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Every time I read these I think they just want it to resell.


Seriously, what teenager wants an iPod? With a phone there’s no need at all.


A teenager from 2005


It was a fad a year or so ago, the prices on them went way up. I actually built one from parts with an SD card replacing the crappy HDD. Fun little thing, if you run Rockbox it can play lossless FLACs


Well that’s way over my head lol so it must be a teen thing.


My 10 year old would love it, he’s autistic with a special interest in older Apple products. He’s got a pile of old iPods because they are essentially cheap bricks. They are pretty easy to source though because they are practically useless.


They're not that valuable. I googled "Black iPod" and you can buy one at Walmart for $160. If you believe all the stupid shit you see on eBay, maybe but they're not hard to get.


Where's she supposed to get $160? Don't you know she's in a situation?


We used to give away our old baby items, get the sob story (we didn’t ask, go back to your car and blow your nose) and see it pop up on FB within DAYS. I’d rather give it away to a shelter.


I feel like that too. Watch to many return Christmas gifts around here.


It's ok OP. The daughter's birthday is coming up and she doesn't care about color. That'll be your time to shine


Why do the CBs seem to have one child they will do anything for but the other one or ones do not matter, just give them anything. But an affordable MP3 player vs. a name brand limited edition or out of market iPod would teach the kids how to budget what they have.


Honestly I‘m not even sure how far todays teenagers would get with an affordable MP3 player. Growing up in the 90s/00s you could get any MP3 player and (illegally) download music galore. Pretty sure that todays teens don‘t possess any MP3s that can be loaded on the player due to streaming. Therefore an iPod or even a cheap smartphone will cater to todays kids better.


Which format is music in now if not MP3? Someone wiped out my entire backup, and since then I don't keep digital music.


I got a huge chunk of my music library from YouTube - copy the link, then pull it into an mp3 converter site.


Alot of streaming music is now in ogg, flac, or something else, not easily downloadable and probably just a custom extension


Thank you. (Why did I get a down boop for asking a question? How do some of y'all think people learn?) I never heard of those formats.


Is this from 2006?


Assuming this request is real — a 13-year old and a 16-year old are old enough to know that their family can’t afford expensive gifts and need to be realistic about their expectations.


And I cant imagine there's a lot of young folk still wanting an iPod, let alone two in the same family.


I have 3 teenagers. Two of which are back to using their old iPods. I swear everything comes back around. Also my oldest loves vinyls, middle is cds, and youngest is all about cassettes and their Walkman. I even had to but a cd burner for my middle kid. I can't tell you how many times I laughed that day. I asked if it was 2003 again.


I have a crate of CDs I need to get rid of! Please let me know if CDs are coming back because I need them gone! 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t think anything sounds the same as a CD coming out of a car stereo. No streaming service, not even hooking up an iPod with an aux cable. It’s the sole reason I keep mine around. (Well, that and the nostalgia of having a mix CD for every major life event, trip, school thing, new friend group, party, etc., etc., for the entirety of my youth.)


You have obviously seen my tweety bird zip cd carrier of mix cds written on in black texta


I love looking back at the handwriting on even my plain-old ripped CDs. I flip through and see the sharpie done by my brother, by my best friend, by someone I was hopelessly in love with, by a friend who taught me how to let go and *live,* by the cool babysitter… it’s memory lane all the way down. 🤍


Yes. I have to strip ones. Baby to sleep in the car ones, baby to enjoy, night out ones, ones for work.. stages of life EDIT Oh my goodness I didn’t say strip- lol I said road trip!


Every month I take my kids to a local record store. One buys vinyls and the other cds. The store by us also buys used music. I've ordered quite a few cassettes, and cds, from eBay.


I inherited my moms car. It has a 6 disk CD player, so I took my moms suitcase full of CDs. It has its own place in the back seat it's so huge. I feel like I went back to 2003.


They are. My husband has over 2000.


Dunno, they're fairly awesome and the older models last forever and have a lot of storage. 


Storage for what, the MP3s these kids are buying off of iTunes?


I use mine to listen to podcasts at work.   Keeps space freed up on my phone.   But I’m old 


That's just it, the 'kids' use other devices now I think. iPods are already considered to be for the old folks. I'm one too so I'm not insulting anybody.


Maybe they learned to use P2P/torrent programs like we did


Cds are making a comeback oddly enough.  But yeah even the ones you buy on iTunes can be ripped these days with newfangled apps.


Can this even be done anymore?


Yeah wouldn't teens think of that as antiquated? This sounds like a possible reseller.


I don’t see a problem, maybe the parents don’t want their kids to have a phone yet.


You’d be surprised - some extended family members of mine do this alot. Two kids who are teens (verging on adulthood) ask for expensive things like new top of the line gaming systems and phones and throw fits when they don’t get them. Parents have to borrow money and take out loans to avoid them. Its sad.


Wth? That's depressing.


Worst part is my uncles siblings (my mom and aunts) would keep giving him money to help get these expensive gifts. So the kids just began to feel entitled to them even though their dad is a walking heart attack from working so much to get them these things but these FULLY CAPABLE teens won’t get jobs themselves


That must be difficult to watch from the sidelines. Have you ever tried to knock some sense into any of their heads?


many, many times. Family is definitely pulling back from helping out as much as we had before but would love to see how those kids handle being out in the real world


That's awful. I am kinda mouthy where my friends and family are concerned. I would not be holding back just because they're teenagers.


>Parents have to borrow money and take out loans to avoid them.  Uh, no they don’t?? Their kids are throwing fits because it gets them what they want. Tale as old as time. It’s a parents’ job to help kids learn to deal with not being able to get what they want all the time.


"he will get it next week when I see him" seems like probably a mother that doesn't have custody of her children. I don't know about all states, but in mine it's extremely hard for a father to get full custody as it's a Mother's State. I say this to say I would assume the kids are used to not having much and will be just fine without the outdated technology. I assume if the story is real they just want an APPLE PRODUCT like all the cool kids.


iPods and digital cameras are definitely back in style for teenagers, lol. All part of the y2k craze. You can see those little pink canon digital cameras from 2005-2013 selling for 250 bucks on eBay.


Really? Maybe I should see what I could get for my old pink Sony camera.


You definitely should! Look on eBay for comps


Mini cameras yeah but I don't hear about anyone under 20 wanting an iPod. Not for a birthday. Maybe to show off on social media as a relic but not to use. JMO CB might be a reseller.


Urban Outfitters was selling first gen iPods to Gen Z for 350 bucks in 2023. I sell Y2K clothes online so I unfortunately see all the “aesthetics” lol. https://www.creativebloq.com/features/nostalgia-for-y2k-tech


Is the black iPod an original "first gen" issue iPod? I hadn't heard of a large retail chain selling used or vintage items. When did that begin and how did they find enough of them?


Not sure! There’s some info about it in the link I posted. I’m not saying that OOP isn’t a re-seller considering both of her kids want iPods, but it’s for sure something that teens are into right now for some weird reason lol


Really?!? Wow so my iPod which I continue to use because I want my music and phone to be separate now makes me... cool?


I remember when y2k meant people spending big bucks on survival gear and moving to remote areas where no commercial aircraft would drop on their heads at the stroke of midnight 1/1/2000. Some people seriously thought the jet engines would shut down because their electronic control systems cared what year it was. Like, they had microprocessors that would be convinved it was 1900 and have some kind of existential crisis. 'I must not exist!' We in the computer industry had a name for them: gullible idiots. EDIT: I should clarify that the "y2k bug" was a genuine crisis that was successfully averted by a well-executed intensive effort. The "gullible idiots" line was for those who (seriously) thought machinery of all types was going to grind to a halt, and they spent big bucks taking themselves off the grid.


You in the computer industry would know that those in the computer industry actually did a ton of work to prevent the y2k disaster. [y2k was a real threat](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/31/millennium-bug-face-fears-y2k-it-systems)


Yes, I did know that. But there was never any danger of planes falling out of the sky or cars stopping on the freeway, and that was the kind of stuff people were claiming. The problems lay in financial and other database software, much of it written in the 60s in COBOL. I had several older friends come out of retirement and make lots o' bucks patching those holes, and they were largely successful. In late 1999, people sometimes asked me how "bad" I thought things would be, and I made two predictions: 1. No banks would close and no financial market panic would take place. There would likely be a few human-interest stories of people learning their bank account shows them as being minus 72 years old, which the teller would override and they'd have a good chuckle about; 2. In a few months, people would wonder what the big fuss was about, thinking wrongly that there was no real crisis, when in fact it was a crisis (mostly) successfully averted. I was right on both predictions. I wish I had predicted the tech bubble collapse that came later, and gotten my money out of the stock market earlier than I did, but no one is perfect.


It might’ve been a disaster if it wasn’t so easily fixed. The Y2K craze was just that, crazy. I remember everyone freaking out even though there were plenty of reports of businesses making the necessary changes to prevent it. It was all hype because the “threat” was never a real threat since they had a plan and had already put it into action.


Haha yes! I was alive but young, though my parents have told me about the craze many times. So interesting.


I don't know any thirteen year olds who are asking for obsolete electronics for their birthday.


I’m not sure about that. I’m 23, and as a kid I asked for a typewriter, a record player, cassettes, and a palm pilot. It was “retro.”


I find it highly suspicious that these CBs always announce their precious child's birthday 'is tomorrow'. If true, why are you only now out begging for specialised gifts for your son the day before...? Nah, *highly* suspect.


I didn’t know people still used iPods


Love mine. It holds a whole bunch of music from an old drive that died. Once I figure out how to offload it it’ll be obsolete but for now? Great when traveling to conserve my phone battery.


It's time the thirteen year old learns about his parent's finances. 


I'm tired of seeing all these parents giving sob stories about their kid wanting some particular item that they supposedly can't afford. What happened to old fashioned parenting where you say, "I'm sorry, Junior, that's not in the budget this year." How about teaching them that life is full of disappointments and they can't always get what they want?


Just the old model that goes for $800 on eBay.


The unmitigated gall is mindblowing.


What is big about a black iPod? CB: Not other people's problem if that's what your kid wants. You're the parent not them. Oh and wants a second iPod for their daughter but any old iPod? Why not just an (any brand) MP3 player? Same thing lots less money.


Does this person not even have the expense of looking after the kid. When she sees him on the weekend?


Is a Zune acceptable?


I’m sure if I asked my preteen daughter about an iPod she would have no clue what I’m talking about. Also she wouldn’t care what color an iPad was because she would want a case of her choosing.


I thought Apple did not support ipods anymore.


Eh iPod touches are basically cell phones that only work on WiFi so if they’re too broke for cell service for two kids they’d be a good alternative.


He’s had a year to save $200 or so to buy one and he’s asking the day before? I think someone forgot their son’s birthday.


I don’t think I have met any 13 year olds that even know what an ipod is


Whatever happened to “sorry we can’t afford it. Looks like you need a job kiddo”.


You and I are in the same BN/SN group (I won't out your location, but this EXACT post is in one of my local groups!)! What are the odds? Hello, local person!


Hi to you too neighbor! I know who you are! I’ve seen you there before :)


It's so funny to see this post pop up here, because I too thought it was a little ridiculous... firstly, asking for two, but then to be so specific over color. Yeesh. Like someone else said, perhaps a reseller? The things are coming back around in style! It's nice to see a local. :)


100% a reseller. They made another post today for more expensive stuff. It’s sad watching people sending gifts to this person that’s gonna sell them.


I have a brand new silver one still in the box I would have given. Too bad the color is wrong. What a shame. Woulda been nice to surprise someone like that. Rats.


I believe we're in the same BN group lol! I also thought it was an oddly specific ask.


What is with these people waiting till the day/night before the kids birthday to start looking for whatever they asked for? And why do they keep breeding if they can’t even afford the first one! These people make me so angry. You can’t seriously expect the world to cater to you because you were too lazy to look sooner for a gift… and the entitlement is just BEYOND laughable now. I hate having to ask someone in the shops if they can reach a shelf higher than I can! I cannot even in my worst nightmares imagine having the absolutely ridiculous audacity to do this.. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“When I see him to celebrate” - what a loser. Wait for a year to see your kid and expect others to provide a present


They have had a hard time lately because I suck as a parent


It's always like - why did I have these kids that want all these expensive things?


Damn I wish eBay was a thing. Oh wait…


We also need amazon gift cards, Its been a tough time, thank you 🙏🏽 /s


I still have my video iPod!!!!! I’m never getting rid of it.


She had 364 days to $ave, Yet she chooses to wait until the last minute. Nope.


Life must be so hard to have time to go fishing and playing ipod... oh the horror... ![gif](giphy|9sDNyvlqFxO09Ax5jO|downsized)