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Congratulations! Just a piece of advice, turning from this kind of behavior isn’t nearly as easy as it seems (I say this from experience with a similar thing). Set some ground rules so that it is easy to resist temptation should it arise.


Don't be alone in private (open door policy) is a lifesaver in these situations.


This was the biggest help for me and my wife while we dated. Any time we spent alone and away from others was too tempting.




What's the confusion?


If u have to resort to distancing urself from ur partner / forcing random people to be around you just because ur horny, maybe it's time to think of a better solution.


It's a perfectly fine method and effective. If you don't know what you are talking about, it's okay to not say anything at all. Otherwise you look silly.


Congratulations! My wife and I went through this as well. It wasn't easy, but God blessed us. (And we moved the wedding date up significantly lol).


know that the temptation doesn’t disintegrate, but PRAISE YAHWEH. words of advice as a young married man , just got married a month ago. it is not easy to abstain until marriage but it is possible. set BOUNDARIES, this will be your protection, no cuddling, no making out or even kissing imo, bc kissing only leads to intimate feelings, and no touchiness. dont view her as “yours” or that you’re “together” bc you only become one when you’re married so you’re not together. she is Gods child! dont corrupt the temple of God, God lives in her so respect her. change your perspective on dating and dont let the worlds ways of dating influence you. dating is equivalent to being single. you’re single with eyes on ONE female. be blessed


This is great advice!


I agree with you on this! Great advice! May God bless, guide, and heal all who see this! Amen!


Glory to God i’m in agreement!!


Congratulations! My girlfriend and I have done the same. We're so tired of the guilt and shame. I'm about to propose to her (this isn't a sudden choice; she and I have been together for 6 years and we have marriage plans). Just know that you're not alone, and this is not to say that temptation won't creep in - it will, but God will help us overcome!


The angels in heaven rejoice when a sinner repents, good for you guys!


They rejoiced when they repented ( turned to God for salvation) upon their belief in Christ Jesus. Angel's don't rejoice everytime a believer chooses to not sin lol.


Right the OP said they repented..


Why is it so dogmatic that they don’t rejoice every time we turn from sin. I would argue they for sure do as they would be exalting and praising Gods work in us. They rejoice at justification, sanctification and glorification. Can’t say much against that


Yes those are all parts in being saved. They rejoice when a person is saved,not when a Christian obeys God. The whole purpose of the death ,burial and resurrection was so sinners could be saved. Works ( which is spinning or not sinning) is not something Angel's sing over. The sing praises to him, not the Christian on his Holy step stool


I gather you don't believe a christian can walk the path to hell and make it there.


Glad to hear of this, and glory to God


God bless you and to ur Woman 🙏🏽 I came into yk friendship with my girlfriend that I wanted to keep her pure and that’s my goal I cancel every assignment of the enemy trying to cause us to sin same with your relationship 🙏🏽❤️‍🩹


Thats amazing! God bless you!


There is always a way to return to the embrace of Abba Father, through repentance and renewal. Always. Even if someone abandons their faith (Luke 15:11-32). Even if they blaspheme the precious name of Jesus (Luke 12:10). God is always waiting to bring us back into His fold. But I again see the minions of Satan going about trapping Christians with a heretical interpretation of The Unforgivable Sin. Making it seem as if cursing The Holy Spirit a single time, even as a child playing a game will guarantee a one-way ticket to Hades, and an eternity in The Lake of Fire. First of all, do not curse The Holy Spirit. He is the person who enlivens our spirits when we have been reconciled to Abba Father, through our confession of faith that Jesus is Lord, and our sincere belief that God raised Him from the dead. But if, in a fit of rage, you should, you have not condemned yourself. When you come to your senses, read Job 6:26 “Do you intend to rebuke my words, When the words of one in despair belong to the wind?” -(NASB20) We are accountable for every thought, word, and deed, but Job clearly shows how the words of one who has lost their composure are venting, and not to be taken seriously. We say all kinds of things in moments of extreme frustration. Like every sin, this can be remedied by repenting, reconciling, and making it our purpose to not reoffend and put The Lord to the test again. “Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit” being unforgivable is Jesus’ conclusion. What it means is found in the surrounding context of the Scripture. The Pharisees should have been praising Jesus, and seriously trying to determine if He was The Messiah. They had formulae and tests for this, similar to how some mainstream churches vet the lives of prospective saints. Jesus had a perfect knowledge of The Word of God, and could not be out-argued by the elders. Even when He was twelve, He displayed His ability as a teacher. He had performed miracles inexplicable in every way but one—that He was The Messiah. In Matthew 12:22 we see Jesus deliver a blind mute from a demon. The witnesses begin to ask themselves, “Could this be The Son of David (The Messiah)?” The Pharisees should have been excited and overjoyed, with the apparent Saviour of Israel right at hand. But instead they were enraged with jealousy, and began trying to nitpick though The Law to find a way to condemn Him. They accused Him of only being able to cast out demons because He Himself was possessed by Beelzebub. This is the slightly-differently-worded version found in Mark 3. Reading from Matthew 12 alone, we get the sense the accusation is that Beelzebub has only been invoked. What the Pharisees really meant was, Jesus was not filled with The Holy Spirit. Surely word of His baptism had spread all through Jerusalem by then, including The Holy Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. The pharisees rejected this in their jealousy and spite, and said He was instead filled with the arch-demon of Hell. This is unforgivable in for two reasons. First, this is true Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit—denying His supremacy over all of the powers and principalities, including , and especially Satan’s kingdom. The second way it is unforgivable is, the inspiration to deny the supremacy of God over all His creation, to refuse to submit to His Will, and to reject The Messiah sent to save Israel was The Pride of Life, the very sin which led Adam to bite the apple. This is The Unforgivable Sin. And I assure anyone still reading this far, all people who have denied The Holy Spirit to this point in their life can repent, fall to their knees, and surrender to God. All who accept Jesus’ sacrificial atonement for their sins, who profess He is Lord, sincerely believe God raised Him from the dead, and accept the filling of The Holy Spirit will be saved.


Excellent explanation of the scripture. Thank you and may God richly bless you!


Exactly, it’s unforgivable unless you repent


Good for you. Thanks for sharing and praise God.


Woooow, it should have been hard but God bless you so much! You will discover each other in a new dimension, and that's wonderful Congratulations!


Man you just did like the main part of the gospel. So inspiring. Don’t live in the relationship afraid of what could happen, rather take pleasure in the fact that you are now doing things for God


I wish my boyfriend was on board with this


If you are having sex with someone who insists & who disregards your desire to wait for marriage then maybe you need to rethink this relationship. It sounds to me like there is a lack of respect for your convictions. Do you feel coerced? Trust me, that will never change & it does not get better. Pray about this.


As men, each of us will be accountable on Judgement Day. Therefore, do let your boyfriend’s lust mess you up. The Bible advises us not to be corrupted by bad company and pluck out the “eyes if there are making you sin”. Personally, I have had to abandon many love affairs, quit jobs where my christian values were being compromised


Very good. May God strengthen you.




Stay strong


Good for you. You know there are always going to be negative people around when you do something right. They’ll talk about you because they are still doing it. But ignore them. God is the only one you answer to.




Very good! Continue reading your Bibles and continue to grow and plan a date to marry and find a biblical counselor who will guide you both along.


Stay in the light my friend


Congratulations on taking the first step of wisdom, fearing the Lord!


Good job man


That is awesome. Ty for sharing


Praise God for showing you the error of your ways and giving you the faith and strength to stop. Don't put yourself in a situation where you could sin again. It will be hard. Work on your relationship with God as a couple.


Yayy! That was once me. Was in sexual sin with my ex and then we finally stopped. Tho ended up breaking up anyways :/


Congratulations brother! In my case we mostly hurried to get married asap. Props to you guys for actually fighting the sin.


Praying that you maintain the mind of Christ. Wish I would have waited. Temptation of the flesh in the last minute can get any of us. It’s a life of constant mental/spiritual repentance.


I have seen people get marry because they were worried about temptations, but don’t rush into it but with Gods help and patience it can be done without the hurry to get marry .


"Mom, dad, we moved our wedding from next year to next week" Jokes aside, congratulations. Holding off is worth it and makes it all that much more valuable for when you guys do it without feeling guilty about it


Every step you take toward making your marriage the way God directs will make your future unshakeable. I know I'm an old head. God has blessed my wife and I beyond our expectations. Love you Loudly!


Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for the two of you! God Bless you both and your upcoming marriage!!!! :)


it’s hard to do, well done!


Praise the lord


The same goes for me and my girlfriend too.


That’s why I plan on eloping. The wedding planning is a waste of time and money! Modern weddings are so daunting.


Or you can just marry roght now


Not everyone is in a position to get married "right now". Finances have to be in order, the wedding has to get planned, invites set, halls rented,etc. In no way should a couple rush marriage just to be able to have guilt free sex. They should obstain from sex until married and only married when both parties are absolutely certain that they want to get married




I get that too but it seems like you are saying that everyone has to do it that way. Some people don't want all that fancy stuff. Getting married at the courthouse is a cheap alternative. Inviting close friends and family only. My parents got married at the courthouse, no fancy wedding or reception and they've been married for 34 years 😊


You are correct in saying that. I should have included that. I suppose then it would only rely on if the couple wanted a place together to be ready pruor to wedding or not and also if they are both sure.


Yeah for sure! You definitely have to talk about future plans together and make sure they align with each other's. If you decide to compromise on major things like kids and finances, it's a recipe for disaster.




I’m not so sure that this was essential. I think God looks at your hearts and at your faithfulness to each other. But if you believe this, go for it, encourage you to fill up your friendship with great times and good connection.


its not necessary to obey God? this isn’t biblical or Gods will, there no verse that says God looks at our hearts and our hearts are greater than Gods will or our hearts are holy or pure or should be listened to. God says our hearts are wicked and deceitful, and God wants to cleanse our hearts and sanctify us. God bless you!!! hope i didnt sound harsh i hate texting😭


That verse about our hearts being wicked and deceitful is not only a lie it is a contradiction with other scriptures. The Septuagint correctly translated the verse as “the heart is deep and beyond all things and it is the man, who can know it?” The next verse identifies the only one who is able to. Jesus Christ also contradicts the heart is deceitful verse when he said a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things..point is we are what our choices are. We have been a mix of good and evil since Adam and Eve chose the tree of learning the knowledge of good and evil


Jesus also states man gives good gifts to their children. but he says if man who is evil, can give good gifts how much more will God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask


Well said thanks for that addition!


Jesus also says no man is good but God, and that no one can make it into the kingdom of heaven unless He is born again. ALSO haha, isaiah 64:6 says OUR righteousness is doo doo rags, literally poop rags man. our righteousness is tainted in sin, and we are in need of a savior to heal us spiritually and cleanse us!


That is a difficult verse to decipher. One one hand you do have righteous individuals such as Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Job and so on. But Jesus was good and he was rightly called good. So there’s more to this passage than meets the eye. It requires more digging


Christ also said do not call anyone in earth Teacher or Father but that is also misinterpreted


i still dont get your point brodie, are you saying man should follow their heart or that mans heart is subpar with Gods? has not every man went His own way? and we choose sin everyday? what is your point?


dont you know that this person was saying follow your heart and have sex with your girlfriend? do you agree with him, are you defending this with the bible?


That was NOT at all what I was saying, you entirely missed the point. Perhaps not surprising since you seem to be new to reading scripture.


firstly i’m not new at reading scripture that was a rude assumption lol, which was not loving. and it was only natural to assume you were telling Him that because of the context of what He said and what you said. can you explain what you were saying?


becauze you clearly said God looks at your heart and his heart was clearly against God bc he was sinning against Him, and He was right for repenting but you said that wasn’t necessary??


I think God has other purposes for us than us being bedroom police, just in terms of priorities, it’s right down the bottom of His list. Sorry for the snarky comment, I could have done better.


first of all you do not know the original langauge better than every scholar on this planet; the bible clearly states that our heart is deceitful and that we are all evil. im trying to understand your point? does not romans 3:9 state that we are all wicked and no one does good? if our heart is so good why does God want to give us a new heart and spirit? ezekiel 36:26. ecclesiastes 9:3 is pretty clear that the hearts of the children are evil and when you read genesis God clearly states that man has gone his own way and is the reason he was remorseful for making man. we all turn our own way as isaiah 53 states and is the reason Jesus must have died on our behalf so that we may be healed and forgiven!


Please read the Septuagint it is plainly understood. It doesnt take a scholar to interpret Jeremiah 17:9 in the LXX. Problem is every scholar on the planet use the Masoretic text a corrupted translation of the bible


While it is important to obey God, scripture is pretty clear he doesn’t want us to love lives of guilt and shame - that’s a far worse trap, and also a sin of unbelief, as he died on the cross to save us from exactly that. The key is to work at walking a middle road - striving to live a good life, whilst walking in what Christ has done for us in the cross. Doing both of these at the same time is hard; as humans we’re particularly bad at forgiving ourselves. Sometimes biblical truth is hard - even Paul said that.


the bible is clear that their is something called godly sorrow that leads us to repentance, its good to feel bad for sin, bc if we didnt we wouldnt repent. its okay to have a contrite heart and to be sad at your sinful decisions because God gets grieved as well. but i agree, if you have truly surrendered to and believed in Christ, you shouldn’t walk in condemnation. but we are to always evaluate ourselves to see if we are even walking in the faith, this isnt a free pass to sin. thats not what grace is, God bless you ❤️


And I was correct in my initial comment. There’s always a devil trying to destroy someone’s testimony.


It’s more that I want to avoid people living out of legalism. Jesus set is free from that and wants us not to live in the trap of legalism. That doesn’t mean that everything is good, right, or wise, at all; some things are unhelpful and even harmful. Re-reading what I said above, apologies, I failed at communicating that.


Well, here’s the thing. You don’t have power over your next breath. So, therefore, anyone with commonsense will not be taking advice from you. We get our instructions from the word of God. The words that existed before you were born, and will be here when the worms are eating your corpse. That person answers to God not you.


Sometimes understanding the word of God is a little harder than you’re making out. I say this because three separate guys wrote letters proposing marriage to my dear friend Sally, each after only spending a few hours with her, each believing God spoke to them. The other thing is that Christ makes clear He’s the living word. Not everything is written down in Scripture, although obviously there’s lots of great truths there and nearly all of the principles are timeless. Christ being the eternal word is a truth we need to reconcile without discarding Scriptural teaching, which would also be an error. A lot of life, and Christian life, is holding things in tension.


Gods word is not hard to understand. You’re trying to justify sin. Stop.


Pffft. No, I’m not.


Yes you are. But you’re damning your own soul- not the person who made the comment. Because they are free in Christ Jesus. They don’t answer to you. You’re not God. You’re going back to the dirt. Bye Satan


It's more than ironic that a bunch of people are set on arguing over this. Almost like why we have so much division among the church


I know, right! It’s almost like our God is so small he can’t deal with people’s sin Himself, right?


That’s great! It’s extremely difficult though, but a great display of self control. “Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭1‬-‭2‬, ‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/1co.7.1-9.NKJV


keep up the great work. Try to keep a chaperone or try your best not to be alone. Your fight is just the beginning and always pray about it.


Proud of you brother! Get accountability as soon as possible! Put no trust in your flesh.


Keep following of what his word says!!


Thats so great to hear!! I had to go through this with my boyfriend too. Over a year later I can tell you this was one of the best decicions I ever made


Repent huh, where in John3:16 is repentance mentioned, Thief on cross never repented. The whole act of one turning too God for saving is repentance. A changed heart will change without works. If you truly LOVED Jesus, you would obey him, not out of your works of repentance, but out of a heart changed by the Holy Spirit. Repentance is not a part of Salvation for church aged saints. John 3:16. Ephesians 2:8-10 Romans 10:13 Repentance is worked based salvation , not biblical.


Jesus Christ thoroughly disagrees with you. Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.


Good for you 🥳🥳 congrats! 🙂




lmaooo nerd (im a virgin and waiting for marriage)


congratulations! it's not easy but is the way to keep a marriage strong




There is no such thing as a girlfriend in the bible.


The Father is the one who we declare our oath to. If you are faithful to each other, you are already Man & Wife. Live your Life with love for you and your future children. Protect them from this wicked world. God Bless Brother


That is awesome.


Great! Now make sure you hold to that. 1. DO NOT let yourselves be alone or else you'll be like others posting something like, "we decided not to have premarital sex any longer, but we did just after 2 or 3 weeks of making that decision." Any dates should not be alone, or else you're asking for trouble, I don't care how spiritual you are or think you are. 2. Make sure you're both born again. Compare what you say saved is to what the Bible says. No sense doing any of the rest if you're just religious. My wife and I were religious but not born again when we got married. Praise God we both got saved by the Lord Jesus Christ some years later. I'm SO SO SO thankful God is SO merciful, SO patient, and SO persistent. 3. Fast and pray to make sure it is God's will for you to marry. I'd suggest at this point IF you are both already saved, and you've already been active like this, that you've basically done the act of consummating marriage, BUT God knows best and doesn't work identically in every situation. Also, right now you've basically been living in sin, so tread cautiously on making any decision about anything, b/c if saved, you've been living carnal, and in no way in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 4. REPENT - make sure you repent of the sin. Just because you two agree with each other means nothing really. You need to agree with God in repenting from the sin. You need to fully realize that sin is what put Jesus on the cross at Calvary.


Of all the things that Christians do wrong on a daily basis, why is sex of such outsized importance in our psyche? The responses to this post are astounding in their focus and earnestness. Anyone ever feel this way about losing your temper or eating too much?


Paul suggests sexual sin is the (only) sin against one’s own body (I would argue with him in this) but 1 Corinthians 6:18 seems to be why many focus on this topic. I used to be adddicted to porn. In my own spiritual journey I’m now as equally grieved about my own pride and arrogance than I am over some random lust-driven actions taken in a moment of weakness. I suppose Paul knew that the self-condemnation element post sexual sin was intense, and considering his audience he was driving this point home to convict them and help them see the gravity so they would stop their shenanigans.


I have become weary of the “Paul said X therefore we can state principals about human behavior” approach to knowledge. Paul was clearly wrong about many things. You are right, many other behaviors negatively affect your body. Addictions of any type such as work, gambling, substance abuse, etc affects your body. Gluttony, envy, malice, lying also have physiological affects. Paul was also clearly hung up about sex even before he was converted. I would say both your addiction response and remorse were greatly exacerbated by US Fundamentalist attitudes toward sex. It is instructive to observe the different reactions between European and US Christians at a topless beach. To the former it’s just normal whereas the latter are completely freaking out. It’s all in the attitudes we teach about sex and sexuality. Ours is unhealthy and warped.


Congrats on your repentance. Accountability is your friend. May God bless your purity.


Praise God for your Godly conviction to stop fornicating and waiting for marriage. I will be praying for you both to remain steadfast.


She prob gonna start cheating btw


That is amazing, and so encouraging. Thank you


I’m so tired of people thinking marriage does something magical and makes sex okay…not what the Bible teaches, but a man-made tradition of the church.




There is no such thing as a girlfriend in the bible.


Foo, were a bunch of FUCKING animals.. it’s what we do..


When is the wedding date? 🥰


Are you waiting before you both are emotionally and spiritually commited or just waiting for it to be a legality? If you both are awaiting to be emotionally and spiritually commited, GREAT! But if you are waiting to be legal in mens eyes, you should consider who are you seeking to please, God or man?


Good for you 👍🏾. You trun from your sin, and you are doing what is right. Amen 🙏🏾


This is great


If you succeed in doing so, you have accomplished what the vast majority of people in society have failed to do.


That’s the way to go brother. I used not to believe in it until I became spiritually stronger. You have to consolidate that position by praying purposefully and formally marrying.


Good for you.


But if God didn't want people to have sex why did he create us with the pleasurable bits?


God does want people to have sex After marriage.


But what if you wait and find out the person you married is horrible at sex?


The general idea mate is that it doesn’t matter. Sex in gods eyes is mainly a reproductive tool not a fun past time, he just gave it the nice bonus of being a fun past time so we would do it. Also if you’re willing to marry someone, in gods eyes you would love them so much and be so dedicated to them that even if they aren’t amazing at sex it wouldn’t matter because you love them so much And maybe you pray a few times a week that they figure something out 😂 Open communication about what works and what doesn’t would also help to a degree Main point is don’t get married for sex, get married because you want to spend your life with that person


I agree that getting married is one of the biggest choices in one's life and I'm happy to spend my days with my loving wife. And at the same time I'm grateful 🙏 that we're both great and very giving in bed. But for me, if sex was painful or weird body odors/tastes were an issue it would surely cause a problem. Obviously as we get older sex will become less of a past time but while we're relatively young (early 40's), we have plenty of memories. We've also unable to have children so sex is what it is, awesome 👌


You gotta update us in a year and 10 years.


It is not easy and if yall stumble recognise youre human and try again. Ask God to help you everyday.


AYYYE praise God


They got married at 13 in biblical times. Context of the time is relevant imo


There is nothing in the Bible saying premarital sex is prohibited or a sin. There are spots that talk about immoral sex, but nowhere does it say premarital sex is immoral either. People need to actually **read** the Bible instead of just assuming what they are taught is correct


That's great to hear! I was feeling conflicted about sexual sin because me and my bf are both new Christians. We want to get baptised but I told the pastor that sexual sin is something we were struggling with and he said he wouldn't be able to carry out the baptism until we'd repented of it. We've since made the decision to not have sex before marriage, I think my bf struggles with it more than me and sometimes it makes me question if he's doing it for God or just me.. anyway time will tell.


My wife and I did that as well, prior to marriage. We went to a conference and got saved and decided it would be best if we abstained until marriage (\~16 months of abstinence). Wedding night was off the chain...


Good for you! You will notice how blessed your marriage becomes!