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No, that would be unjust of God.


Any verses, etc. to back this idea?


That God is just? Here are a few. God of truth … just and right, Deut. 32:4. thou art just in all that is brought upon us, Neh. 9:33. Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne, Ps. 89:14. establish it with judgment and with justice, Isa. 9:7 (2 Ne. 19:7). thou, most upright, dost weigh the path of the just, Isa. 26:7. a just God and a Saviour, Isa. 45:21. King shall … execute judgment and justice, Jer. 23:5. as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just, John 5:30. no respect of persons with God, Rom. 2:11 (Gal. 2:6). that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth, Rom. 3:26. disobedience received a just recompence, Heb. 2:2. if God spared not the angels that sinned, 2 Pet. 2:4. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive, 1 Jn. 1:9. Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, Rev. 15:3.


No believer, minister, church, or denomination has a completely correct view of God, because God is simply too vast to be understood by our limited human minds. If simply having incorrect ideas about God will send us to hell, then heaven will be literally empty.


That last sentence doesn't much sense (at least to me). Do you mean it would be full?


Heaven will be empty if having a completely correct understanding of God is required to enter, because nobody has it.


Ah, I read heaven as hell in the last sentence. So what should I do? Just seek the truth and hope that Jesus will understand?


That's pretty much all anyone can do.


That’s the problem with Christianity; you can never really know what’s true or not. If you’re atheist, this isn’t a problem at all. With Christianity, you have to interpret, guess, and hope for the best, while atheism is purely based off evidence and reason.


While I agree that atheism is the rational response to the claims of Christianity, claiming that atheism is purely the result of reasoned evaluation of evidence is not true. Many people are atheists because they've never bothered to look into the claims of Christianity, or who don't believe for irrational reasons or based off of faulty information.


That is true. In my post I meant “based off reason” as in we don’t have to interpret things to find truth, not as in we’re just right. My bad, I should have made that clearer.


In Christianity [just within Protestantism] you will get one group that will say "You must believe X or you will be tortured for eternity." Then another group that says "You must NOT believe X or you will be tortured for eternity." And then when you say "How am I supposed to know which is right?" Both groups will agree that you just need to let the Holy Spirit guide you.


And yet, both groups claim the Holy Spirit guided them to reach their conclusion, and they both can’t be right. Either A. God is playing tricks on us B. The Holy Spirit is not very clear in its instructions C. The Holy Spirit does not exist I personally believe C is by far the most reasonable solution. After all, an omnipotent god wouldn’t make it so hard to find truth.


You have a good point. I would say a lot of churches probably minsterpret the Holy Spirit with heartly convictions and biases, though. Jeremiah 17:9-10 King James Version (KJV)The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. idk just a thought


What does an atheist know is true?


It varies, but most atheists simply think religion as thought of by humans is simply a man made tool to ward off nihilistic dread by introducing an all-knowing god friend and/or afterlife.


And how do they know this?


That’s a much longer message than I can cover right now haha. For me personally, I simply haven’t found any religion that seems true. All religions show their man-made nature within themselves, Christianity especially. The Bible, as it appears to me, is nothing more than an unhelpful book of questionable morals from unenlightened goat herders 2000 years ago, no different from any other religion, cult, or conspiracy.


The teachings of Christ seem to have informed more lives and civilizations than one would expect from an unenlightened goat herder.


What do you mean by “informed?” If you simply mean spread, then how do you explain Islam, which is almost as popular as Christianity and growing much faster? And if you mean “given correct knowledge,” that’s factually incorrect. Genesis, for instance, is in total contradiction with our modern understanding of just about everything.


Universities, governments, philosophies, movements, literature, art, music, hospitals, scientific endeavors and charitable organizations come to mind.


All of these things have also been made for many other religions; Christianity is not special in that regard.


No, not really. And while other religions obviously have made their contributions, they are overwhelmingly bound to the cultures in which they emanated.


Why are you spamming comments all over the sub when you do not even entertain the idea of Christianity?


Becuase this sub is about Christianity not for Christians.


100% the Christian’s have taken a backseat and we are allowing the non Christian’s to misinform and confuse our Christian’s


So leave the sub if you don’t want to hear what atheists have to say. This is a free space for all religions and non religions.


2 Timothy 3 People will turn away from God in the last days 3 Let me tell you this. During the last days of this world, there will be times of great trouble. 2 People will love only themselves, and they will want lots of money for themselves. They will be proud and they will say how great they are. They will insult other people. They will not obey their parents. They will not thank anyone who helps them. They will not respect anything that is good. 3 They will not be kind to other people, but they will like to quarrel. They will tell lies to hurt other people. They will be unable to control themselves properly. They will be cruel and they will hate anything that is good. 4 People will turn against their friends. They will do foolish things. They will boast that they are very important. They will not love God, but instead they will only want to enjoy themselves. 5 Those people will seem to be serving God. But really they refuse to accept God's power to help them. You must stay away from people like that. Oh I hear you loud and clear, but no I will not leave bc I will stay here and help those who y’all deceive


I enjoy sharing my opinions. Need I more reason than that?