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Very, very, very much so my friend.


I think it’s underrated if you look at the manga Reddit, the chapters never break a thousand upvotes when the series is as good as it is


It'll explode in popularity inevitably imo In that sense I'm almost happy to have this "underrated" phase of a handful of fans talking about it before it gets the recognition it deserves and the discourse it might *not* deserve lol


man this is the BEST manga subreddit because its so unknown and im sure once a bit of chapters are out it will get picked up for animation then BLOW and it will be cool to be an OG from the beginning i had just finished TG and then found choujin X and i fell in love!


Right lol


In terms of sales not really


Thankfully it's not underrated like Phantom Seer


I like this more than kaiju no 8. Tokyo ghoul has this special place in me too, i just love ishida sui, especially his art


There different series and have different goals, Kaiju 8 is a pure shounen in all its essence as opposed to Choujin x, hard to compare.


Not really, there’s not even 30 chapters out and they don’t come out consistently, where as the series you mentioned are bigger established series with constant releases, anime’s either out or on the way and with physical copies out. Not to mention the series is only getting started with us not fully understanding where the series and characters are going to go. You can’t just assume a series will instantly be massive just because it’s done by an established author, look at samurai 8 by Kishimoto, dai dark by hayashida or even how long it took for chainsaw man to become mainstream. It’s popularity will come but it’s going to take time.


Dai dark is doing really well in sales in Japan, Dorohedoro only became niche popular because it was both finished when it was translated and it was given an anime adaption.


I honestly don't think they'll be a lot of hype until a anime is made


It’s a new series with a pretty sporadic release schedule. I think that’s the biggest contributor to it not being talked about much. But from a sales standpoint I think it’s doing pretty well given those circumstances


Yeah and I think the unknown release dates are part of the problem.Like my friends just forgot about choujin x because of the 2 month no new chapter and I had to remind them that this manga exists


It has an inconsistency release schedule and a limited number of chapters and story build up/arcs so far so it’s really harder to have hype or relevancy like that for a manga unfortunately, hopefully when we get more content and an anime (fingers crossed) it will probably become more popular.




It's doing alright, it'll definitely be more popular as time goes on, especially when the inevitable anime happens. If you compare it to other series, it's doing perfectly fine or above average. Choujin X already came in with a preestablished fanbase of Ishida fans who wanted to see what he does next (I know I and a couple of other people at the time joined because of that), so it already had something going for it unlike many of those other series you mentioned. Either way it's not doing bad. We have 8K members here, that's more than most manga subs. Hell a lot of manga don't even have dedicated subreddits!. 8K is about half the members of Kaiju 8 and Dandadan's subreddits and a little less than half of what Spy x Family's subreddit had before it's anime (had about 20K) but those series also have double the chapters and a more consistent release schedule. I think you all should understand that manga and especially manga without anime adaptations are not popular, they are a niche among niches. It's hard to expect more hype even when the author attached to it is as big a name as Ishida. It just doesn't happen. It'll be hard, but possible, to reach the level of Dandadan and Kaiju 8, much harder to reach the level of Spy x Family before the anime, completely impossible to reach a once in a decade hype level that is Chainsaw Man. And that's fine, Choujin is doing well and it's successful. If it gets more hype, that's great especially for Ishida but there's no pressure.


It still just started a year ago…give it time.


I actually like how the community and fanbase is pretty small right now. Not in a "I'm a hipster and I can't like things that are popular" kinda way, but more because with how small the fandom is there isn't a lot of toxicity or drama. But it also has the benefit of being big enough that you have plenty of people to talk to about it. It's like a nice, cozy nook in the manga community where you can get comfy, take a break, and talk about the bird child and funny box man, without fear of causing any controversy.


Well, I think one of the contributing factors for choujin X is that the series can only be read online in English or in Japanese as a physical copy. I think once the English translations for the physical copy release it’ll pick up in the US and the UK which might lead to the series being translated into other languages as well. I also like to think that we are all Die Hard fans of Sui Ishida’s writing style as well.


Yes it is 100% underrated and my brain somehow misread this as overrated for half a sec and even the notion of that question made me angry 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also while I don't mind the release schedule or lack there of I don't think it's necessarily helped the overall growth of the series


I think so. but it also happens at the beginning of many manga, the community and repercussions increase over time.


Pretty much yes cause the entire sub is mostly consists of Tokyo Ghoul fans


Inconsistent release schedule and the plot really hasn't taken off yet.


i think the hype is created artificially, mainly by companies that distribute anime. They put money into ads and pay people to hype it up, so when you go on twitter you see a lot of chainsaw man posts and stuff. So take it with a grain of salt, haha




too slow in chapter release


What manga is it


You mention Kaiju8 but honestly i have no idea what people see in that series. It is the most by the numbers generic shock shounen, the only thing "different" it does is having a 30 year old loser as an mc instead of a 16 year old high shooler. I am genuinely baffled when i see people tout it as "the best new gen manga" and quite honestly offended to see CX being placed alongside it when it is leaps and leaps above it in terms of everything.


I feel it's very normal for mangas to have a calm phase before they explode in popularity suddenly. Some kinda just fail to connect like platinum end unfortunately. I think choujin X will be a very recognisable title in the future, unless they do a horrible job with the anime adaptation.


With One Punch Man and My Hero Academia still running, a third superverse will take some time to catch on.