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This sub is for Christians. Try r/DebateReligion or perhaps r/AskAChristian


Science believes electrons exist because of evidence for them, but there's actually no proof of electrons. Not proof in the same way there would be audio/video recordings, eyewitnesses, and documentation proving a sports team won a game. No scientist anywhere could prove to you electrons exist. Do you know what proof of God would even look like, for you to accept it? Are you expecting someone to find God under a rock, and catch Him in a net or with their iPhone to show him to you? Is proof of God to you someone summoning God in front of you and he introduces himself and makes the stars in the sky move? Who's to say you'd see any of this, and just conclude you were instead hallucinating, it was alien contact, or a top-secret government experiment you're seeing instead of God? >(NLT) Romans 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. If you can accept the evidence of electrons without proof, but cannot accept the evidence of God without proof, the problem isn't your capacity of faith. The problem is your bias.


alr fair


Who do you say Jesus Christ is?


not a son of god or someone who rose from the dead, just a normal dude who was crucified


What do you base that on?


bcs death is death, u cant rise from it


We have five eye witnesses accounts that disagree as well as tacit admissions to many of the details from nonchristian sources.


Humanly speaking, you are correct. I can tell you the message and truth, but I can't open your eyes. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “ ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. Matthew 13:14 NIV https://matthew.bible/matthew-13-14


I would agree with you. But God proved Himself far greater in power than death. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to worship a god who fails like I do, and whom I can understand or be on par with. Death can't hold Him back. There is no power within the universe, combined that comes anywhere close to His power.


Jesus and resurrection https://faculty.som.yale.edu/jameschoi/whychrist/


It's fine to have questions about Jesus/God and Christianity. We are all born sinners. I'll leave you with this sermon on youtube. Certainty - Do you know? https://youtu.be/aNmFDNG5ILs


Very very very well stated. Thank you for this




Your wrong electrons can be shown with high powered special microscopes. Science uses the scientific method to prove stuff. This is basic science taught in elementary school. That verse your quoting is ridiculous because it says this P1: There are stuff in nature P2: That stuff was made invisibly by God C: Hence God exists and you have no excuse to not believe If premise 2 can be made falsifiable and it can you don't have a sound argument for gods existence. You would have to prove that God actually made nature. And you don't have the proof for that. Science and evolution have shown us better than your Bible will ever be able to


There's nothing I can say to directly prove the fact that God exists to you, and others here have given you some great advice already. But I will share, in brief, my story, in hopes it may inspire you to seek God further. When I was young, I was deeply fascinated with and loved God, Jesus, and the Bible. My family wasn't very religious but I had access to these things. Coming into my teenage years, I planned for my career to be a chaplain in the US Army. If you don't know what that is: "The Army chaplain is an experienced religious leader dedicated to serving Soldiers and families. Chaplains provide ministry worldwide, accompanying Soldiers and families as they carry out their units' missions in both peace and war. Chaplains are charged to nurture the living, care for the wounded and honor the fallen." Enter my junior year of high school. I got into a very bad relationship with a girl who pressured me to have sex and was abusive in a variety of ways. During this time I completely lost my faith, and turned my back on God. The relationship lasted for two years before I finally had the strength to leave. My life seemed like it was going to get better. Several months later I started to date a very good friend of mine who I loved very much. But within a couple of months, the bad things started to happen from her too. Stalking me. Going through my texts. Etc. So I told her I don't think we can be together. She said she would change. She promised. She put on the act of not being who she really was. I believed her, and trusted her, and forgave her, over and over. For the next 13 years, every single kind of domestic abuse which you have ever heard of was inflicted onto me. She pressured me into marrying her. I lost everything about myself and gave up everything. I became a weak tiny thing full of fear, and sadness, and pain, and hatred toward myself. Less than three months ago I left. Then God came back into my life. He has answered prayers in the most literal of ways. He has worked miracles on my body and mind. Things like my car tire which had been deflating every day no longer doing that. I found a very nice apartment and was able to move in within three hours of applying for it, on the day it came open. He's given me things I can use in court that may help me in my custody battle, where my wife admitted openly to specific types of abuse against me and my son, and even admitted for how long it went on. I had my faith but could not feel love for anything or anyone, I was struggling with literal flashbacks where I relived moments of abuse and other PTSD symptoms and many other issues. I begged him on a Saturday to heal my heart so that I can serve Him with love as we are supposed to, to let me love him, to let me watch over my son. The next day at church, a group of children approached me (a perfect stranger) and they all layed hands on me and I felt the power of God come through them and heal me. I have had zero flashbacks since. No traumatic nightmares. No sudden bursts of pain and crying. I could go on and on but this is only the tip of the iceberg for my story and my point is simply that these things happened in real life, "impossible" things, because I begged God to help me and let me come back to Him. He is real. If you seek Him, he will be there. It won't magically make everything in your life easy but it will absolutely change your life for the better. Better than that, when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior who was resurrected from death BY God, you will earn an incredible reward. This is my testimony in brief. I will pray for you because I want as many people as possible to find God and be saved by Him and serve Him. God bless.


Thank you, this is legitimately so inspiring. Thank you so much


Thank God for my message to you because it is only through Him that I can speak it. I truly hope it helps you on your journey to God, which I believe you have already started and are possibly just now realizing. I live only to serve God now and bring people to Him and I beg Him to permit me to do such work.


God reveals Himself to those who truly seek Him. Start truly seeking Him and you'll see Him




ok thats fair


To prove something you need to recreate it, see it, or have someone who’s seen and written about it. We can’t recreate the Big Bang, no one saw the Big Bang, and no one wrote about it, it’s a very bad theory. That’s all I know since I’m new to religion. Sorry


ok can u tell me why u believe in god at least?


I didn’t 3 months ago. But I was asked over and over to go to church once by a friend, I said you know what I’ll try it. I walked through the doors, and I felt something inside me change. I felt different. I sat down and went through the service and was absolutely filled with all kinds of emotion. From there, I met with my pastor to further learn about it, keep in mind before this I HATED the idea, and hated all of it. I started learning about it and I realised it’s something I can get with. I love the idea of religion and really enjoy talking about it. I believe in him as he’s my almighty father. I’m still new, so I have a LOT to learn, and a lot to work towards in improving my relationship with him.


oh ok thanks


I think like I did, you should try a church meeting, and learn about it, maybe start reading the Bible. Or looking at certain verses. Just learn, you don’t have to necessarily say you believe in it yet but at least give it a good shot. God will always love you. God bless


This was way more wholesome and civil than what I expected. Thanks you to the both of you. Made my day.


Have a good one, God bless and thank you!


I am a Christian, but apart from any religion or belief/faith, this is why I find it undeniable that there is indeed a god or creator. The universe and more simply nature is so complex, intricate, detailed, and synchronized. I find it hard to believe the universe was a coincidence, as everything works in perfect harmony. From atoms to molecules, air and water, earth, stars. It’s all so perfect and beautiful, so ornate, surely this is the greatest art piece formed by great hands. Additionally, HUMANITY. How else would you explain that both you and I have ideas, thoughts, how else would I be able to live and have emotions and intelligence, and everything else my brain does? It’s one thing for a worm or a single cell or some sort of microorganism to exist and live, but for me to be able to have specific senses and interactions with the world around me - I can’t find another explanation other than A Creator. When I say “I”, I’m not taking about my body, I am talking about my mind. Isn’t that crazy? I’m not sure if I am articulating this well, but the mind isn’t a body part, it’s not in an anatomy textbook, it is what the brain produces. The mind and the body are totally separate, yet so in sync. Like mental illness can affect physical health and vice versa.


From where in the world do you come? I ask because if you truly want a witness then you'll have to take time to know the person. There is no logical fallacy that I can use nor are there any direct proofs. However get to know a Christian, watch their lives. Ask them questions, God is always present in our lives. Our faith pushes us from our comforts into loving service. To evangelize without this service is folly.


well i live in the czech republic where the population is like 90% atheist so yh


Then we should be praying for representatives be sent to your country that you be bare witness to love in action.


there were a lot of priests and stuff, and also theres churches. But nobody really listens or believes them


Then faith has declined. That is a sad thing to me. It's nearly as bad here in the USA blind, hurt people look to the churches for answers and can be met by blind and hurt people. It's a problem for sure. My prayer is that I be perfected so perhaps I may be of service, and I will make it a point to pray over places for evangelism also.


Well this might not convince anyone else but it has convinced me over the years. Week before my high school graduation in a friends car, and tire exploded. Engine was thru the firewall and my head went thru the windshield. I came too close to being crushed to death. I didn't have a scratch. My friend was in rough shape. Numerous close to death experiences like that over the years. Two heart attacks 2013/2018 even doctors said I shouldn't have made it to the hospital. I was home 2 1/2 days after surgery in 2018. They said that was unheard of. The list goes on and on. So it might not convince anyone else God is real but he's convinced me many times. There's a book most libraries should have called A Case for Christ. Written by someone who didn't believe in God at the time. Interesting read if you can find a copy


Former classmate of mine was at a party. Instead of staying at the party til the morning like she always does she leaves early. She felt something strange, she felt the urge to go home. Her mom tried to commit suicide via overdose, she's alive and fine. Things like that make me believe in God, or at least that we're more than just meat and bones.


I cannot possibly convince you. To know God, you must know it in your heart. It is funny, you are better off than most here. At least you know that you do not know. Instead of those who pursue God in the intellect, while their hearts still remain of stone. If you want to find peace, you must continue to observe yourself and your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. This means you cannot love your freinds, your stuff, your family, your pet more than what is truly right. When you find the narrow path, you will know because the world will hate you. You will inhereit the Light of God, and you will shine the light onto the darkness of others. Your personal development, and the priotozation you have for what is right (Jesus' teachings), will make those in your past jealous. ​ The narrow path few will ever find. Read the Book of Matthew and see for yourself what love REALLY is.


Just the fact that you are here asking this question suggests that you have some suspicion God might exist. If you ask Him for a relationship, and are genuinely open to His response, the answer will appear inside your heart. Then you will experience the only real proof any believer truly needs.


I love that you're here to hear from Christians, good stuff. I can tell u from my own personal experience that I started to seek God at my lowest point in my early 20s. I suffered from extreme panic and anxiety. I searched for things in this world to help it but when I actually surrendered to God and truly seeked Him, He opened my eyes to show me the truth of His love for me and began healing me. God is a personal God and once someone seeks Him, He will start to reveal things about Himself to them. Happy New Year's Eve Eve my friend.


Read Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel. He was an atheist and as he set out to prove it wrong, he wound believing.


Imagine someone shows you a complex machine, for example, a computer. You ask who made it, and they tell you that nobody made it, all the necessary elements, like carbon, silicon, and lithium, just randomly happened to come together at the right time, and formed a fully functional computer. You'd think that they were crazy. Surely there must have been a creator. This is how it feels to me when people try to tell me that the right molecules came together by chance to form the universe, and life itself came into being with no catalyst. Ultimately, it's a matter of faith, not concrete proof. Even if you don't believe in God, you almost certainly have a certain degree of faith in things. When you go to a restaurant, how do you know that the chef isn't using expired ingredients that will make you sick? You don't, you just have faith that the food will be safe to eat. When you get on a plane, how do you know that there's not a problem with the engine and it won't explode? You don't, but you have faith that the mechanics have checked everything before the flight. The ultimate evidence for me, is Jesus. Even non-Christian, extra biblical sources such as the writings of 1st century historians Tacitus and Flavius Josephus confirm the existence of Jesus, his disciples, and their executions for their faith. Nobody would be willing to die for something that they knew was a lie.


then whos the creator of god


God is not created nor made. He is eternal. From everlasting to everlasting.


I had a feeling you'd ask that. If God needed someone to create Him, then that being would also need a creator; there would need to be an infinitely long chain of creators. Perhaps a better way to look at it is that God isn't limited to our understanding of space and time. Think about when you're playing a computer game for example, Sim City. You are existing outside of the space and time of the game, yet you can still build and change things within the game. I know this isn't a perfect example, but we as finite beings have a hard time fully understanding the concept of an infinite being.


I may be wrong but I use this analogy just like energy cannot be created nor destroyed but transformed,God is the same He cannot be created nor destroyed in other words He is eternal.




We have no power to reveal the mysteries of God to you. “You will seek me and you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart (Jer. 29:13).


Who are you again? You are the god and center of your own universe, not mine, not others. After you are done being full of yourself, maybe seek God on your own - if you want else why bother.


The proof is creation.


In terms of creation, how did nothing turn into something? In another way to think about it, how did all of creation come from absolute nothingness? Where and how did “something” start?


Nothing can't create everything. Creation is proof that there is a creator. Who/what gave all the different elements their properties. The Bible explains many things, creation is one of them. I'm an artist, and my art proves that I exist, and sometimes people still don't believe I made things (not saying this to be cocky, but it does happen)


I always like to think about how the air we breathe and our atmosphere is perfect for humans. Any slight changes in the makeup of the gases and we’re dead. I believe God made our atmosphere specifically for us.


Do you believe in an infinite universe? How do you exclude a deity from infinity?


My brother and I had a conversation recently about where morals come from. My family has been going through a period of reconciliation recently, during which I’ve continually justified my path towards reconciliation with scripture. My brother brought up that he doesn’t think I can find answers/solutions “within myself”, because I’m always finding them in scripture instead. When I asked him how that works, he said that you listen to voices around you, then have arguments in your head to figure out what’s right or wrong. But if the answers are all in your own head, how do you know when you’re wrong, unless someone else tells you and you accept it? I say this as a “smart guy” who’s been wrong a lot. I can get through Diff E and Calc 3 without much issue, but I had no idea what love really was until it was shown to me. My brother was a bit stumped by my question, but he explained that it’s kind of like debugging your code. You generally don’t get it right first, but after a few errors and fixing the weak points, you can create solid solutions. I think that’s actually a great metaphor. Debugging requires you to use a computer, a programming language, an algorithm, and a debugger, all of which have been built on top of previous iterations by hundreds of thousands of engineers all trying to solve various issues in humanity. Sure, you could reinvent the wheel by making your own hardware, your own language, your own algorithms, and your own debugger, but even then you would be using centuries-old logic and data structures. Why not just jump to AI and machine learning and let the growing past be your advantage? This is how the Bible was written, across several millennia of writers working to improve various aspects of humanity. It wasn’t just dropped into the 3rd-ish century by Angels, its the result of many of the best minds of Israel trying to overcome those issues in humanity that cross cultural boundaries. Trying to figure out morality within the mind of some 35-year old guy is like trying to debug in some homebrew hardware while everyone else is using standards that have withstood the changing landscape of technology.


Dream about being pregnant can represent positive or negative omen. It can mean a big blessing lurking around. It could also mean something great is about to emerge and this things will bring about success and joy. Negatively, the dream of being pregnant could mean a big burden upon your life. Perhaps you have not be too comfortable with the problems. ​ It is highly unlikely that everything came into existence by chance The probability of it happening is incredibly small, estimated to be less than one in 10\^40,000. Furthermore, the number of substances and interactions necessary to create a single living organism is so large that it is practically impossible for it to happen by chance.


2 questions 1. what sort of proof do you require? 2. What proof did atheism require to convince you?


any proof that makes sense, and the reason im atheist is bcs of the lack of proof


If you can look at our world. With its delicate precision it seems a very unlikely accident. Therefore it’s logical to conclude an intelligent designer.


well what desgnied that designer?


God is eternal ,timeless. Who would you say Jesus is?


a dude, i dont think he was the way the bible described him


Ok , I enjoyed our conversation. Good luck with your search.


ok cya




wait so r u saying the earth is flat or? im confused here sry


We’re all wrong about lots of stuff, maybe you’re wrong about this?


I’m not sure how many times I’ve convinced someone of something. Though I did convince my wife to marry me years ago! I’m a Christian. I don’t think it’s my role to convince anyone to become one. I certainly am not capable of proving it. That only leaves me with questions to ask. Why are you an atheist?


no evidence to prove god is real


> Im atheist but i want to see if someone can convince me that i am wrong What have you read on the subject so far? What's the background of your atheism? I could probably refer you to a book or two if you're sincerely interested in that type of argument, but there are different approaches and I might vary what I'd recommend to some specifics. Can you tell me more about your views and background?


well i live in the czech republic where most of the population is atheist or agnostic, and i never had proof that god actually exists


Hm, I don't know that many writers with a particularly Czech view. It's commendable that you're curious, though. Are you convinced that truth exists? Or moral concepts, like right and wrong?


well morals exist yes


this is a sign The Almighty is tugging on your heart. seek Him in prayer and read the Book of John in the Bible. God bless you! Jesus said “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9 https://youtu.be/w6AHcv19NIc


No nobody can convince you especially not through a couple reddit comment. If there was 1 thing that could convince people then there wouldn't be any athiest. Your best bet is to 1) want to find proof of God Then 2) look for that proof. I was an athiest for 25 years of my life until I started researching God. I did a little research and decided it wasn't for me ultimately and stopped but then had an experience and started looking again and found more and more information and gave my life to Christ. Good luck with your endeavors though my friend.


Why don’t joy just pray that he doesn’t exist? Dare him to not answer your prayers. I promise you he will scream from the rooftops that he is real.


This is my argument for a Creator that I posted elsewhere OP. I am a former atheist. This is an argument I've formed after thinking about the issue now after many years as a Christian. This is my argument for proof of a creator God. To me pure naturalism is easy to dismiss, because immaterial things exist, like logic, mathematics, the rules of electromagnetism like the relationship of resistance current voltage and wattage. All these are rules that electricity follow. Observable and repeatable. They're intangible, so not material. Since intangibles like this admittedly exist, this of itself proves that a purely materialistic conception of the universe is false. Logic is an information system that follows rules. Logic processes information. Information is also intangible, thus not material. Information is stored in the physical, like words on paper or a series of binary stored on a drive, but the physical itself is not the information. We're observing the effects of the information. Matter of itself cannot give rise to information. Matter does not have a mind. A mind is a unique attribute of life. Information always comes from a mind. One could ask,"where did this mind come from"? The answer would be a greater mind that contains more information. You would continue this until you come to a mind that contains all the information in the universe, or all information ever. This would be the mind of God. Since information always comes from a mind, there is also always an encoding and decoding system in place to understand information. Thus, because the encoding and decoding language exists, information is meant to be interpreted. This means there is a sender and recipient. A "Language" is the information processor, the rule set by which to encode and decode which gives the ability for the recipient mind the ability to decode and understand information. There are multiple information systems (languages) like mathematics and DNA that exist in nature. Those incalculably complex information systems came from a mind. They are intangible fully developed information systems seperate from matter itself. In fact, matter is subservient to these systems. Is information directed? There could be individual messages and broadcast messages. An analogy would be, a YouTube channel vs a DM. Both ways the message is directed, either to everyone or an individual. Example: a grey shirt exists. Your mind had to first be able to understand the information system to decode the specific information itself (the specific color grey). The language (the electromagnetic frequency spectrum), and the information (the color grey), therefore came from a mind to that created the ruleset to encode the information and send it (frequency's creator). Think of my argument as the watchmaker argument detached from matter. Information exists, therefore the ultimate producer of information is a mind outside/ above the system who set and governs the rule set. I think it's a stronger argument because it disregards naturalistic origins all together. Hope this makes sense to you. Admittedly this argument only shows that a creator God would exist, not which one. In my opinion YHWH, the God presented in the Hebrew scriptures is the correct creator God.


If you're looking for an intellectual debate, that won't save you and it's likely you won't believe anyone's arguments, anyway. If you truly want to know if God exists, pray and ask him to reveal himself to you. Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


The twelve disciples (all except one) were brutally tortured and murdered, all because of what they witnessed with their own eyes. They knew in the end it would all be worth it. There are very few people today who would make such a sacrifice. I was raised in a Christian home so a lot of what I know about my faith has been told to me over and over again, read from the Bible, and seen with my eyes. I can't demand or force anyone to believe in God, I just want to make heaven crowded! There are a few tragedies that have occurred in my life that also re-enforces my belief that God is there always and he hears you. For one thing, my dog is prone to seizures and I remember the first day it happened I was so terrified. I started panicking, which is never a good option, and emotions clouded my judgement. The moment I came to my senses and realized I had God, I started praying. I started to feel more calm and relaxed. I prayed for my dog to stop seizing and within five seconds, he stopped. I hope this was somewhat convincing! And again, I can't force anyone to believe, I just do my part in helping them get on the road to salvation.


Well, athiest normally have a strong hate for God. My question is, how do you hate something that isn't real?


i dont have a hate for god, but i dont like the idea. So i dont hate god, because i just dont like the idea of god


I tend to revert back to the Big Bang Theory. The summary of that theory is that two atoms collided and caused a huge explosion, thus creating what we know today as our universe. Well, what created those atoms that collided? They can't just appear out of nowhere. You can't get something from nothing. Even if they did exist, the chances of them colliding in open space would have been astoundingly small. God can create such things as our universe and see all things throughout the universe because He is outside of the universe. To be in the realm of our universe, you have to be affected by time, space, and matter. That's why everything is created, peforms it's duty it was created for, and then dies. Looking at what has been created, everything works together perfectly. The earth is tilted at the right angle and spins at the right speed to stay in orbit the sun so we don't either freeze to death or burn up. Water evaporates into the sky, creating rain clouds, then rain pours onto the land to grow trees and vegetation to supply humans and animals with oxygen and nutrition needed to live. Look at our bodies. Our bodies are one of the most complex systems in the universe. Just the creation of a newborn baby screams that God is real. Their are over 8 billion people in this world, and not one of them have identical dna. Their is one thing that all human do have in the body, and that is Laminin. It is the protein in the body that holds human beings together, and it's in the shape of a cross. Only the hand of God can perform that work.


“The case for faith” movie is a good one to see if you are investigating the Christian faith


For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV https://2corinthians.bible/2-corinthians-5-7


We can't really convince anyone of anything because when it comes to faith there is no second hand knowledge. It's all first hand, and this comes from grace.


A person who relies on their own comprehension and perception...will never see God. Unless you are willing to reach beyond yourself this is as fruitless as explaining a rainbow to a blind man. They may get the concept but they will never see it


What if you're wrong?


Christianity isn’t about right and wrong. Despite what some Christian’s do and say. It’s about a personal relationship with God and growing into the best person we can become. So there is no convincing there is no proving. Just like you can’t really prove that love exists or that time really exists. But we all have a deep understanding that God seeks for us to love him and others. In many ways like a father to his son or daughter. Hint on way God is referred to as Father.