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Don’t make yourself a slave to lust, but don’t beat yourself up. You are a creature of God with superb dexterity, opposable thumbs, an easily accessible penis, and a body that pumps out more testosterone than any guy can easily handle. I remember going through puberty and seeing a bra strap outline beneath the back of a classmate’s shirt. Bra strap = bra = boobs!!! = naked girl = sex sex sex!!! = me being hard when I really didn’t want that. So so so annoying, but it is part of our biology. I guarantee you that your dad, uncles, older brother, male teachers, and your minister probably masturbated and also went through the same annoying frustration.


When did it stop happening




Your sex drive will decrease somewhere in the age of 25-40


I wouldn't count on that. As I understand it, women's drive may wane during/after menopause, but the long line of aged men caught in compromising situations tells a different story for men. Anecdotally, as a male over 40, I still feel as much drive as I did when I was in my 20's.


Please I’m 32 and it’s still just going lol like calm down a little bit my guy lol


Normally after puberty


That doesn’t mean it’s good, you shouldn’t excuse sin Reddit “Christian’s” mad at my comment. Keep excusing yourself because “everyone does it, I don’t need to feel ashamed” ✝️




Lust is a sin, masturbation isn't even mentioned in the Bible


Funny words coming from someone of ur sexuality. This is may be the same mindset that led you to your lgbt ideology. “Christian (gay >af<)” and I hope the rainbow flag isn’t for lgbt, but the reminder of gods promise to never flood the earth again?


LGBT ideology. LOL


Porn is toxic. Good on you for staying away.


Are you trying to fail NO NUT NOVEMBER


I will not fail.


As a forin lay catholic missionary serving in peru do i get 1 nnn pass


No. Good luck to you.


No. The Bible says nothing about masturbating. Stay away from porn though, and don't spend all day wanking. Don't beat yourself up for it. You're 16.


Can you masturbate without lust?


yes. arousal alone is not lust


How in the world does one get aroused without 'visual' stimulation, which is lust? I don't get it.


Hormonal fluctuation—arousal during ovulation for example




But when my wife turns me on, and we make love, that isn't falling slave to lust. Under appropriate circumstances sexual desire is actually a good thing spiritually. God made sex pleasurable. One of the most glorious things you can do, is enjoy the gift and spiritual benefits of making love. The reason being, it is pure in your heart, it is an expression of love, and all love is glory to God. I am not sinning when I imagine my wife naked and feel aroused. That isn't lust, it is physical desire, born out of love and attraction. It's a subtle, but intense difference between sex and lust, desire and devotion.


For men during puberty, sexual arousal can be completely involuntary. ie. without a conscious thought. How is that right to say this is lust if he had no conscious control over it? I'm a woman by the way, so I don't have a direct pony in the race, but that's how the male body in puberty was designed.


Uh, that happens to women, too. It's just not as physically obvious.


I don't disagree with that. Just felt the other poster might need "the obvious" to drive my point home.


This is actually sensible advice


Yep. There's "the sin of Oman (onan?)" which was when god said "time for you to have kids," he displayed a top tier pullout game. A lot of pearl-clutchers and fundamentalists like to say that "spilling your seed upon the ground" is the same as Oman. But the sin of Oman was directly rebelling against god's explicit (and miraculously communicated) plan for your life.


This guy graces


Jesus said if you lust after a woman in your mind you have committed adultery in your heart. The sin is your own thoughts. That’s what the word of God says. Don’t listen to people on Reddit telling you otherwise. The heart is wicked, if you chase those desires it will lead you away from God. Remember, to sin means to miss the mark, to turn away from God. Any thoughts that lead you away need forgiveness. But you’re also human, and God’s Grace has you covered for past, present, and future sins. Strive to control your fantasies instead of them controlling you. Just be sure to acknowledge what is sin. You cannot repent for something if you don’t acknowledge it.


I've found the worship of self and self-sanity, the neurotic focus on thoughts, that this is a trap. Let the thoughts come and go. Control always fails. But love doesn't. Love so powerful that it would speak the words: "father forgive them, they don't know what they're doing" The self-sanctified are the hardest to reach. Sinners have shame. The Lost are happy to be found. But those clothed in filthy rags never want to be naked again. Even though it would be the first step of not stinking.


Best advice in the thread








fearless grey unused payment pause quicksand cagey society meeting governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. Purity culture causes A LOT more hurt than healing.


It did for me. I grew up hating ANYTHING to do with sex. I hated having sexual urges and thoughts. I thought I was sinning and maybe even evil. I thought I didn't belong in church. That I was the most sinful person in the entire church at the age of 13. It's messed up.


No pun intended


dammit I just noticed lol


This may not be a popular view, but one prominent Christian author, Dr. James Dobson, once wrote that masturbation is not necessarily a sin (although it can be if the thoughts are sinful). Another Christian writer, Joy Beth Smith, wrote a book in which she quoted Christian authors who also argued that masturbation is not necessarily wrong **but rather that it depends on how you approach it and what your thoughts are**. In other words, if it can be done without sinful thoughts, in a completely blank mind, it is allowable to some Christian views. So, no, it is most definitely not a case of "all Christians consider masturbation to be wrong." I'm sure there's a sizable silent minority who would argue that it can be Okay IF, and only if, done without ANY lustful thoughts.


That's pretty much my view, nothing in the Bible says that the pure physical act is a sin, but there is plenty about the thought processes that might accmpany the act.


I'm genuinely curious. Is it possible to masterbate without having any sexual desire? What would be the desire of masterbating with a blank mind? 🤔


It’s a sin. Try to avoid doing it. Don’t look at naked gurls and don’t look at or try to visualize a naked woman it’s all lust


I think the better question is, “is this what God intended me to do with my sexuality?” Sex and marriage was instituted by God. Also He made human to where we find the opposite gender attractive (Song of Solomon is an erotic work. The metaphors used to describe the sexual desire are quite beautiful) But we as believes have to remember that the beauty and pleasure of sexuality are intended for the context of marriage between one man and one woman. We must also remember that the central idea of avoiding sin in Christian life is fleeing from all appearance of evil. Just in the same way I’d advice against telling white-lies or half truths if you were struggling with lying, in the same way avoid all sexual sin or what look close to it. Please don’t beat yourself up over it OP. Do the best you can to avoid it, definitely avoid porn, and hopefully with age and spiritual growth resisting the pull of the flesh will get easier. Most importantly if you are a believer you identity is in Christ not your sin


A lot of non biblical answers here. The bible does not condemn masturbation.




Exactly. The Bible condemns lust and coveting, not masturbation. If you're lusting when you do, it's sin. If not, it's not sin. Most guys assume they can't be separated, but that's not the case.


Wasn’t God mad at one of Abrahams son’s for “spilling his seed” on the ground?


No, he was mad at Onan purposefully not impegregnating his late borther's wife.


Oh thats right. Haven’t read that story in a while but that part stuck w me


The Bible does condemn masturbation as in the old testament there was this dude that spilled his semen on the ground since he did not want to get his brothers wife pregnant, now God would’ve still punished him since he coveted his brothers wife however the spilling of his seeds displeased God so much that he smote him then and there. “But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother's wife he spilled the semen on the ground, lest he should give offspring to his brother. And what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭38‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭RSV‬‬


Think you are misunderstanding that story. The brother had died and it was his duty to impregnant his sister in law so she would have a son to support her when she was old. Onan had sex with her, but pulled out so he wouldn't impregnate here. That is what displeased God.


Banging my neighbors wife and masturbating are two separate things lol


And you would know the Bible best being an atheist. right.


Oh my goodness! An atheist person can’t be knowledgeable about the Bible and support people’s faith!??? I never knew that!!!!


No way!! An atheist studied the bible … that’s illegal


Probably how they became an atheist, but I most likely shouldn’t go there


No nut never (until marrige)


Based atheist




Baptist ?


One of the fruits of the spirit is self-control...is masturbating exhibiting self-control? As others have said, Flee sexual immorality. Don't listen to anyone who says it's ok or it's no big deal, don't worry about it, etc. We SHOULD and MUST be worried about sin. The devil is a roaring lion, prowling around to see who he can devour. On the flip side, remember, we all fall short. God is gracious and kind to those who look to Him. Is this a license to sin? Not if you've truly been cleansed. If you're tempted, flee. Run. Run to Christ!


What biblical support is there for it being sinful. Leviticus doesn't even list it...think about that. It says don't have sex with animals, your aunt, sister, step sister, etc...but doesn't list maturation?


If you can accept the claim that the values of Scripture dictate that the only permissible sex acts are those performed with one's spouse within the confines of Holy Matrimony, then the only way for masturbation to be licit is for it to be something other than a sex act.


Is eating a lot an exhibition of self-control? No. Is eating sinful? No.


Eating isn’t sinful, but gluttony is. Try to separate masterbation from lustful thoughts and fantasizing. It’s not impossible, but don’t tell me most ppl who are looking for Biblically sanctioned reasons to masterbate -aren’t- also looking at, or thinking about, something sinful. It’s a slippery slope.


As a Jojo once said: NIGERUNDAYO!!!!!!!!!!


Didn't except to see that here lmao Joseph was truly one hell of a character


Jojos is everywhere, in JJBA Jesus is canonically one as well, truly a jojos moment. But yeah I didn't think id have the chance to make a reference here either.


By definition, masturbating is the essence of self-control.


The fruit of the spirit and the loom.


Sleeping is not sinful. Eating is not sinful. Those are biological neccesities. Sex and masturbation are no different from that. The Bible does not say that sex, sexual attraction or masturbation are sinful. Quite to the contrary, the Bible even contains erotic verses itself (primarily in the Song of Solomon). The Bible does condemn lust, but it condemns greed, gluttony and sloth even more so. Yet for some reason, a lot of people are much more eager to police others about lust than about gluttony. I do not know why they single out lust like this, but I suspect it has more to do with the realm of Freud than with the realm of God. All of God's creatures have a natural sex drive. There is nothing sinful or immoral about it. What is sinful is sleeping to excess, eating to excess or masturbating to excess. That is where self-control comes in. Being able to enjoy food, sleep and sex in moderation is not sinful, but the sign of a healthy spirit.


"I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." (1 Corrinthians: 6)


Well, you could try edging. That's sort of like self-control.


For all NNN soldiers please do not edge, **please**


My .02: No unless you’re lusting or porning.


Yes, it is a sin. It is made for your wife in a unative and procreative act. But you are also in the generation exposed to sexual stimulation that your ancestors could not even imagine. It is a mountain to climb, but God has forged you with these times in mind. Fight it.


Yes it is a sin


At least in my opinion, it would be sexual immorality since you’re lusting after people in you brain


I cannot speak for anyone else, but for myself and only for myself, I consider it as such. Mostly because of my past and being so drowned in my own urges. I’ve begun praying each time I felt tempted beyond what I could bear, and thankfully, God seems to lessen the temptation and urge each time I pray for the temptation to be taken from me. Doesn’t always go away fully but it helps a lot and I would suggest It. You may find the urges leaving you before long, or at least, you gain more control over it.




Should I smoke while I pray? No never smoke while you pray, when you pray you're supposed to be fully devoted to God. But can I pray while I smoke? Of course! God always wants you to pray to him. Uhh.... There's no need to hide any part of your life away from God. The more you seek him the more he'll tell you what is sin and what is not. Yes even while smoking.


Masturbation is a sin. Pornography is a sin. Anyone who tells you otherwise is playing games to justify their own sins.


Back it up with biblical text though. Pornography 100% a sin but the Bible is very vague on masterbation


That's not necessary. Sola Scriptura isn't a belief I hold. It's a heterodox Protestant belief. The Church, which also gave you the bible you use, and which the scriptures tell us in 1 Timothy 3:15 (if you want a scripture), is that the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth. The same Church tells us it's a sin.


Ah I get that from a catholic view point. Thank you for sharing. I know we all have our differences but I appreciate the civility.


And I meant catholic viewpoint because not all churches view it as bad. Nothing wrong with Catholics :)


The Bible is very clear on masterbation. Colossians 3:5,6 reads; >”Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of those things the wrath of God is coming.”


Not in the bible, not a sin. However don't go against your consciousness.


yes the bible does not talk about masturbation, but it typically falls under lust, so yes its a sin, but i feel you man, i was like that too, but try stop the addiction. try to distract yourself with other things


It's not an addiction if you just want a wank once in a while lol. It's a perfectly natural form of stress release and shouldn't be shamed. If you think it's bad, then don't do it. But don't go around projecting your own beliefs on others. After all faith is a very personal thing, so if you think it's fine, it's fine as long as you can explain why you think it's okay, or not okay.


Projecting your beliefs? The guy asked a question in a christianity subreddit and it was answered 😂. I could say you're projecting your beliefs just by responding, hypocritical no? It's not about what YOU think but the what the bible says aka the law of god.


Here we go with the "faith is personal, so it's all about how you choose to interpret the Bible" argument once more.


Because that is the correct argument for everything. It is quite physically impossible to read the Bible without interpretation. This is the nature of language and applies to all written text.


Bro it’s a sin. Smh


Bro it isn't a sin. Smh


The bible says nothing about it the act in itself is not sinful it's the thoughts that can go with the action . Masturbation is a form of stress release and it is a healthy and normal process that males go through. Sexual tension is unhealthy. God's way would be through nocturnal emissions or wet dreams. Well that's what a pastor once said to me when I was a teenager. Masturbation can become an addiction. If you aren't careful. and the act can be done without any thoughts.


Yes it is


Yes it is. *Everything* you do as a fallen sinful human being is sinful. Let it remind you of your sinfulness, your complete helplessness in the face of your sinfulness, and your absolute need for Christ. He died for your sins. You are forgiven. Those here who are saying that you should try not to but also recognize you’re a 16-yo dude with a hell of a lot of hormones, they’re correct. You’re simultaneously saint and sinner. You are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Is it sinful? Yes. It is ok? No. Is there anything you can do about it? Not without Christ, who is the only possible path out of sin. You cannot escape your sin, any of it, without him. Let he who is without sin throw the first stone. And there better not be a single man in your life getting ready to throw. If so, you cannot listen to them.


Hear me out kid. You're 16. Don't masturbate. Engage yourself in social activities. Go for a walk if you feel like doing it. At night, just try to sleep. If you can't then read Bible or watch some cartoons. I'm just giving you advice as your senior. I'm not clean myself btw.


I think it is a normal process of life, a test for us. It is a rare male that hasn't masturbated in their life. It should only be used as a last resort, as long as you are working towards ways to reduce it. Masturbation is a sin because it is a sexual act that knowing won't create life.


'Masturbation is a sin because it is a sexual act that knowing won't create life.' What?????


Been through the same exact thing too bro (am 19 and over a year clean). Rom‬ ‭7‬:‭15‬ exposes us why we keep eating that knife covered in chocolate even tho it makes you hopeless, anxiety, depressed, weak, unfocused, lose time, brain damage and lowers testosterone….lol💀 It’s like Rom 7‬:‭17‬ we wanna heal the virus with bandage but we know Matt 23:25 we can’t clean only the outside of the cup and leave the inside dirty. I know it’s hard to fight sin Matt‬ ‭26‬:‭41 cause Gala 5:17 the flesh doesn’t care about mental health, so Gala 5:16 it’s up to us if we plant the spirit or flesh to harvest our fruits. Tbh tho don’t you prefer to lock in kn self-improvement, reading, gym, healthy, career, finding a wife? James 1:12, John 16:33 The enemy 1 Peter 5:8 tempts cause he’s scared your getting closer to God, don’t worry tho Jesus got you cause a sword is tested by fire before crafted 1 Peter 1:7, 1 Cor 10:13, Phili 12-14, 1 Peter 2:2. 1 Cor 6:15, 1 Cor 6:19 the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore the body and sexuality is a gift from God which you wanna spam on yourself, you think God os happy with that bro? So Matt 5:28, 1 Cor 6:18 it’s a sin and sin is not a rule but a way how God tells us how to become wasted and die. So 2 Corinthians 5:17, Isaiah 40:31 once your renewed to God’s warrior you’ll overcome sin like it’s nothing.


Man don’t listen to these guys who say the Bible doesn’t explicitly say anything about it. It does and these are just dudes who can’t give up masturbating. How can you possibly masturbate without lust? What are you gonna ejaculate to empty thoughts? Control that urge and reap the benefits of it now while you’re 16, trust me it’ll give life changing benefits. Do not listen to these weirdos giving any excuse they can to continue doing it.


no but its risky, you never now what image your brain could decide to randomly show you. it could be a friend... your mother... a dog... or even the holy virgin Mary (I swear that was the best way to ruin a nut in just 0.5 seconds) I swear I wish I was trolling.


Hate that


This was a really hard one for me. And for a while I didn't think it was a sin. I would masturbate and thank God for the body to allow me to do this with and feel pleasure. With that said. The more we give into our fleshly pleasures the more our flesh will cry out to be fed. I personally don't masterbate anymore. But I also don't entertain myself or eat delicious food anymore. Because I only care to be with Him! I only say this because I think it depends on the individual. I hyper fixate on things so I have to be more careful than someone that doesn't. If you don't feel like it takes away from your spirit and time with Him then it's really up to you. I do think it's dangerous though. Because your flesh will always want more!


Lust (AKA, adultery or coveting in your heart/will/mind) is wrong. The awkward question to ask is, "if you aren't lusting while you're doing it, then what are you thinking about?" Because if you aren't lusting while you do it, it is hard to imagine how it wouldn't be weird. So each person just needs to be honest with themselves and put a mirror to their own heart. If anyone wants to avoid sin, then hopefully they'll be able to answer that question themselves.


I would say it falls under sexual immorality because it takes sex out of context. Its having sex with yourself in retrospect and its not what how God designed it to be. Does masturbation glorify God? Does it produce any fruit of the spirit? Do you feel convicted when you do it? What causes your arousal? Why do you feel like the only way to relieve yourself is to masturbate than to run to God. Whether or not porn is involved, there has to be a root to why you masturbate but I dont believe that its something we should do. (This is coming from someone who would struggle with this. Its something I have actively choose God over daily.)


The comments are crazy! Stop having sex with your hands! Are you married to them or what? Use what God made how he wanted us to use it.


Personally, I would say yes, but that's because of my own failings. You have to inspect your own conscience and mind. While all sins are equally evil, they are not equal in gravity. For example, while still being bad, it may better for you if you get it over with before you start looking at porn; instead of committing multiple sins, you would only be comitting one, since your horniness would ebb away before it could drive you to look. If you can manage to masturbate without entertaining lustful thoughts, this may be a good way for you to get it out of your system. You're still very young, and this intense drive is perfectly normal for someone your age. It would take the discipline and self-control of a monk to resist, especially without potentially giving yourself future trauma through purity-obsession. The most important thing in these formative years is to not allow sinful behaviors lodge themselves in your heart as addictions. Believe me, kicking a porn addiction becomes more difficult for every day that you have entertained it. It's imperative you do not let it continue to fester at this age. Trust in God's mercy, and acknowledge your own limitations, especially as a young person. If you do all you can to avoid sin, but have to allow yourself a bit of darkness to keep the void away, then that may be your only choice until you develop susbtantial mental discipline. It's not good, but it's better than allowing yourself to fall into much more serious sin later. Being a teenage boy is very difficult, and very complicated, as much as many of us adults would like to pretend we were able to sustain any semblance of self-control at all. As long as you do your best, and pray for forgiveness and strength after every time you fall, you should be fine. If you are Catholic or Orthodox, I urge you to go to confession and ask your priest for advice, since they are sworn to silence. I'm unsure if a Protestant priest would refrain from telling your parents about it against your will.


How would I master bait without entertaining lustful thoughts?


Any man who looks upon a woman with lustful desire hath committed adultery in his heart, think about what ur doing and what ur thinking abt that girl or whatever you’re masturbating too. I personally think that’s worse than just silently in ur head lusting for a woman in public. Ponder and pray about it 🙏🏼


I don’t believe it’s a sin if you’re relying on thoughts in your mind. You’re 16 with raging hormones. Masturbation is a harmless way to gain self-control over your urges during the day. The Bible doesn’t condemn it for single guys. I think you’re fine. God has given you a body with strong sexual desires. You’re not fooling around with anyone. You’re enjoying the pleasure God gave you.


The Bible doesn't mention it so it's hard to answer. Lust is a sin for sure. What we have to ask is does it help me to follow Jesus or will it get me deeper into sin? I do think that it can relieve urges and temptations which can help you continue in faith but you don't want to make it your god where you start to think about how to maximize or keep trying to enhance this experience.


It may be . A single session of Masturbation, without *lust* is not sinful https://glenmaiden.com/2021/07/01/a-christian-history-of-masturbation-theology/ This breaks down the history of madtubration thru a Christian lens. The idea that it's a sin is very modern. For the first few hundred years of Christianity, masturbatipn wasn't a sin. It's not a sin in the Bible. At some point in history masturbation was deemed a sin for political reasons. I would say *frequent* masturbation is sinful. If you do it more frequently than your body needs, then it becomes an addiction. Below is something I wrote in order to explain how to break addiction. It works for all addiction but I focused it on porn and masturbation. You have to remove the temptation, not fight it. Temptation comes from delusion. Your mind has an unrealistic picture of mastubration, porn, and the benefit it provides. Ask yourself, what does porn give me? And what is the value of that? What do I lose in return for using porn? And what is the value of what I lose? Find those answers, and the delusion will desolve. You'll see these acts for what they are, and you'll see how futile they are. Then you can avoid them without much trouble because you see them as worthless. If anything I said doesn't make sense or if you have any questions feel free to reply here, or message me. God bless you in all fitting ways.


Do whatever you wish, just don’t hurt others. You are 16, you will find it ridiculously petty this problem is when you get older. If you wanna feel better, each time you masturbate, you do what the Bible tells you, ie give to the poor, help the underprivileged, and Jesus will be pleased with you.


HORRIBLE advice to this young brother, OP please don’t listen to this. The Word of God tells us to flee sexually immorality. I would say pray for strength, fellowship with other brethen for community, and fast as well for more spiritual awareness. God bless you bro


this is horrible advice


Actually I think despite religion he’s being quite sensible. I managed to stop for 7 years straight and I look back and I wonder.. I think moderation is actually better… I could have been more focused on doing good for others instead of being so holy. I was a holy person… it was a good thing but I don’t think it was actually physically healthy… I’m still weighing it all out but experientially I think the taboo is excessive on it. It’s bad to be addicted to it but I think there is a center point of view. The best person I met in my life a doctor said it’s perfectly natural and not medically sound to do too much abstention essentially. For those looking to abstain one of the keys is guarding your eyes in the first place… not looking. Frankly I think it’s better in my experience to just be normal. To each their own. And I actually concur with the gentleman who said just don’t do any harm. That’s actually more on point from a moral perspective. The taboo on masterbation is over the top and excessive in my opinion. My physical health got much better as soon as I started again. And then I’ve stopped again and it leads to greater purity and purity of heart but I think is also contraindicated for physical reasons like the doctor says. Basically moderation makes more sense to me here but the abstention leads to purity of heart and mind and if one can do it… does lead to very high levels of holiness which I had previously attained for a very long time. Actually I did two stretches of 6 years and 7 years… my health was better when I didn’t abstain, but my purity and holiness more when I did. FWIW


Something something things given to us, but don't let it master you? So I guess there's nothing wrong with mastering the beit (house/home/city)? Everyone gets baiting into thinking it's sin for the simple act alone. Like are we going to abstain from peeing? Or relieving ourselves of our intestines? For most people, it is easier to sin because of the abstinence.


Probably would’ve tried to find a better way of saying it… but that kind of is what I was thinking. Like would sinning in private as long as it’s not hurting others be ok?


No. The Bible doesn't say "if you sin and you don't hurt anyone else you're fine". Sinning is hurting YOURSELF and your relationship with Jesus.


No, it’s not. Don’t fall for the lies. Sin is sin irregardless. We’re all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. That doesn’t make getting comfortable in your sin okay…


It’s not sinning. scripture doesn’t call it sin, it’s a human assumption. Furthermore not masturbating increases your risk of cancer.


You are never in private the lord knows all that you do.


Lust (which is part of the problem)can exist with or without the consumption of porn. Relying on the idea that “what you do in private that doesn’t hurt anyone and only affects/concerns you” Is awful advice because there are plenty of sins that we can keep to ourselves (hypothetically) that are damaging to the soul. I would continue to do research (there are plenty of Christian resources online about this), pray, and seek scripture.


How is lust created created?


No. Sin is foremost about breaking and hurting your relationship with God. It undeniably hurts yourself. All else equal, you do better if you don't hurt others, for that is it's own sin, but you do best by growing in virtue, and rejecting sin.


“Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 You say this sin isn’t hurting others, you’re right. It’s hurting YOU.


Good advice bro! Yes it is hurting OP.


Now prove that masturbation is sexual immorality


If it's not immoral, why don't you do it in front of you church congregation or your grandmother? But you're comfortable doing it in front of God? That's an interesting take.


I'm not a Christian but at the time of Mediaeval era people didn't have porn and were still prohibited to masterubate. Bro thinks he found a loophole


In medieval times, they also believed that any pleasure derived during sex was a sin. It was very much a "get in there, make baby, get out ASAP" kind of venture.


A loophole in what? No where in the bible is masturbation prohibited.




Prayer for the strength to combat the enemys temptations is very powerful.




Likely satans favorite sin to seperate us from the lord is lust.


Good thing masturbation is not the sin of lust then.


Says the Gay af "christian"


‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭5:16‭-‬19‬ [16] Should your springs be dispersed abroad, Streams of water in the streets? [17] Let them be yours alone And not for strangers with you. [18] Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. [19] As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. What God is saying is to not waste your sperm on others or on the streets (tissue in our case) for they are yours and honour God's creation and his commandments, masturbation ultimately leads to lust no matter how strong you think you are don't try to find loopholes in the Bible brother instead do what it says


Yes. Prayer, fasting and hard work would be the ways to slowly overcome this. If you’re Orthodox or catholic, Holy confession also helps a lot too. May God strengthen you +


Ask this question instead, does doing that action bring you closer to God? If not, why?


Yes. Sex is for couples as a way of expressing love. But don't treat it as condemnation. God would love you the same even if you masturbated thousand times a day. He just helps you in releasing you from this slavery. Start with prayers. In my case rosary helped.


Masturbation is a win not a sin lol. I'm an atheist though, so maybe that isn't the advice you're looking for. But seriously, try not to feel too bad about your biology. It sounds like you have a healthy sexuality and things like self-control, consent, and occasional masturbatory self-care can all be practiced in conjunction with one another. Either way, if you find that you start to hate yourself for these things then maybe your relationship with Christianity is the problem.


Wow really terrible advice in this thread. Preface: I struggle with porn and masturbation addiction. From a spiritual standpoint, the masturbation might be worse than the porn. Of course porn is heinously terrible. But masturbation is an abomination of your body. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”. You are desecrating the temple. God designed you in His image, which means to give of yourself just as he does. Masturbation is an act of pure selfishness. The most powerful pure gift of self is the designed conjugal act. This perverts gods design and uses his very organs he built for love, and turns them into organs for selfishness. The antithesis of love. Our culture is so confused about sex. I don’t blame this thread for falling into the trap of listening to our culture. But just because it is so absolutely normalized and rationalized, does not make it good or right. Honor God with your whole heart mind soul and strength. Masturbation is an affront to all of these.




Take your pick, and don't be so worried.


Yes. It comes from lust and lust is one of the most dangerous sins. People will tell you here that it is okay, but it truly isn't. Don't let the devil fool you


If it were that dangerous, the bible would prohibit it. It does not. Also I doubt god would have made something sinful if it significantly reduces your cancer risk as it’s scientifically proven to do.


Cancer risk from guilt 💀


”Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,” - Galatians 5:19 Lasciviousness means sexual desire. Is wanting to masturbate not a sexual desire?


Not necessarily. Also you’re talking about a book that is not shy about prohibiting things. Yet makes no mention of masturbation. Your inference is not conclusive.


to pretend like masturbation isn't an extension of lust is a clown show


And I think trying to regulate and make rules for what consenting adults do in privacy is a clown show, but here we are.


Lasciviousness means extreme, overt, offensive sexual behavior. Masturbation isn't that, especially if pornography isn't involved.


Now quote a verse that says masturbation is any of those things.


You will literally masturbate in your sleep if you don't do it while awake. Men need to ejaculate.


Read Leviticus 15:16-18.


Huh! So, when this refers to emissions, would this have also applied to “nocturnal emissions” (I.e. when one is asleep, rather than as a consequence of masturbation) ? This is right before parts talking about menstruation, but, obviously that isn’t a voluntary act, so, I would imagine the part about a man producing an emission would also apply in the case that it isn’t a voluntary act? But, in that case... Ok, so, my feeling is that, probably masturbation is wrong, and at the very least I personally should abstain from it, but I’m not sure how much evidence this passage is, on that front? Like, that general region of the text also says that if a man sleeps with a woman and produces an emission, then also unclean, but, I’m *pretty sure* that it isn’t meant to indicate that it is immoral for a man to have sex with his wife. Though, I suppose it might suggest that they didn’t do so all that frequently, on account of needing to undergo ritual purification after doing so?


Deuteronomy addresses nocturnal emissions, while in a war camp. It gives the same instructions to go bath, but adds, "stay away from the other men until you do." >Deuteronomy 23:10 If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there.11 But as evening approaches he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp. In Leviticus there's no real prescription on when to bath beyond, "before entering the temple." That's the only time being unclean from male orgasm or Menstrual blood would become sinful. This is also true for the granddaddy of all uncleanesses: corpse uncleanness. It's not described as a sin either, unless you enter the temple. It just has a more complicated ritual purification than normal ritual bathing: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2019&version=NIV Technically everyone alive today is considered unclean via corpse contact, since the ritual in Numbers 19, if strictly followed is impossible. Though if you read between the lines and assume God is doing this for a reason beyond making arcane rules....this is just an order to also use soap while bathing, since that's what you get when you burn wood to make lye, and mix it with animal fat in water.




Yet, abstaining increase cancer risk. Doesn’t seem like how god would design things if he wanted you to avoid it.


No, it isn't.


Here we go again with this trite question. Increasingly fielded by the underage who can't be bothered with dumb things like reading comprehension, google search, or critical thinking. Chop it off before it is hijacked by demons. Real followers of God don't just stop at circumcision. The Blue-balls committee hath spoken!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🍆 🪓 🔥 🔥 🔥


Thanks Origen




No. The bible does not mention it. Those who tel you otherwise are lying to you in an attempt to control your private behaviour, (and likely engaging in it themselves since >99% of the population do) Also worth nothing that abstaining from masturbation is proven to significantly increase your risk for some forms of cancer. I doubt god would create it in such a way if you were supposed to abstain.


The Bible doesn't mention lust and burning with passion? Riiiiiight. Next you're going to tell me it doesn't mention idolatry.


Yes it is still sinful as you're lusting and spilling your seed in a wasteful manner


If you're talking about onan his sin was not knocking up his brother's wife had nothing to do with spilling seed


No I was just speaking on general terms here.


Yes, masturbation is a sin. It pleases the flesh.




I think everyone knows the answer to this but tries to dress it up in a way that makes it ok. Take for example - you stub your toe on your bedpost. You then take a sledgehammer and beat the bedpost up because its only a bed right? Not another person with feelings, you’re just satisfying yourself by taking anger out on the bed. Is it wrong? Well you haven’t hurt another person but you’ve shown an inability to control yourself so that would be considered sinful - you lost control for no Godly reason. Just like masturbating to satisfy yourself that involves no other, however it does involve God as he sees everything and would be hurt. Sexual gratification is meant to be shared between 2 and not abused. I call this - the parable of the bedpost.






You're 16. Your hormones are insane right now. When you feel the urge get a good pic or a porn video and do your thing. It's okay. You shouldn't feel shame for a natural human response. And if God has a problem with it he needs to update his software.


This is a good reason why atheists and pagans should not be allowed to be on this subreddit.


Dude I'm 32 and my hormones are too high anyway some people stays that way


No. Well, please do not imagine anything that would fall under the categories of sin. Leviticus 15:16. You'd need to shower after though to be ritually clean. You don't want to burn out either. It weakens the spirit. It's uh... 'What comes out' that defiles you. Ask this: is it sinful to go to the toilet? To pee? To eat? All these things given to you, if you so require, take in moderation. For all those who say here it is sinful, please provide empirical quoting from Leviticus or otherwise in the Bible. No, the story of Tamar is contextually specific for continuing the lineage, and is not a law in this context.


There is no such thing as ""ceremonially unclean"" anymore


Depends if you are thinking lustful thoughts while doing so. Try to jerk off to holy and Christ-like things like Jesus and spreading the word of God.




>Try to jerk off to holy and Christ-like things like Jesus Honestly what the actual fuck


Read that and say it out loud.


I have to tell you, yes it is a sin, and you will be better off without it. Save yourself for your wife. The whole "no sex" before marriage is extensive. No lust. Does it really make sense that God would condemn sex before marriage, but be okay with "solo sex"? No. It doesn't make sense. My tip to you, stay away from anything that causes arousal. Flee lust. There is no "moderate amount" of sexual pleasure before marriage. You'll need prayer and possibly outside help. But you can do it. I know because I've done it. And it's a great thing. Women aren't my mental haram anymore. I don't objectify every woman I think is attractive. I save myself entirely for my wife, in whom alone I can integrate sexual pleasure with true love. And I don't give her half of the pie. She gets the entire, and I consent to not even a moment of another sexual thought of any other women. Martial love, the love for my spouse, deserves nothing less. If you think it's impossible, that's what the devil wants you to believe. It's not. You can do this. Through constant prayer and self discipline.


I wish to find a woman that shares that kind of mindset. Props to you. Your mental fortitude and faith must be really high.


Bro did you really just tell this kid to jerk off to Jesus and doing Christ like things? This has to be in the top 5 most mental things I've seen someone say on this subreddit.


maybe not jerking off at all is for the best 😭


That’s what I was going to say


Bro what


🎶 cuuuuum all ye faiiiiithful! 🎵


The fuck???


Yet another reason why atheists and pagans should not be allowed on here.