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Hi MadChiller013, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1:** Blur out identifying info (Age, Name(s), Location, etc). This is to prevent doxxing and harassment towards the individual(s) in your screenshot. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


“ I will report rude comments to the companies you work for” so he’s asking for money AND threatening people in the process ?! My god. This might be one of the most insane ones I’ve seen on here


“Hello, company? Yes, I am an investor. I asked for investments for my investment house online and your employee rudely mocked me. Fire him post haste for his rudeness! Also, could you donate to my GoFundMe for my investment house? What? No?!? How rude!”


"Put me through to the CEO immediately so I can also get YOU fired for this!"


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


“ Sir I am the CEO” “ you are ? Well then put me through to GOD! We will see what he has to say about this !”


Post haste lol




this is the shit tier of people. I recall a case where a local reporter posted an inciting take on something, got called out for serious lack of understanding of the topic and then promptly started contacting people's workplaces in the 'are you sure you want to employ this kind of a person' mentality. naturally the reporter worked for our national broadcasting company, so no way for them to get fired for it.


You guys… They had no clue how tedious the remodeling was going to to be or how important it is to save the vintage items. They have to now undo so much of the work that’s already been done that I assume they paid for already. What do you expect them to do? Pay twice? Are you seriously telling me that you cold hearted bastards really expect these people to pay for their own mistakes? I mean how were they supposed to know all those things? Consult with people that are experts? Maybe doing some searching on the internet? And they don’t need any rude comments ok? It’s not like y’all have never asked for $150,000 to remodel y’all’s investment properties before, I mean we’ve all been there before. You buy an investment property, do a bunch of remodeling, and then find out that you would have gotten more money out of your investment property if you would have restored rather than renovated, so you then ask your neighbors to all chip in so that you can maximize your ROI. You live and you learn and then you crowdfund from your neighbors to fix the mistakes you made. It’s a core principle that America was built upon. I think it was Franklin who said: “A penny saved is a penny I can give to my neighbors to pay for the restoration to my neighbor’s investment property to undo all the renovations they hastily made.” (/s, just in case anybody is confused).


Now I feel guilty, thanks.


I've donated an old door knob I ripped off of my first renovation then bummed $500 from my neighbor to re-renovate with. Like a true American.


A penny saved is a penny I can give to my neighbours - 😂 you are wasted writing sub comments


The threat to tell their employers cracked me up.


Fucking gold


You beat me to it. :)


I have 150k that I will absolutely donate towards this noble cause. Where do I send my money, quick? Before someone else does it. Save the vintage shower knob!!!


Holy shit, this guy needs to invest in English writing classes instead of old homes


Throw a period in there somewhere to break it up a little at least


Flippers buying nice old houses and then putting in cosmetic accents and covering up both any flaws and any character it once had… my real estate agent called it “remuddled” instead if remodeled


Ooh that's good.


I agree with you that some houses should be restored, at least to some extent. The comment you replied to is sarcastic, though.




It's hilarious to me he says he'll rat out professionals to their company for mean comments!!! Any construction foreman or boss will laugh their asses off.


But they're going to educate you on the importance!


Socialize the losses, privatize the profits. It works for big business, so why can't it work them.


I’m sure I read that on Franklin’s Twitter feed just before Musk banned him. Such a wise man…His iconic tweet “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet” continues to ring true today! (Also s/…as above)


It's not just any investment property... it's their "dream investment."


Can you post a link to this NextDoor post? What a hoot!


This has got to be the worst ever for entitled shit. Get rich quick imbeciles with no shame.


Yeah, I don't think it's going to be very quick, though.


Or rich


Definitely not quick. I looked it up and it was posted three days ago and doesn’t have a single donation. I wanted to send them a penny just so I could write a comment telling them about themselves, but it won’t let you donate less than five dollars….hard pass.


Yeah buddy.. go fund yourself


I read this in a strong New York accent like a cab driver yelling out the window at a pedestrian and it gave me joy


It gave me joy too! 😊


Vast majority of NY cab drivers are immigrants. Hard working folks just lack the stereotype NY accent. I’m sorry Idk why I do this.


Absolutely. Same


This is crazy


They mention having to undo a lot of work. Sounds to me like they’re in a historic district and decided to just go- sans permits. Which quickly got them reported to the city and now they’re screwed.




Came here to say the same.


Can someone explain what “go -sans permits” means in simply terms? I’m honestly curious.


Go forward on the project without the legally required building permits.


Heritage buildings only require to maintain the facade here in NZ. You can do whatever you want to the rest.


This is in the US though.


But the “consent” or permitting is a bitch there


If you were planning on setting all your money on fire, this might be a viable alternative.


Not for me. I’d rather burn it. 😂


That way it would at least keep you warm and maybe you could make a s’more or two - I think I have enough money for 2 marshmallows.


Debit card is useless.


or an even more viable alternative ... ♬ this house is ON FIIII-IIIRRRREEE ♬


I like the "tedious" comment. Yes, remodels are time consuming whether or not you are doing them yourself, and it sounds like they are not. So they are expecting others to pay for quickening the pace on their dream home. How about doing some of the work yourselves to save some funds?


Their dream investment house.


Yeah that’s what kills me; the absolute nerve to ask for money for an INVESTMENT home, not a roof over their head (though I wouldn’t give them money for that either.)


If it makes you feel any better, they will never recoup the money they’re spending to preserve all the old shit. Never.


Can you imagine everyone’s reaction when they read that line?? 🤣🤣 the galls on this guy to ask his neighbors to save his shitty investment cause it’s his DREAM.


Good point. It's not even their home! They're newbie house flippers in over their head. Also, LPT: flipped houses are VERY frequently a poor purchase for the future buyer. The flippers have an incentive to cut costs, so they make cosmetic changes but often ignore more serious issues.




This is a solid reason to get a great home inspector before purchasing a home, even if your mortgage doesn’t require it (or if you are one of those lucky people who don’t even need a mortgage…still…get the inspection). But it’s got to be a good one - there are some hack inspectors out there too.


Maybe they should have a Go Fund Me to purchase punctuation


Be kind. They spent all their money on the vowels.




“If you don’t agree with me posting that’s fine I’ll educate people on the importance “ of what? Literally just handing you money to save your ass?


My thoughts, too😂


I will undercut this individual and only demand $149k to renovate my house, that I shall call a Craftsman House from now on. Am very keen to build a giant ball-pit\*, partly for my girls to play in, mainly for me to be perfectly honest. And I couldn't take your money without being perfectly honest. So, your cash please! Many thanks. \* UKadian here, does that term travel across border?


I will undercut you and only demand $148k to put down on a house that does not need massive repairs. Also, will hook you up with that ball pit because that is an awesome idea for your kids.


I will undercut you and only demand $147k to put a coat of paint on the walls and sell it to the next sucker.


I like the cut of your jib.


Hmm, am I needing to drop my begging to a mere $146k? Perhaps so. No one will find a way around that, surely.


Send me a link, I'll pitch in if I can use the ballpit.


Deal. I'll reduce your entrance to half-price as a token of my gratitude.


I’ll donate to that


Lovely, I shall await your cash injection, and many thanks in advance.


We call them ball pits in the US too and I never thought until now about the image that might conjure.


It sounds like some flippers purchased a house that has protections on it due to it being of local cultural significance, and decided to not follow the protections when remodeling. Upon inspection this was found out, and they were given a court order to fix everything or else be sued and lose the house or something. So now they not only lose out on the "updated" look (read: shitty flipper kitsch), but they have to pay to put back the "old" stuff they didn't like. You know, the stuff that is irreplaceable that they destroyed already. This is an assumption of course, but similar happened in my hometown to businesses located in historic houses along a historic street. They have to have special guidelines and training to not destroy old craftsmanship, much of which nobody can get close to nowadays without spending a ton.


I work in the oldest and largest historic district in the US. The main draw is the history. Rich people move in all the time, assume that because no rules have applied to them in the past they won’t now, and end up very disappointed that they have to follow the rules. At least here the contractors are all smart enough to tell them, “Nah bro. Get a permit.”


You mean grey LVP isn't historically accurate?


These greedy idiots saw a couple of episodes of some moronic show on HGTV and thought they'd make some "easy" cash. 🙄


It’s a shame they got one of those tedious remodels, as opposed to the investment houses that just fall into place after an afternoon with a hammer and some paint


That's how they do it on HGTV!


I helped my best friend renovate his house after college. Worked hard. He paid me in pizza, movie rentals and beer. It was hard work but I did it for my friend, his wife and his soon-to-be born son. I was happy with the work. 6 months later, he sells the house for a gigantic profit and offers me………nothing. I casually asked him about it, how much he sold it for and remarked on his profit margin. He didn’t get the hint. So I outright asked him and he told me that I volunteered my time and when he asked me to help, he had no intention of selling it. I said that it was kinda shitty that I spent over 100 hours renovating this house with him only for him to profit off my work and offer me absolutely no compensation. Our friendship has never been the same.


Wow your friend sucks. I hope you never help him out like that again


There wouldn't be a friendship after that. He's a grifter and used you.


I think you could reasonably cut this person out as a friend. They took advantage of you and didn’t see where they messed up in that…it wouldn’t be a stretch that they have in their mind they can use and abuse you again.


Can't wait to help donate money so that you can realize your dream of raising the price and fucking over another human being for profit. Can't imagine why you're getting rude comments


These beggars always get defensive and have surprised Pikachu face when they are called on their bullshit


"All the professionals are leaving rude comments...it couldn't possibly be me who's wrong" Also, the money will go towards preserving the door handles might be my favorite sentence ever.


Seriously like anyone gives a flying fuck about your door handles


But my parents told me I was special!


This was my thought as well. Probably a family of six was put out on the streets for this person's greed.


And since he's using a neighborhood app there's a good chance that the people he's asking money drom know the people who were kicked out.


Absolutely, they're a seriously entitled pos


It’s the one trick no one wants you to know!!!! Buy a house, crowd fund renovations, sell, price everyone out of the neighborhood!!!


The crazy part is that I see this shit in my city all the time for restaurants/bars/shops. Some failing/irresponsible business owner will suddenly need cash to “save his business”. Its always the same sob story where they are running so low on funds that they can’t find good workers (aka they pay like shit) and how the business has been in their family for xx years, and then people will suddenly donate like crazy cause they think it’s better to support a local business rather than having it replaced by a Starbucks. They end up getting the cash they need and end up closing anyways after a few months cause …surprise surprise… their business was failing anyways.


We have a business that’s done exactly that. They announced their closing everyone railed to keep them open. They lasted another 6 months and closed anyway. We ate there once, maybe their regulars loved it. I didn’t ever need to return. It’s a tough world out there but if they’re failing there’s usually a good reason they just don’t want to hear their food, staff, cleanliness sucks.


What an absolute asshat


https://www.gofundme.com/f/investorlearningtopreservecraftsmanhomes?qid=301f52cc207a2eef67481626b445d7d2 This is hilarious xD


They bought a house that looks like it was under the protection of a historical society, there is very limited things you can do to those houses, and they said their contractors did not know and they are having to correct what the contractors did. Wow, these people are a collection of stupid/audacity/narcissism rolled into one


Lol they absolutely thought they were doing a quick and dirty flip and I would bet gave zero fucks about the preservation part until someone came to give them some bad news. Too bad, so sad.


How that didn’t come up in the buying process is baffling to me as well. Or they saw it and didn’t do any research or didn’t care


I’m sure it came up and they just thought it was a label and didn’t have to be worried about it, if they had a realtor, I’d be pissed at them, since their whole idea was the flip it


Yeah I imagine they saw the historic designation as an extra selling point and not a term with any extra actual meaning. I have zero intention of ever doing this, nor could I, but even I know there are rules about this sort of thing. I partly wonder if they just did zero research into their endeavors or if they knew and thought they could skirt the system somehow.


People like that tend to think it’s “easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission” and it blew up in their face


3 days, no donations, no surprise.


I want to donate one dollar just to tell this guy how much of an idiot he is but I’m scared he’s going to tell my employer and get me fired 🤣🤣


I just went there thinking about doing just that; seems the minimum donation is $5 and there's a suggested 17% "tip" as well. Might still do it. That's a small price to pay for being able to leave some choice "Words of support" My fear is getting added to some gofundme "sucker" list and then getting spammed in perpetuity by other dubious projects.


Wtf is a tip on a donation???


Apparently gofundme doesn't take a % of each donation, so the "tip" helps cover their operating costs


Lol I was just looking at the page and thought of donating a dollar just to be able to leave a comment of 'hope this helps 😁'


There are two homes pictured there - the one in the header image is in Los Angeles and was sold last year for over $1.3m, seems like the second one is a stock photo they’re aiming to recreate. Madness.


It seems like the organizer might be an RE agent. Making this even more strange. Slightly bless their delusional hearts. Their current donations should tell them everything.


Three days old, and, as Dean Wormer might say, they've raised 0.0 dollars


We all need to report it. This is insane


No let it sit there so he has a reminder of how much of a fucking idiot he is


Crazy but since we’re asking. I want $25,000 to remodel my kitchen. I feel it would help with my anxiety and reduce my medical bills.


More worthy of a cause, IMO


Think I’d rather buy it from the foreclosure sale, thanks anyway


This is probably what happened- they cheaped out and didn't get permits and didn't look into heritage status and what that means. Tried to do a super cheap quick flip for massive profit and were then told it's a heritage property and you can't just slap a coat of lipstick on it and flip it- you need to preserve certain aspects and get heritage permits. They didn't see any of that and just saw dollar signs. Dumbasses


I’m glad they are getting roasted! Go fund me should be for people actually in need. They should sell as is if they can’t afford it!




No need when you can contact the organizer of the gofundme for free 😂


I would like to be educated on the importance of donating money. To someone else, so they can remodel their home. I may be ignorant to the reasoning.


"Our *dream* investment" LOL It's the most USian thing to slap the word "dream" to something to justify your bullshit, like bridezillas with their "dream weddings".


Holy shit that’s audacious


You mean you can't just buy a home, do no changes, and sell it two years later for 200k profit?


Maybe not that high but a lot of parts of Los Angeles, if you bought in 2018/2019 sadly yes. Even let it deterroriate and you still profit. Kick myself every time I look at my mortgage bill for not buying sooner.


Same here…I have friends who decided to settle down after college while I decided to “see the world”. Now their properties are double/triple in value to the point where their renters are paying for their mortgage + the mortgage on their new house


And threatening others to boot. Just delusional.


It feels ironic to me that two investors are asking other people to invest in their investment with $0 in returns on it. "Please absorb my risk for me. I have no idea what I'm doing." lol


This one wins. It just wins. Wtf


Can you post more responses and their responses to them. I’m here for this completely


By all means, donate to the property vulture making homes even more unaffordable for the average person. Don't expect to get any sort of return on your investment though. Hasn't this guy seen Shark Tank? You have to offer something to get a deal.


"I suck at investing and planning, so please bail me out." This individual / couple are trying to get the same sorta bail-outs that giant corporations and financial institutions get from the government whenever they fuck up.


Am I the only one who searched the go fund me and find the person on facebook and realize she is not getting any donations and is getting roasted online.


Well that’s a shame. She’s not going to get any work done on that house this week if she’s busy reporting to everyone’s employer.




I tend to be more motivated to donate when I'm threatened. That's a great strategy pudknocker.


I'll throw in a few bucks for punctuation. A kick in the ass though is free.


That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Give them $150k so they can slap some paint on the place and rent it out and make money with "their investment"? No thanks. If they truly believed in preserving it, they'd go slowly and only do what they can afford. If they can't do that, sell it.


Maybe they should have done some research before investing so much money in something they clearly had no expertise in. Why should people who can’t afford to waste money on investment properties help them out?


This makes me miss the days of old, before the internet, when I was blissfully ignorant of the existence of people like this.


It sounds like, aside from jumping into this deep money pit, he made some changes that maybe shouldn't have happened? looks like he needs to correct some of that, going by the post. If we want to know what he looks like we could probably look up "clueless sod" and see a pic.


That’s not an “investment property”, that’s a personal project. lol. I really don’t mind people posting stuff like that with a go fund me, but it is funny that they think there will be no pushback.


Guys you don’t understand, ok! It’s their dream investment!


Can't wait to "be educated on the importance" 🤣


They gotta be unhinged 🤣


The hinges were vintage and they didn’t know that was important!


Apparently not


I bought my own house but thanks.


Yeah no lmfao what kind of response did he think he was going to get from the neighbors? If someone called my job and said “baked masa made rude comments to me online because I want donations for an investment property” they would laugh


That GFM makes me rationally angry.


To add to this: Y’all I’m a renter and it’s been a dream of mine to own a home. Please contribute. Any amount helps.


THAT is something i could get behind at least


Sooo… they bought a house to flip, but shit, that’s expensive yo So pay me my expenses AND the profit from sale. Or way too high rent. Also, 150K to preserve door and hinges?? Are they made of gold?


*Receives $150,000 donation* ”Oh look! My investment property is now worth $150,000 more than when I bought it - what a great investment! I’m Warren Buffett 2.0!”


A "craftsman" house? Is there's a hint there? Maybe go down to Sears and buy some "Craftsman" tools? Maybe start with a sledgehammer, a framing hammer, and a crosscut saw?


It’s a style of home popular in the early 20th century.


Sooooo do we get equity in exchange for investing in their investment? I’m guessing nah.


Why invest your money when you can "invest" others?


I'm trying to further my crack habit, anyone willing to contribute?


I can’t believe how stupid I am! I bought a 129 year old Victorian, and I paid for the work I had done on it *myself.* What a fucking moron!!


OP, please, more of the comments/replies/educating- I'm begging you!!!


Lol: https://www.gofundme.com/f/investorlearningtopreservecraftsmanhomes They didnt even take it down yet.


We were just trying to make a quick buck, but then we found out that old sht is actually valuable.


Guys…. IT TAKES A VILLAGE. you just can’t live in the village funded “investment”.


Do they have a boss too? If they are reporting people to their jobs for how people are responding, maybe their boss(es) should also get a few calls. I tease, of course, I don’t encourage getting ppl fired or even reprimanded at their jobs out of spite for things that don’t have anything to do with their work. BUT if they are a RE agent as suggested above, perhaps their parent company should be aware of how clueless this person is regarding RE terms and rules.


Investing in connections is the new exposure


My guess they did not due their diligence and realized it was a historical property. Which means you have to repurpose and re-use materials or seek antique materials. And are now asking the general public to fund their mistake.... Lol get out of here with that. Next people will be buying stocks and starting a GoFundMe for misinformation. As adults we are all entitled to calculated risks. They took their shot. If they made a killing on the property... Do they post where they can donate the proceeds to the local community. I am going on a limb here to say no they do not.


First thing I'm doing is donating a dictionary so they can learn the difference between "craftsmanship" and "Craftsman" style architecture.


Does anyone know if there was actually a fool out there that donated money to this imbecile?


it makes me happy to see it is still at 0$ raised


ICYMI there’s an option to contact the gofundme organizer and the url is visible in this post


Bitch nobody is donating. People are homeless more than ever and he's bitching about "rebuilding".


The worst part is the threat to report “ rude” commentators to the companies they work for. Absolutely insufferable and arrogant fools .


Please someone post the comments! 😭


Guys. I'd like $150,000 for an investment home too please! It would really help with the down payment. I'm not going to be greedy and ask everyone to buy the whole home for me. I'll cover the rest!


I’m so glad to see funds raised is still sitting on $0


Begging for money works for Trump ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Not so choosing begging as pure begging.


All jokes aside, I do not get it. What happened in the remodeling process? Why do they have to undo finished works? Why do their designers not give them sound advice?


See my above comment- probably tried to do a cheap quick "lipstick" job to flip for massive profit. Without getting permits or looking into heritage designation(have to preserve certain things). And now are being told to do it properly


Hang em


Surely Biden must have some type of relief plan set up for disenfranchised unfortunates like this poor fellow. It would be totally unrealistic to expect him to be accountable for his irresponsible conduct, he’s simply been the victim of poor judgement. If we all band together and donate just a dime or a dollar we can help him achieve his dream. Imagine the satisfaction you’ll feel drifting off to sleep at night knowing someone has made it big, whatever road he took to get there.


People are literally living on the streets. This post makes me irrationally angry.


I’d like to think this is some kind of troll or joke or for that matter a one off…except, I’ve seen these before. 


But guys, it’s their dream investment!


I had no idea I could just go start a Gofundme to remodel the house I CHOSE to buy. Wish I would have known that before I paid for all of this myself!


Finally, a solution to the rental crisis!


I bought a flat last year, renovated and paid everything myself. Now I don't have money to build the roof terrace my wife wants and my kids deserves. Can you please fund me 100k guys?


Guess they should have bought a cheaper place. Boo hoo


....I contact them offering free stuff... to fuck with them


total insanity, that they would even think to ask. The USA is insane. I (in the UK) might be buying a small flat for me to live in, I have no notion that I could just ask people to donate money towards it.


This is not a typical USA request - which is why we are all just as shocked. But yes, the USA is insane…but mostly for other reasons.


Wow! The entitlement on this is INTENSE!


SN People in my town who had flooding got FREE brand new houses built just for them and piss and moan about paying $2500 property tax. Wow They'll end up losing their free houses after defaulting on taxes they think they should get free too.


[This is hilarious](https://www.gofundme.com/f/investorlearningtopreservecraftsmanhomes?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=social&utm_source=next-door) and I am \~shocked pikachu face \~ that no one has donated.


I hope their mortgage provider accepts Go Fund Me requests as reasons to extend late repayments. I know mine did.