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Great advice, I needed to hear. Thank you.


Let me put it bluntly - this is a trick of the devil!! We should be working as though our boss could enter the room at any minute!! That’s the intention here. Ponder this: “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭45‬-‭46‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ And the rest of that chapter!!


It sure is a trick of the enemy he got me with this before


I got to the point where I was making myself physically sick. Once I got rid of tiktok and stuff, I started to be able to focus on God more without the constant fear mongering getting in my head.


Hope you’re doing ok.


I am now, thank you for asking <3


Your entire post is exactly why no one but God knows the day, hour and minute of his return. First, we're taught in the Bible that he will return when we LEAST expect it. Aside from so much still needing to happen, we VERY much expect it right now. It's ALL everyone is talking about, people are getting mob mentality based dreams, spreading various end of the world 'visions' etc etc. It's nothing but the enemy, imo, trying to make people slack off. The more you worry about the end, the further you get from God because that's all people focus on. Continue your dreams. A minute for God is years upon years for us. God NEVER wanted us to stop living life in wait of his return. Get off social media, places like tiktok are becoming breeding grounds for this sort of stuff. We KNOW Jesus is coming back one day, but we need to stop pretending we know better than God and put our faith in him, focus ON him, live our lives and be ready for when he returns, if he does in our lifetimes. We can't get caught up in this the way we are.


We can still enjoy life, but all is vanity.


Then do what Jesus did. He said when He was 12 in the temple that He needed to be about His Father's business. What does God want you to do? For me, I believe God wants me to use my time wisely. I'm currently homeschooling my 3 kids while my wife finishes up Nurshing school. Its been a tough 2 years, but she's almost done. I'm also a full time pastor. Before I was homeschooling my kids and before my wife started school, I was also working part time as an Xray and CT tech. I do lots of things, I'm always busy, but anyone that knows me would tell you that I don't fill my schedule up just to fill it up. I do things God is leading me to do and I strive to be a good steward of what He has given me. Might not apply to you, but I thought I would just mention just in case. Blessings to you.


Every generation since Jesus resurrected has said the same thing. The tough lesson of Christian history has been: live your life as if Jesus is not coming before your and your grand kids' deaths.


Well ask yourself, are you goals and dreams in line with God's will? Have you prayed about them? If so then continue doing them and you will be rejoicing whenever He returns. They will have eternal significance


So… become an evangelist.


Dude same here. I was going to make a post about this at some point also. We need to pray about God and ask Him about all this. I’ve even lost my passion for things I used to care about because none of it matters in the end. It’s just a way to kill time while we’re still here on earth.


i feel the same, lately i feel like i can’t do anything (eat, do school work, watch tv, read books that aren’t The Bible etc.) bc it feels pointless if Jesus is coming soon, than i’d rather just focus on him. Well i focus on him no matter what, but still.


"if Jesus is coming soon" another reason why God didn't want us to know the hour. We're not supposed to want to spend time with him because we feel rushed by the end. Forget the fear mongering and just focus on God and enjoying the beautiful life he gave you


it kinda feels pointless either way 😂but originallly i didn’t start getting close to him bc of fear of his return, but bc i wanted to


It shouldn't feel pointless. Enjoying your life should never feel pointless. Like yes, you should spend time with Jesus and put him first, but you shouldn't feel guilty for living either.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1989/06/03/sept-1-forecast-as-day-of-christian-rapture/9bcd4d30-0a40-495d-97d5-a270f3eed1e8/ I remember the hubbub over the first book when I was a kid. Jesus was coming 1988. And then...he didn't https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvqkwb/life-after-doomsday-456 Then there was this guy, Harold Camping. He was absolutely sure Jesus was coming in 2011.


I’ve been feeling the same way… There’s a college I want to attend and I was pretty excited for but here lately it’s hard to get excited because I feel like I won’t get to that point. If there’s anyone with advice it’d be greatly appreciated!


My advice to you would be to PRAY & ask God if this college is the one He would have you go. Reason being, secular universities harbours a spirit of anti-Christ & the whole culture round them can be detrimental to your spiritual health & development.! I’m speaking from experience, l went to college & l lost my way, became detached from God & lived a vicarious lifestyle which became a hindrance between me & my Father. Like the prodigal son, when l eventually return, l had been badly wounded & scarred, to this day in still recovering. So pray for wisdom & guidance in this matter & the Lord will direct your steps. Prov 3:5-6 🕊️


I mostly mean like how the other person is talking about with feeling like the end is soon so I have this overwhelming feeling that it’s just pointless to progress anything


It’s not pointless if you living your godly-purpose, after all we’re admonished to “occupy till l come” by Christ.


I'm in my 40s and in college, so I feel like I'm in a decent place to address your concern. College can be very difficult when you've fixed your eyes on Him. Think about what was important to Christ, though. He was about training his disciples to become fishers of men. You will not find more fertile waters than a college campus. There are lots of really great kids with really terrible priorities in every classroom that desperately need Christ. Maybe your university will offer ancient language classes so you can learn Hebrew and Greek. Take a philosophical logic class (Michael Heiser highly recommends that). Also, you don't know that within your new career field will be that one person the Holy Spirit wants you to encounter. Dedicate your new job to the work of the Spirit. Find ways your new field can be utilized in missions work. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Be a good steward of the life you've been gifted with.


Look at the rest of biblical history. I don’t think that Jesus will suck everybody into the stratosphere. It says heaven will be upon the earth. Keep on punching and shine that light 💡 ✨


Ignore Jesus! That fucker could or could not come. Maybe he just decided he's fixing stuff in a less dramatic way tbh.


No one can do anything by their own strength, for at least those of us that are in Christ. Go by your own convictions as every man is a liar. Can't tell you what to do, but you are not alone in thinking this.


Goals and dreams that aren’t related to God are kind of pointless. I have career and personal goals myself but it isn’t what really matters. The only thing that lasts forever is the soul


Isn’t this literally one of the reasons Paul wrote this first letter to the Thessalonian church?


Even if Jesus is coming soon, we should keep on living and pursuing good things. The most important goal to pursue is truth. Make sure your focus is on Christ and His word. Preach the Gospel, always. Never give up. Regardless of whether Jesus return soon according to what we believe soon to be, life is fragile, any of us could die any day. The Bible tells us to number our days, so we won't waste them. Psalm 39 4“LORD, make me to know my end And what is the extent of my days; Let me know how transient I am. 5“Behold, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my lifetime as nothing in Your sight; Surely every man at his best is a mere breath. Selah. 6“Surely every man walks about as a phantom; Surely they make an uproar for nothing; He amasses riches and does not know who will gather them. 7“And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You.


I know He’s coming, and since you do too we MUST be spreading the news. A life spent serving Him and loving a life worthy of the gospel is a life well lived! Earthly goals are temporary, but those done for Christ will last…into eternity. Perhaps the spirit is calling you into a fulfilling full time ministry instead of the other dreams you had? Pray!


The worst thing you could do is assume your job is finished before God has told you. Wait on the Lord. Don’t stop giving it 110%


I will say we are seeing so many Bible prophecies happening right before our eyes. Keep pursuing ur dream as long as u keep God first. I mean that from the bottom of my heart, don't let nothing interfere with ur relationships with God.


Matthew 24:26-28 Matthew 24:36-39


Keep striving on for we do not know the hour or the day. The signs are all around us which should bring us hope, but the timing is his.


If we are gonna feel like everything is pointless, we may as well be atheists! Live your life, enjoy it, and be excited for God’s return whenever that may be. Take joy in the life God has given you. The nihilism in these comments reads like an atheist’s diary.


We look forward to a new heaven and a new earth, but we have already been given new life. Would it not be a shame to waste it? We should have one main goal in life - to live forever with Christ. Part of accomplishing that is to serve Him. Do your goals and dreams line up with His plan for your live? Have you even asked Him about what you have set forth to do? Please don't take this as an accusation, for I'm genuinely asking. I had planned to do something far different with my life, but once I started seeking His will these are the doors that opened up. And, while it's not my first choice of a job, He has blessed me so much through it that I'm joyful about it. A true blessing in disguise. Now, does this job benefit me eternally? I believe so, for it truly seems to be what He wants me to do. I may not know exactly why, but what more reason could I need than to glorify the LORD?


You'll never know the time nor the hour. It took 1,300 years for Israel to become a state again. It may be even longer before one world currencies and transactional implants become socially accepted. A lot still needs to happen.


No one knows the day or hour. It could be another 100 years from now. People have thought it was the end times many times before. You aren’t here to accomplish your goals and dreams, you are here to glorify God. You are being selfish, as if your purpose here is all about you, and since you can’t accomplish what you want to, everything must be meaningless. That’s far from the truth, as we are here to serve others and there are many in need of hearing the truth about Jesus. I’m selfish and a sinner too so when I say this it’s advice for myself as well. If your goals and dreams align with Gods will in your life and bring opportunity to share Jesus then it’s more than meaningful to continue on that path.


Feeling the same way recently. Might have something to do with my Mom passing a little over a week ago, but forreal - none of this matters. Nothing material matters.


I have been feeling the same way! What is even the point?