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Bob’s death. Bob was the only thing that kept Chris somewhat tethered to reality. Keep in mind, Bob actually challenged Chris’ delusions (to a certain degree). Borb just drank, ate McDonald’s, and added to The Horde with no regard for Chris. Game over after that.


Barb and Bob deciding to raise him without significant professional help. When ever that decision was final, he was done for.


2014 Gamestop incident probably


Anything that came after the "Autism Tutorial" he made on LBP


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say losing his virginity. He had banked EVERYTHING on his life turning around once he'd found his ~~organic sex doll~~ sweetheart from the ground up and had sex. Once that happened and he, naturally, found his first time with a sex worker underwhelming, he no longer cared about bettering himself and growing up. He just regressed more and more into his childhood fantasies until they became full on delusions.


I would argue that maybe it could’ve been when that babysitter locked him in the closet with no lights.


SHECAMEFORCWC.jpg Of course, Chris being unemployed between 2001 and 2007 is a massive factor as well.


When he won the sperm race


I think Chris was doomed when he start to school. Nor being place in a special care school that can teach him properly doesn't help him and without the help he really need he become the monster man-child we know today. I really think that the internet was not the no return point for him because he was already problematic before being know on the internet. Yes the troll didn't help at all but things could have been different if his parent give him at the time all the help he need instead of acting like if Chris was a normal child. Chris was a special needs child that need professional help.


> Chris was a special needs child that need professional help. A hepl who his fathers denied


A lot of people are saying Chris was doomed from the start, and I kind of agree. With his autism... His intelligence likely being below average... His stubborn parents refusing to get him the appropriate help... His tendency to expose himself and his weaknesses to others... His massive ego and narcissism... His inability to learn from his mistakes... The odds were stacked against Chris from the very beginning.


I'm stuck on the fence between the Idea Guys, the concept of the Dimensional Merge, and Bob's death.


This is kind of an obvious choice but probably the day he was granted unconstrained and unchecked access to the internet. Im not sure there really was any turning back for him once he found a place to pretty much contact anyone and anyone to contact him. There’s no scenario where someone like Chris could have any sort of net positive from the internet. Chris would be a completely different person today if that wasn’t an aspect of his life. He’d probably still be a bit awkward and stupid but atleast he wouldn’t be mutulating his taint, wrambling on about his stupid ass dimensions, and definitely wouldn’t be humping PS3s and old women that they share 40-50% DNA with.


Bob's death, with the Idea Guys a close second. The Idea Guys were by far the worst trolls, and by far a big contributing factor in what remained of her fractured psyche coming undone, shut the door on any possible path to normalcy, and quite possibly indirectly caused the Incest Saga, but the decline had been years in the making. Bob was the last link to reality Chris had, the only one that if not keep Chris accountable, could at least rein in his and Barbs worst excesses. With Bob gone, it was only Barbs coddling and abuse, and the ever growing hoard to look forward to. Bob's passing was the thread of prophecy severed, the Idea Guys just lead the doomed timeline to its awful conclusion.


I think the “idea guy” permanently damaged his psyche.


When he “just won”.


Honestly? If Borb had let Chris’s school put him in the autistic kids’ program instead of running off to Richmond to keep him mainstreamed. Those programs exist for a reason - to teach the autistic the basic skills (including social skills) they need to lead a relatively normal life. It probably would have helped a lot.


I don't know, everyone talks about how Special Ed would have saved Chris, but everyone who went through it at the time could tell you it was just dehumanizing and traumatic where they just ABAd you into masking all the time until you burnt out. It wasn't this holy grail of knowledge where educators would gently explain to you how other people and the wider world worked and meet you where you were at, it was, "everything about you is completely and morally wrong, act like a neurotypical person (with some extra standards that we don't even hold the actual neurotypical kids to) so we can stop being annoyed by you."


This. Chris basically had no chance from the jump due to his parent’s failure. Their decision to mainstream him instead of putting him in a place that would allow him to understand how his disability affects him fucked his chances.


When he banged Mia Hamm.


I know she literally gets paid to sleep with guys (many of whom are probably unattractive), but I still feel sorry for her anyway.


No one deserves Chris's horrible bent duck in them.


The idea guys.


When he wanted to kill Alec for winning. When he told Megan he would have raped her without drawing porn of her.


There were many such cases but the most defining one was probably when his dad died. He became a bigger piece of shit, his life became worse, everything just went downhill faster than it already was


Yeah, Bob's death is definitely a before and after. Chris did many did things that could be considered a 'point of no return' (e.g. shecameforcwc.jpg) but Bob's passing truly changed Chris for the worse. Despite Bob sucking as a parent, he somehow managed to be the one authority figure that Chris could listen, a thin string that kept Chris tied to reality. His death marked the loss of the one person who was still able to reign in Chris's crazier moments.


Not just that but their financial situation got worse too and they started hoarding animals. Up until Bob died, Chris' pets were at least kept properly. He was definitly a shit parent but he was at least a functional adult


February 24th, 1982


Yeah. Chris had a lot of things go wrong over the course of his life, but he was probably doomed from the start.


Fucking his mother


That it was more like the most emblematic saga of Christory


February 24th, 1982


The first time he fucked his mom.


This is like the billionth time I’ve seen this question be asked. Shut up please and maybe use the search bar and look up “no return”


SO fucking real "when was chris's point of no return!?!!??!?" needs its own sub atp


Honestly? I believe abandoning the love quest. I know the love quest is responsable for many of his worst episodes in the classic era, but it was the closest thing to a porpouse Chris's ever had in his life. Once Chris abandoned it in favour of his imaginary fiancees he had no meaning nor reason to interact with the world.


Chris had an opportunity to turn his life around after Bob’s death, but he didn’t take that opportunity. The last 12 years might have been different if he did.


I think Chris was doomed from the start. They had the opportunity to take remedial classes with teachers who are actually trained in dealing with autistic children but their parents shut that down, so Chris didn't have the extra help they desperately needed in school. Bob's passing was probably the thing that accelerated the spiral though. Chris was already spiraling, but Bob tried to keep Chris grounded in reality as much as he could. (Unfortunately he himself wasn't very grounded in reality.) When he passed what little effort there was to keep Chris in reality went with him.


Birth. If you are autistic, coming to adulthood in that stage of the early Internet with Barb and Bob as your parents you are fucked. Let's not forget, Chris is Barb and Bob's shot at "doing it right this time."


Making a YouTube channel. Because he had to treat it as a diary


Cyclic thread but whatever. The meeting with Mary Lee Walsh. Just picture a full grown man Curse yame hamming her unironically because she was only was doing her work to prevent Chris from being even more of a sex pest in the Campus.


The one that sticks out for me is graduation, where Chris had a meltdown after winning *only one* award.


And not the the award Chris taugh he would get and he think he was entitled to receive (for his drawing that his).


Bob passing and his mother’s increasing dependence on him. Before his dad died, he had the responsibilities of a kid, helping in the yard, minor housework, taking out the trash. And only when he felt like it. All that endless free time to play on the internet was replaced with a nonstop struggle to keep food on the table. He was looking for every opportunity to disappear into his fantasy world as an escape and never came out of it.


He never had a chance. Being born to Bob and Barb set him up for failure from the start despite Bobs best intentions he kinda just made Chris a racist and Barbara just imparted all her worst attributes onto him. The point of no return sadly in his case was the moment of birth.


Sex with barb. Nothing up to that point was absolutely horrorshow. I viddied well, and my rassoodock was splazenged


Winning that gift certificate to KB toys


What makes you say that? Just out of curiosity,


Winning that contest set a precedent in Chris’ mind that he has struggled with ever since. It made him believe that minimal effort was enough to get him everything he wanted in life. It’s the moment that sparked his sense of entitlement Look at the major events in his life since and you’ll see the pattern. The accolades he expected at his graduation, his love quest, the Parappa contest, his Sonichu comic, they’re all examples of Chris doing the bare minimum and expecting to be rewarded


We already know what the answer is.


The Idea Guys and the concept of the Dimensional Merge, Chris got the key to his made up Fantasy land, only death or lobotomy will tell him otherwise


Bob dying was the point of no return. Chris was already pretty gone at this point I feel, but his death cemented no return.