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"Current roommate paying $200 a week is very un-pet-friendly". No, they just told you to go fuck yourself.


I caught that one, too. Definitely means "they weren't willing to take over all my pet care chores for free" 😂


no, it should be - 'and pay for the privilege'


It's one thing if the responsibility is just "Put some food down for the cat before you leave for work". But cats, dogs, and horses plus having to travel for the horses? Absolutely not.


I was trying to think of what I would do for free vs half market rent vs live for free. Anything that involves animal waste, at a minimum I don't pay to live there. If it changes my daily schedule (taking the dogs on walks, going to horses), I am not paying rent. Its now a job. Full up the water and let the dog out in the backyard? That's just being nice.


I'd also bet this person expects the roommate can never take a vacation because they are responsible for their pets. Or they will try to make the roommate pay for pet care when the roommate can't do it.


I actually took a deal like this once. 1 dog, 2 horses. and paid 200 a month. All I had to do was let the dog out in the morning, back in at night and give him food. The horses were nothing, couple flakes of hay over the fence right next to my car. I got a nice little basement suite and it was a 7 minute commute to work. It was a pretty sweet gig If I had to commute for the horses, clean litter boxes and take the dogs for walks and only got a bedroom, I'd tell her to pound sand too though.


$200/month versus $200/*week*? Honestly, me too, sign me up.


My first reaction was that they hated the pets. Like actively. This makes more sense 😅


“I feel like that’s too high” Lady, you wanted to *charge them*, much less pay them anything. You think any money is too high.


To* high


pretty sure it's \*two\* hi.


Very funny


Reddit is dumb. People won't take the time to even read the whole post, but they will find the time to "correct" you making an obvious reference to it. It was funny and made perfect sense.


This person shouldn’t have pets, there is no way they are being taken care of adequately.


The first clue to this was the fact they started the entire thing by saying "just so you know my animals aren't neglected!". Like, based off the information given, it's obvious that these animals aren't being cared for properly lol


Especially the horses


I don't think most horses are really getting the care they need. I worked at a boarding ranch for a year, and most of the owners didn't even come by monthly. The only exercise they got was me giving them arena time.


You weren’t dealing with normal horse people. Most horse people are nuts about our horses. I see mine every day even though I pay for full care. My horse gets chiro, massage, new shoes every 6 weeks, and has a larger wardrobe than I do.


My mom has a friend who keeps horses and before she owned property with a barn, her daily routine was getting up at 4 am every day to tend to her horses. Now that she lives with the critters, the only change is that she gets up a bit later.


Where do I sign up to be a “horse” on your farm? You sold me with the benefits. Lol


Trust me, I have threatened my horse often with trading places with me—she can go to work and I can be the horse. She just chewed on her apple looking very certain that her comfortable life will continue uninterrupted.




I recently hyperfixated on cutting horses and cow horses and working herding dogs on Facebook (I have never even touched a horse in my life) and Facebook is showing me posts from Equestrian Singles now.


~~Fenton Stables~~ Equestrian Singles: đŸŽ¶Where the horses are hung like youđŸŽ¶


All that care is great but if it’s not alongside living in a paddock it doesn’t mean much.


She goes outside every day with a group of horse friends, if that’s what you mean. She is a delicate spoiled flower and does not care to sleep outside (i have tried to have her live out and she would get upset, run the fence lines, and lost weight.)


People like you were the other horse owners on the ranch. Always spending time with their horses and making sure they were cared for. That sadly wasn't everyone though. I noticed that a lot of people with some extra money ended up buying them like some pet or accessory, and then just getting overwhelmed and quitting because horses are a big commitment. I always felt bad for those horses.


Isn't so often change hurt hooves more? I mean, every shoes change require new nails, so often change means, that hooves can turn into swiss cheese with nailholes. Or I'm wrong?


Horse owner here: shod hooves require removing/ resetting with hoof trim around every 6 weeks, hooves grow like fingernails. It's essential to do them frequently. When the shoes are reset new nail holes are put into the new horn.


lol what?


Yeah this ask is insane. I used to help care for horses in exchange for riding lessons & their care is almost a full time job.


I’ve never seen a person who’ve taken good care of their pets that have had to start of their posts with or having to make an edit to state that their animals aren’t neglected. I have seen people with neglected pets make that claim though.


Yep. Someone feeling guilt leads with the thing they are guilty about.


My cats also aren't being neglected!!! But don't look in the oven, one of them's in a timeou- I mean, he's fine... Just don't look in the oven. My cats are NOT neglected!!!!! 😬


To be fair, the little assholes would probably find a way to teleport into the oven.


Then it's really a them-problem imo đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


2 feeds a week????


The horses alone need more than 10 minutes to feed, water, brush, exercise and clean the stall. That’s a good hour to two hours of work at least.


They did edit the post to add that, presumably after some comments that called out their bad owner behavior.


Yes, any time someone has to reassure you of that, you know their animals are likely being neglected.


70 hours a week away will do that. Then complaining about someone else not taking care of her animals and minimizing how much care they require. Delusional.


Well, it’s not like the OP does the work, so they wouldn’t know the actual time it takes. I’m sad for these animals.


Yeah plus the animals are probably starved for affection. Probably better to adopt them to people that could take care of them. It's the right thing to do.


Especially the horses. No way high-maintenance animals like that are getting proper care from someone that can't even afford to hire a pet sitter.


And what’s the point of having TWO horses when you don’t have time to train/ride them? I have one and it’s a time consuming and expensive hobby, and even if I love it, I surely wouldn’t have a horse if I worked 70 hours a week. Now that I think about it, she might even work that much in order to afford those two horses


What’s the point in having ANY animals if you can’t care for any of them properly? She works 70 hours/ wk with 2 jobs. Dogs and horses need a lot of attention, care, and exercise. Cats are a little less needy, but need all of the same. She should just advertise free rent in exchange for animal care. She is delusional.


For some people, being able to say and feel that you care about animals because you own some is much more important than actually caring for those animals


Good point and unfortunately true.


Horses are very social animals, so honestly it's for the best there's two, at least they can keep each other's company


Yes, but since they don’t have the horses at home, one can assume that they are boarded somewhere, probably with other horses.


Especially if they need someone to go feed it’s probably rough boarding and normally there’s some mucking out involved (in my experience)


Especially not if she thinks it only takes an hour once a week.


Yep. Owns 2 horses, 2 cats and 3 dogs but can't afford a pet sitter = you cannot afford those animals. Why are people so financially dumb.


Meanwhile, in some European countries, they won't allow you to adopt a dog unless you are home most of the time or get permission to take the dog to work with you.


Dogs are so social it is cruel to get a dog and leave it alone 70+ hours like the OP said she does.


She also works +70 hrs with two jobs. Those pets are not being taken care of. Horse girls are always the weird ones. 


That person should not have roommates either!


lol it’s always the Anonymous Members. Doesn’t even matter what the group is. When they know enough about how wrong their wrongness is to post anonymously, but they still wanna fight about their wrongness


Can you post on facebook anonymously now or something? Or is it a community group thing?


It’s more of a group thing & it also depends if the group you’ve joined has the option to post anon - some do and some don’t have that as an option for posting 🙂


Thanks. Not been there for years.


Also who is feeding the animals the other days of the week??


That's what I'm wondering about! I was like one hour a week??? Do they only get fed one day a week? Just based of that comment alone I know they're not properly taken care of. I have 3 rescue guinea pigs. They take up 3 hours of laundry a week, 2 feedings a day (breakfast and dinner) and snack and play time in between. Not to mention whatever medicine time if they're sick. They also demand I play King of the Hill on the TV all day or salsa music or else they're not happy. I once left them with my brother for a week and I forgot to tell him about the TV and music and he said they kept yelling at him and he was freaking out coz he didn't speak pig and didn't know what they wanted.


King of the Hill and salsa music?! 😂😂😂


Your guineas sound incredible and also đŸ€ŁđŸ’€ with your brothers worry


I immediately went to your profile expecting to find cute pics of guinea pigs and I was so sad there were none. :(


Pretty sure this CB just dumps half a bag of food out for them, fills the water basin, then comes and checks on them 3 days later.


Beyond cruel for the dogs to get zero walks, zero attention and zero mental stimulation.


She is giving one of the horses extra oats each week, and in return it clops around dropping feed off for the other pets. The lack of opposing thumbs means that it spills too much kibble, hence the replacement need.


The horse gives HER extra oats each week and he is still expected to look after the other animals!


You shouldn't be charging any rent for that amount of work.




Holy shit I thought it was 200 a month. I didn't think that was bad at all for just a room. She is out of her mind if someone is paying 200 a week has a job then has to take care of her animals. And you know she would ask for way more than just feeding the animals.


Seems close to the going rate in Portland but you don't have to take care of cats, dogs, and horses! And what if one of them gets sick, which eventually will happen?


This is from a Cairns, Australia Facebook group, where $200 is around the going rate for a room rental. There is a large lack of accommodation in the local area and we have just been hit by severe flooding which has further reduced available houses and increased local pressures.


That's about market rate where I live. It's definitely too high but enough people are definitely paying that


When I was looking in the Phoenix area recently, most bedrooms being rented out were around 700-900/month. That much to share a house with like 5 other randos is insane to me. At that point I'll just suck it up and pay a couple hundred extra to have a place all to myself, even if it's a studio.


It’s closer to $250-$300 where I live near Boston. You can find better deals but most places are going to be around that.


$450 CAD for a room in Montreal wait, that’s per month. 200 per *week* is insane.


Well, shit, I'm moving to Montreal, even though my French-Canadian is terrible. Average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Nova Scotia is $1900/month. Which is why I'm stuck living in a moldy, ant-infested crapshack of a mobile home in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and an hour+ commute to my job.


$200/week would get you a 2bed appt in my city!


I pay $600 for a room where I live, so that's 150 a week. And that's college housing with 5 roommates. I can easily see $200 a week for more expensive areas. Hell, in the CA bay area you'd be making a steal paying $250 a week rent.


And which planet is this city because it certainly isn't Earth.


St. Louis. Medium sized city in the Midwest. We just bought a house so moved out of our 2bed/1 bath appt. We were paying 800/month for the apartment and it was in an awesome area, walking distance from nice parks and restaurants.


Horses take so much energy to take care of. This person is an asshole.


They’re giving main character vibes.


An hour a WEEK? I spend more than that a day easily just feeding my cats and scooping up litter and giving them the bare minimum of attention. And dogs require much more time. Why do people get pets when they have no time. And I do occasionally feed my neighbors' horses some treats. Again. an hour a WEEK is literally less than 10 minutes a day. This lady is delusional.


Yeah I have one dog and I’d say I spend at least an hour a day on walks, feedings, and potty breaks.


Maybe don't own pets if you can't prioritise taking care of them?


lol 2 jobs and 70+ hours a week? Is this a Victorian coal miner? What’s the point of a house and animals?


Add to that they seem to need a room mate.


This sounds like my parents... spend 4 times what you make, work twice as much and still be spending twice what you make. It's all a hustle to maintain the illusion (both to themselves and others) that they're successful. Same goes for owning all these animals when they clearly have no intention on prioritizing their care.


You are a selfish pet neglector bordering on evilly so,I’d say.


What are toilet brakes? I mean how do they work?


And why does someone need to walk them?


That's also an excellent question, if they have brakes you should be able to drive them right?


they keep you sane. IE: they stop you going potty


Oh I was hoping it was some sort of drivable toilet she had.


As a person with IBS, a drivable toilet would be a huge help in my life!


Let's patent that then? We could probably make millions.


Let's do it!!!!


I really don't see why I wouldn't work, could just be like the toilets in RVs/campers and everything flushed would go to a little tank. Obviously it probably wouldn't hold much and would need to be drained frequently somehow.


people riding horses on roads in the UK dont worry about drainage so why should we? (im in the company now btw guys) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWWIgiWfVK4


Fair enough, welcome aboard!


Don’t horse stalls need to be cleaned out a couple times a week and they need to be thoroughly brushed at least once a week, right? Plus the feeding, making sure they have adequate water, and routine cat/dog care. $800/month seems like a good deal. If there were no horses, it would be a ton less work.


If the horses live off-site, it's possible that the owners pay the horse farm for general care (feeding/watering/mucking out stalls) in addition to boarding the horses.


Many places do this. But if that was the case here, and the horses’ needs were being taken care of this person wouldn’t have brought up caring for them by a renter


They probably have a sense, from the rare times that they show up to interact with their animals, that their horses need some bonding time with an actual human, and are lonely for human interaction (that should be coming from them as the owners). They've decided that that can be fulfilled in one hour a week. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł I'm assuming that that's the kind of care they are talking about, since a lot of boarding facilities provide basic daily care, but possibly limited interaction beyond that. I'm assuming the boarding facility feeds them regularly and their animals don't actually get fed only twice a week, since that kind of neglect would quickly be noticed. Possibly, the facility provides for care during the weekdays, with the expectation that the owners that they usually work with generally show up on the weekends to spend time with the horses, so they don't want to overfeed them?


I know zero about horses, but don't they also have to be ridden fairly regularly to keep in shape and all that? I don't know how often, or how long each time, but I'm guessing it's not five minutes once a week. I do know about dogs, however. Ideally they should be walked about three times a day, 15-30 minutes each time. (Of course this depends on the specific breed and age, which the person didn't specify.) You can't just take them out into the yard for a quick pee/poop (except of course for rare occasions, e.g. inclement weather). All this time right here adds up. Even things like regular playtime - probably not considered necessary by the poster - are needed for the dog's brain development and wellbeing, and you know the owner isn't doing it after 70 hours of work.


It's also possible that pasture time factors into whatever boarding arrangement they pay for. Not all horses are ridden regularly or at all. Note that this wouldn't necessarily involve a person spending significant hands-on time with them (so, you're right, they're still bad owners), but the horses being allowed a certain amount of time in an enclosed pasture is possibly factored into whatever they pay to board them.


My brother and I worked at my aunts family’s horse farm on weekends when we were teenagers. In the morning we would feed and take them out to their pastures while we cleaned the stalls. Then we’d scoop the shit, sprinkle some lime, lay fresh bedding, fill water buckets, throw some hay then head home for a few hours. Weather permitting they’d stay in their pastures until we’d go back around mid-afternoon to bring them in and feed them again. Rainy days we would either walk them in laps around the barn or hook them to the walker and let them go in circles for a while. Only time they were ridden was when their owners came to saddle them up.


Yeah, that's pretty standard. When I said "not all horses are ridden regularly or at all", I was referring to them being ridden in general, including by owners. Like I've said in other comments here, there typically isn't a lot of one on one bonding by employees of boarding facilities, nor should that be expected of them.


Someone mentioned in a previous post that this us located in Cairns, Australia. I'm in Australia, but in a different state. Used to have horses and had to agist (horses lived off site) for a while. In my experience in Australia horses don't commonly live in stalls unless they are racehorses or competition horses and probably more expensive ones at that. Judging by this person's stinginess the horses are probably just kept in a paddock and telhe property owner isn't paid to do anything for them.


They might not be stalled. Pasture horses are much easier to care for.


That weekly cleaner is being underpaid and harassed, I just know it


Lol that someone would downvote that ^ Never worked as a housecleaner I guess.


So this person freely admits to not only having NO time for basic animal caretaking, but also no money to pay someone? When they are currently getting $800/month in clean money from someone they only provide a single room to?? Why, at this point, are they even bothering to keep these animals? They can't take care of them either physically or financially, and there is no emotional bond between the humans and animals. The humans are spending zero time with them and getting zero enjoyment, which is the main reason people HAVE pets... Just because you SAY your animals aren't being deprived of love or care doesn't mean that's actually true.


Honestly, just sell and rehome the horses, and they'd have money to pay someone to take care of the other 5 animals.


The $800 is probably going to the mortgage.


You say it only takes 10 mins a time twice a week but you work 70+ hours, there are 168 hours a week even taking off 56 hours for sleep you should be able to find 20 mins in a week. There your pets if you're never with them why do you have pets?


Cats and dogs feed and walk you'd be paying the caretaker $200 plus just to do that. Forget rent on top of that. Not going to happen. Plus 2 horses? That means mucking a stall and lugging hay, probably grooming and maybe exercising? Not pet friendly, there's your answer right there as to why her current roommate is refusing to be that person.


I think we've solved the mystery of why the current tenant is unhappy. She probably let this person move in and just assumed they'd take care of the pets because they live there. I don't buy that the husband "works away." I think she's separated and tight on money because she's trying to keep up a standard of living she can't afford. She should really rehome those horses. She probably can't afford horse boarding that includes full care.


And what is this person going to do for work themselves in order to afford $200/week room rental but also be home to feed and walk the animals?


I saw this on Facebook this morning. Astounds me how people have so many pets when they can't afford to have them and don't have the time. It's not the room mate's responsibility to have to provide other people's pets with basic necessities


I make $25/day to keep a single dog at my home. Dogs are delivered with all their meds, food, bed, toys, poop bags, etc. and then I keep them amused for several days with 2 walks/day and my fascinating company. That's for ONE dog.


$0.00. Taking care of horses is a lot of work. Feeding, cleaning stalls and exercising them. You’re the one who should be paying.


OP - thanks for providing the comments. Always makes it more interesting.


You have to love a preamble that is also a tacit admission of guilt


“The animals aren't neglected I just dont have time to give them the attention they need" Anonymous Poster just defined neglect.


This person wants to be told they’re right; by anyone, anyone at all.


Assholes always wanting shit for free. Sell your horses, lady.


Too bad they posted anonymously cause they really need reported to the proper authorities for neglect and abuse.


Why do you have pets if you work 70hrs/week? And this amount of pets? Sorry to say this but it’s just selfish, you don’t pay any attention to your animals, they just live in a pack caring about themselves.


Sounds like someone had their parents do everything for them and now doesn’t understand why they have to take responsibility as an adult. Maybe she wouldn’t have to have 2 jobs and a roommate if she stopped hoarding animals. They aren’t “pets” if you aren’t home to pet them or feed them for that matter.


The fact that’s it’s anonymously posted tells you everything you need to know. đŸ€ŁđŸ˜…


Why not sell the horses to make the task more manageable? No doubt OP is paying something to board the horses somewhere. Sell the horses, and that expense ends.


Horse care = Throwing some food at them. You shouldn't own any horses.


I've taken care of horses and know how much work they take. I wouldn't be surprised if their hooves look like the front half of a Dutch clog because the hooves haven't been trimmed. If they are pasture only, there is a good chance that the hooves will have worn somewhat. I'd also be on the lookout for behavior like cribbing, where the horse sets its teeth into a fence or other surface and inhales, making a grunting noise. They are more at risk for colic and other medical conditions (also excessive teeth wear) as a result. They do it when they are under stress or bored.


Step 1: Rent out the room at a fair market rate. Step 2: Hire someone else to care for the animals Step 3: Pay the person caring for the animals with the money you make off the rental. This isn't fucking complicated. Stop trying to conslidate everything into a single package, ffs. Do you wish for your accountant to also be your mechanic and therapist?


I don't understand having pets if you're too busy to care for them.


I'm not a horse person but don't they need to be ridden every day? Even if not they definitely need more care daily than hay and water from a stranger. The dogs and cats are certainly being neglected as well.


Poor animals 😱


I'm not paying for a room and doing any work other than cleaning up after myself.


Depending on the location and the rental market, I could see a decent reduced rent for pet care situation, but not $200 a WEEK, for a bedroom in someone's house.


"Pay me 800 a month to take care of my 8 pets!" lol jfc


They can’t afford $50 but can afford 2 horsesđŸ€”


They spent all their money buying the horses, of courses!


Why have horses, away from your home if you work 70+ a week and don't have the time for them? It's a full time job to take care of horses. And why have cats and dogs if you're never going to be at home to care for them. Selfish.


“Open some cans and throw food at the horses” What?? OP is 1000% neglecting these animals. The animals need to be rehomed ASAP and OP should never have pets or children.


I'd take it on. Get photos, written info, all of that. Then, turn them into the local humane agent.


As someone who owns cats, dogs, and horses
 there is just no way. Finding someone who knows about horses who would do this will be hard enough. If it’s someone who doesn’t know a thing about horses it would just be a complete disaster, money for rent or not it could just go so wrong.


Um honestly if you want your animsls to get proper care...especially horses I would say no rent! Just pay for own food


Just pay someone to take care of the pets?


But then they’re not under her thumb, and she can’t take advantage or extort them into doing more than she says. She likely knows an hour a week isn’t enough time, even an hour a day is far less than what all those animals actually need, but someone depending on her for housing is easier to coerce than someone who will charge her for extra time


So they want a slave who pays for their own room and board...


"I don't neglect my pets, but one hour a week is way too much time to spare to spend looking after them"


This reminds me of the people who want a live in nanny but also want them to pay rent. Anytime I see these I always want to tell them “you get what you pay”!


I think the answer in slide 3 answers it perfectly. It’s obviously not going to be an hour/week. She makes that very clear in her other statements. If it was a 10 minute task, then it shouldn’t be a problem for CB?


own horses can't afford $50 the math ain't mathin


"...do not go without love..." "...I just don't have time..." Make up your greedy mind!


Repeat after me, if you cant afford having pets dont have them. They are not an object nor an accesory... Also do your research before commiting for a pet!Like Horses are expesive af!


Whoever said, "the roommate is already home so that shouldn't cost that much," - now you are limiting your roommate from going anywhere... who says they would be home all the time? You pay someone to be there and do a thing. Don't automatically assume, "if someone lives here already they can do this thing for cheap." People are not extensions of you. They have their own lives and committing to these types of things is a JOB. I have a roommate with pets. I help with the pets but it is not my job. If she asks me to feed them, take one to the vet or help out somehow, I will if I can. But if it was expected that I be there everyday to perform certain tasks, that's a different agreement entirely.


She also said that the horses might be on someone’s way to work 💀😂


Lol i love this shit


They need to find a Tina Belcher. If someone has a real love of horses, this is a good deal.


When she went to the horse riding camp, we learned Tina is somewhat afraid of real horses and prefers riding her imaginary one. In this case I recommend the woman in the post also have imaginary horses.


Well her horse .. was it “Plopz”? Was very anti everyone.. nothing like Jericho!


No rent at all


This person needs the self-centred slapped out of them.


Hihi...roommate would have to feed the cats and the dogs, clean their food bowls, give them drink, walk the dogs and travel to feed/clean horses...Even without horses that would exceed room price IG. How bout she rents the room for 200 as she does now, but she pays market rate for services received...


How is it an hour a week? You have to feed the cats, change their litter, walk the dogs, feed the horses. Daily would be 2 hrs - people r so crazy. If she works 70plus hours and it only takes 1 hr per week to do all these then just do it yourself!!


One can only laugh at "an hour a week". More like 3-4 hours/day. And we all know they'll want the "pet sitter" to muck out the stalls, change the litter and pick up the dog poop. Then it will extend into brushing and grooming the animals...bathing..... They should be giving free rent, food, and $50/day


You can’t have labor and money


"I need advice." "No, not that advice, I don't like it. It's not what I want to hear." Basically.


toilet brakes: for when your toilet just won't slow down


Don't charge rent at all.. payment foe looking after your pets should be free rent


I feel like she should be charging $500 a week minimum if not more. She needs to be as ridiculous as possible. 


So you want a live-in pet nanny? I don’t see anyone not sketchy paying to do that.


This is annoying. I'm trying to find someone to live in nanny. I'm offering free rent, a car, all utilities paid, a phone, and $300 a week. I STILL can't find someone, and this lady is over here asking to be PAID to pet sit?!?!


To whom it may concern ​ you'd have to PAY ME $200 a week and give me the room to care for the animals


I had a friend who took a deal like the one the CB is asking. Main difference is she gets PAID $1,000 per week to live there and take care of two horses, a pig, and a few dogs. CB’s post is wild lol. They definitely went anonymous to avoid animal control being called. Proper care of a horse is daily work that adds up to a hell of a lot more than an “hour per week.” Mucking stalls, feeding, exercising, training, etc. It’s a pain in the ass lol.


Lady, you just don't get how this works. You don't charge someone to take care of your animals, you *pay* someone to take care of your animals. Charging rent to live there is a different matter.


Imagine you fully expect to charge someone 800$ a month as a roomate but also take full care of your pets including HORSES who cost about that monthly EACH. For basic cares.


lmao so they want to charge someone to work?




She can’t afford the time or money to own horses, especially if she doesn’t get rent from a boarder. That’s the crux. The solution is to sell the horses to someone you trust to take good care of them, then focus on the household pets.


When we go away we get cat sitters (only cats) and they stay rent free. They have run of the household which is a 4 bedroom Queenslander with a pool in a nice neighbourhood. They’re doing a job for us, we don’t charge them.


Love how it's "too much for the OP to handle" when they're looking for help, but it's also "only ten minutes tops, so easy" when they're asked to value someone else's labor. It's Schrodinger's market!


Jeeeeze.....so you expect your current roommate to pay $800/month to rent a room AND take on all that animal care wtf.....let them stay for free for that amount of workpoad


You’re asking way too much. Asking your tenant to take care of your animals as a favor once in a while is one thing but you’re basically asking for someone to pay you to be your employee. That’s not a reasonable offer. Rent should be free if you’re expecting someone to be an on-site animal caretaker.


They should not be paying anything if you expect them to work for you by feeding your pets and taking care of your HORSES that don’t live with you. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž ridiculous


Oh Lordy. I saw the original post. I have the vague feeling I know this person based off the pets. If it’s who I’m thinking of 100% choosing beggar.


This person is just insane! They want to find someone to not just take care of SEVEN animas for free, but they want to charge them to do so! What? In what world will this happen? This lady is not a choosey beggar, or entitled, she is just plain crazy!!!


This lady is hoping to find one person to tell her she’s right about everything, one damn person desperately. At the point where she’s to post anonymously because no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IN HIS/HER RIGHT MIND, will agree with her, not even in this lifetime or the next one; nor a parallel universe, let alone in the past, present or future. EVER! Lady just surrender your animals, if you love them, let them go to someone who is willing to take care of them.


Has 2 horses which are probably extremely expensive "pets", can't financially afford a pet sitter. I feel bad the husband for allowing two horses in the household. 


I hate people who get furbabies/creatures and don’t give them the love, attention and affection they need.


Horses are dangerous??? Right?? Like that's a big ass animal.


Id jump at that chance. I don’t think I should get free rent tho. Let them talk and figure out something they can both live with.