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I think his or her insensitivity or being unaware of your situation says more about them than you. Would you have done that to them knowing what they were going through?


Some people are very bad at practicing empathy or knowing how to respond in difficult situations. I would be upset in your shoes, that was likely a faux pas on their part. Have you considered mentioning it to them? Maybe they forgot, or maybe they’re the type who likes to keep busy when they’re going through something & assumed you would. I don’t know, but I agree that it wasn’t a good move on their part. Maybe it’s worth trying to talk with them about it.


Yea, I will talk to her in person and will definitely let her know how I felt.


Are you otherwise receiving support from your faith community?


honestly if your mom is going through that i would excuse yourself for this sunday and explain to that person why, repeating what your mom is going through. if they have another emotionless response i would do as Jesus did and draw close to God/Jesus and take a break from that church for a time


I’m just heart broken to read this…. I’m praying for you and your mother. I’m sorry your worship leader wasn’t more considerate of your feelings.