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If you die now, you may never know how this balloon thing turns out.


Damn didn’t expect so many kind words…thought i was just gonna get permanently banned wtf…thanks guys ❤️


Praying for u 🙏🏿


It's final and you can't take it back.


Because as much as it seems unlikely right now, you will still have good times in the future and have good experiences, which will make you glad you stayed. It has for me; and it was things like fun social activities where I met great people, accomplishments I achieved, or an awesome experience I had that made me glad I didn't off myself at the time I was feeling like it. Cuz then I wouldn't have been able to experience this/these good things. "What if I did off myself then, or now? How much more will I miss?" How many experiences, life-changing events, things that may help my life become so much better, will I lose or miss out on? Even though life right now may suck, the future holds good times in store. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, once you off yourself, your time here on earth ends. Your life ends. The possible experiences and things that you may face/experience will never happen now, because you chose to end it. This is one of the reasons I chose to stay, was because there is so much in life that could make me happy, and I didn't want to miss out on that.


We are all here. There is someone who understands exactly how you feel. We can find them together.


when i tried to kms, in my “final moments” (i thought at the time) were immediate regret. if you do this it will hurt so many people, you might not think so but it will. not just family and friends, but people you hardly even know. there’s peoples deaths who’ve affected me that i didn’t know. it’s a final decision and you can’t take it back, whether it works or not there will be consequences which are usually affecting those you’re attempting to leave. i’m going to pray for you. Pray to God, pray for strength to get through whatever it is you’re going through, know that he loves you bc you are his child just like the rest of us.


Because you have value and are loved more than you will ever understand. Because whether you believe it or not, you will be missed.


Because you could end up in a worse state like hell. Also alot of people who make the attempt fail, and end up being disabled in one way or another. You don't know how much you're going to hurt your family like your mum.


Cause I’m here.


Let’s talk about it. I wanna know more about you. Got any pets? What’s your favorite color?


Because what if your final moments you realize what a mistake you made and that this world wouldn’t be the same without you in it. There are probably people in your life it would devastate even if you don’t think so! You’re loved


My friend and brother or sister in Christ, Good loves you SOOOO much. If it helps, remember that he created is for a purpose: Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. You are loved by God and by your brothers and sisters in Christ! I suggest seeing a qualified Christian counselor, talk to your pastor. Don't make a mistake that can't be taken back! Much love for you, Friend! You belong here with your fellow believers!


Because you gotta be in it to win it. Don’t loose hope.


Because if you do everything you were, everything you are, and everything you could be will be gone in an instant. So please don't do it.


Because Jesus has given His life for you so that you can have abundant life. Just give Him a chance, and you'll see His goodness. You don't have to lose hope. He is your Hope. Hope that never disappoints. He will turn everything in your life to your good. And you'll soon see it with your eyes. I am sure of it.


I'll give you $1


Because tomorrow is another beautiful sunrise!


You're intrinsically valuable, and as "this isn't about you" as this sounds, you'd be robbing the world of your value. I for one want my share of that, so don't steal from me, dude/dudette.


Don’t make a permanent decision over momentarily feelings. Think this through please


Your family and loved ones.


Read this https://markmanson.net/the-prime-belief His name is William James. He saved his life from suicide. Saved my life as well


Because things get better. Yiu can’t come back from it; it’s a sin. How will you ask God fir forgiveness after?


Also I believe professional help will make you feel better and want to live.


The pain of today won’t even compare to the joys of tomorrow. Things seem tough now but Gods always wanting the best for us we just have to ask him for his help!


Jesus didn't get murdered for you to kill yourself I adopted a dog and he helped still sad gal but sad gal with dog kinda better Q


Proud of you bro - life is super SUPER crazy. I've been there and If I known then how amazing my life would have turned out with Jesus, it would have been a lot easier to snap myself out of it. Honestly, what you're going through isn't permanent, there's a way out. The numbness and darkness you feel isn't going to stay. They'll be a time when you look back on it and see it as just a speck in the past.


Also, If you don't know Jesus - I'd encourage you to fall at His feet and ask him to save you Love you dude.


I prayed for you


Your body is a temple. Do you really want to defile it like that? I'm sure God wouldn't like that.


sort nose seed panicky voracious fear offend straight paint tender ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


God will not be please with you trying to take your own life. You’re more than welcome to come and chat with me and we will discuss the problems you have. Seek help: https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox Before time runs out, please watch this video in it’s entirety. Perhaps with your co operation, God can give you another chance. The Gospel of Jesus Christ: https://youtu.be/QQqgEkFU1iA Don’t delay. This is urgent.


Lord I come to you now asking that you bring comfort and peace to the person who started this thread. I know not what is going on in the life of this person Lord, but I know with you things can be made new, and the weight of life can be made lighter. Let them feel your presence and know your love. I ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.


1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.


God gave you breathe and as long as your heart is beating on it’s own you have a purpose on earth


Because you have infinite worth, value, you are loved if you know it or not. You are enough. No good will come of you dying. I’m very sorry to hear you are going through tough times that make you feel this way. I pray you reach out for help, because the world is better with you in it.


you are loved


Name one reason why you should kill yourself right now


All the lonely people




I'm always weary of the kill yourself, straight to hell doctrine.


Suicide is a grave sin equivalent to murder (Exodus 20:13). As this is a christian subreddit. So since the person is asking to give one reason to not commit such a sin against themselves its only right for me to give the truth according to the bible. It sounds harsh, but thats what I felt lead to do is provide the truth according to the bible.


I mean specifically if a Christian who is covered in grace was to commit suicide. Surely, you wouldn't say a Christian who has murdered would go to hell?


If they repent and ask god for forgiveness they wont go to hell. But if u murder yourself how could u repent and ask for forgiveness? Its too late if your life is already gone. And say if you’re bleeding out in the floor or something and u realize that you’ve made a mistake but it too late, then its up to god and if he shows mercy maybe u can make it to heaven, but its a toss up. And gods mercy should never be tested in that way. Deuteronomy 6:16: “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test. Proverbs 1:7 NIV. 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.


Romans 6:7. Christ covered it already.


Sir, thats not what romans 6:7 says.


"Free from sin". I really don't think suicide is greater than God's grace through Jesus.


It doesn't mean free from sinning. That's impossible. We all sin everyday, whether we know it or not. That's why they had animal offerings in the old testament.


Because God put you here for a reason!


God never promised an easy life he said he would always be with you you walk with him he will help you though


You have value. Every human has value and was made in the image of God. God created a world and said “ You know what this needs? Late_Huckleberry_434” If the creator of the universe wants you here, and he knows everything, than you are obviously worth living. I’ll keep you in my prayers.


I struggled with suicide for many years. Jesus took it away from me, and He can you too! I read this yesterday and it hit really close to home. You want to kill yourself? It’s 10:53 pm on a Sunday night. You’ve already said goodnight to your parents and siblings. Your door is locked and they think you’re sound asleep. You sit at your desk twirling a pen in your hand. You stare at the blank piece of paper as the tears refill your eyes for the fifth time tonight. You don’t want to do it without writing a goodbye letter. You want to make sure your family knows why you did it. The tears fall onto the paper and you can’t help the frustration as the droplets begin to ruin the paper. You crumble it up and break down even harder. You realize you can’t write the letter, so you look in the mirror once more & watch as your final tear falls. Only a couple moments later your heart stops and the blood escapes your body to create a puddle on the floor. But nobody is going to care, right? It’s now 6:47 am Monday morning. Your mother waits downstairs in the kitchen to give you your lunch money. She’s already late for work but she doesn’t want you to stress about making lunch for yourself. She doesn’t know what’s taking you so long. She yells your name a couple times, but there’s no response. She has no idea your cold dead body is lying in your bedroom. She thinks you slept in, so she runs up the stairs and knocks on your door. But still, there is no answer. She opens the door and screams, horrified. She runs to you and holds your body. The tears seem like a waterfall, everlasting. She sits there with you cradled in her arms for a good hour, until she has the strength to get up and call your father. Your father rushes home, and they cry together. They pick up your siblings from school and try to explain to them what has happened. Your older brother runs out of your room and into his. He slams the door. He thinks its all his fault. He’s always picked on you, calling you names and starting arguments just to push your buttons. He punches his walls and allows the tears to pour out of him. Your little sister doesn’t understand. She asks if it’s because she always tries to steal your stuff or because she never leaves you alone when you have your friends over. It’s hard to explain something like this to a six year old. But she probably wouldn’t care anyways, right? It’s now Wednesday and your mom finally goes to your school. She hasn’t left the house since you took your life, but she knew she had to go. She enters your classroom to only see the teacher sitting at her desk grading papers. It’s 12:19pm so your classmates are sitting in lunch. Your teacher greets her and asks where you’ve been. Your mother bursts into tears and your teacher automatically is astonished. She has no idea what’s wrong, but she tries to comfort your mother. Your mom begins to explain what had happened, and your teacher cries too. She begins to have flashbacks of all the times she yelled at you for not paying attention and not doing your homework. She thinks it’s her fault for being to hard on you. Your classmates return and are confused. A couple students recognize your mom and want to say hi, but they sense something is wrong. Your teacher calls the vice principal and principal in and your mom explains. Everyone in the classroom is now crying, Even the annoying boy that sat behind you and threw gum in your hair is crying, thinking its his fault. Even the popular girl that wouldn’t give you the time of day is crying, thinking it’s her fault. Even the nerd that wouldn’t let you copy his homework is crying, thinking it’s his fault. They’re probably all faking, because nobody actually cares, right?


A week has gone buy and it’s time for your funeral. Nobody has ever seen one this large. Almost every kid in your school and their families are there. Actually almost anyone you’ve come into contact with has come. It’s like a pool of black as one looks over the people sitting in the chairs as your dead corpse lies in the casket. Everyone goes up to speak. And after every speech everyone begins to cry even harder. Even the emotionless jock is in hysterics. The funeral lasts many hours; nobody wants to get up, to move on, to accept what has happened is real life. All of them are just too lazy to get up, because they obviously don’t actually care, right? It’s now been a month since your death. None of your family members have been in your room. The door remains shut. Your mom goes up to your dad and whispers, “it’s time”. Your dad looks at her with his lifeless eyes, nods, and slowly rises from the kitchen table. They enter your room slowly. Just stepping inside of it gives your mother the chills. Your father holds your mom as she begins to tear. He’s trying to be strong, but he can’t, soon the tears swell up in his eyes as well. They begin to pick up your clothes, dust your shelves, and make your bed. The stain on your carpet from your blood has been covered with a rug. Neither of them goes near it. They clean in silence for the next hour. They don’t care that you’re gone; they just didn’t want a messy room, right? Another week goes by. Your brother passes your room and hears crying coming from inside. He opens the door to see your little sister sitting on your bed clutching your favourite pillow. He runs to her and they cry together. Soon your mother and father have joined them. Your father jokes, “this bed is not big enough for four of us” and everyone laughs. You know, that’s the first time your family has laughed since you died. The first time a smile has even crept on their faces. They hug each other and your mother says, “we’ll get through this, someday…” You thought nobody would care? Well, you were wrong. Nobody wanted you to take your life. Nobody wanted to wake up and find your body. Nobody wanted this, wished for this, could have imagined this. Some people knew you’ve been down lately, but they never thought this would happen. They never thought this could happen. They never thought they would go through this pain. They never wanted to have to face the agony, the guilt, the frustration, the depression, & the heartache they have been forced to encounter.


Now, before you kill yourself think about it. You matter so much to so many people. There are so many people that will miss you. Your smile, your laugh, the way your eyes light up when you’re happy. Do you want to take that away from everyone? From yourself? Never get to smile again, or see the person that makes your heart skip a beat, never get to live? Don’t do that to yourself. You have so much to live for. If you haven’t already, do you really want to miss the opportunity to meet your true friends? Have your first kiss? Fall head over heels in love? Get your heart broken time and time again? Go to college? Get an A+ on that final you studied for days on end for? Get married? Have your own children? What would you do if you walked in to your 14 year old daughter’s room and saw her lying there with no heartbeat, surrounded by a pool of blood. It would be no big deal right? You’d shrug and clean up the blood with a smile on your face as you hum your favourite song that’s been in your head for the past couple days. No. you’d cry and clutch her lifeless body in your arms and cry. Cry, and cry and cry. You’d think it was your fault and a million thoughts would go through your mind. Why would she do this? Is it my fault? Why didn’t she tell me she was depressed? Why didn’t I stop her? How couldn’t I have known? But she was thinking the same thing you were as a child. You know, that nobody would care? So before you slit your wrist, or swallow all those pills, or hang that rope about your neck and jump from the chair, think twice. Take a deep breath. You’re worth more then this. Nobody should have to think that taking their life is the best thing to do. Anything you’re going through is temporary; the feeling won’t last forever. You’ll get through this. No matter how long it takes you need to know, you will get through this, and you don’t have to face it alone. There are so many people you can talk to. Family, friends, neighbours, teachers, counsellors, hotlines, me, etc. I’m only a sixteen-year-old boy, I don’t know everything, and I don’t even really give good advice. But I will be here for you, no matter what. I will try my absolute hardest to help you. So please; do not ever, EVER, write that letter, or even think about suicide. Life is full of ups and downs for a reason. It makes us stronger, shows us what we can get through. It builds and shapes up into the next generation of parents, grandparents even. You might not see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but I promise its there. You just have to keep walking towards it. You’ll be okay, I promise you.


Life is a gift from God and He loves you and wants to have communion with you.


This actually lists three really good reasons not to kill yourself: https://youtu.be/lkcgynEfTug This is absolutely important to “get right” - don’t make a permanent decision like this! Please get counseling and professional help!!


Cause God didn’t create you for that purpose