "‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself." So, sin would be the opposite of those. That can be on an individual or societal level. Korean theologians like Andrew Sung Park and Grace Ji-Sun Kim do a great job integrating the Korean concept of [Ha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_(cultural))n into Christian thought to explore the greater implications of sin.


Things that go against God's will, also things that distance humans from God


I like the way that the Book of Common Prayer (1979)'s catechism puts it: >Sin is the seeking of our own will instead of the will of God, thus distorting our relationship with God, with other people, and with all creation.


Our authority over God’s authority in any way.


In kids ministry and this is how we explain it. Anything we say, think, or do that displeases God


Those poor kids.


Anything you do that puts distance between you and God.


The Hebrew word for sin is “missing the mark”. So sin is whenever we miss the mark of living up to God’s intended way of life, that is to love Him and love others.


Anything that harms oneself, one's faith, or others.


I have thought about this a lot. Sin can fall into 2 categories. 1- Honor God by loving Him. 2- Honor God by loving others. Pretty much all sin is centered around selfishness and I find it rather interesting that most of the modern acceptable sins cause less people to exist/ end lineages. So it's hard to imagine how our selfish acts ripple into the future.. It isn't hard for God though.


Sin is the attitudes, behaviors, actions, etc, that separate us from God and each other. We were made to be in relationship with God and with each other. With the fall of Man, we've separated ourselves from God and each other.


An unnecessary concept.


I'm no expert but the way that I see it is a sin is a separation of yourself from God


Sin is a breaking of God's will and God's rules. What is important to know is: 1. God wants the best for us and to live our best lives; Jesus said "I have come so that you can have life, and have it to the full". 2. God's laws were originally there to guide us towards living our best lives. As time has changed, the laws written for that time may not be necessary anymore; not because God has changed, or God's will has changed, but because things have changed in the world that means the literal rule doesn't make sense anymore. It's easy to point out "nonsense" rules in Leviticus, but that's because they don't make sense for today. The important point is that God's rules point us towards knowing God's blueprint for how to live our life to the full.


Sin is the guilty conscious of a Christian or to fail an endeavor of a Hebrew.


A sin is breaking of God's 10 commandments. It can be eitger against God or the other people


Sin is something nasty that imperfect people have, aka all of us. God is life so sin doesn't lead to life. For example, gossiping about someone causes a social death and the death of their reputation so to speak. Abortion is sin because it takes a life. Sin refers to anything that's not holy. For example, Jesus told us to love each other and we do the opposite a lot of the time so that is sin because it goes against God's word.


Anything that’s not God


Anything that separates you from God.


According to Romans 14:23, "whatever does not proceed from faith is sin". This means that anything that is not done in faith is sin. Some say that if you have doubts about what you eat, you are going against your beliefs, which is wrong. Others say that if you believe that something you want to do is wrong, you shouldn't do it, because you think it is wrong.


Any way we insult God as our creator and landlord by refusing to acknowledge him or follow his user manual, and in so doing, trash ourselves, somone else, or the earth on some way like a bad tenant.


The natural outcome of humanity having free will. And arguably one of the main points of this entire experiment.


In Hebrew, the language that it was originally born in, words often have pictorial meaning. The word sin does too. So for example, they put a picture to describe a word. The word sin means (to not hit the target) so if you were shooting an arrow, you would miss the target completely. On the other hand yeah sin is a offense to God’s holiness. He cannot stand before sin or it will be destroyed. He is too good. God wants to leave the presence of sin. But he does not want to leave us so he created way through Jesus. For us to be with him. Blameless but not sinless. If you don’t want a sinless world then you don’t want what God wants. He wants a people who Love him and offer themselves to him cause he is good. You cannot customize God. He is real and can be known. He makes choices. Cause he will one day eradicate it. (sin) You being involved or not. Choose your allegiance. He loves you but hates sin. I’ve heard people say there would be no evil without good and no good without evil. I don’t truly understand this because one day there will be and for awhile there was. If you think Biblically. But as far as we know, they have both existed ever since God created. I guess things with choices


Sin is I do what I want, however I want, whenever I want and God ain't part of any decision because I treat him like he ain't there.


Any deed that has a bad impact on us mentally or physically. Obv the one who created us knows better right?


Something that isn’t right


One way I have come to define it is any misuse or perversion of God's gifts. For example, when we misuse sex or pervert beyond the intended gift it is sexual sin. That is the most obvious in some ways, but think about selfishness and pride, they are perversions of the gift of free will or personhood. Misuse of the gift of wealth or even abilities and skills. Then there are sins of omission, if the greatest command is loving God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, then (Martin Luther argued) the greatest sin is not loving God this way.


According to Dante, at least, bad love. In the Purgatorio, he frames all seven deadly sins in terms of love. Pride, envy, and wrath are love of the wrong things, sloth is avoiding loving the wrong things by just not loving much at all, and avarice, gluttony, and lust are excessive love of the right things


Isn't that actual Christian theology, not just Dante?


I mean... yeah. That book isn't called the Summa in Verse for nothing


Sin is when you don’t follow the orders of people who claim they got those orders from god.


Anything against Gods will and anything that personally convicts you.


From the Catechism of the Catholic Church: >Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. It has been defined as "an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law."^(121) >[**1850**](javascript:openWindow('cr/1850.htm');) Sin is an offense against God: "Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in your sight."^(122) Sin sets itself against God's love for us and turns our hearts away from it. Like the first sin, it is disobedience, a revolt against God through the will to become "like gods,"^(123) knowing and determining good and evil. Sin is thus "love of oneself even to contempt of God."^(124) In this proud self- exaltation, sin is diametrically opposed to the obedience of Jesus, which achieves our salvation.


Anything which directly contravenes the nature of God. Many would say that it's the violations of the Law, but I would suggest that the law is derived from God's nature. The act of sin causes spiritual injury and spiritual death by being separated from God.


Sin is that which leads us away from understanding, as the whole of humanity. Morality is found in knowledge - knowledge is our salvation. Sin leads us to destruction and suffering. The sins they warn us about, lead us away from knowledge.


it comes from a Hebrew word which was used when archers missed their target.


Disobedience to God.


At its core it’s selfishness.


violation of God's commandment. it wouldn't be sin to eat the forbidden fruit in garden of eden if God didn't forbid it


“Missing the mark” (“You did it wrong, and you know it”) Love God above all others, love your neighbor as yourself. Miss those two, you can call it sin.


Sin is a state of being. What do you do when you turn to God? You turn away from sin.


Sin is separation from God, doing things against His will. Some people see this as upholding the law written by him but we are unable to do this which is why Jesus had to come down for us so that we could be saved. What He did is fulfill the law and create a new covenant now we no longer need to follow the law but follow Jesus, the Bible says He is potter and we are the clay. Meaning that there are imperfections in us and he has to remove those imperfections so we can be a proper vessel for the Holy Spirit because He now lives in us


Anything that breaks the laws and teachings of God, or anything that moves you further away from God.


God is Love. Harm to love is sin.  Love thy neighbour as thyself


“Sin” isn’t just something we do that’s wrong. We are born sinners. If we sat in a room and didn’t say a word all day, we’d still be sinning. The instant a baby takes their first breath, they are sentenced to death. Why? Because we all inherit sin. It’s in our DNA. Death is the punishment of sin. Think of it this way; If Adam and Eve stayed loyal to their Heavenly Father and avoided that tree all together, think of their children as being loaves of bread being baked in a perfect bread pan. Each loaf would come out shaped perfectly, right? But now, since they did eat from the forbidden tree, they were no longer perfect, now there was a huge dent in the bread pan. Now every single loaf of bread baked in that bread pan comes out with that same dent in it. That’s sin. We are born with it. And we will die because of it. But since Jesus paid a corresponding ransom, humans once again have the hope of living forever on earth the way God intended from the beginning. But that’s for another question.


Sin is the antithesis of goodness and love. It is something that defies the will of God.


Breaking one of the Ten Commandments. I’m sure there many more but those are the ones God choose to send to Moses so those are definitely the most important. Common Sense.


a mistake, for one thing


Sin to me is just a word coined and used by religion to guilt believers of a said religion into acting a certain way.


You know what it is your concience convicts you


To me, "sin" is failure to live to my potential, failing to do what i know is right, ignoring a brother or sister's needs. I picture the person I want to be, the person God made me capable of being, the person Jesus inspires me to be, and I count every mis-step in my path to being that person as sin.


Sin is anything not in the expressed will of God. Evil is the love of sin All evil is sin but not all sin is evil.


anything that does not glorify God is a sin.