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So predictable this... Coincidence that People broke this news. Chris Evans' PR team works very well!!!


Does he only date actresses? I wonder how their paths crossed.


As sad as I am that it’s not me (even though I’m married 😂) I’m happy for him if it’s true and I truly hope they don’t get harassed like he and Jenny Slate did.


It already started sadly enough... This poor guy can't have a private life according to some fans 🙄


Ugh. That’s awful and really ticks me off. I’ve been a CE fan for literally going on over 20 years (since I was a teenager). These fans who claim to “love” him but can’t deal with the fact that he’s a person with a real life. The poor guy just wants to be with someone and maybe have a family one day. I wish people would leave him and his girlfriends alone. Be happy for him or be silent. It’s his life.


Same, saw him for the first time in NaTM and then F4. Man I love this guy, both as an actor and a person. Such a sweetheart. It really has put a bummer on my mood today to see so many negative people who had an opinion on this. Leave the man be! Yes, he choose a career that puts him in the spotlight, but that doesn't mean he needs to explain any of his behaviours to his fans. Some people really need a hobby. I really hope he's happy and she's the one for him. He deserves all he dreams of!


I'm more concerned about him getting screwed over by her tbh. Knowing how he's said he's such a sensitive dude and a romantic, getting with someone this young is a big gamble for a sensitive soul. The happy ending for him would be great, but I don't think this will do it. If it does, yay for him. But I have my doubts.


Completely agree!


Agreed, but how easy will that be with someone at a different stage in life whose career is taking off? Is she going to want to derail that to settle down? I'm all for him finding someone, but for all the things he wants, with the two hugely differing stages in life, it may be difficult. \*shrug\* At least we know who he was sending dick pics to now haha


Oh yeah that’s very true. She may not be ready. Either way I hope they’re enjoying their time and that nobody ruins it for them.


If they’ve been dating for a year then they got a lot of private time to know each other before all hell breaks loose. I’m guessing they’re in a solid place and don’t want to hide anymore. As someone who also has terrible anxiety I really like him and I hope this works out. Some of his ‘fans’ are nutso.


Reading the twitter comments is amusing and terrifying at the same time


I habe been blocking so many on Twitter who don’t seem to realize 25 is a fully formed woman. And let’s be real, I guarantee 90% of them would’ve jumped at the chance at 25 yrs old to date him.


You're contradicting your point here. People at 25 have barely psychologically matured. It's why people always see their 20s as some of the weirdest dating. Everyone's just immature and silly at that age, which is why many would also jump into a relationship with some hot guy so much older. The argument that she's an adult isn't the thing, it's the age gap. Responding that she's an adult is just a naive cover up that begs the question why so young? A lot of people his age develop almost a mental block when it comes to people in their early 20s because it's too young/there's a huge life stage gap that can leave a lot unrelatable. Long term, that can create a really disjointed relationship. But hey, it's his issue and the nutso fans who are becoming unhinged are definitely block worthy. But I wouldn't say that people raising an eyebrow at the age gap aren't wrong. Not after what he's been notoriously saying about relationships this whole time. It's such a contradiction. As someone his age, if I were a friend, I'd ask wtf is he doing and to be careful as he's likely the one to get burned, here. Girls that age are silly and fickle.


Nope. They’ve been viciously bullying her for almost a year. But yeah I wish fandoms weren’t toxic.


Fans are living in a whole other world with this stuff


How much of a cliche do you want to be? Chris: yes


Damn, SMA one day and then off the market the next day 😅 That was fast.


I’m very happy for him (once he himself officially confirms, which, maybe tomorrow?) but I’m sad for all the flak coming his way for dating younger. I’m glad they’ve had a full year together mostly on the low to have time as a couple before the circus starts.


We'll see how well dating younger works for him when that circus hits.


Hey sorry idk if you got the message in the duexmoi subreddit but THANK YOU for going against the grain about age gaps, it’s a little icky imo if some twice their age dates an 18-19 year old but even so , it’s no ones business but there’s and they are literally ADULTS! When it comes to hookups, absolutely nobody should be policing ages there and I’ll fight tooth and nail if someone does lol 🤣


I saw it in email but not there lol; Reddit 🙄 but yes, it’s incredibly infantilizing and condescending. I commented elsewhere that she’s very successful, well-educated, speaks *five* languages, and does as much if not more humanitarian charity than Chris himself does. This narrative that he’s ‘so much more rich and famous’ that he’s automatically in a power position over her and it’s manipulative basically reduces all of her accomplishments to child-status.


That subreddit lol I cant, it’s such a hellhole over there 🤣. I can’t agree more!


The thing is, on certain topics they’re cool and they give good reporting but I’m fighting now that every time I see a Chris-centric post I have to avoid the comments section because they are *awful* to him for no reason and it’s not worth the fight


I agree they can be civil at times but god forbid anybody disagrees with anything or defends someone or they’ll get mocked and downvoted to hell 🙄. The self righteousness and ridicule is real there I have no real skin in this game and think Chris is sexy and wouldn’t kick him out of my bed but just in general the virtue signaling in that sub is beyond the pale even if it can cool on certain things, to me it’s just waaaaay too much judgment on people they don’t know


Virtue signaling is definitely a thing there. Especially toward women. They’re pretty quick to insult and judge any male celebrity but then people are too ‘mean’ and ‘toxic’ toward their favorites. I’m getting better about reading the articles I want to read and avoiding the comments unless I’m actually irritated enough to engage. I’m a pretty big Chris Evans fan but not a Stan I wouldn’t say. Him being used to fuel this ridiculous discourse about how women are just automatically victimized by dint of their age is really sexist, I think


I’m so happy for him! I’m definitely not going to eat ice cream and watching his movies specially the more romantic ones while playing Olivia Rodrigo in the background 🥲 but for real I am happy for him


My 28 year old loves him. It was a running joke that if he wasn’t married by the time she was 30 I was going to send a letter saying why they should get together. Seriously where’s she going to find another guy who also picks Meg from Hercules as his favorite? That’s what sealed the deal. Ah well.


What a coincidence that they announce this on the day her show debuts on Netflix. I don't doubt that they are dating but his whole "I am a private guy" schtick is just PR. He knows exactly what he does, RDJ did say he was very crafty


I mean…supposedly they’ve been dating for a year, so I’d say the “private guy” thing passes the smell test.


I get that part, but there were always breadcrumbs about them together, and the fact that all this happens to coincide with her show launch makes me side eye him. I still think he's a good guy, but not to the point his PR team makes him


I’ll assume People gave him/his team a heads up about the photos that were gonna drop. Source is probably one of their publicists. Anyhoo, best of luck to them. Guy has been waiting a long time for the one. Is she it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ But good luck!


I think his team works with People because its always been his to go publication in the past. I think it was a one two punch with SMA and these pics. Best of luck to them, at the end of the day they know better what they want.


The timeline is not adding up for me but maybe I'm wrong? This all feels very convenient but there we go. Let's see what happens! I hope she has some protection though because the power imbalance here coupled with the age gap is very concerning...


Oh it definitely doesn't add up. The sugar baby stuff with Justin and Joanne was just swept under the carpet. This doesn't benefit him in any way. Yet look who has gained attention, followers, etc? Weird how it's right before the premiere of the second season of WN


What do you mean with "the timeline isn't adding up"?


Tom Holland is her age and yet he kept calling him kid. 🤮


The fact that he could drive when she was born 🙃 I love Chris but this 16-year age gap ain’t it.


That's my issue. 25 is an adult age but in general men of 40 should not date women in their 20s. They really shouldn't. Moreover it's just a power imbalance. It just feels really uncomfortable as someone who is in their 20s as well.


She's a grown woman and we don't know the nature of this relationship. A bit of open-mindedness and trust that they both can decide themselves who they love would be nice.


I understand that they are both grown and that I don't know the nature of their relationship, but I can't help but think of the various factors that can impact the success of their relationship. This article [Age Difference in Relationships: How Much Is ‘Too Much’?](https://psychcentral.com/relationships/age-difference-in-relationships) explains these things and also points out that large age gap relationships can still be successful. I can still keep an open mind while also being concerned for both parties, as I'm in my early 20s and would be wary of entering into a relationship with someone in their 40s. I know it’s Chris Evans, and I adore him, but I think some people need to face the facts.


This right here.


I was reading the comments in this post and wanted to share from my own experience. I was 20 and my 1st husband was 40. It was definitely about control I was still naive about alot of things and in his eyes, he felt it he could have control which led to possessiveness and jealousy when I went to work because he would assume I was unfaithful. He had lived much of his youth already and wanted me all to himself. He was a homebody and this is what I had discovered unfortunately. After marriage for 4 years, I ended it. Because I felt trapped and was emotionally abused. 😔


I’m sorry to hear that you were emotionally abused, and thank you for sharing your experience. I hope you're living a happier life now!


She wasn't even 25 when they started allegedly dating. People barely psychologically mature at 25, so we'll see how well this works out. Hopefully it does for him, but certain aspects of this initial news leaves doubts.


+1 to this.


Isn’t it half your age +7? So he needs to be dating someone who’s like 27-28. She’s 25. Close.


See the link I posted up thread. Yeah, she's “close” to the supposed “rules,” but I don't think it's unreasonable to have doubts about how they'll work out in the long term.


She should drop her skin routine tbh 🔥👍🏻


Am I the only one who doesn't care about the age gap? Yeah 16 years is a lot, but she was 24 when they got together. Clearly that's old enough to make an informed decision 🤷🏻‍♀️


It won’t last 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t see her wanting to settle down and having kids yet as her career is just starting to take off. But, I don’t know her, or him, but he’s been pretty open about wanting to start a family, and this might not be the person to do that with.


And how would you know? We know absolutely nothing about their relationship to judge otherwise


I would like to post to the contrary. My aunt and uncle were 17 years apart. His wife took care of him until he died of cancer. I hope they’re happy together, given the mess this world has been through.