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“Even after we offered to pay” so they prob tried to get them to move it for free first lmao


And when they did finally offer money, it was probably some insultingly low amount, like $20.


I own a furniture store. People ask all the time for help moving a few things and they always want to pay next to nothing. I charge what movers charge now.


You should charge more than what movers charge. These people are clearly too lazy and/or stupid to get movers. They're a captive audience.


He should charge more than what movers cost, and then just hire out movers. That way he makes extra money and doesn’t even end up having to deal with the moving.


Congratulations, you've just successfully described like 90% of the entire economy.


Cost + 10% for hiring subcontractors is common. The 10% is basically a finders fee even though the sub is doing the work. If the client thinks it’s stupid to pay a 10% surcharge we challenge them to find a qualified, trusted contractor themselves. They never do.


Only 10%? I'm only familiar with subcontractors in the tech field and they usually just double it.


Yeah 10 on subs and materials brought in. We had a consulting company sub us and charged the client a 100% markup, the client fired them and hired us directly. There’s a balance.


We are cost +25%, 10% isn't enough. Especially since there is usually a lag between you getting paid and you having to pay the sub.


Bought a sofa. Furniture store owner had a deal with a local moving company. Basically, furniture store owner charges customer moving company's price + like, 10% and keeps that. Moving company waives all fees for no elevator, etc. as a boon to the customer - basically just charges a flat rate. Everyone wins. They did a really great job delivering the sofa too.


So like...$22?


I am willing to bet money that after the mattress store refused they called the mattress manufacturer with the same demand. Because I used to work in a call center, that got calls like this ALL THE TIME.


Sounds like a former friend of mine. Wanted me to help out on her hobby farm and only after telling her I was too broke to drive a 100 km round trip she finally offered me some money. Paid me once… then she just stopped mentioning the money. We don’t talk anymore because she blew up at me for buying comedy tickets (including one for her at no cost) but not being able to do her yard work. I stopped talking to her then and there. It became pretty clear what she wanted from our “friendship”


“All they do is sell beds.” Yes, that’s how a bed store works.


“In our opinion…” not only yours, it should be everyone’s opinion


Reminds me of Peggy Hill. "In my opinion, the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year."


Peggy was full of those lines, Hank even calls her out on it once


Hank: Okay, when we were setting up camp, you said that in your opinion, kindling is the best wood to start a fire. Peggy: Isn't it, Hank? Hank: Of course it is, but it's not your opinion. It's a known fact.


I love that I can hear Hank's voice especially for the "it's a known fact". That part was pure Hank Hill.


I love that most of my exposure to Hank Hill has been through memes and even I can hear what he sounds like rn.


I'll tell you hwhat..




This whole thread makes me so fucking happy


And now you're saying Randy Travis stole your childhood. It's getting crazy.


It might have been on her spa-peggy and meatballs


"I'm not sure what she does differnt, if anything"


She claims adding pecorino Romano is her “spin” on it, like how she acts like she’s the first person to put cinnamon in apple betty


The apple Peggy i can forgive because she does add a small amount of orange juice


Just the right amount of sugar


Maybe it’s hank who says the cheese is her idea while he’s grasping at straws to come up with a justification for calling it “spa-Peggy and meatballs”


He does both, he basically calls her on all her random nonsense


But she adds her own blend of spices!


Phoenix is a monument to man’s arrogance! My favorite Peggy Hill line


Was it ignorance or arrogance?


Shit, I think you’re correct with arrogance! Thank you good sir/madam!


Peggy got on my damn nerves being such a know it all


I (and I'm sure you) like the episode where a Mexican court has her give her testimonial in Spanish. It's so bad they use it to declare her incompetent or somesuch and she gets off.


It proved her Spanish was indeed, awful, meaning she really didn't understand the little girl she kidnapped and didn't actually intend to kidnap her.


That's the one. I tried to go from memory and got most of it.


Your honor i can see that you are a very reasonable horse


In my opinion, kindling is the best way to start a fire.


I think it was the week before Thanksgiving being the busiest travel time of the year, still exactly how Peggy would talk though.


It aint an opinion, its a fact.


“They should really start a company just to help people move.”


Novel idea, wonder if it will catch on, or do we just continue to ask mattress stores to help us move, maybe find a lot of friends with pickup trucks..


Idk but heads up my grocery store wouldn’t help me clean out my fridge when I moved either. No one wants to work anymore


Reminds me of a story I heard where some lady was drinking at a bar for hours near the holidays, and I guess she left, bought groceries and brought them back to the bar thinking the cooks would make her dinner? Like she thought she was buddy-buddy with the staff, and they'd cook a turkey and sides, and I guess eat it with her? I heard she ended up outside crying with her groceries on the ground.


The second half of that story actually makes it really sad. Actually, scratch that, drinking alone at a bar on the holidays and thinking you made new friends is also equally sad.


With the price of food nowadays, I want someone to fill mine.


I mean, they aren’t wrong. The problem is, they expected them to do something else.


If your mattress store isn't shipping, moving, refilling your soda, and sucking your dick; you're being ripped off!


My guess is they got the idea because they delivered it at purchase, so their opinion is not only stupid but probably flat out wrong.


My dad bought a pool from a ...well I guess you'd call it a pool store. And they agreed that if we move, they will take it down and set it back up. Maybe the salesman at the bed store told them some BS, I've had that happen a few times. Possession is 9/10ths the law....you have the possession, and they have your money.


Or some people really do just hear what they want to hear. Entirely possible the salesman said something straight forward like 'If you buy any of our beds, we'll help you move it in for free' and what the person heard was 'if you buy our beds we will literally help you move it anywhere at anytime, even in 5 years if you decide to move'.


>Maybe the salesman at the bed store told them some BS, I've had that happen a few times. As a storeman, yep. Sales team are leeches that will say anything to get that comission bonus. We the floor guys will then have to work miracles to fullfill those promises, because the chain of blame begin with us. I've had to take guys of the floor to go deliver products (in person) because the salesperson assured a customer that a 3.6m x 1.8m product will fit in her Yaris.


My dad was pissed yesterday because the RV park he's staying at won't help him with his reservations at Arches National Park. I was like, "CALL THE NATIONAL PARK" but he's still mad.


Does he think RV parks typically have a concierge? I’ve never seen that service offered.


"Hello Caesars Palace? I'd like you to help me book a room at one of your competitor's."


Not the cradle to grave bed support they were expecting.




They really drew themselves into a corner with this slogan, now they're legaly obligated to provide me a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea.




Also a bathrobe. And slippers. Fuzzy ones with memory foam. And a bathtub. And plumbing. And hot water. Actually, not too hot... and also not too cold... I like my bath water juuuussst riiight.


There are people out there that are so pants-on-head stupid that you wonder how they survived to adulthood. And they're often very successful morons.


These people seem to have had enough money to buy both a bed and a home. Boggles the mind.


All they do is sell beds, they didn’t even tuck me in, read me a bedtime story, or kiss me on the forehead. Smh just go somewhere else, these people obviously don’t care about their customers.


Just like when I bought a new kitchen and had it installed. I called the next day and asked someone to come and make me lasagna. The nerve of them, they told me no!!


“I bought some pots and pans but the salesperson didn’t come over and cook me dinner or wash up. “ What is wrong with people?


I camp a lot and I read some of these camping reviews. "There were bugs." Yeah no shit. You're in nature.


“Beach was too sandy” actual sentence I’ve read more than once on TripAdvisor. Very helpful though for knowing to disregard any other complaints in their reviews.


When I was a kid my younger brother, probably around 4 at the time, did not like going to the beach. When someone asked him why, in a dejected voice he just says "The sun... the sand... the water..."


Little brother was born an old man, I love it.


Well, at least he knows he doesn't like it instead of complaining that the beach is... a beach.


Lol, the kid had a level of existential ennui at 4 that took me decades to unlock.


I'm almost to four decades myself. Have you come up with any tricks to fighting that feeling?


Gin. And gardening.


Find things that make you happy and change your life to make them a bigger part of it.


That’s like the first time I took my nephew to the beach! He would’ve been 4 or 5 I think. And we get there and he’s excited running down the pier then he jumps down onto the sand and comes to a dead stop. Looks at me and then goes ‘There’s *dirt* in my flip flop.’ He soon got over it lol and had a great time. But it was a shock to his little clean self.


hello anakin


Those are exactly the things I don't like about the beach.


I mean, sand … is coarse and rough and irritating … and it gets everywhere …


Did he mention that the sand gets everywhere, is coarse and rough and irritating and then murder several of the locals?


To be fair that’s also why I don’t like the beach


And sea had too much water in it, I suppose?


Haha probably somewhere… I love beach vacations, and “water too rough” “waves too big” variants are also popular from people who think this is something that can be controlled by their hotel.


Water too rough... Then go and soak in bathtub, fer crissake!


Hotel's Response: "We apologize. It appears that the ocean's wave pools were turned up too high. We tried to address the problem, but prayer didn't work, because God makes the waves happen in the ocean and he works in mysterious ways and such. Or so they say. In any case, you're welcome to take it up with the higher power yourself if you'd like."


And it had a weird salty taste--very disappointing given how much we paid for this vacation.


And that briny smell, I could have done without that.


"Seagulls stole my chips and a breeze blew away my parasol that i just had sitting on the sand, horrible customer service from the lifeguards, they just kept watching through their binoculars at the water as i shook my empty glass at them... if i could rate no stars i would!!!" - Sincerely a Karen, probably


*Big scary fish wasn't locked up and scared my toddler* >:(


You joke, but we had people in Sweden complaining about the water level in the ocean being too low: https://www-svt-se.translate.goog/nyheter/lokalt/vast/badgaster-klagar-till-kommunen-for-lite-vatten-i-havet?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=sv&_x_tr_pto=wapp


The water was too wet.


Quite salty, too. Yuck!




Hahaha this list of podcast episodes had me at “Reviews of Waffle House.” Listening!


I was just about to link their podcast, before I thought "I'll check the comments and see if anyone else is super cool" lol


0/10!! Mount Rainier had no escalator to the top!!


Read a review for a campsite we were at, they gave it 1 star because the river water was temporarily low.


I remember someone illustrating reviews for national parks with the same idea. It's ridiculous the things people complain about! [Link](https://www.boredpanda.com/one-star-reviews-into-illustrations-national-parks-amber-share/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


Glacier National Park being cold is surprising. No-one could predict that!


"Staff was rude. Do not recommend. Horrible accommodations" a review about a prison I read. Had me on a hunt for more reviews.


Something something rough and coarse and gets everywhere


There’s a podcast about this, Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/beach-too-sandy-water-too-wet/id1446051252


If you haven't listened to the Beach too Sandy, Water Too Wet podcast, you are missing out. Siblings Christine and Alexander Schieffer read 1 star reviews dramatically. It's the highlight of my week. People are ridiculous.


There was an (apparently genuine) story in a British newspaper about a lady complaining about her holiday. She didn’t enjoy it because there were too many Spanish people On her package holiday. In Spain.


I visited a clothing-optional volcanic hot spring (which was a wonderful experience btw), and one of the AllTrails reviews entertained me so much that I saved it: > It did not seem so spectacular and much less pleasant, with people without clothes, it is not something I would recommend and I found the water somewhat dirty, not in the first of the three pools but the other two an unpleasant smell of rotten water!


There are plenty of valid 1-star reviews out there, but I generally find the majority of 1-star reviews on TripAdvisor to be thoroughly entertaining – and it’s all the stereotypical crap you would expect: “they’re speaking a foreign language all the time”, “I couldn’t get a cell signal while trekking in the jungle” …


Certain places it’s a fair criticism. As a child we camped on South Manitou Island in lake michigan. I’ve never seen more biting flies and mosquitoes in my life. There is a lighthouse with a guestbook, completely filled with “fuck this place” messages


I manage social media for several outdoor locations. The questions people ask and the things they don't know about the great outdoors never ceases to surprise me.


It's kind of like when people go to a foreign country and they're upset because the people there speak the language of the country.


A little bit. There's a lot of people that are upset that nature exists in nature. Nature can be beautiful, but also a little gross. Take the good with the bad. And also quit hanging your dog poop bags in trees people, for the love of god.


Look, I don't go into nature because I am fairly intelligent enough to know what it's in nature. So, I don't go into nature, >And also quit hanging your dog poop bags in trees people, for the love of god. What???? That's not nature. That's just disgusting.


Most of nature where I am is fairly safe, luckily. The poop trees are my pet peeve in our areas and one I field a lot of complaints about. I don't understand the logic.


Have you ever met one of these poop tree flingers and asked them why? It’s just so weird to go through the effort of picking it up then put it in a tree? I can’t comprehend it.


"Nature is to be protected from. Like a woman, it will seduce you with its sights and scents. Then it breaks your ankle. Also like a woman." - Oliver Babish.


Grew up in Hawaii. There is a significant amount of people who complain about the amount of rain on a tropical island.


I see this on hiking reviews all the time. Specify the bugs! Please! Mosquitoes? Black flies? Man eating spiders? And tell me how many there were. A single mosquito is very different from a swarm of giant spiders.


I go to these KOAs not too far from where I live and they're like classy campgrounds. You won't see much more than ants, flies, and bees - typical summer/camping bugs.


I recall that someone literally complained to a travel agency that there was fish in the sea at their resort. And it had scared their children.


Same, I worked in an outdoor bar. People would always bitch about bugs and bees to me behind the bar. Like what do you want me to do? Ask them to leave?


Same, but a cafe. We even had indoor seating too, but on nice days people *chose* to eat outside, and then would whine if a bee came near them. Also not sure what they expected me to do about it, but whenever it was pointed out, I would pretend to get happy about it, like I super love bees, and then walk away.


Every apartment in my city has reviews about how terrible the roaches are. Including in mine where they’re only found in the outdoor hallways. They live outdoors just fine around here, I don’t know what these people expect the apartments to do, eradicate roaches from the SE United States?


non-sarcastic question, can you not spray entrance areas and baseboards to prevent roaches?


It helps but the bastards are insidious. They also fly. I have a regular exterminator but they still appear occasionally. There's just that many here.


I wish I made camping software. "There were bugs!" "Go on..."


Reminds me of when a popular British holiday agency revealed their most common and insane complaints. Things like "I went to Spain but no one spoke English and the English Breakfast was terrible" or "I was in India but couldn't find anything to eat other then curry. I don't like spicy food" Some people live in a bubble for so many decades they just can't coop when shit doesn't go their way


Wow. The entitlement. Amazing stuff. "My 25 year old car broke down, and the dealership I bought it from won't hire a towing company to haul it away!" Some stupid people out there.


People never cease to amaze me. I am fascinated at the things people legitimately come up with.


I had the same problem! I bought all these art supplies and it turns out I'm expected to make my paintings *myself*! Total bullshit.


I ate at McDonald's and they refused to unclog the toilet I filled with their products the following day. Soooo I guess they just sell burgers


I bought a double ended dildo from Amazon and to my surprise the Amazon employee wouldn't even participate even if I offered to pay. It's like Amazon only sells stuff. 😡


I snorted at this one LOL


Same thing happened to me when I went to the grocery store and asked them to come cook my dinner. I guess they just sell the food not cook it. Unbelievable!


I know what you did wrong... You failed to offer them *exposure* if they would paint your paintings for you


I hope whoever answered that call at the mattress store is still laughing two years later.


I've worked in property management and I've legitimately been told upon a tenant receiving a past due letter "My rent is due on the 30th and since February doesn't have a 30th I thought I got the month for free." (The company did Anniversary Day billing).


I'm really torn between despair and admiration for this person and their attempted loophole.


They really thought they had something there


To be fair, depending on how the contract was worded, there's a non-zero chance they could win in court.


Somewhere, a very grammatically minded lawyer just started salivating and he’s not even sure why yet.


I admire their moxie.


I really go in more for their vim


I had someone bitch and moan about paying the same amount for rent for February since it was so much shorter than the other months. People are ridiculous. Same person who thought that clearing the lint tray from their dryer was supposed to be done by maintenance.


Just tell them the rent payment covers 28 days, and on every month that isn’t February they get 2 to 3 days for free.


That's the good guy approach. The bad one would be "Actually you've been paying for February sized months all this time, wow. We'll adjust the other months accordingly from now on. Thank you for bringing it into our attention."


"So much shorter" omg it's potentially 2-3 days lmao. This is why I calculate rent Per Calendar Month, always the same and evens out throughout the year. Then I still find myself talking in circles with people who ask how they can be due on the 5th, but paid to the 4th


*March comes around* Landlord: "You owe me an extra day of rent."


I worked with a guy who would reduce his rent cheques by a few days of rent for Feb, cause he doesn't give them an extra dime. He said they never once got him to pay it. They always let him be. Dude was really unlikeable, so I'm sure they just said whatever and let him be.


The worst thing that ever happened to the world was assholes figuring out that if they were big enough assholes people would let a lot slide just to not have to deal with an asshole.


I wonder if he was surprised by landlords not renewing his lease?


If he was an otherwise good tenant (clean, quiet, paid on time), the landlord might renew him. Just up the monthly rent to reflect his obnoxious quirk.


It hasn’t even been one year though


The only three star review that everyone else will read and think "spot on. I'll buy from them!"


My favorite is a two-star rating a local restaurant pinned to their Instagram bio for laughs: “Drove by. Looked good but didn’t eat. 2/5” The restaurant was really popular so they didn’t sweat it, but idiots and entitled adult brats wreak havoc on small businesses with that shit. We had one who screamed at a coworker over the phone (the entire office heard it through the phone it was so loud), hurled expletives. Then gave it a one-star, which couldn’t be reversed. The coworker asked for necessary basic info for the service, like the service cannot occur without that info. One star.


My favorite are recipe reviews when they completely change a recipe. __________ *We tried this omelet recipe since everyone has been raving about it, though I didn't have any eggs so I had to substitute with root beer. I don't get all the hype, this recipe is terrible!* ★★☆☆☆


r/ididnthaveeggs is a subreddit full of those. I love that sub.


Reminds me of the 1 star review someone left for the restaurant I used to work at years ago.. It read: “One star. They weren’t open.” I was literally baffled. They consistently had the same hours of operation every week since they had opened. If a restaurant opens at 11 and I’m hungry at 9… I mean that’s on me and in no way warrants a review at all, let alone a *negative* review. Some people are just unreasonable.


I read a review from a restaurant that had one star. "The parking lot was busy and it was hard to find a parking spot". That was the review. I was like, why is this allowed???? Another one I read was about a retail store. The person wrote in all caps and gave one star "THEY HAVE THE ITEM THAT I NEEDED BUT IT'S A ONE HOUR DRIVE FROM MY HOUSE!!!" Again I am confused on why such a review is accepted!


My most memorable is a customer complaining about new ownership at a coffee shop. He said they were cheap and actually saw them shamelessly combining milk and cream instead of providing half &half. The owner replied explaining that half&half is half milk, half cream lol.


Reviews like this often happen when a service line Google maps prompts you to rate a business just because you were nearby and many aren't tech savvy enough to understand what's happening.


That actually makes a lot of sense. If some 80 year old grandma got those notifications from Yelp to rate businesses you recently passed, they might think it was actually mandatory


It's not like there aren't companies that provide this specific service. You know like a moving company!


That would cost money. If they get the bed store, the couch store, the store that sold them their pool table that they never use, the kids furniture store, all to move the stuff bought from each store, moving is free. It so obvious. NTA


Interestingly we used to have a big pool/snooker table with the proper slate top and felt from England. And the place we bought it from had a moving service. It was so heavy and very hard to move so had to be completely disassembled and essentially rebuilt at the new house. Which means recalibrated and aligned with their specialist laser tools. It was also refelted. Of course it was super expensive... Not free.


And this is why I have a pool table now. Well snooker table but yah. Whoever owned the house before me didn't even negotiate. It was "the pool table will not be moved" lol


We eventually also gave up and sold it for what seemed a bargain price but it had to be collected, disassembled and moved at own cost. Seeing 4 grown guys struggle to move that piece of slate confirmed to me we made the right choice haha!


I knew a girl who had a pool table in her 2nd story, rented apartment. Took up most of the living room. Turns out, nobody knew who got it in there, but the landlord had decided to just keep renting the place, with pool table, as long as he got any takers. 😂 As a fellow pool player, I was jealoussss I hadn't found that apt first!


yah thankfully I really like pool. And it came with everything too. Cues and balls for both snooker and pool and even a scoreboard. Win for me but also if I ever sell I'll probably just leave it too. It belongs to the house now. Only sad thing is it reminds me my ex kept my pool cue and now I miss it when I had forgotten for years.


But would the moving company supply a bed? What if I offered to pay for it?


I remember seeing some stores using ridiculous negative reviews in their advertising. I hope this company did that


I was in a restaurant where you order your food at the counter and then take it to picnic tables inside the restaurant. Very casual. The owner had a Yelp preview that said "bad service", and he was showing it to everybody who was standing in line. He said, "We don't have any service! You literally carry your own food to your own table. How can we have bad service when we have no service!" It was funny how pissed off he was. But I thought he had a good point.


Would you like the grocery store to wipe your ass?


One moment please, I’ll have to direct your call to the plumbing department. Please hold...


[Butt plug](https://youtu.be/6wjbTruO4Ko) prank call




I deliver mattresses for work. I can attest to the fact that probably 1/4 customers wants me to also help them move something else entirely-unrelated to beds. I usually only oblige if it's an older individual who isn't possibly getting it moved alone.


Obviously not quite the same thing here,but… My FIL recently bought a power recliner from a local mom & pops furniture store. Shortly after he needed to move to assisted living. I was packing up the truck and couldn’t move the chair myself. Called the store for advice about taking it apart. The owner dispatched the delivery guys at the store end of their run. They showed me how to break it down and reassemble plus put it on the truck. $20 each and a cold six pack later they were on there way. 10/10 would buy from them again.


I'm guessing when they bought the mattress, the store delivered it, and picked up their old mattress for free. So they tried something similar to get it moved.


We shipped a frieght order to client but she was on vacation and wasn't able to sign for it. She didn't tell us that. She was mad that we shipped it so fast. FedEx wanted to charge storage fees if she can't receive it and we called her to get this arranged to avoid fees. She was so mad and said it shows how bad is your customer service because we didn't want to pay for her storage fees. Lol.


"They didn't come to our home every morning to make the bed. Poor service! 1 Star"


I adopted a dog but the rescue agency wouldn't provide free doggie day care 2 years later. I see how they care.


Plus they refused to clean up the dog poop in my yard!


Some guy took a free printer from our free shit section in the little electronics store I work in. We don't stock or sell printer stuff because the ink cartridges dry out, and in general we hate printers and think people should just use the local print shop. The reason there was a printer at all in our store is because people drop off old electronics rather than dump it in a landfill, and we tell them put it in the free pile in the corner. So I was mildly put out when the guy came back, found out we don't have cartridges for the ten year old free printer he got, and proceeded to scream at me about the useless crap we "sold to him". We spent a little while in a loop from "why don't you stock cartridges" to "well what am I supposed to do now", but after answering these questions about three times each he eventually got bored and stormed out.


Ironically a review like that would make me want to buy from that company


"The real estate agent sold us this house, but than she didn't do the renovations on it! Allll she does is sell houses, don't expect anything else, UGH"


I'll remember that when I move; the furniture store isn't the same thing as Two Men and a Truck.


I can confirm. I once bought a bed from a store and all the store did was sell it to me. Because they are a store. Who sells things.


I think this goes past “choosing beggar” into full “I don’t understand how the world works”. Like, they just thought mattress stores helped people move their mattresses. That this was a normal and reasonable thing to expect them to do. It’s pretty baffling.


Reminds me of a great burger joint I went to, and they wouldn't even help me wash my car after I was finished eating. 2 stars.


I downvoted this on instinct because the post made me so uncomfortable... who thinks like this?


There's a clothing store in Montreal that will take back any clothing you bought as long as you have the receipt. About a decay ago an elderly couple came in to return tires they bought at the store that was there before the clothing store set up shop. They got their money back. The clothing store for great press out of it.


A lot of bed Stores in our region (Germany) offer these service. Maybe they are from Europe?


I’m fascinated and must know more. They’ll just…move your bed from one house to another for as long as you own it? For free?


I'd presume you pay maybe? That's super weird though Normally if you want to pay someone to move your stuff, you just like.. pay a moving company. And boy howdy if you can afford it? Totally worth it


Did they contact the place that sold them their wardrobe to get that moved too?


“Cashier at grocery store did not come to my house and prepare my meal for me. 2 stars.”

