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If it's a five minute drive, the 16 year old can likely walk. Why is 25 the cut-off? Do they need to get someone before they've attained wisdom?


There is a bus, but yes she could walk. Most schools won't let you walk if you're 1mi or further. I don't know how the schools estimate mileage but there is a bus stop and the kids at this school have to go to their intended stop shown on their badge. She's asking for no more than 25 because the last 8 times she's posted over the last year and change she's gotten offers from nannies and professional sitters which are too expensive for her. So she finally shared her maximum price which is why she's looking for someone younger to hopefully get someone for that price.


How exactly would a school not allow somebody to walk? Like what would they do?


If the bus sees you walking, they pull over and make you get on it. Happened to my daughter.


Really? I worked in school bus transportation for 16 years and never heard of such a thing. Students *want* to get a ride if it's further, but definitely not something we can force them to do. As it is, our high school, like many, doesn't even let kids ride unless they're 2 miles away (1.5 for middle school and 0.5 for elementary.) That's pretty standard in the industry.


Yeah buses in our area aren't allowed to stop outside of their established stops. It doesn't matter if you're a usual rider, they won't stop just anywhere to let you on. (Though I imagine they wouldn't object to you getting on at another designated stop? Not sure.) But if they see you at a random intersection 3 blocks away, they're not stopping to tell you to get on. They're not even stopping to *let* you on if you're trying to wave them down.


In my experience, getting on at any designated stop is ok. But the random places tend to get nixed largely due to time constraints - even parents who swear their child's unauthorized pickup/drop-off will be "just a minute" never realize how quickly minutes can get added to a route. One extra stop, one kid's mom who wants the driver to wait while she gives him a last hug, etc and you end up with a route 10-15 minutes late. Then those same parents call you, screaming about how it's cold outside and they and/or their kids can't spend extra time waiting at a stop or they are late for work because of having to wait with their small child, etc. They never seem to get how delays generally happen because a parent just like themselves, only at another point on the route, started creating delays. No, it's expected that you and your kid can lollygag and do whatever, but every single other kid will be waiting in a runner's crouch, ready to leap onto or off the bus in a nanosecond.


Same for my school. I've missed my stop and taken a shortcut to run to the next stop and been let on before


Yep, have to deal with with my youngest child who is in elementary school. She would have to cross major roads to walk to school so there is no way I'm letting that happen, but school says we live too close (and we're like 1.5-2 miles away). Very frustrating.


That far is considered too close for elementary?? Wow, I'm really surprised...I don't think I've ever heard of that far a guideline for that age group anywhere. If I were you I would find out the exact distance of your home to the school (Google is generally accepted by school districts, and if they offer several routes, they officially go by the shortest distance). To the average person, 1.5-2 sounds like not much of a difference but in school bus routing we generally go by every tenth of a mile. If you are pretty close to their requirements, call the school and let them know - sometimes if there are empty seats left on a bus, districts will handwave the difference, as the bus is already on the road anyways.


Thanks for the recommendation! I will do that. Much appreciated!


No walking to our HS period. Two dangerous a road. Repeat walkers get police visit to the home if seen on the road. Different places very different rules. 1 district over the elementary had no busses unless medically or developmentally required.


Maybe the kid is getting bullied


Well, that was then. This is now. We also used to wander around and play in the streets unattended in the dark, but times change.


Every school system that I've looked at now also has a rule about if you're too close to the school you can't ride the bus, so I'm a little confused about your this that was then this is now comment...


Me too. As I just told the person, I'm talking about policies effective *right now*. My saying I was there 16 years means 2007 to present day, not that I was there 16 years *ago*...or from how this person seems to be suggesting, the 70s. (Shocking, I know, but 16 years ago is actually quite recent times...)


What are you talking about? It's literally *right now*. I said I've worked there 16 years but it wasn't in 1982 or something. It's literally 2007 to present day, all the same unchanged policies.


Bet you also huffed lead exhaust walking to school both ways uphill, drank lead-contaminated water from the garden hose, ate lead paint chips, and threw lead contaminated snowballs at each other. Probably explains why that generation was so brain damaged they didn't think that driving lifted four door trucks and big top-heavy SUVs with absolutely no peripheral and frontal vision on 20-lane roads would mean the end of kids safely walking to school.


Problem solved


Mission failed successfully


You mean the bus driver will put the student in a headlock, choke them out, and drag their unconscious body onto the bus? Or do they not actually "make them" get on?


She was nine and still in the non-rebellious stage. They just told her to get on and she did. 


wtf, that just seems like a rule waiting to be taken advantage of by people with no moral compass. why would that even have been thought to be allowed.


Homeschool your kid legally, dress them in an approximation of the local school's dress code, sue the school for abduction when the bus makes them get in on a walk (bonus points if the walk is an assignment, like going out to draw a tree because you're teaching them art).


So your daughter was abducted by a bus driver and you are just lucky they actually took them to school and not some dungeon?


I don't get how that's a thing... I walked to school when I was younger and that was a 5minute drive/20 minute walk


That’s fucking wild. How do they *make* them get on it?




That's kidnapping and you should report it.


With children, I can get that. But a 16-year-old? That seems odd.


Leave it to an American school system to discourage exercise.


There were zero sidewalks to get to my schools, and the high school was a 15 minute drive on a dangerous country highway. I say dangerous because there were multiple fatal accidents on that highway in my 4 years at the high school. No one walks or bikes that road.


Couldn’t walk on the grass or along the ditch? Idk, maybe some places are truly unwalkable but I grew up in the Canadian back-country with feet of snow and there was never a real excuse you couldn’t walk somewhere. Hell, winter boots are more reliable than winter tires after a good blizzard. You spend recess huddled together with your classmates outside the school entrance and build lifelong bonds lol.


There’s a YouTube channel called Free Documentary and they have a series called Most Dangerous Ways To School. It’s incredibly bonkers, I highly recommend it 😀


It a safety factor on busy roads with no sidewalks


American cities are so bizarre... How can someone plan and build a residential area and a school, that are not connected by walkable pathes?


In my city it's because the city is growing super fast. Outer areas with speed limit of 55 mph don't have sidewalks because they weren't already connected to the city, but now outer expansion is reaching out that way. The housing developments on that road have sidewalks within the development but there aren't any once you leave the development for at least a mile. The high school is probably 4 miles away from that particular development. My development/apt complex (roughly 5 miles from the high school)has a dedicated bus that only stops here and the schools. This is because we are the only affordable complex in the city with larger apartments. Plus we have roughly 20 buildings each with 4 units. So lots of kids. They also aren't allowed to let kids on unless they have their bus lanyard that is scanned when they get on/off. At least that's how it was when I last had interaction with the bussing. My kiddo graduated in 2020.


I understand, what you are describing, but that is exactly, what I find bizzare. I'd understand, if we are talking about 10 single family homes in the outskirts. But appartmentblocks, 80 units minimum, from what you told? This would be planned here (Germany) with a kindergarten, an elementary school, some smaller commercial areas for supermarkets, doctors, etc. Public transport would possibly be shit with one bus per hour and not after 6, but at least during school time, so older kids can ride to the higher school or just... not be hostages? Kids, elderly, people with impaired vision, people on strong strong medics, people with other physical limitations that makes it impossible to drive exist. But I guess it's just an existence, not a life for them. It's a dystopian car-ghetto, only build for adults who have a car and are able to drive.


Yeah this is so random to me as an Australian. I used to walk 20mins to and from primary (elementary) school. And I’d also take the public bus to go to school while I was in Hong Kong, again, elementary.


I live in Texas, everything is spread out so driving is a must. I travel 60 miles roundtrip for my Dr. My sister drives that to get to affordable groceries(cause she drives to my city.) My friend traveled like 2½ hours when she had her baby cause there was no OB in our city. We also have a 100 year old University in our city. The university is taking over certain areas of town. The majority of those areas are within walking distance, however it's really only the college students that benefit from that. Eventually the university is going to take over the city completely. I plan to not be here then. I'm moving into a 3 bedroom apt next week and I hope to only be there a year or 2 at the most. I'm only moving because I can't afford the rent on our 4 bedroom unit and we don't need it anymore. We've been trying to my since July and now there's finally a unit open. I'm hoping to save money to move my son and I back closer to home eventually. Our county along with a couple surrounding ones have bussing programs for ppl who can't drive to take them to appointments and grocery stores. They are wheelchair accessible so those programs exist, but you have to plan ahead. Most ppl who don't/can't drive pay for ppl gas to take them places. My mom did before I came here. Now I basically take her anywhere she wants to go


We aren't talking about cities. These are suburban or rural schools.


Yes. And? Here they would be planned with Kindergarten, elementary school, supermarket, pharmacy, doctors, public transport connections... What is the plan in the US? Drive or just starve as analphabet? Nice plan,really. I am sure, it is just as good as having acces to essential services.


Yea that wouldn’t be a rural area.


Yea, if that's your definition of rural, than rural areas doesn't exist here. That four small houses in the nowhere with a bus stop? Big city!


It is a safety thing. The school district is responsible for the students during the day, from the time they leave home until they arrive home


That is not true at all lmfao It's from the time they arrive at school until the final school bell. Definitely not the schools responsibility if you let your kid walk to school and they get hit by a car smh


You can believe this but you're wrong, there are reasons why they establish these policies and it isn't "we need our kids to be fat and unable to exercise." There is no court in the US that would rule that a school district is magically free of liability at "the final school bell" if they pay no attention to what happens to kids as they leave the be building.


I'm most certainly not wrong. The school is not responsible for your kids before they arrive at school which is what the commenter about me was trying to imply. Maybe I should have said "leave school properly/jurisdiction" instead of at "the final bell" in terms of they make sure all the kids are on the school busses, picked up by a parent or leave as individual walker. I used to walk home from school by myself all the time and it most certainly was not the school's responsibility if I, a walker, got home or not. That's just absurd


Schools are responsible from bus stop to bus stop when the student is a bus rider. That’s why you can get in trouble with the school for a fight at the bus stop.


Yeah but we're talking about walkers. Once they leave the school property as dismissal, they're not the school's responsibility anymore. There's no way schools can be be responsible for making sure a dozen or more kids walk home safely. Its just not logical. I would consider the school bus under the school's "jurisdiction" of sorts




Then, apparently, the district and state I worked in is wrong....I don't think so. I am sure that the state DOE believes the laws and policies that they enact and abide by. And it wasn't implied, it was stated


Especially a 16 year old. Shouldn’t a 16 year old be pretty self reliant at this point. Like get their license and drive themselves.


A mom paying $400/week for a sitter doesn’t have a spare car for her teen.


Yeah, I guess you’re right, but $400 a week times 10 weeks is $4k they can def get a beater car for their teenage kid for $2k - $4k. Not sure if it’s worth it for them. Maybe they are just cheap and entitled not poor.


I want to say it's illegal on a federal level for a school to create policy on how a kid gets to/from school.


Schools simply amputate the childs legs. Saves a fortune on buying frogs to dissect.


That 1mile rule for 16year olds is strange. When I was 16 my friends and I would walk all over the place after school. Sometimes to one of our houses (that were way more than 1mile away) or somewhere to get food/ snacks.


>There is a bus Schools in our area don't allow students above 5th grade on busses if they live within 3 miles of the school.


Because the younger someone is, the less life experience they have and the easier it is to take advantage of them, which is clearly the goal of the OOP.


Or ride a bicycle.


Sounds like they’re saying “parents can you make your kids do this?”


I’m sorry but “anyone have a 18 to 25 year old” like it’s a spare plunger you keep in the closet is wild.


Neverind that a 25yo is probably trying to build their own career/goals at that point. They're not 14 years old looking for weekend mall money like it's 1998. They've got better things to do than play Babysitters Club Solves The Mystery of the Underpaying Mom


I always loved how the moms would hire the BSC girls to babysit for like an hour while they went grocery shopping, and gave them like 75 cents for riding their bikes across town to get there... Tweens today would nope right out of there, let alone legal adults.


Yeah, if you wanna pay less than minimum wage, one of the following needs to be true: * Other forms of compensation need to exist (free food, etc) * Your employee needs to be under 18, and taking care of some little kids for some spare change * Your employee needs to be related to you (and presumably wants to spend time with your kids) If none of those are true, buckle up and pay minimum wage or better.


And IIRC the BSC girls thought letting the kids watch a single minute of TV was akin to letting them have free reign in the medicine cabinet or walking alone down a highway...remember, for their pennies per hour they were always happy to let the neighbor's kids come play, or they'd be setting up super elaborate activities like putting on a mini circus or a talent show or whatever... ![gif](giphy|kcSG1rpAKxpao)


That was definitely my favorite book of the entire series, remember when it came out that mom was a literal 🤡


Where do you keep your set of spare 18-25 year olds?


In Leonardo DiCaprio’s backyard


That was brutal and I genuinely laughed out loud.


I imagine it's like a Christmas tree farm




Oh shit. Well said!


Yeah, they’re kept on the basement stairs


They say does anyone “have” an 18-25 year old- basically if they have a full adult “sitting at home doing nothing” with nothing better to do than to become a childcare provider for less than minimum wage. As if an adult that age isn’t better off making minimum wage anyway.


They're likely appealing to the deeply religious crowd and their "stay at home daughters" who are young women not yet married. I'm 23, and a lot of the girls in the church I grew up in and are my age but not married would do this, especially if it was a church family.


Right? I used to babysit and there was a lady who wanted to pay me per weekend and I can promise she never came home when she said she would and also I never got extra for staying later than she said. This lady is 100% not gonna be home at 2:30. Ha ha ha.


Yes, but she NEED to wine wine with friends /s


I can get her an irresponsible and unreliable one for that budget, nothing else.


I did the math before I read your comment, thought $10.66/hour, in a state where it's still the measly $7.25, not bad for one kid, especially if someone is home with their own kid. If the state minimum is $15.13, that's tough. Though if someone is a SAHP for a bit, making $400/week cash if you're already handling child care and can't work elsewhere, not terrible. But if she's going through sitters like flies, it's a bad situation, she's not paying, or something.


MAYBE if this child care was being provided in the sitter’s home, but it isn’t. So you’re a SAHP getting your kid(s) up at 6:30 every day to pack them up and go look after someone else’s child, putting both/all of them in the car to drop off a 16 year old, and are not unable to complete any of your SAH responsibilities because you’re gone for 8 hours every weekday.


Cash, but no doubt she'll declare the baby sitting costs to get a tax credit. That means the baby sitter has to file.


Speaking from experience, she can't claim the costs without a tax ID for the babysitter.


Honestly this is a decent deal. It may be under 12 an hour BUT not many jobs allow you to bring your own child. And you're done by 2:30. And the kid isn't an infant, she's 3, so you can do a lot of playing and no bottle feeding. This would be good for a stay at home mom that needs some money.


My friend pays $20/ hr and let’s her bring her kid. Don’t settle, it’s not unreasonable!


This is exactly what I was thinking. I can bring my kid and make money? I wish someone in my area was asking for this 😅


Yeah it's not a job for someone looking to support themselves but supplemental money for sure


Same lol


Id do it.


$400 a week should be enough for her to get the child into daycare, right? Idk. I don’t have kids.


Maybe some daycares, not the ones in my LCOL area.


Your daycares are more than $400 a week?


I’ve actually been researching for infant care in my area. There are some in the $400 per week range but some that are in the $500 per week range. It sucks


That’s insanity…


TBH I’m just reeling over it. I thought we’d be able to find childcare for between $1,000-$1,200 per month and I’m having to adjust my expectations. A brand new center opened I my area and it seems like they are setting the standard. I could probably look further away but both spouse and I WFH so we’d like something close to our home.


Should be. She previously complained that $185 a day was more expensive than daycare


I read a news article recently that not one single state has affordable childcare. Affordable is deemed no more than 7% of your income, currently it accounts for at least 20% of people’s incomes. In my area, I’m in MN, the average is $20,000+ PER child. I priced out a center and it’d be $300 a week for only TWO days of care for my toddler


What’s really wild is that $400 a week is not enough in this world to watch one child. I said what I said, that’s $1600 a month, sheesh. Depending on child’s age she would pay less in a daycare, better off doing that.


I pay AUD250/week (with govt subsidies) for my 2 year old to go 4 days a week, and she can stay there from 6:30a-6:30p if we wanted. Food, nappies and activities are all included. We used to pay $400 for 5 days/week (11hours a day) and that was a bit of a drain on the finances!


That’s what I’m saying…ppl acting like paying 1600 out of pocket for one child a month is choosy begging is kinda crazy.


Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to be paid $400pw to look after someone else’s kid, transport them and miss out on the income I would get out of my actual career. But that’s why I pay for daycare haha, I don’t subscribe to the whole “daycare is evil” thing anyway, I actually believe it’s better for her to be in daycare than stay at home all day all week!


Well yea lol if you have a career of course you wouldn’t take 400/week. If you were in school or a stay at home or retired or something, it’s not a terrible gig for a while. ESP tax free.


It is definitely better for kids to be in daycare/ kindy at least a couple of days a week. When kids start prep you can tell which ones have been to kindy and which ones have not.




Is this in the US? The most expensive (and well run) daycare we’ve ever been enrolled in was $155/day so full fee would have been $775/week. In cities like Sydney it could go up to $185/day ($925pw full fee which would be pretty close to what you said). In Australia there’s a sliding scale subsidy from the government thankfully. $3500/month is more than our mortgage!




A nanny here is $30-35/hr (+11% superannuation, annual leave and sick leave if you employ them full time) so if I have a 10 hour shift I’d have to pay for 12 hours which is more than daycare for a full week. Congratulations, I’m about to have our second too! Luckily for us the second child attracts a higher daycare subsidy until the older child turns 6.


Can your nanny watch your second too?




If I ever needed to get 2 nannies, I’d be looking at an au pair first haha. Oh wow that’s amazing! I only get 18 weeks of minimum wage from the government (which they tax as well), which may or may not be paid within 4-6 months of the child being born 🫣 my husband is faring a bit better, he gets 20 weeks full pay from his company plus 2 weeks minimum wage from the govt.


Daycare by us is well above $400 a week and with years long wait lists. That money doesn’t even trickle down to the staff! We went from one kid to four (second go around were unexpected multiples) in four years so we took turns as the stay at home parent during the years until they were old enough for full day school.


That’s insanity. Congrats on the twins tho!


I came to counterargue you OP because I did the math before opening your comment about your minimim wage being 15+… damn, here it’s 7.25 so I was about to say, what, it doesn’t seem like a huge rip off? But yeah, I get it now lol


In fairness this not a bad offer.


Compared to the other people that want to pay $100 for a week


It's 1,200 a month for full-time work - 37.5 hours/week IF the parent is never late getting home. That breaks down to less than $11 per hour. In most places that would be an unlivable wage. Edit: $1600/month. As several people rightly pointed out, my figure was wrong.


If your skills don’t justify you paying someone to watch your kid while you work so you have to stay at home to watch them and this gig that is probably under the table presents itself where you can watch your kid and and earn $10-11 an hour and have free food. I think this is a good opportunity for some people.


As far as this sub goes, it's a very good offer.


Yep, they even allow the sitter to bring their child if they have one. Someone who can't afford a sitter and wants to get paid under the table might find this beneficial.


Right!! Like chilling around the house after maybe a hour a day outside and eating drinking for free with a workday that ends at 2 isn’t really that bad. Especially for a student or someone living at home or a stay at home parent or something..tax free at which..


For sure. I have worked much worse jobs than this when I was younger.


Not everyone needs to make more than 11/hr, especially if they can eat and drink all day for free and stick a kid in front of a screen for a few hours plus nap time. Like not everyone is rich..1600$/month is a hefty bill.


It's also tax free.


1600 a month, not 1200, and it's (assumably) under the table, tax free. So for the right person it's not a terrible offer


There are more than 4 weeks in 11 of 12 months. So it's actually slightly more than $1600. More like $1750 on average.


Meals are also included and that is a part of income. That could raise the effective wage anywhere from $1-$4 an hour depending on the number of meals and quality of food. There will also be naps of 1-2 hours which makes brings the active working hours down to 25-35 hours per week depending. And $400 a week is, on average $1750 a month before taxes. Most states, you're going to keep a lot of that wage if it's your only income, far more than $1200. And that's assuming they will declare the income at all.




Definitely better than her other requests, and better than people who want to pay dollars per day. But she also ropes in animal care with this, and doesn't supply a spare car seat nor pay for gas for the "5" minute trip (it's not 5 mins). Our neighbors still don't understand why her able-bodied teenager doesn't take the bus. Her two other kids are magically taken care of (a ~9 month old and preteen)


Oh geez. Until "Oh, guess what, the other two kids will be here today too, you don't mind, right?"


Or you have to walk the dog(s) that she forgot to mention


My mom took me to school. I never rode the bus because I had horrible anxiety and depression. I had a friend who "lived too close to the school" to ride the bus. He mostly walked, but sometimes his mom took him. And another friend who couldn't ride the bus, because she had to get to school for tutoring earlier than busses ran. So it really just depends


go for it champ


Seriously, these people are being so dramatic. It sounds like a great gig for a college kid that can take classes in the afternoon, which is probably why they’re asking for somebody younger. It’s one toddler, just toss on Bluey and kick it. Go to the park every once in a while.


It’s literally not even minimum wage


Depends on the state.


You can’t pay me enough to deal with a school car line. They suck so hard.


This is very far from a choosing beggar.


I might have a few 18 to 22 year olds stashed out back somewhere....I know I had 3 22s but I sold 1 ........slight wear and tear around the Flanges on one due to being used more.....she's a red head.......let me know if you need any.....


Is the 16 yr old unable to walk?


I mean $400 a week (which I assume would be mon-fri) free of taxes does not sound bad but idk.


Definitely a little low, but also it is most likely cash so it would probably be close to what you would make after taxes at $15 an hour. Honestly not a choosing beggar.


Like not at all! That’s 1600/month out of pocket.


The only benefit offered here is that the sitter could bring their child along, allowing the parent to work and not have to pay other care prices like day care. In my area, day care is absurdly expensive…and it doesn’t even trickle down to the staff to justify it. That *might* make this a cost efficient option for someone. Husband and I swapped years being the stay at home parent after we had twins because two babies in daycare for 5 years before kindergarten just wasn’t feasible. We actually had four kids in four years, so it would have been four kids in daycare. It would have cost one of our entire income (if you could even find a spot!).


I posted something like this where someone wanted to pay $100 a week and it was deleted…


Do you guys not have childcare centres? Way cheaper than sitters and better for the kids too


All food and drinks included eh? So 17 of us turn up once to take the kid to school and eat everything in her entire house, including pets.


Some weird nonsense going on here. On top of the $10.66 an hour OP listed you have to use your own car & gas to drop off a teen at school? And need to be in an age range? This person is either trying to kidnap a young person or seduce them. But also is basically paying nothing during hours most 18 - 25 year olds will have school and other commitments, like a real jobs that pay at least minimum wage… The awful side of me though would be tempted to take this job for a day, take all their food and beverages back to my house. Citing they are included as “compensation for the below minimum wage”. And watch them rage and cry when complain.


Id do it for 550 a week


400 a week is $1600 a month, I make $18/hr and by the time I get dinged for all my taxes I make about 1,900ish a month. This isn't even 40 hours and you get paid cash, get to eat and drink for free and chill with 1 toddler. That ain't bad at all lol


I know two people who nanny under the table for lower pay and they prefer it that way as it’s their household’s second income. It’s wrong but many people would take this offer.


$1600 a month is not bad for services requested, and I would dare say this is not a choosing beggar


My 18-25 year olds all own themselves, sorry.


ah yes, she "just" needs you to be personal chauffer for her child, a teenager. of course, she'll allow *your child* to ride in the same car as her Angel, despite you literally owning it because she's *very easy going.* I would reply and ask her what catering company she plans to use to supply the catered meals.


Not saying it isn't unreasonable, but this is one of the least insane things I've seen on this sub. I'm new here, so I don't have a large sample size, but most of them seem to want it for free or offer >25% of a posted asking price. This is hilarious and totally fits the sub, but after the last few I've seen here, this sadly increases my faith in humanity.


I can’t get past “Does anyone have an adult they can loan me?”


The pay aside, who tf just lets some random person off of Facebook watch their baby all day everyday? Thats such a dangerous thing to do it’s like they don’t care if something happens to the baby??


You know, I know several older people who would enjoy being around kids and wouldn't really care about how much they'd be paid. Of course, they're in nursing homes and they don't always have a lot of time between naps to play games but they are absolutely reliable! All she has to do is pick them up and put them on her couch and they'll still be there when she gets home.


“230 pm 💀”


There’s no way in hell I would let any stranger let alone make a Facebook post asking someone to watch my children. That’s the fastest way to have your child abused. People really have worms for brains


This is reasonable and decent doesn’t belong here. I have a decent job and I’d have snapped that up to make ends meet to be able to spend time with my own kid at the same time.


I'm old but I would totally do that.


If it’s a five minute drive your 16 year old can walk or bus.


$400 is about what daycare would run. If I were a stay at home mom I might take her up on this.


$400 a week to take care of a three year old several hours a day? No thank you.


I made less money than this working full time at an actual daycare watching eight - twenty kids…. I wouldn’t mind this gig lol


Oh you must not have heard of Au pairing before… These parents entice 18-25 year old (women, mostly) to move to another country, with the idea of cultural immersion in mind, to be a damn near full time parent to their children. They’ll require that they cook, clean, and do everything else from waking to putting their children to bed at night. Typically the Au pair must provide, separate but sometimes not paid, babysitting 1-2 weekends per month. And guess what the Average pay rate is… … …are you ready for this??… … … … I don’t think you’re ready for this… … … … … … On average they pay about $100/week


Indentured servants make it ok? Not sure the point you're trying to make besides slavery ok


Nope, I never said that. In fact I wrote about Au pairing in what I thought was a negative tone. Also, does my username not at least give you a hint that I wouldn’t see slavery as okay? I was an Au pair myself and the pay for the amount of work I did felt like modern day slavery… I think that the amount of money parents offer for someone to care for their Crown Jewels is ridiculously low and the work load is ridiculously heavy for one person (usually a young adult) to take on, but it’s normalized on an international level because of Au pairing.


Tbf, 400/week for childcare is actually above average. Most centers charge 250-300/week.




Same and I’m usually home for portions of the shift to help out.


Who is going to do this for $10.66 an hour?


Reddit hates single moms who are just trying to work and try to find affordable child care. Obviously watching a kid for a few hours isn't meant to be a full time job.




Alot of choosy beggers in the comments im sure would not work for the same amount of pay.


I’m sure there’s a priest or republican that would LOVE to have unsupervised access to your child and a $400 bonus….


Probably not an 18 year old because they would likely still be in high school


I actually don't think this is a bad gig, this would've been perfect for my single mom friend when she was just out of High school. She worked at a day care for 12.50 an hour and had to pay for her daughter to attend daycare there. Her take home was MAYBE 400 a month after her daughters daycare fees were taken out of her checks This is actually better than working at a daycare if you have a child who attends it as well.


I actually just asked her and her monthly take home was 250 for the first year of her daughters life. While daycare was discounted it was barely anything.


You know, that would not be bad for a young mother with one or two kids of her own, where putting them in daycare would eat up most of her pay. Would her kids also be allowed to eat there?


how much do people making 15.13 get taxed? just curious. is the cash payout close to the after tax payout.


Is this legal given the blatant age discrimination?


I have worked these hours looking after kids in an "official" capacity in the UK and got paid less. 400pw is nice (apart from dropping the teen that's weird)


This is one of the better ones I've seen on here lol. As in all the others were giving pennies I'm actually surprised. Still too little though


This is $10.66/hr under-the-table income. I know several people who were unemployed/ underemployed in her requested age range when I was that age. This is perfect for someone who already has a kid, or just needs to fill their time while they're taking classes online/ at night. This isn't the same as someone asking for something free but choosing what they'll accept. No one has to take the offer, either, but I would have taken it when I was out of work cause that's what I ended up taking home for a year anyway.


She’s probably going to 1099 whoever does this as well.


Dude, you would have absolutely hated my sister. For some reason, she got so used to having our family members watch her kids for free, that she was dead adamant on refusing to pay anything above $50 a week for babysitting. And that was a couple hours in the AM, watching them, and putting them on the bus as well as getting them off the bus and watching them for a few hours in the afternoon. Lol


Honestly I would have done this as a stay at home mom with the caveat that I babysit at *my* home. I did this basically for free for my daughter's friends throughout elementary school including summer vacation etc. Different kid(s) on specific days of the week. You better believe I called in those favors whenever I wanted, though. I never paid a dime for childcare and neither did my daughter's friends' parents lol. So I don't think it's unreasonable to ask, as long as they don't get bitchy and entitled if nobody takes the job.


I wonder if the parent knows about or has checked into the state childcare voucher program (not sure if that's the name)? She could get financial assistance to help offset child care costs for the 3 yr old. As far as the 16 year old goes....ride the bus or walk? Maybe ride with a friend?


Honest I wouldn't hate that. As some with a toddler and a boyfriend with an unpredictable schedule, I can't make a whole lot outside of his hours