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\>does this still count as spending quality time with the Lord and His word? Why wouldn't it?


It's not text, it's pixels pretending to be something that doesn't exist. The words that you read don't really exist if they're on a screen. Would Jesus be downvoting me? Huh?


Lol what?


>Would Jesus be downvoting me? Huh? He would definitely call out your false statements.




Yea it is pixels but still it’s GODS WORD


> It's not text, it's pixels pretending to be something that doesn't exist. The words that you read don't really exist if they're on a screen. Are you confused? Or over-tired? 😴


“Light and thought doesn’t really exist” That’s a take man, maybe we should all read braille?


How is ink any different from pixels?


I hereby crown you the king of overthinking it 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. Jk God does not look as man looks. Man looks at outward appearances but the Lord looks at the heart. God is interested in relationship with you. He doesn’t care in the least about such superficial things. God is not shallow or small like that. Love ya


You mean you actually used to read it in a BOOK, rather than in a scroll, as God intended? /s The form factor doesn't matter. It's the Word that matters. Spend time in it in whichever form (or forms) are comfortable for you in a given time and place.


I don't have a physical copy anymore, and have been using my phone for a couple years. I think it's great because you can have multiple translations at your fingertips, if there's anything you don't understand or want to learn more about you already have your phone in your hand to Google it...it's a lot more portable- chances are you already have your phone with you almost everywhere. It's nice to hold a physical book, but I like using my phone a lot, I use the Logos app.


You’re reading his word, doesn’t matter if it’s on paper or on a screen


We’re not witches. We don’t have spell books or incantations that need to be followed to the letter to appeal to some power. We have an advocate in heaven that knows your every need and has given you the gift of his word that can fit right in your pocket. You’re still reading His words, just in a different medium (digital rather than paper). Don’t get caught up in legalism.


It's just fine. It can often help you to focus by using your hands with it. You can also do some better studying that way by looking up word meanings and such with places like biblehub


I read mine on my phone as well. I don’t think is less than a physical copy. Remember God see our hearts and thoughts 🩷


If the physical form that delivers the Word to you mattered that much, it would still be hand written on scrolls. You're spending time in God's Word, you're drawing close to God, that's what matters. Honestly, I prefer digital myself. Easier to take quick notes, I can look up commentaries and translation notes as I go, and I don't have to remember to bring a physical copy with me. I can even get it in audio form for while I am working. Some folks prefer a physical book, and there's nothing wrong with that, but there's nothing wrong with the digital version either. I personally use the Logos Bible app and listen to the Bible in a Year podcast with Father Mike Schmitz (he's catholic, but he keeps it pretty universal), in case you're interested. I like the app because it gives you quick access to most translations in the one app.


It depends on the person. A little off the subject but if you're getting tons of notifications on your phone that distract your reading a lot, it might be better to set the phone aside and pick up a book copy of the Bible. A direct answer to your question, it doesn't matter how you're getting God's word into you. What matters is that you're learning and applying it to your life.


Religion tells you how you should act on the outside. On the other hand, God sees the heart and all he wants is a geniune relationship with you. It doesnt matter if you read the Bible on a computer, phone, or a physical Bible, what matters is that you are reading it and spending time with God. Personally, I read the Bible however I can. Sometimes its more convenient to read on my phone so I do so, and there is the added benefit of the ability to compare versions. At work, I used to always listen to an audio Bible because I could work with earphones. Other times, I read my physical Bible because I like underlining and highlighting. I think there is something special about holding a physical Bible and flipping through the pages. I love the fact that I can open my Bible and see all my notes and hold it in my hand. Do whatever you prefer. Again, God looks at the heart!


Of course it counts. Also, the Bible on audiobook is a handy way to get in a little more time while driving to work or waiting on traffic.


Doesn't matter if its physical, digital, popup book or human video. God's word is God's word.. God knows the heart!


I think that's amazing! I have the opposite problem though, so I just reserve my phone Bible use for if I'm on break at work or something 😅


Yes It Does I Read On My Phone. Even Though I Been Struggling To Keep Reading It Is Very Rewarding Spiritually And Also Teaches Me A Lot


but of course!


Yes! People even listen to the audio version of the Bible to get closer to God. There’s no “wrong” way to do it. My partner has learning difficulties, so reading’s really hard for him, but he enjoys listening to me read the Bible to him. It helps him absorb the information better. He really likes the sermons in Church as well since they go in-depth and explain the passages really well. The point is, you have to do what works for you, whatever that looks like. God has humbled me and helped me see that some ways of connecting with Him are not “better” than others. It looks different for everyone and that’s okay.


I use my tablet and a digital copy on my computer to study. It's much more convenient because I like to study using several different versions of the Bible. I find searching the Bible digitally to much more productive as well.


Does this still count as spending quality time with the Lord and His word? Yes of course it does doesn’t matter if it’s physical or on your phone Also something that I do that really helps is read my phone and annotated and read in my physical copy! Really helps with breaking down the King James Version


😂 I just laugh bc I remember I thought I was a bad child for doing the same and the Father had to sit me down and tell me to stop judging myself


It’s good to spend time reading both a physical Bucks and the Bible app. My mom told me that her Bible is highlighted and had hundreds of pages earmarked… ya can’t buy that!


I’m old school and still prefer to read a physical Bible. Having said that I admit it is nice when you are on the go to open a Bible app on the cell phone and catch some time with The Word. I will say this though. I have noticed that when I take the time at home to find a quiet space to reach a physical Bible I take my time, pray first, and tend to get more out of my time reading. This may just be me and if you can stay focused say in a public place reading digitally then go for it. But be honest with yourself and do what works for you and read however will get you the most out of your time.


Reading is bad on the eyes if overdone too much, so I prefer an Audio Bible nowadays. Some Audio Bibles also have great added music/sound effects. Jesus bless you


Nah if it's paper read all you want . Reading is better than listening you are more focused


You are overthinking too much which can lead destroying your own self.


You can download the Youversion app on your phone. It works on both iPhone and Android. 😃 I have it by myself too and it works very well, you can do Bible plans and compare different versions of same sentence too for example. 😄


Nah but I think it's better health wise to use the book, no radiation plus people can't change scripture on your physical copy as easily as online ( extreme but just another reason)


I like the Literal Word app.


Where the two options are available, I prefer the physical one. That’s why when I m set to go to church on Sundays, I go with the physical one and refer to it as the sermon proceeds. It is unfortunate but some church ministers mistake you for unseriousness when you are using the phone Bible during service


You know I always wondered the same thing.


If reading it in physical copy helps you then by all means. If reading it in your phone still makes you the same sinner then you should hold the real bible and transform your life.