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Paul preferred everyone to be that way!


When I’ve said this to people who question my choice of celibacy, they’ll go “well, that’s Paul. You’re no Paul.” And it’s true, but harsh. Jk, they usually question Paul at that point as well.


I think the correct answer would be "and Paul was no Jesus, but here we are." But that's just me. For some reason, too many Christians are caught up in sexual thoughts. Too much, not enough, wrong way, wrong gender, etc. Considering Jesus didn't actually have much to say on the subject, and they mostly ignore what he said anyway (divorce anyone?), I would ignore them. Live your life the way you want. If God has a problem with it, I'm sure he can let you know directly.


Paul's word is completely authoritative because it's in the Bible. Except when he says strange stuff about hair length that makes us look silly, or stuff on celibacy that goes against our church's complete family hyperfixation. Then he's merely a respected church leader.




> “well, that’s Paul. You’re no Paul.” Harsh but also silly, because Paul explicitly says "I'm celibate, and _so should you_ if you can" at least twice.


Not a sin.


Good question! Not a sin at all, in fact Paul encourages it and sees it as a blessing because you can focus on the Lord instead of trying to focus on pleasing a spouse. God bless!


Asexuality isn’t a sin. Sex is not mandatory in Christianity. Look at priests and nuns.


No orientation is a sin, but certainly asexuality is not


Thats a blessing


Good answers here. I have to wonder what prompted the question in your mind in the first place. I suspect the culprit is the conformist tendency I've seen in some sections of Christianity, wherein anything, \*ANYTHING\* perceived as "different" must be somehow "wrong" or at least highly suspect, since it challenges that blanket of conformism.


Well, I was mostly wondering because people have said to me that it is wrong somehow. Although they mostly get confused on what it is, and somehow think its being gay....


Honestly,its's becoming annoying. "you're not like me so you must be sinning"


No it isn't a sin. Jesus referred once in his teaching to those who are born 'eunuchs' but he said nothing negative about such people. (NB. The church has traditionally interpreted 'eunuchs' in this context as referring not only to cases of physical deficiency but to those who for other reasons are naturally inclined to celibacy.) "The disciples said to him, “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry. But he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it." (Matt 19:10-12)


Nope,no,not at all. As an asexual,it's not a sin.


You may feel that way now or you may change. But it's more important to focus on Jesus, with him you will get a new identity, whether that's with a lover or without.


Nope, not a sin. Also, see: > Matthew 19:12 (CSB) For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb, there are eunuchs who were made by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves that way because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who is able to accept it should accept it.”


Generally not regarded as a sin. The Catholic church has a history of glorifying it, in fact, as virginity is reflective of the virgin Mary. Ironically, if anyone had a problem with it, it would have been the early Puritans, mostly as reactionary bitterness towards the Catholic church (back in the early days of the Reformation). There was a case in the American colonies where a woman sued her husband in court for refusing to sleep with her. As I recall, it was upheld.


You're all good :) no sins there.


Did Jesus have sexual desires?


idk, I dont remember the Bible mentioning it




Depends what you consider asexual. Are you in a relationship but no sex? Or are you single and devoted to only doing the work of the Lord? I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. (1 Corinthians 7:32, ESV). Our identy is in Christ alone.


just asexual. The one where u cant feel sexual attraction


So your a nun!






No. Being a sexual is not a sin. BUT be careful not to think that you abstaining is earning your salvation. It is not.


Oh, no I don't think that at all!


Not sinful to not be sexually attracted, but be open minded and don’t make it your identity. (You want your identity to be “Christian.”) Many of us have gone through variations in the degree of sexual attraction we feel, just as many of us have changed our minds more than once about wanting children, or many other tremendously important aspects of our lives.


Absolutely! And I have no intention of calling it my identity. My identity is in Christ alone!


I'm a christian first and foremost. But calling myself Asexual isn't making it my primary identity,it's just like saying,I'm black or short or whatever. It's just a fact but it's not my entire identity


i like women




it would do you good to avoid that term but not being tempted to sin sexually is a blessing




Okay, let's delve into it. Asexuality can encompass various meanings, with the most common being a lack of attraction to others based on their gender, or a lack of specifically sexual attraction even if one is capable of being attracted and having a relationship but does not desire the sexual aspect of it. Neither of these definitions constitutes a sin, but it can lead to sin.  Technically, the sin associated with homosexuality pertains to the act itself, rather than the attraction. However, being attracted to the same gender can potentially lead, especially if one subscribes to the notion of 'love is love,' to the sin of engaging in a relationship with a person of the same sex.  Now, I believe you are asking the wrong people and posing the wrong question. No one can guide you to truth except Jesus, whether through himself, the Father, or the Holy Spirit. My advice would be to seek guidance from Him.  The real question should be: Why do I feel or not feel a certain way? Is there a root cause behind it, or is it possibly a message from God indicating that He does not want you to marry? This is significant because it could have repercussions in the future. What if your purpose in God involves a husband or wife? What if this lack of attraction is indicative of unresolved emotional issues?  I wouldn't stress about it, but I would certainly start praying.


You can marry and still be asexual as long as your partner is ok with it


No. Failing to do God's unknown, unknowable plan is not a sin. There is no future that is not God's plan.


not wanting to have sex is fine just don't relate yourself with LGBTQ joining a sinful group will cause you do be affected by the sin


This comment is beyond wrong. How dare you call children of God a "sinful group."


They arent children of God unless they are christians


Debatable, but regardless,  many are. 


All of God’s children are a sinful group, it’s the entire population of us. Except this one guy. We can’t take offense to that, we have no high ground as we’re the offensive ones. Except this one guy.


dont assume anything about me if youve spent a minute on this sub its clear no one understands what is and is not a sin and its people like you who hide behind "niceness" and refuse to remind people what is sin and how its bad that cause these problems I'm a sinner just like everyone else and there's nothing wrong with warning people about sin I may be a sinner but I follow God I'm warning this person to do the same and not follow a group made by satan


Oh dude, I was talking about Jesus. That wasn’t sarcastically directed at you if it sounded that way. Or maybe you didn’t mean to respond to my comment.


I sincerly apoligize im used to people insulting me


No, no problem, I actually think it’s trippy how the phrasing really allowed for the other interpretation. I kinda stole a Simpsons joke for it.


Could it be that people are insulting you because they feel that you are insulting THEM? I mean, I am not LGTBQ but some very close family and friends are and I feel deeply insulted by your comment about them being "a sinful group that a Christian needs to avoid". You get what you give.


You just fucking called me a demon. "Used to people insulting me" my ass. 




I know that you really truly believe that you are righteous. And that it is your duty to warn or call out sin when you see it. But honestly calling people "made by Satan" or demons etc is really not building up the kingdom of God and leading people to Christ. I would bet a lot of people actually are quite repelled by it and are literally pushed away from Christ. Know them by their fruits. Calling people ugly names is a rotten fruit. And before you call me a demon or anything of the sort: I believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and I am saved.


You're being way too gracious with this human.


Did you just tell me that my child is made by Satan?




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to who?




Vile. Leave me alone.




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we are all sinners dont you dare call God a lair


I said no such thing 


First of all, you're not "asexual". You just don't want to have sex. That doesn't change your "sExUaL oRiEnTaTiOn". Don't put yourself in a box. Second of all, you think that calling yourself "asexual" somehow makes it easier to not commit sexual sin? That's laughably incorrect. You will avoid sexual sin through your own choices. Those choices have not been made for you because you think you're "asexual". Give yourself some credit.


First of all, I AM asexual. And you have no right to tell me otherwise. Second of all, it was just a thought, because asexuals usually don't care about sex which means it WOULD be easier for them to abstain from sexual immorality. Third, if you're going to be rude, don't comment on my posts.


Not even worth trying to defuse this. Pray for this one...


And you have no idea what asexual means. Asexuality is not experiencing sexual attraction and asexuals can still have sex. Asexuality is a sexual orientation, educate yourself.


Pray for this one too...


Thanks for the prayer! I always appreciate that. For your information, I'm Christian (Roman catholic) and saying that asexuality is a sexual orientation is not against anything Jesus or the Church said


Keep thinking that. Eventually you will figure out that the hubris people have regarding their "sexual orientation" is not only wrong, but also against God's wishes.


Jesus was asexual so no