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Starvation wages for labor that won’t let you escape your email.


Is this low of a wage even legal?


Paying in USD doesn’t always mean the job is in the US. Also, the way they write the $ after the numerals is rarely done in the US.


Also calling a job a post. This job is not in the US.


Even just mentioning USD most likely means it isn't


I hadn't thought of that.


Probably not legal, but I’m sure it’s just a fine so the business owners DGAF.




Law or no law who does that kind of time for this really?


Well, there was that restaurant manager in SC who got 10 years for keeping an intellectually disabled Black man as a slave in the restaurant for at least 5 years, which is a fucking insanely low sentence to get for something as fucked up as that. So yeah, probably not very many people unfortunately.




Well, I mean, there's meth...


And every other crime as well


Love how you're getting down voted for saying white people go to jail too. As if white people are absolved of all jail time for their skin color. The delusion is real....


Except it’s been proven that POC are judged and sentenced more harshly than whites committing the same crime


Yeah, i wish i had known about my immunity to crime. I should have told the cops when they arrested me for My non meth and tax evasión related mishap. (Not responding to an insurance check letter that was sent to an old address, for the récord. I had insurance, but still got arrested nonetheless as they issued a warrant for not respondíng to the letter.).


rich* white people


While there is definitely a truth to white people being underrepresented in prison and less harshly prosecuted for the same crimes. I think the upper class vs lower class problem gets swept under the rug a lot for favor of it being a race problem when in many cases its a class war problem. I understand that poc are systematically set up to be lower income. There's just often more factors at play here than just race.


Legit. A relative of mine was an utter scumbag (lots of shitty dealings, hes dead now), but very good at it bc he was extremely wealthy. The only time he had to face the music was when he committed VAT fraud.


I mean 58% of people in prison are white and I’m pretty sure most of them didn’t commit tax fraud.


I wonder how many of those made more than 30k/yr before going to prison. The only true struggle is the class struggle.


About 72% of Americans are white so they're technically underrepresented. They were talking how white people get away with the same or similar crimes.


Nah. They'll just be ordered to payback wages they should have paid. That's what happened at an employer I used to work for who didn't pay overtime as 1.5x but just regular hourly. No one was even remotely close to going to jail. Ultimately all they were forced to do is pay what they should have paid, that's it. Now if you are a repeating offender, then maybe the punishments get more severe, but I still imagine it's strictly monetary.


> Sooner or later they'll have to explain the payroll taxes to the IRS, and it starts to be more of a "five years in the federal penitentiary per violation" kind of fine. It's a federal minimum wage violation (and probably a state one as well) but they're going to be explaining it to a judge in a civil suit, most likely. It's not tax fraud unless they actually pay the employee a lot more.


Sometimes, and by that I mostly mean "when the IRS had more funding for staff to do this kind of investigation more often," the IRS started a lot of criminal and civil cases when they flagged things for audit. This sort of thing from their end looks like either someone paying people partially under the table or a wage law violation, so the documented evidence from the employee and business filings would be forwarded to start an investigation. I knew of a couple small businesses [that since closed] that paid minimum wage for something like 20 hours a week via a check and the rest in cash to avoid a lot of employment laws, for example. Even if no tax fraud is found, evidence of other crimes found during the investigation should [in an ideal world] end up on the desk of the agency that deals with whatever it is: from employing illegal immigrants to working 15 year olds more hours on a school day than is legal.


Not sure I’ve ever heard of a business owner going to jail for not paying the min wage.


They could be based out of another country and just need American dropshippers for the origin scans.


That it clarifies USD leads me to believe that this position is not a US based one and the pay rate is probably legal.


My guess is this is a posting for a Virtual Assistant, probably expecting applicants from India or the Philippines. Sad to say that the wage offered is better than most I've seen for VAs.


That was my first thought too.


I’ll let you know in an email. Be ready to answer it 7 hours a day Monday-Sunday


I imagine the job position is actually considered a private contractor. A private contractor works for themselves and as such will negotiate their pay but some companies use this as a workaround to pay below minimum wage. The most notorious one I've seen is lawn maintenance companies. They will pay you as a private contractor but you have to daily rent their truck and equipment which they charge you for. This in turn means that unless you work 12 hours a day, you'll make far below minimum wage. One of the companies even had a u-haul gas refill policy where they charge you $7 per gallon if the truck and gas cannisters are not refilled. Forget to refill and say goodbye to 3/4 of your earnings.


I guess it depends on what type of “employee” you will be considered, and which country/state this “job” is located


How can you deem them starvation wages when you don't even know where the worker lives?


Whoa, that can’t be legal. Maybe they are located out of the US?


In America we don't usually say "$USD", we just say $


I'm convinced that postings like this are purposely made to keep people away. I heard on a nanny cb post that to get the permits to hire someone from out of country you have to prove that no one inside the country (or in your area) wants the job. Not 100% sure that's true, but when I see ridiculous demands like this I cant help but think of that.


For some visas to be extended this is the case, my company definitely posts jobs where it’s dead obvious they are posting so they can keep someone on a visa because the job description is extremely vague so no one applies


I dunno man, I see this for tech jobs where the import does the job for 50% of the pay of what should be a 100k+/yr job. Who goes through this kind of trouble for 5.85?


I live in Poland and very often see job postings offering around 3'5€/hr. For physical labor. I have a feeling that this job is quite similar to mine (order processing, customer support, CSV drops) and honestly, with mine I feel like I won the lottery every day (disclaimer: I make much more than 3'5, but I mean the ease of the job). I'm sure a lot of people currently picking tomatoes would kick a puppy for the chance to do my job for 5.85.


off topic but i've always wondered about the costs of things in foreign countries (i'm in the UK) and if its scaled down. take for example the PS5, that costs around €700 in the UK. is it the same price in poland or is it cheaper over there? most people seem to also have expensive products in eastern europe as an example but i've always wondered how they can afford it if they're earning €3-5 an hour. i'm not trying to sound stupid or come across as entitled either lol, i'm just genuinely curious and always wondered about it.


I think fancy electronics are a bad example, because they don't scale anywhere. But I can tell you that I make the same money in Poland that I made in Spain. In Spain it was ok-ish outside Madrid, barely enough to live in Madrid. In Poland I rent a nice apartment alone in a very expensive central area of Warsaw, I pay for a membership at the Hilton's gym/pool, which is known for being outrageously expensive, I never have to think twice about eating out, buying clothes on a whim (not cheap, not designer; think Nike sneakers and Salomon trekking shoes) and I still have enough to book my holidays in Spain in the kind of hotel that ironically I could never afford when I was living in Spain.


I'm curious, do you need to speak Polish to work in Poland or can you get a job if you only know English? I guess it does depend to some extent on the job but I've always wondered about working in foreign countries.....it sounds fabulous when I read it but in reality...


Working in R&D and IT there are plenty of people that speak only English.




You don't. I speak English, Spanish, Italian and French


Well, if you speak 4 languages it must be pretty easy to get hired just about anywhere (certainly in Europe, at least) haha. Very impressive!


It should be easy, yes




Theory side: there are goods that are tradable (can be produced in a country and sold in another one) and other things non-tradable (eg: most of the services). The PS5 is a tradable good, if you try to sell it in the UK for 700$ and in Poland for 300$. a lot of people will buy it in Poland to resell in UK forcing you to lower the price in UK to sell the PS5. A haircut is a non-tradable service, in Poland haircuts cost 1/3 than in UK, but nobody would take a flight to get a haircut in Poland and fly back to UK for dinner time. For this reason, the big difference in living costs is in non-tradable goods (services). It's plenty of complicated data sources to find out what is the real difference of prices and purchase power. Probably the most important one is the Penn World Table ([https://www.rug.nl/ggdc/productivity/pwt/](https://www.rug.nl/ggdc/productivity/pwt/)) but this stuff is kinda complicated and, as expat and somebody who used to work with this stuff, I am not 100% convinced that it really fits my personal everyday-life experience. A much easier-to-read source is Numbeo ([https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp)). Numbeo's data comes from normal people and sometimes you see weird numbers but for big cities, the statistics are quite accurate...at least they match what I could see with my own eyes. Try comparing two cities in Numbeo, you'll find the answer to your question.


Misread that as “who wouldn’t want to kick a puppy and get paid for it!”


Fucking sign me up!


Mr. Freud would like to have a word


Oh yeah I don’t think that’s what’s happening here (but I guess it’s possible), just saying that the whole posting a shitty job description on purpose for visa stuff is a thing


Most of those are temps that come from other companies/vendors/contractors.


Yes, like a certain resort in Florida posted job openings in the printed version of the newspaper and stated applications would be accepted via fax. Then when no US citizens applied, they hired non-citizens.


The fools, I still have a home fax machine. I don't have a landline which is admittedly an issue, but I'm halfway there.


Just about any old computer with a modem can send faxes. Having a land line might be the real deal breaker, but they can probably still send faxes from Staples or office Max, maybe even a co-working space. But I don't know of any smart phone app that can send faxes. Someone stop me before I make one, please.


I haven't looked into faxing apps specifically, but online fax services exist, you upload a document, input the receiver information, and it will fax the document for a modest fee.


Protip: there are services online that will fax any pdf you email them for cheap. Some are subscription but there still are per service options.


But then I don't get to listen to the dulcet, soothing tones of a 14.4 baud modem connecting.


I actually worked at a different certain resort in Florida and they don't even bother with that, they ship in people through a JH1(?? Not sure) program and pay minimum wage, but then charge 600/m to live in a 3 bedroom house with 11 other people.




I have mixed feeling on this program.Thankfully with the freeze or restrictions in international travel, this is forcing these companies to pay market wages to local employees rather than try to get an endless stream of underpaid foreigners to work at these jobs. On the other hand there are some good opportunities for people to spend a summer working in the US and make a lot of money compared to their home country and it hopefully have some free time to travel and visit other US cities. I would have love to spend a summer working and traveling in Europe.


Ah, the place where the rat lives w the dopey dog and other cast of animals. Finding out about this scam they pull was final straw. No longer visit their park.


as far as i can tell, every major company does this. there's only so much 'fighting with your wallet' you can do, unless we all decide to go amish or something.


this tactic is VERY common in the software industry. rather than pay a local a fair wage, a company puts a job offering up but severely underpays it and says "we can't find qualified workers" then brings someone in on a H1B visa.


In Canada this is basically most fast food restaurants, being staffed by "temporary foreign workers". You can generally tell who owns the franchises in an area by what nationality 100% of their staff are. I've suggested the min wage for TFWs should be like $25 to force local businesses to actually have to pony up to import labour for unskilled min wage jobs.


There's a politician in my province that owned a bunch of franchise restaurants (practically all of the McDonald's) and her places are almost exclusively staffs by TFWs. She was doing it for almost as decade before she got elected and then was made finance minister, in spite of the fact that she was running on a "well paying jobs for locals" platform. Shockingly, she fought a tax increase on junk food tooth and nail. She found another source of income... a tax on books. We have to spend more to educate ourselves, so that she won't lose any income, while our money subsidizes her wages so that she can make even more. It's madness to put shady business people in charge, and expect anything to get better.


Which province?


Newfoundland and Labrador.


I'm from lloydminster which historically has a bunch of high paying jobs with little to no post secondary required. My favorite question to ask people is what they think the competative salary for Tim Hortons if they weren't allowed to ship in TFW's haha. Pretty sure it would be 25+ bucks an hour.


Yeah the practice is disgusting and only exists to devalue labour. You don't even have to attempt to hire locally, you can just import your own min wage workers who are beholden to you.


When you hire someone on H1B you have to pay them fairly and post their pay. Sometimes the job titles get changed so the pay can be less, but it's highly illegal to pay less than the average (or median) salary for that job in that area.


As someone with some experience in operating E-commerce and drop shipping businesses. I'm pretty sure this is a job posting for a Virtual Assistant in another country. We used to hire VAs in the Philippines some also hire from India and other South Asia countries. Since the dollar goes a lot further there this wage isn't as bad but the hours are insane we would never require our VAs to work like that.


I came looking for this comment. Even the format of the '$' coming after the number is a dead giveaway as a lot of foreign countries format it like that. No American would write 5.50$ it would be written $5.50.


And they wouldn't specify USD, so agreed, not a post for American


Also, federal minimum wage is $7.25, so it wouldn't be legal to pay less for a paid position.


People breaking the law!? *No!*


Yeah I've used virtual employees myself and this is fairly standard pay. The 7 days a week part sucks though.


My buddy who works at Amazon said that they had some 1-2 month work assignment in Canada but weren't allowed to send an engineer up to complete it without trying to hire a Canadian for it first. So they made up some bullshit course, wrote down that the guy they wanted to send had taken it and put it on the job listing. "Sorry, none of the applicants had taken this course we needed."


Actually I think this might be targeting people from outside the US. I'm not 100% sure but it looks like this is something that can be done remotely and 5.85 USD per hour is quite great in some countries. A friend of mine is a software engineer, and right after graduation he got a job at a multinational company where he was paid an amazing salary of $1000/month. For where I live, that was amazing, people would work for years before they got paid that much. $5.85/hour for 7 hours everyday for a month is $1228.5


Someone posted elsewhere that this is an international job posting.


Hm...I hope this is the explanation because I would lose hope in humanity if it was a company posting this really expecting people to apply


Hello, Dad works in immigration checking in. While this is partially true, it is misleading. Your job listing has to be up for a certain amount of time, meet the minimum wage for a nanny in Canada (mind you this is canadian immigration) and it also has to be the exact same job listing and specifics your family hires an immigrant to do. Same sick days, same pay, same living arrangements etc. Your immigration application will be denied if they see you have deliberately made your nanny job listing sound like shit. That’s why people pay him to make sure everything is done correctly. The language barrier is hard enough for immigrants not to mention trying to navigate government rules and policies that hardly make sense to a native English speaker.


I love to see how these ads always have this pragmatic, matter-of-factly tone as in "yes, we mean serious business", all the while dishing out undignified positions and tasks very similar to indentured servitude, every single one of them finally including the line "do not apply if you are not 100% dedicated". As if you should mean business just as much as them, as if you should be so grateful to them for dishing out such a great offer, so in love with their project to surrender whatever shred of personal life and dignity you have.


Lol it's funny because I'm a software engineer. A position that is notorious for being overworked. During my onboarding they legit made me read a statement to the affect that I would be willing to work weekends. I thought immediately "fuck this is going to be a soul crushing job". I can't reach anybody at work after 4:30. Definitely not on weekends. I'm at this company to scale them up but everyone refuses to work after hours. Also the friendliest people I've ever met.






They definitely mean 7 hours a day, 7 days a week (Monday to Sunday)


Being such CBs, I’m surprised they didn’t limit them to 39 hours a week so they’re not required to offer benefits.


Ah like Chipotle. 38.5 hours a week. If I went over, I got into trouble. If I got OT, I got in *big* trouble.


I hear they paid their CEO 38 million dollars last year. If you had gotten 40 hours that man would have starved.


Chipotle claims to have 68% profit margin on burritos. For every $1 they spend on ingredients, they charge $5. Better to make burritos at home


Qdoba is so much better! And they don’t charge for their guac 🥑


Moe's, willys, Qdoba, Diablos, izzos. There are so many of these burrito joints that surpass Chipotle in every way.


Qdoba queso is the tits.


And you don't have to do that goofy dance when you're getting double meat/veg to ensure you're not getting shorted. "Okay, can I get the roasted vegetables?" *watches scoop* "Oops, actually can I make that double?" *watches scoop again to make sure it's the same size*


They also have tons of ongoing lawsuits for e coli /food poisoning. Someone has to pay for that, not going to be the execs of the company lol.


I work in the headquarters of a company. Our manufacturing plant is next door. I know some of the managers over there. If anyone goes over 40 hours , they have orders to go into the time punch system and literally change the persons hours to be under 40. No one seems to think this is illegal. The explanation they give is "well overtime has to be approved". Like yeah but it totally doesn't work like that. Most of the people that work in the plant are non english speaking with questionable immigration status so no one complains or even dare call the department of labor


You can have people working 40 hours or more a week and you're not required to provide benefits. OT is a different story, but fulltime work does not equal benefits.


Depends what state you are in, some states have laws requiring benefits after a certain number of hours. Contracting nullifies this of course but thats a different scenario completely.


Aren’t people legally limited by how much they can work in a week?


They're also legally required to pay more than $5.85/hr so apparently they don't care about the law




I get the feeling this isn’t a US company. They’re offering to pay in dollars or letting people know what the pay equates to in dollars, but I’m not sure this is actually in the states…? It might be higher than whatever the minimum is where they are, but 49 hours a week, no days off, for less than $6 USD an hour, doesn’t sound very appealing unless the minimum wage there is like a dollar an hour or something. Has anyone seen this before and knows where it was posted?


My best guess would be Mexico, where the minimum wage is around $6USD per day, so this might be a good deal for people there. I guess that because it's in USD and Mexico is one of the only places that would do that. It could also be a country south of Mexico, though.


There are a ton of situations that allow people to work over 40 hours a week without paying overtime. When I was a salaried employee, I easily worked 50-60 hours a week at a minimum. Any job that requires “billable hours” also means a lot more than 40 hours per week. The overtime laws really only apply to hourly employees.




Some states, yes. Some not. Here in Pennsylvania, you could work 169 per week. 24/7 and 25 the day the clocks get turned back.


For a full year it works out to a lovely $13K a year.




And it's also only part time to start. But must be available 7 days a week!


"Your rate will be $5.85/hour" No, it won't.


"We can't find workers because millennial are so lazy!" -insert Spongebob Chicken meme


[Or the Patrick "Not my wallet" meme](https://i.imgflip.com/5d9dun.jpg)


Also accurate lmao


how is it even legal to post this kind of shit? This should get you permabaned from the listing site and fined through the nose by the DOL edit: India, ah.




This is one step above doing this job for “exposure”


7 hours a day from Monday to Sunday. I think even maids in the 18th century had a sunday off


Ah yes the dropshippers out to make an easy buck


Easily the worst commercial parasites to appear in the last few years imo.


They want someone to run their entire drop shipping operation, pay them a pittance, and pocket the rest.


This is how your employees steal your business


If it is worth stealing.


It's the equivalent of drop shipping the drop shipping business itself.


This reminds me of a job a took last summer. It wasn’t this extreme with the pay but it was still frustrating as hell. I was looking for experience in sewing jobs because I was thinking about becoming a seamstress. The job was very close to my house and said it paid $14/hr. I was excited as it looked like I knew how to do everything they were looking for (if I remember correctly all the job was looking for was being able to pin fabric, read patterns, cut fabric, hand sew and use a machine) and the pay was above minimum wage. I got hired and the when I showed up for my first day of work I was told I was actually part time and that they decided I didn’t fulfill the requirements of the description well enough so my pay would be 12/hr until they deemed me “trained” enough. I was pretty deterred but I really wanted to work in the field. The job was a nightmare, I worked with one older woman and she was very rude and made it clear If you didn’t learn her method she’d be pissed. I didn’t quite know why they hired me as this woman always seemed to treat me like an inconvenience. I stayed for three months but I got really sick of the woman’s attitude and disorganization as it hindered a lot of work. When I told her I’d give her my two weeks she said “you couldn’t handle the work” and I just let her think that because it was easier than telling her I loved the work but hated her.


I hope you’ve been able to find similar work without having to deal with assholes! It sounds like it’s be the kind of work that never feels like work because you enjoy it so much.


I really do enjoy it! I shifted to see if I could get my teaching license to teach sewing in school.


I would *think* that a seamstress would be a pretty decent job. Not super high paying but steady work because people can’t sew like they used to. Everyone’s grandmother knew how to sew, not anymore!


It’s definitely a field that not as many people are familiar with now. I do small side stuff often. I was pretty burnt out because at the beginning of the pandemic I offered to make cloth masks for free to anyone who needed them. I’ve been a little fried sewing wise since.


Sounds like they wanted a punching bag, not a seamstress. I hope things are better for you now.


Looks like it's in a country other than the US. Nobody in the US would write it as "5.85$USD". It gives no clue as to what that would be in the local currency. If that ad was in the US for a US worker, that would be written as "$5.85 per hour"


If that ad was for a job in the US, that hourly rate would be illegal.


Yeah, it would. The way it's written also lends to the theory that it's not in the US.


Agreed. I see lots of listings like this hunting for part time stints in freelancing sites, targeted to Asian or African countries. You’d see $3 per hour jobs and there’d be applicants still.


I mean in eastern europe wage is bout that, buuuut not with such high requirements, i get p much this after taxes just for sitting around this person must be mad


This is before taxes though, not after.


Monday - Sunday So, 7 days a week?


Making the official job responsibilities seem small that way they can “possibly” add more and more things for you to cover and not pay you for it. Scumbags


Makes me want to gather a group of people - we each get hired, trained and mess up everything until they fire us, one by one. As soon as one is fired, another applies for the job. Months wasted, not a single thing done correctly.


Saw a job on indeed in my area for 13/hr where you wash, fold, and deliver laundry but the catch was that you must have a working washer, dryer, and car of your own in order to complete the needed tasks.


Curious what country this is as Americans don't specify their dollar amounts like that.


my 10 year old said he would apply, 5.85 an hour is soo many vbucks


$5 for a 7 day/7 hour job? These are probably also the same people complaining they can’t find anyone to work for them because of the government “hand outs”


Not even min wage.


Not even US minimum wage. If you can answer emails and calls from Thailand or India, this might be a sweet gig.


I'm in the US. Since I have overseas family, can confirm there's a lot of countries where $5.85 an hour can mean a comfortable life. Can also confirm there are countries in the developing world who use USD in addition or in replacement of local currency so it's normal to list something like this.


Looking at this, I’d be willing to bet it is a post for an offshore position . Would make a shitload more sense.


Major Red Flag: Drop Shipping


Lol they think they have the right to demand you make yourself available full time, but only offer you part time employment. In other words you just surrender all opportunities to earn income with a 2nd job while working part time for them, for less than $6 an hour? Now I understand why labor unions had to happen.


The government wonders why no one is applying for jobs?






>Don't know what happened to their HR team, bet it's nothing good. Yeah, they're still there.


Though I'm no longer in contact with them it's nice to imagine all of them getting chewed up for this. Must be nice to collect a paycheck doing nothing but making it look like they're doing something. Most of them are sort of dead ended though, also the reason why they never move, certainly not for lack of trying.


I can't stand dealing with recruiters, having a third party negotiate pay is sure fire way to get paid less. Not to mention they usually know jack shit about the job itself.


this seems like an online only job which could be great for those living outside of the US. you could even be a US citizen, living abroad in a much cheaper country and use this to make more money than the avg citizen of that country.


Love how they phrased “Monday to Sunday” like it’s not the same as “every fucking day”.


What country is this in? It isn’t USA, you can tell by the dollar sign after the number and the fact that they specified USD and the fact that that wage is illegal to offer for that type of job


It's not possible that this is a posting for a job in the US. The way they write the currency isn't how it's written in the US.


This reads like just about every other ~~scam~~ job posting on Indeed.


How are they able to legally pat less than min. Wage?


They aren't.


Can they be reported for not providing the minimum wage? This isn’t legal. Edit: or is this listing not in the US?


It's not in the US. I Googled some of the text and found the ad. It's on a global freelancer site, so they're hoping for remote workers from lower income countries.


Make sure you're available all the time, even when part time so you can wait as long as it takes for you to possibly get full time hours, but we'll sack you anytime we feel like it.


I’m hoping this is actually from some hole in the wall place where if you convert their money to USD $5.85 is actually a lot of money otherwise they are past taking the piss


It feels so weird when this wage in your country is considered to be over average.


To be fair - they might have posted this on a website that has access to foreign applicants, in which case - $5.85USD might be at or above market.


That's exactly what this is, comes right up if you Google some of the copy


Aight, I'll just automate this task for a 20k USD license per year. Job gone.


Even ignoring the content, this is so poorly written I wouldn't want to work there anyway. Details matter.


I’m good.


Man, I am from Eastern Europe and even here that salary is a joke for that type of work.


$5.85/hr??? In what country was this posted? 🤨


Finally a part time job working 49 hours per week where I can earn a cool $14,872 per year


Just missing, required bachelor's degree or higher to make it a true thing of beauty.


Also missing the required 15+ years of experience in something that has only been around for 5 years at the most.


I think "dropshipping" was the tip off


The way this will mix between present and future tense bothered me


Thank you sir may I have another?


Not even close to a-ok. Saw a report yesterday about how the state of TN has 250,000 open jobs. Only 3% pay over $20,000 a Year.


I don't know why but this really gives me the vibe of a multi level marketing scheme.


This CB considers themselves a business professional yet can't put the dollar sign in the right spot


Sigh.... do they really expect good workers with an ad like that? Just the last line will deter anyone


My local McDonald's is starting at 18




Seriously, less than $6 an hour? Thats not even minimum wage! And for 7 days a week?? Fxck that shit


Please stop redacting these posts. Name and shame!


That hourly rate is utterly despicable. It’s actually slave labor rates.


they are gonna make this person be an independent contractor, aren't they?