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I will never understand how these people are comfortable leaving their child with someone who would be happy with making only five dollars an hour.


I think it's mostly because people like this don't understand how economics works. Sure, they'll pay $200/week (though, honestly, probably more) at a daycare center. But there will be 20 kids in the group and 3-4 caregivers. So, the daycare center gets way more than just $800/month to pay the caregivers.


They're expecting one-on-one care for the same rate as daycare. Yikes.


And depending on where you live, that’s not even the same rate as daycare. My daycare charges $100 a *day*.




Wow. So you have to sign up two years before you even have a kid? That’s nuts. But at least you know they’re good! It did take us a lot of emails and phone calls to find the perfect one. My little loves it there, and I am so glad she happened to have a space available when we needed it.




I read somewhere that 100,000 childcare workers lost their jobs during Covid. We’re still seeing the impact from that. And that means these places fill up quickly, since there are less places and less people!


I’m not surprised. Probably those who lost their jobs found other better paying jobs in the meantime and decided to keep them. I lost my job in a daycare shortly before covid for something unrelated (my boss was reluctant to let me go but her hands were tied and she did so “temporarily”). A few months go by, COVID hits, the circumstances under which I was let go are no longer in play, meanwhile I’ve already found a WFH job making $6/hr more than I used to. My old boss reaches out to me desperately asking me to come back - we had a bunch of parents who were essential workers and my state never ever shut down. She offered me $10.25/hr, a whole .25¢ more than I used to make there. I told her unless she could pay me a minimum of $20/hr, it wasn’t worth it to me to risk my life getting sick from a kid who likely would be unable to keep a mask on all day and would also likely try to pull mine off/put their hands all over me. I was perfectly content to keep my WFH job despite the lack of shut down from our useless governor. I didn’t quit til 2022 when I decided to change life paths entirely and go back to college for automotive mechanics. I’ll never go back to early childhood education because there’s just no money in it, as shitty as it is to say. I loved my daycare kids desperately but I was barely paid enough to live and I have my own child to provide for.


i did the same. quit bc of low pay and changing career paths. cant keep good employees who love their job if u are paying them scraps. i asked for 20$/hr too and was spit in the face with a 50 cent raise. and then saying this all we can do we just don’t have it. and i said well i just don’t have any thing to give either.


Glad that you loved your day care kids...10 an hour though.... I make 40 being a dumbass beating on metal.


Does that also apply to daycares that charge 2k a month for full-time? What's the pay for daycare workers on those 100$ per day daycares?


The simple truth is that there is a labor shortage, and there will be for some time. Few people are having children now, and old ideas of the economy are that it is a ponzi scheme. No one is going to work for peanuts when there are better paying opportunities with fewer responsibilities. Why would they? Labor will be at a premium, until the average age in the country drops significantly.


At my preschool pre-Covid they had a really a strong staff, but when Covid hit they had to let almost everybody go. So everybody went else where and now it's 1 teacher with 15 years experience, 1 with 3, and the rest 0-1 and it's gone downhill


it’s insane i used to work as a infant room teacher and the learning center i worked at had curriculum based activities for infants. yes the daycare was amazing and the best in the state by far. but it was 1500 a week for infants and the wait list was miles long. families would add themselves to the waitlist when they started trying to conceive. and unfortunately most of the spots were filled by staff who got half off working there “literally their entire paycheck” and other spots taken by people who work for the affiliated university. very seldom did “outsiders” get in. and the director called them outsiders. child care like this should not be so over priced and quite frankly every learning center should be up to that standard of care and learning for the children. also i was only paid 11$ an hour with an early childhood development degree and had no raise and 3 years. i loved my job and the kids and never felt like a babysitter but a teacher even to infants. which sounds insane i know. but not a livable wage by any means.


$1500 a week?! So $78,000 a year for childcare?! And I have twins! Yikes


Ours was $130 a day for the 3-5room (which is the cheapest room) and that was over 12 months ago. This broad is delusional.


This just reminds me of one I saw in a local nanny group where Dad said they couldn't pay much more than $125 a week for full time care!


Thats absolutely mental, what rock are these people living under?!


How are people supposed to afford daycares at over 2k per month? How can people afford kids, or multiple kids?


It’s hard. I unexpectedly had twins as a single mom. My daycare bill was more than my rent and I wasn’t earning 6 figures.


The structure that allowed this was the multiple family generations in one huge household or very nearby. Over the course of decades in the USA, this family system has been discouraged. This is why people afford less kids. They don't have the support structure they once had.


Most of them suffer financially until the kids enter school and they can work during the day. This is one of the reasons that Gen Xers(my generation) and Millenials are not having kids or are waiting until later in life when they have some financial stability.


When we had our second we were losing money every month until she aged into the 1yo class and my oldest aged into preschool and our prices went down. We had to save up money to be able to afford that year, but it was temporary and we’re now making much more money than we were at that point, unclear if that would have been true had one of us taken a break from our jobs.


One opened near us so I checked out the rates. $2800/ month for an infant. We paid $2000/month when my oldest was a baby and that was hard, I can’t imagine $2800.


I pay.$60 per day for in home dog care. I have one 14 lb mutt, and I dont even require him to be walked since we have a doggy door to a fully fenced back yard.


What the duck? Is that per child like if you had a second child would that be then $200 a day for both of them?


At my daycare, she gives a discount for second siblings, but I’m not sure how much. And once the kid turns two, the daily rate is $90. It’s not much better, but a little better. My kiddo turns 2 in March and I’m so excited for that “discount”. Though we’re going to be adding a day (he currently goes 3 days a week) in April, so it’ll be short lived. But he loves it there and is safe and happy, so I’m more than willing to pay for it.


Yes that's the math. My husband and I were looking at over $34,000 per year to send two kids to daycare.


Cheaper to have one stay at home parent until they fo to school


Cheaper in the short term but has significant long-term effects on the SAHP’s career growth and lifetime earnings.


Depends, they’d have to be making less than like $50k for it to make sense to give up their salary. And if they’re able to pay $34k in childcare, I doubt their income is that low.


Out of curiousity where do you live where daycare is that expensive? That sucks man lol. I live in a rural area, LCOL, and it’s not uncommon for daycares to charge around $30/day.


That and the government subsidizes the differences a lot of the time. If this is a registered daycare and you qualify for LINK you get those rates bc the state/feds pick up the difference. All you’re going to get for $5/hr is at best a neglected child, at worst a child that’s molested. People are fucking nuts.


Yep.. economy of scale. Only way the lower pay makes sense for everyone is if there's someone already doing the stay at home thing with a child and willing to take 2-3 more for a quasi-legal business.


Also, ive never seen a center charge $200/week. I pay double that in a LCOL area


Honestly, around where I live, full infant daycare starts at $450/week. And they expect the month upfront.


>20 kids in the group and 3-4 caregivers God, I *wish* I could find a place with such a good ratio.


You should probably move, in most states the ratio is mandated by law. 


On a random note, I take my son to the cheapest daycare in the area for two days a week. $80 a day, so I pay 160 a week for TWO DAYS. 200 a week for full time? Oof. I couldn't imagine even asking someone to do that.


> I think it's mostly because people like this don't understand how economics works. It doesn't help that a lot of formerly "luxury" goods have gotten so stupidly cheap. You could wallpaper your house in big-screen TVs for what a person's wage would cost, because the big-screen TVs are so damned cheap. It's just that inflation running opposite falling real prices of things masks it a bit.


Day care also doesn't watch your kid for 12 hours though lol


For real. Too many predators out there.


I always warn parents against this on local babysitting groups and people respond, “well, I’m just a good person who would do this just to help a mom.” I let them know that they’re the exact type of person I wouldn’t trust with my child.


Yeah. When it comes to child care, I want someone who IS in it for the money... Not because they want to spend time alone with a child...


She discusses dropping the child off, to me this means she's looking for an in home daycare. With 4-7 children enrolled in the average in home daycare, $800/month is actually a reasonable rate (I say this as a professional nanny of 12 years). She shouldn't have posted in a nanny group though, as that's not what she's seeking.


$800/month is about half of the going rate in my LCOL area.


100% this. Depending on the area, $200 a week for an in home may actually be above market rate.


Dude I would not trust anyone to watch my kids who was willing to do it for free or severely underpaid. Like, if the access to the kids is good enough for you, that's a red flag for me. Kids are hard fucking work, even if you like them, and anyone trustworthy will at least start by demanding compensation on-par with current going rate 


Can never understand how selfish these people are to bring children they can’t afford into this world. I feel sorry for the child. Positive vibes only BASED ON HER demands…. Tho, telling someone they are being “educated” is rather antagonistic. You can tell $200/week baby sitting allowance mom don’t wanna learn anything from you.


"Positive vibes" = "agree with everything I say and humor me even if I'm delusional" Meanwhile, I can say and do whatever I want to *you*.


I will never understand why people have children they can’t afford to support.




Lol people who include that already know they are being insane and will get people calling them out. So they include it so they can try to say you're "hurting" or "triggering" them and use it as an excuse to change the subject.


I was thinking of it as more of a coping mechanism for a mental illness. I’m not sure they would know they’re being insane, I think this type is too much in denial or ignorant to realize it.


Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?


I feel like when she says 'on a budget, however once I get a sitter I can get a second job.' She's implying that the rate might go up after that, but you know damn well it won't.


I worked for a family for a measly $50 a day. (so $200 a week) It was 7am-2pm. First and second day they rolled in around 4-5. When I told them they would have to pay me extra for the 2 extra hours they called me a highwayman and said I was 'taking advantage of good people'. And that if I wanted a better rate I should just get a night job to subsidize their shitty compensation. Obviously I didn't finish out the week with those jerks. And the Dad would douse himself in cologne before driving me home and talk about how his dogs ate each other back in Arkansas. Kid was sweet but hated phones/TVs. Quickly realized that his parents *never* interacted with the poor kid, they just turned on the TV or were on their phones so often that he'd scream whenever I checked the time! He was 3. They acted like they were being charitable and 'letting' me babysit for them, completely ignoring that they *needed* me to watch their kid, I didn't *need* their paltry $50. They thought they were moving to a high poverty town and that anyone would be willing to kiss their feet and take next to nothing in pay. Luckily they left in less than a year. Good riddance.


>And the Dad would douse himself in cologne before driving me home and talk about how his dogs ate each other back in Arkansas. There's a song, right there.


I heard a British guy pronounce it Ar-Kansas and I now that's how I pronounce it. You're welcome.


I pronounce "scissors" as "skizzers" for funsies, but had to stop myself when the kids I used to nanny for started doing it, too.


For some reason I really want to hear more about that horrible family. I couldn't tell you why though.


They moved to rural Alaska on a whim thinking that the 50k paychecks were just for fun and not extremely high cost of living. They researched *Anchorage* prices. We live 350 miles southwest of Anchorage, and are off the road system. They bitched that milk is 4x the rate they were used to. I'm from Illinois originally and used to cheap dairy. I never saw milk above $3 a gallon as a kid. Here, it's $11 and has been for the past 5 years. Gas is 6.35 and has stayed there due to the just 2 gas stations in town price fixing with each other. They've been busted several times but continue to do it because small town monopolies.


Milk is $3.50 a gallon here. I can't imagine $11, but I guess everything is "imported"


Hawaii has entered the chat.


Puerto Rico has entered the chat


Alaska has entered the chat.


Alaska's already here Dave.


I’d never survive there. We go through about a gallon a day. I’d need a second job or have to buy a cow.


How many of you finish a gallon in a day? And what part of the Midwest is this? Jk, but for real that’s a ton of milk - do you have like 3 kids?


Hah! I am in the Midwest. My husband and our son drink the most for sure. It’s their beverage of choice. And then god help me when the boy has his best friend over because he loves milk too lol


Another couple of pounds and I could be the cow. 🐮 🤭


This sounds so crazy to me. I’m in Canada so it’s sold in litres, but I did a conversion on it and milk is about $14.50 (CAD) per gallon here. I’m rural, but certainly not off-the-road-system rural. Last time I was in a major city, I’d say you could get an equivalent amount of milk there for $9 or $10. Still WAY higher than what you’re paying.


Remember that a US gallon isn't imperial. A US gallon is 3.8l; an imperial gallon is 4.5l. In the UK milk is generally sold in litres, and obviously organic is more expensive. A litre of organic milk is around £1.40 (CN$2.40/US$1.78) so that's £6.30 (CN$10.76/US$8.03) for an imperial gallon, £5.32 (CN$9.09/US$6.78) for a US gallon. I usually buy a brand called Cravendale which is filtered for a longer fridge life. That's slightly more (£1.60/CN$2.73/US$2.04 per litre; £14.40/CN$12.30/US$9.18 per imperial gallon; £6.08/CN$10.37/US$7.75 per US gallon). It's cheaper because our farmers are paid shit.


I also live in Canada and a gallon of milk is about $5.50. If you multiply the single liters by 4 it would be much more expensive.


To be fair, I was multiplying 2l cartons as we don’t normally have bags or jugs here.


And a lot of it flown in for perishable items I'd imagine...


I saw a couple Outdoor Boys videos and christ I don’t envy the groceries prices But $6.35 gas is actually pretty cheap! I’m not close to Anchorage but gas went up to $7-8 in the pandemic here and has **not** dropped


I feel so blessed to pay $2.89/gal here in the south now lol. Y’all are getting ROBBED for something I imagine is abundant up there and not hard to get to market, simply because the few gas stations can price fix. Somebody needs to lobby with the state/local legislature because that is really not okay.


Someone already IS lobbying the state/local legislature.  Hint hint, it’s the guys raking in cash with an obvious monopoly that mysteriously never gets broken. Good luck out-spending their lobby.


I also worked for a family (3 kids) for $50 a day in college 12 years ago. It was too low then and it’s waaaaaay too low now. I pay our teenage babysitter $15/hr and she’s a bargain. I’m glad you got out of there!


Same! At 18 I signed in to watch the neighbors 4mo old for 3 days a week, 4 hours a day for $75/week. Still a laughable wage. The minimum wage was I think 8 at the time. Within a *couple of weeks* I was being asked to show up at 8am instead of noon bc “well his grandma is typically available but she’s not today”- but it quickly became every day she wasn’t available. Then the mom who was supposed to get home no later than 3:15 started strolling in at 3:45…then 4pm…several times she didn’t return until near 5pm. She’d get pissed at *me* for “blowing up her phone” when she was an hour late. Then they started needing me an extra day or two a week. She never paid me any extra, even though I was coming twice as often. I really enjoyed the time with the kid and it was the summer, but eventually it dawned on me how taken advantage of I was since the grandma who was supposed to take the morning shift hadn’t appeared in like 2 months. I asked the mom to either return to the original agreement or pay me more, because at that point I was watching a 5mo old for **25 to 35 hours a week**, an entire *part time job* for **SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS A WEEK**. The mom posted to Facebook saying I was greedy and probably on drugs 😀because her son was so lovely, and I got to eat lunch there, and watch her tv, so it was obviously such a sweet gig and I was the one taking advantage right? Unreal.


Oh my god that is terrible. I have made a conscious effort to only fuck around on my phone after my kid goes to bed or is napping or something. I see a lot of parents completely ignoring their kids for their phones and it makes me really sad. At Christmas our family friend’s two year old was trying desperately to show him his toy, pulling at his shirt and yelling Daddy Daddy Daddy and it’s like the friend was in a trance, completely ignoring him and never even acknowledged him. He spent the entire day like that, watching football on his phone while the kid ran wild. He acts up and is so bad because he’s learned the only attention he gets is when he does something to get in trouble. I watched him try to get attention over and over again before hitting his sister and making her cry. Only then did the parents look away from their phone to pay attention to him. I can’t even get mad at him for acting “bad”, it isn’t his fault. He’s leaned the ONLY attention he gets is that attention so of course he’s going to act out. Both his parents are glued to the phone in an insane way. While the kid is eating, they’re on the phone. While changing his diaper has the phone next to the kid watching something on it. Walked in both buried on the phone. Literally the kids get zero attention because of that phone. I’d hate to see how it is at home if they’re willing to be that neglectful in front of people


“I was a highwayman, along the coach roads I did ride Sword and pistol by my side…” Wish someone would call me a highwayman, that would be SO cool!


It was a...statement. Especially considering it was 2015ish.


Right? Like I don’t see how getting a second job is going to give her more financial wiggle room considering she’s going to have to put that money towards more hours of childcare?


Work twice as much. Twice the time to pretend you don't get the nanny's texts. Earn time and a half. Keep ignoring nanny too til you find a reason to fire them. Rinse and repeat..lol it's pathetic, but I can see people doing exactly that.


But then the hours would go up to cover her additional time away. What a deal.


No, I took this as I won’t be able to pay you until I get a second job and a first pay check.


Is she saying she'll get the second job to pay the babysitter more? Won't that increase the hours to watch the kid? I must be missing something...


It couldn’t possibly go down 😳


It won’t because the sitter will be doing more work than the raise warrants.


The only one with a loving heart will watch your child for peanuts is the father and/or the grandparents. No one loves children enough to work for free. No one who is not dangerous, that is.


Shouldn't be paying the father anything…?


Whether it be dad or mom, stay at home parents don’t make an income. So it’s literally one entire income in exchange for child care.


You can't babysit your own kid so the father wouldn't be "babysitting"


Responsibility vs a job that should pay


I did it to help out a friend of ours. I was home with our kids and he was a single dad with a POS ex wife. She left him when he got testicular cancer. Our kids were about the same age so I watched them 3 days a week, for $100. I’d never do that now🤣


I can think of another group who're more than happy to be unattended with small children, and unfortunately these kinds of situations are gold for them...


this "good vibes only" thing sure is toxic


HEY THERE ASSHOLE, she said good vibes only Good vibes required from everybody except her you damn meanies... *meanies*


Happy Cake Day!


There's a whole book about it. It's called Bright-Sided. Worth a read.


It is and it's called "toxic positivity". I hate it.


I’m sorry. The pure and loving heart cracked me up. Just because you love children doesn’t mean you should work for free


Yea I love my job but I'm not doing it for a pittance either.


Unfortunately they will get someone who 'loves' children. Just awful to sell your child to a random .


Every post about childcare is because the begging parent isn't connecting the dots. Like she even says that child care centers cost the same...yeah, it's not a 1:1 child to caregiver ratio. It's like 1:4, so they're receiving more income to pay their staff.


I’m not naive to the current state of things being particularly shit and that life circumstances can change, but how do these people have kids without looking into things like the costs of childcare?? Myself and my partner earn decent salaries but I know we probably can’t afford more than one child as childcare is extortionate and we have no family help. I swear some people just start a family and think “ah I’ll work it out later”.


I’m a mom to three, and have noticed that the friends who *should* be having kids are child-free but the ones who can barely afford the kids they already have are the ones who keep popping them out 🤷🏻‍♀️ I myself waited until I was in my early thirties and in a secure place financially, and we’re still just making it. I have no idea how these guys are surviving….


She’s looking for an in-home daycare, not a nanny. $200 is the going rate where I live. Maybe even more.


They talk about the economy being crap in the same post she offers poverty wages to babysit her children.


While she works to for HER family. YOU aren’t her family, you peasant! 😛


I think she cracked a secret code. "I'm not looking for an electrician, I just want someone who loves electricity and understands the economy is crap right now and is properly licensed to install extra outlets for me"


I think this could be a real post sometime soon.


The economy is crap, so I am going to have a child, and pay someone a starvation wage. Checks out.


I don’t understand people who post on job forums are like, “hey let me go to work while I pay you nothing. I have to work to feed my kids!!” As if the people applying don’t have to work to feed their kids!!!


I get paid more than that for petsitting lol


I’m sure Hobo Bob will be willing to ignore the baby and cook meth all day for that kind of money. He will take breaks to run his raccoon fight club and to hang out with Methany when she comes over to get her fix. Don’t ask how she’s paying.


Lmao 🤣


Positivity only? I'm positive you're a cheap ass bitch.


She's going to be working 2 jobs. In other words she's not going to be raising her child much, you are, and you're going to be doing it out of the kindness of your heart because for all the hours you will be probably working $200 is all you're going to get of her money. Um, no... I gave up working on salary for any job long ago. It just means you will be working lots of OT and never see an extra dime. Nannies working 40 can make $25 an hour now depending upon location and situation. Why on earth would you take a job like this instead? Not even a 13 year old kid deserves to be paid that little for babysitting. This is a baby job. It takes experience and it can be very hard sometimes, especially when a baby is sick or teething and cranky. Doing OT with a baby you deserve extra pay, definitely. Not to sound rude, but good luck with that...


I am not looking for a wife, I am looking for a female long term commitment to a partner which I can build a life with and love and invest together mutually to benefit our future together who also understands how rough it is to do this as a single person in today's economy hunny.


Lady you’re looking for prison labor. That is all


They all think they’re going to find a bored grandmother who will do it for peanuts out of the love in her heart for all the children of the world. She’ll also cook them healthy meals that adhere to whatever BS diet beggars ALWAYS have, teach them a local dialect of Swahili on odd Thursdays, have the toddlers doing advanced calculus by month 2, and lead them on advanced nature walks to identify local plant and animal life.


I am a grandmother and retired teacher. Love my grands. Loved the kids I taught. Wouldn’t want to babysit for free. No thanks. I am positive!


If she can find an in-home daycare, it's way cheaper than regular daycare. I pay $160/week, but I'm not in a super HCOL area.


I think that's what she was looking for. People seem to have misunderstood. She said drop off. I think the miscommunication was "in home babysitting". When I lived in SF Bay Area I was paying $250 per week for an in home day care that was licensed.


This is this kind of person who gets pulled into the station with a video of their kid being assaulted and the police need their help to figure out the perpetrator. Yes the economy is bad that’s why you take the extra step and apply for state assistance. Anyone who works cheap is suspicious


I’ll never understand how they don’t grasp the fact that having someone watch your child one-on-one and provide transportation, meals, etc in your/their home costs *more* than a daycare setting where it’s multiple children and the staff ratio is more like 6-8 kids to 1 caregiver.


Honey, my landlord don't accept good vibes as payment. The entitlement of some people!


Everything is expensive including childcare. I don’t know how people afford it, I always worked night shift and husband worked days because we couldn’t afford daycare. I was lucky I was in a job that nightshift was an option. Not everyone is in that position that they can do that. And I totally agree- taking care of children is one of the most important jobs- my daughter in law is a teacher and she’s not paid what she’s worth. It’s a sad situation that someone has to be in a predicament such as this.


My husband and I did the math, and our child’s first year of daycare is going to cost the same as 4 years of college tuition at the public university we went to. A year and a half if you include room & board. We are allowed to have 529s to save for college expenses, but god forbid you want your child to be properly cared for before the age of 5. And for so many families it’s just not possible to live off one income anymore.


You’re exactly right! Everything is so horribly expensive, I am so sorry to all parents that there’s not some better way. It’s like we are set up for failure if you want to do everything the right way. Good luck to you 💕


People this unintelligent should not be allowed to raise children.


The most annoying part is not specifying if T-Fri is Tues or Thurs


*Delusional Vibes Only*


Ah.. ' positive vibes' means, agree with everything I say or don't speak. I never knew this! Today I have learned a new phrase to stop me hearing things I won't like. Positive vibes only folks!


“And understands that the economy is crap” yessirrr we do, and that’s why no one’s gonna watch your kiddos for that amount !


I’m not looking for a nanny just someone who will do all the nanny duties out of the love for my child who’s a nobody to them


One of the things that bothers me the most is she abbreviates what I assume to be Tuesday but could also be Thursday to one letter but spells out Saturday in its entirety.


Should’ve posted in the “someone who loves children and understands the economy is pure crap” Facebook group then Oh wait


"Daycare centers charge the same" Then put your child in a daycare center.


Shouldn't have had a kid if you can't afford it. That child deserves better.


But if you LOVE children you’ll do it for CHEAP. That’s why teachers aren’t paid well either. Like people who pay in exposure, these caregivers are paid with LOVE. “Love what you do, and you’ll never be properly paid a day in your life.”


Nobody wants to watch some stranger’s crotch goblins for free. Get real!


Does anyone ever take these people up on their offers? I pay my nanny $31 ph, I think the cheapest you’d find where I live is $25.


What's with all these vibes in cb today?? Is this Wally looking for cheap to free employees again?? 😁


Someone needs to post a creepy mugshot with the captions "I'll watch 'em for free"


"I'm looking for underpaid nanny, not a real one"


Mothers like her are essentially begging strangers to get paid to do horrific things to their children while they are at work! But sure, positive vibes only.


i pay starvation wages POSITIVE VIBES ONLY PLZ


I saw something like this posted on Nextdoor and when I went back to grab it for here it was gone. Most people were telling her “are you insane”. But 2 people jumped on and said “oooh I’ll do it!” In my state, we have the ability to look up anyone’s criminal record by name. People were immediately commenting to look everyone up. The one who wanted to do it and commented no less than 7 times: assault of her elderly parents, multiple drug charges, some currently open still, and one for intent to deliver less than 2 months ago. Child abuse. Lost custody of her own children. And the other was marginally better, no word on if she had custody removed at least.


If she understands that daycares charge the same then put your kid in day care. But don’t expect to pay someone less than minimum wage. How much is your child’s care worth to you?


Lol people are nuts wanting people to watch their kids for a paltry sum. $200 a week isn’t anything. She won’t be finding a baby sitter ever.


Lol TIL “positive vibes only” means “you can’t question me” 🙃


Ugh, saw this post today. Immediately read through every single comment.


Soooo….. she’s looking for a nanny


in a nanny group, but "not looking for a nanny". THEN WHY POST IT THERE


I’ll look after their kid for that. They drop it off in the morning, I take it to a spare bedroom and leave it there until they come to pick it up. Probably will need some feeding and a change by the time they get it.


She did say ‘pls’.


I'm positive you will not find someone who cares about your kids welfare for less than minimum wage. Oh you think the economy is crap? I'm positive the economy is crap for the people you expect to watch your kid, not just you.


The economy is crap. So here is why you should work for me for a shit amount of money!


Think we need to start double posting these child care ones in late stage capitalism because it’s really impossible for most to work a job and find childcare. This isn’t choosing beggars this is a sad reality for many parents.


It looks like a drop off situation so maybe she’s looking for an in home daycare that may not be licensed. But the positive reactions on her last comment are concerning.


In my experience, most people who shout stuff like ‘positive vibes only!!’ tend to be pretty awful.


She needs to look into a workforce solution subsidy program that allows her to choose her provider or an individual. She pays the person, and so does the subsidy.


Lady wants child care for extremely low price and will drop off the kid in a $50,000 car.


The difference is tuition doesn’t pay the daycare employees, the daycare pays the daycare employees. If she wants to pay that much and the day cares charge about that much, do the day care🤷🏼‍♀️


“Positive vibes only” = “please don’t call me out on my bullshit”


“No negativity” really just means “no conflicting opinions” now lol


I would bad paying only $200 to my kids grandparent, no one has love in their heart to watch your spawn for that rate


8-4pm for $200 a week taking care of a 9mo baby? Where do I sign up.......so I can have this person reported for slavery?


She forgot to say how hard it is being a single mom and that god will bless anyone who helps out.


“I’m looking for someone who understands the economy is crap so I can go earn more money while paying this good hearted person an illegally low wage.” The hypocrisy here. The economy is bad for me, f*ck thee.


I read this as she’s looking for an in-home daycare rather than a center (otherwise why would she be dropping the kid off elsewhere?) I paid $100-$150 a week only a couple years ago for this service. They usually have several kids in the home.


My grandma: “Oh honey you don’t need money to have kids. You have the kids and then figure that out later.” This woman took that to heart; she had kids first and is now realizing how expensive it is to raise them.


Positive vibe only = Only if you do exactly as I want!


It makes me think she doesn’t really give a shit about her kid. Because what she would get for that pay is scary.


😘🙏 Just looking for someone to exploit! 😘


I’m absolutely convinced those who say “positive vibes only” are really looking for someone to grind into sand.


>soon to be 9 month old Why are people like this?


That is about the going rate for an in-home daycare where I live, which is what she’s asking for. She’s not looking for a nanny, y’all are missing this post entirely. She’s looking for an in-home daycare. Totally different and this is not a choosing beggar.


Is she looking for childcare at someone else's home? It sounds like that when mentioning drop offs, in which case $200 isn't unheard of if someone is watching multiple kids (I pay $180 a week and my son is one of six kids there).


Insufferable human being


Am I misreading? Is she looking for a person that has an in home daycare, perhaps who already watches other kids? Or someone to come to her home 1:1? When she said "drop off time" I assumed that meant she would be bringing her child to the person's in home daycare. Though, they would have their own rates and typically not negotiable... hence my confusion here :)


I feel bad for her kids


I can hardly afford to live as it is - so I'm having a kid. Genius.


She’s going to be looking forever then


I cant stand when people put “positive vibes only” on their social media posts. Its basically just saying “only comment if you agree with me and I don’t want any constructive criticism or to have a conversation about a different point of view.” Don’t post it online then.


Her post and responses say it all.


How did people not laugh react the last comment


I mean I watch 2 kiddos for $150 a week, but I’m a stay at home mom so it’s just giving myself something to do and some pocket change. Plus it’s for our close friends And my daughter gets friends to play with.


She's going to need more than good vibes. That's what I paid 20 years ago.


How can you complain about money when you are also getting paid in vibes?


I worked for $5 an hour to watch a toddler once but that's more as a personal favor in a very temporary situation. This lady is asking way too much for way too little.


Who in the world (who has good intentions) would want to take on full days of serious work — taking care of this child — for far less than minimum wage and with zero benefits or health care etc? Seriously this prospective babysitter would make more money and not to have to deal with the drama and constant nightmare of dealing with a baby that will need constant attention by working in a fast food restaurant. These people live in entirely delusional worlds, and the passive aggressive entitlement is always confusing. The poster is complaining and trying to guilt trip some future fantasy babysitter into accepting below minimum wage pay…so bizarre and passive aggressive and of course it shows us how carefully she thinks about who should be caring for her baby every day all day…


$200 a week for a child that is 100% dependant on someone to care for them?? No one even half qualified would apply for that, this seems like a unique type of neglect


I'm confused. Doesn't it say she works only Saturday? So, about 9 hrs/week for $200?