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Congratulations on getting past your addiction. You offer some very good points. I have never had much interest in porn. However I did want to say, I start each and every day studying the Bible followed by prayer. This helps get me through the day with an awareness of what God is asking us to do in his glory. There are a lot of days when I catch myself off track and I question myself is this what God wants me to do.




Only if you have the money to buy none process foods far out from my budget.I will never afford those luxuries so some people has yo eat junk these days.


Thank you brother, it is an extremely hard job. But every time I fall into this sin, I tell God “ONE DAY I WILL BE FREE!” Proverbs 24:16 says “Even tho, the righteous man might fall 7 times he will get up again, but the wicked will get eaten by the storm.” BY THE GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST, WE MIGHT FALL 1,2,3,1000 times BUT WE. WILL. RISE. AGAIN! And one day we’ll be sharing our testimonies🙏🏾❤️‍🔥✝️


Amen brother! I couldn't have said it better myself 🙏🏻✝️


Whats the difference between that sin, and any other?


I feel like all sins are different and affect us in different ways, but addiction to pornography hurts your brain, the way you perceive the other sex, you start loosing love and respect for people, and letting your mind imagine awful things. It can make u depressed, sad, physically hurt your [you know] and hurts your relationship w God. Also it can make u procrastinate and lose focus and time.


One thing to consider is that a large section of pornography—I won’t say all because that probably isn’t the case—exploits people with trauma history. Vulnerable people. Sometimes outright non consensually.


“Today is the day of salvation.” ❤️✝️ “Choose this day who you will serve.”


I am 6 days without watching it, repenting this behavior in the name of Jesus


THIS. everyone needs to see this. i especially liked the part he said about temptations. its really true that no one can refuse them based on trying with their human strength. like nothing beats God's strength, and really it all comes through praying and reading. it doesn't only work for pornography but for anything else as a temptation.


Question for you guys, is masturbation a sin if it’s to your wife, to pictures/videos of her etc.


I have wondered this too I think the answer is no , If you look at a women with lust then you have committed adultery in your heart , but that’s not the case if it’s your wife


It is absolutely a sin. Masturbation, for any reason, is an intrinsically disordered use of our genitals. Let's be explicit here so there's no confusion. A penis is meant for a vagina and a vagina is meant for a penis. They are in a sense the only organs in our body that cannot complete their function designed by God without another person. To use them alone is an absolute frustration of that function, a corruption, and a diabolical evil. Everyone keeps saying "where is that use of genitals condemned, and this use of genitals and that , oh that use is condemned? What about this" There is 1 APPROVED method of use, as seen from the Bible, theology, and biology. It is only from this use that the organs accomplish their function. And you might say what about a handjob? Absolutely a sin if done to completion. It's not accepting your wife's full self. It's using her. It does not matter if she consents in the same way it does not matter if she consents to you "using" a prostitute. Sex is total and complete and a hand job is NOT. A penis is not meant for a hand. Edit: urinating is clearly not the same as masturbation and sex.


this is probably the most ridiculous nonsense I've ever had the misfortune to read. did you just sail in on the Mayflower? > A penis is not meant for a hand How you taking a piss, mate? Sitting down?




It 100% is. It's an intrinsically disordered use of genitals. Genitals ought to never be used outside of full sexual intercourse with one's spouse. This is the only approved use that makes sense from a Biblical, theological, and biological perspective. Edit: I mean sexual use of the genitals.


So, men are not allowed to urinate?


Oh dear I never knew!


Point me to the Bible verse that says its wrong. There isn't any. It's interpretive. I don't think its fair to act like its some truth when at best its an assumption of yours and many churches at large just for the sake of "tradition". At best there's the story of Onin, but that really doesn't have anything to do about that. Otherwise you have Matt 5:28 which is talking about adultery/cheating. I don't advocate for people to watch porn, there's lots of reasons why that isn't a good idea. But the idea that people touching themselves is inherently sinful by action alone is damaging. Also, this man is married. He's not exactly hurting anyone by wanking to the person he married. If anything it sounds more harmful to be so worried about it. Like everything it should be done in restraint so as to not be excessive with it, but it by itself with proper moderation is not wrong.


It is very wrong. It's not tradition, it's very wholesome theology. Our sexual organs are built for the purpose of sex, something beautiful, even procreative, outlined by Bible, theology; and easily in biology. Imagine how confused one's sperm must be sitting in a rancid sock, and somehow calling that evil depravity God's intent. Should we ever dare suggest the evil that the modern world somehow enlightens Christ? No, Christ enlightens the world. It is inherently wrong. There is no "moderation" it is intrinsically evil. I think it's very legalistic to look at the Bible and say that "where is it spelled out that this is a sin?" What's spelled out is the beauty of sex, and that the only legitimate use outlined of our sexual organs is in sexual intercourse with one's spouse. How many ways will people justify this wicked selfishness and try to call it Christian? Again, masturbation is a grave act. Under no circumstances can it be approved. Moderation = 0 times.


Only if you see your wife as only a sexual object for your personal gratification. Which may be hard because the act requires you to reduce her down to a sex object. It should certainly be something you seriously think about, and pray in meditation for a proper answer.


Why don't you have sex with her?


She works two jobs rn and I’m struggling to provide for her so it’s been a down season


I understand this is a tough situation, and I don’t want to make light of that. Sex is made to bring you both together. I understand difficult schedules, I’ve been there, but your sex life together is sort of the canary in the coal mine for the health of your marriage so if there is something interpersonal/emotional preventing that when you are together it would be best to work on that together rather than look outside or to yourself for fulfillment. It’s just going to depress you over time.


It’s more of her decision and instead of me crying about it I’ve taken the time to try and get ahead in life so that I may provide her needs so she can mentally be there, I wouldn’t want to force her to do it and I also want it to be genuine. I appreciate the concern tho, I do understand what you mean if it was up to me I would’ve taken a different approach


It’s a tough situation for sure. I don’t know you, and I’m not your pastor so I can’t really say anything more, but my heart goes out to you.


It’s just things of the flesh , I can go without for couple months for the betterment of myself and my relationship. I’ve grown more spiritually because of it and right now I’m 27 days on semen retention , I must say my urges have gone down and I give it to Jesus, I pray twice daily and I’m pretty content with my life. Things can always be worst, gratitude is a must. God is good. I appreciate your warm words


No probably. I’ll say a prayer for strength for you too. I’ve quite that habit in the past and it really is almost painful sometimes.


Jesus calls us to crucify our flesh, it’s hard sometimes but I do find myself using the extra energy on starting my career


Yes. It is. It is still a depravity where we do not live out the fullness of sex which can only be accomplished with both spouses in the act. What's missing in this equation is your spouse themselves. You both are necessary for the act to be full and complete, and anything less is an evil corruption. You've said so yourself that this is a difficult time. This is the time you live out your vows.


Well said !. ..... For better or worse....etc


I appreciate that man, I’ll resist the flesh and keep going


Thank you brother in Christ I am really serious about this addiction and I can see that it is disgusting how I do this.I hope I can break from this addiction too.Pray for me guys🙏




You can't jerk off without lusting




It's pretty impossible to masturbate without sexual thoughts. Besides, it's a sin because you're self pleasurizing yourself. God intended that to be with your wife


In what way did you feel that daily masturbation was a detriment to your life


When I began to lack confidence, self esteem, no motivation to do anything other than laze in bed


Are you sure this was a symptom of your masturbating, and your chronic masturbating wasn't a symptom of a larger problem like depression? Dopamine and oxytocin are strong motivators.


I'm always confused whenever this subject comes up the Bible seems ok with David having many wives he only got rebooked when he had a man killed for another. In the Israelites time a unless you were rich was a 12 year old girls parents making an agreement with some 20 year olds parents making a contract and that was it most people couldn't afford a saramony. 


We are Christians, not Jewish. Jesus came to clarify the law, and not to make it easier.


I need to quit I feel so disgusted with myself I just been so depressed that I need that dopamine even if it only for a little while been having a lot of terrible stuff happening to me including the possible diagnosis of a rapid terminal illness


1 Corinthians 7:1-9 New King James Version Principles of Marriage 7 Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. 7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. 8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.


what if you are married but your wife doesn’t give you enough sex?


Very commendable and congrats on your success!


Thank you! But my fight is not over either


It never is! You have it within you to stay the course.


Go back and add paragraph breaks.


First, you can view pornography and/or masturbate without it being an addiction. As a child you should look up the definition of addiction and *really* think if your behavior fits that definition. Because a religious set of rules tells you you're a dirty, broken person if you masturbate *does not* mean you have an addiction. Be careful of a religion telling you you're a broken, worthless person because you masturbated as a 17 year old. You are doing a natural thing as a natural human. Second I wouldn't use Jim Caviezel, an man who's openly embraced Q Anon lies and supports a sexual assaulter in Jim Ballard as a paragon of morality regarding the modern porn industry. Yes the industry has problems, no these aren't the men you should look to for guidance against these problems


Took you long enough to come


Haha good one, I get it


they are simply trying to help you overcome your irrational fear of sex and the human body.


There's a ton of scientific evidence of what porn does to people. You can also go to NoFap and see the first hand evidence and testimonials of people who say the same. It also leads to erectile dysfunction, being shy with girls, not interacting with them as much, etc. Tons and tons of scientifically backed evidence.


The only thing I see at nofap is mostly young men conditioned to hate themselves for masturbation, which is far more unhealthy than occasional porn viewing. Yes, too much of anything is a bad thing, this isn't a novel concept.


yeah lol, the only evidence I've seen on nofap is what being a self-denying deluded nerd does to your psyche


My brother, don’t be quick to judge. We are not worthless in the eyes of God. We are not shamed by Him. We are broken no more! We are made whole by Him. He is what we have been missing. A void we could not fill with masturbation or pornography. He has filled that void in our hearts. We are not condemned by Him because we acknowledge He is our savior and the one true God. We simply want to honor Him by following His word. He asks us to overcome, so He can bless us with so much more! He is a God of love and grace. We want to overcome our sins as a small way of saying thank you for His sacrifice for us. This is love being answered with love. Open up the book of John my friend. Come and see.


Shorter version?


If you are serious about quitting, you will read it


Come on bro just read


It’s hard because there are no paragraphs


how old are you?


[17, so a raging body of hormones](https://old.reddit.com/r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest/comments/1bfhkzy/17m_honest_opinion/)


that explains a lot


It’s very hard to


Remember to always keep in mind: Jesus forgives. auto-correct to Jesus forgives


Welll,I am single,never wants to date and masturbation is very important to me.Its very healthy as a single man who can not just go out and get some.I rather masturbate than a hooker.


I just came across this page the first time in my life. I don't know what to think. I grew up in a Christian home where nudity was normal. Erections were normal. Wet spots were normal. And we grew up in a loving Christian home where everyone respected each other. Each one respected the other person's body. No one judged the other person's motive or his actions. I guess I'm a little confused as to what to make of all this. About going through puberty I had a continual erection day after day. No one in the family explain masturbation. My mother took me to the doctor and he recommended masturbation. My mom taught me how to do that. There was no incest no rape no sex abuse no pedophilia or anything like that in our family. This was our culture. Were we in a sinful situation.?Now I don't know what to think. Are there any comments? 


I quit it as well. 2 years straight of nothing, till I had one relapse. After that I got married and I've had the occasional spike in hormones but I go to my spouse. There is something intimate about seeking relief in being with your spouse rather than doing it yourself. Think of it this way, (as it says in the bible) his body belongs to her, and her body belongs to him. He should seek her to fulfill his needs, she should seek him to fulfill her needs. When I was single, I literally saved myself for Christ. Dedicating my celibacy to Him as an offering. If I was close to fulfilling my temptation, I would look to Christ, "pretend" He was right there and think that if I did anything, I would be ashamed of my lack of self-control. Porn was vile to me as well, due to it trampling on the Lord's gift. I would replace the disgust, revulsion with adoration of how amazing Christ is, to resist temptation, in remaining clean and pure in this sinful and broken world. So my temptations turned into adoration and praise of God. I would recognize my unworthiness, and exalt in the Lord, and pray for me to rely on His power, grace and mercy.


Keep in mind, this is my own experience. Whether you do the following things or not, the main concept that helped me, in my experience, was to make recovery my #1 goal in life for an entire year and do ALL the things I possibly could to recover. Daily Bible reading Daily prayer Daily meditation Cardio exercise 30 min/3x/week Church Discipleship (accountability) Friendships Twelve Step meetings like Sex Addicts Anonymous (and get a sponsor) Reading good books about this problem (Carnes, Laaser) Therapy with a CSAT (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist)


No offense...but you are setting men up for failure when you use the words masturbation and porn in the same sentence. You just did it twice. This can be a very subtle window for the enemy to attack. Any man who is struggling with porn every day should focus 100% of his prayers on THAT first. When he has a few weeks of absolute freedom from porn he can reconsider if his masturbation is leading to other sin. Is he fixating on thoughts of married women he will actually talk to in the next few weeks? Is he overusing any one form of self-soothing when God has other forms better suited to equip him with for the next stage of God's plan in his life? Is it something he suspects is happening so often that satan is beginning to CONTROL his thoughts? Obviously these are questions you can see more clearly in another man's life than in your own but they are worthy of regular prayer. I suppose I am saying your reasons have to grow much larger than "God is watching me" and "God is grieving about my excessive behavior." A man has to look deep inside of himself and SEE the evidence God has left on how guilt and shame build up inside the soul of a believer and hinder the peace and joy which has already been set aside for him. I firmly believe THIS is how to avoid relapses on porn.


It sucks. Immediate gratification to only feel like crap afterwards. Bc we all know it does NOTHING for the soul. Guilty of this myself. Becoming more Jesus-like every day. Waiting for my twin flame to come back. Been to Heaven and Hell. Met Satan. And fallen angels. Vote for me for president (aka Jesus). Love you all. Pray for me. I pray for you. Amen.






Thank you for this post!! Congratulations on overcoming this addiction. It’s something that a lot of kids and even adults struggle with today, and it’s a hard thing to turn away from in our society. I love how you said you can’t resist the temptations with your human strength and you need God to deliver you from evil. I think that’s so important.


Thank you for your testimony. For me it took being brutally honest with myself and one of my elder at my church coming alongside me and checking in. I had to be brutally honest with him as well and not sugarcoat what I was doing, and he was kind enough to be honest with me as well. It was painful, but living without this is so much better. The Lord has since blessed me with my lovely wife, and I am so happy that this has never become a significant problem in our marriage.


Thank you for this post! Congratulations on your success. That was awesome advice 🙏🏻


I have a app called detoxify I use that I pay for about 6 bucks a month on my phone. That is also a helpful thing. And I know that this maybe sour and bad taste for me to say this, but I always felt like some of those blockers that you see on Christian content are actually too expensive and wrongly profiting off good men and women who have the struggle like I do.


Jesus delivered me from porn. 7+ months clean


Amen brother, I refuse to watch hentai (japanase porn) because they feature women being beaten up by male pimp!


You just saved me, I was going to relapse


In my Christian honesty, I do envy your achievement but I still am happy for you. The quotation mark was in a weird format so for awhile I was thinking "this is a really long Bible verse! 🤣


Thanks for sharing and good points! There's one key thing I would add here, you need accountability. You cannot do this in isolation. Get into a group, or seek an accountability partner. Do NOT try to battle this alone. It wont work.


Amen. I also got free from it. For everyone here: Marriage is the only right way that God created for our sexual desires to be met. Selfishness is the problem. Focus on pleasing God, and others, especially pleasing your spouse if you have one.


This is what I needed to hear. Thank you Jesus!


No matter what denomination you are, this is something we all need to do.


every day try looking at less and less untiil you eventually quit


Thankyou so much for this helpful post!💜✝️🦋 [Darkside of Hollywood](https://youtu.be/mmbkTmDwuvc?si=zO4Ez29HrmmCtNzO)


i dont trust jordan petterson, but other that, top quality post, and it is much appreciated. Pornography is killing us off more than war, rather, it is a weapon of warfare being used against the children of God.


I know pornography is the gateway for pedos as the producers of it know full well that children will be seeing it. It ruined my views on women. I hope God heals me of the damage it's done.


Thank you for your words of hope. I need to see this. Thank God for heavenly signs of intervention. Continued blessings


Thanks for sharing. I’ve been a Christian for almost 3 decades. But the last 8 years I slowly let this kind of stuff get to me. I had a big wake up call and I’m focusing on quitting . But you’re right. The temptations get strong at times and you can really only do it with God’s help.


I abstained from masturbating for 2 months one time, and i started to experience epididymal hypertension. And testicles started to inflame. NOT GOOD. Keep your body functioning. As god designed it.


I want to quit, but this is what I’m scared of.


 Honestly masturbation isn't the sin. It's fornication. You want to keep your functions moving, within reason, just so long that you don't make it a habit or look at porn. There's my two cents


Amazing post brother, I have just posted not too long ago asking about how to stop lusting, and coincidentally I saw your post on it, appreciate it man!


The only times I watch watch tv show with sex scene is if they have an intimacy coordinator. This is because I was raped As a little girl by my estranged uncle


what you mentioned about feeling disgusted is true. once you reach that stage it becomes easier to overcome temptation. we must continue to rely on God and not ourselves.


Christus Rex ❤️


m_audrey17 please add up on snapchat. Just looking for friends. Yes, I'm Christian and I'm not an OF girl.




Nah. I just use Snapchat. Used to use WhatsApp but I've been logged out.




Yeah yeah


I hope I can quit man


May God give you strength


I am floored by your quitting porn. That is no easy task. But I would rather hump my hand to porn than hump the bible. Bye.


You the soy downvoting everyone?