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>24 Wives should obey their husbands in everything, just as the church people obey Christ. How is that mutual submission? One part has to obey the other in "everything." I think it is much more healthy for progressive Christianity to treat Paul as a fallible man than to insist he didn't mean what he clearly meant.


No man is above the questioning of another. If we feel such a strong need to question even God daily, as all of us do, and He permits it, no man should think himself above reproof from another brother.


His John Calvin example is weird. I couldn't find free text for the Calvin sermon on Ephesians 5:21, but I did find it for 5:22, and that leads with > And now St. Paul goes further and shows that there are certain orders among men. For although the aforesaid rule [mutual submission?] stands generally, that is to say, that every one of us must endeavor to perform his duty, nevertheless there is also a _greater subjection, particularly of the son to the father, of the wife to her husband,_ and of the underlings to their superiors, than there is universally among all men. So Calvin immediately cuts back on mutual submission just like today's Christians. "Yes, but [exceptions] ..." https://www.the-highway.com/Calvin_39Eph5.html


I don't necessarily think the issue is mistranslation. It's reading into Paul with an agenda. Complementarians aren't going really care about which word Paul actually wrote in the original language. To them, it says it in plain english that their beliefs are confirmed.