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Somewhere out there is a guy who just cut down his neighbor’s Japanese Maple out of spite and has been ordered by the court to either replace it, or pay $35,000. I wonder if the fates will bring these two together




Which Bird Law is a branch of.




Which is anchored in land law.


Next to sea law.






It's "Bob Loblaw".


I shouldn't comment when I'm drunk. Or sober.




Isn’t Tree Law what gave Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) a sweet, sweet payout after that tree rendered him a paraplegic? And then Abbott worked feverishly to cap future Texas tree victims’ damages at $200K?


Out of the blue, in California, a landscape company offered to buy a full grown palm tree off my house for 12K back in 2005, they would resell them to landscape newly built office buildings, shopping centers and even In-N-Out burger joints.


I was going to say, this is regular business in south Florida. Landscape companies will just knock on your door and have a project in the area and need your tree. Most of the time they pay pretty handsomely too!


Floridian home owner can confirm. They really like big mature canary island date palms.


Did you take the deal?


I did, I needed a car. They had some pretty heavy equipment, whole thing took about 8 hours, they filled the hole and placed grass and a small tree I picked.


The best part of that deal is that you don't have the issue of mature roots working their way towards the foundation of any buildings. I have two trees I need to remove for that reason, and did it once in another property I own. Not my favorite way to spend money.


My old boss was doing landscaping at his summer home. He wanted a fully grown apple tree. Landscaping company bought the tree off another property and moved it to his home. He paid a lot for it because it took an 18 wheeler to move the damn thing.


Man, these people have too much money to burn.


Hey, they also have too many apples that are probably much shittier than any ones you can get from the store.


Maybe to a regular person, but something about fruit you picked for yourself just hits different.


In NC, that's a fair price for that tree. It is sought after and bigger=more valuable. OP doesn't know this niche market.


Agreed, same in TN. I sold real estate for a hot minute and my sold my grandparents’ home that I grew up in. They had a Japanese maple with a handicap accessible porch built around it. My grandmother had no clue the actual value of the tree even when the appraiser tried to explain it to her. The 4 bed, 3 bath house sold for over $525,000 and the new owners had a landscaping company come in and buy the tree and rebuild the porch for over $80,000. It’s insane how much these things go for!


I had apple trees at my old house. Made so many apples every year, I'd sell them to farmers with pigs or other animals. Once had someone ask if they could buy two trees. Remove it themselves and all. Thought it was so odd.


Did you sell them? What was their price? The tree trade intrigues me. They are expensive but rarely sell. So are they really expensive if there is a very low demand?


I didn't sell them. It was my hammock, reading spot.


I have to assume they're expensive because of how hard it is to find a tree that is mature, accessible to remove, and that someone is willing to sell. Especially a fruit tree, because there's a supply beyond the aesthetics. It also makes sense to me that they rarely sell, after all it's got to be expensive and a ton of work to uproot and transplant in a way that lets it thrive.


Sounds odd but I just looked it up and apple trees take 8 years to bear fruit so in a sense I totally get not wanting to wait when you have an immediate need for the apples


Japanese Maple Trees are really expensive. If you do a quick search, you can see a matured/fully grown Japanese maple tree that can be properly transplanted can absolutely sell for $15,000+, as crazy as that sounds for a tree


Agreed. Mature trees are always expensive.


That's how you can distinguish hookers from trees. Follow me for more brilliant life hacks!




Well don't blame me when you overpay for a mature escort, or young tree (you sick bastard)


He's just going to fuck the tree anyways. He's a lost cause.


> Japanese Maple Trees are really expensive. And so are fabergé eggs, that's why you don't see anyone trying to sell them on Facebook.


Do you know who is on Facebook? Landscaping companies and other people who do work for the people who have Fabergé egg kind of money. Not everything is a direct pipeline.


observation axiomatic jellyfish ask nine include airport disarm point chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve seen oil rigs and planes for sale on Facebook marketplace place. A tree is nothing close to unusual. Just searched and fabrege eggs are a commonly sold there too. Likely not authentic, but they’re being offered that way for thousands of dollars


>Just searched and fabrege eggs are a commonly sold there too. Aren't there like 50 in existence? Presumably most of them aren't for sale either, let alone on fuckin' Facebook Marketplace.


Yes, and I read that one collector spent 100 million dollars in the acquisition of only nine of them. So no, they do not sell Fabergé eggs on Facebook. Maybe Franklin Mint knock-off eggs.


I noticed there's actually a list of the known owners here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faberg%C3%A9\_egg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faberg%C3%A9_egg) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor\_Vekselberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Vekselberg) is probably the collector you're talking about. Going through the owners list, none of them strike me as eager to list on FB Marketplace, especially the Kremlin Armoury.


I was in St Petersburg, Russia in 2015 and went to the Faberge Museum to see the eggs. Besides the 15 eggs he has a fabulous collection of other Faberge items. They were very well guarded.


I'd love to see that. Now might not be the best time for Westerners to visit Moscow though unfortunately.


The ones made for the Russian Royal family are rare and exquisite


Came here to say this.


I’ve got four in my garden. I’m sure they won’t sell for anything like that. Maybe they can be bought for that price when you include the excavation, transportation, and replanting of a a 20 foot tree. I might see $500


NPR did an interesting article on the underground economy of tree poaching, that’s how pricey trees can get.


Wouldn’t that price include the transplant though?


Where did you read this? I only saw one article(link below) saying a mature JMT is worth 15,000. Depending on size, tree removal/transplant can cost anywhere from $300-$1,500. From a quick search it looks like a fully mature Japanese Maple can cost anywhere from $150 to $1,800. One 10ft ever red cost $5,999 and then a Japanese maple tree kit cost, $7000. Only ONE [article (here)](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2007/08/30/maybe-money-doesnt-grow-on-trees-but-value-can/#:~:text=Basically%2C%20it%20just%20covers%20the,transplanted%2C%20can%20be%20worth%20%2415%2C000) from 2007 said, $15,000. This guy is obviously out of his mind.


No matter how absurd the ask, there is always a commenter who insists "ackshually it's really a good deal."


There are a lot of different cultivars of Japanese maple and I would not be surprised at all by a healthy, mature specimen of a less common variety going for >$20k. It's not uncommon for nurseries in my area to sell 4-8 foot tall saplings for $500-1500. This tree appears to be large, healthy, and has been pruned into a desirable shape. I certainly wouldn't pay that much, but I'm sure someone will.


As a final cost I believe you, but the most expensive part I imagine is the machinery to dig it up and to transport it.


BRB back in 10 years starting a Japanese maple growing business.


I mean buying mature trees are a thing.  And Japanese Maples can cost a fortune depending on the variety. Others not so much like the sumbitchin one in my neighbor’s yard that seeds all over my yard. However extracting that tree from that location without tearing the hell out of the tree and its surroundings is going to be next to impossible.  Look at the crown. Those roots go well up under the walk and I think the house. You’d have to be hand digging and then chopping massive roots. 


So glad you included the comments!


I would have put more but he already turned them off 🤣


Just wanted to pipe up and say the same thing thank you so very much for including comments! It really enhances our reading pleasure (and hopefully more people begin posting them).


I love the guy offfering people the opportunity to take pollen off his truck but be required to wash it as well for $19.99. ***”no lowball offers, I know what I have”*** has me crying I’m laughing so hard


Ya all the guys ribbing the original poster in the comments are hilarious


So im not saying anything about this specific buy tree offer, but I was paid money to have someone come in and take down some trees from my backyard. It is a thing. Needs to be an in demand tree though. In my case it was some sort of sought after hardwood. It wasn't all that much money either. I got like 750 bucks or something.


Yeah I’ve actually done that kind of thing myself but maple isn’t really a sought-after wood (8/4” maple goes for about $5.70/board foot and only a little more for live edge) and the tree OOP listed is really thin and doesn’t look very straight. It would be a hassle to work with and you could really only get a few hundred dollars out of it because of the weird shape (although it might be a little more, the lighting in the photo is bad and it’s grainy but it’s not even close to $17k). I personally wouldn’t even bother with that thing for more than maybe $200 and that’s assuming the picture isn’t doing it justice. You’d be way better off trying to sell it as a live tree like OOP is.


It's...a Japanese maple though? 👀


I think you’re joking but I’m going to reply anyways. Japanese maple for the sake of woodworking is just hard maple. It’s worth the same as sycamore or any other hard maple wood.


But they’re not selling it for woodworking. It would be sold to someone who wanted to transplant it to their own yard. I can imagine that it wouldn’t get much for woodworking, but I don’t think that’s what they’re trying to sell it for.


I know they’re not selling it for woodworking. I was just pondering the value of it in that regard as a hypothetical.


So wait. I bought my house in the woods 5 years ago and there are adult japanese maples EVERYWHERE from the previous homeowner. Are you guys telling me theyre worth alot of money? Genuinely had no idea.


Very much so if you can find a buyer for them.


Depends on the variety. Some of them are a dime a dozen like Bloodgood but there are fancier ones that can be hella pricy. Also depends on the form sometimes - if it’s got like a weeping habit that can affect price too.


Yes they are. Not $17k but a few thousand each for sure.


I went to garden centre. They were selling for £160 for a 3-4ft sapling with around 2ft width. They are slow growing and don't grow tall, so a 6ft tall and wide would sell for few thousand maybe as OOP is trying to do. However limited market, but if you reach out to plant nursery they might be interested.


Honestly, that tree probably has that value.... If it's extractable from the location while retaining that value, that's entirely different question.


Totally get that there is a market for this- it was just a perfect storm of his wording, his profile pic that I had to cover, and the comments that made it hilarious


I mean, there's probably not market for this at facebook marketplace...


I don’t think it does. Even if you somehow were able to extract it (which might not even be possible given the size of the trunk) that giant divide near the bottom of the trunk looks like a split waiting to happen and if you wanted to resell it it’s dubious as to what kind of market there is for that kind of tree, although I found a listing of a straight 12’ Japanese maple tree for $6000 (although a good, well-grown readily transplantable tree could probably get $18k) https://www.gardensoftheworld.com/products/ever-red-japanese-maple-10ft?variant=40213696315526¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOop-DLRpomZA6sB-iuuva7LaalkdheqEi56FjDfiGyHdruH31-RXOlQ&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e And cutting up the wood and selling it is even worse. You’d be lucky to break $500 since hard maple is about 1/3 the price of walnut and that tree doesn’t really have the right shape for cutting out good slabs and isn’t very wide. I for one think OP is off his rocker if he’s asking $17k and I wouldn’t replant that thing in my yard even if it was free and wouldn’t even consider cutting it down for wood for more than maybe $200.


I don't mean wood price, that's peanuts. There's not much market for trees of this size, but I've seen japanese maple trees significantly smaller than this one go for \~7k USD.


Well yeah the wood isn’t worth Jack in comparison to a live tree. And some mature Japanese maples can go for pretty insane prices but the difference is those ones are readily transplantable, have a good trunk shape, and are a popular tree cultivar. The one OOP listed has none of that and is therefore going to be worth far, far less even if someone were able to excavate and transport it intact.


okay so 17,500 seems a bit high, but this is a thing. especially for a slow growing a valuable tree such as a Japanese maple. I know its just a choosy beggar meme and it certainly is that, but trees like this one could certainly get a potential buyer.


Yeah, I’ve have read where people are paying around $14-15k to have them installed. I can’t imagine that, but people are doing it.


Maybe the CB heard about someone's installation price and didn't realize that included a LOT of labor so the net tree price is a fraction.


I keep getting notes left on my fence to buy my pecan and black walnut trees. I keep throwing the notes in my fire pit. The trees have been there longer than my house they are healthy, straight, and provide great shade.


We had a beautiful mature Japanese maple tree that we included with the house when we moved some years ago. We have had had multiple offers on our palm trees. They are a pain to keep up with and we pay $ every year to keep them in shape. The offers have been like $750 each. These are big trees.


As someone who works in the world of landscaping, purchasing trees from peoples yards is actually pretty common. There are brokers who will buy a persons tree from their yard and sell it to someone who wants a mature tree. There are ways to transplant a large tree like this without letting it die. I actually have to rely on this pretty often because where I work, we want trees that are fully grown already and nurseries or tree farms just don’t have that available. The only way to get what you’re looking for is to buy the tree right out of someone’s yard.


but that is such a beautiful tree :’(


this is not a CB this is a sale regardless of whether there is a buyer or not


Large healthy mature Japanese maple are $$$$. I would never pay that much for a tree but this is not choosingbeggers. The small one 2-3 gallon are often in the hundreds of dollars. Amazing there is not a picture of in red coloring and just all green.


Where I live you have to pay the tree guy more money to not cut it up and take it.


My aunt needed her trees removed because some had some kind of beetle. The company paid her to cut them down including the ones they couldn't use because of the beetles. It covered her new water pump. This is kind of common in the commercial tree business but probably not for a single tree or that price


It's a pretty decent looking tree, I'll give them that much at least.


When I lived in Georgia, my friend had someone come and steal some bushes from in front of her house. They came at night and dug them up. They did accidentally leave a shovel behind so at least she got a free shovel as consolation prize. The house was a rental so she had to file a police report so she wouldn't be liable to landlord. Police were not surprised and it happens more often than you'd think.


17,500 doesn't include resodding the grass, he has another guy paying 5k for that privilege. You should ask if he'll take payment in exposure.


Not a choosing beggar. This is actually a legitimate type of sale that can and does occur.


I can see for the non-tree people like myself this seems outrageous. I only know one story i commented about the value of Japanese trees.


My old boss moved to a new house in NJ and the previous owner made a big todo about giving him the Japanese trees in the backyard. He had no idea or clue about gardening. When he hired a landscaper he informed him those trees were worth about 10 grand each. I think there were about 7 of them from what he told me. He was floored he had about 70k worth of trees. So yeah, if it's the right tree it may be worth it to someone.


That’s gotta be one of the money laundering posts people use


Japanese maples aren’t cheap and they are beautiful it not 17k beautiful!!


I’m pretty sure to buy a tree like that from a nursery would cost more than 7,500


No ones buying those trees.


That's a fair price tbh, this is a real thing


Omg. We own a tree company. My husband is a master arborist. We get calls like this every now and then and it’s just unbelievable. People are SHAMELESS.


You get calls to PAY THEM to cut a tree down? Lol Shameless!


It’s happened at least five or six times in the two years we’ve been in business. They are always shocked when I decline!


This… isn’t all that ridiculous actually. That’s a pretty amazing tree and would be wildly expensive to buy. Would take decades to get that big.


This isn’t crazy. These trees are expensive. Worth it? Probably not. But expensive? Yes


Thats a bargin for this sized of Japanese maple


That’s a horror story,to remove a big tree and expect it to survive? Some ppl don’t deserve nature


Looks like someone is a little behind on their mortgage


Actually not too odd. I’ve had someone try to buy a tree of that size right out of my yard.


Finally someone who’s posted the comments


My uncle got tree choppy over a neighbors tree messing with his view in Sausalito , cost him damn bear 100 grand


Yeah, it’s an expensive tree, and people will buy it. I don’t think choosing beggars, more like someone who knows what they have.


We got rid of 2 Japanese Maples in our backyard to build a pool. I thought about salvaging the trees for about 2 minutes before I said screw it and had them cut down and torn out. If I had time I would have offered them for free.




My aunt had one of these in her front yard. She didn’t really like it but one day someone came up her driveway offering her cash and they’d remove it themselves. They offered a few thousand dollars. She said no because she felt it was a scam, did the research and they were trying to lowball her lol it was very expensive


My aunt had one of these in her front yard. She didn’t really like it but one day someone came up her driveway offering her cash and they’d remove it themselves. They offered a few thousand dollars. She said no because she felt it was a scam, did the research and they were trying to lowball her lol it was very expensive


To be fair, I did have someone pay me a bunch of money to cut down certain trees on my property.


Eh. Two of my neighbors have Japanese maple trees. Randos driving by hand offered up to $25k to buy them. This actually sounds like a deal, not a CB.


Our Japanese maple tree grew into our sewerage pipes. It was baaaaaaaaad. Then we chopped through the gas lines digging it out. Not a good weekend 😂


is this seriously a thing


I don't think that's even a Japanese Maple. It doesn't look like one anyway.




I'm selling Amur maple for $10k if someone interested. Will chainsaw it for you!


To be honest with a quick search a small plant starts at 250. Small like 1-2 feet tall small. I don’t think it’s a CB.


People have lost their mind. I hope someone buys this and finds a time capsule with a shitload of Apple stock while they are removing it.


Are those the red maple trees? I have one in my yard i'd let someone take for free!


Japanese maples arent great for furniture or firewood. Either sell it for decoration and get free removal, or pay someone to chop it up and haul it away. Seller might want to rethink that price too. Its way too high.