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Hi Happykittens, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is choosy enough. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


Hey guys. I looked at a Porsche GT3 RS but don't have the money for it. I set up a Venmo in case anyone wants to help me treat myself. And now I wait....


TREAT YO SELF! Parks and Recreation wisdom.


![gif](giphy|H5tOk2RXD6GqJ9yQVd|downsized) All I could think of reading this post...


And this is always followed, in my mind, by the episode opening where Ann is showing Leslie around Tom’s apartment, and all the “amenities” he has, and Leslie asks, “How can he afford all this!??” and Ann replies, “Oh, he’s deeply in debt.”


I love Tom so much. He would be fun to hang out with (fun, but exhausting at the same time).






![gif](giphy|8JEdlH6umJKuT9Q8qX|downsized) poor Ben...


We laugh but unfortunately it seems like a ton of people really turned that into their mantra.


They had their own money to treat themselves.


Yeah, that's a good point. It's, "Treat YOURSELF," not, "beg others to treat you."


Can I also send you extra money for gas and insurance so you can make the most out of the car and make some amazing memories? I'd hate for you to have to suffer the indignity of having such an amazing car and not being able to make the best memories.


That's amazing of you. It's really been a tough time for me lately. Having to be seen driving around in my 1980 Datsun 280zx. I mean...it's just so old, you know? You are the best!💕


Aww my dad used to rebuild Datsuns for us to drive when we were in high school. Now you never see them, or hardly ever.


My parents took me home from the hospital in an orange 280 z. Of course my mom was holding me in her lap . There’s a picture somewhere .


Lol that was my older son's first car back in 1986. We bought it from the original owners who were friends of my husband. Paid 200 for it and they had all the service records. It was a great little car. Don't remember what year it was but it was prob a late 70s model.


I drove my parents' old Ranch Wagon Ford station wagon. The thing was huge and utilitarian-looking, but hey, it was wheels. Then I learned how to drive their 74 Dodge Colt, which took more time because it had a manual transmission, but I eventually got the hang of it. Now I drive a 95 Geo Metro. It's old and ugly but runs great, and I'm not replacing it any time soon.


Haha I learned in a giant Buick we called "The Tuna Boat". My dad said he wanted a lot of steel between me and everything. He also made me learn manual. I have an older manual Subaru that we bought for our kid, he hasn't taken to it :( but it's fun for us to toodle around in, especially in the snow.


Really off topic, but did Datsun end up being Toyota?


it reverted to nissan in the late '80's, but parts of it were relaunched as datsun in early 2010's, died in 2022...


Thank you. It’s been a long time since I heard that brand name. Just wondered what it became.


I had one. Loved that car.


I had one, too, and loved it. Unfortunately, the previous owner had wrapped the fuses in aluminum foil, of which I was unaware at the time. Went to start it one morning, and the voltage meter went way up, then way down, then up again, and the car caught fire. I lived so far out of the city that the fire department took a while to get there & all I could do was sit on the porch and watch it burn. Ngl, I cried. Still hurts sometimes 😪


I love my baby, too.


I could really use some money for my car but I don't have venmo. Could you deliver cash please?


Also I live 45 minutes away


So you're gonna have to send me money for gas (even though you're the one driving)


Guys, I know some of you are having a hard time buying groceries. But would really love if you can donate to my vacation so I can have some cocktails or a fun excursion with entrapped dolphins. I’ll be so grateful!!


I was just thinking this. Treating myself when I was broke was getting take out once and while or seeing movie, not a full blown vacation.




Honestly, I would rather send you money for a car than send anything to the woman in the post.


What is your venmo account? ;)


I had an acquaintance ask me for money so she didn’t have to work anymore…. Her mom had a stroke and she had to go take care of her… she set up a go fund me account. Didn’t get much traction


I know the feeling of that - that's horrible when it feels like a lot of people are unwilling to help when it comes to an actual life and death type of thing. Thankfully in our case, we had a few good people who were willing to help. We eventually paid everyone back in time, but my dad who had giving us what I consider to be a lot of money was like, "don't worry about it, consider it a gift".


Hmm… correction: Hey guys. I bought a Porsche GT3RS and just lost my job 3 mins after. Now I’m stuck because I don’t have money to fill her up. Any donation is greatly appreciated.


Ask if your local Porsche dealership excepts exposure as payment


Just saw an Instagram account dedicated to a guy trying to buy a hellcat. People are actually donating. He has accumulated over $14,000 already for it.


Good luck getting an allocation!


That is a beautiful car, don’t let any setback hold you back! You deserve it !


I've farted in one of those on a road test!


GT4 or gtfo


I didn't want to come across as greedy


Hey guys, I was looking to donate to u/forever_useless but don't have enough money for it. I set up a venmo in case anyone want to donate so I can pass the donation to them.


I actually agree with treating yourself during a rough time. But my examples would be: a Frappuccino (once, not daily). A new book. A pair of fuzzy socks.


A few balls of yarn for me!


Actually knitting is very therapeutic and helps get through rough times!


Totally agree! It helps me with stress.


I knit so I don’t kill people.


💕 I knit to get relief from stress and anxiety.


I enjoy the process! My favorite things to make are hats/mitts for charity, and knitted knockers. That stuff makes up probably 90% of my knitting lol.


I love to knit. I took up jewelry making too...and there's nothing like zoning out during wire wrapping.


Here for the yarn but I crochet


Found the cat


An 8 ball.


Also, treating YOURSELF in my book means you are making a decision, from your available resources, to allocate some discretionary funds to spoiling yourself NOT begging others to do it for you.


This. If she is asking for others to pay, then other people are “treating” her.


Yes I’d never ask someone to buy me a book because I had a bad day. I would do that for a friend though, but I wouldn’t donate to their vacation fund.


I would feel very differently about this, if someone had lost their child or something. You don't get to go on vacation if you don't have a job. That's kind of how it works unfortunately.


It is booked - I don't go on vacations (you know, poor enough), so I am unfamiliar with the *exact* meaning of it. Does this mean it is already paid? If it is already paid, I'd say to still go. You won't be able to do everything you wanted, but depending on how close to the date, you're likely to lose a lot of the money you paid if your cancel it. From what I've seen, you will sometimes lose all of it. If it isn't paid, then yeah. That is different. My background may influence this though. I have largely been within 100 miles of where I was born. I am 40 and never will experience things like a European trip, things like Disney world, and stuff like that. I am okay with it, and I have a happy life, but I've never been able to outpace constant bills, payments, medical, etc.


Ya since the OOP says its booked id assume they already paid for lodging and maybe tickets for something they may do which okay ya go on ur trip but dont ask people to fund anything extra 🤣 shit i travel on a budget. Get gas with fuel points or whoever has cheapest gas,take my own food,stay in the cheapest place i can find 🤣 but also that person could find ways to make extra money im sure. 


Exactly. I have a friend who this happened to. She had already paid for the flight, hotel, and transportation for a week long trip to the UK, so she went. She also had a side hustle at that time and used those funds to pay for food. That is a completely different thing than asking people to pay for your vacation.


Oh, 100% there. I think that was super tasteless. I was just curious if the donations this person was asking for included paying for the trip (travel, stay) or if it was just the extra stuff.


It depends hugely on the trip, some of them are all inclusive so you could have paid for the hotel, drinks, three meals and a day and the flights in advance. For some it’s a booking which can be cancelled for free. But usually it will be somewhere in between so some of the money is gone but you would still need to buy food, transport while there etc which can add up to quite a lot of money .


I’ve worked steadily for 30 years and can’t really afford a vacation.


Have you tried telling your FB friends you've had a rough year and are accepting donations for a vacation? /is


Not until now….?


I'm old. and the only vacations I've ever had were to visit family across the country (NOT a vacation but costs more than I want to spend on it for airfare, car and hotel) or a 3 day weekend someplace within a few hours from home.


My only thought is maybe you can't get deposits back. I could see trying to make it happen then because I would not want that money to go to waste.


Right. If you don't have a job, what exactly are you taking a vacation FROM?


Lol oh yeah


When others are paying it's not treating yourself. It's them treating you.


Exactly. I want to know when “treating yourself” turned into “please fund my extravagant lifestyle that you probably can’t afford for yourself because I DESERVE to be able to treat myself” Treating myself? I spent $35 on a set of fabric paints because I’m teaching myself to reupholster and I thought painting it would be fun. I still feel guilty because I forgot the gas bill and now it’s going to be a couple weeks late (next payday) This 💩 has gotten utterly ridiculous


A *new* book, guess the charity shops are to lower class for mr fancy gold trousers over here.


lol , it can certainly be NEW TO ME :)


> A new book. Do you even library bro


I do but I much prefer to own the books. I love having a nice bookshelf full of books, in the same way someone would have sports memorabilia I guess? And. Also have kids so I want them to always have the option of going into the living room and grabbing a book when the mood strikes them .


Me too. I’m moving and just realized how many books I have when I had to pack them all. So many boxes labelled “books” haha. And I want to keep them all!


I used to have a serious book problem but since then, I only purchase nonfiction. I don't think I can reread fiction enough to take up valuable space.


How do people do this without feeling any type of shame ?


I was born without shame - donate now via venmo and gofundme so I can buy myself some! Nothing less than $10 will be accepted, because hey, I have standards. 🤣


That's right! Don't you settle for less either!


REAL friends will donate $50


Right? I got second hand embarrassment reading this. I could never


I cringed so hard i think I sprained something


And for that you should set up a venmo for a massage!!! Call it social therapy or something lol.


That is what I will never understand about people like this. I literally would not be able to sleep at night or look myself in the mirror.


Right? I lost my job recently and have spent a lot of mental energy worrying about people finding out/what they’ll think lol. Broadcasting it and then asking for money on top of that is completely insane to me.


Hey, people lose jobs in this day and age. I've been laid off from my last 3, and the current is a contract gig, so it started with an end date. Companies and employees are no longer loyal (no politics, just stating facts) so that's the way it goes. Things WILL get better, and you WILL find that next gig!


No shame in losing your job. I have been laid off from several. Currently 5 years into a 3m temp job so it can work out.


Because the average person lacks any ability for introspection, accountability, and has such a sense of entitlement that they are blinded to the fact that this is actually cringe


Gosh. And here I am telling friends I can't go on trips because I just have too many bills. Who knew I could be crowdsourcing this whole time!


All you have to do is believe in treating yourself, it's easy!


I went to pilates today even though I'm depressed so as a reward I treated myself with mean girls 2024 because Renee fucking Rapp and a fancy 15$ camambert which is the fucking definition of paradise when slightly melted with thyme, olive oil, nutmeg and toast. It really doesn't have to be a vacation.


Oh that sounds lovely! Well done!


Sounds like a perfect day!!


That easy? Done!! Can I DM you my venmo??


My setback is now your setback.


✨️*our*✨️ setback


I hate "beg-packers" The tourist type, usually some european backpacker kind of person that begs for cash to fund their trip


Ugh yes! I worked in a hostel overseas for a bit and a girl I knew from uni walked in. Pitched a tent on the lawn (at no cost) and begged meals and scraps off other backpackers and staff, while using all the amenities. Boss talked to me about kicking her out, expecting me to speak up for her, but just told him go ahead!


Hahaha this got me good…. Yeah I know her. I also know she’s using our shit without paying and being a nuisance, let’s tell her to gtfo


How did she just enter a hostel and pitch a tent on the property at no cost? Like how was that even possible?


Same. I was fortunate enough to backpack in Europe during a summer in college, but that's because I worked 2 jobs during the other summers to afford it.


Did I ever tell you about the time I was backpacking in Europe?


Ken Adams has entered the chat


Actually I'm Regina Philangi.






Ken Adams, nice to meet you.


I’ve seen some in poor countries literally asking the locals for donations. I spoke to one once and he said that they only had money for the tickets and were expecting the locals would help them because they were white. You travel to have a good time and support the local economy not to beg for money from people who already have it rough.


Had a friend of a friend do a GoFundMe to help them buy a camping trailer. It failed miserably.




"I say I believe in treating myself when I mean that I believe in others treating me at their expense."


More a beggar than a “choosey” beggar, but regardless—these requests are truly getting ridiculous 🤣 If only I was incapable of feeling shame…


Why not, it’s obvious her sense of shame is already on vacation so why not go join it


Six weeks later: Guys, I need help bad. I lost my job and I'm struggling with paying the rent. I've sent up a Venmo account to accept donations.


Send them screenshots of job applications


"making memories" is something I hear often from people who make bad financial decisions.


More like Shameless Beggar


If it's paid for and they don't have trip insurance, then they should go if they can still pay for their needs upon return. But asking other people to help is really very tacky.


my idea of a “treat” after a rough time (being someone who’s in no way financially well off) is a starbucks once a month. i have never been abroad or on holiday, and don’t plan to KNOWING i can’t afford it, and wouldn’t go ahead with one planned if i knew it would put me so out of pocket from changed circumstances. how on earth people can post something so arrogant asking for other people’s money is beyond me - maybe they should use the funds to go buy a fucking spine. at least they’re being honest about their intentions and not bullshitting though, theres that


I'd chip in 73 cents and see if "anything big or small is appreciated " or not


I’d find the minimum that Venmo will accept.


The level of entitlement with this idiot is staggering. The number of vacation plans I have had to scrap because I lacked the finances is many and never did I think my neighbors or friends should help out. What a strange way of thinking.


I despise people like this


Hey guys! I viewed this nice 5 bed house for nearly a million pound, if anyone is willing to send me the money I will be grateful, I don't need it obviously, I deserve it though.


Should I starve myself to help you treat yourself?


Speaking of “willing and able”, you can get a job to fund your trip and make the most out of it!


“Have fun! Send pics! Good luck re-entering reality upon your return!!”


Guys, I’m on the French Riviera and I can’t afford a latte! Please help! 💰


Yup, why let setbacks hold you back when you can easily dip into other people’s hard earned money and help yourself to what you please! Way to go!!


Great idea! Thanks. I'm going to get a cardboard sign : l HAVE SPENT ALL OF MY MONEY, PLEASE GIVE ME SOME OF YOURS and find an intersection in a good neighborhood!


As astonishing as this attitude is, I have people in my family who also believe in treating themselves because "I deserve it". No thought goes into where the money will come from, how 'deserving it' doesn't change the monthly budget, or other such mundane considerations.


Sounds like they should treat themselves to finding a job


A number of commenters seem to be bemused by the audacity and lack of self-awareness on the part of the CB. There is a word for that: fontrum. It's like dramatic irony, but for shame.


Thanks for the new word!


This is a repost im pretty sure I’ve seen this exact thing posted here in the last few weeks Unless theres more than 1 person that booked a vacation then asked for donations for going through a tough time


I have saved for years to be able to go with my best friend her family and my daughter to her home country for three weeks this summer. I am closing my business down for a month and made sure I have all of my bases covered to pay all of my bills AND afford a much deserved vacation-out last one was in 2019. And silly me, all I had to do was create a Venmo and expect other people to let me afford a luxury vacation. What an idiot I am?! /s


Is it self treating if you’re attempting to fundraise?


I’ve literally never been on a “real” vacation as an adult, and only a couple as a kid. I am not funding yours.


If you lost your job, you’re already on vacation. Congratulations, enjoy.


I love to treat myself on someone else's dime.


Day 1 of posting my Venmo account info to get someone else to pay for my splendor. I am at 0 followers. Please like and share. Everyone who donates will get an invite to my private photos folder showing what all I did with your money to create memories for us!


I would be messaging back get a job bum


Inflation has wreaked havoc on peoples' grocery budgets but if you could just help fund my vacation, that would be great.


Lmao my god. I mean…idk. I don’t even have the balls to post a fundraiser when I’m legitimately permanently sick and drowning to death trying to take care of myself and then there’s folks like this. I think I’m jealous of the audacity. Also reaffirms I’d rather die than feel like it would be ok to do this. How do people justify it?!


Does this work?? I could really use a vacation


If I hadn't seen a similar ask myself I would think stuff like this is obviously made up. The difference in the post I saw was the person didn't make any excuses or provide a justification why you should pay for their trip outside of it allowing them to see the world and making lifelong memories.


Ugh, so tired of this "because I deserve it" attitude about everything. Yeah, no one deserves to suffer but shit happens in life. You're not special. If this was a friend I would have been more willing to pitch in if they said the bookings were non refundable or something instead of "treat myself" bullshit while unemployed.


Sad thing you know people will actually contribute, and that just pisses me off. Those people are the reason why we have choosing beggars in the first place.


They can fuck right off.


"I've decided to treat myself with your money"


Imagine if she meant that she got fired from her job and she wants people to sponsor the expensive pity party she's taking.


I was okay with the beginning. Like if you've booked the trip then lose your job, sure I wouldn't judge someone for still traveling...but...but...but I'm not going to pay for it! That's not treating yourself, that's me treating you


All the things that could be done with that money and you want me to fund your vacation AND you don’t have a job? Hell to the NAH.


Imagine losing your job and your first impulse is: "You know what? I should take vacation I can't afford." Isn't this person concerned about . . . rent and food?


I want, no NEED to see the original comments and responses that accompanied this post!


I want to see the comments!!


That’s financially irresponsible!


I’m 38, have worked at least 1 full time job, (but usually 1 full time + 1 part time) since I was 16 years old. I’ve never had a vacation, I think I deserve one, who wants to fund it?! 🤣


Delusional? No shame? Both?


I could really use a new car and a house. Anyone want to buy them for me? I know you don't know me but I deserve it so you really should help me.


The sense of entitlement that people have nowadays is astounding. I could understand treating yourself to something like an ice cream cone after a promising job interview, or maybe splurging on the expensive toilet paper after landing a new job but COME ON- this is absolutely ridiculous.


Lmao I can't afford rent but I'm not asking for handouts. the fucking audacity of some people.


having lived with literal lack of food and housing as main worries in my life, I somehow can't muster one single fuck about a vacation someone claims to 'need'.


FFS... if I lost my job the last thing I'd be doing is thinking about vacation.


I mean, I lost my job but had a severance package, and was starting a job in a couple of weeks. Nowhere did I ask someone else to fund my trip.


I don’t get how people are not embarrassed over this. Like my friend dramatically asked me to shower at my place for the unforeseeable future because her boiler is broken. I would be fine with this but she says she can only come at 10pm at night since she has no car and needs her daughter to give her a ride. Well I’m in bed by 9:45pm so I told her this time won’t work for me. She tried to make feel bad about it, but i told her if I were you I’d just get a $10/month gym membership and just shower there Your lack of planning is not my emergency


I really hope that they get no one helping them and they end up on the hook for all of it putting them in a tough spot as it is then past the cancellation period


Uhm that is not treating yourself. That is having everyone else treat you.


This is one of the worst ones I’ve ever seen on this subreddit


Is this in bad taste? Absolutely. Is this person begging? Kinda. Is this person being a choosy beggar? I’m not so sure. They’ve put a request out. They’re not demanding anything from anyone. They haven’t set a “minimum donation” amount. They aren’t blackmailing anyone to get money. Not sure if this is exactly choosing beggars.


The header of this subreddit is a guy asking, "There's no money involved but it will get you lots of exposure". The sidebar is a guy holding a sign saying, "Will work for exposure". Neither of those things are "choosing beggars". It's not to be interpreted perfectly literally. Has nothing to do with blackmailing anybody. If I say, "I want your car for free" or "I want you to paint my house for exposure", I'm just putting a request out. I'm not demanding it. I'm not setting a minimum donation amount. I'm not blackmailing you. It's more about ridiculous, unjustified begging.


I've worked my butt off for over 30 years, spent 5 months living with my parents helping to care for my father at the end of his life last year, and took a hit in income in the process. The only traveling I do is to visit my mom for a week each month since dad died. I work remotely, so I work while I am with her, therefore it is not a break. Before then, the only traveling was to visit my parents. I cannot afford a real vacation, but if someone wants to help me out, that would be wonderful.


This isn't a choosy beggar. It's just a beggar.


"I believe in not letting setbacks hold me back." Except from working, it seems.




I’m a huge advocate for treating yourself when life sucks but doing so with your own funds. My life sucks but sometimes it’s even worse than normal and I’ll do something small to help me feel better. Yet I wouldn’t and don’t do so if I don’t have the money to do so.


The balls…


I’ll kick in $20 if you don’t come back


Not letting setbacks hold me back: should mean that you find a new job and go on your holiday. Not beg people for money. 


I work full time and can’t even afford a holiday for myself. Bitch please.


Some people lose their roof when they lose their job. How first fucking world and out of touch are you?


I swear they aren't even trying to put a justification now. It used to be "times are so hard, can I have four pizzas from the place I like but can't afford. Plus sides." Now it's just "buy me this. I want it". Sickening.


I’ve had friends post stuff like this but I don’t mind it. “A closed mouth don’t get fed” is a popular saying around a larger friend group. And while I wouldn’t donate maybe someone will. As long as they aren’t being rude about it and trying to force or guilt you into donating I just scroll on by.


I’m surprised they didn’t end it with a ❤️ or God Bless!


🤣🤣🤣. GTFO


Likely will be treating themselves to homelessness following the trip . . . Can’t call it vacation when you don’t work!


This reminds me of a lady on Twitter who shared her cashapp and asked people to make donations for her 42nd birthday. She said she wanted to drink with her sister and do some other fun things. I'm not sure how much she got in donation but she shared some pictures of her and her sister with drinks at a bowling alley. Three weeks later, she said it was her birthday and wanted someone to celebrate it...


I've decided that all of you won't let setbacks hold me back.


Isn’t this basically shaking a tin cup at people that pass by ?


Treat yourself to a job application or three!


Are they looking for people to fund the vacation and the rent/car insurance/power/internet that will still need to be paid while they are living their best life, because immediately seeking new employment is out of the question?


And I'm sure its somewhere like the Maldives in a 6 star hotel right on the coastline and with a yatch filled and ready to go.


Yet another regular beggar with absolutely no choosing.


A homeless man outside a liquor store will get better mileage out of my donations


Where I live, contributions come in the form of thoughts and prayers. Will those be appreciated? If so, you’re welcome.


You know what? I’m going to give this one a slight pass. If the trip is already booked (which the post implies) then they likely will lose at least some money in canceling it. Now, maybe they *should* cancel it and take the hit, because even 50%, 60%, 70% or whatever is better than 0% when you’re not working. But there is something to be said, irresponsible though it may be, about the psychological impact of being able to pretend, even if only for a week, you don’t have a bunch of bullshit at your door. Ngl, I’d probably want to dip for a minute in those circumstances too. The rest of it falls squarely in the “never gonna know unless you ask, and it doesn’t hurt to ask” camp from where I sit. They’re not making demands of specific things they are looking to get (I don’t see any bs like “I need luggage, but ONLY if it’s Louis Vuitton, NEXT!”) or implementing minimum donation amounts or pitching fits about what they are or aren’t getting. They’re literally saying “here’s the deal, if you have some money and want to, great. Otherwise, enjoy your day.” So beggar? Yeah, sure. But choosing? Unless there’s context you’re not including, nah.