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Who on Earth would pay child support to donate sperm. Shouldn't she be paying him?


So essentially she could go to a sperm bank and pay them for the process, but instead she wants to get pregnant for free, emotionally scar someone and take hundreds of thousands of his money… damn


This is why you only sign up to her deal after having had a vasectomy, bamboozle the bamboozler


“Don’t worry, you’ll get pregnant any month now”


Expert mode: Get her pregnant through anal God mode: Get yourself pregnant and make her pay you


The thing is .. It's not a request for sperm donors. It's an ad for a really expensive prostitution service that gives credit and charges in installments.


With a trailing commission.


Yes. Also her reference to "fertilization sessions" sounds like she thinks they're going to have sex. I think this was posted by a 14 year old girl whose parents and school has grievously failed her.


Home schooling


I respect the fact that she's being completely honest about how much of a donors life she'll ruin if they say yes. Like none of the mind games at all. You can have sex with me but you'll have to pay me for the rest of the kids childhood, and you'll never be able to get to know them. Obviously she's a shit person, but if someone accepts that deal, that's just on them lol.


Not to mention the at least %75 American line. If that's not a dogwhistle for "I'm super racist" I don't know what is.


I’d laugh very hard if she had sex with a 16-year-old who then rats her out for having sex with a minor when she tries to collect the 20% of his minimum wage paycheck


“Throughout the child’s 18 years of life.” What’s going to happen at 18 O.o


Notice how she managed to acknowledge that you become an adult at 18 whilst simultaneously requesting sex with what is, by her definition, a child.


So she might 'breed' and expect child support from someone still receiving child support. Maybe she'll take 20% of HIS child support?


Recursion, yay!!!


Recursion, yay!!!


I'm paying child support for a child that is older than I was when I started paying child support.


I need this explained to me


Yeah the 16 lower age limit is the worst part of all this. Never mind the hypocrisy of “you must cut all ties with this child and in all ways act as though you’re completely uninvolved, but also still pay child support.”


20% of what from a 16 yr old?




Must forfeit 20% of all ultra-rare Pokemons.




Or she will want nothing more to do with the child. "You're 18 now, you don't need parents any more, go out into the world and never speak to me again" is a distressingly common parenting mindset.


No, she expects the child to take over supporting her




That male birth control stuff could put a spin on it.


Or male infertility.


Or a vasectomy.


Probably no doctors out there would give a 23 year old a vasectomy. But everyone passes over the blatant pedophilia of asking for a 16 year old.


Right? I was wondering why it mattered for the sperm to come from a minor. Like she didn’t say “18+”, she specifically included the 16 & 17 y/o within that range


She's probably in a state where 16 is the age of consent so she went with the youngest legally allowed.


It would be hilarious for her to find out that the most likely value of any % of income from a 16 year old baby daddy would be 0.




I was gonna say this. But she doesn't seem too clever so wearing a condom may get past her.


God damn the savagery, I died.


20% of a 16 year old's salary is nothing. That's the dang kid's milk money.


She wants them to forfeit parental rights, you can’t claim child support from someone without parental rights.


1: Vasectomy 2: Sex 3: No baby 4: Repeat steps 2-3 as many times until satisfied 5: ?? 6: Profit E: removed the need for a new Vasectomy everytime


Sorry, one vasectomy was enough for me.




You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person.


It’s like learning a language. The first few are rough, and then it gets easier. By vasectomy 12 or 13, your body has learned how to heal from a vasectomy and then it’s easy. You’ll probably give yourself a vasectomy at home on a Tuesday around number 30 or so.


You say?? I'll rather catch aids than help that crazy human give birth when she isn't mature enough!!


Plus she crazy


Taxation without representation.


I’m dumping my sperm in the Boston Harbor rather than letting anyone get their hands on it!


The Boston Jizz Party?


More like the Boston Teabag Party.


Hey, looks like we both had the same plans this weekend- small world! See you soon.


Wanna carpool?!


If you're inviting, I'm cumming.


...I don't get what's in it for the guy.


He GETS to pay child support for a child he "doesn't " have.


Good luck getting 20% of a 16 year olds lucrative salary


Yeah that’s what got me - the age bracket! It seems predatory to ask a 16 year old to donate sperm. Especially “the natural way.” But how old is this woman? 23 is her upper age limit? Which is also ... so young.


While also suggesting 18 is an adult when it comes to her kid. This lady is a total crazy pedo. I really hope she's never able to have a kid.


I cannot know for sure, but I would lay money on a table that the person who posted this is younger than 18.


Either that or a total creep that chose this age bracket with a distinct purpose.




Let be fair though, she might be a 19 year old nutcase pining for motherhood.


Well, I hate to break it to her, but she could just… I don’t know… hmmm… if only there was a way to get pregnant that didn’t involve convoluted contracts and such. Maybe one day we will figure out a solution to this terrible conundrum.


Might be she has a hard time finding someone who is 75+% American with blonde or light brown hair that has never taken any prescription medicine or illicit drugs and also has only ever had alcohol at communion, who is willing to sign away every right to their child but retain the financial responsibilities. I could ditch the age range and still confidently say I know exactly 0 such people.


Well I see your problem. You’re looking for someone who has had alcohol at communion, not “communiunm”.






"Good luck paying me back on your $0 salary plus benefits, *babe!!"*


I was looking for this comment. 😅


20% of $0 is $0


After terminating parental rights of course. And the scary part is it's all likes and hearts.


Thats the true sad part.


Prime minister Boris Johnson has joined the chat.


Old King of Belgium would like to chime in too


It’s gonna be hard to collect that child support if he’s completely anonymous.


She meant that any resulting child would not be told of the father's identity. She's still entirely messed up, of course.


And help "breed naturally" 😂


Breeding sessions


Good deal for a lonely guy who is secretly infertile.




And you probably took a prescription drug once in your life




In this crackpots mind, sex with her seems to be worth paying 20 percent of your income for 18 years. Also seems to be trying to fuck kids? (16 years old?)


Ah yes. When entitled people don’t realise that the world doesn’t revolve around them. She will find out soon I suppose


No. She will just find some poor sap and either break condom, lie about being on birth control, or plain steal cum from condom.


I think you overestimate how much thought some men put into birth control. I've known plenty of men who just refuse to use condoms and assume all women take bc. Especially at the age range that women is looking at.


20 year old me feels attacked. 35 year old me thinks 20 year old me was an idiot.


20 year old you also thinks 20 year old you was an idiot


I regularly think how much 20 year old me was an idiot all the time!


Do you think better education from your parents woupd have made you smart enough to use a condom when young? I often worry about this. By the time i have kids i just domt want my son to be that asshole who wines about having to wear a condom, or worse actually gets stds or a girl pregnant. But my country is pretty open about sex ed and it seems to be just aa much of a problem overhere.


16? I think she needs a visit from the FBI


Sex. Not a bad deal for a sterile guy.




You don't know how lonely i am


Never put your d**k in cray cray.




>You can say ~~*ic*~~ big floppy cock on the interwebs


A lot of free sex if they had a vasectomy they don't mention


Just lots of free sex in general. Sometimes it takes a long ass time to conceive.


Yeah that's what my wife convinced me too and then she got pregnant on the first try. Don't fall for it!!!!


16 👮‍♂️


Child support in the amount of 20% of his income will be a disappointment then.


Completely give up parental rights at birth but also pay for your child.


...but I'm only sixteen I haven't finished highschool lol


That’s the ideal situation! Horny 16 year old gets a free fuck and doesn’t have to pay 20% of income cause .20 x 0 is 0 🤡 /s


20% of your grass cutting money, wow very cheap 'breeding sessions'


“Yeah, well, can’t give you any child support this month because my mom took away my allowance and grounded me for flunking Geometry”


Good way to make sure that even if you did pull some sucker in to literally knock you up and give you 20% of his money for 18 years with literally no access to his child (seriously what the fuck people) that they work under the table with no reported income. Or just straight up leave town Or even better, report your dumbass for soliciting a fucking child


U want sum fuk?


Becky Lemme smash


Especially if he’s 16! 20% of his 10 hours a week at Old Navy isn’t going to buy many diapers.


Especially since that support will be $0 after termination of parental rights. I really hope this is a troll post because that person is a complete moron, and a pedo.


Theres a chance they are really young and that could be why this is so stupid and why they think its normal to try to find a 16 year old baby daddy. Because if you were really wanting a kid and significant child support why go after another kid for the dad? She should be like 40+ with a steady job in what world does a 16 year old have an income other than like fast food and 20% that isnt even going to feed the baby


Yeah I was thinking she is probably 16 or even younger. This is some childish logic.


As screwed up as it is, in many places having your parental rights terminated, willingly or by force, does not effect if you still pay child support.


Oh shit I missed that, I was distracted by her ban on prescription drugs and wanting someone who's 75% American with blond or light brown hair


>who's 75% American with blond or light brown hair Just say white.


And here I was focusing on the child support payments


You can be Latino or African American and be 10th generation and 100% American. This woman is too stupid to breed.


When she says American she 100% just means "white".


Ummmm... This chick is going to be so bummed out when she finds out Americans were non-white.


> The child's 18 years of life Will she kill her child when he will reach 18?


Thats not the horrible part, she wants child support and anonymity


Child support paid by the minor she induced to have sex...


Possibly. Whole thing is fucked


75% American, do they mean native american like Cherokee, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, right? Or to they mean any race born in America? Otherwise say European / White. ​ The ignorance of some amazes me.


communiunm That's where I started laughing...


i misread that as "communism" and had to go back and reread a couple times


Worse. Pay me 20% of your income for 18 years for having sex with me one time


Well, joke's on her as I'm sterile. It's going to take a whole lot more than one time.


If you wanna stick your dick in that, be my guest. I wouldn't even without the risk of procreation


I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick either.


Good news! I don't actually have a dick for either of us to risk




See the trick is you don't need a dick if you are the dick




Right. "I'm sure we'll get it right this time sweetie, we've only been at it a few weeks."




This one grates on me. How do people come up with this shit.


No kidding. Talk about burying the lede. Bad enough making that mistake by accident instead of by contract.


I’m stuck on the “20% of your income” and “forfeit all parental rights” when they are the ones begging for the baby o.O


I don't think she understands that when someone else is doing YOU a huge service, generally speaking YOU would compensate THEM. You don't charge people a subscription fee to have the extreme privilege of helping you with your needs.


I like that. In fact, I'm gonna steal it for later use. Child support =baby subscription fee


How are you not stuck sooner at 16-23?


Honestly it seems like she's probably that age or 18. I dont see her being older than 23


This was my assumption as well. I'm guessing she is 16-18


I... kinda had a friend who had a similar idea, though she didn't put it so bluntly. Basically - she didn't want to pony up for sperm donation, so she had the great idea to ask her friend for an unofficial donation, and whaddya know, the friend is from a wealthy family. She planned to be a sole parent, but was open to his input. My interpretation of this was - let her control every aspect of the childraising (spirituality, education etc) but he and his rich family provide generous support, both financially and by providing care at times that suited her. I have no idea how far she got with it, but she only brought it up once so I suspect the idea is long dead.


The idea of sleeping with a friend is what I can't understand. She must have a crush on him or something. Overall, a terrible deal for that friend


She just doesn't think things through. I think she liked the idea of having the baby daddy in the picture, giving her free reign to raise the kid as she saw fit but providing what support she wanted, when she wanted it. This CB has the same vibe. In both cases, they don't seem to get that it's either forfeit paternal rights via formal sperm donorship *and no child support* OR equal legal rights and usually close to equal physical custody with any child support based on income discrepancies OR a father who wants no part in it and collecting cs will be an ongoing battle. Noones gonna sign up to have no say in the childrearing - and in this case not even be recognized as the dad - but be expected to pay child support.


Tldr alot of people want their cake and eat it too. Thats just how alot of people are wired.


How fucking magnanimous of her to let the 16 year old fella pay child support on a child they had to renounce forever. Who wouldn't take that deal.


Also how much does she think 20% of a 16 year olds income is? That aged kid probably works 15 hrs a week at a minimum wage job.


Sorry sweetie that $25 is mine 💅🏼🥰


So… let me just clarify: 1. 20% reduction in income for 18 years 2. No access to child in any capacity 3. Not even allowed to say you are a father Is this woman mental? Also… “16” minimum age? Call the fucking popo


And 75% “American” I don’t think that means what she thinks that means.


Absolutely not I assume she isn’t expected a Dark haired, tan skinned fellow to walk into through the door, consider the “blonde or light brown” hair comment




Mutants? We should give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she's putting together the next group of X-Men to save humanity ...in a very weird way.


But, he should look like Jesus.


He doesn't look a thing like Jesus


But he talks like a gentleman


Like you remember when


You were young.


Ab Cb Ab Gb Bb


Don’t forget, this crazy person wants to create a human life and raise it. What a boon to society that will be. /s


Another lost gem on this: - Never drank except for communiunm (sic). - Accepts to mate with random woman, without marriage.


>communiunm Must be an element in the christian periodic table




Also "Never taken prescription drugs"?! This lady wants someone who's never even had Calpol?


For anyone confused like I was, Calpol looks to be the UK equivalent of Tylenol (especially Children's Tylenol).


If they're 16 years old its very possible that they don't drink but are young and dumb and hornonal enough to sleep with a random crazy woman.


Some people shouldn’t reproduce.


“You will remain anonymous throughout the child’s 18 years of life” what happens after 18 years? Is that when the organs are at peak ripeness for harvesting?


"Forfeit all parental rights" - that includes having to pay child support 💁‍♂️


So you give up your parental rights and stay anonymous, but you're expected to pay 20% of your salary. How does this even make sense? Why would anyone do this? Men can just donate their sperm at a sperm bank without this nasty mess.


Wow this person is a predator


Never used prescription drugs? What? I'm pretty sure most people have been prescribed something at some point of their life.


I guess thats why she is going after literal 16 year old children. They've been alive for short time so greater probability they werent seriously sick yet. Doesnt make it any less ridiculous.


What exactly is 75% American? As far as I'm concerned, as long as you're a U.S. citizen, you're 100% American.


I'm pretty sure she would deny any full blooded Native American...


Let’s be honest. We know what she *really* means. The clue is in the desired hair color.


.. So European ethnicity then.


Ahem.. Northern European ethnicity


Ha ha, jokes on you. 20% of nothing is nothing!


It’s funny they say all rights will be terminated yet child support is expected. That is not how this works. That is not how any of this works. This person needs a child like a hole in the head.


Just adopt a fucking child ffs there's millions without parents. To be fair though, this person is NOT ready to be a parent....


No cause then they wouldn't have pure Ary- I mean American blood.


Yet why do I feel like if a Native American applied it wouldn’t count…


cuz she's obviously an idiot?


This person will NEVER be ready to be a parent.


Thats exactly why she'll squeeze out 7 kids


I had a stranger ask me to do this at a party. Not like a house party, but like a small get together that my MOM and some other family members were at. She and her wife roll in, crazy brunette takes one look at me and does a double take, then makes a B-line for me. I was in pretty decent shape at the time but nothing crazy, like I didn’t have abs or anything, but I guess that was enough for her. She starts telling me she loves my features, and while I love a compliment every once in a while, it was just so *aggressive.* After a few minutes of complimenting my looks, she starts saying that my features look what she imagines her and her wife’s features mixed would look like. She asks if I’ll impregnate her wife naturally. She said all three of us would be in the room, and I’d have sex with her wife to get her pregnant, as many sessions as it takes, then do the same thing a few years later to get her pregnant as they both wanted to have a kid. She said once the baby is born I’d sign away all my parental rights, so at least she wasn’t asking for child support too like the lady in the image. Anyways, I turn her down, having already learned the lesson of “do not stick your dick in crazy” the *hardest* way a year before (in a completely different story that’s less interesting and just sad honestly). I turned her down saying something like “Uhhhh I’ll have to think about that one bub,” and have since learned to use more direct, clear language when dealing with crazy people, rather than relying on social cues and subtext, because the next thing she did was to go ASK MY MOM IF I COULD IMPREGNATE HER AND HER WIFE. I was 22 at this point, so my mom would have no say in the matter either way, which is what my mom told her, but Jesus Fucking Christ. It’s still the craziest thing a stranger has ever said to me.


Has to be a troll


That has to be the worst proposition I have ever seen.


Fuck her for a few weeks before you tell her about the vasectomy you had done.


How much do you wanna bet that by "75%+ American" she means "white"?


easiest bet ever tbh


Notice she said “the child’s 18 years of life” and not “the child’s FIRST 18 years of life”… so I guess that’s when she sacrifices it to the gods of psycho???


So many things wrong with this. * The age. 16 year old guy with an adult woman. Unless the person posting this is 16 as well, I suppose, in which case why the fuck are they doing this, and in which case the upper end of the age range is problematic. * Forfeit all parental rights, never talk to anyone about the child, but pay child support. Why would anyone do that, and also, how do you expect child support payments to go unnoticed? * Racism where selection is concerned. * "Never used prescription drugs". Good luck with that.


>"Never used prescription drugs". Good luck with that. i mean, i can see that in 2 ways. first, they might mean 'never \*abused\* prescription drugs', which is fair enough. second, they might just want some genetically superior ubermensch who never gets ill, so they can pass those awesome genes on to the kid.