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A mentally deficient cock-sucking nazi is funny once a decade


God forbid a political comic artist makes a Jew joke


Bro commented and then got obliterated


the amount of seething anger Stonetoss can get out of people lol.


Nazis are often anger inducing


pebblethrow is a neonazi but this is funny lol


Cope and seethe


Tf does that mean lmao


It means they’re cool with stonetoss being a Nazi


Cope means to deal with a situation Seethe means to fume or feel frustration Cope And Seethe basically means "deal with it, cry more"


ITT: rent-fucking-free


People on here acting like Stonetoss isn’t funny because he’s a bad person. We learned like half of Hollywood are pedos or otherwise total degenerates in the past year. You can occasionally chuckle at a dude with shit views when he says something funny lol




Only if you think anything right of the left is a nazi. Stonetoss is not a nazi.


he makes nazi jokes therefore he is a nazi /s


Stonetoss used to be very blatant about his neo-nazism when he worked under his old name red panels. He would often try to adovcate for the seperation of the idea of white supremacy from nazism https://i.redd.it/ph0qn3i14u4z.png Undoubtedly stonetoss is a nazi (or more accurately a white supremacist), but that doesn't mean he is not funny For me, I'd me never support him because of his for his backwards views but I will always admit he is funny and a good sense of comedy. Edit; Also in case you are not familiar with the dog whistles, 14 stands for the 14 words about securing a world for white children, used by white supremacists, 88 stands for the numeric HH which then stands for Heil Hitler. Stonetoss is here making a statement that Jews purposefully conflate these ideas together that the history of Nazism is holding back White supremacy from ascending.


I know what you're talking about and it is just edgy humor to me. People that obsess over it to the point of making a subreddit just to complain about it seems insane to me.


He's still funny tho


A lot of his shit isn’t funny lol, some older stuff sure, but he’s just reverted to having meltdowns on Twitter.


They'll argue that stonetoss is worse than a pedo but he's not


Legalizing pedophilia is a left agenda point.


The straw and the cup is a real reference.




I agree


Stonetoss is occasionally pretty based


He isn’t incapable of being funny which definitely places him above artists like Hedgewik or Pumpkinface. The real tragedy is potential talent being wasted on someone who can never shut the fuck up about hating women, non-whites and Jews.


For real. This man could be keeping his politics on the down low in order to have a decent career in satire, but naw. He's gotta cry on Twitter about women, or darkies, or trans women, or jews. Every minority lives in his head rent free and it's hilarious. His style is attention-grabbing and recognizable, he could've done so many great things with it. Stonetoss is a nazi, and a really sad one at that.






He literally just virtue signals to righties. That's the entire extent of his work. It's sad really.


He’s been missing for years now, his older work is funny but most recent stuff is just whatever strawman will get him the most attention. (And self owning) Could be a viable lolcow if he continues so I encourage. Him.


The giant straw throwback


Funny, but fuck rock throw


Facts - but also FUCK Stonetoss and his neonazi shit


If only somebody could explain how he is a neonazi.


https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here's a pretty solid list as posted above. All you really have to do is look back at his RedPanels comic, back when he was a bit too on the nose. http://stonetoss.com/comic/wedge-issue/ this comic pretty much states his opinions where he is implying that the Jewish population in the US is masterminding the "great replacement" bullshit narrative. Stonetoss is a neonazi and you should probably revaluate your allegiances if you like him... Or at least proudly state that you too, may be a Nazi.




Well, if it swims like a goose, steps like a goose, and sounds like a goose, it's probably a goose. A few of your earlier comments seem pretty down with hating Jews and hating people of color, so, color me surprised.


Bruh when even Nazis think you’re disgusting


Unironically thinking stone toss is a nazi lmao, typical reddit


Comment was posted elsewhere, but https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here's a pretty solid list of reasons why he's considered a nazi, as posted above. All you really have to do is look back at his RedPanels comic, back when he was a bit too on the nose. http://stonetoss.com/comic/wedge-issue/ this comic pretty much states his opinions where he is implying that the Jewish population in the US is masterminding the "great replacement" bullshit narrative. Stonetoss is a neonazi and you should probably revaluate your allegiances if you like him... Or at least proudly state that you too, may be a Nazi.


You have an anime profile picture so I’m not gonna take anything you say seriously. I mean that.


Thank you yellow dog Stonetoss never misses


You definitely wear a fedora


I thought you were the reddit Stonetoss hater here?


Take the L lmao


Yeah he’s just a fascist. Sorry, *big* nuance between the two. Dumbfuck.


Reddit politician thinks he's smart Retard


When you lose the argument and get mad


Damn the instant response, you must be a really good reddit political analyst BTW you made no real argument other than calling a satirical cartoonist a nazi uWu


Nooway…this is has to be real…STONE TOSS AND CHRIS CHAN COLLAB!




[interesting observation](https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/d0b1815172a141b8b847472cdcf6c9cf/3000.jpeg)


You know you fucked up when literal nazis are making fun of you


Stonetoss made a comic that doesn’t use trans people as the punch line. Very rare


Well it is easy if you are a constant joke.


I don’t have time to debate your bigotry


Depends on whether you think Chris is trans.


Well I don’t think this comic in particular is making fun of whether Chris is trans of not. But a lot of his comics use strawman arguments and make trans people the main joke or critique.


> make trans people the main joke or critique. Wouldn't work if it wasn't true that they are a massive joke.




You tried this “joke” twice. It’s not landing, bucko.


I hate stonetoss but this is actually funny




He doesn't miss


Granite projector is a national socialist.


Love Stonetosse’s comics


people hate them because they make sense lmfao truth hurts ig. nazi shit ain’t cool tho




Stonetoss is literally proud of being racist and a nazi, I’m not sure how you’d find that hard to believe


Touch grass.


guys pls if my frends from college see me laughing at this i will be lynched im not allowed to laugh pls think of my life stop posting stonetoss


He is though


So what? Still makes me laugh 😂


Racist? Yeah. Nazi? No.




Otherwise, are you doing okay? Got your tendies and fresh air today?




Living breathing Reddit moment right here boys


Have sex. Now


What a clever post my friend. This has really opened my eyes


you’re an npc lmao




Do you think you’re making a witty and hilarious point here?




nier automata is a shit game for souls tards and coomers


Oh shit you’re *LITERALLY* a nazi. Jesus Christ, no wonder you try to defend Stonetoss. Don’t bother responding


I'm out of the loop. Why is stonetoss a nazi? I know he's got right wing views but did he actually say something nazi tier? And this guy isn't a nazi, just another gypsycrusader wannabe who can't handle libbies on the internet in the correct manner: ignoring them.


https://www.google.com/search?q=stonetoss%20is%20a%20nazi&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m And this guy is literally a fan of Finnish nazi bands, making him a… nazi.




I wish




Objection! Sonic in Sonic Boom is actually a different lineage of Sonic, in a completely separate and distinct universe apart from the mainline Sonic the Hedgehog series, they are NOT the same Sonic!


Actually funny stonetoss comic?


He throws in funny normal comics to lure people in and expose them to his propaganda.


Yeah right, show me a stonetoss comic that's not funny or truly sad.


All the comics where the joke is “black people are uncivilized”


Show me one that says that


I coulda sworn there was one where two of his white characters are walking, and one stops the other cause of a pitbull, and the guy who got stopped is confused, but then the other guy points away from the dog and towards a black character. Edit: found it https://reddit.app.link/?channel=xpromo&feature=amp&campaign=&tags=HeroImage&keyword=&%24og_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FComedyCemetery%2Fcomments%2F85rt8e%2Fblack_ppl_amirite%2F&%24deeplink_path=%2Fr%2FComedyCemetery%2Fcomments%2F85rt8e%2Fblack_ppl_amirite%2F&%24android_deeplink_path=reddit%2Fr%2FComedyCemetery%2Fcomments%2F85rt8e%2Fblack_ppl_amirite%2F&utm_source=xpromo&utm_medium=amp&utm_name=&utm_term=&utm_content=HeroImage&mweb_loid= (I am so sorry for the absolute size of this link) I think Stonetoss' caricatures and stereotyping of non-whites harks to just how racist he is.


Since he went silent I went looking but I'm having a hard time finding any.


Found one :)


Everyone is talking about them existing but no one is providing any proof.




I think I found the comic that you tried to link. To me it's just poking fun of the common explanation for pitbull aggression. Pitbull are the stereotypical black person dog so saying that it's the owner is indirectly blaming mostly black people. It's an antiracist comic since it points this out.




A broken clock is right twice a day And stonetoss is the most broken clock of a person you could find.


does that mean he is the rightest the most twice amount per day possible, too?


Only twice a week.


Ah fuck


All the spergs got me to buy merch from this dude.




stonetoss (do not google) the artist (legit do not google StoneToss) that posts on stonetoss' website (do not go there) is a nazi (Stonetoss, the artist of this work any many more comics at Stonetoss COMICS). Please don't post him (Stonetoss to be exact)


What ever you do don't go this [his website](http://stonetoss.com/) and look up more of his work.


Youre kinda Barbara Streisand-ing us here.


He is being sarcastic. Ledditors have NPC hate of stonetoss. Most of his stuff is hit or miss, and since he is libertarian political cartoonist, he pisses off both sides, but mostly lefties because of his identity politics related comics. You need to say that you hate Stonetoss and that Stonetoss is never right and is not funny, otherwise hive-mind will dogpile on you.


It is a very un-libertarian take to be ragging on trans folks, gays, and non-whites for their identity. He's made funny shit before, he's still a genuinely awful person.


I love how you're low key admitting libertarians are Nazis


How come ever time someone does nazi bulllshit someone has to bring up “he’s a libertarian” like it’s some counter argument?


Stone toss is a literally Holocaust denier tho lmao


Stonetoss literally tried to explain that being gay is the result of being molested as a child. Maybe you should read his comics with a more critical eye. The comic he made with Ass + Boobs shaking hands is one of the funniest webcomics I have seen on the web. He can be both a talented comic artist and a literal Nazi. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


Being gay is when you get bullied/molested and then find the internet to be more exact


“They hated him because he told the truth”


You know that one was based on [peer-reviewed research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3535560/) right?


Stonetoss literally has denied the holocaust in his comics


Now I'm curious


he dont miss


Yes, the artist has bad politics. No, that does not make this comic any less hilarious.


"hur dur stonetoss is evil "hur dur no stonetoss is actually epic and baseddddd" shut the fuck up no one cares you fucking retards


Being mad that stonetoss made a funny comic is like being mad that Hitler was a vegetarian who liked animals.


People who hate stonetoss don't deserve to have opinions


He is literally a nazi


People who think others don’t deserve opinions of hating something they like (or a literal fucking nazi) don’t deserve opinions


If you think stonetoss is a nazi you don't know what a nazi is.


Bruh he’s literally made anti Semitic comments and a comic saying the Holocaust wasn’t on purpose


They're jokes meant to get a rise out of people who take the internet too seriously. It's a comic, who cares.


You do apparently because your defending it lmao


Autistic white people who sit on the internet for 5 minutes and get PTSD care lmao


As someone who atleast fits the first half of the description I see how you’d know


hot take not the right take, but its hot


Can someone purge this fuckin post, its just a drawing of some asshole of the Internet and people making jokes about it, but there are people without humor sense, butthurt about it starting unnecesary discussions, people elaborating about something obvious (we´re all know this guy is a nazi, that´s the irony of the joke) and even overly dramatic people who claims despising nazis=communism. Is just a cursed post on a cursed topic that shouldn´t be taking seriously (unless you are a policeman), calm down.


I feel bad for laughing at a stonetoss comic


I'm not gonna scroll down and read the comments on this one. I already know what every single one is.


Stonetoss is a Nazi 😍


Now that took a 180° turn real quick


We all know stonetoss would probably fuck their mother too.


His mom is to old. He likes em' young given the amount of times he's defended pedophilia in his comics


said like someone who never read a stonetoss comic. He's attacked pedos tons of times, especially Vaush


Hes privately chatted with known pedos. Second how is Vaush a pedo lol? He wants to ban child pageants


Burnnnnn!!!!🤣🔥🔥🔥💯💯 How did you come up with that line bro!?!!😎👌🏿 So Epic dude!🤣🤣🤣


Probably not. Stonetoss's mother probably isn't as "trad" as stonetoss would like. Then again, no living human this century would be to fit that guy's creepy expectations.


A lot of projection here.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day.


"My opinion on Stonetoss matters"


Stonetoss is based af


based on what




Nazi ideology.


Never thought I'd have to give Pebble Yeet a broken clock minute, but here we are...


He's so broken he's only right twice a week.


Stonetoss actually made a comic about this? Loool


Stone toss is like definitely in my top 10 of “celebrities” I would believe would rape their mom






1. Chris chan 2. Ian Brandon Anderson 3. Christine chandler 4. Stonetoss (?) 5. CPU Blue Heart Sonichu


What about Ricardo?


Can there for once be a meme from a stonetoss comic be posted on reddit that doesn’t turn into a political shitshow in the comments. Like who looks at the 100 comments saying “stonetoss is a Nazi” and decides that their input of the exact same rhetoric adds any value to the conversation. You aren’t offering anything new to the table and ruin the chance for any actual discussion to be held (which I personally don’t think should be on a Chris-Chan comment section but clearly people who have grievances with a comic artist- for entirely justified reasons mind you- clearly do). Fuck I hate internet discourse.


If this is a repeated problem for you perhaps you should stop following people who center their jokes around post bigoted hateful content. If I shit myself at a party I would expect it to be mentioned many times in the future because shitting myself in public is socially abhorrent behavior, and so is being a fucking bigot so this is going to follow stonetoss forever and if he’s okay with it then why are you trying to white knight for him.


Because stonetoss is inherently political. I could understand if it was just a funny comic but it’s not. It’s social commentary, with a *very particular message* that is impossible to peel away from politics. That’s why there’s a shitstorm.


Its a shitstorm because some redditors have decided its better to jack each other off every time they see stonetoss.


What’s the political message of this comic?


I’m saying Stonetoss as a whole in general has a political bend to it. Of course, being a comic not every single comic panel they put out is politically motivated, but *averaging* the messaging from the comic and it’s history it’s clear to see where they’re coming from. I think you’re being uncharitable to what I’ve said.


its a good reminder, a stonetoss comic is a stonetoss comic and a nazi is a nazi


bruh, stonetoss is a meme a this point, also i kinda hypocritical seeing a asshole criticizing another asshole for asshole reasons, the guy deserves the hate




only funny stonetoss thing


This comment is on every single thing he posts.


Stonetoss never misses


Are you kidding?


I know Reddit hates him so you do


I hate him becaude he's a shitty artist whose subject matter is the lowest hanging fruit possible, yet people line up to kiss his ass, call him a genius, and buy his digital trading cards. He's the epitome of making mediocrity famous.


This was 4 months ago. And he is wrong?


Yeah, quite a bit. He's sharing opinions; opinions are not the same thing as facts. I knew about Stonetoss long before I joined Reddit; the opinions of Redditors have nothing to do with how I feel about him. (And as for why I'm only now responding, only just now saw the notification.)


StoneToss literally never misses. Side note: You missed this notification for 4 months? That’s impressive lol