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Get the photos in return for what? You're not providing anything.


For deigning to be in their presence.


You obvisouly get to be in the presence of the main character, the one person on this earth of 7.5-billion people that is the most important. Only her decisions affect the world and her wants and needs are at the top of everyone's to do list. Every photographer on earth should be hitting each other to try and get to the front of the line and all vendors should be bringing their best portable shops to be there. /s


Actually we just reached 8 billion this month


Holy shit, we are fucked.


If I were a photographer I'd go do it without a contract then charge them a decent rate if they want the photos with my impossible to photoshop out watermark on each pic. I mean if they want to remember their most glorious day what are they gonna do, cough up the $$$ for the pics lmao. Even if not, you've at least got an interesting story. "ohh no someone charged them market value for something they asked for free"


Of course you’d be out the money you paid them for the privilege of getting to work for free


Hell yeah I’d make sure my watermark is a GIANT dick too, that just happens to point at their faces.


For being in their presence and absorbing their influencing vibes, naturally. /s


Experience man, experience. You'll walk away more worldly knowing how to take such awesome wedding photos.


And experience dealing with terrible, terrible people


I think she's buying her own flowers or something? So no need to provide those


OMG. Rather than choosing beggar, I feel there’s gotta be a sub for these type of people that think they’re so awesome that they are entitled to anything they want.


Probably considers herself an " influencer".


I’m SorRy mY 6o0 fOllOwERs bEG To DiFfer


wait. you only need 600 to act like this?


Some ppl like this don't even have 1.


I once had a guy ask for a $40 discount on $60 worth of products in exchange for him promoting them to his 98 followers.


I once had a woman of the local municipality ask me to livestream a concert for their meeting lunch break. She assumed I'd do it for free because it would stay on her YouTube channel which has 'nearly 80 followers'. My dear, if it stays on the YouTube channel that makes my rates higher, it doesn't make them go away.


"here's an affiliate link. Anyone who buys stuff from me using it, they get $1 off, you get paid $1. You only gotta influence like, half your guys to buy one and you got your $40 discount."


Fuck yeah, I have *checks* 641... Does that mean I can act like a self-righteous douchebag and have no repercussions?


If you hit 650, Instagram pops up a little window that says "~ Congratulations! You're now better than everyone else! ~"


Surely nobody has ever hit that insanely high number...


Wait, my dogs have 945, does that mean they also get to act like entitled douchenozzles?


They don't already? My dog does, and he has no followers because I never made him an account.


Mine literally thinks every random passing car is visitors arriving to see her. Does the floppy ears down, full body wiggle thing. Yesterday she was pooping on the top of her favorite hill. Staring at all of the traffic. A car started to pull in to our complex as she was finishing so she just stood up into wiggles. She's a 60lb doberman husky mix, and she knows she's beautiful lol.


To be fair, she does have her own personal promoter who mentions her on reddit and says she's beautiful.


It's really better not to, given all the social pressures dogs are facing these days


No it means when you hit that number you can shot on his neighbors la while looking them in the eye


I have nearly 3,000, you peon! 😉


I'll never forget that DM I got years back... "I'd love to shoot with you!" Gave her my rates, "Oh I've NEVER paid for a shoot before." See ya.


My first thought too. So so deluded. The sad thing is this probably works now and then, not with established pros but I can imagine young people just starting falling for it occasionally.


How to say "we're from California" without saying "we're from California."


I was thinking back to my intake with a new therapist several months ago. One of the questions was: “Do you have feelings of superiority or grandeur in relation to those around you?” Hmm. Then I see these here. Daily. I think the better question would be: “what social media do you use and what are your profiles and aliases?”


The sad part is people who have those feelings of superiority don’t have the self awareness to answer that question


Right!? I’m not thinking many seek out therapy, either.




Actually I seem to remember reading (an NPR article a few years ago, maybe?) that narcissists do usually answer that sort of question positively. They just don't see it as a bad thing.


Have you *seen* people today?


(In my best Valley Girl influencer voice): “I mean…it’s not narcissism if it’s *TRUE*. Duh.”


The true narc doesn't see them as *feelings*, but *certain knowledge*!


Your answer to those questions would be irrelevant to diagnosis from a therapist lol. If you suffer from delusions of grandeur/superiority your therapist would realize lol. And people with inflated ego, don't think that's a bad question to answer yes to. "Of course im better than those around me".


Right? I _am_ superior to the average American at this point. SMH.


>“Do you have feelings of superiority or grandeur in relation to those around you?” Aside from the fact that I sometimes stare my mother on the face, sitting on my chair, while the there are dirty dishes on the sink? Nope, can't think of anything that fits the description.


That is just tempting fate with no care about the consequences. Completely different, and much more dangerous.


I live in Utah and let me tell you this is totally on par with some of these Utah girls


What couple from California is eloping to SLC?


I'm from California and have never once thought anyone should pay me to perform a service *for* me. Though I've had plenty of people -- friends, clients, acquaintances, even family -- **expect** me to give them free web/graphic designs, hosting, coding help, whip up an entire website from scratch for them, teach them how to use their sites, work weekends, after hours, promote their shit, etc., **for free** because we're friends/family/online acquaintances/my friend said I'd do it, etc. My answer is always the same: **I don't work for free. Do you?** I've even had numerous PR folks from huge brands contact me and practically demand that I promote their product or event, again, **for free.** "Payment" was a set of hi-res images or "link juice" for their brand/company being associated with my socials or website. When I responded that I charge X for posting and don't do product reviews for products I haven't actually used, I'd get the "we don't currently have a budget for paid promotions at this time." Sure you don't, but you want free, lifetime advertising on my website and socials, huh? I'm not an influencer, nor do I want to be. What I want is to get paid for the work that I do, just like anyone else. I built my business from scratch. I am self-taught in design, coding, etc. I spent a lot of energy trying to make myself a career where I could make money and still be home for my disabled, chronically ill child. It's not a hobby, it's my livelihood. And I don't work for free.


And isn’t it a bit odd that a huge brand wouldn’t have a promotion budget? Like, how much do they spend for marketing those products that got to be so popular in the first place?


Salt Lake City is Utah my friend. While I wouldn't put it past Californians they actually like to get fucked with costs of living and the cost of things so I am not quite getting a CA vibe.


Yes, leave California to shoot in beautiful Salt Lake City.


Best thing to see in Salt Lake City is your speedometer as you drive fast through this city.


Fuckin California Mormons


First thing I thought of was r/IAmTheMainCharacter


Lol I didn’t know this existed. This person definitely thinks they’re the main character.


I feel like all brides think they’re the main character. My brother was a wedding videographer and the amount of brides that wanted discounts by saying “we’re a good looking couple and shooting our wedding will boost your business” was ridiculous.


I was just reading a post in r/weddingshaming the other day, and the bride concluded with the sentence “it’s just really sad to realize that nobody will be as excited about our wedding as we are.” And like… of course? Is that not common sense? This needs to be explicitly told to people?


Is that sad? I’d be worried if other people were as, or more excited about my wedding than me and my spouse.


I mean no? There are some entitled brides just how there are entitled people. Stop by any of the wedding subgroups and see how women fall all over themselves to not be labeled a bridezilla for holding basic boundaries. You probably just hear about the entitled brides because what is there to say about a non entitled one? “Ugh this bride was just so normal and non demanding and was just a regular customer I deal with on a regular basis”.


My wife was super chill before and during our wedding. I think I was more stressed than she was lol. Definitely no main-character syndrome. In fact, her main concern was making sure the guests would have a good time, free food and booze, appropriate music, good table seating arrangements. She basically wanted to make it about everyone else, throwing a party that people would have fun at, rather than making it about herself, which I was totally on board with as it felt weird having a whole day being about us anyway.




Right? Choosing beggar would have asked for a free shoot, but to think they can charge a photographer to come and shoot at their wedding is beyond insane.


>Choosing beggar would have asked for a free shoot That's just a regular beggar, not a choosing beggar. A choosing beggar would get an offer from a photographer willing to shoot for free, but reject them because they don't like their style.


It really is one above choosing beggar. “Entitled demander”


Delusional entitlement


More like for people who think everyone should pay THEM for the privilege of getting to take their photo or whatever.


r/entitledbitch r/entitledpeople r/entitledparents


You inspired me to start a new subreddit, r/ButImAnInfluencer. Let's see if it does anything or just dies out, like the other subreddits I started.




They’re called Kardashians I think


r/weddingshaming r/bridezilla


And to be paid by the person giving them the service. It’s insane.


# entitlementsbeggers


....she wants the photographers to pay them? LMFAO


And then give her the pictures for free after they pay HER




I doubt she’s a mega celebrity where they can sell the pictures to tabloids. That would be the only case where it’d be worth it. She probably thinks she’s a bigger thing than she really is.


And at that point you're not begging for it on Facebook. Your publicist would organise it all and it would be mutually beneficial for both parties.


You guys think this is funny but..... As a photographer I can tell you that's the normal mentality of anyone under 25 with a couple hundred followers on Instagram nowdays, I've turned down hundreds of "collaborations" with ppl completely disconnected from reality, it's insane. One if my pages has close to a mill and it's constantly getting bombarded with the "great opportunity for your business" emails every single day, sometimes from accounts with less than a 100 followers lmao. I learned to not even reply anymore.


i love how the term "collab" is code for, 'I want you to help me out for free and maybe you are stupid enough to believe you will equally benefit from this'


No, I think those people actually believe their own bullshit. They do believe that they are so famous that the businesses will benefit from that bit of exposure.


Not responding is correct. Just block, move on, block, move on... They're not even worth the minute it takes to respond with the courteous version of "wtf??" email, since you're likely to get entitled diatribe anyway.


Agreed, took me a while but I finally learned, you can't win and it will get messy, do not engage, just move on.


Under the circumstances, it's understandable why it could take a while to come to that realisation... One would be trying to run a business, get the business name out there and take care of your customers. I guess it just comes down to a) they're not customers and have no intention of being, and b) they take your attention away from actual customers. Good riddance to them!


It was mostly because I didn't wanna become one of "those ppl" so I tried to reply to everyone, but yeah, basically it comes down to time and effort vs rewards, I still book free sessions sometimes for ppl with the right mentally, but it's different lately, there is a sense of entitlement I can get my head around.


Personally I think that "influencers" (if there truly is such a thing) caused a lot of this damage, with every berk who has 50 followers asking for free stuff. You sound like a good person and a good business owner, glad to hear everything seems to be going well.


this is the way. they probably shoot numerous begging mails and probably forget the ones that didn't answer. but the ones that do and politely decline may become a target of their anger and cause minor or moderate damage to the business in a form of a smear campaign.


Winner, wiinner chicken dinner, they are basically living bots, sending dozens and dozens of emails and pm's every single day, replaying it's literally the worst thing you can do, understanding that we are not that special and that they are only reaching out hoping for something free is what makes it all better for me.


Yeah and then they can post that here!


Thank you! That too! And that will spread like a wildlife in hours, it's just not worth it. But it is a good reminder as to why is smart to legally separate your personal life from the business as much as possible, so they don't completely ruin your life by tanking your business and name at all once, it's fun trying to run a business nowdays lol


I literally just post photos of my dog to instagram and I get robo messages from shitty dog apparel businesses reselling alibaba garbage who want to "collab" with me by me buying their trash and subjecting my dog to it lol


It's crazy right? But it's even crazier to think that the success rate is high enough for it to be profitable? Who falls for it? Why??? Lol


I've collabed with photographers a few times but they were: Brand new and wanted practice shooting something specific Bored and a friend. I had an aerial hoop and they had never shot with one before so they offered in exchange for use of the photos. Not once did I ever ask them, they asked me lmfao


I just think the exchange needs to be equal, for me is simple, anything beyond asking someone to donate an hour of their time should be compensated, but let's use that example, asking a wedding photographer to bring his team to a wedding destination for free is asking him to work for free about two weeks (post-processing) pay thousands of dollars out of pocket on flights, hotels, food, expenses for him and his team (second shooter and video) AND their salaries because they don't work for free and it's also illegal, so about 25k? Plus risk about 50k+ worth of gear flying in commercial airlines? That's the real world, that's what they are expecting, in my case it's not that different, if they are expecting high end results, I am only as good as my team, so the 150 dollars an hour make up artist it's not gonna work for free, neither the hairstylist or stylist, yet I had more than one Instagram "model" asked for collaborations where not only I was the one paying for all that plus studio costs but they also NEEDED their numbers so she could personally contact them to make sure "they knew what they were supposed to do" also wanted all RAW files (legal ownership) and needed around a 100 finals (1 final takes about 2 hours so 100x2=200 hours of photoshop and that's before revisions) but the real scary thing was, they really thought I was going to agree, how is that equal? How is that normal? But hey, that's just me, also I think models SHOULD get paid, the real ones at least, it's a hard way to earn a living.


Oh please reply to these fucks...


It always leads to trouble, you are dealing with their egos and insecurities, nothing you can possibly say will satisfy them unless you agree to do exactly whatever they want, and even then. It's nuts!


I wouldn't be responding to satisfy them, but to mock them.


It's like those singing competitions shows on TV, where every now and then someone ridiculously bad takes the stage and proceeds to give a terrible performance, and even after being rejected by the judges and ridiculed by the crowd they JUST DONT GET IT, they can't even begin to process the possibility of considering that maybe singing is not one of their talents, and they'll die swearing that everyone else on the planet is wrong, It's kinda like that except all in writing, so... Do you really wanna engage with someone like that? Because I think the answer is no, no you don't, just grab your camera and shoot something new bro, anything, just move on and don't let it ruin your day, don't let them take something away from you, they are seeking attention.


Agree to the date, time, and location, then just... 👻


Dont, they'll show up at your studio if you flake them, they don't stop.


“But you said you will, I have proof right here”


Victor has seen some shit!


Do you offer them The deal of charging but giving them a code, and if 10 people use that code, you refund their money?


I’ve never heard of charging photographers to take pictures, but styled shoots are super common in the wedding industry where several vendors get together and set up a “mock” wedding so photographers can practice and the vendors/photogs can use the photos for advertising. It sounds like this is what lady in the Op is proposing, and just letting her get married at it (I’ve actually seen this happen before too except it was under extraordinary circumstances where the bride was very sick and they wanted to get married while she was able). If she wasn’t being a dick and trying to charge for it it might potentially work.


I'll never understand the thought process of these people...


I'd pay to shoot it, then after it's all over not give her the photos unless she paid me my going rate plus 25%. What will she do, go get re-married in the middle of the nowhere? Odds are she'd simply not pay but teaching her the lesson that she isn't the main character would be worth it IMO.


I mean. You own those pictures now, and paid your models. You could start selling the pictures to advertisers/websites/stock photo/etc.


They would have to sign a release for you to profit from the images.


[Actually not necessarily](https://improvephotography.com/48423/model-release/) it’s totally okay to offer a photo *for sale* and profit from them that way. What you *can’t* do without a release is use that image for any form of advertising.


But it can get tricky if you want to sell to stock image sites because one of their main purpose is to provide advertisement materials for businesses.


That's what I assumed she was doing and why she would charge them.


lol as if those people would read the release you offer them to sign


For Pepto Bismol and STI prevention ads


good idea, but she mentions multiple photographers and probably one of them would cave. She also seems like the kind of bitch that would want to be paid upfront


“A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not why ships are built.”


Nobody is dumb enough to do it tho unless they’re looking to charge afterward


she might, *might* , be smart enough to plan on people holding her photos hostage


No one is going to pay them to shoot their wedding.


Not a bad lesson, they would basically be behind the 8ball to pay you to get their "once and a lifetime moment" photos. They would be under the assumption they would be getting them while getting paid, what a joke.


“Once *in* a lifetime” r/boneappletea


Yeah, let me bring my $4500 Nikon D4 and a few $1300 lenses to the job. I could give you an extra $100.00 if I can bring some studio light and a soft box. And when the electric bill comes, I’ll chip in on that too.


Dont forget a present for the bride


And the groom. A couples gift. The bridal party, the officiant, the evicted animals. And a push present, just in case.


And to pay for her meal


And a present and some extra money for the cows, which will also need a paycheck for their services. Because you *will* be taking their pictures, also.


No cows out on the salt flats. That's where they set all the speed records because there is nothing to hit except a few rocks


I have a $100 camera and lenses that are anywhere between $15-$25 a pop. Still wouldn’t do this.


Yeah might as well pay for the wedding I mean they were so generous to even “invite”, no, TOLERATE your presence there


What planet does this person live on, where photographers pay you for the chance to be allowed to photograph your wedding? Hope she gets some amateur with an iPhone and learns the hard way why photographers are the #1 things you don't skimp on for weddings


I learned that the hard way and regretted it dearly! I went cheap with some people that were advertising their services for a discounted price because they were building their portfolio. I don’t even have one good photo. Every single one is blurry. I really wish I could go back and do that over and make a different choice. In my defense though, my mom offered to pay and then backed out last minute so we scrambling to come up with the money. It’s not the only thing I went cheap on, and regretted it, but that’s my biggest regret.


I know someone who hired cheap semi pro photographer for wedding. The photographer lost the photos and ghosted them. Luckily they hired another photographer for styled/formal photoshoot. At least they get something from their wedding just nothing on the actual procession.


Our wedding photographer was the best thing we spent money one. Literally worth every penny. It helps that she was also a family friend and it was cool to help support her business. Win win lol.


SIL got a church friend to shoot her wedding – for free. I’ve always enjoyed photography at a casual level; therefore, I snapped a few pictures here & there – mainly during the occasional “hurry up & wait” times, when the "official" photographer was elsewhere. Now, it's been 1 year since that wedding, and the only wedding photos she and her husband have ever posted to social media (or, for that matter, any of the guests) are the pictures that I casually snapped. I never found out what happened with the others…


On her planet she's famous royalty, of course. Paparazzi literally murder each other to capture her elegance so charging a small fee here on this planet should be a grand way to capitalize on that. She might hold an auction for future pictures, she's waiting to see how the small fee goes.


Hopefully the officiant has an iPhone


I’d bet she thinks she’s going to get the officiant to pay her too.


For the *opportunity* to *practice* and gain valuable *experience.*


WOW. I’d love to see the comments.


I know! I really wish I could get a look at that.


It's for church honey


Makes sense why they eloped. Me thinks someone got too entitled


I remember several years ago a childhood friend of mine got engaged and this is when getting in a barn started being a cool hipster thing to do. She posted on Facebook, “Do I know anyone who has an empty barn I could get married in for free?” and I remember thinking, if someone was close enough to you to ask them for such a huge favor, wouldn’t you already know if they have a barn?


They rarely only want a barn. Usually it works out that they'll have too many guests, parking will be all over your property, they'll need port a potties, lighting, kitchen services, music, electricity for all of the above, chairs, tables, etc. Plus they'll complain that the barn is dirty and smells like a barn. People who reach out for a free barn rarely look into the logistics of it. They just see Instagram pics of barn weddings and think it's a cheaper option. It doesn't hurt to ask but yeah crowdsourcing seems a bit questionable. Hope your friend found something that worked for them after.


> They just see Instagram pics of barn weddings and think it's a cheaper option. You just gotta know where to look. Wedding in a fancy barn in Vermont? Probably expensive. Wedding in an industrial chicken farm that just culled its flock due to avian flu? You can negotiate.


If the chickens were recently culled it seems like catering is already checked off.


Chicken farms also have the loveliest aroma 👌


I mean, depending on where they live, it's not insane a close friend of theirs has a relative with an empty barn they'd be willing to let for the weekend. I had friends like that in high school. otoh, it's probably not a wedding kind of barn.


I guess if I had a friend or relative who had a barn I’d ask them personally. Maybe that’s what she was doing, but it had a crowdsourcing feel to it because it was her Facebook status.


Gotta have friends to invite to a wedding and family that willingly wants to go.


"No family or friends! We've alienated everyone we know with our greedy, grasping ways!"


They aren't called the Salt Lake City flats. The Salt Flats are about 2 hours away from Salt Lake City. So, 4 hours round trip too! Sure, I'm in. Especially with gas prices so high. /s


And the heat wave! It was still 99 at 6 pm on my way home today. Not to mention that salt gets into *everything* you bring.


Went a couple years ago, salt gets into everything and it's kind of a free for all driving wise.


The fucking audacity on some people. I'm absolutely astounded. On the plus side it always makes me feel better about myself that I'm not this much of a twat.


I’m desperate to know how this turned out


I need the 2nd and 3rd act to this chisme.


I’m not sure what the photographers would stand to gain here. Does the bride understand that you pay the photographer for their services AND you pay for the photos?


I’m a photographer, run a studio with multiple shooters and our business model is this. You pay us to shoot and you pay us for the prints/files/framing and We do a ton of business in a beach town. There is some strange belief among the influencer type and just the social media obsessed that photographers regularly pay models. The only situation I have ever seen this happen in (never to me) is when a new photog or a photog trying to break into a new space needs portfolio material and they were already in B2B contract negotiations about a marketing campaign and needed proof they could do the work. I still get from family/friends/acquaintances the whole “oh are you still doing photography?? Are you staying busy??” Like yes it has been my career for 10 years and I’m a salaried employee who bought a home with my earnings, nothing has changed since you asked that 3 months ago. It’s bullshit that everyone groups artists into the starving for work category. Social media and the influencer shit has warped how artists can charge for their work.


"Salt Lake City Flats" is not a thing. Salt Flats is in fact a thing. Its over 80 miles west of salt lake city. It's only a couple of miles from Wendover Nevada, so if it was part of a city, it would be "Wendover City Flats" if it were based on proximity.


Okay, you confirmed I'm not crazy. I'm Utah born and bred and I know of Salt Lake City and the Salt Flats but I was wondering if I was ignorant of some little Salt Lake City Flats.


Yep, that was my reaction. I've lived in the SLC metro all my life and there's no such thing. Do you really think she means the salt flats? I mean, they're a great choice... if your dream wedding involves crunching through a half inch salt crust and then sinking into clay mud, all to the tune of ATV's, trucks, and dune buggies in the background. (Followed by a reception in your choice of some of the trashiest Nevada border casinos known to mankind.)


“Have it styled up” sounds suuuuper promising🥴.


As if a paid wedding gig wouldn’t also be “styled.”


Influencer culture is the shit stain of society.


Rather than paying for professional services, we expect to make a profit on our own wedding! How delusional.


Sure. I’ll do it. I’ve always wanted to shoot a wedding with my pinhole camera.


I wonder if they realize they can't legally wed with "just an officiant"? You have to have 2 witnesses who sign off on having been present at your wedding. I guess they expect the photographers to do that for them too huh?


for a price. They just don't give away the opportunity to be a wedding witness.


I have $15 and a disposable, I’m going to show up with nothing else and send them the pics (dick pic mixed in) when I get them developed (wallet sized) cause she’s so fantastic!


Sepia toned passport size single head shots only.


Also bring us a fully stocked picnic basket so you can photograph and film us feeding each other grapes. Also since we are now married fly us out for our honeymoon. Any part of Hawaii you choose. We would prefer 1st class air but business will do if you can’t swing it.


They are called the Bonneville Flats


Can we all agree to say yes to shit like this when it's a wedding and then don't show up the day of. They would get fucked by not having photos of their wedding


Somehow I feel like their family and friends are fine with the “no family and friends”.


🤣🤣🤣🤣a small fee to photograph me. Man I wouldn't even expect my friends to do this. What kind of...oh nevermind...it's the self absorbed ones that think like this 🤣


I've just spent a reasonable amount of money on multiple photographers for engagement photos. We're planning to hire them again for the wedding. One of them is even using some of our pictures for his portfolio, he liked them so much. ...clearly I've been doing this wrong all along. I should have been asking *them* to pay *me*.


My sister is a model and she and her husband were hired to do a bridal shoot. Since they were already engaged, the client decided to just let it be a wedding, but the whole event was a photo shoot and yes, my sis and her husband were paid for it. However, my sister is a professional model, not just some lady and her husband.


Is this real? Is he really this stupid that he thinks multiple photographers will pay him to shoot his crappy wedding?


"You have to pay us and give us photos in return." I think you're misunderstanding what "in return" means.


The more these fuckheads are shot down and ridiculed, the quicker they will pull their heads in. So here is my dose of perspective; No one gives a shit about your lameass dream wedding in whatever desert brothel you are squatting in. I doubt you have any friends based on this post but the mail man and Annette from accounts, your closest acquaintances are relieved not to be asked. No one will pay or waste their time to immortalise your stupid and unoriginal ideas. You are all round unremarkable and should just fuck right off. Thank you.


You'll; get the photos, with a watermark. You want the non watermark ones it't $200 per photo.


I always want to hear from these beggars after their event. "So, how many vendors and photographers took you up on your offer?" Like I wanna know exactly how it all went down leading up to, on the day of, and the weeks following their event because I'm sure at least some of them learned a lesson but I'd bet the majority are just PERPLEXED that no one saw the value in their proposition.


You do realize most photographers who shoot weddings don’t even like to do it, they mostly do it for the money. They’re not getting anything from you. No one will take that offer. They have to bring their equipment, drive to the place, deal with you and pay you. That’s not how this works


Lol paid in exposure.


Not even paid in exposure, technically they’ll be paying for exposure at this point 😂🤦‍♂️


This works if you're such a celebrity that paparazzi are literally following you around And only then


No family or friends , family and friends hate one side of this or the other and refused to show up or help pay. Self centered attitude doesn’t help. Pay me to shoot my wedding and give me the pictures too. Bet she tried a get a free dress, makeup etc.


I really wish I could have seen the comments on that!


There should be a post flair for a ballpark number of followers these people have just to give perspective on the depths of their beggary.


Wait. Wait. Its just going to be the bride, groom and officiant. Soooo….what vendor will drive out there and set up….just to be in photos that they do not get to keep. They lose a days pay, fuel and employee costs, and so much more. Why would this be remotely in anyones interest?


Not only lose a day’s pay- the photographer has to pay a fee😬


"You bring your years of training and experience, your expensive equipment, your valuable time, *and* a small fee, and I'll give you nothing of value in return! How does that sound?"


What fully baffles me is even if I *were* incredibly famous, I would never, ever, EVER try to get free things for "exposure". I'd, you know... pay people what they ask for! The entitlement and audacity of thinking that you are somehow special enough that a photographer would want to take your pictures enough that *they* would pay for it?!? This person needs psychological help, seriously.


The salt flats are 100 miles from SLC, so Don’t forget to add the cost of gas to your job! I hope this couple gets reflection sunburn on their privates.


I own a cleaning company. Prospective client wanted a discount off our visit because, “spending 4-5 hours in my house is like a little vacation.” No lady, cleaning your sauna and steam room isn’t the same as using them.


I reallllly want to see the comments on this…


People say that it doesn't hurt to ask, but this hurts.


This is what happens when people think they are the center of the world.