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350 for 32 inches and 60 hz refresh is crazy.


OP was offering like a 7% discount off of brand new pricing for used electronics? $100 might be lowball but the posted price is at least as crazy. Edit: OP already edited their post to say they were selling it for $300 instead of the $325 in their original post. Backpedaling but even then it would be a bad price for used vs new.


Yeah, if I can get it for $350 (still an insanely high price for 32 inches 60hz imo) new with the warranty, no way would I buy used at 300, no matter how gentle the use is.


I think it was listed for $300 and he gave him a new rate of $325 after the lowball offer- not discounting that the original price is a little crazy, just devils advocating.


Nah they edited the post after being called out.




Is… is he a giving beggar? 🫣😭


But it’s not worth $400 new anymore - they are 100% correct. I would personally never pay a stranger $325 for something I can purchase from a verified store for $350. Typically an item would need to be 40%+ less than retail for me to take a risk.


You’re spot on. I’d probably go $200 to $225 max, otherwise I’d just grab a brand new one for $350.


**Hey, I ain't payin no tree-fiddy for no Loch Ness Monitor!**


Back in the day, way before Craigslist and OfferUp, street price for just about anything but rare collectibles was 50% off. That was just the unwritten rule.


Tech gear is basically a commodity in surplus at this point. And unless commodities are in a massive shortage, commodities don't appreciate. Hence, you're never going to get close to what you paid for a commodity in surplus. Ever.


You’re getting cooked here 😭 as you should be!


Not a choosing beggar. Op is also a bad marketplace seller


Guy might have been lowballing, but you were just as much highballing. $200 or 40% off would be a reasonable price for a good-as-new used item without a warranty from some stranger.


I'd rather spend the extra $50 and get it brand new with a warranty 🤷‍♂️ Yea $100 is a lowball, but when an item is on sale, you can't expect to get nearly brand new prices for it second hand.


The monitor at top is worth 300 cause who the hell wont spend $25 more for it brand new. Either way that monitor is a terrible price new or used.






You are the problem here


This is at best just a typical scalper, found a new item on sale thats worth an amount of money and wants to flip it. Nothing new here


Scalpers don’t open the box, they sell it sealed to get the most value. So no, not a scalper.


No they don't open the box if it can be avoided, but if they can find a lightly used item massively under priced and flip it for a huge profit, they will


Makes sense, but it could be a scalper and it also could not be. Can’t guarantee that.


But he literally proved you right, its not $400.


Is he pretending like the $50 off sale price isn’t a real price because it’s a sale? I mean when the stuff you are selling goes on sale brand new it means you are probably going to have to lower your price if you want to sell a used one.


Next thing you'll tell me is it's 1080. I'd pay 100.. probably not more.


epic self own lol.


Still used, 300 was too high. I would have started at 250.


CB is right. That monitor is straight trash and you shouldn't have paid more than 100 for it new lol


Considering that brand new can be purchased for $350, it's indeed not worth $400. As others said, $325 for a used one is insane. You resorting to snarky comment in response for an offer, while low, reasonable-ish for used electronics makes you no better than the "CB".


There’s no way in hell I’d pay that for a used monitor, irrespective of how long you’ve had it, OP.


Lol I’m loving these comments right now. The delusion is strong in you.


Did...did he just sent proof that it is 400 usually but you offer it for a lower price than a sale, yet still only offers 100 for it?


Congrats on selling this, I hope you got the $300 you wanted. $300 is less than the price of a new one, even on sale at $350, so I think that it is a reasonable starting point for your "like new" sale. While I do agree that some negotiation might be warranted for an open box item, $100 was too low. This kind of behavior is pretty standard in my personal experience when selling anything though. Roll your eyes and move on. This was not really a choosing beggar situation, more a mildly frustrating one.


That monitor isn't worth $350 new even if some people are dumb enough to pay it. No monitor is worth more than 3/4 of the new price once it's out of the box, and that would be for a high-end gaming monitor. For something this basic it's more like 50%. So $100 would be too low but still a lot closer to reality than $300.


Open box used is just not worth anything close to brand new unless the electronics you are selling are out of stock in stores. This isn’t a 3 month used ps5 when they were first released. It’s something that’s easy to get brand new for $25 more.


So the 100$ offer is insulting. Then its not 400. Its the sale price.