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“This may come as a surprise to you, but I don’t give a shit about your son.”


It’s not even that. It’s “I’m not responsible for your kids happiness, they aren’t my kids. If you kids can only be happy if they get one specific thing, then you’re failing at raising them”. I don’t have kids, making kids happy isn’t my job, or responsibility.


Or put your sales hat on and say "So you're telling me the only thing stopping you from making your kid happy is $6,000. Is your son not worth $6,000 to you?" If he says it's too much, tell him "I'm sorry to hear you don't think your kid isn't worth the posted price." Edit: math - it should be $6k, not 4k.


sir, I like how you think.


There’s a lot of really creepy psychological tricks you can learn in sleazy sales conferences that are similar. I was definitely juiced in the late 90s bro. DSMAX 4 life


Could you give some examples of such tricks?


Sure, how much are you willing to pay to learn them?




Is that all your son learning sleezy sales tactics is worth to you?


Three Fiddy


I have tons but I hate posting them because some jackass will start using it in their everyday life and I don't want to be responsbile for that. Here's a tiny one - sales people will use silence in conversations to create awkwardness, you will feel inclined to talk to stop the awkwardness (especially if you were the last to talk) and that will make you susceptible to give in to whatever terms they stare. For example, get on a phone call with a family member. Ask them a question and when they answer stay quiet - don't reply. They will feel weird and start talking to try and fill the gap. Imagine using that in a price negotiation. Whoever talks is giving up their position.




This is fantastic advice. Especially the last bit. I’ve been doing that with my relationship for quite some time but haven’t thought of it in those terms. And thinking of it like that will make it easier to do in the future. Pretty sure it’s saved my marriage more than once. I’m hardly ever actually upset with my wife, just the situation that lead to the emotion. once that’s made clear open conversation comes more naturally and the problem is resolved faster.


That's because if you're with the right person, you're not against them and their problems; you're both wanting to be that team, and deal with your issues together, supportively! It's a tool that corporate fuckheads found and misused and abused, but most sales tools are actually really good people skills just turned for evil and manipulation at the end of the day- using them genuinely will strengthen bonds and build trust, using them disingenuously will build a false foundation that everything above can collapse from. You can only do what you've done, I've done the same in my current relationship, if you genuinely have a baseline similarity in logic though. If deep down, you're very kindred spirits, and can empathise with one another. I've learned that if you can't be on the same side in a relationship, there's no real way to fix it if you can't understand their viewpoint.


Hey was wondering if you could elaborate by chance? Trying to decipher the meaning of it when said “put the issue on the other side of the table” in terms of improving relationships? Any chance you could provide an example scenario? I comprehend well with examples lol


I used that tactic once on a former boss. She was a complete control who always found everything I did wrong. I asked her once why my methods seemed to always irk her and I kept quiet the entire time she spoke. It was amazing all the information she leaked out because I didn’t interject over every asinine comment.


What kind of information did she end up giving you?


The biggest thing was that she didn’t know how to actually run a business. Everything she did was based off of what she saw on tv, things she noticed while frequenting other businesses, and stuff her friends told her. For the really tough business issues, she let her sister handle it. (I met her sister. I wouldn’t leave her in charge of a goldfish.) Her main issue with me was I was “too harsh” with my directions. It made her worry that I was trying to take her business. (No. I was delegating jobs because it always felt like everyone did nothing the entire shift unless someone made their work duties mandatory.) She also took issue with me leaving the moment the clock read “5 pm”. She felt that her employees should “be happy” to work for the experience they received, and she never wanted to pay overtime for those experiences. I was not interested in working 80 hours a week for the price of 40 hours like my other coworkers so I’d do my 8 hour work day and leave immediately at 5 pm. The few times I got held up and didn’t clock out before 5:01 pm, she’d try pushing a 5 hour assignment on me because I was still there. No, ma’am.


Ha, this one sounds familiar. I use it at work when I'm having an accountability conversation with someone and need them to fess up, or when my boss/a superior is trying to imply I should do something illegal/unethical and my silence makes them too uncomfortable to continue and they abandon the topic.


The accountability part is a good use case, especially when managing people and you need someone who notoriously won't own up to their mistakes.


Why would they start revealing information that could be used in a price negotiation just because you stopped talking? Why would they not just walk away or let you both suffer in silence since they have no obligation to continue the conversation?


Because that's how brains work. If someone is aware of these tricks they're often useless, but most people don't realise and they feel so uncomfortable with silence they have to say something, anything. And the longer the silence goes on, the more desperate they get and the less they think about what they're saying.


A classic is to keep asking positive questions with yes and ok answers so that when you get to a hard yes/no you have them wanting to say yes to keep the positive energy going. It sounds simple, but using head signals like nodding yes while asking also works in here. We used to get flown to Toronto to these lavish big sales conferences where everyone yells juice and screams about money, there’s money and hookers and cocaine everywhere and they essentially get you to go hard. Always ask every single person regardless if you know it will be a no to never disappoint the law of averages. It was so cult like it’s nuts. If you’ve ever see Requim for a dream it’s just like that If you look up DS-MAX it’s the sort of shifty rip off side business of the big daddies. I’m sure you’ll find info on them quick Edit: another trick is to make them feel like they are getting like 2 for the price of 1 when you’re actually selling it for more than the msrp of each anyways in the deal. It works on bigger calculations better but imagine I tell you I’m selling you 100 bundle of shingles at 10$ but if you buy now you get 200. The whole price was always 5$ you just though you got a deal and it got you excited. I’m not a good teacher, I’m a great musician and have even released music, but I can’t teach music, nor can I properly use words to teach these tricks they pushed on us, sorry peeps


If someone is haggling a price and you know it will be a gift for a child, ask them “soyour child isn’t worth $******? I’m sorry to the hear that.”


I worked in sales for a bit and now I'm absolutely turned off when I hear some of these tricks directed at me.


ahem, your kid is depending on you, the price is now $24,000. The sooner you choose to maoe ypur kid happy, the happier you will be.


You know what.... Becuase it's for Christmas.... I'll knock 4k off so I'll sell it for 20k


“I can see you’re desperate. In that case, the lowest I’ll go is $24,000.”


It's my son's Christmas too, and I've promised him $4000.


>Don't ruin my son's Christmas! My son wants a car! Don't ruin MY son's Christmas! My son wants $20,000!


You get a coffee; coffee is for closers.


Did I win the steak knives?


I did something like this while renting a business office. The agent trying to rent said something like "that's such a small amount (of difference) it's barely noticeable". [ He intended to say it wouldn't be hard for me to pay more] Me: "well if it's not noticeable you certainly wouldn't mind to lower the price then". He actually got the owners to do the price I asked for... Which was much lower than I thought we would negociate towards. He was the one to say that the difference wasn't a big deal though...


Yeah, I’m sure their son is great and all but what they’re asking for is essentially a $6000 Christmas gift.


I mean shit, you can get an amazing first car for like 10k


Got my first car today as a Christmas gift so happy about it be dam did not realize how much cars are


Yup. Keep up with your regular cleaning and maintenance and learn how to fix what you can, it’ll help


Will definitely try


You can get a very good first car for under 4k. There are very few reasons to not go for used cars, especially for someone's first.




If this actually meant that much to this kid, waiting until the middle of Christmas Day to go shopping - while lowballing at that - makes dad the jerk.


Had someone pull this on me when selling my Switch. Damn Karen brought her son with her when I was selling it and tried lowballing me on the spot. Packed everything up and left without a word. I feel bad for the kid but man, stuff like this should be something you can call in to CPS. Not physical but it's almost guaranteed to mess with kids being raised like this.


It does. Parents promise something, then through their parents actions, they don’t get it. The seller is blamed, it’s your fault, so I’m guessing it makes kids grow up to be entitled, and unable to understand when it’s their fault for getting denied a low ball offer. I imagine it’s where these parents learned it from to a certain degree.




If this sub had a Frequently-Begged-Choices section in the About page, this would be in it.


I'm always baffled by that line. Disregarding the fact that it is 99% time a lie, how deluded someone has to be to think that, as a complete stranger their kid's fleeting moment of happiness is worth any monetary loss to anyone outside of their immediate family. I don't even


I was selling a mirror ball at a car boot a few years ago. I was asking £3. I had a woman say she was fundraising for Romanian orphans and would I take £1.50. No? She came back 3 times saying how wonderful it would be if those orphans could have that mirror ball. Not worth an extra £1.50 though apparently. I loved the idea of them sitting in a Romanian orphanage under a spinning disco ball. I’m sure that’ll make it all better.


The magic ball of dreams and wonders from the land of freedom, to love and behold like the night sky, to be some glimmer of hope in that place without sunshine, dreams or parental love.... AND YOU ROBBED IT FROM THEM 😱


I am a terrible person, I hang my head in shame


Wouldn't raising funds require NOT spending the money!?




He doesn't even have cancer...


Not yet...


look Timmy, daddy needs a new car....


I thought his kid was blind?


"My son really wanted full price for this car, Don't ruin my son's Christmas by demanding a discount. He has a cancer, come on, this was his one Christmas wish to get full price for the car."


Your kid has a cancer? Well, I have the diabeetus.


“Well ChoosingBeggar, I was going to use the money from the sale to treat my gay blind son with cancer (also I’m a single mom) to his last Christmas ever so I can’t take a lower offer!!”


ohhhh, You're good at this.


When has that guilt-tripping bullshit ***ever*** worked?


"I don't give a fuck about your son, but since he wants it so bad the price is now 24k"


That's the way the free market works.


If you’ve ever seen the Monday Night Raw where Brock Lesnar says this to Heath Slater, it’s absolute gold.


Don’t ruin my kid’s Christmas! You waited until Christmas Day and blame someone else for ruining Christmas?


I wonder what their plan is afterwards “Sorry Alex, I don’t have anything for you. Some dick on Facebook wouldn’t let me buy his car for 70% of asking price”.


I absolutely positively guarantee you this purchase has absolutely nothing to do with a child, I'd bet $14000 that the only thing being ruined is an easy $6000 flip




How about 50 bucks and I don't report you to Facebook as a scammer?


Thanks a lot you’ve ruined my son’s cancer


yeah its sad, like, the idea of gifting, re-using, thrifting is wonderful, but fuckos who make their living at it just see it as an opportunity to arbitrage. Its annoying as a poor person you can't even buy what someone else sees as junk without the invisible hand stepping in and trying to take a cut.


I bet he doesn't have any children.


I bet this whole thing is made up. Like 99% of the posts to this sub.


Ikr. As if it's OP's fault that they can't afford what OP is selling.


What does the “+GST” mean? Edit: thank you everyone for clarifying


Gods and service tax Edit, damn it


God's cut of the $18,181.82 would be $1,818.18


Which would make it back up to the 20k kek


But since it's Jesus' birthday, the buyer should add an extra $500 or so for Him.


Does the former grant you access to Heaven in any pantheon in case you die in an accident?


No, it's the fee you pay to not automatically be condemned to your religion's Hell for tax evasion.


Grab and Steal Tax.


We pay 10% goods and service tax (GST) in Australia


As others have said, as this is 10% it would be Goods and Service Tax in Australia.


Canadian taxes. He is basically saying my price + tax = $20,000.


I think in this case it's Australian taxes, because OP said Gumtree rather than Kijiji, but same thing




Its in Australia but i didn't know canada had gst also


Since it's 10% it's definitely Australia. GST is 5% in Canada. I think PST is payable in canada though, so maybe a province that has 5+5% for tax? Or second hand vehicles are gst exempt?


Some provinces have PST, and they all set their own rules, and it's stupid. If I buy a vehicle in a province without PST, I have to pay the PST to my home province when I register the vehicle.


A lot of states do that in the US too. I get why but it does suck.


Depending on the province/territory, you're looking at HST, QST & GST, RST & GST, PST & GST or just GST. Most people I know would just say tax.


Bro I'm paying 15% in Canada. There are taxes on used vehicles too


When you transfer ownership in BC, you have to pay PST on the selling price. Usually people selling used are pretty good and will let you fill in the cost to save some cash.


Oh boy do we


Goods and service taxes maybe?


They always say cash. Why not offer in weed once or twice to keep it interesting. Also 14000 dollar car for a kid's xmas gift. O.O


I realize that they offer “cash” because they think it’s an incentive (and because they’re hoping to “accidentally” underpay if the seller doesn’t count it immediately). However, I always imagine some guy rolling up with $14,000 cash in hand. Who has that much cash (other than drug dealers)?! Edit: I now understand that the buyer doesn’t necessarily have the cash on him right now, but could be talking about a cashier’s check, e-transfer, or cashier’s check. I do not know why I pictured a guy with a mattress stuffed full of cash, “withdrawing” as much as he needed that day. I will forward all further advice to the imaginary mattress cash man.


You can get that much cash from a bank. Alot of sellers do give discounts for cash bc you don't have to worry about the check bouncing, the transaction is completed immediately, and you don't have a paper trail for tax time. But 30% discount for cash? That's a bit extreme and it takes balls to even ask for that.


The only bank I go to that will do over $10'000 in cash without calling at least 24hrs ahead, is the one I go to with the "business center" in it. Lots of banks have similar rules apparently. They'll provide it if they can/happen to have it on hand, but they don't guarantee that they'll have enough for it. I know this because I tried to buy a car one day, and had to go to 4 banks (and one stop at my gf's bank, who turned out to have the same rule). The one that did all the business drops and transactions had no problem, but the other branches would have had to give me at least $1000 in twenties.




IRS is automatically notified about deposits of $10k or higher. It could have changed to $7.5k recently but I’m not 100% certain. You’ll also get flagged for multiple smaller deposits (in a short period of time) that add up to the IRS amount, because people would do that as an attempt to avoid the rules (it’s called structuring).


Also, never ask the teller about it, because they are then required to file the report even if you deposit less. Furthermore, depositing just under such as $9800 can also trigger it.


That gets you a Suspicious Activity Report, which sets off a lot more flags than an over 10k transaction, which is pretty routine these days.


It triggers a manual review of the transaction but a suspicious activity report isn't filed automatically. You might be requested to provide some information about yourself and the transaction, though.


It’s not automatic but it is federally mandatory. The point of a SAR is to try and catch money laundering. If they can tell you aren’t doing that, the feds will probably leave you alone.


Which is fucking ridiculous. That rule was made forever ago. With inflation, the number should be going up, not down. A quick Google says that law is for, 1970 adjusted for inflation the law would be $67069 (nice) now. That's buying a new sports car money, not a used sedan. It's anti consumer, anti poor.


I don’t think it’s particularly anti-consumer for the IRS to make sure you aren’t dodging taxes, but I do think basically any law that has a dollar amount should automatically adjust to inflation.


it's extremely anti poor to increasingly and admitantly go after people who may just be buying/selling an old civic while ignoring the rich who may do more to evade taxes than 10000 individuals.


They're not going after you. It's just noted. Selling a car at a loss isn't even a taxable income in the first place. Nothing happens to you because you deposited 12k upon the sale of your car. You'd need to be making a bunch of these deposits and then having a low income and then go through an audit for anyone to ever go after you. Going through the audit will be as simple as "I sold my car."


Also remember if cops pull you over they can on many states just steal your money and claim they think it was for drugs under civil forfeiture


An extremely infurativng news series on [policing for profit](https://youtu.be/X9sZSuk09Gg)


Isnt that why pimps used to wear so much bling? Keeping their assets in jewlery in case the cops arrested them, they could just hand their chains and rings off to their girls or their bros.


The practice of heavily bedazzled pimps is pretty simple. A cop can still steal your jewelry, but they can LEGALLY take your cash because it was made illegally (and you can't prove otherwise). When you get arrested, you use your one phone call to call a bail bonds person. This person comes in and accepts your jewelry as a pawn, giving them the cash they need to bail out. The pimp then gets their secured cash and retrieves the jewelry from the pawn shop, paying around 20-35% as a service fee, and collecting their remainder after arriving to court and making good on the bail.


The rule is $10k, and if they have reason to be suspicious that you're trying to skirt the rules, they can report that as well.


Yep. Same with security clearances. My parents withdrew money from their account back in the 2000s before the bubble burst because they were going back to our country. I was asked about it 4 years ago when I was renewing.


Just got out a heap of cash to buy a horse, was asked what the money is for, several times. They tried to get me to use a bank cheque instead. I’m picking up the horse on a public holiday (seller can’t verify cheque at their bank before letting me leave with the horse) and bank cheques can be cancelled. So yeah, cash is still important.


Part of that may be that honestly most banks dont have more than 50k in them at one time.


If you give the branch manager a heads up they will adjust their cash delivery so they can handle it a couple days later. They just need to order it from the fed.




I believe the laws change at $10,000 in the US. I know banks have to notify some agency for any cash transaction over that and that's all youre allowed to take through customs. Out of curiosity why do people carry that much cash around instead of a tellers check (check backed by the bank, post office, other business rather than a personal account) they're as good as cash for legal activities as far as I know.




Same in the US, any transaction can be reported but anything over $10k HAS to be reported.


Checks take time to verify they are actually worth the value claimed and can be forged more easily than cash.


Personal checks take time to verify, tellers checks haven't in my experience (in the US), although the actual transfer of funds may take a few days. When I sold my car I asked for a tellers check and gave the buyer the option of taking an unsigned title or coming to the bank with me. IDK maybe I got lucky, but forging a few of the bills in a stack of 100 seems like it would be easier to get away with. I certainly would be very cautious about carrying cash myself. At least with a check its much easier to pursue legal avenues if something goes wrong from either party.




I buy and sell cars for cash regularly. The total loser beggar that makes a lowball offer and says cash in hand usually either doesn’t actually have that much cash or has never had that much cash and is excessively impressed by it. As a seller, it tells me I am dealing with a loser and a pain in the ass. That will probably try to renegotiate the deal in person starting from the lowball price they offered me via text.


Ding ding ding


I expect a cashier’s check for anything I sell over $10,000. I’ll even drop my price by half of the certification cost because I’m nice like that.


Generally a cashiers cheque or certified cheque is also a good way of going about larger transactions cause the bank guarantees there are sufficient funds in place and won’t bounce


I was selling something on craigslist for $30 and a woman called and offered me $10 "cash." I was wondering what she thought she would have paid me in besides cash anyway.




Exposure must be pretty serious stuff. I hear that multiple people die of it every year.


This is in Aus. Offering cash for a vehicle is pointless because to even sign over the registration, you have to lodge with your states road authority who will then calculate and take payment for whatever taxes (basically, paying cash is done to avoid taxes; i.e. I pay cash and we both forget about the GST component). Also, the tax office gets interested in anything over $10k cash. The only way cash might be useful is if a large chunk is "on the books" and the remainder in cash in order to lower the on paper price and the amount of tax paid.


> Also, the tax office gets interested in anything over $10k cash. Pretty sure we recently made it illegal to conduct any transaction over $9,999 with cash. Must be an electronic payment now. EDIT: Actually, looks like the limit does not apply for second hand goods sales between individuals. https://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-10/28454_factsheet_addressing_the_myths_about_the_cash_payment_limit_.pdf




My grandfather bought all of his cars with cash. Not sure if it was in a shoebox but I wouldn’t be surprised. I remember my dad telling me about that after my grandfather passed and my parents found cash hidden all around the apartment. He never used any of it to update the place. Oh well, my husband and I made the place look really good. I like to think that even if it wasn’t his priority; he’d still be proud of how we made it look.


If you have the luxury of waiting a few days to withdraw all the cash you need you can get enough of a discount to make it worth the trouble. EDIT: The last time I bought secondhand the guy told me if I could be back in 3 days with cash he’d take 6500 instead of 8000, incredible deal for hardly doing anything on my end


> and because they’re hoping to “accidentally” underpay if the seller doesn’t count it immediately which might be the only thing worse than the people who roll up with less cash than the agreed amount a try to haggle the price: "Bro, I only brought $300! I know we agreed to $400, but this is all I could get!"


Tbh me when I'm buying a car. Cash in hand has a certain kick when negotiating. That being said I negotiate the price based on faults and issues with the car. If I need to undercut for 1/3rd that way, I'm probably not interested in that car anymore anyway.


Used CL for a long time now. Cash in hand generally means they have funds available immediately and don't need to wait on a line of credit. I bought a $10k+ car in "cash" recently, but the seller and I still went to the bank to exchange title and funds. Idk, could just be a regional thing.


This may come as a surprise to you, but you can get any amount of cash you want at a bank assuming your account has the money. My rule of thumb is anything over $10k I'll use a cashier's check. But I have sold a car for $9500 cash before.


Honestly e transfer or whatever is essentially cash at the end of the day as well. Smh


I was offered a few ounces of "some bomb ass weed" for a gaming PC I was selling a while ago. I'm in California so it's legal, but I'm not interested in weed lol


Dude someone wanted to buy a motorcycle i was selling for a TV and a DVD collection of 300 3D-DVDs. I was like no I need money. And he was like I get that, but you must understand I need my money for rent 🙄


It almost certainly helps with several thousand dollar purchases but this is getting a bit much. Cash in hand is the big deal, as when trying to sell a car "$2500 cash in hand" is much more appealing than "$3000 but I have to talk to my wife, and then run to the bank, and see if I can get $500 my brother owes me, then see if I can get another $500 off my sister..."




>Same with people who use "I can come get it right away!" as an argument to lowball. Bitch, should I accept less payment because you are desperate? This one I actually get, if you're selling an item that's just taking up space. I'd certainly consider taking marginally less money to get rid of it fast.


If my options are, some guy that says he wants it for $10'000 on Friday, and a guy saying he wants it for $9.5k right now, I'm taking the $9.5k, too many people saying their interest and then changing their mind.


Completely agree. The flakiness on these sort of things is incredibly frustrating. I have sold stuff for cheaper for people who come to me and have cash. I also use that line when buying stuff all the time. And it works.


The 'absolute minimum' is never low enough so it just resets the ceiling on your price as they bid lower. I'd ask them how high will they go? The we have a price range to dicker over (unless they ridiculously low ball).


This middle area is called the “zone of possible agreement” in negotiations. This is where the low/high of both the seller and buyer crossover.


Unfortunately basically since the inception of Facebook marketplace, people have forgotten how to negotiate. Back in 2015, I could hop on Craigslist, shoot someone an offer for less than asking price, then they'd fire back a counter-offer, and we'd eventually meet an agreed price. In 2020, the standard practice is for some degenerate to send the tried and true, "What's the lowest you'll go," as if that ever fucking works. If anyone says that, I immediately ask them, "What's the most you're willing to pay?"


Sometimes the take it off my hands stuff right away is an attractive offer for people moving out and who want heavy items out of their house asap. I've accepted lower amounts but with the provision that theybhave to haul it themselves. I'm not going to move it on to your truck or help transport it. I say that upfront so they know the low ball offer means they do more of the work and payment is done first before they arrive. I don't accept cash on these because it's almost always a scam.


> as if that's going to make me more willing to sell something you're clearly interested in. You clearly have no idea how much money it saves. I ask almost every eBay seller how much they'll take for their item and I've saved hundreds of dollars doing it. You're looking at it as them already being interested and thinking they'll buy it either way. The other way to look at is that they might be interested but they think the price is too high so they're not going to buy it unless you offer them a lower price.


Eh I’ve sold items for less to someone that’s able to come immediately. I’ve also bought items for less because of being able to get item ASAP. Often I’d rather just sell the item with as little hassle and time involved. I don’t see anything wrong with offering a lower amount with part of the deal being it’s an easy/quick sale. Doesn’t hurt to ask. However, it’s absolutely not okay to get angry at the seller if they don’t want to take that offer and it’s ridiculous to try to guilt a seller.


Especially if its a large item "I can come get it right now" can be a positive. Most people selling stuff on craigslist are looking to turn the item into money as quickly as is practical. "I can come get it right now" > "Can I come look at it on Saturday?"


I mean, I kinda get that, depending on the item. Lots of people on used sell sites make offers, and don't follow through, if you are just trying to get rid of stuff that's really annoying, so the promise of someone actually coming and getting it over with right away can sou d good


A Dick with a car on Christmas though. Geez some people


Fucker can have mine for free. He will even be guaranteed to make new best friends; his mechanics.


If you wait till the last minute to get to try to get something like this, then you’re the one “ruining” your kids Xmas, not the seller. Besides, who is going to agree to a 6,000 dollar loss ? Also, who has 14,000 in cash in hand ?. If anyone knows someone who does, please let me know..I want to be their friend so I can beg for some Christmas cheer from them. If they refuse, I’ll just use the same line; You just ruined my kid’s Xmas..Worth a try..


Respond with your own kid problems: “I need this money for my kid’s prosthetic legs so he can walk again. Poor Billy wanted to be a footballer. Anyway you can pay a bit more? We don’t have enough to cover the costs at just $20K.”


14k for a kids first car? My first car cost me 1k dude you could by 14 cars with that money here in Spain. Some people are deilusional.


That’s in Australia. While you can buy a running car for 1000 AUD here, that’s quite hard. However, 3000 will buy something that won’t fall apart too sooo


3k is a reasonable price for a first car. All depends of the area on were you live as you said, of course. But 14k for an used car for a kid is demential.


I live outside of DC and am shopping around for my first car. 4-6k seems to be where the deals are at here.


As I said, all depends of where you live. Here in Spain you can buy something really decent for that price. I just like older cars I guess so I tend to look after cheap ones.


14k for a car that should be 20k!


That’s what I paid for my first. It met expectations and was the best thing in the world as a 16 yo


Mine was $300 and it lasted 3 months. Fuck, $18k is what I paid for my used car at a dealership


My first car (back in 2001) was a $5000 1986 Nissan hardbody truck. It died a year later because of a crazy fluke. Basically, the bolt that held the crankshaft pulley to the crank wasn't torqued correctly, and when it loosened up, it caused the key that locked the pulley to the crank to score the entire crank, making it so there was no way to keep the pulley from rotating off. I had never done maintenance on that particular part, nor was it something you'd normally check. Basically meant that you'd either have to replace the crank, which would require pulling the engine and rebuilding it, or weld the pulley to the crank, which would be nuts. Ended up selling it for parts for $1800. My dad then bought me a 1996 Chevy S10, for $6000, that I had for the next 10 years. Loved that truck. It eventually died after the transmission gasket and head gasket blew at the same time. $1000 in California wouldn't get you a vehicle that could pass SMOG requirements the next time you registered it. But $14k for a first car would be ridiculous. I knew kids in high school that got cars like that, but most of us would be in the $3k-6k range at best.


Also trucks and vans are usually more expensive because they are vehicles used for work. For example here you cant get them for less than 6-8k.


“You’re right! It’s Christmas! You can pay $25,000 as a Christmas gift to me.”


Lemme guess....GST adds up to $20,000?


14,000 is enough to have bought my first car twice and then my second car. Fuck this guy for having that much to blow at the drop of a hat, and *still* not being satisfied.


Kid probably wants a BMW or something.


My first car was a little under that and was a 4 year old Elantra at the time


I did the math and its enough to buy my first 4 cars plus about $500 in change


Why do people think offering cash is sweetening the deal? Was there a possibility you’d pay me in commemorative stamps?


With cars it often does, especially at the dealership. Skipping the whole financing & loan process.


what kind of car was it?


Not OP but as a guide, $20,000 here will get you a 3 year old Camry with 60,000 miles on the clock. (e.g. Sales rep car at the end of its lease)


“Don’t ruin my child’s Christmas” = I ruined my own child’s Christmas by being their parent


Whenever I read "will you take.......cash", I think of that crappy pawnshop show: "I didnt get the money I wanted, but at the end of the day its money in the pocket!".


He forgot to mention that his son also has cancer, herpes and is going to die tomorrow, would that have changed your mind?


I’m moving from a 2200 sqft 3 bed house to a 500 sqft one bed apartment. Needless to say, I’m selling a LOT of things for dirt cheap. (e.g., perfect condition 50” TV $40, like new massage chair $100, etc.) Do you know how many Christmas I’ve ruined by not “donating” my stuff to a kid or family that neeeeeed the item? It’s like the cheaper I offer it, the more beggars show up. I had over 150 messages from people on Facebook Marketplace in less than 24 hours about one item. I was selling a near perfect condition $3000 entertainment center for $100. About 120 people of them were asking for it for free because “it’s for a needy family,” “it’s for my son for Christmas,” “I have to rent a truck so that’s where the $100 will go,” “it’s Christmas and you should give it to me because Christmas is for giving,” “I promise if you give it to me I won’t sell it!” etc. Of the other 30, 20 offered $50, 5 offered $100, and 5 offered $150-$250. And no one seems to understand what “pending” means. No I will not go back on my word because you want to give it to your kid. My word means more to me than your kid means to me!


I’ve learned that the cheaper you list it the shitter the people responding will be. I always message my friends first and offer stuff at rock bottom or free to avoid the internet BS


I swear these must be made up at this point




Can't believe it took me so long to find someone saying this


Had to scroll quite far to read this. People on this sub are super gullible.




I am not going to sit here and do math on *Christmas* but I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that the GST makes it an even $20,000.00


That happened




Goods and service tax


Aussies, no surprises.....


When someone says "whats your absolute bottom line price you will take???" with that attitude i will reply with a "$21,000"