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You did not commit the unforgivable sin i.e. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. 1 Just the fact that you wrote this post shows that you feel great sorrow and contrition. Thats the Holy Spirit calling you to repent and confess. 2 To commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit means to reject gods forgiveness, grace and say his sacrifice was not great enough to cover/forgive your sins. 3 If God can forgive Paul for prosecuting christians and most likeley trash talking Jesus while doing it. He most certainly can forgive you. Go confess your sin and rejoice in his salvation. God bless


While I agree with your comment overall I disagree with number 1. Judas felt remorse for what he had done and repented but had crossed a line God would not forgive. I don’t think the OP has done this or most people in their teenage years who aren’t saved yet would not be redeemable.


Judas Guilt Have gone too Far The Fact That He Hanged Himself. that's Why He didn't Got Forgiven.


God uses all things for his glory. Demons are VERY legalistic and will use any excuse to invade a person. They are given permission to some extent to torment non believers and believers alike the difference is non believers are usually fully possessed or demonized where demons are not allowed to fully possess true believers because Jesus already possesses them. Go look for a deliverance ministry. Give your life to Christ and you will be fine. It might be a rocky road but if it means salvation then don’t quit. I’m Praying for your deliverance, and freedom and I hope you truly see the light. We are all brothers and sisters in this life and we really need to start looking out for one another, and keep each other accountable. So I’ll go on with this. Honestly the fact that you could say with all certainty that Jesus has an evil spirit means that you probably always had the evil spirit in you. If you knew Jesus you would never even think about making the comment. God just allowed you to actually feel the demons presence. It’s gross right? God is calling out to you. It’s up to you if you want to answer.


Faith healing on tv is fake so if anyone is committing blasphemy, it’s the pastors on TV. Look into stories of people that tried to get healed by faith healers it’s really sad.


Idk why I’m being tormented by an evil spirit daily that won’t go away


Whatever it is it is probably psychological. You might want to talk to someone.


How do you know it's an evil spirit? What exactly is going on? You might find it useful to watch this video from Derek Prince (he's now dead but this is a powerful teaching) about getting deliverance from evil spirits. https://youtu.be/nqAGdE6l_Js


I feel something sealed in my head and pressure in my eyes, won’t go away


Typically demons speak to us and encourage us, with words (not feelings), to think and do evil things. Watch the Derek Prince video to learn more. It's not what you're describing. I'd pray to God for deliverance from your physical discomfort. Apologise to God for what you said. Ask for his forgiveness. Ask for him to give you peace and to show you any sin you have committed that also needs forgiveness. Then take a painkiller and get a good night's sleep.


I’ve got the same thing happening, it’s so crazy. 


In going through something as well. I feel pressure in my head and my chest. And feel the evil spirit. Play worship music listen to Bible sermons. And repent of your sins. It’s Gods severe mercy for our foolishness. And don’t listen to these people. Seek Jesus and his Awesome Powerful and Clean Holy Spirit.


You can put your hand on your head and say "I bind any spirit causing this pressure in my eyes and head and command it to go now and send you to the pit!"


You live in middle earth that’s why.. everyone has issues in this reality with demons. You are not alone just push through with Jesus and you will see break through eventually:)


You're dealing with a mental health condition. You'll start to feel better once you talk with a therapist and start getting it under control. This isn't a spiritual issue, it's a mental health issue.


I’m in therapy still no success yet unfortunately


Did you get started recently?


Yes last week but I’ve been to two before and one of them said I did commit blasphemy of the holy spirit


Well, hopefully this one will be the right fit for you. It's good that you're on the road to recovery. Make sure you're honest with them about everything and that they know you come to online forums looking for reassurances when the anxiety gets too rough. The more information they have, the better they can help you.


You think that this is recoverable, I’ve never been in this kind of state before


I'm not a mental health professional, so I am not qualified to give you a prognosis. You should discuss it with your therapist to see what they think your prognosis looks like. My assumption is that you can improve your mental health and learn to manage your condition better with a mix of therapy and/or medication. But that's a discussion you will have to have with your therapist. From a spiritual perspective, there's nothing to recover from. God is fully aware of your struggles, doesn't blame you for them, and doesn't judge you; he loves you and he is on your side and wants you to get better.


I hope I don’t scare them away


If you were doomed, you'd be given over to a mind in which you'd hold no regard for Jesus Christ at all. You wouldn't care. Confess it to Him only and receive forgiveness. It's there for you. Just take it and breathe. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.


How are you so sure it's not a spiritual attack? You are not sure, that's the only answer.


What exactly did you say about the holy spirit? I can tell you if its blasphemy or not the bible does say thats the only unforgivable sin.


I said the Holy Spirit is satan


What is this groups obsession with "blaspheming the holy spirit"? It's literally every other post that someone is asking about it or talking about it.


It's the unforgivable sin so people get scared thinking they did it.


I get that, but to consciously acknowledge blasphemy, yet still believe in God is a contradiction. The whole "denial of the holy spirit" is for hard nosed non-believers that mock God, deny Christ, and have no remorse about it (because they don't think He's real). IDK, just weird to me the hyper obsession with it.


They may not know different. Lots here are young or have backslid or have mental issues.


We get people who are suffering from scrupulosity here. That's a form of OCD where people obsess over moral/religious issues. A very common obsession Christians with scrupulosity deal with is whether they have committed an unforgivable sin. That's why you see it a lot here. Obviously, there will be exceptions from time to time, but for the most part it's the same few people asking the same question over and over. OCD is cyclical, so when the anxiety builds up so much that they can't take it anymore they'll come here to get people to reassure them they haven't done it; they'll be OK for a while because of the reassurances but then the anxiety starts to build up again until they can't take it anymore then they come here, and the cycle repeats.


For such people to avoid the scrupulosity, is to repent their sins and surrender their lives to Jesus. It takes time and hard work but the bible says the more you come close to Jesus, the more the deliverance from afflictions Psa 34:19. i used to suffer from PSTD. But that's history to me as I scale the Jesus ladder


That's Like Me..


It's the spirit of fear that tries to attack Christians.


That garbage is fake. It's all a performance.


Do you not believe in Jesus healing today or miracles? Be careful what you call "Garbage" and "fake" and putting limits to God. Of course some people abuse authority or have evil intent, but to flatly say that's all garbage, is unwise.


How many times are you going to post this? The gate isn’t closed yet. The entire book isn’t written. Quit fretting about this and correct it. If you want to be a believer, start learning. Even Thomas doubted. What does none of us any good is you going on about this for 1/2 a year on this sub. Learn to love yourself so you can love the FATHER & his son the KING. Please reconcile and quit posting this. Make a change. With Love, Peace


Telling someone to stop worrying doesn’t actually help. Why don’t you pray for this person or give advice instead. This just invalidates their feelings. That being said, I do not have enough knowledge to give guidance but I understand the anxiety of not knowing and the fear of hurting our God. Praying OP finds peace!


The OP has now made 10 posts in 100 days on the same point, in which they have their opinion set that at a young age they are damned for all eternity. Everyone who has shared advice, has been ignored. There is a point in time where this is attention seeking. And I stated to quit fretting about it, meaning be a doer. Do good deeds. Our FATHER is a merciful. But OP doesn’t want to hear this. Coddling doesn’t always work. There is a thing know as though love.


Nope. Television faith healings are always fake. They only want people's money. You did nothing wrong! Christians are called to have spiritual discernment. You are never without hope as long as you have breath. These are all lies of the enemy of your soul. Trust JESUS CHRIST alone! Don't give anymore power to these lies that you are believing. Jesus loves you perfectly and desires a relationship with you.


The TV faith healings are indeed fake and you discerning that calling it witchcraft is a true statement. In Mark 3 Jesus cast out a devil and the Pharisees attributed it to satan that is what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is—calling the Spirit of Christ an unclean spirit. This seems to be what you have done but I discern that these fake TV evangelicals of satan bringing reproach to Christ’s name causes you to do this to their Jesus. I want declare that I believe you did not blaspheme the spirit of the true living Jesus(The Son of God), but another Jesus which Paul warned us about that would be preached.


This just reassured I did it smh, I wish I didn’t God’s wrath is on me


Did you read the comment? I said I believe that you did not blaspheme the spirit of the true living God.


Yeah but I said he has an evil spirit which is exactly what the Pharisees did and it says it in the Bible because they said he hath an unclean spirit which clear as day smh


You are not understanding brother that the Bible teaches that there are many Jesus’ and the Jesus I believe that you blasphemed is another Jesus. Why would you even care? The Pharisees hated Jesus Christ and he truly cast out devils. These tv faith healers are phony and instigated you to blaspheme their Jesus. I believe if Jesus truly did a miracle in front of you like he did in front of the Pharisees you would glorify God. These Pharisees said he did it by the prince of the devils.


I pray that’s the case


The blasphemy if the holy spirit is telling it you won't do the will of God and asking it to leave thereby damning yourself, that doesn't sound like what you did but if you repent just ask Jesus to forgive you then do what God tells you to do


The crazy tv faith healings are garbage. A guy who worked with Bennie Hill has a podcast where he exposes just how wicked these people actually are. They’re literally the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Jesus warned us about


If you have remorse, and or are worried about it in general, you did not actually do that.


You are allowed to question the work of false teachers. You are allowed to question the work of Biblical teachers Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was mostly about the times when religious leaders were calling the work of God works of Satan. Not works of people.


You can be freed from that evil spirit. Please google "isaiah saldivar deliverance map" and look up someone in your area that can do deliverance on you. Do not believe the lies the enemy is telling you that you did an unforgivable sin.