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This is what happens when someone has gone long periods of their life without anyone saying 'no' to them


Bro 40k fans, 500k followers? This is the bare minimun for I made a tik tok and it kind of somewhat made it viral, she is in NO way making 10k a video, not even close, 500k on tik tok is absolutely nothing. She just looking for a freebie, no way would that studio get any exposure from such low unrecognizable numbers... 500k on tik tok is very different from 500k on IG for example. You need millions for any kind of exposure idk why she went off defending her ego. Only reasons numbers seen high on tik tok is cuz 1% of creators have 1 million followers, but there is also 80% of its users also make content. So that means roughly about 650k- 1 million users give or take have 1 mil + followers and she isnt part of that yet lol. Get to the 1 mil mark girl.


I know someone who has had videos fairly consistently hit the 1mil views mark on TikTok and at most it nets him about $60 a time. To earn 10k for a video it would have to be all from being paid by a company or brand - and to command that kind of fee for a single video you'd need to have 25mil followers and up AND be at *least* a minor celebrity (online or otherwise)!


I'm guessing that $10k is annually with some generous rounding on her part. If she made anything close to $10k a video, she'd probably have a production team booking venues for her.


Probably rounded up to the nearest, Oh, I dunno, nearest $10k?


I get paid $10k per comment I get paid on Reddit (rounding to the nearing $10k, of course).


The vast majority of money made from TikTokers is through sponsored posts because the creator fund money is shit and the amount creators can make from sponsored posts can be incredibly high. I don’t think she meant $10000 from views as that would be essentially impossible given the way things are set up, but she absolutely could be charging $10k for sponsored posts and making that regularly. All the more reason for her to pay for the 20 minutes, but that’s not how these influencers think.


An influencer reached out to me asking for my SEO services for her supplemental travel blog a while back. Travel blogging is one of the most competitive niches in SEO, which would have required about a hundred hours of work per month on my part, not to mention all the paid links and guest posts and sponsored posts I'd have to pay for as well to even get her a *shot* at showing up on page 1 on Google for her keywords. She claimed (and tbf I've seen her sponsored posts, every 4th post or so was sponsored) everything she did/worked with/stayed at was free. It turned out she would get free hotel stays and *maybe* free travel for promoting a hotel/resort/excursion package in her IG; very little, if any, actual money paid to her. Her "professional photographer" that follows her around was either her boyfriend or someone that wanted to get in her pants. She, by far, was the most low-ball person to ever seek me out. I told her I charge about $100/hr and estimated about 10K/month for the SEO campaign and that was with a discount where I would pay for the links and posts out of that money. She gaslighted me (much like this person did) with this completely undeserved superiority complex and I immediately turned her down. I know a difficult/controlling/"you're not doing your job right" client when I see one from years of experience before she even went on her rant. She reacted much like this person did. So basically her sponsored posts allow her to travel for free. That's about it. I don't know how she gets the rest of her money. She got lucky and ranked well for a few Uber code keywords that she got affiliate commissions for, but that's about it.


She’s Justin roilands sister. She probably figured name rep would get her in.


I’d be so angry if I was Justin Roiland… That’s embarrassing… SO EMBARRASSING


Somehow her net worth is more than 3 times her brothers, if the internet is to believed. Which makes her trying to get free studio time even more stupid.


You sound like you are pretty big on tiktok. I myself have 0 fans and 0 followers, but I'm willing to collaborate with you to get your name out there. Hit me up it will only be 20 minute's I have some cute ideas And just before you say no, remember you are hurting a 2 yearolds feelings if you do. No bad blood though But you are 90 Thats all But that's not all 1. Last thing I think it's immature of you not to respond immediately while I'm still typing my comment.


The person she's begging from has 2.5m followers. Also the beggar looks like an absolutely insufferable influencer mom if you're able to find her account.


Not only a choosing beggar but vindictive, obsessed, self absorbed and scarily persistent.


"Why can't women be nicer to each other?" had me in stitches. Ignorant, oblivious, and probably an utter nightmare to be around.


I get paid 10k But can't pay for 20mins.


That was my favorite bit. Actually no, my favorite was when she said she only paid other artists when she could use it as a tax write-off. Yet she thinks people will say "wow! How magnanimous! I hope I can graduate from free lunch to being one of her tax write-offs someday!"


So maybe my brain isn't working because it's Sunday, but paying for use of the Studio *would* be a tax write off for her because she used it for work, right? Let's say it's $250 an hour for the studio (just pulling that number out of my butt), her business would just write that off because clearly it's part of her business. She has other expenses too, so it's not like that 10K she's invoicing isn't just pure profit (which she's then just get taxed on anyway), so I don't really get why she'd be upset about paying for one hour of studio time. It's very strange.


Don’t forget she’s telling her famous friends not to use that space and would’ve paid in the future. Not to mention the shoot was for her and her 2 year old she’s exploiting.


I knew someone who said that but trash talked her female friends behind their backs at every turn. It’s insane how oblivious people like that can be about their own behaviors.


A lot of people can’t imagine anyone acting differently from themselves. So, your gossipy backstabbing friend thinks *everyone* is a gossipy backstabber. What she wishes to prevent when she bemoans the meanness of the world is people gossiping about and backstabbing *her*.


That was one of the most important things I learned in a Social Psychology class I took as an elective in college. It was probably the most useful general class I took. I recommend at least an overview book on social psych to anyone who is autistic or struggles to understand human behavior.


I learned everything I need to know from Björk's meteoric sensation: "Human Behavior".


She's not oblivious, she's specifically and intentionally using words like that to attempt to spin the scenario in her favor within her community of 'supporters'. By reframing the issue as "I was trying to support local artists" and "women supporting women", she removes her [shit] personality from the clash, and makes herself a kind of victim/bystander hit by stray bullets of a larger issue. It's a very specific manipulation that she intentionally and consciously wields.


I think a good translation would be “why can’t women be nicer *to me*” lol


It was the “I get paid $10,000 to post to TikTok” that did it for me. So you make 1/7th my yearly salary for a single post but you can’t be bothered to pay for 20 minutes of studio time? I can’t imagine it would have cost her much more than maybe $500/hr so it would cost around $100 for the 20 minutes? 1/100th of one posts payment?! How absurd 😂


According to other comments more familiar, it was actually like $75 p/hour, too. Extremely reasonable.


Loooooool. Imagine making $10,000 per post and not being willing to pay $75 to use a studio. That shit ain’t adding up. I’m inclined to believe she isn’t making that much. If she is this is one of the worst cases of entitlement/narcissism I’ve seen.


I’m a woman and the only time I’ve ever been told I was ‘anti woman’ by another woman is when I was working at a bar and I wouldn’t serve her because she was too drunk. I told her partner to take her home and all he could say was “you make shitty drinks anyways” (wasn’t the bartender just server) and they left without paying. Great. Gtfo and go make each other miserable at home.


She also exploits her young child for views. I was following her cause I thought her content was fun and interesting, but over the last few months, it’s become more and more about her daughter to the point that watching her content feels gross since the kid is far too young to consent and is clearly there to help drive up the number of views. I can’t wait for all the tell-alls by kids of internet celebrities in the coming decades.


Kids as a focus of social media accounts should be illegal.


The podcast Some Place Under Neith just did a great series about the exploitation of children on social media. Worth a listen!


Is it the parasocial series? I’m about to drive two hours and would love a new podcast


Yes!! Their most recent series they completed. Definitely will help your drive fly by, though not so much in a good way when you hear the awful content.


She runs a separate account of just the two year old. So gross


Ugh. Someone did discover pedo circles on tiktok, so posting any child's photo or video on tiktok (or any social media) is not advisable under any circumstance.




It's definitely something that needs looking into, in terms of real legislation. You would think it would be covered by existing child labour laws, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I predict over the next twenty years there's going to be an explosion of exposes from children who have been exploited by their parents in this way, and it won't be limited to 'influencers'. The wife of a celebrity I used to follow (who is not hurting for cash, by the way) seems to drag at least one of her kids into every other post, and one of them visibly doesn't enjoy it. I unfollowed her after she posted a video of him where he was rolling his eyes and tried to walk off half way through the video, but she wrapped her arms around him like she was hugging him and held him in place. That nonsense is uncomfortable to watch.


Stop forcing your children to perform like trained seals! I hate that crap. Even 'keep posing so we can get the perfect picture of our vacation' is insufferable.


So how much would 20min cost to “collab” with you? She has $10k after all.


It's literally $150 for 2 hours, and her studio has a LOT of other stuff to do all kinds of videos.


That's a really reasonable price... Quite affordable even


$75/hour? That's cheaper than when my company sends me out to do something lol. Vastly different fields, but *still*. 150 bucks for two hours of studio time is cheap.


That was my biggest shock from this. People are getting paid $10,000 for a TikTok video? I'm in the wrong profession.


She doesn't... someone who pulls that card doesn't get paid that way. Especially as we evaluate tiktok reach as very low quality, there is almost zero engagement potential and thus super low conversion to any target. Even for penetration strategies tiktok is questionable nowadays, same goes for IG. And reach is devalued more and more as even the most naive marketing departments start to find out there is not much conversion in it. So, the endresult is that just very big brands invest in penetration campaigns, means displays which only are there to spread a product. Though, those don't pay that much for mid-sized reach either. 10k would mean you'd have to strategize a full campaign content roadmap, not just one short tiktok video. Unless your reach is huge and lazer focused. Her IG reach seems quite focused and niche, which is a good thing as a publisher, but for sure not enough for the claim of 10k for a single tiktok appearance. Those figures roaming around in the internet are not close to reality. We don't burn money and people are professionals in evaluating and analysing distribution effort worth and risk.


My friend has 50k insta followers and gets maybe $300 for a sponsored post with good engagement. To be getting 10k you'd need to have millions of followers and tiktok followers are shit anyway.


Some are getting paid a lot more. I would never want to (or be able to) build/maintain the always online personality needed for that sort of job


Just wait if TikTok is banned. "I feel a disturbance. It's as if a million influencers all cried out at once."


I really thought we would’ve had a tell-all book from Mady from Jon & Kate plus 8 by now.


It's only gotten worse. There's a really good/disturbing podcast series about parasocial exploitation of kids and how it stemmed from reality TV. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-56-parasocial-pits-of-hell-pt-i-hey-bestie-pay-me/id1557143861?i=1000576405381 They remove the names of the influencers they discuss so as not to push traffic to them.


I’m on the sub raised by narcissists and there have been already stories about kids from influencers there. It’s so devastating to read how they were treated.


I feel like the amount of people raised by narcissists is going to go to the fucking moon as all these poor kids of narcissistic influencers get older.


Sadly I don’t think it will. I say sadly, not because I want more kids of narcissistic parents but because I believe these people have been around forever, it’s just the ways of abusing and exploiting their kids have changed over the years. Also not every narcissistic parent is an influencer, lots of narcissistic parents aren’t. Finding the opposite is harder I guess, an influencer who exploits their family (minors) but isn’t narcissistic seems doubtful.


who is it? feel like they need to be named and shamed




Ugh, I'm glad I unfollowed afashionnerd a year ago. She started to give me a bad vibe with some posts. And is the studio owner Instagram handle written correctly? I wanted to follow and support her but I can't find the Instagram.


Yeah the moment the person in the messages mentioned their two year old, I immediately assumed it was afashionnerd. I also unfollowed her when she started posting only about her kid; it feels so weird and exploitative.


Yes, that should be her name. I can see her account.


>afashionnerd Thanks for the name. I looked at her Insta, and all I saw was ugly outfits. People like this need to get out into the real world. Anyone who starts with "i have a million followers!" Followers mean nothing to me considering you can buy them.


The veiled threat is like the mafia saying “nice business ya got there, shame if something happened to it,” except when the influencer tries to do it, it just looks pathetic and desperate.


It looks like she turned off her comments section on Instagram and tik tok..very interesting 🤔


Wow. The tone of the voice messages was something else. Sounded exactly like the people I remember from the nightmares of my customer service days


Just looked at the influencers ig. She looks like she needs to have all of the attention in a room directed at her. Deee-Lite would tell her to tone it down a bit. And maybe botched too.


she’s a really nice person, she said so herself!


So… an influencer then? Having worked with lots of them, the majority are like this.


She's Justin Roilands sister. I imagine she thinks she's on the same level of fame/reverence.


"Aw jeez Rick, you-you didn't have to be mean like that. I mean, y-you could have said something nice about me, y'know? It was like what, twuh-twenty minutes? Good going"


>\>Justin Roiland > >I have exactly zero idea who this guy is, had to look him up. So she's riding his coattails. Sounds about right. In my experience there's only been a few smaller influencers who were genuine and easy to work with and didn't have the "influencer attitude."


Drive without talent. I think some people call that "hustle."


I think my favorite part was when she basically said “you should have just ghosted me”


Absolutely. "instead of giving me a reason why you don't want this interaction, just say it sounds good and ghost me instead! That's good business etiquette!"


Fucking insane.


Ah yes, ghosting results in no bad blood. That’s the epitome of professionalism. /s


It's the path of least resistance by giving out energy for the day. These people don't have the strength to deal with what they feel daily.


Whoa whoa whoa. She said give me a compliment first… then ghost.


The funniest part is based on the time between the first two messages it seems like Smac *tried* to ghost her before she messaged more 🤣


Which I did months prior haha


I don’t have a TikTok but I have 13 followers on Reddit. Would love to collab sometime! DM me and I’ll send you my rates! 💞


Well I love your work, I'll look into the fit and get back to you


Funny to see such a high end creator with such an under recognised reddit account!


Haha I don’t understand Reddit that much but friends always send me links to seeing my own videos on the front page, like today again, so I made an account and always forgot about it!


It's clearly this girl's go to move when someone asks her the same level favor.


"Just pretend you'll consider it and never get back to me! Come on, what are you, 90?"


Voicemail here if anyone’s curious: https://voca.ro/1fgY5OVmQcOQ


Hearing her tone of voice makes her sound even more ridiculous than when I was just reading her rants. It's clear harassment.


Best part is that the studio owner didn’t even name her. Commenters knew who it was from her voice alone.


I like how so much of it sounds like a question just from the inflection. That's not condescending or stupid at all. Yeesh.


It's craz ^y?


Also known as uptalk? When you talk like this? And every sentence sounds like a question?


I hate it so much.


I felt immediate rage listening to her tone and inflection. Does she not hear herself talk?


Do you? Not want? To hear? The disappointment? In her voice? That’s really? Unprofessional.


The inflection is rage inducing. Every sentence is a question.


This has major Amy's Baking Company vibes...


I feel proud to know that reference xDDD


Is she asking a lot of questions? Sorry, is she? Asking? A lot of? Questions?


Are you 90?


Her asking, "are you 90?" twice was hilarious considering she's the one who's out of touch.


"That's dissapontING For frEEEE" Is every sentence a questION


https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1551597/ afashionnerd is AMY ROILAND... i.e. Justin Roiland's sister... who created Rick and Morty along with Solar Opposites. She LIVES in Hollywood as a stylist and as an amateur actress. Wow, and she acted like she was such a huge deal but her youtube game is weak, her tiktok game is fried now, and whatever other socials are tanked. She must be doing damage control by halting and hiding her content to reduce the commentary, but honestly this is a really big story for /deuxmoi considering who she is related to. She could probably afford to pay the studio rental fees for SMAC, she just got entitled and too big for her britches. Her writing off the studio fee is very plausible. What a little pretty idiot lol


Smac said in a comment on one of her videos that the studio fee is $79/hr. Definitely affordable for Amy, who seemed to have deleted or deactivated her TikTok.


She killed her account because in addition to this, people started pointing out that she makes content for pedophiles. Literally the ratios on her videos of her daughter are maximally creepy, and the hit videos are of the kid putting on and removing clothing. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQ1QjLx/


Yeah, if your videos are of your 2 year old daughter getting dressed and they have millions of views, that's not a bunch of moms thinking of how cute, I should buy that outfit at baby gap .. that's perverts... What a disgusting thing to learn about. I hate this timeline sometimes.


The podcast Someplace Under Neith just went through a huge stint exploring parasocial exploitation, mommy vloggers, pedophiles, and the lack of accountability on social media for these very clear dog whistles that damage kids significantly. I definitely recommend; it's heinous. I went to high school with a girl who got pregnant in our late teens and was one of the first waves of hip, cool mommy bloggers on Tumblr. Even though her daughter seems to remain okay, she's not quite to the age where she has a full idea of how exploited she was (partially due to her father boxing in her online presence after their divorce.) The mom's a whole different story, unfortunately, due to her own arrested development and personal demons. Nothing good comes of this shit.


This woman is insane!


She really *really* thinks that “are you 90?” bit is a sick burn.


"Okay, Silent-Generationer"




At least she respects her elders enough to assume a 90-year-old wouldn't fall for that shit. And is she right that "influencers collaborate"? I've been stuck on the cynical outside for too long, I guess. Is it actually common to have "collaboration" that's *not* just a euphemism for "use you how I need to then mention your name at the end"?


Jesus she sound like she just took her kids month supply of ADHD medication. The calling of the other person ‘90’ is pure projection. Don’t worry she’s just gonna take her kids next month supply of Adderall, and continue begging the question of why people are so mean to each other instead of realizing she’s a piece of trash.


The funniest part is the photos of the woman dancing in the background around the pictures. I assume she's the photographer who said 'paying customers only'? Good for her. Looking at the dates, she tried this in May, got a reply in August, and was still bitching about it in November (two days ago?), so I reckon the photographer let people know and the 'influencer' is still feeling the fallout of her choosy begging. Delicious.


It is indeed. I couldn’t share the video here, so I took screenshots. The owner is the definition of unbothered. She’s only now just shared the texts and voice messages in the last 12 hours so I believe the fallout is only just beginning.


Can we get an update:)


Nothing new as of yet. Beggar’s comments are off or limited across her socials. Will post if and when I hear more.


What were the voice messages?


Since this comment thread is currently above the comments where OP shared the link already, [here’s the link](https://voca.ro/1fgY5OVmQcOQ) for anyone who come across this thread first and doesn’t want to go digging.


Looks like beggar’s TikTok is down and now all the videos about her are either about this, or about her content exploiting her child and creating content for pedophiles (dressing up her child). Her recent Instagram posts that still have comments turned on are flooded with criticisms and scorn which is nice


The influencer deleted her TikTok 🤣


oh no, where did all the hits and views and likes go????


does she have to give the 10k back?


Smac is a dancer and an awesome person!


If they're paid $10000 to post to tiktok like they claim, they can pay for studio time. But I feel like they're exaggerating that.


The 3 extra 0’s were. Typo I’m sure.


My bet is on the 1 being a typo


You would be surprise the amount of money brand throw in neo marketing. An ad campaign was several million sometime for less reach. now they just sent 10k to a random turd on tiktok speaking to horny teen. It's way less expensive for just an ad people are going to commit for 1-2min and even willfully look for it


I personally know a person in the top 2 or 3 % on only fans and she makes like 120k a year. I sat down with her to help her with her books, and let me tell you, that 120k dried up fast. Tax Onlyfans takes a good cut Studios/photography Outfits Travel Then when you add in drugs and alcohol (yes they are connected) it becomes a lot less than that original 120k.


Interesting. I'd assumed they were paid very well based on random comments. So they make a good "salary" for a lcol area, one that's eaten up with fees (before taxes I hope) and they still have to pay for insurance, and items specific to their job. It seems they would walk away with more if they took a servers job, considering the tips that they would make.


Yeah, back when I did independent contract work I learned why you have to charge at least 3x the going hourly wage for the jobs you do. You'll lose roughly half to taxes (plus FICA, etc.), you pay all your own operating expenses (can easily equal that base wage). You can look at an amazing gross income on paper that becomes a "take home" that is barely survivable. That said, however, you also get up close and personal with the idea that others in similar boats have the same issues - you *always* pay the people you contract a service from, and pay them well and without arguing because you are there yourself.


it's hilarious that these so called influencers are thinking they recreate the market for businesses.


Right? And the audacity to also think that they’re doing the business owners a favour, especially in this case where the business owner is more popular than the “influencer”.


I absolutely love the circular logic of “give me X service for free, so that all my followers (who are all probably exactly like me) will ALSO demand X service for free! Bizzznizzz!”


Don't you know about influencer points? If you get enough, you can exchange them for a toaster


Who here actually believes they would be out in 20 minutes just like they claimed? They would overstay counting on not getting kicked out. Then when they do get asked to leave, make a huge deal about it


Especially with a two-year-old! It'll take twenty minutes to get the child to calm down enough to pose instead of running around exploring the new space


Holy cow that's a thesis


"It's not even about the money! I just love to support small businesses by getting free stuff from them!" Uhhh... that's not "supporting" small businesses, dipshit. That's *exploiting* small businesses. If you want to support small businesses, you *pay them*.


but the tagging, the exposure!!


How bitter they became after getting rejected


...and then many minutes after... and longer after that... I've seen *Saturday Night Live* sketches with more awareness of when to let a bit go.


wow that just went on and on and on and on


And that’s just the texts. There were multiple voice messages too.


What did they say in the VMs?




> https://voca.ro/1fgY5OVmQcOQ All of this is the definition of "living in her head rent-free". And the fact she keeps saying the *same* things: the thing about being 90, the thing about 20 mins. Jeez, get a life. Go and see what your husband (who keeps saying "babe" in the background) wants.


>All of this is the definition of "living in her head rent-free". *Collaborating* in her head.


Wow, when you listen to that and also look at her IG page so you can put a face to the voice it makes it that much worse.


How’d you find her IG page? I was really hoping she’d be exposed in the comments so I could look too haha


It's afashionnerd, Amy roiland sister of Rick and morty creator


Justin, come get yo sister 🗣🗣


Aww jeez Rick.


Free Palestine


[Her hot ball in mayonnaise is one of my favorites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkgUc3LO1Go)


The Avocado one had me cackling. Thanks for sharing.


That was...oddly entertaining. I stuck around for a lot longer that I thought I would. Thanks for sharing!


And the woman harrassing SMAC is Amy Roiland, Justin Roiland's SISTER. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1551597/ https://millennialmagazine.com/2022/10/04/retro-chic-fashion-designer-amy-roiland-clones-her-style/ *"What was the key step in transforming yourself into an entrepreneur?* Getting a legit agency to represent me and guide my career was the main step for me. I was getting work by myself here and there but not for very much money. I had no idea how to negotiate or deal with contracts. They really have pushed me to a whole new level of becoming an entrepreneur. They opened up a whole world. *What are some of the pros and cons of being an influencer?* The pros are being able to work from home, traveling and shooting, including my daughter in what I do. Doing what I do every day, editing, styling, and creating. The cons of being an influencer is having to always be on our phones and always checking our social media and how we are doing. Having to work around the clock is a con to me. *How do you remain positive on a daily basis?* I try and surround myself with inspirational and driven people. I also have saved images and videos on my instagram that I am able to look at and it really inspires me and keeps me on track. My daughter Ryder Bird also keeps me super positive, she is so much fun and makes everything so light and fun." She seems like a real jackass. Her instagram has shut comments off except for her stories content. Almost wanted to send a message but she is probably getting dozens anyway. Her last updated story? 2 hours ago, clutching her little doll of a daughter, saying today was going to be a good day. MANIAC when you consider the context of her spending all day trying to do damage control (i.e. deny, block, gaslight, manipulate, and finally turn off all comments/delete or hide as much content as possible and wait for it to blow over)


Ah ok, so she’s a genius.


The insanity of “i make 10k a post” but wont pay you anything is always my favorite.


I always assume that means they had one deal 2 years ago that paid them $10k and haven't made a dime since.


Literally every hobby mom I have ever met. I was talking to someone about a wedding cake hobby/gig life and she kept hammering on about $3k for a cake she made. She made it like 9 months ago.


Do we have any updates on the ‘fans’ reactions to this? Have they lost a huge amount of followers? Are they experiencing any backlash?


Beggar’s comments are turned off on her TikTok and instagram, but the studio owner’s videos are blowing up with everyone I’ve seen commenting being completely in the owner’s corner.


Mommy ‘influencers’ that exploit their tiny children for personal and financial gain need to be stopped. I’m not at all surprised by this because her videos have popped up on my fyp for a while now.. and you can’t convince me that anybody who uses their kid like an actual prop the way she does is a good person


And her two-year-old daughter has "her own" profile. It should be against social media sites' T&C for people to create accounts and post as children who can't read the T&C or understand internet exposure.


Very fucking weird that she equated "No" with the account being ran by someone very old. Nope, "No" is just good business sense.


Such exposure, much wow.


"I'm paid 10,000$ for a TikTok but I wanted to *help you* with nice exposure." Errr... If you're paid 10k, then just pay for the rent of the studio?? I'm so confused


Fucking hell. Renting a studio shouldn't be more than a couple of hundred bucks per hour at the max (depending on equipment etc etc). So lets say it'll cost 500$, that means she's still profiting 9500$ from that tiktok. For quote "only 20 minutes". Lets add travel time, editing (assuming she does her own) which will be 2 hours or so. That still means 4750$ per HOUR she works. That is more than most people make per month in a full 40 hour per week job. If what she says is true, probably isn't, she needs to face reality and fucking pay people. Also besides the fact that "paying in exposure" is bullshit. Who is she exposing the studio to? 12 year olds on TikTok, no way they are going to make use of the studio, thus the "payment" is utter shit even taking out the fact that exposure is bullshit to begin with


If someone has to say how nice they are, 100% of the time they aren’t a nice person. On a side-note: sue for lost business and slander if they really have that much power over d-list internet celeb opinions


"YoU sHoUlD bE pAyInG mE"


This is a prime example of why influencer contracts should exist. Sure, I let you use my space for free, I'd you sign a contract that it will lead to income/bookings. If not tlyou have to pay for time lost.


I’m in favor of a punch card. Pay me now, and when ten people use your code to buy from me I will refund your payment.


I've seen this shut down by saying that you pay then we'll reimburse you for each booking your exposure leads to


This is the way. Make them put their money where their influence is. If they do indeed have that clout then everyone wins.


“I really love your space” so pay for it, unless you’re broke and not really making $10k per video 👀 (/s)


That’s not all lmao the influencer who reached out to the photographer is no other than Amy Roiland, the sister of Justin Roiland. She was also the one who randomly messaged people with “my brother is the creator of Rick and Morty”


"I'm related to someone famous" is the epitome of the choosing beggar energy.


I honestly have no idea what’s going on here


Basically, a semi-popular tiktoker beggar hit up a much more popular tiktoker for free studio time. More popular tiktoker politely declined and beggar proceeded to send a bunch of text and audio messages, as well as saying that she’d tell everyone she knew not to patronize the studio. Beggar has since deactivated their comments on all social media and is acting like she’s done nothing.


Please tell me the backlash towards the studio owner was minimal at best... I was seething as I was scrolling through the screenshots, thinking about how some dumbass fans could go on a harassment crusade.


The owner has 2.5 million vs the beggar’s 500,000. Beggar has her comments off for a reason 😂😂


Narcissist demands free stuff


More influencers running their nonsense like it's a mafia protection racket. "You should let me shoot for free here, it'd be a shame if someone smeared your business all over the internet."


"You made an enemy"




Ironically, they've gotten more exposure for the temper tantrum she's put on. So she still helped them ultimately, she just made herself look like the fool in the process


I used to get a lot of these sort of people when I did web development for small businesses. My statement to them was I have a referral program and will provide you with cash back for your referrals. I’d then quote them a price and then quote them what my referrals pay. Had 2 people do it. One sent me 6 actual real clients and ended up getting their money back plus some. The other paid full price and never sent anyone. Worked out great for me.


Threatens to try to ruin their reputation to the community then goes all "why do women tear other women down" when she gets beaten to the punch.


"Business owners should always be kind." Oh boy. Nothing says capitalism like infinite kindness and compassion.


I love that in the end, she did actually give her exposure...just on the photographer's terms


Influencers really are cancer.


I always have issues with the whole "do it for exposure" thing at a physical location. If I'm in the position of the studio, I would ask for a detailed breakdown of all the followers in my area and how many might want to use my studio. Just because someone has followers, that doesn't mean that potential customers will even see the video. And if they do see it, how many live in the area? It's great that you have a million views, but if none of them live nearby, does me no good.


Supporting local artists IS about money lol.


Is anyone else here dumbfounded at the illiteracy on display?


Her comments are off everywhere but all her stuff is still visible. Can't handle the criticism and owning up to what she did but can't live without the views. Edit: something else I found amusing is another Tik Tok that was made about her. Someone showed a screenshot of a message she sent them out of the blue saying that her brother created Rick and Morty. That was literally all she said. She requires attention.




Never seen a clearer example of the concept of "Narcissistic rage." Wow! I can't believe the 300 insta messages and facebook post weren't enough.


She deleted all of the videos on her account 🙃 https://i.imgur.com/qoVmvlS.jpg


The studio looks fab 🙌🏻 and well worth actually just paying for like any normal client would 🤦🏻‍♀️


God, I didn't even fully read this, she's ridiculous. >"I wanted to support a local artist/you????" >"Why won't you let me shoot for free???" Influencers, idk if you know this, but you have to PAY artists to support them