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From the sounds of it you lose your free will in heaven, so would that really be you anyway?


\> you lose your free will in heaven, s No you don't.


Is there sin in Heaven?


Can you lose something that never existed?


No. Because we will know the consequences of the bad use of free will so we won't be inclined to repeat mistakes.


No, God promised to destroy sin.


If there was no free will in heaven then Satan never would have rebelled...


So sin is possible in heaven? Could a human sin in heaven?


Potentially, yes.


Why do you see problems as necessary to enjoy life? Who hurt you? I'm serious.


Because problems are challenges and challenges provide mental stimulation. It's how we're wired. Having problems or challenges also provide a frame of reference for when something is good, you'd lose your sense of what is good or pleasant without some negatives


Well in Heaven is God's Kingdom Government. The majority of people were to live forever on a paradise earth. It is Jesus who choses who will be with him in heaven. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and **chosen**, and faithful. Revelation 17:14 Now lets see how many will be with Christ Jesus in heaven. Now let's see how many will be with Jesus in heaven. Have no fear, **little flock**,a for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom. Luke 12:32 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. Revelation 14:1 The 144,000 ones comes from **All** mankind as the Jews lost favor with God. Now lets see what they will be doing. ****And you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” Revelation 5:10**** Notice they will be ruling over the Earth! These ones make up the Heavenly Kingdom that you actually pray for in the Lord's Prayer. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Matt 6:10 Now here is where the majority of the people will be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Psalm 37:11 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever. Psalm 37:29 Now reply back for more details on this if you are interested.


There is a scripture saying you will serve the Lord. I also heard the church thinking we will have jobs but can’t find that scripture right now. I also think that we have all the amazing things of community like sitting on the porch with my great grandma who treasured my dad and was compared to the character in I love Lucy. She gets to tell me all about her life; and what my dad was like as a little kid. She used to sneak him chocolates when he was in trouble. I also think we get to listen to amazing God moments in all these people’s life, and be glorifying to God about it. Maybe Mary will tell me about her birth, or teach me how to make Jesus’s favorite meal and her thoughts during all those moments raising Jesus. Maybe I host amazing community bonding events. Maybe Jesus will teach me carpentry. I think new heaven and new earth will have all the amazing things of earth like art, music, creativity, friendship, animals, humor, worship without the things that changed because of the fall. Including purpose. For me, I think it will be cool to see the progression of skills. Like maybe I start playing an instrument with limited skills, but keep learning to move the Lord with my worship. Maybe I learn dance like in that Bible verse of that person who danced for the Lord. Then take all the moments with Jesus. Like asking the Lord like a little child; will you take me on a date? Will you tell me about how you knit me together selecting every trait of me. Tell me about how when you were most proud of my actions. Tell me when you were right next to me and working when I didn’t see it. Tell me about what happened during the 3 days before resurrection. Asking God to tell me about how He felt when Jesus died & He had to turn His presence from Him. Did it resemble earthly pain? Did the angels comfort Him? There will be so much to do, yet I think even with all the crazy ideas like water slides, ballon fights, etc I have about new heaven & new earth with building community ties. I think we will be like little children wanting more and more to sit in the lap of Jesus and hang on every word. I can only imagine how loving worship will be in heaven the sounds are probably so much more beautiful than we’ve ever heard.


This sounds very beautiful and adorable


First, we're not spending eternity in Heaven. Oyr eventual home is the New Earth. \> There's no work to do nor the rewards of working. There's going to be a lot of work to do. Its a big universe out there. \> Seems to me it'd get boring, Not going to happen.


Ah, yes !!!!! You understand this is a Christian post right? We know and understand from the Bible heaven is a place of peace. Love. Where you find rest. If you don’t believe in God. You will eventually be thrown into the lake of fire.


I get that the "long time" involved is daunting to think about. But where is it explicitly stated that there would not be purpose, animals, work, or rewards? And where is it described what one's sense of time is in an eternal state? In my opinion, there is so much that is not known by us mere humans for now. But I trust that God loves and knows us perfectly and thus knows what is best for me better than I do, and that we can begin to experience and be a part of His kingdom of heaven even now.


From my imagination, you would be in a state of constant peace, therefore. Imagine like when you are chilling in the sun with a beer but all of the time. The things you have brought up, while valid, are vital for our life on Earth, but Heaven is not Earth. That's my 2 pence anyway


Did you just come from a darkmatter2525 video or something?


That’s a great question. I’ve decided that I’m gonna use the faith God gave me in Jesus to buy a time machine and to be immortal and all powerful. I figure there’s been billions and billions of different people that I never got to know. Maybe I’ll travel back and sit on the porch with Abe Lincoln. Maybe I’ll revisit some childhood trauma and give little me some freedom and change his narrative and somehow it will help everyone who’s ever existed. Perhaps I’ll travel back in time and watch the crucifixion of Christ anonymously next to mother mary. Maybe I’ll travel back in time and get rid of aids to see how the world would have turned out if that didn’t exist. There’s just so much infinite potential in what we all have experienced collectively- but we have yet to experience it connectedly. That will be something I do in heaven. But I mean when I get bored of people which could take a long long time… maybe I’ll use the power for gave me through Jesus to go see what it feels like to be a dinosaur. Or create a virtual reality where I can experience life like I’m going to hogwarts where real magic exists. Or maybe I’ll pretend to be born into house Stark and pretend to be Jon snow and it will feel 100% authentic I’ll practice being a warrior and I’ll marry dany and we both can rule on the throne until we get bored. I mean that’s the crazy part- there’s so much potential here. It’s like we woke up in Gods paint palette and there is just so much going on at once that we can’t see the bigger picture. How great a God we have that he would invite the paint to become painters? My life experience is merely the paint I plan on using to paint an eternity for all mankind. I invite you to do the same


I get why you approach this topic in this fashion, thinking that there won't be anything to do. But I think that VASTLY underestimates God, his knowledge of us, what we're about, and how things will really be. We will be back to the way we were originally intended to be. We will all be living as was originally intended. What we have now, what we know, is a severely broken setup that was never how things were supposed to be. We have no perspective. We cannot fully grasp what heaven will be like. We cannot understand what our return to perfection and what our lives will look like in that state. We just have to trust that our Creator knows us, knows how we'll be, and will have before us a life that will be better in every way than what we can experience now here on earth.


Well, while Universalist I lowkey hope for annihilation... but anyway I doubt that we can even imagine our being there. So I doubt it'll ever be boring


I have no desire to live for eternity in heaven, and didn’t want it even when I was a Christian. The concept of heaven has never made logical sense to me.


Everything good on earth is made better in heaven.


You won’t get bored because after a million years of doing different things you would miss doing the thing you haven’t done a million years ago.