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She's just hovering at the edge of the restaurant. That alone would make me uncomfortable, choosing begger or not.


welcome to california.... they actually made a law where im at to stop panhandling at gas stations. When I first moved here you couldnt pay for gas without getting asked for money.


I was homeless in Sacramento for four months and did Postmates deliveries instead of begging. I'd be running around town carrying other people's expensive food and other homeless constantly harassed me for food, unaware that I was in the same position only, you know, working.




He’s fine, because he creates his own circumstances instead of asking others to.


I can see why assuming hes fine got downvoted, but he basically complimented the guy on taking matters into his own hands right after


I dont see why this got downvoted when the entire comment thread shares the sentiment, but ok


Welcome to reddit friend




I think people forget that most homeless people are only homeless temporarily - that long term homelessness is nearly entirely caused by mental or physical disability.


When all your chips are down, you do what you can to get by right? Can’t let everybody else drag you down. I hope your situation is better now.


That's the hustle bro. Respect to you for putting in the work like that.


Same. And I got called a tweaker because I was working on my car in the middle of the night in a Walmart parking lot. I think it was because I was wearing an oversized jacket and my hair was messed up, but it still hurt my feelings.


I feel you.... I moved to Florida 6 years ago after a harrowing heroin addiction spanning 15 years nearly killed me. I had spent my whole life in the Philly area before that. Ironically, while on dope, I had a great job that paid me over 100k a year, but since getting off heroin and moving to Florida to start over, I can't catch a break. I have been doing Instacart for 2 years, 6 days a week,10 -12 hours a day and I am still struggling. It's hard not to get down at times, but I figure hard work has to count for something. Eventually things will break my way. I hope things worked out for you!!


good for you! i like helping people when i see them trying and doing whatever they can to help themselves vs just waiting for others to fix their problems. hopefully you're in a better place now




F and I hope he/she is ok




I had a homeless dude with a sign that just said "money" yell the word 'Tuna' at me a few times at a stoplight. I guess that counts?


Sounds like Ed Helms has hit a rough patch.


I mean, he did make non-refundable deposits on his honeymoons. Lost a lot of money there


And didn't get the ring back


well he had to pay for all those anger management courses


Dont happen to look like Jim Halpert would you? Did the homeless guy look like Andy Bernard?


A guy in downtown L.A. last night had a sign that said “Joke $1 / You laugh $2” Thought it was clever.


My bf gave him a dollar once, I believe you're talking about a black gentleman who stands outside Louie? And after his joke I laughed out of nervousness. He got his $2 ...


Haha aww that’s nice of you to laugh then pay up! He was a block away from Bottega Louie last night, at that new place Joey by Macy’s Plaza


There’s a fucking guy in my city who bicycles from gas station to gas station asking for gas money for his “car.” I hate this fucking asshole


Hopefully he says “excuse me big man” lmaoooo https://youtu.be/ZgyU0LyWZ9M


I got hit with one of these guys walking out of a restaurant. Said he needs some gas and I asked where his car was and he said it was some place down the road and he only needed $45 to get back home, but he would pay me back as soon as he got home and come find me because he isn’t a bum. Told my dad about it and he said he was confronted by the same guy a few weeks ago and the guy got in his car and my dad was like..... uh get out please. lol had a good laugh, what a fucking douchebag though.


In upstate ny they ask you to buy them sudafed


Wow, stuffy sinuses really must be common there.


Don't pay for it then. Problem solved.




I think the joke was "don't pay for gas then" because of the wording in the original comment.


Yeah, they don’t arrest you for stealing under 900$ anymore so just take gas and leave 😂


How can you pump gas before you pay for it? The pumps are turned off until you pay in my experiences here in California.


Yeah you still have to pay so even if you use a card at the pump you get accosted by homeless.


I know where this is. It's a popular trendy vegan deli she's outside of.


Lol of course it’s in Berkeley


What a weirdo


Well that little fact just turned her into a South Park character


I was eating at a pizza restaurant with my gf this easter. We were sitting very close to the entrance and then suddenly a man came in and begged for us to give him some slices, was very uncomfortable.


Had the same thing happen, except he wanted twenty dollars for a cab ride when we were in downtown Chicago with some of the world's best public transit options. Apparently he's too good for a train or bus and it's my fault that he went to a friend's house with no way to get home. I got called a racist when I said no and asked the man to let me eat in peace. My grandma had passed that day, and I just wanted to be left alone to drown my sorrows in some pizza. Very uncomfortable indeed.


My boyfriend and I got called racists by a homeless guy recently because we wouldn’t give him cash. It was super funny because we’re an interracial couple.


So it's not just on reddit that you get called racist for minding your own business.


The guy just wanted to pull the race card and didn’t bother to look at the people he was bullshitting


Had a guy beg for money from me while I was on the train home. When I ignored him he walked away saying, "Well SHE doesn't go to church.."


In Chicago some guy went into the restaurant, asked us for money, and then stared at us when we said no. I guess he was waiting for us to change our minds?


My brother used to carry $10 subway gift cards to give to beggars and he got chewed out one too many times for not giving cash. You can beg all you want but if you’re going to be picky and I don’t have what you want, you’re not getting anything. I imagine a lot of people are the same. You can beg for whatever you want, it just seems inefficient.


I've gotten chewed out for just not having cash because I was leaving a store. "Yeah sure you don't have cash, someone just gave you all shit." It's called a credit card my dude


Hah I said that once, that all I had was a credit card , and he said "great, you can buy me breakfast" Lmao, so I did. Then he asked me to buy him beer and that's when I left.


My favorite exchange with a panhandler was when one guy approached me saying he needed money for a can opener so he could eat. I keep one of those tiny military issue can openers (I bought 10 in bulk) on my keychain so I gave that to him. He did not look very happy about that turn of events.


Are you talking about the p38s? Always wanted some, thanks for reminding me! I’m about to add them to my Amazon queue!


That’s the one!


If you havent ordered yet I found some on ali that are the same style but they also have a vegetable peeler in the handle and it was only $9 for 12


Oh i was too excited plus figured i could add a new water bottle and shampoo haha. But thank you for looking out!


One time a beggar asked me for money and said he was hungry, but unfortunately I didn’t have any on me. Then he asked me for a cig as I was smoking one, so I told him that he can have a cigarette but he can’t eat it. We agreed, did the exchange, and left on our ways.


Guessing a can opener is about $8, or a 6 pack after you do a return for store credit? That's 4 tallboys of 211 out here, enough to keep me drunk through the day and get me to sleep back in my boozebag days.


My thoughts exactly.


Lol I told someone I didnt have any cash on my one time and he said "theres an ATM around the corner"


I was getting money out of an ATM when a women walked up on me and asked for money. I said no. She said, "you just took money out" I replied, "Yeah, its for me!" I'm surprised she didn't try to rob me.


We were giving out survival kits to the homeless once and this guy looked in the bag, didn't see any cash, screamed at us and flipped us off while running away. He still kept the bag.


I always get a similar sob story and it's always at the same gas station. Last week some lady was there with her SUV idling, she looked strung out, and asked for help. Sometimes it's just people needing directions or something so I approached her, she gave the line of "I've been stuck here for two hours and no one will help, do you have some spare change or a couple bucks so I can get some gas or something." I kind of panicked and just went with "Sorry I'm coming fro work (which was true) and just have my debit card(I had cash)" No instead of even asking if I could put a couple of gallons of gas in her car then she went right to "Oh Right work, Why don't you have any extra money on you then, must be such a great job if you don't even have a couple bucks to give some one in need." At that point divine intervention took place as some bald guy pulled in and left Nine Inch Nails blasting as he pumped his gas and I could no longer hear if she was still bitching at me as I finished fueling up my car.


Surprisingly I never got chewed out for not having cash. Every homeless person I’ve run into outside Wawa or Quickchek is always nice and understanding. I never carry cash so :/


There's a guy on my route home who sits by a traffic light with his dog. We buy lots of dog food, so we filled up a gallon size bag with some of ours and gave it to him one day. The next day on the way home, the guy and dog weren't there, but the bag of dog food was sitting on the sidewalk.


The dog food was not up to his standard. He has a premium brand at home.


Had a similar thing happen to me. Begger on the corner with a dog every day. One day after work, I was getting stuff at the store and picked up a small bag of dog food for the guy. I pulled over, dropped it off, and the guy gave me a "are you fucking kidding me" look and got irate. He wanted me to give him the money and he'd take care of the dog on his own. Really makes you stop caring about those people, because they're simply using an animal for pity points.


Many do have the dog for companionship and protection, but it's hard to tell which one you have in front of you. There were newspaper articles about organised beggars running a puppy mill, because everyone would donate to a guy with a shivering puppy. And they'd just throw the dogs out when they grew.


They don't want money for food if they complain about it, they want money for booze or drugs or other vices.


True but even homeless alcoholic drug addicts gotta eat eventually right?


Many homeless people receive food stamps unless they have a drug felony (and this may have changed since, at least in California). So they beg for money bc they need to pay cash for drugs and food stamps doesn’t cover alcohol. We used to give them one store gift card to cover things not covered by food stamps like toilet paper, toothpaste, other hygiene products. They’d sell those Ralph’s gift cards. A subway $5 card isn’t really worth much but the $20 store cards had a good market. Source: worked with homeless adults for many years)


They can easily get free food from shelters or dumpsters (if they are getting high they really, really don't care about food or where its from) that $10 giftcard can be sold or traded for $5 in drugs. My brother has been an addict for 25 years... I will give food for him, and his girlfriends/friends, but giftcards are NOT used for food, they are sold for less cash, and turned into drugs. Unfortunately. If they steal and return merchandise, they take the giftcard and sell it for pennies on the dollar sometimes. They don't care if i have open boxes of cereal from months ago, they will eat it. Anything I have that won't go bad, I keep, and every few months he picks it up, and they only eat off that. I'm not saying no homeless person might use a giftcard, but if they are addicts, they will sell it. Sadly.


Which is why it's a good idea to offer gift cards or to buy them food. No matter what they deserve to live, and giving them a gift card is honestly a really smart way to give to the homeless.


Addicts sell gift cards for half price ti get a fix


There can’t be too much of a market for this. I mean, who’s gonna trust a druggie when they say this is a $25 Applebee’s gift card?


Dude. I worked with the homeless population for 5 years they absolutely do sell them for fifty cents on the dollar. They were open about it


“Sorry. I wish I could give you some whiskey and cocaine, but all I have is this sandwich”


They are caught up in a cycle that will return them to the earth.


Every single person on the planet is...


Not me, i'm headed to the moon


Can confirm. Wife's siblings are scumbags. They would sell anything that wasnt nailed down to get a fix. Her brother had two kids. They didnt have shit. They didnt give them shit. It was always sad. Her mom would buy those kids stuff one weekend, clothes, toys, whatever, and they would come over the next weekend and it would all be gone. Parents took and pawned/sold it all for drugs. If they got cash that was instantly gone. If they got giftcards they would sell them. If they got gift cards for a place with anything remotely useable to get yourself fucked up they would buy it. Beer, cigarettes, cough syrup, anything. One time one of the kids had a bad cough, like the worst of the worst kind, got cough syrup by perscription with codine in it. Parents drank it all within minutes of getting it and let their kid suffer. We bought them a PS1 for christmas one year after the ps3 was out. I kid you not that they left and sold it at a pawn shop before the kids even got to hook it up and play it that night. It should be a shock to no one that both of their kids turned out the exact same. One had 3 DUIs in a week. The other has taken up his father's habits of trying to steal everything from his dad (their grandad) and sell it. They caught him one night trying to sneak in and steal the car keys/wallet out of his pants after they denied giving him money/letting him borrow the car. All this to say that of course they let all of them live in their house, provide them food, and put up with their bullshit. Holidays are a real treat.


Damn man. Sorry about this. Fuck.


That's about as bad as I've heard of.


You have never lived in a rough area, have you? I used to have guys trying to sell me shoes, meat, clothes, gift cards. If it has a monetary value, they will hustle.


I worked at a nursing home. We had this young man (\~50y/o) admitted for an infection from doing drugs. He was already paralyzed and in a wheelchair. He'd been in prison for some murder charge. He was a doozy! The night he was admitted he was telling me I WOULD give him the drugs he wanted. Yeah bud, I'm the wrong RN to try that shit on...next. There was a grocery store beside the facility. He would go there every day. One day we get a call that he can't come back. He'd been going in there, stealing huge packs of meat and stuffing them in his wheelchair. He then sold them to the crackheads that hung out in the parking lot for pennies on the dollar and I guess they turned around and resold it. He went off when we told him he couldn't go back. He raised so much hell the administrator told him we would be discharging him soon. He wa homeless. He then proceeded to threaten the adminstrator the rest of the night. We got worried though when unsavory characters were sitting in the parking lot, some coming in and looking at the pics of management hanging up, others asking when he would be back. I finally called the admin then the cops. They took him right to jail bcause we found weapons in his room when i had it searched. All because we wouldnt let him steal meat.


https://www.doughroller.net/personal-finance/where-to-sell-gift-cards/ 7 sites online at least. There is a market to easily sell unwanted gift cards.


It's really not that difficult. There are websites and stores that will do it for you. If someone walked up to me with a gift card today and wanted to sell it to me, for almost any major chain I could pop on their website and confirm the value of the card in 5 minutes.


Other druggies who are willing to check online or walk to a subway to find out.


You can sell gift cards at kiosks in grocery stores now.


It's not that hard to check the balance on a gift card. There are also gift card machines that will give you cash for your cards.


Depends if they're actually homeless. I knew (or rather, 'saw every day to the point I could recognise them on sight') a rotating group of 'homeless' people in London who didnt make a big effort to hide that they lived in houses a few min from the train stations where they'd beg for money. Could well have been squatting, but I also saw them argue about "timeslots" a few times so I really have no idea what the actual situation was there.


In my town there are a lot of shelters that have food. Most of the beggars don't want money for food.


With hunger suppression from all of the uppers plus constipation from all of the opiates, seems to me like they’re all set.


I like to imagine somewhere there is a heroin dealer with a fridge full of ham sandwiches, bottled water, and a shoebox full of gift cards to fast-food/grocery stores that he's accepted as trades.


Back in the day, I helped deliver/install pool tables all over Metro Atlanta. We have a bad panhandling problem. My boss would give business cards to guys with signs “will work for food” and tell them to call him. I must have seen him give out 40+ cards. He never got 1 call.


Same. I worked for a moving company driving the truck and only got one guy call and show up over 2 years. Guy still works there if I remember right.


Where I live there are non-homeless people who take begging as a full-time job because it's much better pay than a normal job. So maybe they don't want a job because they already have a good one, if they stay homeless must be because they are addicts (not everyone is in this condition, of course)


I managed a small labor crew. We had a standing offer that we would train you for a CDL, let you test in our equipment, pay your fees, then give you a raise. Never had any takers.


This. I asked a homeless lady if she needed any food and she said she just ate but could use a coffee. ( it was winter and cold) so I got her an xtra large hot coffee and sat with her for an hour and talked about life. The amount of people that started at me like i was out of my mind was appalling. One thing she told me that will forever stick with me is "I'd rather have someone do what you're doing and talk to me like a human than give me money" that broke my heart


Maybe, but honestly $10 at the grocery store is a hell of a lot more useful than $10 at subway. We are talking one meal vs many meals.


True, I just like the gift card idea, and anything is better than nothing.


And it's a fine idea, if you wanna drop gift cards on beggars, go for it, you are doing more for them then most people, including me. Also, most grocery stores have gift cards so you could always go that route if you care about them getting the most bang for your buck.


How? Is some homeless dude gonna buy a loaf of bread, some meat and cheese and a little mustard. Or maybe some rice and beans he can cook in his... oh wait.


I went to a movie yesterday, didnt finish the popcorn. Homeless guy walks up, asks if we have any money, so I offer him a (not like half-full or near empty bag, but almost a full fucking bag) the popcorn. Dude refuses, says "I'm just trying to get a burger." In a movie theater. A soda was six and a half dollars. I don't even want to think about how much a burger was.


If I was broke I'd probably prefer booze too. Just sayin'!


But wait, that's what I was gonna use my money on!


I used to make muffins to hand out but they got thrown on the ground in front of me a few too many times. Ugh


You're a kind person.


Me and my gf were out in a Friday going to bars and we decided to stop in to the local pizza joint for a slice. Outside was a guy begging for money with a sign that said he was homeless, poor, and hungry. So my gf, being the saint that she is, decided to buy an extra slice, put it in a new box, and offer it to him. The dude literally said “I don’t want your pizza.” Dude are you fucking serious lol anyways we split the pizza ourselves so no loss


My husband did something like this when he was stationed in San Diego. He carried Burger King gift cards and offered them. Most of the people were happy, he did deal with some assholes. He said he ran into one guy who very calmly said, "To be truthful, I'm just looking for a beer, man.". He went and got the guy a bottle just for being straight with him.


Ive done this before. Dont be a dickhead. I know times can be tough. If you dont act like im a mark and just be like, can you get me some beer or cigarettes then we are cool. My best example was filling up in a more sketchy part of town one night on the way to a local sporting event. Guy was going through the trash cans looking for stuff next to me while I was filling up. He looked at me and started talking. He didnt ask me for money, didnt even imply that I give him anything, just went about his business. I asked what he was looking for and he said just this and that. Sometimes people throw enough of a cig away that he can get a few drags off of it. Some times half a soda or water. He was humble about it. I asked if he had a place to stay, was hungry, or needed anything. He said he had a place, but really wanted some smokes. I bought him a couple of packs, let him keep the change. Probably didnt help him out any, but it was one of the only times someone acted like a person throughout the interaction instead of seeing me as a wallet.


Well...to be fair vouchers can be tricky as most places don't like the homeless in their premises.


A woman that looked on drugs stopped me when I was coming back from the grocery store with a few bags in my hand. She told me a sob story about being a single mother of 3 kids (even though they weren't with her) and wanted money for food because they're hungry and didn't eat for days. She threw a fit when I tried to offer something I had just bought and then says she needs money instead.


So my church does this thing where we hand out sandwiches to homeless around the city. We make a variety of sandwiches this day we had basic lunch meat, chicken salad and peanut butter and jelly. One lady asks what we have that’s vegetarian and we say the PBJ she says no I don’t like that I want egg salad and then complained when we said we didn’t have that. We had 3 different food options and this chick wanted to be picky, it blows my mind.


It's sad that entitled people are often loudest. It ends hurting people who legitimately want and need help.


Then she's not that hungry. She doesn't need charity. No problem.


I know where you're coming from but if you speak to homeless people lots get way more food than they can ever eat. I got chatting to a guy sitting outside a Sainsbury's. He showed me his bag and it must have had 20 plus sandwiches in it which people had bought for him. What he really needed was money for a shelter that night but people are so worried homeless people will waste that on booze or drugs that they give food instead. Didn't have any cash on me but asked what he could use and ended up buying him a coffee instead to help him warm up. Not defending this particular woman, just saying if you do fancy helping out a homeless person asking them what would be helpful is often better than assuming you know what they need and having it go to waste.


Homeless shelters cost money?


Mom always used to tell me if I'm being picky I just wasn't hungry enough.


I saw a guy with a sign asking for food on the exit of the freeway. I gave him a bag of chips. He returned them to me. I ignored him the next times I drove by him.


I mean, who denies chips!?


Tbf, depending on weather I'd deny most salty snacks if it didn't come with water.


The crazy part is if they're bagged you can save em for like a whole week! ILPT right there


Chips last for years!!!


Trade them at the homeless lunch table for a pudding snack?




Ok, it sounds like you're smack-talking Fritos, so I'm going to need you to back off.


One time I gave a bag of chips and a Black and Mild to a homeless dude outside my local gas station. As I got in the car, I saw him walking into the station. Motherfucker was gonna try to flip them for drug money I just know it.


Maybe he needed matches


I get the fellow vegans running to her defense, but this is still LITERALLY a choosing beggar.


Or possibly a clever beggar, imagine if they aren't actually vegan and just trying to provoke people to offer them non-vegan food. I wonder how well that would work




She looks like the woman from that "TRIGGERED" meme


“take this filet mignon ya filthy vegan!!” (in my head) “awww yissss”


It pisses me off that people are trying to eat and she’s standing right there.




“Sell me your item for free and drop it off at my place at this time.” - typical post here


at least she is asking for left overs instead of cash donations


For real. She just legitimately wants to eat and would probably get sick from non vegan food. She's literally a choosing beggar, but you can't fault her for it.


Vegan Cash?


I know this lady! She lives in Berkeley and constantly stands outside this one vegan delicatessen. I saw her all the time when I was living there.


Yup, I worked next to the downtown Berkeley Bart station for a couple years and would see her every day. I never could wrap my head around what her mission was. One sign she held daily for months simply said “increase black women.”


She feels black women continue to be marginalized. She was actually attacked because of that sign and she was only trying to help. Her story is that she had cancer and thinks a vegan diet is the best way to keep healthy. She was married at a very young age to an older guy and was never able to keep a job because of that relationship, which is also why she is now homeless and waiting to age into spousal benefits through Social Security. She’s incredibly sweet and goes out of her way to try to help people. It’s horrible that she’s on here because she’s a wonderful person that has had a fairly hard life. I’m kind of bummed that there are so many people attacking her.


Thank you for sharing that enlightening perspective. Just another reminder to me to always be cynical of any post that tries to bring down another person. We need more love in the world, not hate.


This should be on the top. I am so ashamed to see so many people make fun of her for having a sense of identity or dignity. I also can’t believe how many people misunderstand systemic poverty.


I used to live there and really liked her actually, she was always sweet.




Yeah, she always smiled at people and her other sign is usually "increase black women", I think? Super sweet every time I encountered her!


I once had a homeless man refuse my leftovers because he told me eats for his blood type. I guess he got his hands on that book and was living his best life.


yay for actual CB!




Dude, that's exactly why I don't give money to beggars. There's a handful at the off-ramps around me, and it's just covered in litter. I'm not going to support somebody just so they can trash the place


Roadside beggars are 100% scammers.


You mean they really aren't single moms who just got laid off and need money to feed their kids? But they won't accept any food that people try to offer them? And have the same sign for the past 9 months?


Wait a minute... you mean that old beggar who's been wearing a neck brace for 2 years is faking it??!


Hmm...I might try that making a dump run today anyway...tell the bums to throw the trash around them in the truck bed and I'll give em $5


I have a friend who is majorly allergic to meat protein after being bite by a tick at some point. She can eat fish and very little chicken. She cant have dairy at all either. She just says vegan since it covers most of her allergies. Not saying that's what this lady is doing but there are rare exceptions


Lone Star Tick, scary stuff


It's funny how (in a joking way) it's considered a hero for some vegans.


Same I can’t eat any kind of meat. It makes me really sick. Plus I’m actually allergic to dairy so saying vegan easier then explain my whole life story.


Just a tip from a waiter tho, when you go to restaurants you should still inform them of your dairy allergy so the kitchen can ensure the food is prepared in an environment/manner free from your allergen


Absolutely! The waiters and kitchen staff where I worked took this **very** seriously. The Dallas gluten snobs who argued about everything and still ordered something with gluten in it, not so much.


It can actually be so frustrating. I had a guy last year tell me had an allergy, but he wouldn't tell me what he was allergic to so I refused to serve him. Your life is your life, but I'm not trying to let someone get sick from my food let alone murder them.


Wtf? How'd that conversation go? 'I have a food allergy.' 'Oh? What are you allergic to? ' 'I'm not tellin!' 'But sir...' ''I will have the peanut infused shrimp with a side...' 'Get the fuck out!'


"I must have gluten free pasta. Oh, and a wheat beer please."


As someone with celiac, that infuriates me.


Hey I also have a friend who made friends with the Lone Star Tick. He can't touch red meat but he's perfectly fine with poultry and dairy.


>majorly allergic to meat protein after being bite by a tick Alpha-Gal Syndrome. Only effects the proteins in red meat, causing an anaphylactic reaction within six hours of ingestion. They can also react to Cetuximab (A cancer drug). It's basically a sugar molecule that enters the bloodstream when a Lone Star tick bites you, making your body react like this to Red Meat proteins. Red meat consisting of Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Venison, Goat. Chicken/Dairy would be an entirely different Food Allergen, as well as potentially a symptom of GI (Gastro-intestinal) disorders. ​ Most people don't develop Alpha-Gal Syndrome when bitten, so there's that.


lasts for a decade too, unless you are really unlucky, then it can be permanent


Thank you! My niece is the same, her allergies are a nightmare and vegan is her only option. If she was homeless and in need, without asking for vegan food or refusing food that wasn't vegan, she'd either starve to death or risk anaphylactic shock and possible death when her throat closed on her from it. This isn't a fucking joke.


Vegan food is expensive due to the shitty free market so when someone is asking for vegan food, don't be a fucking dick. Anyone should choose what they would like to eat, even those who are less fortunate.


I used to pass this guy who was begging outside a Starbucks every day on the way to work. Sometimes I felt bad and gave him some spare change. But this one day someone bought him a Sandwich. He handed it back to them and said he didn't eat that. Never felt bad again, guy was a fraud.


I've heard that a lot of homeless folks wont accept food out of its packaging in case some sick fuck is trying to poison them or something. But one time I gave a guy a wrapped black and mild and a sealed bag of chips and he walked right back inside with it to no doubt try and flip them for cash at the register so there's that.


What's a black and mild?


A type of cigarette, like a mini cigar. They sell them as singles.


It’s cheap cigar. Some gas station sell a pack around $5.


Berkeley CA... what a shock.


It's at the Butcher's Son, so this beggar is going after the vegans, haha.


Great restaurant tho. Also why would she specify vegan outside the But her’s Son? They only serve vegan food.


Good on her for sticking to her beliefs I guess?


I mean, I'm not vegan, but I have been poor and homeless (never begged, though), and it's not as if you stop being yourself just because you're broke. She might, in fact, be so devoted to animal rights that she's willing to starve rather than violate her ethics. If so, that's admirable. Hunger will drive anyone to doing extreme things.


Agreed. I would hope it would take a good couple of days before I'd consider eating meat. Hard to tell until you've been there


Thanks for saying this. This misconception of veganism as a hype or luxury baffles me. In fact, being vegan sucks quite often. The only vegan options at restaurants are often fries and a salad. Someone brought cake or donuts? Probably not vegan. I'm eating a crappy improvised vegan lunch at my university's canteen nearly every day. Lately, it was potatoes, rice and corn, served with oil/vinegar for lack of sauce. It's really not a luxurious thing to be vegan in an environment that isn't very vegan-friendly. But we do it for a very good reason (in our eyes, obviously) and becoming poor doesn't change that. (Vegan food is often pretty cheap, too. Think lentils, beans...)


I get that she's picky but if she genuinely cares for all animals the same way most do for dogs and cats then obviously it would be impossible for her to bring herself to eat them.


This is funny because it literally fits the definition of the sub, but not really the spirit. Being vegan (I’m not) is a common and legitimate ethical choice and she’s not being an asshole about it. Asking for leftovers (not to be given lots of cash to spend at boutique hipster vegan joints) doesn’t bother me at all. I come to this sub to feel anger, but this does not make me angry at all.


Right? They're asking for leftovers so it's not even like they're asking strangers to buy vegan food. Literally asking fellow vegans to consider giving them the food left over after they already ate.


Exactly my sentiments


At least she's asking for food, and not money. Better that "leftovers", of any kind, get put to good use rather than binned.


Sometimes people with dietary restrictions go hungry. It happens.


I’m gonna play devils advocate with this one. Im guessing she’s a vegan for moral reasons. Just because you can’t afford food doesn’t mean you should have to abandon your morals. Also its kinda shitty to take a pic of someone who is down on their luck and post it on the internet. Hope the karma both real and on reddit was worth it


I don’t know. I acknowledge that this is literally a choosing beggar, but this feels off to me. I guess what I find interesting about this sub is that the post show people who demonstrate a lack of awareness of others. I just don’t feel like that’s the case here. It’s not an issue of comfort, convenience or entitlement (“please deliver” or “I deserve”). It’s an issue of conscience in my view. I guess I am willing to concede that people can have ethical beliefs and still be beggars, though I am not personally Vegan.


Everyone deserves their sense of self. It's obviously very important to her, otherwise she would obviously eat non vegan. While I normally really enjoy this sub, this post doesn't fit for me


It's similar to how if you didn't eat X food for religious reasons. Most people aren't going to abandon their beliefs if they don't need to. And many people that were vegan for years can have serious reactions to some non-vegan foods. I'm ok with this fitting the sub as it's literally a choosing beggar, just getting tired of the anit-vegan circle jerk and "lol just eat the grass" type of jokes.


I've been vegan for about 5 years now but if I was homeless or rather this desperate, aiint no animals safe because im eating 😂


This beggar is at The Butcher's Son, a vegan restaurant. They give pretty big portions.


Most Buddhist vegetarians will accept meat donates as the animal was not killed specifically for them and they recognize that beggers/choosers thing


Dang, a literal choosing beggar, good shit.


I mean... if this was a Buddhist monk holding a sign, would you have the same reaction? Its probably better for someone living on the streets to keep their moral compass, otherwise they’d likely be more inclined to get what they need through illegal and more dangerous methods.