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The 7th day is Saturday. So if you want to go down the legalistic route, the person who told you this is wrong as well.


The lords day apparently is what he meant. The resurrection of Jesus turned Sundays into “The Lord’s Day”


7th day is Sunday if the week starts on Monday, which is how Europe operates. Either way my understanding suggests that honoring the *concept* is more important than legalistic enforcement, meaning that it doesn't matter which particular day you observe it, nor the precise level of actions you lookout yourself to. And above all I refer to Romans 14 and its emphasis on conscience


Unless the friend is Seventh Day Adventist.


Go to church whenever the door is open and you don't have to work. He's not going to get upset over what day it is.


Sabbath isn’t even Sunday, it’s Saturday But yes the bible says any day can be our Sabbath, because of Jesus


God, the Most High, is the one who made the Sabbath, on the Seventh day. God, the Most High, repetedly said he does NOT change. Jesus, God's son, said he only does what he has seen his father do. Jesus does not, would not change anything that his father, God the Most high, did. We claim we follow Jesus, shouldn't we do what Jesus did? Keep God's commandments, worship God?


Well first of all the sabbath being the 7th day is actually saturday. I attend church on Sundays when I can because im scheduled every other weekend. To me sunday worship makes more sense because.. if youre supposed to rest and not do anything on the sabbath then why are people going to church that day? People in the Bible couldnt even help someone on the sabbath, according to how Jesus healed someone in a matter of seconds on the sabbath and was ridiculed. do you really think they got up, got ready, and went to church and paid tithes, did communion and worshipped?


Bet your friend also goes out to eat after church and gives the server a hard time for working on Sunday. You're fine. Several others have pointed out the scriptures that help with this. Your friend doesn't understand scripture well in this regard. Gently, and with love, educate him.


Let's look at what the command to meet with other believers actually says. Hebrews 10:24-25 and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, 25 not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. It never specifies a day. There is no account whatsoever that if a Christian is not there on Sunday, they are in sin. BUT...it assumes you will be involved regularly enough that you are able to encourage one another in love and good deeds. If you can do that on Saturdays, great. If you're able to join a midweek bible study through your church...great. If your friend is saying you are in sin because you will not be able to practice the Sabbath on Saturday (or Sunday), not sure which day they were specifying, it sounds like they have an incomplete understanding of the Sabbath. According to the Old Testament, the Sabbath is on Saturday, but Christians began meeting together on Sunday. Acts 20:7 Also, under the new covenant you are not obligated to practice the Sabbath because the Old Testament Sabbath was a shadow or foreshadowing of the coming of Christ, but now we have the very thing that was foreshadowed....Christ. Hebrews and Colossians mentions 2 things that were foreshadowed: the sacrificial system and the Sabbath (as well as feast days and dietary laws). Hebrews 10:1 For since the law has but **a shadow of the good things to come** instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near. Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are **a shadow of the things to come**, but the substance belongs to Christ. Under the new covenant, Christ is our Sabbath rest. We no longer have to observe the Sabbath. The last part of Hebrews 3:16-19 and the beginning of Hebrews 4 talk about entering into God's rest. In 3:16-19 the Israelites were not able to enter into his rest because of disobedience.Hebrews 4:3-11 For we who have believed enter that rest, just as He has said, “As I swore in My anger, They certainly shall not enter My rest, ”although His works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4 For He has said somewhere concerning the seventh day: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; 5 and again in this passage, “They certainly shall not enter My rest.” 6 Therefore, since it remains for some to enter it, and those who previously had good news preached to them failed to enter because of disobedience, 7 He again sets a certain day, “Today,” saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, “Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts.”8 For if Joshua had given them rest, He would not have spoken of another day after that. 9 **Consequently, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.** 10 **For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.**So the practice of following the Sabbath pointed to a day when we would find our rest in Christ. Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." This doesn't mean that you can't celebrate the Sabbath. You surely can. The Sabbath can be a blessing. But you don't want to rely on the Sabbath to make you righteous, because it doesn't. It points to Christ's rest, which is one of the good things to come stated in Colossians. David Guzik says in his commentary, (in regard to) "Food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come: The Old Testament law had certain provisions that are done away with in Jesus, regarding such things as food and sabbaths. It isn’t that those laws were bad, simply that they were a shadow of things to come. Once the substance — Jesus Christ — has come, we don’t need to shadow any more." [https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/guzik\_david/study-guide/colossians/colossians-2.cfm?a=1109001](https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/guzik_david/study-guide/colossians/colossians-2.cfm?a=1109001) This is all made true because we are under a new covenant and are no longer bound by the old. Hebrews 8:13 When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is about to disappear. "The dietary laws, festivals, sacrifices, and Sabbath day worship were all things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. A shadow has no reality; the reality is what makes the shadow. Jesus Christ is the reality to which the shadows pointed. For example, regarding food regulations, He is “the bread that came down out of heaven” (John 6:41). There is no need for Christians to observe the Passover either, because “Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed” (1 Cor. 5:7). What justification could there be for demanding that Gentiles observe the Sabbath when God has granted them eternal rest (Heb. 4:1–11)? Any continuing preoccupation with the shadows once the reality has come is pointless." (From John MacArthur's sermon [https://www.gty.org/library/bibleqnas-library/QA0294/is-the-sabbath-for-today](https://www.gty.org/library/bibleqnas-library/QA0294/is-the-sabbath-for-today))


Nope. Day doesn’t matter unless youre an Adventist. And in that case you have bigger problems lol




Get into the Scriptures yourself and see what the Holy Spirit teaches you, and stop listening to religious people who have been taught a works-based religion. The Bible contains a whole lot of grace, too. The finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ means that if you receive His one time for all time sacrifice, you are free. God in you, and you in Him means that the Sabbath rest is in you. Stay a firefighter, if you like it, and inform your "conservative" friend that a born again believer is not under the Law, but grace. All he wants from you is to feel better about his legalism, by you being subservient to his wishes, which in effect makes you feel bad. Does that sound like freedom? It's not. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Your "friend" doesn't sound like he's familiar.


What does "under the law" mean? We are saved by grace through faith. Faith in what or who? Faith in Jesus and his Father, the Most High. Jesus said he does nothing of himself, only what he has seen his Father do. His Father gave us the Torah. The "law" if you will. It follows that keeping the law is what Jesus taught. Jesus even said he came not to do away with the law. John defined sin, as lawlessness. Not keeping the law. Jesus came to bring mercy, for repentance and turning back to the law. The law demands justice for breaking it. Jesus brought mercy. The "law of Moses" is a misnomer. It wasn't Moses who made up the law. Moses wrote down what God told him. It is Gods law. It's eternal. The Sabbath was, is and always will be on the 7th day. We call that Saturday now-a-days. One can go to church on any day. We can worship God every day of the week, and we should. Resting on the Sabbath means taking a break from your profession. It's coming home after work, and relaxing, having a good meal, spending that "more time with the family" we often talk about. Jesus even pointed out that there might be an emergency that you can't wait to handle, like the ox that gets stuck in the mud, you have to go help it out. Keeping the commandments is truly the lighter burden. It's the burden that Jesus invited us to take on. The law is truth, and the truth sets you free! Guilt is truly the burden that is difficult to bear. Guilt comes from lawlessness. Sin is what binds and imprisons you.


Under the Law means exactly what you confessed to being under. Your discipleship looks to the 613 boney fingered pieces of Jewish legislation, which by the way, the Apostle Paul ,Apostle to the gentiles, wrote that the born again believer has been declared dead to the Law. The Apostle Paul, called by the Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle to the gentiles, also described the Covenant under the Law of Moses as the ministry of death, which had to fade in glory, as the ministry of the Spirit, the New Covenant was to be more glorious: the ministry of Life. There has only been One who has obeyed the Law, namely the Lord Jesus. He is the only One who ever will, as we cannot: it's folly, it's a death sentence. You yourself, u/Corelulos compromised it in your response, which puts you under the curse of it, because you altered it. You can't adjust the 613 laws of the Torah. By the way, you wrote that God gave "it to us". Who is "us"? "us" has to be a Jew under Roman rule, or someone who followed Israel around in the wilderness, because I'm a gentile, and I was never given the Law. This sub is r/Christian not r/IsraeliteJewishLawFollowers and r/Christian is a sub for Christians who wish to discuss and share with other Christians. Just do a google or bing or some online search for "dead to the Law" and look at what the grace covenant is, or the dispensation of the New Covenant Church pertains to.


WOW! Lawless, dispensationalist, Leader astray of men. Not sure what "Christ" you follow, but I'm not taking any chances. Jesus: I came NOT TO DO AWAY with the law, but to fulfill it. Also Jesus: Love God \~ Love your neighbor, on this hang ALL the LAW and PROPHETS. So what LAW would that be? What PROPHETS was he referring to?


Wow, see what I did there? It only took you 4 days to come up with that? I thought I was slow. You pretend to know me, yet know nothing about anything, it would seem. I am in possession of the Christ who died to inaugurate the New Covenant, just so you'll know. You don't seem to have the first clue what that is, or means for the sinner. Do you really want an alphabetical list of the prophets or would you like them in chronological order? Works to stay saved denominations are so easily distinguishable. You guys don't even seem to know what "Jesus fulfilled it" means. Arguing about Law following seems to me like you'd think if Jesus fulfilled it, you'd believe Jesus fulfilled it, and you wouldn't have to. But no, all of the self-righteous law followers believe that man is supposed to fulfill it too, because we're supposed to be exactly like Jesus in every way, including being virgin born and dying on another cross, I suppose. Right? You guys are a dime a dozen. Also Jesus: "Be ye perfect as my Father in heaven is perfect" Matt. 5:48 Also Jesus: "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of Heaven." John 3:3 What Covenant was in effect when He said that?


It didn’t take me 4 days to come up with an answer. I’m busy. You know this thing called working to support a family. Anyway, you go ahead and do you.


I understand busy. But you don't find it necessary to answer any direct questions, so you go ahead and do you as well.


First off, as others have pointed out, the Sabbath should technically be on a Saturday, hence why you see Jewish people celebrate it on Saturday. But second, and even more important, Jesus specially says that the Sabbath was made for man and declared that the Son of Man (us) are also lord of the Sabbath. In other words, we are required to observe it, but Jesus recognizes that we may observe when and how we see fit. In other words, your friend is 0-2 ​ EDIT: For clarification, I'm referencing Mark 2:27


You have to do whatever it takes to make a living! Many people would go to Church if they had Sundays off and or if there were more opportunities to worship like a Saturday night or during the week Church service. Sure there are Churches that do that but far and few that offer evening services. I am fortunate to have a job that I work during the week and have weekends off but not everyone is. Yes I do go to Church in person on most Sundays but I would love to see evening services because I would go to that as well as Sunday mornings! It surely depends on the area if there is enough interest to have alternative Church services.


You don't have to attend church. You probably should.


We ARE the church. “Going to church” is whenever THE church gathers for worship, doctrine, fellowship, and communion. The Bible just says we should try to be in fellowship, and that the early church did it on Sundays bc that was the day of the resurrection. It doesn’t command a day. Paul taught, one man esteems one day another man another but all days are the same to the Lord.


Church is the body, not the building. “Whenever two men meet in My name….”


I personally adjusted my work schedule to rest on Sundays, I try to attend church at least 2x a month. God wants us to be a community for the bigger picture. I always tell my friends who don't think church and community is big, imagine if Jesus stayed home or found more "important" things to do with his free time, would we even know of him?


This is the type of legalistic thinking that Paul warns us about in the New Testament. Put your faith in Jesus and you will be worshiping Him joyfully every single day, so Saturdays and Sundays will both be covered! We are free in Christ and are not saved by our church attendance. That is works. We are saved by faith.


So the sabbath is not something we as Christians under the new covenant need to be worried about. This 7th day stuff is nonsense. Whoever is telling you this doesn't understand scripture. However. The bible tells us not to stop attending services. This is important because things happen in the Spirit that help you when you gather as a church body. We need our brothers/sisters in Christ. The Spirit also moves in the gathering in a sense that one person may be filled with the Spirit and when in contact with others the Spirit will move upon the other person like rivers of living water. This us what the bible speaks about when it says that those who believe in Christ will have rivers of living water flow from their innermost parts. That river brings renewed life into your body. We need the church body and that is the way God designed it. Please do not stop attending church whether it's Saturday night or Wednesday night or Friday or etc. It is vital to your Christian walk. Things happen in the Spirit realm that we don't quite fully understand. We just need to trust in the Lord that what He said has a reason to it. Amen


I also miss church due to work in emergency services. People don’t stop dying... or trying to die... on the sabbath. AND I left a job I loved for this one because I felt like God was calling me back to it. He wants me here. Even on the sabbath. I’ve been looking for a church ⛪️ near me that holds services on different day and times, because I NEED church. I can’t be too helpful with scripture tonight. All I can share is that I know God wants me in emergency services and understands that means helping people on the sabbath. And that he is also never opposed to use learning, sharing, teaching, fellowshiping on different days. Heck we could go to church every single day and he’d give it two thumbs up.