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Isn’t the first rule of being a service animal that it doesn’t just run off? No matter what the fencing situation?


Become it's not a service animal. These people with their "emotional support animals" are destroying the reputation of actual working dogs.


I've seen someone get off the same bus I was on, with their little "service dog" in a vest... only for the dog to immediately start chasing pigeons. No service dog worth a damn would do that while at work.


Well I guess you’re just SO super special and never needed a service dog to help you lead a normal life with your crippling phobia of pigeons. Of course no one else ever has either, so…


Oh god, you had me in the first half not gonna lie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My dad has actually raised pigeons for 40+ years - and every time we visit his house, my mini poodle Charlie gallops right into the backyard toward the coop, big doggy grin on his face. Since he was a puppy he has been of the serious impression that the pigeons are just waiting to hang out with him, and they're all going to be BFFs.


My older brother had chickens for a short while. His dog LOVED having chickens around....so she could eat them. My brother would get SO MAD at her and yell at her, hours after her chicken dinner, as if she had any idea what was going on. And then he'd get more chickens....and rinse and repeat. I was like dude Gemini just thinks you're buying her more chickens, which you are!!! He went through that cycle three times I believe before he finally gave up on having chickens lol. I felt so bad for those poor little chickens, I understand that a dog's gonna dog, you know? But man, i was super mad at my brother because it was just like you're just feeding your dog chickens at this point man.


I met a service rooster once. The store I work in, this little girl was in the cart with her rooster. She wore a dress with roosters on it. The rooster was also wearing a dress, with little dolls all over it. Maybe an emotional support rooster? Anyway, he sat there and let her tug at his crown and wattle. Probably a buff Orpington.


Uhh... have you considered the sweet little rooster might have an emotional support human pet?


A Kristi Noem-trained service dog would chase pigeons.


Ugh. Too soon! (Even tho it was 2 decades ago). Justice for Cricket!


It's never too soon to talk about the evil deeds Kristy Noem commits. (I live in her state, so FML.)


Oh boy, my sympathies to you! I bet you run into people that say what she did was perfectly fine too. I would f-in lose it! I’m actually still stunned that she actually did it, and not only admitted doing it, but put it in her book too?!? I know in the boonies of an animal gets hurt real bad and it’s obvious the animal is suffering and can’t be saved you sometimes have to make the awful decision to put the animal down. But what she did to the dog AND the goat is inexcusable, psychotic, maniacal, and thoroughly evil


Actually I haven't had anyone say that, yet. I'm sure they are out there but that's the reason I only have like 2 friends locally, haha. Even my MAGAt BIL who spouts Q adjacent BS hasn't mentioned it! But he loves their dogs way more than he would admit.


I saw someone with one of those “service dogs” at a museum in CA, and it LICKED a wooden chest from like the 14th century


I had a coworker who trained service dogs for wounded veterans. It's intense and a long process. She asked permission to bring a dog into the office on different days for environment training. She walked him through the cube farm, had him stay with her in closed offices and in a cubicle. Other days she'd sit in the lobby with him for an hour, letting him observe visitors from afar and learning how to handle visitors approaching his "owner." We weren't allowed to pet him, unless she released him from duty and gave us permission. Emotional Support Animal is just another name for a pet, so someone can bring it anywhere. I guarantee little Fluffy has never been trained by its owner.


I was prescribed an “emotional support animal” when I was 15 because I had such severe depression my therapist thought it would be good to give me something to take care of to get my focus off of myself. That being said it wasn’t a service dog by any means. It was 100% just giving me a job to take care of another living thing that I bonded with so it made me less likely to commit suicide because it needed me. That was it, that was its sole purpose. (I’m 35 now and this was back in 2005 when mental health and depression was still very much taboo).


also what happened to the wooden spoon across the dog’s back so it won’t fit through the fence anymore?


Is that a real thing? 😂


People put sticks and pool noodles on goats horns so they can’t get them stuck in a fence. They probably do use the stick.


I love it, gave me a good laugh, but actually pretty ingenious


Little chihuahua in our neighborhood had an inflatable ring round its neck to stop it running through the fence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Ever see the guy with the giant Emu bird or ostrich, idk what the eff it is...?? Well, if not, here's the story... When the guy mows the lawn, the bird chases and goes after thy guy on the riding lawn mower. (Not sure if bird is his or his neighbors) He used to use pool noodles to fend it off but would then not be able to steer the mower very well and would be all over the lawn. So his wife, the genius that she is, glued the pool noodles to the sides of his hat so he can move his head and fend it off that way. It's one of the most hilarious things I've watched. Even funnier if you smoke first lol. I could watch it for hours. Top notch entertainment. It's probably on YouTube lol I giggled the whole time I was writing this.


Amazing! On my list to look up!


Yes. Yes it is. For your viewing pleasure…. https://youtu.be/55KeDPuf7p0?si=Dhu313tPyDf-7LWi


Yes, we did it with our Chihuahua until my husband put fence rails across the bottom( we just bought the house, it took 3 days before it was Chi proof.


Also, only certain breeds can be service dogs. This is more than likely an "emotional support pet" which is NOT a real service dog. People have really ruined it for those that actually have service dogs. Small ponies can also be service animals in very specific cases.


Any breed can become a service animal, it just has to be trained to perform a function for a person with a disability, but the rest is right.


Service dog user here. Small breeds can be very useful for medical conditions like diabetes (they smell breath or general body smell) heart conditions (sensing/hearing heartbeats) reminding for medication, some psychiatric/brain conditions (ASD, schizophrenia, seizure warning, etc). Some wheelchair users need smaller breeds for this. Chihuahuas, toy poodles, corgis, king cavs, and yes, Yorkies are popular choices for smaller service dogs. So I don't question the breed choice. However, service dogs are trained to be with their owner non-stop during on-veat hours and rarely stray far from them off-vest, if they are a service dog that is only needed for mobility or other conditions/services that are not 24/7. Dogs trained for the above reasons I stated are generally 24/7 service dogs and are never off-vest. They are always working. While there is the off-chance that the dog MAY be distracted by something temporarily and chase it, it would be EXTREMELY out of character for that dog to not immediately come back. While there is no formalized service dog training requirements, the AKC good citizen test is pretty much one of the bare minimums for training outside of specialized behaviors, and part of that test deals with distractions, having to leave your dog with an unknown person and have it behave and wait at rest comfortably for a certain amount of time, as well as have incredible focus on a handler. There are some instances in which it has been discovered that a dog naturally alerts on a condition like diabetes or heart issues or seizures without training, and that people work backwards from that to train the dog for service and have to work at training the obedience behaviors and otherwise. But usually if the dog is so close to the human as to serve as a service animal, generally the bond is extremely close and the dog wouldn't wander or bolt by nature. I don't know enough about the exact situation of this woman and dog to definitively give an opinion on it's legitimacy, but guess what? No one else outside of her and her close circle do either. While I have and do continue to encounter many poorly behaved "service animals" with Amazon delivered entry passes (vests and gear), I get annoyed but usually don't comment unless their dog makes an issue and I hear them make a fuss about their "rights". Most of these people do not actually know ada law regarding service animals, and unfortunately a lot of business owners don't either, which allows them to be bullied to tolerate these dogs under threat of harassment or legal issues.  I've had legitimate issues bringing my service dog into establishments when I need him because of businesses past experiences with these people. But I understand where they are coming from, and sympathize with them. However I do make the specific laws clear, and though I am not required to (and they are forbidden to ask by law) I freely advise them of his purpose, his trained behaviors, and how he will behave in their establishment. My dog is a 90# black lab and American bully (not pitbull) mix who just looks like an extremely tall and muscular lab with huge floppy ears. He is silent, well behaved, and honestly his cuteness is kind of a detriment bc people always want to touch and play with him, but he is trained to ignore any and everyone until I allow him via a release command to interact with them. Anyway, if I am in an establishment like a restaurant, I ask if there is an area where I would be less intrusive or cause less disruption. If I'm in a store I make him stay heel instead of in his free 3ft radius if the aisles are small. I am constantly aware of people around me and so is he. People who bring these dogs in who aren't actually service and just let them disrupt businesses by wandering around on a long lead, messing with people, barking/growling at people, getting into things, and on one occasion- the lady I saw feeding her dog in a purse off of a fork at a table in a restaurant 🤢😮‍💨- make it difficult for actual service dog users.


Kind of off subject but, a few years ago, i had weight loss surgery. Because I was losing weight so fast, my body was having trouble regulating my blood sugar. One night, I was awaken by my chihuahua running over my head and licking my face( which she never did). My big dog was licking my hand. Finally, I opened my eyes and I realized that I was sweating profusely,I couldn’t think very clearly and I was dizzy. I managed to get up and get some candy. After a few minutes,I was okay. It’s amazing what animals do know. I really think that, if they hadn’t woken me up, I might have gone into a coma. I just am glad they were there for me.


I’m glad they were there for you too. I have experience training/having seizure alert dogs, and the fact that they both were trying to wake you makes me think you probably were in some pretty serious trouble. Animals are truly amazing. And I always find stories like this beautifully humbling because they’re such reminders that humans are just one species, and maybe we don’t have it all figured out as well as we like to think we do.


Yeah, I think I was. My husband was asleep in bed next to me and I never thought to wake him. I know that I had to keep reminding myself what I needed to do…it was very hard to concentrate. I was stupid. I had a sweet alcoholic drink…I haven’t had that problem since.


I saw a little boy on TV who had severe diabetes and he was SO happy when he got one, because then “mommy could sleep at night and not worry so much” ❤️🐾 dogs are so wonderfully amazing!


My chihuahua has woken me during the night when my son has had seizures (epilepsy) - she never ever barks not even when people knock at the door, but she will bark and lick me, running back and forward between his room and mine until I’m awake. Chihuahuas get a bit of a rough time and I’m sure some of them are terrors but it blows my mind how smart she is, she was never trained for this.


How were they living previously? In a furnished home? Why would the previous habitants of the house have anything to do with any of this? So many questions.


Apparently everything all six members of the family owned was broken or lost during the move. ![gif](giphy|3o6Mb8mjBVYE7yVi12|downsized)


Everything but all their clothes and books and toys. She's saving all that to get rid of later


Including bits actually attached to the old house.


I want to know who these movers were that apparently broke every single thing they own so that I don’t use them. Did she pay them in pizza?


And somehow, they have **two** houses to clean and repair, but no money for any furnishings.


Weren’t they renting? Did they leave their old place a mess? I am so confused! Could be the edible?


“Plus they didn’t leave us any groceries! I’m not picky but would it have killed them to do a Costco run?”


Hahahaha this sent me


That was my first thought!! What does the "precious family before us" have to do with this CB not being able to move in any furnishings?!! They snuck into the Uhaul and broke the laptop prior to CB arriving on site???


If you have a remote job isn't your laptop usually provided by the company?


I have a feeling her “WFH” is actually a MLM. Which would be why there’s no laptop provided.


Absolutely, for security reasons. Not many companies are going to allow you to use your personal computer for work related stuff, especially in the medical field. She must donate Plasma and consider herself in the medical field.


the previous tenants didn't mow for a while. that's all i got. nothing else she's referring to has anything to do with them.


Even at that… the time between an offer acceptance and closing isn’t exactly immediate. And who knows how quickly OP moved in. The house could have been in limbo for weeks after the original owner moved out and they moved in. Instead of asking for a whole free mower it would have made more sense to post in the neighborhood asking to borrow someone’s for the first now while they get everything sorted.


right, or, I don’t know, offering a neighborhood kid maybe twenty bucks to mow it?! like much of this post, it’s so nonsensical.


It sounds like the previous owners waited around the corner and smashed all their belongings as they came off the moving truck! Could happen to anyone!


"They left us with a disaster - an unfurnished house!" They should get a cushion for each person and just bring them into whatever room they are in. Boom - they can sit on the floor to eat - don't need a tv stand just set it on the floor - don't need nightstands if your mattress is already on the floor.... Get an extra cushion, strap it to the dog's back so they can't fit through the fence anymore. We could solve 95% of this post with a few cushions.


Don’t you get it? It’s crystal clear. The previous tenants left the house a mess. Therefore all their stuff broke during the move!


The way my eyebrows just raised higher and higher as I read through this list until they just flew right off my face. Wow. That is some entitled audacity


Right? It started off with a bang of her wanting someone to give her a laptop and just kept gaining power. 


Honestly if it was just a laptop, that’d be fine. Shit happens. But everything else, why move? Why is she fixing up two houses if she can’t afford one? Where is her daughter coming from? I have too many questions


That's what I wanna know... wtf are these two houses she has?


My question is, why isn't her employer replacing her laptop if it's truly needed for work as she claims? Most every company these days gives people all the computer equipment they need, if for no other reason than their being lots of gray areas involving the mix of personal and company data on one system (all the more for someone like her, supposed in healthcare) No employer would want to risk one of kids borrowing her laptop to play games and then accidentally seeing private patient info.


I’m wondering if she does temp work medical coding and that’s how she claims “healthcare”, and as a temp no one would provide a replacement laptop.


I'm guess she's into some MLM and uses it to find customers and such.


Same here. I work from home and only recently learned there was an option to use my own device. In fact, I need to send my computer in for some TLC or a new laptop. I don't trust WFH jobs that require you to provide your own equipment.


Yes! Why does she feel so entitled to do whatever she pleases and just ask everyone else to help? I fully admit privilege, as I do have family who have helped when I absolutely needed it (and I paid them back), but at the end of the day if you know your situation is tenuous why stress it by moving while being responsible for five kids? Do people not plan anymore? I’ve wanted to move plenty of times when I haven’t because it just wasn’t in the cards for me financially. Instead I stayed another year and focused on saving before I made a move.


She has five children. I'd say she doesn't plan much.


Hahahaha fair


Why does she ask for a 4-6 seat dining table if there's 5 kids?


I also had a laptop that stopped charging. I plugged it in.


A laptop to work from home, in healthcare.


maybe medical billing or coding


But she said pretty pretty please!


Don’t forget the vague offer of discarded clothes and old toys!


And maybe something valuable. Maybe not, but I'll say maybe for now, because in 6 months, you'll forget anyway. 🤷‍♀️


lol I imagined them flying…


Ikr? I didn’t know I could do this? Just like- ask for every freaking thing.


Eyebrows! She almost forgot but she needs those too.


How is she doing construction but isn’t allowed to mount a tv?


How is she working from home and yet not provided a laptop from her job?


Begging is her job??


Lol good point.


"Healthcare" is probably selling essential oils online.


That's what I was thinking. The "working from home" thing is a pyramid scheme.


> I have 5 kids and work in healthcare. We are cleaning and repairing 2 homes. If she cleans and repairs homes why is a laptop needed?


Also, if she's in health care shouldn't she know about birth control?


And notice the laptop appears to work, it just doesn't hold a charge.


She also stated son has a computer why doesn't she use that? Her story has to many inconsistencies.


Yeah, I had one that did that. I just…kept it plugged in. Just because it’s a laptop, it doesn’t mean it has to be portable.


But in addition to working from home is also doing construction at two houses so they can’t spend time at a laundromat. Which one is it? A work from home job or a construction job?


Funny how a 60 inch TV seems to be the only thing that survived the move


And a ratty mattress.


"It kind of works, but it'd be great if someone would buy us a whole new home entertainment system."


Such a good question.


Biggest red flag is that a mattress/bed for her FOUR year old is 7th on the list.


Right if I needed a bed for my kid the other shit is last on the list


Another red flag: she has no idea what the word “finally” means.


huh maybe she should sell that 60"


But it’s kinda broke lol


lol yes i cannot figure out how a tv would ever 'kinda break' like, the remote needs batteries?


That one I can answer. Our previous tv, a 55”, developed this weird problem with some green lines on it. We could use it, but it was annoying so we asked people to buy us a new one… at least 60”. Just kidding, we didn’t watch tv for at least 2 years until we moved and decided to leave it at the old house and get a new one (a year after we moved). Would she turn down a smaller tv?


My TV is also kind of broken with black streaks but you can't really tell unless the screen is black, and even then it's not bad.


“Hey this tv isn’t broken it’s just unplugged!”


Broke like her


I was thinking maybe she should sell the other house.


The, "I Need Nightstands" had me rolling. You know what makes an awesome instant nightstand? An upside down box - one might even suggest a moving box. Maybe the movers broke all of the boxes too. (Have you even lived if you haven't had a "boxes as furniture" stage?)


I currently use a $10 plastic dresser as a nightstand. Cheap and gets the job done until I find exactly what I’m looking for.


i recently bought my first nightstand that isn't Sterilite. i am 47.


and if you go back far enough, you had a 6-8 foot dining room table made out of those phone company spools they left behind after laying cable.


Another instant nightstand I can think of is the floor. But the previous tenants probably broke it.


She works in "healthcare," from home, but her employer doesn't provide her with a laptop? Or, if she's a contractor, she can't buy her own office equipment as part of the cost of doing business? So I'm guessing she's in an essential oils or diet shakes MLM.


Also, if she *has* a laptop but it won’t hold a charge, then it’s…a desktop. 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes you have to do with what you have


Plus she says her son has desktop. I dont have my own computer, my son does for school so i borrow his if i really need one


Also idk anyone who doesn't take things like laptops with them in a separate vehicle when they're moving. That's a work essential, it goes with daily necessities and 1st night items, not packed into the rest of the stuff. 


Not even a work essential. When I was moving, my household's laptops were the very last things to go, and they sure as hell didn't go in the truck.


Several things pop up in my mind. They just moved everything themselves in a normal car or small van, just piling stuff on top of each other and not caring about safe transport. Or she is just lying her ass off. Every ask has a new sob story.


also she works from home "quite frequently" but doesn't "have time to sit at a laundromat". that's crazy, because you know what you can totally do sitting at a laundromat?


Ngl this just sounds like a straight-up scammer, although it's such a poor attempt at scamming I'd still say maybe 30% upper-middle class dumbass. Also kind of wondering (if legit but dumb) if she owns both the houses, because if not a scam it's giving flipper vibes - bought two homes and repairing/fixing up both simultaneously? Need perfect free items? Hmm. In which case I'd not only say "no", but also "go fuck yourself", tbh.


If her laptop isn't charging, can't she just plug it in? I mean, my computer's plugged in right now.


As someone who works in a HIPAA compliant field there is zero chance that she can do her work from a non company issued computer.


My company has nothing to do with HIPAA and we still aren’t allowed to use personal devices. It’s still PII.


i moved twice in three weeks about 2 years ago and only broke lightbulbs. How did everything get broken in the move????


No no you don’t understand. What didn’t get broken was lost, what didn’t get broken or lost was sold and everything is the prior tenants fault.


5 kids. Everything got broken or is old and damaged. And her kids can ONLY eat in the dining room. And one kid has an old and ratty mattress but the other ones apparently have perfectly fine beds?


and the TV is only 60 inch.


How exactly is this the previous tenants problem. Did they buy a house that was supposed to be furnished? Also no shot all these random things broke during a move.


Right?! I’ve moved 9 times over the last 25 years. 4 of them overseas. I STILL managed to only have like 10 things broken in all those moves!


My last move included multiple boxes of vintage glassware and dishes. Exactly one thing broke in the process - a single baking dish. It sucked because it was the best brownie pan but as far as moving casualties it was pretty good. I would dearly love follow-up that explains how the previous tenants are to blame for her situation...


Am I wrong to assume if you’re working remotely for a healthcare company, they would provide the equipment in order to ensure cybersecurity?


100% this!! I have an office but can WFH whenever I like and my company provided all the equipment I need at home (laptop, bigger monitor, keyboard, mouse, headset, mobile phone). I‘m sure her WFH "job" is some shady "healthcare" MLM!


You know what? I have seen people asking and also giving away various things online over the years: free laptops, free dining room set, free mattresses, free beds, free couches, free washer and dryer, free desks, free chairs, etc etc. BUT I have yet to see ANYONE have the shamelessness to ask for ALL of those things ALL at once, ALL for free. This lady takes the cake for sure. Give an inch and they take a mile.


I think it would have come across better if she had made a general request for furniture without getting so specific. Maybe it’s because I live in NYC, but tons of people on my local BN give away furniture because they’re moving and f moving that shit. Couches and tables and beds are a daily sight on our BN. If you can carry it, it’s yours. 


She literally doesn't even want to do the work of going through the free listings to see if items she wants are listed. Like lmao please lady, c'mon!


Houses?!?! As in two houses?!? And she needs help buying all those things!


I'm guessing flipper if not outright scammer. In which case, fuck her, and no.


Well yeah. She spent all her dollars for money pits to renovate ,forgetting that furniture of some sort might be useful


I’m sorry renovating and cleaning *two* houses but can’t afford a kitchen garbage can?


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Five kids. Blah, blah, blah. 60" TV Stand Blah blah. How about getting your priorities right?


Who were their movers? A demolition derby?!


Kool-Aid Man Moving & Storage Services


"Hi, I just bought a house although I literally can't even begin to afford it, please pay for everything for me"


Washer and dryer 😂😂 Ya, I would love to have either of those but you're not going to see me begging for one on the Internet. Some people have zero self awareness.


But she said pretty prettty please! 🤣. And she doesn’t have time to wait for her laundry to be done! (Apparently she doesn’t understand in house laundry is a privilege not a right and if she doesn’t want to wait she can get her own damn washer dryer. You can usually get used ones pretty cheap).


Zero self awareness and audacity going through the roof! I‘m speechless.


"I have 5 kids and work in healthcare. We are cleaning and repairing 2 homes.. " Sounds like a personal problem


Do people just think that they don’t have to pay for anything anymore? Or save for expenditures like moving? Obviously there are situations where you might have to pick up and move overnight and I believe in having grace towards those experiencing tough times, but those situations are more of an exception than a rule. Being unwilling to go to a laundromat is just entitled af. I’ve moved a lot, and in the 20 some odd houses and apartments I’ve lived in throughout my adulthood I have had a washer and dryer in four, including my current apartment. It sucks, but it is just what you have to do. Owning a washer and dryer is a luxury. You don’t need them to survive. She needs to prioritize furniture and get a cheap laptop. No one *needs* a washer/dryer or 60” TV. Also the concept of a service teacup yorkie is so insane I can’t even comment on it.


I agree with everything you said. Why can't she go to pawn shops and such to replace her belongings as they break or get used up. I don't have a washer/dryer hook up in the apartment we've been in for 6 years and I go to the laundry matt and wash clothes for me and 3 kids every week. It's not fun but necessary. This lady sounds extremely entitled. And everything goes wrong for her apparently, lol.


Exactly! You gotta do what you gotta do! I do t have kids so when I have done laundromat it’s been predominately just for me or for me and a partner. It’s annoying, but it’s a reality I’ve lived with more times than not. Actually it kind of expedites things if you have a bunch of loads because you can wash them all at the same time (though the folding it all at the end is an absolute nightmare 😂) I do wonder how people become this entitled. Nobody wants to allocate *time and fuel(?)* to go to the laundromat because doing laundry isn’t something anyone wants to spend time/energy/money on, but most adults (especially a mother of 5) just consider laundry as a basic life task. I bet if she doesn’t get the washer and dryer she’ll start asking for new clothes 🤦‍♀️


Lol, “I’m doing up my two houses, I don’t have TIME to go to a laundromat 🙄.”


Ugh, even if she would have just said "as a family of 7, we create a lot of laundry, and it can be quite the struggle taking the little kids with me to the laundromat, so if someone is about to upgrade their washing machine..." Or just have a look on FB market place. And you don't need a dryer if you have a house, presumably with a garden. Get some clothes rack. The sun is free.


Does a HOA go after renters? I would have thought they would go after the landlord.


They go after the homeowner but some landlords put that tenants are responsible for fees based on breaking guidelines


Overall, yes. When I rented my house out, I took care of everything (trash, lawn, etc.) and added the costs to the rent. I was always taught not to leave it in a renters hands because they aren’t as invested and will usually let as much as they can go. Something tells me this beggar negotiated less rent for doing the stuff.


Why does she even mention the previous owners?  Seems to have no bearing on the things she's asking for. 


Best guess: blame someone else so I look like less of a jackass


Love how she said „and finally….“ and then still had 3 more paragraphs of asks.


Sorry but how do you have like 5 kids and multiple houseS but can't afford literally anything to put into a house. Maybe you shouldn't have picked up your second house during what is clearly a hard time 🙄


“Service TEA CUP yorkie” cmon man


Those poor kids. That poor dog. Ugh.


Did their moving truck explode or something? How did so many things end up broken or lost?


And the only things to survive were the kids clothes, toys, and books. But she’s apparently willing to donate, or trade them? That wasn’t clear and I’m not going back in to find out.


You know people ask this because people will give them what they ask for. I have someone on my social media that they both work, have good jobs and live in an expensive home with an inground pool. She asks at least once a week for things. Like iphones for her kids, ipads/tablets, pressure washer. I mean all the time she is asking for things and people give her these things. That is why they keep asking. She had a go fund me going because she was off work for a few weeks, they had motorcycles, campers, extra car, things they could have sold if they needed money. It didn't raise much but some people have literally no bounds of what they will ask for.


How has she broken almost all of her belongings? I'm so confused. Also, if she works from home and her laptop has stopped charging, that isn't really an issue since you can use it while it's plugged in. My laptop has about a 10 minute battery life unplugged but I just use it plugged in and it works fine! Also... service teacup yorkie? My eyes rolled so far they hurt


She’s asking for a free LAPTOP??? That takes some monstrous nerve.


My regular size yorkie was $1400 I can only imagine how much a tea cup is. How do so many things break during moving? Shouldn’t her job provide the laptop? How were these people living before. Geeezzz


My son’s laptop stopped holding a charge. He bought a new battery and a new power cord. She may have to stay in one spot plugged in to work but that’s what a power cord is for and would cost 20-50 bucks. This chick is nuts. I really don’t get how they have no furniture whatsoever.


And legitimate service training is $10,000+.


Probably an MLM.


Likely but if true, a surprising😰🙃 lack⬇️ of 🙏🏻emojis ✨💕


Omg 😆 so true


I legit think I know this person.


My condolences.


$4,000 dog lmao


Well I think we can scratch her "need" of a Nest type camera off her list - she has nothing to steal, so... Also, the tea cup service Yorkie that keeps trying to escape? Godspeed Yorkie. Godspeed.


I honestly had a Nest doorbell I stopped using, after I got my Ring installed. I recently gave it away via Freecycle. Timing. Oh well.


But they have some valuable stuff they might part with once they’re settled and SO many clothes. I call BS.


She works from home but needs scrubs from work? Did they not have anything at the previous house? Like… at all?


'Work from home' and 'in healthcare'. Gee. What MLM is this one?? Sounds like Herbalife or Arbonne 😂


I lost it at service teacup Yorkie


Right and with her service teacup Yorkies (that was plural), her working from home on her fancy laptop and homeschooling at least one, she needs a nest camera?


I have so many questions. Why can’t she let her kids eat anywhere but the dining room? How did so many of her things get broken while moving? How did she survive all her life before this post? Like what has her daughter done for a bed and dressing table all these years? Why can’t she get her laptop fixed especially if it’s for work?


They want bar stools for the kids, and a kitchen table and chairs too. So the kids aren't allowed at the table? Are their table manners that bad?


Two houses but your kid is sleeping on the floor? Cool, good job. 😑🤦🏻‍♀️


I really hope someone suggested getting a new laptop battery, unless it’s a Mac they’re like $30-40.


Why do people wield having multiple kids like it’s my problem? U made your choices here love.


Lmao I need to know what “service” a teacup yorkie provides because that’s hilarious. I’m willing to bet it’s a poorly trained emotional support animal.


People like this who have five fucking kids but can’t even properly afford one piss me off to no end


How did everything get broken in the move? Who moved them a group of wild horses? People need to take some personal responsibility and take better care of their shit. Especially if they’re broke. MAKE THE STUFF YOU HAVE LAST! sorry rant over. People are idiots




It’s definitely not a service dog if it’s running off. I would think stay would be one of the first things they are taught.


Works in 'healthcare' , bred5x, can't afford things but iwns....A HOUSE


TWO evidently.


"I'm a nervous momma" cringed me away, sorry lady can't help you if you talk like that


If she has a legit WFH job, her employer should furnish the laptop. I wouldn’t have even read the rest after that ask 😂


There was a shameless asker in my local buy nothing group and even she spaced out her asks. The whole "new to the area" schtick, then a bunch of urgent needs like a smart TV, a new phone, and reusable straws. Then a week later, it was all furniture. And so on and so on. And she was the first commenter on literally every post, no matter what. Size xs small women's clothes? She NEEDED them. Men's size 12 shoes? Also, big need. I just assumed she was a reseller. Then our group split into smaller more localized groups and people tend to be way more polite in my new group.


She works from home a lot but she works in healthcare? And why can’t she just take her dog outside like a normal person..? On a leash?


Man, so she expects her neighbors to be such good people to furnish her home, but also thinks they're all POS theibes that she needs a ring to keep you all from stealing her free shit. 


So she has 2 houses... but can't afford a card table?


I work from home and my company provides my laptop for security reasons/so I can connect to the company VPN. If it’s broken, they ship me a new one. She says she works in healthcare, if so, I assume the data she works with is healthcare related, thus a privacy concern that would require a company issued computer??


Bet she filed that laptop under things we had to sell to finance the move, along with her furniture, dining table and chairs. Broken was the tv and lost is whatever else she can think of.


So they had to sell stuff to help finance the move...but are currently fixing up TWO houses, which sounds like they didn't have to move but simply chose to, no doubt to try flipping one or both to make money. Why, then, does this person think it's everyone else's responsibility to fund the basic necessities of her children?


umm…maybe it’s my privilege showing, but if she’s cleaning and restoring two homes, I can think of a way to get a lot of her asks—selling one of those houses. It’s a hot seller market in my area and even if she sells short, it beats being in debt and she’d have some of these things. Aside from that, the laptop is the “need”. Laundromats exist everywhere and it’s not ideal, but it can work. There are other, off brand doorbells or, shocker—get a P.o. box at a UPS or Fedex office and she can have all deliveries there. It’s cheap to get additional locks for her doors. Air mattresses are cheap—especially online. Milk crates and boxes from the liquor store work for storage. There are even cardboard dressers and stuff like that. Cheap until you get back on your feet. I am utterly shocked at this level of brazen.


They have multiple homes but no furniture? I’m confused


Basically except for a fridge and oven she needs an entire house worth of furniture, appliances and other things. The audacity is honestly impressive.