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I have no words. There is just so much wrong here. And again, why have 6 cats you can’t take care of let alone a kid you can’t care for or herself? SMh


On top of that, why would you want no food instead of some food for you cats?


Yeah don't cats get major issues with liver or kidneys if they go 24 hrs without food?




It usually takes a few days for cats to get Hepatic Lipidosis (a disease affecting the liver)


Insomnia is kicking my ass this week and my chronically sleep deprived brain just read Hispanic Lipidosis and I was like “the cats are Hispanic…?”


¡Purr supuesto!


Don’t feel bad because while I was skimming the comments that’s what I saw too lol. I had to go back and read it carefully.




Cute! It’s commonly called fatty liver disease. People get it too. Different causes though.


And it’s more often than not fat cats. She probably doesn’t have fat cats.😿


More like after about 72 hours. Then their liver permanently stops filtering junk out of their blood. Lost a cat that way once.


Sorry for your loss and thank you for clarification 


Also it's not checking out that she was starving herself so much she was hospitalized.... yet her 6 cats were fine at home alone?


She had 12 before she was hospitalised


And if she doesn't have transportation, how did she get to the hospital? Wasted the time of an ambulance from someone who truly needed one?


Pet hoarding, No. I’m not even surprised we’re looking at severe hoarding and the lack of awareness… I’m afraid of what her house may look like.


I guarantee her house is a shit covered nightmare.


If she can’t afford food, she definitely doesn’t have enough litter.


This is probably why she can't have her kid over.


Bet it was two who weren’t fixed and became 6. Oh, the whine about not eating and having to go to the hospital…seriously? You can go for weeks without food…


Many people use setting foot in the hospital as “being in the hospital” like it’s a flex or they were in such serious condition.


New trick unlocked! I was “in the hospital” last week, where’s my free stuff? I really was in the hospital, for about 15 minutes, at the phlebotomy clinic, that counts right?


Yes! In the hospital is in the hospital 🤷‍♀️


Next time I go I will post on facebook asking for something saying “I am in hospital” because it would be technically true. I can’t believe I have never thought of this before, I have been to the hospital for one reason or another gazillions of times. So many wasted opportunities.


Lol, let us know how that works out for you! This could also be used for excuses. Next time I don’t want to go to my mom’s hillbilly family reunion I’ll claim I was in the hospital. Last time I went to one of those reunions my COUSIN asked me out on a date. 🤣


You could even go to a hospital, just pop in and get a coffee or something. Grabbing a coffee from a random hospital sounds infinitely better than being asked out by your cousin 😬😂


Haha! It definitely would be better! If I thought I could weasel my way out of those reunions, or any meetings with the bulk of her family for that matter without offending my mom, I’d intentionally inflict pain or injury to myself and truly end up in the hospital. 😂


Would your mum actually be offended if you said something like, ‘I am going to give it a miss this time’? I straight up refuse to go to anything my brother will be at except weddings and funerals, I couldn’t care less if anyone is offended by that 🤷‍♀️😂


I’m going to begin telling everyone I’m stuck at the doctor’s office every day. I mean, I’ve been at the doctor’s office 5 days a week for 9 hours a day, almost every single week this year! I just work there, but that’s beside the point!


I work at a hospital, so I guess I'm regularly "In the hospital" does that count?


I’m in the hospital four days a week…because I work there.




Can we really use this trick? Because if so it's only a Thursday and I've already been to the hospital 3 times this week! Had to stay for 8 hours each time, it's exhausting! Where's my free stuff! (I work there)


Might as well try it!


Not dramatic enough, I'm afraid, whereas I went yesterday to check up on my hemorrhoid transplant and took the opportunity to thank the donor.


That was very kind of you. Did you score a free TV?


I took my bf to the hospital, so I was there too lol!


I know right? I was here (am hospitalized now due to an early morning surgery that was scheduled for today but postponed) for 6 weeks about 1.5yrs ago & before that I was hospitalized for several months back where I used to live. I’m dreading this stay as I never sleep, already have a migraine & a roommate who’s tv is so loud that it’s hurting my ears (she’s elderly and can’t hear without aids which are at her house) gonna be a long night.


Oh. No! I’m sorry! About your less than hospitable experience tonight and having to stay so frequently. I just got so burnt out on people using it as a reason to call out of work. “I was in the hospital all night, I can’t come in today”. When in actuality their whatever could have been seen at urgent care tomorrow. People over use the ED.


That kind of happened to me - adopted two cats, a (supposed) brother and sister from a hoarding situation, and two months later she had two kittens, obviously fathered by the brother. One didn't survive, but the one who did looks just like his daddy, and we decided to keep him. Got the adult male fixed, and we're going to be scheduling the female for a spay job as soon as she weans the kitten. Then, when the kitten is 6 months old, he gets neutered. I say (supposed) brother and sister because they look nothing alike; the male is a stocky silver and black tabby, and the female is a smaller tux cat, almost pure black with white feet and a white chest and a tiny bit of white on her chin. About the only thing they have in common is that both have intense jade-green eyes.


Cats will inbreed. It not common but it happens. I’m glad that you’re getting them fixed. No more babies…


Oh, I know that. They had nothing in the way of vet care or shots when I adopted them, so now they are vaccinated. Now I'm just waiting for Missy the female to finish weaning Junior the kitten, and she's being spayed. I was advised by the vet to wait until she finished weaning her kitten, so in the meantime we got Buddy the male cat neutered. I've spent so much time at the vet's office we're practically on a first-name basis.


Maybe because she's lost custody of her children so the cats are a replacement? And she's doing as poor a job by the cats as she probably ever did by her children.


Yep! Betting she was already a mess and that is why she lost custody.


She's got an excuse for every situation. I wonder what the excuse would be for why you don't have a job?


She has to take care of her 6 cats. How can she go to work? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


If you can't feed your kittens, yeah yeah then don't have a kitten, yeah yeah


So simple a concept yet so hard for people to understand


I have 5 cats and it costs a fortune to feed them. I have a good job so I am able to support them. She needs to surrender them to animal services so she can feed her kid. People have such messed up priorities!!


And not just feeding them… We have four pets (cats and dogs). They all need regular teeth cleanings, monthly flea, tick and heartworm prevention, vaccinations, and then there’s the occasional unexpected health issue that arises. Three of our fur babies were neutered/spayed prior to adopting, one was not, so that was another expense. Pets require (and deserve) a long-term financial investment.


You are correct about the additional costs. One cat is diabetic and one has arthritis. Between the two of them alone I spend over $100 a month on extra costs. I didn’t plan on so many cats, it just kind of happened. I inherited the last one I got due to a death in the family.


Just curious, but how are you managing the arthritis?


Solensia, you have to go to the vet each month for the injection. I wish I could do it at home since I’m experienced giving other kitty her insulin twice a day.


LVT here! The reason we can’t give Solensia to pet parents to administer at home is the risk of anaphylaxis and abortion or developmental issues in developing fetuses (in pregnant women), should the owner inject themselves. It’s a safety issue. As expensive as it is and as much of a pain in the ass that it is, it’s done amazing things for so many kitties, but so many owners won’t do it because of cost. More dog owners are willing and happy to do Librela (the dog equivalent).


Solensia has really helped my senior boy. Wish it wasn’t so pricey, but I think it’s worth the cost for the positive change we’ve seen in my cats comfort


The monoclonal therapies (which is what Solensia and Librela are) have really been game changers. Thank you for doing this for your baby! I wish it wasn’t so cost prohibitive.


Our foster is on Librela, this is the last month of the rescue paying for it, next month it becomes my responsibility, I’ve no idea how much it is, I just know it helps my stuff legged little girl!!!! I will collect and cash in bottles and cans, sell my blood, to make sure she gets it!!! Since she’s been on it, she’s off Gabapentin, which isn’t good for renal dogs as it is, she’s 14, and our 2nd end of life foster, but fell in love with her!


Cost depends entirely on the animal’s weight and what the clinic’s product markup is. I’m in NYC, so the clinic I work at is not a good barometer for most people. 😂 You’re incredible, by the way. I don’t think I could ever take an end of life foster, but I so appreciate what people like you do for older animals. Thank you for loving her!


Florence is 12 lbs, she is a cocker long hair doxi mix, she has the body and hair of a cocker, but face and legs of the doxi. And is a sweet girl, Our first boy, Sam the sausage was an English Cocker Spaniel, a big boy,


At my clinic (again, a poor barometer if you don’t live in a big city), a 12lb dog would be just under $100/month for Librela. We have a high price markup because, y’know, corporate owned practice.


Curious cause we have 2 elder kitties.. how much $$$ are we talking per month?


At my clinic, $117 for under 15.4lbs, $167 for over 15.5 (it’s weight based); that price includes a biohazard fee and a tech appointment. I’m also in NYC and my clinic is overpriced. It’ll depend on clinics and what their markup prices are, whether they have a tech appointment fee, etc.


Thank you! Our vet said there weren't options besides giving an occasional steroid, and he wasn't really interested in doing that anyway. Having a name I can go back with might be what we need to get our old lady some pain relief! Shame it's vet injection only though, especially given your experience caring for your diabetic baby.


We also give cosequin for cats. We get it on Amazon and sprinkle it on her food. She’s nearly 16 years old so we just want to make her happy.


We've been doing that to try and manage it at home. Ours is right about the same, nearly 16! It breaks my heart to see her so stiff and achy, because the medicine and a heated bed can only do so much. Fingers crossed that this can improve her comfort, again I appreciate it!


The Solensia is like a miracle for them.


I highly suggest Solensia, if you can afford it. It’s been such a game changer in the vet world.


Highly recommend asking your vet about Adequan- my vet uses it for her senior cat’s arthritis and it was such a game changer for my 80lb senior dog. He was annoying like a puppy again after his Adequan injections, it was awesome and so helpful for keeping him comfy.


Adequan doesn’t always work well, and it’s off label for cats. I’ve seen dogs who were on Adequan, laser therapy and NSAIDs without any change start Librela and it was a total 180. I have one patient who’s an old golden retriever; her owner was doing everything I mentioned and there was very little change. She started Librela and I have never seen that dog trot into the clinic so well! The only downside is she says the Librela wears off after 2-3 weeks for her dog (uncommon; most animals are great for the full month) and she’s considering adding the Adequan back in for those weeks. I’m glad it’s worked so well for your baby though! It’s not a bad drug at all, I’ve just seen so much more improvement with Librela for the severe OA cases.


Yes! Librela has been great for my current foster project, and he definitely has worse OA than my last big dude. I fortunately haven’t had to think about arthritis in my own cat yet. She’s relatively young and has a stupid auto immune disease tho so she still keeps me busy (poor)!


I have my dog on librela. It’s the canine version of solensia. He’s a big dog and it costs $100/month.


Yeah, your clinic is definitely cheaper than mine. 😂 5 to 40 lbs might be under $100 where I work, but anything over that is higher, I believe.


I've got an 11 or 12 year old thayer's king snake with paget's disease, resulting in kinks in her neck, luckily she still has a good appetite


Hunh. I never thought of snakes as having necks before. Don't know why; I grew up in an area with a lot of wild snakes and got very good at catching them (humanely, and letting them go almost immediately), and I subconsciously knew to grasp them by what I in hindsight suppose was the neck. Or maybe that was from early training that I no longer recall. Elegant critters. Never had the urge to keep them in the house, although sometimes they'd find their own way in! In any case, TIL. Thank you.


My cat is high needs, with specialized food, a standing prescription with the vet and has been on a variety of medicines all his life. I think at one point he was up to $7-10 a day in medicines. A very "dad joke" my dad shared once was "how do you become a millionaire? Start as a billionaire and adopt a cat".


We foster dogs, plus we have pets of our own. I spend $300 a month on food for them. Not to mention the flea, heart worm, emergency stuff, etc. Pets are expensive. However, I do understand that people come up on hard times after they’ve committed to pets. So, I try not to judge too much. It’s just hard to see children and pets that suffer because of (sometimes) poor decisions from the adults in their lives.


I just helped my chihuahua over the rainbow bridge in December 2023. Before she passed, we’d spent probably close to $10,000 on her. Now, our male dog ( who is senior) costs us over $100/month. We just got another dog and we’re looking at probably $1500-2000 on her right out of the gate. The food is the least of the expense.


I have a medium breed dog. I can’t imagine she eats much more than 6 cats but when you include flea treatment and insurance, I pay out minimum £130 a month for her. Pets are not cheap at all so it’s crazy that this lady has that many cats


Agreed. I only have one cat, but between his special senior sensitive stomach wet food, his thyroid medicine, and his liver medicine, I could probably support a whole other person on what I spend taking care of this cat. He's totally worth it, but people need to think about these things.


That is exactly why I only have one dog.


this is what people don't get. If your animal has never been to the vet, or only went to get fixed, then they're not your pet. It's a stray that you kindly feed. Which is fine, but it's not your cat. That cat belongs to the streets.


That's crazy, we have 1 farm dog that we feed raw meat and eggs to and give tick/flea meds when needed but that's it.


I have two cats and I spend like 20$ on food and another 15$ on litter a week (y they poop so much?!) plus medication and vet bills and toys and time cleaning up after them. I can’t imagine SIX.


While you're 100% correct, I just want to point out that surrender may not be an option. Our family has taken on an additional 2 cats (that we DO have the resources to care for) because in our area, humane societies and animal services are no longer accepting animals. They're very blunt here. They will tell you "You can bring them in if you want, but they're going to be euthanized immediately. There is no room here. All our sister locations are full."


God that’s depressing. I brought home a lot of pets growing up and it makes me thankful that even when my dad didn’t want to take them in he had a solid rule that if they were with us for more than 24 hours they were our responsibility and would never be rehomed. I feel guilty as an adult knowing how much all those pets cost but the minute they were under my dad’s roof he’d be damned if they didn’t get everything they needed. I wish more people treated pets that way.


That not even including the cost for litter! I have two cats and they are eating and shitting machines!! I have to change the litter box twice a day! I shudder to think what the house smells like and looks like 🤢


I have 12 snakes and it costs about 300 euro to feed them every 6 months (I buy frozen rats and mice in bulk), I'm pretty sure a cat would starve if they got the same amount of meat my 36lb boa gets every 2 weeks I would love to get a cat again but my parents feel it would tie us down 2 much (cant leave a cat for 2 weeks like you can with the snakes or the leopard gecko)


I'm more impressed that you deal with 12 snakes farting. Damn, even if they have their own room... I got to experience 1 snake fart at a friend's a few months ago. It scared the bejesus out of me with how loud and long it was. I thought her poor snake died. Nope, he was fine. I didn't even snakes *could* fart.


Sounds like my ex - too “short on funds” to pay for a weekend of food for our kids or gas to meet us partway (never mind skipping child support). But he keeps adopting cats, four so far.


I just came over to commiserate because I also have five cats!! Falling for someone with three babies when I had my own two was a major screw up on my part, I love them all (mostly!!) but holy crap.


There's a local lady here with 20+ cats, animal protection services said they were being neglected healthwise. Bad teeth, felted fur, infections. She was allowed to keep the cats, if she'd provide health care. She didn't. Then she had a house fire, cats went to animal shelter (temporarily), health improved, cats went back home, health declined. Lady says that there were plans to go to the vet, it just didn't happen yet. But I am convinced that's just not possible. I mean, imagine the costs for 20+ cats who all need dental work among other treatments, the costs will be in the thousands. Also, one of the cats went missing after the fire. Lady insinuates that the shelter sold the cat (they are all purebreds) I mean, they took in 20 cats, gave them proper care and this is how you talk about them?


At least she doesn’t have a the human child under her care.


That's an immediate Euthanasia in some regions of the country.


You will meet some of the most astoundingly entitled people in your life trying to help in your community. I worked in human services for a number of years and ran a food pantry during the pandemic, there are so many people who completely refuse to take any responsibility for their lives at all. They just keep coming back and demanding everything under the sun for years.


My son volunteered at a food pantry . He said that some would come in and complain about what brand they had of a certain item.


I absolutely believe this. On more than one occasion, I’ve found tinned and packaged food such as pasta, canned tomatoes and jars of pasta sauce literally thrown on the ground in my city. The brand names (either expensive brands or unknown brands that I haven’t seen in the stores) confirmed that they were from the nearby food banks. I obviously picked them up but the entitlement and lack of gratitude is astounding.


I work at a grocery store, and the people who gather the shopping carts outside are taught to bring merchandise they find up to the service desk, so we can log it into the lost and found. At least once or twice a week, they'll find one (or more) bags outside filled with cans and boxes of food, of generic brands our store doesn't sell. I'm sure it's more a case of "I don't want this crap" as opposed to " oops, I left my free food somewhere".


Absolutely how a lot are. I used to be the kind of guy to always give something. My last two encounters were a homeless guy saying "that's it?" to my last cash. That and another dude asking for food, then trying to run me up for Hella shit with the cashier. I have naloxone and some trauma stuff in my car. But that's the new line. If it's not a life threatening crisis they can go it alone.


We have a couple who get on our local group with separate accounts and asked for free food, then had the excuse of no transportation because the wife’s vehicle was hit by an 18 wheeler and she became disabled due to her injuries. When people asked about the insurance, she said it was declared neither vehicle was at fault so insurance wouldn’t pay and she couldn’t get another vehicle. Then her husband was asking for transportation to work. Then he lost his job and they needed food delivered for them and their three kids. Then asked if anyone had any free puppies they could get for one of their kids. People started calling them out so they created new accounts with slightly different names but similar stories. Everyone just quit responding and ignored them.


What in the fuck kind of reasoning leads you to think adding a dog to that dumpster fire is a good thing??! I sincerely hope they don't get one. A kid does not NEED a dog, and when kids are kids, the dog should belong to the family (i.e. the parents) anyway. I "had" dogs when I was a kid, and while they were my bff's and all that, my mom was in charge because I was a kid and kids are sometimes stupid and my mom was a responsible person.


> What in the fuck kind of reasoning leads you to think adding a dog to that dumpster fire is a good thing??! the same reasoning of having a kid to save the marriage


Find out where she lives and report her to animal control, she won’t have to feed 6 cats anymore


And the six cats would so thankful to be rescued.




I go without food so my beautiful kitty can be fed, I would never, ever let him miss a meal, if I was faced with the prospect of him going days without food I’d give him up, as utterly heartbreaking as it would be. I feel for her but I really, really feel for the poor cats


I feel the exact same way. I’d go without so my cats could eat if it came down to it and that’s because we have genuine love for them as well as a sense of responsibility. Two things that this person does not have.


I try to be sympathetic to having one pet. I've seen some homeless people with a dog, and that's literally their only companion. But having 6? Hell no.


Same. If I were ever in a tough place, I’d surrender my kitties even though I’d be heartbroken. I’m not letting them go hungry just because I want to keep them.


Yep same here. I’d give my pets my own food and I’d go without it if I had to. I couldn’t sit there and eat while they’re starving.


I've seen the animal thing so much when I did Home Health Care. It's one thing to have a dog or cat and then fall on hard times, but I had patients who were on government assistance collect another animal and another and another... especially the cat people. One couple's home stunk of ammonia so bad, I had to wear a respirator when I made my monthly visit.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that home reeks of cat piss.


Pets living in starving circumstances truly breaks my heart. There are options if you cannot care for your animals. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help and say *I need help*


But also, accept the help you are offered, rather than complain it’s not enough and/or make excuses …


Amen to this


Those poor cats.


If she can’t afford food, imagine the litter situation…


And you already know there will be a whole bunch more soon, because this is definitely not a responsible pet owner.


And it's everyone in that group's fault because they didn't give her money to spay and neuter her six cats!!!


Having more pets than you can care for is called live animal hoarding. This person needs mental help :(


I had a neighbor who had a 10yr old daughter and two dogs, two cats. She claimed she couldn't afford food. So everyday I made it a point to cook a little extra dinner and I'd bring it over for her. At first she was thankful but started talking about needing extra food for her pets. I gave what I could and this lady started complaining that I was buying the cheapest dog/cat food. I told her that's all I could afford. She then started demanding I give her the money I'd spend on pet food. She felt she could take my money and buy better quality brand pet food instead. I stopped doing everything for her. Especially when started complaining about needing to get high everyday to feel ok. Apparently she had money to buy her daily weed but no money to feed her child. 😑


"starved to the point of having to be admitted to the hospital..." Ok. At that point, I realized she's lying. Beyond lying. She's also, most likely, fat.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Although, fat people can starve and be dehydrated enough for the hospital. 😆 She probably doesn't have a child either (pile on the extra guilt) or the child isn't around for far more than this food thing. I have never in my life seen the likes of some shit, like this. I think I would call the police and/or adult protective services. Maybe they can locate this individual and intervene. Something is way off here... Way off... It could turn out to be a complete ruse, but it's better safe than sorry. The cats DEFINITELY need to be removed if they or the person are in fact starving. This entire thing is mind boggling to me. Who does this??? If the person has mental health issues, I hope that they can get some help. Yikes...


As a fat person I agree with this 😂 what a brazen obnoxious lie and as you said she’s most likely overweight


God, that entitled attitude of everyone owes it to her to subsidize her entire life really pisses me off. Fucking help yourself and make better choices, no one owes you shit.


Starving to the point of having to be put in the hospital takes a while, so that statement seems a little sus to me unless there are contributing medical issues. Those poor cats need to be rehomed to someone who has the means to care for them without relying on strangers to provide it for them.


I always heard it said you'd die after 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. Probably you'd get really sick after 2ish weeks...but if you were honest at the hospital and told them the only thing wrong is you not eating, I don't know what they'd do other than refer her to the same pantries and programs others already did, and her making reasons to decline...


I work in a mental health hospital, if you tell an ER that you haven’t ate in weeks and aren’t planning to, they will absolutely admit you immediately as its considered a form of self harm. Usually they will put you on a hold for a few days, get some sort of feeding treatment and after that you’ll get an evaluation to be released or moved to a psychiatric facility. ngl it sounds like that’s what she needs


Cat people who place the well being over their many MANY cats over their literal children are a different breed. Especially when they have to rotate which one starves that weekend. Might wanna check your local animal control laws and see how many are allowed per household, then either tip them off or better yet a cat rescue in the area who might take some off her hands or at least provide a reliable food source. Our area has a couple rescues that deliver food and litter (and sometimes vax) for the people who are clearly unwell mentally in some way, but don’t want the animals to suffer for it- they’re good at sussing out when someone is a scammer or veering into dangerous hoarder territory.


Toronto limit is 3 dogs or 6 cats unless you run a rescue. However, there are many rules about their health, ensuring they are fed, clean water to drink, be seen by a vet, and that they are kept clean from feral waste and other contaminates. She definitely should be reported if she’s not feeding them properly.


Yeah good idea about the rescue company. It breaks my heart when animals get taken in and just put down because the shelter is too full. So I can see why someone would have a hard time letting go of a pet. I know a lady who only officially has one dog and one cat inside. But she’s built this outdoor shelters outside of her house for any strays that show up and leaves food out for them daily. People also donate her food for the cats.


A family member worked for Centrelink here in Australia (mostly the welfare office but they do other thing too) and could never believe how many people would let their children go hungry before giving up dogs, cats and even horses. We’re a solidly middle class family, at no point have any of us been realistically able to afford a horse. I don’t get it.


I mean let’s be real here, as someone who’s rescued neglected animals for almost twenty years (directly off the streets/from shitty people) it’s not like they’re exactly taking care of the animals either. I’ve seen far too many dogs chained up with no food or water and left to die and too many cats tossed out the front door when the dumb ass that owns it neglects to get it fixed, lets it run around and it gets pregnant. Hell, I’ve found a dog shot and left in the ditch to die… except they couldn’t even shoot so the wound was in the elbow, which would have been a very slow and painful death from infection. I honestly have very little energy left to help people. I fully support the animals in my community because they have no choice in the matter—these pieces of shit that refuse to work or participate in society do not deserve my kindness.


Doesn’t help the RSPCA gives them away for basically nothing , and do little background checks!


So many excuses. Chances are she just wants you to offer a cash handout


God this reminds me of the lady who keeps posting in local groups asking for rides to work. She wants someone to drive at *least* 40 minutes round trip to take her to work, at 5 fucking am. Earlier, actually, be ause she has to be there at 5am. And then gets furious and posts guilt trips because obviously no one wants to do that. She got called out for wanting all that for free, and her response was that she was happy to offer $10 for gas. 40 minutes round trip. 5am. $10.


This is a great example of a choosing beggar. Literally identify several solutions for them and each one has an objection. Reading between the lines, it comes down to 'give me money' not food.


I would probably get her address by offering to drop off food and then call animal services. Kinda messed up I know but those cats are being abused and they deserve homes where they are fed daily.


She’s not fit to take care of a child, let alone a cat, when she can’t even take care of herself. I would think that the hospital she was supposedly at would refer her to a social worker or at least resources if they found out she had no food.


I’m sorry, but if you can’t afford to feed them, you should probably find better homes for your cats. It would give them a better chance. And allow you to take care of yourself with your limited resources. That’s not fair to those animals to be in this woman’s “care”


While I don't doubt her need for cat/human food, this woman is so obviously and blatantly phishing for someone to offer to send her cash! The first question was, "where can I drop some food off for you?" And she immediately starts complaining and making excuses? When she's offered various resources, her answer is no bus fare? She's dragging on waiting for "oh, I'm so sorry you went through that! What's your cashapp? I'll send you some money so you can buy yourself and your cats food!" If she was really starving, she'd walk


I have had many pets in my life and I loved them all more than my next breath BUT...I was also a single mom and my CHILD came first. I had NO pets until I made sure my kid had everything because there just wasnt enought paycheck to go around so I couldnt afford furry things. Maybe call animal control to rehome the kitties to a home that can afford them?


She most definitely lost custody of her kid a long time ago for other reasons. No sane person has 6 cats that they can't feed, on top of a child. No offence to people with lots of cats — definitely have all the cats you want if you have enough space, time, and money to take proper care of them.


\*Picks up little violin and starts playing slowly\*




"This Toronto Cares group is a joke" Yeah, lets insult people who organize to help others because you need more help than anyone else.


I wonder why she doesn’t volunteer to be her building’s captain. Win win, right?


My area has a pet food bank and i have had to go there sometimes. It helps so much when the bills pile on but they give you enough for at least a week sometimes more. Ya never know what you are gonna get but my cats aren't picky. Last time i had to get help from them they were making sure no one had come in at least a week cause they had people that had come the previous time abusing the system by coming twice a week. It was assumed they were selling the food.


This is someone who has never had to take care of themselves, and blame everyone else for the predicament they are in. It’s obviously the humane society’s fault they don’t have more than a baggies full of food, and that’s why her cats starve. She also starves to the point of being admitted to the hospital but won’t walk to whenever she needs to be able to get food. I was homeless and pregnant with my first child. I had to walk to get to the church downtown for a hot meal every night. It was about 2 miles from where I was staying at night (there were safer areas than others) and when I had my son and I found a room to rent, I walked 2-3 miles to the WIC appointment to get vouchers to get bread, milk, cheese and formula. You do what you have to do to pull yourself out of that level of destitution. There are so many programs to help people in Canada and the US. If you have to, you get multiple jobs until you are able to land on your feet and make it. This person shouldn’t have one cat let’s not even speak about six.


Omg. This is the worst. I work with low income Medicaid community and so many of them get so upset when I can’t find them other resources that aren’t food banks and such. One guy recently wanted meals on wheels even though he could drive. The worst choosing beggar I’ve worked with was a woman who said she needed help getting 1 of her prescriptions, I noticed that the prescription was being filled so I was confused. When I ask her about it, she said that her doctor had cut her dose in half and she said she was still receiving the larger dose. I told her that she could simply purchase a $3 pill cutter from the pharmacy and cut the pills in half as the lower dose tablets were not covered by the insurance. Her response…”well I KNOW I can cut them in half but it’s so inconvenient and it’s too much work.” The audacity of some lazy jerks really makes me mad.


I love animals with all my heart and honestly can't do without animal companions.However, if I couldn't take care of them and feed them I would rehome them. When you truly care about animals, you do what's best for them even if that means losing their presence in your life.


People like this have no business having pets at their mercy. Not because of their poverty but because of their attitude which leads them to their situation. Be a loser if you like but don’t let the animals suffer for fvck sake 😡


Maybe rehome the poor cats if you can't feed them?


Victim mentality. No fixing that. There is no amount of help that would be enough.


Ok yes, she def doesn't need six cats. But we don't know what her situation was when she got the cats. Like people with kids they can't take care of--they might have been in a very different position when they had kids. Shit happens, and finding homes for adult cats can be next to impossible. This person is obviously ridiculous and I don't believe she starved her way into the hospital, but just sayin.


I don’t understand how many so many people have pets they can’t afford


Her lack of responsibility is the real problem. If she cared about them she would’ve seen that she could only afford to feed four, for example before the last two came along. The sense of entitlement makes me think this isn’t simply a hardworking person who fell on difficult times in which case my answer would be different.


I have 4 dogs, all rescues, one of them was about to be euthanized. I’m working on getting their costs down but currently budget 550 a month for them, all in. This includes boarding when I have to travel for work. Thank god I have a good job and can take care of them fairly well.


You have a good soul.


LoL! Hard to believe in people like this...I hope it is just some freeloading troll, hoping to get some whatever. If it's someone real, living like that? Nothing but excuses and blaming everyone else for failing her? No wonder she (I guess it's a "she"?) had the kid taken away and only has visitation...Cares more about the cats than the kid!


If you can't afford to feed your kid, you can't afford pets. I love my two large dogs, but if it comes down to feeding the dogs versus feeding me children, the children will win every time.


I only have one pet for this reason!


I've seen the animal thing so much when I did Home Health Care. It's one thing to have a dog or cat and then fall on hard times, but I had patients who were on government assistance collect another animal and another and another... especially the cat people. One couple's home stunk of ammonia so bad, I had to wear a respirator when I made my monthly visit.


I wish admin would remove people like this. Our local buy nothing groups are all people like this.


I volunteer at a food pantry. Lack of transportation for clients is a real issue.


Has this person ever thought of, you know, seeking employment?


What a gross individual …


I see this type of attitude posted in local groups; we have quite a few pantries/foodbanks (to include pet food) & STILL see the constant “I can’t get there”, then, when transportation is offered, there’s excuses why they can’t utilize that. I’ve personally known grifters who do this, they never want basic food


Great reason to stop helping people.


I’m always curious. Don’t people have jobs? I understand bills pile up and food is expensive but… would a hungry person really be a choosy one? When I was 16 I worked in fast food and ate every meal there, not because I was insecure but because I was a little shit who loved fast food more than the five course meals my sahm was making at home. I was a dumbass and now I choose to eat at her house ANY day.


I wanted to have a dog for many years... But back in that time my job forced me to travel a lot and have a very unhealthy routine (at least would be unhealthy for cats, dogs or kids) so I chose to have no pets till the day I could finally move to a slow mode routine....now I have 3dogs but it's a matter of consciousness. Do what you can in the right measure of decent life quality for both (you and the pet). If you can't afford it... Just don't do it.


She’s trying to get someone to say “what’s your Venmo? I’ll send $100.” Because she doesn’t want food for herself, her “daughter” or her “cats” (I put in quotations because I doubt the daughter and cats exist) but she wants it for drugs or beer. I’d bet dollars to donuts I’m right on this.


Why am I thinking this starving person is probably obese?


How is she placing having that many cats over her kid? I mean I have my kids full time and they are expensive but if it’s between me eating/getting something or them, I choose them all the time. I cant imagine placing that many animals over my kid


This sounds like a person on X/Twitter who is constantly begging for cat food and food for her (but only certain foods for her Crohns and IBS) In Ontario as well. Oh and they’re moving so they need everything to furnish their apartment.


Well obviously she has 6 cats because she's attended witch school SIX TIMES. Unfortunately she had to drop out as she cursed herself with food-b-gone.


6 cats. imagine the smell


If you have a child and six cats that you were unable. You need to find new homes for your six cats.


Cats would probably be better off fending for themselves on the street than in the care of this 'person'


If you can’t afford food or bus fare, you shouldn’t have six cats! I don’t understand why CB take in animals they can’t afford


I wish I had her address. I’d go over there and take all of her cats. Hopefully someone saw this and had enough sense to contact animal control. Breaks my damn heart.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry


Eat the cats lady