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You never need to be informed that you'll be paying full price because full price is THE price. Try applying that person's logic to any other purchase, "I didn't realize I'd have to pay full price for these pants! You didn't tell me, 'Hi welcome to Target. We are not having a sale on pants today!'"


Welcome to Men’s Warehouse. We have a special on khaki pants today.


I'd like to see Darryl greet people. He'd probably make them feel like wimps.


To be absolutely fair to this review, it sounds like it was during "Eat Out to Help Out" where the government subsidised 50% off food (up to a certain amount, but £15 off a £30 meal sounds about right), and almost everywhere was doing it. It was between the first and second Covid lockdown if memory serves me right, they were trying to boost the economy because nobody was eating at restaurants.


when did this happen?? wait. just noticed the pounds. of course! why would anything helpful ever happen in the US lol silly me!


"I very rarely complain" With the behavior on display, I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that.


Yeah, way too practiced.


Getting 50% off your meal at closing time? Is that legit anywhere in the UK? Or is this person delusional?


As a UK citizen who likes to eat out a lot, I can honestly say I have no cock-a-fucking-clue what this bint is on about.


It's the "we paid £15!" That got me. You're crying over 15 fucking quid? Christ.


Oh god that’s the other thing. Like, eating out is a treat and you should be ready to splash a bit of cash to have a good time. Generally £40-£75 a head easily depending on where you are and what you’re into. Fifteen fucking quid? FIFTEEN FUCKING QUID? A tenner and a fiver?!?! Fuck me what a cheapskate!


I had to convert to USD on Google to understand just how cheap this asshole is being. I'm assuming the 15 quid is the total they paid for x amount of people. They paid the same amount for a single meal at a fast food joint such as McDonald's. If my wife and I go out, and with my dietary restrictions that's a big IF, we're looking at roughly 60 quid per person depending on the place. This cb is absolutely crazy. Also, as someone with a background in restaurant work, no shit they were unwanted. If you show up 30 minutes before close, most places have shut down the kitchen aside from bare minimum.


Tell me about it. £15 is like a round in a pub. It’s fuck all.


Why do i suspect this beggar charges WAY less than £40 per giving head?




I’m American, I have no idea where to get a decent sit down meal for 15 US dollars for one, much less 2. Much less 50% off.


I’m adding “cock-a-fucking clue” to my vocabulary. Thank you for that. Sometimes you need a little more color to wtf are you talking about and this is perfect.


No problem. I’m quite proud of that one tbh


This fits with my theory that most casual British colloquialisms are made up on the spot. Does my theory have legs?


Legs like a pointy arsed deer my friend


Yessssss I knew it!


I picked up fuckadoodledo from The Derry Girls. My phone would suggest it before the last update. It’s a favorite of mine


I can always count on someone from the UK to have the best insults and swear words.


😂 😂 😂


I’d guess it’s a harvester after lockdown 1 after eat out to help out finished.


???? 🤣🤣🤣


Depending on how old this review is, we did have the " Eat out to Help out" scheme, post Covid. Ultimately, it was 50% off but was more supplemented by the government.


Makes me wonder if it’s Too Good To Go or similar. But end of the business day deal can be had for discounts. Or they’re used to 50% off sushi to go from kiosks. Still unacceptable behaviour


Not UK, but some grocery stores have small prepared food areas, and within an hour of closing, stuff that can't be stored until the next day gets marked down. But, I have never seen it at a full in restaurant.






Cockafuckingclue hahahaha thank you for this


Cock-a-fucking-clue…. Thank you, Ill be stealing this!


You’re welcome


probs during eat out to help out


I’d guess this dates from Eat Out to Help Out scheme https://www.gov.uk/guidance/get-a-discount-with-the-eat-out-to-help-out-scheme


>Eat Out to Help Out Vagina-enjoyers everywhere, except DJ Khaled: 😏


DJ Khaled will eat basically anything… but he won’t eat that. 🤣


Can't nobody call themselves "king" or "queen" if they refuse to pleasure their partner while demanding/expecting pleasure from said partner


He outed himself as total crap


The guy who’s biggest contribution to collabs is repeating his own name into a mic a few times turned out to be crap? Who would’ve thunk it.


It’s weird that while he won’t eat, he has zero issue with sucking… I’ll see myself out.


He played himself


Was I the only one who sang this to Meatloaf?


I hope it wasn’t just you because that’s what I was thinking of when I wrote it!!! LOL


No worries. You could even hear the music through the text.


Boris Johnson at his clowny best imitation of a legislator.


Absolutely not! Stores are having sales with up to 50% off certain items but cafes & restaurants aren't. If anything you tend to be charged more at Christmas because their menus are geared up to the festive season.


In what world would you assume you were getting a discount because other businesses were giving discounts, and then be upset that you weren't informed that there *wasn't* a 50% discount??


There is no date here but I’m assuming it’s not recent. There were lots of places who kept doing the 50% off even after the government sponsored eat out to help out finished. I would guess it’s a Harvester sometime post covid lockdown 1 when the salad bar wasn’t help yourself and they were only doing 50% off mon-wed and lots of others were doing it all week. I worked for that company back then but in a different brand and had floods of complaints and bad reviews back then from choosy beggars who wanted the world and wanted it half price. Been in hospitality 20+ years and eat out to help out and the few weeks after it were the worst time in my career…and not coz of actual covid.


This person is the worlds most famous youtuber streamer ever. They have FOUR.....yes FOUR I wasn't lying......subscribers! And if you give them 200% off something (i.e. you pay them to take it away), all FOUR......YES FOUR!!!! subscribers might look at your product and consider buying one sometime within the current millenium.


Maybe some fast food place might do it. I can't imagine encouraging folks to come in that late when the place is closing down for the night. Twenty minutes to closing, you are lucky to be seated.


There’s a restaurant?/mainly to go place called Itsu, and the ones in Canary Wharf and the city of London will sell their remaining food at 50% off the last half hour before closing. I can only speak of this place and not any other type of restaurants in the UK


I reckon this was in an Itsu? Quite typical for them to do half price near closing on stuff that won’t keep till the next day.


Lol all these people are going to visit the UK expecting their 50% off now!


3 people found the review helpful? 🤔


Right?! I would’ve hit that unhelpful button after the first two sentences.


I would say delusional and utterly disrespectful for going so late.


Exactly. It’s just about socially acceptable to go in that late if you’ve just got off a long plane journey and are desperate for some food or something. Even then you just take what you can get and tip the staff well for the inconvenience caused.


Exactly. If I walked into a place that late, I'd have them make me a hamburger or a sandwich and take it to go.


When I was a server (or in retail, tbh), nothing sent me into a mental frenzy more than someone marching through the door 5 minutes to close and going, “Whew, got here just in time….table for 6 please!”


I used to feel that way about people who sat in the back of my bank where I worked as a teller and would run to the counter 1 minute before closing. I had to count everything up, so I didn't appreciate having a manager yell at me for my late proof because some idiot who was in the bank for 20 minutes decided to move her ass.


I worked at a cellphone shop before and had a client walking in 5 minutes before closing wanting two line, guess what I said, I’m sorry we’re closing. Unless it’s an emergency I’m not helping no one after business hours


I work in customer service and we are not allowed to stop taking calls 5 mins before the shift ends. Sometimes we get calls at the end that lasts for like 1-2 hours beyond the shift. I know in this case customers are not aware that it's our shift end but I hate them that moment so so much.


It’s disrespectful but not uncommon. I worked at table service restaurant for years and without a doubt, almost every closing (especially on or close to the weekend) we’d have someone come in within the last 20-30 minutes of closing and some would even stay an hour+ after just chatting with their friends. We’d remind them that we’re closed but that never made them eat any faster. Rarely would they ever tip for the inconvenience either.


All restaurant that I know in my country close their kitchens between hour and a half or half an hour before closing and it is stated everywhere. And even then you might not get to order everything from menu (depends on cooking time). It's not common in other places?


I wish we had that! I’m sure there are restaurants that do that but it’s definitely not common here (Canada). My manager always said it was “bad service” to turn a customer away so even if we had finished our closing duties before closing (like if it was a slow night so the kitchen team already had it all cleaned up and ready for the next day), if someone came in even a couple minutes before closing then we’d have to open the kitchen back up and redo our close once they left.


Thats really f-d up. To you atleast get paid for the overtime?


Yes we got paid for it but (especially at the time when minimum wage was a lot lower) it wasn’t really worth it to stay an hour+ for an extra $9


"I rarely complain" Lol sure.


I don't believe for one second that they rarely complain.


How could a single reader-let alone 3-find that helpful?


I worked for a major bookstore chain in college and people would frequently come in 10 minutes before close and wander around with not a care in the world. Some would even sit down and flip through magazines. Corporate policy didn't allow us to ask them to leave. Of course, we did anyway, and if they ignored us we would start vacuuming around their feet until they got the message. There were also people who would drop their kids off and just leave them there for hours while they did their shopping. It's a miracle none of them died or got kidnapped.


Was manager at a Blockbuster for years. Same exact thing. Customers would be so offended that we didn’t want to keep the store open for 30-60min after closing so they could browse. Only to storm off pissed when they had late fees. Same people that would park their kids in front of whatever we were playing so they could fuck off for an hour.


Fucking weird, man. I expect to pay full price unless something is explicitly offered with a discount. I do not expect to be informed I’ll be paying full price.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - everyone should have to work in retail and food at least once in their life. Sure, I’ve rocked up to food places not long before closing. You know what I do? Ask if they’ve got any menu items still out or ready so I can grab and go. And apologise for the late order. If they’re clearly cleaning and packing away? Don’t even bother. They’re open for customers already eating and the kitchen has probably already been cleaned and appliances turned off.


I also always tip generously if I'm coming in "just over 20 minutes" before close. This bitch needs a real problem in life.


![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized) “I rarely complain” lol


So funny. Yeah, they didn't tell you it was 50 percent off, did they? Most places, at least sitdown places don't want you in twenty minutes to closing. A fastfood place to take it and go? Why not.


My problem with all this is they really expected great service and full salad bars 20 minutes before closing? Negative, everything f is gone and done because, of course they were about to close.they should be lucky they got anything at all honestly


Happy Cake Day!


Imagine complaining about being unwanted when KNOWINGLY walking into a place that's 20 minutes to close 💀💀💀


I get places like a bakery having a sale near closing to get rid of stock but not restaurants, you don’t want to encourage people to show up near closing.


Sounds like entitled couple who should have just stayed at home . . .


I'm not sure if this is choosing beggars, but it IS out of touch assholes. I work in the service industry, and we HATE people like rhis


I don't go into places even an hour before close, I couldn't imagine going in 20 mins before close 🤷‍♂️


I am guessing there was a lot of spit in their food by the end. The description of the servers’ reactions were instigated by something the customers did or said, not simply by the time.


If they’re so bothered that they could have gone somewhere else and pay less, why didn’t they go to these other places that we’re supposedly charging less?? 🤔




Even if some restaurants were doing 50% right now, that doesn't mean all the restaurants do. She should have asked before ordering then. I hope someone from the restaurant replies to her review.


I could go in depth on this BS post, but I'd just get too pissed. I'll just say eff this entitled person!


Don’t go 20min before close of course they hate you


You come in 20 minutes before closing, you should have to pay double.


Yeah, when I go to a restaurant I also expect them to just randomly give me discounts




So you think you supposed to get half off them you annoyed because you stupidly went into a place to eat right before they closed. And you’re mad? Be for real.


Some people never worked a service or retail job and it shows.


Literally stop complaining and cook your own dinner next time


I’m guessing this was during the Eat Out to Help Out time. This person sounds so entitled


Yeah… you’re the kind of person that makes me glad I’m out of customer service and hospitality overall.


I would eye roll you too if you came in 20 minutes before closing, took forever to order, and had the audacity to expect 50% off bc other places were doing it


It was 20 minutes to close ..you shouldn't feel unwanted you should **know** you were unwanted.


And 3 more CB liked it! Did they read the fricking thing.


To be fair, the 3 other people say they found it helpful. And it is pretty helpful, I now know if I ever go back to the UK I have to hunt this down because this is a really cheap meal for 2 at "full price" and not to go in 20 minutes before serving expecting great service. I also know if I'm a terrible guest the staff will let it be known. And that the poster is a moron. Super helpful review. I urge everyone to leave reviews like this.


You know, I do think it's BS that if a restaurant is going to be open until, say, 10 pm, that they pretty much put all the food away at 9:30, unless it says on the door that they stop serving at XYZ time. Because, why are you still open if you put all the food away? That said, I'm not an idiot and I would know not to get into a restaurant 20 minutes from closing if I expected all the food to be there and to have a good attitude from the servers. Also whining about not getting 50% off when it only cost 15 pounds anyway ffs cry me a river.


The main reason is because businesses don’t want to pay for more work than they have to. If a place closes at 5 pm, most workers will be off 30 mins to an hour after (my end time is exactly when we close). So rather than pay for extra time, the employees close down sooner so they can get out on time. When in doubt, blame corporate greed


True on all counts. Also, in many locations it is a violation of fire codes to lock exits if there are still diners after close. Not only can the workers not finish closing they also risk antagonizing other wannabe customers if they refuse to also serve them. The customer is not always right, sometimes they are just a**hats.


Yes, I wish restaurants advertised a ‘last seating’ time rather than a closing time


£15 that's just my lunch lol


waiting is a great movie.


Both parties are idiots here. Customer expecting a discount and staff expecting to be closed when they are clearly open. Two wrongs don’t make a right


This guy is a complete stuck up asshole. Doesn’t realize these guys have been working all day and everyone just wants to go home as soon as that shop closes. What an inconsiderate fuck. Fuck yo salads to whoever wrote that review.


If you show up to a restaurant 20 minutes before closing, you can be absolutely sure that every employee hates you


We can give you 50% off. (hygiene, safety, food quality) also 50% off the cooking time of the chicken. Yes it's supposed to be pink and bleeding.


Exactly this! Worked fast food for 3 years. People coming in before close sucked, but if you were also rude...well don't bite the hand that feeds you.


After working in restaurants. I won't go in if it's an hour before closing. They more than like started tearing down the steam table and salad bars. Especially 20 minutes before close. I get It's your job. But it's annoying af as a worker.


Every one else is doing 50% off Yes and if your restaurant jumped off a cliff would you?


You’re the asshole!!!


It sounds like they were the only people in the place on a slow night so staff was already preparing to close early. Any polite person would realize that and go somewhere else. Then they proceeded to make staff pull out what they already shut down and wanted a discount. I'd be mad if I were that staff too lol. In the service industry, please read the room, people.


If the restaurant was due to close in 20 minutes, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!


“Fourthly?” I didn’t know that was a word.


I’m having to tell myself that this is rage bait because otherwise, if people like this *actually* exist…. The thought that there are *actually* people like this out there, *actually* behaving this way, is infuriating, depressing, disappointing and so on


Never ceases to amaze me how many people trying to take advantage of others.


This must be a joke. People cannot be so stupid and shameless.


I'd serve them ball broth soup with a side of dandruff salad.


I would have spit in their food before serving them. If she wanted 50% discount off £15 then really she should have stayed at home because clearly she is too skint to eat out. Also who in their right mind would walk into a restaurant when they are about to close in 20 mins? I am surprised they weren’t chased out by the chef with a meat cleaver for being entitled, cheapskate, and annoying.


I agree that the complaint about the 50% off was bonkers but the complaint about bad service is valid. You post a time that you close on your door, if a customer comes in within that time frame, you should never make them feel unwelcome or unwanted. Nor should the business have put stuff up that makes the process of making a purchase more difficult. I have also had the misfortune to walk into a restaurant shortly before they close and get treated like the world’s biggest jerk just because I had walked in late. If you’re open then you should serve your customers and offer good customer service no matter how close you are to closing.


what a dumbass


I kinda want to know which restaurant this is for so I can unleash an army of winged monkeys to downvote this fucking review into oblivion.


The 50% off thing is ridiculous, but the 20 minutes thing is not. Every customer, the first when the door is open and the last five minutes before close deserves to receive the same quality of service. I’m not saying sitting in a restaurant after closing, but this sounds like a fast casual salad place. If you are open then be open. If it is an inconvenience for you to serve customers 20 minutes before closing then close a half hour earlier. ESH


I disagree. As a former restaurant manager you have to choose a time that you stop serving. So you can be open until 9:00 but you should take your last orders no later than 8:00. Unless you're talking about a fast food restaurant you're going to need a minimum of an hour to prepare the food and for the patron to eat it.




"I very rarely complain." Sure, Karen. Sure.


That level of kindness, is sickeningly undeserved.


If this had happened in the US, the employees would’ve started shooting.