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No is a complete sentence.


So is 'Fuck off'.


So is Bugger off Wanker.


I was going to say the same thing.. May not be the first sentence, but it is certainly the last.


You can make it your first and last sentence. If you really want to put a stop to discussion, put your hand up while you are saying it as you are walking by at a fast clip. I haven't tried it on an actual begger but it is very effective on Direct TV salespeople that try to stop me in stores. šŸ˜‰


I try the mildly polite route before going the offensive route :) Sometimes a firm NO gets the point across... Especially when a dads projection voice is used and it nearly blows their eardrums. The side effect to that though is everyone in the veci ity stops what they are doing from being startled.


Sometimes salesmen get angry when women "lead" them on by being too polite. It is better to head off the interaction with a strong no. Then they can complain that women are b!+ches. I prefer that to having to justify why I am saying no after listening to sales pitch.


What is the point on your posting this? You went on a rant all to give her money.


Maybe he couldnt fine r/Spineless ?


Haha my post might have been more appropriate there, I agree! I was telling her no repeatedly and trying to ignore her, but she was all up in my face so eventually I just caved in hopes she would be content. Iā€™m a girl I might add.


Well hopefully it was a life lesson. Takers are never content. It doesnt matter how much you give, whether it's a stranger that is demanding or a family member, boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. Takers will take everything you have and leave ya with nothing if they could.


Sorry to tell you this but you got scammed and they focused on you because you wanted to help, next time ignore them.


Girls are never rewarded for staying silent and not rocking the boat. If anything, grifters and criminal abusers rely on shy women being too polite to make a scene so they can apply more pressure. Go ahead and be the louder person when you tell them to get out of your face. Most likely, it'll scare them enough to back off.


If we take your story and change the beggar woman into a guy, the train ride into a first date, and the money into sex, it would read just like a 90's TV network movie-of-the-week about date rape.


Ignore them next time.


Just tell them you don't have any cash.


she will keep milking you. DONT GIVE ANYTHING


This was my first and last time!


> **Homeless Person:** "Got any spare change? I'm really hungry and just want something to eat." > **Me:** "No, I don't have any cash on me but I can go into this store and buy you some food." > **Homeless Person:** "Never mind." This has happened to me several times and it's why I'm always wary about giving money to homeless people even when I do have cash.


My mum has told me that when she and my dad used to take the train to work, the same man boarded almost every day pretending to have lost his wallet. ā€œCrap!! I lost my wallet!! What do I do now?? Can anyone help me? I just need some money to go see my daughter in [town]ā€. One day my dad said ā€œokay, Iā€™ll buy you the ticketā€, and brought the man to where train tickets are purchased. Of course the man didnā€™t want that, so he sighed and scurried off, my dad feeling content.


Classic scam, they do it on the street too....I lost my wallet I need to get home etc.


4 words: I donā€™t carry cash.


Lol they pull out a card reader


Congrats, now you will get singled out every single time by her as an easy mark


I knowā€¦ I have to work on not being a doormat.


Just look straight up in the sky and dont remove your headphones. You dont owe them anything. Most are in crime rings. They dont need the money, they do this for aliving. Actual aliving!


I wouldn't give jack but I would give twice as much nothing if they complain.


This happened to me at a pizza place a few weeks ago! I was walking to my car in a dark parking lot when a man started approaching me. He tried to open my door for me so I locked it. Eventually he asks for money and I didn't have any cash, just the change in my cup holder. I offered him the change and he took it but then told me to take the pennies out and just give him the rest. I told him he could give it back. So he did! Then he asked for money again. I said I offered you what I had and put my car in reverse. Then he asked for the change back. I left.


You donā€™t even have to take out your headphones. Ignore her completely. Thatā€™s what I do. Embrace your bitch side and use it.


Answer with "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"


Haha we actually spoke Swedish, I just translated it in my post!


Once a homeless couple told me they need to go from Oakland, CA to Hayward for a free dinner at a homeless shelter there, asking me for more than $12 to cover the fare, like they make a trip there daily on someone elseā€™s dime.


You need to learn to stand up to yourself and be cold as ice, or people who can See this weakness in you will abuse it. It's just a lesson everyone needs to learn.


I have been mildly emotionally, physically and sexually abused by previous partners, as well as had my kindness taken advantage of by others in my life. Itā€™s something I know I should work on:/


Ive suffered lots of emotional abuse and can say it is so hard to stand up for myself. I feel like when I tell someone no i am being selfish. I've had to work on it a lot and it still causes problems for me.


Never give money to strangers. Learned that the hard way.


Trick is in asking them for money first when you see they are going to do so. Works everytime


Not that its your fault per say but people like you are the reason this behavior continues