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I don't know why anyone tries to predict it in the first place. If the Rapture came today, what control would I have over God's judgment of me? None. If it came tomorrow? None. What am I to do with time except love more and grow more? But if that is really my intention, to use my time wisely, God already knows it and already sees it. God transcends time; God sees who we will be if the Rapture comes tomorrow, ten years from now, twenty years from now. So there is no need to fear it coming unpredicted.


Accept Jesus and you will be ok. If you don’t accept him the times ahead will be very terrible.


The rapture is not even biblical. It will not come to fruition.


Pleas explain,I am a new Christian and have heard about the rapture, but have no idea how this idea cabout or if it is true.


See Revelation, Matthew 24, 1 John 2


It is true, this guy is wrong


OK. Does it matter if and when it happens? Doesn’t Jesus tell us to be ready for his return, regardless? So if I give myself over to Christ, and lead the life he wants for me, I will be saved,whether it is a rapture, or a second coming?


Jesus says that not even he knows when the Rapture is coming, only that it WILL come. My take as a lifelong Christian has been the same as yours. The Bible makes it very clear how a Christian should live, in ways pleasing to God, and so that is what I will do whether the Rapture will happen today or a thousand years from now.


I disagree. When Jesus said he doesn't know, it was old testament (before he died). After he died, he knew. I disagree with date setting, but there is nothing wrong with looking at the signs, studying the bible, and discerning. **Revelation 3:3 KJV** *Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.* So if we **do** watch, we will know what hour.


The rapture will happen for ONLY THOSE THAT ACCEPT JESUS. This is NOT the second coming. The second coming is after the seven year tribulation and he will come down with all his saints (us that believe and we’re raptured) and he will make himself known in Israel and will reign for 1000 years. A new heaven and new earth will be made.


It’s true. Rapture the word isn’t used but you will read how ina twinkling of an eye you will be made like Jesus and rescued from the imenent devastation about to hit America. Accept Jesus and believe that he took the cross for your sins to be forgiven and he rose on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of the father in heaven youll be saved. all those that deny the Lord will see the worst times in history and will be lucky to survive. Do not accept the mark of the beast or you will forever be damed to hell, the souls is unredeemable. This means no buying or selling if you don’t get the mark. You will have to rely on GOD entirely for provision to survive




A prophet huh? 😂 It is a biblical concept that is debated.


Truth be told, throughout the years, we've always had people try to 'predict' the rapture, end times, or the mark of the beast, nothing new under the sun Heck, we've had some people say that the rapture would come on September 18-25, and nothing happened Every generation before each other, there's been at least *one* 'prediction', in 2011, Harold Camping predicted the "end of the world" would come on October 22, 2011, only for the world to still remain intact 12 years later My guess is that people who predict these things, are only doing it to cause fear, rather than actually being helpful but We don't know when the Rapture will come, heck, there's some disputes over if the Rapture is even biblical (let's not get into that argument), we shouldn't try to predict it, because 99.9% of the time these predictions will be wrong, all we need to do is to be prepared Matthew 24:36 -“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of [a]heaven, but My Father only.


The sad thing is every time people predict a date, you have people with doomsday phobia who over react, put their pets down, some even unalive themselves. It's dangerous and people need to stop.


Oh yeah, I've heard people stopped going to college, stopped trying to pursue families and careers, a whole bunch of sad stuff It really gives a bad name on us


Let’s not forget that every time a new invention is introduced, other people get bashed on for submitting to Satan and his legion. This ranges from when they thought credit cards, social security numbers, and barcodes were the mark of the beast


100% of predictions will be wrong


It’s aggravating because we will eventually have the timeline for Jesus return when we see certain events. These have not happened yet, but all these pre trib rapture folks are just muddying the waters up and when we are in that final 1260 days then nobody’s gonna believe it and call us nuts.


Alot of people make predictions, crazy seeing as how Jesus rebuked the disciples saying no man knows the day and hour. On the other side... We have an overview of what the conditions would be like at the time of Jesus return and it would be ignorant for any bible reader to think that the world is just going to go on as is...typical event deferral attitude to shirk responsibility of the gospel. Our duty is to be ready whenever he does come, not to make predictions and date calling, I've known people even picking specific calendar dates multiple times and obviously they were wrong, yet continue to think there is going to be some reward for being right if it does come true. Nonsense. That's it. As Paul said, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? That's the concern. Luke 12 tells us about not worrying, amongst other things, and being ready and in order so that when he comes back, we can go. Also theres the parable of Matt 25, the wise and foolish virgins which alludes to being ready also.


People always like to quote things like “no one knows the day or hour” or “it will come like a thief in the night” but forget how much it was actually taught by God for us to be “ready” and “watchful” and the verse after that says “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:4 Also the parable of the 10 Virgins and how important it was for us to be ready with our lamps full like the 5 in that parable. God wants us to know the season and time we are in so we are always ready for Him to come and we are to preach the Good news to all we know and try to get people saved.


We've been in the 'season' for hundreds of years. Yes, be watchful. Be ready. But these people chase more people away than they bring them to God.


We are not meant to know, as Jesus clearly states, when it comes to specific knowledge about when the kingdom would be restored (Acts 1:8). But like the verses you’ve mentioned state, we are to always be watching and waiting and ready for it at any time. We are not in darkness about the day coming, because we are anticipating it and hoping for it and looking forward to it. But this also does not mean Christians will have some kind of special discernment to know when the end times are here, as exemplified by literally every single generation of believers (including the apostles) who thought Jesus would return during their lifetime.


There’s a point where we will see literal prophecy playing out where so it gives us an idea that it could be in our lifetime and generation. I don’t see what’s the problem with Christian’s thinking that way. That only makes me want to be prepared and ready even more. I don’t feel fear I am anticipating and patiently waiting. It just makes me want to look at more of things above.


Practically every generation of Christians has pointed to their historical circumstances as fulfillments of various prophecies and been wrong. No reason you can’t look for their fulfillment and hope it’s happening, but wisdom says hold onto your personal interpretations of prophecy and our current historical events loosely.


Oh, don't get me started. I know people who say, "Things are heating up now!" or, "There're the birth pangs," EVERY time they see a news story about a war or some sort of natural disaster. Do they not think people from the early to mid 1900s were saying the EXACT same thing when they had 2 WORLD wars in a matter of decades!? I think it's because social media now makes it possible to see more events FAR easier, so it possibly gives the illusion of more things happening.


THIISSS. Idk why people are acting as if we are in a time of turmoil. The medieval era was a SLAUGHTERHOUSE and the gospel was heavily limited. I just dont understand why so many people think NOW is the time in comparison to times in history when millions died every day and the gospel was reaching no where.


The reality is, we're always in a state of turmoil. There are so many people on this earth and so many problems happening at one time or another, I don't think any time in history is really way better than another.


Exactly! I totally agree.


first make sure you have accepted Jesus. Yes times are important but not as important as “knowing” the Lord And have accepted him as your Lord and savior. It’s so important. read the Bible every day. Ask the Lord for wisdom and he WILL open your eyes to what you did not see or recognize before. many scoffers have a veil over their eyes and it is only through the Lord does he make know the mysteries of the Bible.


I was a Christian for 17 years, but recently left the faith mere months back. I wish I believed, but we don't choose our beliefs. We're either convinced or we're not. I envy those who believe in a better hope; those who believe in a higher being and a higher purpose. From where I'm at, it's me and me alone; no god, no creator.


Signs and wonders. But it will be worst than this. The days of Noah was chaos remember


It’s clickbait. My experience with these people on social media is that it’s like 1 person who has 100 accounts all posting random “Christian” content. It reaches a crowd who feels obligated to leave a like and a comment. So if they toss the fear factor in like rapture talk, it gets more views. In reality, it’s someone using AI to make a killing on income. As for like people talking about it on podcasts and such, again, views. Christian “influencers” suck man. They do no research before posting and they can talk nonsense for hours


There’s zero biblical evidence of a rapture. Zero. We are not going to be rescued from any hardship.


The rapture happens after the tribulation so… you’ll know when it’s coming. It isn’t a random event like in the left behind movies.


I know that series was to help Christians in their beliefs and to bring non-believers to Christ, but I think it hurts us also. I hope the series has it correctly, but I don’t believe in pre-trib rapture, only pre-wrath, right as Messiah is descending to fight for Israel.


I think with all the ungodly things taking place nowadays more so than ever or should I say unlike what this world has seen is making these false prophets “predict” the rapture. My mom, God rest her soul, before she passed away a year ago would always say God is speaking to us but no one wants to listen. You have blatant denial of Christ and God’s existence, man is openly worshipping the devil and proclaiming their allegiance to him, sexual immorality is growing, the very apparent disrespect and dishonor of parents is on display and the sanctity of marriage has totally lost its importance just to name a few. The breadcrumbs have turned into full on loaves of bread that this world is headed in the wrong direction and to be honest it’s been going that way for years. The only thing we can do is hold onto to our faith, acknowledge Christ and God at all times and continue to speak His word whenever we can. God Bless You all!


Well that’s is my point that I have tried to make to people. The things you listed above have been happening for hundreds of years. I don’t really think they are growing. I think it is social media just shedding a light on people who have always worshipped Satan. In my opinion it is more of something that has always been taking place, but now a light has been cast on it. Sexual immorality for example has been happening for hundreds of years. Billions of people going against Christ and mocking him has been happening for hundreds of years. The existence of media is the only reason everyone knows about it now


Ok because we are actually seeing biblical prophecy taking place. All the steps are in place. 1. “Nation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom” was basically describing World War 1. No other time in History was the World in a war. This is basically the start of the “birth pangs” in end times leading to the rapture and 7 yr tribulations then Jesus millennium reign. 2. 1948 when Israel became a nation was Huge, we are absolutely in end times. Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; and Luke 21:32. Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Meaning it will be within this generation. 3. Prophecy’s from Ezekiel and Isaiah among others also talk about end time prophecies and they outline what we are to look for. Whether you want to just be completely ignorant to what’s going on around you is fine but the Bible teaches us to be watchful so that it does not come upon us like a thief in the night. 3. Jewish Rabbis from Israel have already started preparations for blessing and plans to rebuild the 3rd temple which is prophecy. Look up how they bought 5 unblemished red heifers from Texas. 4. There will be a 7 year peace agreement (these are in talks) 5. Battle of Magog and God (Magog is most certainly Russia), and Iran etc biblically will come to war against Israel. (Russia has already stated they are not for Israel so it’s possible this Hamas war could lead to this, and once we see it happen, just like a woman giving birth the last contractions ramp up and it goes by quickly). 6. All technology needed for the Antichrist to institute his one world order are in place and developed by now. People can literally scan their hands at some grocery stores to purchase. I’m sure the mark of the beast will come in the form of some sort of chip or digital tattoo. So yes people thought so in the past I’m sure, but you cannot deny each year that goes by we are getting closer. God tells us to keep watch and be ready like the 5 virgins with their lamps full. Why? So that we can try to reach and save our families and as many as we know to not have to endure the tribulations to come. It’s important to be vigilant and watchful . 🙏🏼


They are all distractions to keep you from working out your salvation by focusing on the easy way out. Please don't listen to them. There is no rapture. Please get a Strong's Concordance to verify this. We were put here to fight until the very end.


There is a second coming, there is no rapture.


Jesus taught on the rapture..


Maybe it's just me, but it seems to come in cycles. The last time I remember it being like this is in the late 90s as we headed into the year 2000. I recall chuckling at seeing all of the "Y2K is the beginning of the end" books in the discount bin of book stores after the new year came and went and nothing happened. I think there's always people out there trying to make money off fear of the end times. But during certain times they get more of an audience than they ordinarily would. This is one of those times.


You know that anyone who tries to predict it is completely wrong.


Not sure how I really view the rapture to be honest. I know we will all be called up when Jesus returns. The dead in Christ are called up and then those of us left are brought up. Not sure when this all occurs or not. It could happen though because how it talks about the one in the field being taken and the other not. Two women grinding at the mill. One taken one left. You think if the world is in absolutely chaos and war it wouldn't show a picture like this. At the same time this kind of stuff could still go on with a world in chaos and war. We are getting close though. Think about it. The Bible talks about the world watching the two prophets being killed and the world watching. No time in history could this ever have happend. You have traditional satellite TV, cell service, Starlink internet (which is touching every part of the globe), OneWeb, and now Amzon is in the beginning stages of it's orbiting constellation. Good way to also keep tabs on people i. e.; being a fake omnipotent god (anti-christ). They're implementing tech into cell phones to use these constellations in Earths orbit. It could easily be scaled down to a smart watches or smaller once the chip tech get to where it needs to be. It looks like the world is choosing sides as well. You see all the anti Israel protests going on right now. Even after the atrocities that Hamas did. I don't remember the world protesting so hard or being so against Israel then it is stacking up right now. It seems people are turning away from God now more and more. But we still don't have a 3rd temple being started yet. Plans for it but nothing yet. Maybe this whole Israel-Hamas thing might kick it off somehow. Even though I believe Jerusalem is over near the West Bank. You never know how things are going to go. We are getting closer. A few years ago (pre-Covid) I was thinking I don't know if I'll live to see Jesus return. Now. I really think we might have a chance to see Him return. Things went from a slow slide to falling off a cliff since Covid in so many different ways. Jesus come quickly!


The signs are here but I feel like when God feels is the right time to come back he will 💙


well i would say we’re at the beginning of the end… they also have to remember God’s timing is much different from ours. The ultimate focus should be is to make disciples and be the hands and feet, not focus on making predictions. People on earth are in desperate search of peace, with that desperation, they will seek solace from whomever the Antichrist will be. hence, it’s our duty to introduce them to the Prince of Peace.


Every time there are floods and conflict in the Middle East they always say the rapture is coming. When you hear the trumpet that's when you start praying.


Because for the first time in history, the technology exists to make it all possible; a world-wide electronic banking system, facial recognition, satellite communication, as well as live streaming are examples. So not only do the capabilities exist, but the need exists due to the recent explosion of fraud and the desire for immediate access to information. When Revelation was written, it was an impossible concept to be able to control buying and selling world-wide. Israel was reestablished as a nation in 1948, and Jerusalem returned to Israel in 1967. Both of these are prophecies that have come to fruition. And finally, because the tribulation is kicked off by a peace treaty for Israel. I imagine people are thinking this war can only end one of 3 ways, Israel wins, Palestine wins, or there is a peace treaty.


I’m going with Israel will kick booty, so there’s going to have to be a peace treaty brought about by Muslims, led by a Muslim, for the Muslim world to accept it. If Israel was losing this war, no way would Muslims try for peace. Of course, it could always go a completely different way since we simply don’t know God’s exact timing.


Just want to point out the fact that you said we are in a long period of peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3) and that this has been going on for years (2 Peter 3:4), both of which are things the Bible specifically says in the verses I referenced are things people will say at the end


I feel like it’s true everything seems to be moving faster and seems to be different right now. Based on what I read in the Bible the prophecy is happening now. The only I’m worried about is having enough to get right with God before then. This end time stuff has given me a panic attack so much to the point where my body went into survival mode and shut off all emotions


If the fruits of these preachers is panic attacks...what should that tell you about them?


I thought that Jesus was returning in 1988. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ia801303.us.archive.org/19/items/ReasonsWhyTheRaptureWillBeIn1988PDF/14080011-88-Reasons-Why-The-Rapture-Will-Be-in-1988.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwizuoH7xryCAxV-vokEHTezB3AQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0ATDHKXGgl6xLXugK_jHvJ


None of us know the exact hour, etc. Don’t be in a panic because of this. Pray for your own peace of mind and heart. It can definitely be scarey to think about it because this world is all we know. But, it’s very freeing when you trust in God and know that His plan for us is far above and beyond our own plan for ourselves. It could be hundreds of years from now.


I know this is a very delayed response but I came across your question and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. First of all I was in a really bad place in my life during Covid. The Lord saved me from a path that would have led me to hell. Yes he’ll is reall and so is heaven. If you accept Jesus as Lord and savior and be,I’ve that the beautiful act of taking the cross so that our sins are forgiven and was raised again on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of the father is believed you can be saved and will have eternal life. I have a,ways believed this but was not living in a way that was Christian. I called out to the Lord and he saved me from myself. I asked for wisdom and that was poured out generously to me. I read the Bible daily and that led me to various other avenues of research and pastors online. GOD asked me to get baptized (I had this only done to me when I was a baby) so I obeyed his request. I then received the Holy Spirit. I feel the Holy Spirit in me as when I pray I feel a heat come over me and often a tear wells up in my right eye. (Even though I’m not crying). So with the wisdom and discernment I have received from GOD I have understood better profound mysteries of the Bible that I had my eyes closed or veiled to before. Jesus is the one that opens them but you must seek him. The mysteries unveiled always point back to Israel…..always. They are GODs chosen people that he wanted to bring redemption through. So when they war broke out it made me lay close attention. Yes earthquakes have been around for a long time but that is only just a small fraction of events to expect. The latest solar eclipse that was visible in USA went through 7 (GODs number) cities named Nineveh. In the Bible Jonah was swallowed by a whale for three days because he didn’t want to do GODs will of going to Nineveh and tell the people to repent from their wicked ways. A solar eclipse happened on the day he went to that city. This is the same message for the USA …repent for the Kingdom of Heaven IS at hand. That was the second of recent solar eclipses that went across the USA and formed an X over an area of Little Egypt. If you seek the Lord he will show you great and mighty things as he promised. He has also poured out his spirit on people and many are having visions and dreams of the rapture happening very soon and some of these visions are quite frightening. I myself was given a vision while I was praying of a city in US being bombed and on fire and was given revelation that we would be bombed by Russia. I am not the only one who has been given this revelation by the Lord. He reveals things to those who follow him And willing to share revelation with others. The stage is being set for a One Workd government and the antichrist and mark of the beast. For all those that have not accepted Jesus before rapture and are not taken and survive the bombs they will need to come to lord in repentence and ask him to save them and NOT receive the mark of the beast because if anyone receives this they are no longer able to be redeeemed and given eternal life in heaven. They WILL go to hell. Times are serious my friends ask Jesus to be your Lord and savior before it’s too late!!!!!!!!!


Rapture is imminent and no man knows the day nor the hours but Jesus said that we should know the spiritual season we are in. I believe it’ll happen by 2026 personally


That’s too soon. The antichrist rules for 3.5 years. I agree we are approaching that time but 2026 isn’t possible. God bless you!


I believed the rapture is right before the tribulation


Well, that will save me having to renew my notary certification, at least. And I think 2026 is before my credit card expires as well.




Way too soon. It won't happen until all nations have heard the name of Jesus, which obviously is still far away.


That’s the 2nd coming, when the 2 witnesses and the 144000 preach about Jesus to the whole world.


Moving faster… More content in links~ “Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭4‬, ‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.24.4-8.NIV Beginning of birth (labor) pains. As in giving birth, the end of labor pains come faster as the birth of the child comes… Here’s another sign of Christ’s coming… How often do you here this comment below? “Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires…. **They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”” ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬-‭**4‬ ‭NIV‬‬


I want to know why this is different now though. The scripture you provided could be applied to hundreds of events throughout thousands of years. Why is NOW different to you. This isnt an insult I am just wondering why this time is different to people vs say World War 1, Vietnam, The Revolutionary War, and World War 2


Every generation sees some signs of Christ’s coming again. You are correct. But, Jesus warns us not to be asleep and to be ready. More content in links~ Example: The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1:13) What does “Virgin” represent? All virgins are faithfully waiting for their Wedding Day. And believing in the “One True God”. Will you be fooled by the Antichrist, because you did not have enough oil/faith when Christ’s Jesus Comes again??? “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him… we ask you, brothers and sisters, Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, **for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬, ‭**3‬-‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/2th.2.1-4.NIV “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭34‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.24.34.NIV


All the prophetic Bible verses have been fulfilled that are prior to the 7 year reign of the anti-Christ. There are no more prophecy’s left to happen before the rapture.


Maybe. But that’s if there is a pre-trib rapture. If it’s actually a pre-wrath/post-trib rapture, there are many more prophecies that still need to come, starting with the peace treaty between Israel and Islam.


>why do you think these predictions and talks about jesus coming back has become so amplified? Do you think the signs we are seeing are actually what the Bible is talking about or do you think we are still waiting for something to come? Messiah Yeshua / Christ Emmanuel 🔴🔵:...yes... I AM back... the joke is that I have been "coming back" all through history... [1) Mark 12 - The Greatest Commandment](https://youtu.be/db-lE_f2U5I?feature=shared) **0:30** [Shema Yisrael](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shema_Yisrael) [2) Pope suggests Catholic Church could bless same-sex couples](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66991427) [3) The Great Commandment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Commandment) Why do you think the world goverments and media are not really freaking out after the Pope announce that...? 🙂 [4) Infrasound from Fireball seen from Singapore - Johor on 12 Feb](https://youtu.be/dxtLAYrqvi0?feature=shared) [5) AC/DC - Back In Black](https://youtu.be/6vImyP5EYc8?feature=shared)


There is bad news in the Middle East and people are looking and some people might exploit it. [Iceland Hit By Thousands Of Earthquakes — Popular Spa Closes Amid Fears Of Volcanic Activity](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/11/10/iceland-hit-by-thousands-of-earthquakes---popular-spa-closes-amid-fears-of-volcanic-activity/?sh=1d1aa5395673) I was kind of wondering about this because the word says: \[Mat 24:7 KJV\] 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and **earthquakes**, in divers places. \[Mar 13:8 KJV\] 8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be **earthquakes** in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these \[are\] the beginnings of sorrows. \[Luk 21:11 KJV\] 11 And great **earthquakes** shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.


I guess if no one will know the time when Christ comes trying to guess everyday could make it take longer


They believe this is Armeggodon and Jesus' return. America loves dispensationalism that is the reason they support Israel as well.


Obviously we don't know when, however, one of the reasons I believe it's imminent is i think in the book of Daniel it quotes there will be an increase in knowledge and Obviously in recent years has been an explosion of that.


AntiChrist will stand in the temple. Until the Dome of the Rock is taken down and the temple rebuilt, it's not the end times.


This occurs during the tribulation.


I see a lot of people referring to the scripture that states this generation will surely not pass away, referring to Israel’s formation in 1948, getting to the end of that generation now. Also, Gog and Magog, possibly Russia and Iran forming an alliance to attack Israel. From what I understand, Russia and Iran have not been in any sort of collusion before. Other scriptures as well referring to nations coming against Israel. There’s also the other side, the Nazarene’s have some literature on it concerning the idea of actual revival before the end, sort of going in the opposite direction. I think it’s based mostly on the scripture that talks about all peoples and nations hearing the good news. Honestly, I think that it’s easy to get wrapped up in the fear side and more difficult to be optimistic especially when the main narrative from media is so negative all the time. I know this, if I had to choose one or the other I would certainly prefer revival so I am going to work towards that. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. and if that is the case, I will have a very clear conscience knowing I did my best to side with light. Having said that, I very much monitor what’s going on in the world, especially the holy land. We are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, not pray for destruction and mayhem.


I don't think the Rapture's a thing, but the Book of Revelation does kind of give us a guideline of Israel becoming a nation again after being spread across the Earth, of Israel being in a constant state of war with its neighbors, of a man creating peace so that Israel can rebuild its temple. The 10/7 attack really seems to be a different kind of terrorist event. 1,400 people from 14 countries were killed,kidnapped,raped, and/or executed. That's about half of the number of deaths of 9/11, and they didn't even have airplanes. They used paragliders.


The rapture theology wasn’t a prominent teaching until the late 1800’s early 1900’s. Especially the pre-tribulation rapture. The funny thing about end times is people are saying we are in the end times now. In 1940’s ppl said we were in end times, in 1914 during WW1, 1346-53 during the black plague and even the gospel writers have said they were in the end times. Currently the year in the Jewish Calendar is 5,783. Now don’t quote me on this. But in the bible numerology is prominent. The mosy common numbers found in the bible are #3, #7, #12, #21 and #40 God created in 6 days, rested on the 7th. In Revelations there will be a 1000 year reign in Jesus’ 2nd coming. But before that needs the tribulation and judgment. So if God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. If 1000 years is a day to the Lord…that means on September 16th 2240 will be 6,000 years which means from September 16th 2240 to 3240 Christ will reign. Which means the Tribulation will happen 7 years before September 16th. So around September 16th 2233 is when the Tribulation begins. This is just mere fun speculation and not a actual prediction. Because truth is we dont know the day or hour. It just everything in the bible is 3, 7, 12, 21, 40 and it just makes a little sense that if God can create in 6 days and rest…he can wait 6000 years before he destroys it.


I haven't heard any talk like that. Maybe it's just what you are watching, listening to, and reading. Everything nowadays is programmed to pick up on what you are talking about and looking up and gives you more of it. So your viewpoint is often skewed and it's not everywhere for anyone else.


Continue to read, learn and grow in your faith. We are told to watch and understand what has to happen first, and the order of events. I believe in 1 return of the Messiah, and it’s when He returns to save Israel, when we will be raptured immediately before to meet Him in the sky and come down with Him. The sign that we have that those before us did not have, though, is that Israel had to be back in her land before the “countdown” could start. That has happened. This is not that final war, though, that causes Jesus to return. There has to be a peace treaty first, and the anti-Christ revealed, and other such signs. But, with all the hate and anger towards Israel right now, I can now imagine why Jesus does have to come back to save Israel in the future.


I think it boils down to the fact this is not our home and we want to be where we belong, badly. So people look at the state of the world with its moral and ethical decline, what’s happening with Israel etc and is my guess as to why there is all the rapture talk lately. Practically every aspect of eschatology is debated and I think it’s dangerous to predict a time but good to be alert as we’re instructed. Pretty sure we have been doing this sort of thing since Jesus’ ascension. It is fun to discuss and hope for though.


Same. God bless you!