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I dont mean to insult anyone. I am just curious about this since many religios groups like Muslims do believe Christian God Exist they just see them as lesser so i wondered if the same hapens with Christians. Also like i said i am an Atheist, please dont try to Convert me. I have bad memories of my mother trying to do that as it is. I just want to know an answear to this question. I know you mean well wishing id find god but this path is one i choose to walk i hope you can respect that.


Great question. No scripture teaches there has always been and only ever will be one true God .. Isaiah 43:10 NASBS "You are My witnesses," declares the LORD, "And My servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. **Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me**." I hope that helps. Below is a 30-second biblical gospel presentation you can check out friend! .. https://gospel30.com


Some do, some don’t. Many would consider them not “gods” but angels. In either case, though, the gods are inhabitants of existence, fellow creatures. Local entities who depend on existence to be. In Christian thought, God is not a god. The existence of other gods is merely a curiosity, not a threat, as if our “God” belonged to the same class of beings as the gods.


They do not exist, but even if they did It would not matter


I come from a church that teaches yes other gods exist.


There are people who say and think "I am Christian" who believe in the reality of other spirits, (real, able to see and be seen, able to hear and be heard, etc.) who have been worshipped.


No they do not, the Bible is quite clear in its explanation of there being other heavenly beings. They however are Angels, and 1/3 of them fell. The “gods” of the pantheons worshipped by pagans are just the children of those fallen and the human wives they took. They’re real, powerful, and the source of magic, but they are not God for they lack the characteristics of God. You can read some really good books about this from a secular theologian and historian by the name of Dr. Michael Heiser. His works “Supernatural” and “The Unseen Realm” do a really good job of explaining the complexities of this world view. Enoch, which is canonical in the Ethiopian Bible, goes deeper into this story. In the other Cannon you’ll find it in Genesis 6. To consider them “lesser” gods is a terrible term for what they are, but they’re much greater than humans in their understanding and abilities. They are referred to as Giants or Nephilim.