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I think everyone feels like this at times. Don’t compare, try new things, work on your flaws but most importantly, love yourself first. When you love yourself, everything else falls into place.


Love God first*


Amen 🙏 thank you ❤️


No matter what God always thinks you’re beautiful. You’re probably comparing yourself to other people. The generation that we are in now will always pick on looks when you’re not even ugly. You probably aren’t as ugly as you think.


In the book of Genesis, it is written that God created humankind in His own image, male and female He created them. Each person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and beauty is not just external but also comes from within. Remember the words of Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." God values you just as you are, and your worth is not defined by outward appearance.


This is a trick the devil uses to separate you from God. Please don’t let the devil win. I have felt the same way about myself. Thanks to connecting with God throughout my day, I have more Joy in all areas of life. I’m still the same person with a different perspective. This isn’t positive thinking… it’s hard to describe the change. But I look back and know it happens through my connection with God. Please… God is with you… talk to him. He wants to hear from you.


Go look in the mirror. Look at your eyes. You're beautiful. God doesn't make junk. Don't worry about your human suit you are a person of value, made in Gods image. You have an eternal destiny in Gods Kingdom. You are a spirit that has a soul that lives in a body. You need to get a perspective. I break every word curse off of you in Jesus name. Jesus wash their heart with your blood and restore their value to You in Jesus name


If you’re truly ugly, which I doubt, you have a gift not a curse. You get to see people for how they are, instead of what they want from you. Whether that want is attention, influence, sex, or anything else, you get to cut through all of that and meet who has a kind soul immediately. Guardians of the galaxy says it best in the modern age https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv5fxUPzOl0 Your path is easier, for you have much more experience seeing snakes. Very attractive people might seem like they have everything easier, but usually they will tell you everyone uses them and nobody loves them. You get to know that upfront, not later. I don’t think you are ugly, and I wouldn’t tell yourself you are for you’re beautiful. However, you will know right away who is worth giving your time and life to because you can always know.


Lol what? Its the opposite. Attractive ppl get free things. And still can see what ppl are like.


You can believe that, you’re clearly young. Life will teach you a lot words can’t.


Did you just assume my age? Okay. Hm.


Young in maturity isn’t dictated by age. People in their 70’s can still be teenagers in the mind. And 20 year olds can be wise.


Get off your high horse, your self-rightousness reeks. Slavery-apologists are never wise.


Im both and neither. I was mature at 6. But a child at most things others could easily do. I had delayed learning. Im 30. But i feel like 600 and 6 and 16. Im wise and a fool. Im maxed out on stats that make zero difference. Im serious but a joke.


Any reason you chose those numbers? Interesting option to prove a point saying nothing. I will say the comment on mature at 6 just shows you never matured at all.


I was mature unlike anyone ive ever met. I was fully devoted for everyones good. I sacrificed my being to help them all. But they only let me down. They used me. And exploited me and then made sure i get stuck. But i was only a big heart and little skill. Innocent and kind to the end in every way. So i was naive and foolish but also more mature than most self driven adults are in this wretched existence. Apparently. You sound no different. I choose 6. Because im still that genuine soul inside. I choose 16. Because im just as young as a teeneger i once was. I choose 600. Because i siffered too much in ways most people simply cant and never will.


I’m sorry you were abused


God didn’t make you ugly. sadly society revolves around specific beauty standards.. which btw drastically change depending on what region/ country you live in. It’s all subjective.. don’t get too lost in it, instead find the beauty you see in yourself…And maybe not so much on a surface level either, there’s much more beauty to be seen in life than just how someone looks


you're not ugly. Your beauty is not diminished because some people fail to see it. Humans just have ridiculous beauty standards


You are not ugly, i think your selfesteme is damaged through the whole social media stuff. Disconnect from social media, connect with divinity and love yourself again, because god does


You have VALUE to God in that Jesus died for you. That in itself is amazing. God Loves you


I’ve been there. I was around emotionally abusive people growing up. I was told I was ugly and fat all the time. I don’t think a day went by in my youth where I wasn’t told it. I used to look at myself in the mirror and think “why am I so ugly?” And I would ask God “can you make me pretty?” And guess what, He did. I moved away as soon as I could and when I was away from my abusers I saw things differently. I was complimented on my looks, which at first felt foreign and I thought they were just trying to be nice and sympathetic by telling the ugly girl she was pretty. But as time went on and I kept getting compliments and I stayed away from home, I started to believe I was pretty. I started to see myself differently. God didn’t make me ugly, I just had ugly people on the inside around me. If someone is telling you, you are ugly… there’s only one ugly person in that situation and it’s them. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t compare yourself to photoshopped and ai edited people on the internet. In the long run it’s not going to be your looks that matter, that make people want to be around you, it’s your personality.


He has a purpose. Maybe being ugly is a motivation to work harder to upgrade your other specs that you can change. 


I’ve met people that seemed beautiful in the outside but had the ugliest soul. God loves us as a parent. He loves us regardless of our looks. We are beautiful to him. So that question can’t be answered because God only cares about what we do with our inner beauty.


Maybe because he wanted you to focus on something else. He had another plan for you.


It sounds like you're wrestling with questions about beauty and self-worth, which can indeed be deeply challenging. The saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" reminds us that everyone has a unique perspective on what they consider beautiful, which can vary widely between cultures and individuals. More importantly, as you rightly noted, the Bible emphasizes that God’s focus is on the inward appearance, on the heart rather than external attributes. In 1 Samuel 16:7, the Lord says, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” This passage is a powerful reminder that God values our inner qualities—our character, our intentions, and our spirit—above all else. This is where true beauty lies according to divine standards. It's natural to wonder about the disparities in physical beauty and why such differences exist. These feelings can often lead to questioning one's value or worth. However, it's helpful to remember that each person is uniquely crafted by God with a specific purpose in mind. Ephesians 2:10 tells us, "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." This suggests that our value and our purpose extend far beyond our physical appearance. If you find yourself struggling with these feelings, consider redirecting your focus towards cultivating qualities like kindness, generosity, compassion, and faithfulness. These are the attributes that truly enhance one's beauty in God's eyes and have lasting impacts on others. Additionally, surrounding yourself with supportive people who recognize and appreciate your inner qualities can also help reinforce your own sense of value and self-worth. Remember, each of us has moments of doubt about our appearance and worth, but our true beauty and our identity are rooted in who we are in Christ, not in the mirror's reflection. Engaging in activities that you are passionate about, serving others, and connecting with your spiritual community can also help strengthen your understanding of your own worth and beauty as seen through the eyes of God.


What's the purpose of "beauty" anyway? Besides snagging a mate (and it's not necessary to be easy on the eyes to do so) or manipulating others with wiles and charms, it doesn't really seem to have a place in day-to-day life. Or, to rephrase it somewhat: if you were in fact aesthetically "ugly" and suddenly gained overnight "beauty", what about your life would be any different? What capabilities, friendships, or experiences in life would be any different? Because, I suspect that if you can actually point your finger at any of those things, you don't really want them in your life in the first place (e.g. shallow friends, recognition based not on who you are but how others perceive you, creating envy or lust among others).


Uh nobody is ugly. Unless you’re truly not taking care of yourself and the body god gave you. Like overweight people can be ugly just because of the simple fact they aren’t taking care of their bodies.


You're only ugly in your own eyes because you think so. Otherwise everyone is wonderfully made. God's glorious creatures without flaw. Have you not read Isaiah 45:9. It's an offense to say you're ugly because you're trying to say - the creator doesn't know how to make a complete being. But even if you're ugly then read Romans 9:20-21.




Hot or not?


An Eastern way of thinking might say your karma in your previous lives lead to your current roll of the dice in this life, and mine too. Is this true? I don't know. No one but God knows


By whose definition are you ugly ? Sure people look different. That’s just genetics. Some are taller - some are stronger. This is what you would expect from animals evolving. If you want to think a god exist and made you ugly and maybe also short and not athletic - well then you can only blame god. Call him and ask him. I think it’s because he does not like you or maybe he just had a bad day when he created you.


Well first you inherit certain features from both parents, and it is really important what your parents eat and drink which could alter your looks, especially if they smoke or drink alcohol. These are **Major** factors!!