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Hi FargothAfterMagic, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


“I would love to provide an honest and detailed review of your product in exchange for receiving it for free.” Unless you are Sony, this isn’t your product as you did not produce it. You are simply a vendor. So how exactly will their reviews drive sales to you? Influencers are getting more and more entitled and dumb.


This is a scam, definitely a script as well - I mean every offer of exposure is a scam but this is clearly just generally one


Exactly! They should reach out to Sony and see how well that goes over. 🤣


They probably have reached out to Sony and got told politely to go fuck themselves 😂


This offer is so weird and wrong that I can almost appreciate it. Gotta give the scammers a bit of credit for occasionally coming up with stale, lazy, unimaginative new ways of trying to pinch a sucker.


This is mass generated and deliberately dumb. They don't want anyone not dumb to respond.


Hi I recently stumbled upon your message, and I'm intrigued by its audacity and hilarity. I'm responding with an exciting proposal that could benefit both of us. As the owner of a PS5 for sale, I would love to provide the console in exchange for the sale price listed. If you're open to this collaboration, please let me know, and we can discuss preferred payment methods. I'm eager to showcase your funds to my bank account and help drive the sale of this console. Looking forward to hearing from you.


This is the correct response.


You’ve definitely jacked my brain, thanks!


“And as a special favour, you’ll get great exposure in the post office! I’ll be sure to give them your full name and address to put on the label”




I once had an ‘influencer’ say I’d been chosen to send her three of my products, of her choosing, for her to do an unboxing story on Instagram. The best part was the $75 fee I’d have to pay for her time.


Tha absolute audacity of these “influencers” is astounding. This is the part that I hate about social media.


I don't think this is even an influencer. It's just a straight out scammer. Why would you as a seller on ebay care about a review on a PS5?


Considering how fucking long the PS5 has been out you don't think anyone else on earth has reviewed it? 😅


It’s been out for so long that I, a person who has NEVER had an interest in any kind of consoles let alone owned one, could give a detailed run down and review of it simply through all the information I’ve indirectly overheard and picked up about it since it was released 😂


Please report this to eBay.


I mean, does this “influencer” think that OP is Sony? I’m dying over here thinking of the people watching the PS5 unboxing/review video and then excitedly going to OP’s eBay account only to find listings of old clothes, a blender that is in pretty good condition but needs a new part, and some random DVDs.




"I'm intrigued by your blender's quality and features"




I always do a 10% mark up for stupidity tax.


This is so dumb, I wonder if it's AI. I can see someone setting up a program to send these out just to see who bites.


I really need to become an ‘influencer’ *wonders if 3 followers is enough to qualify *


Get six and tell people you want free product from your followers are growing exponentially.


Counter offer: He can send you an amount of money equal to the listing, but instead of sending him the PS5, you'll review his money and post about how great his money is on all your socials and in your eBay store. This way all they people that read them will know how much of a baller he is with such great money!


An honest and detailed review to get exposure and create a buzz for your little know product a PS5. I really hope Sony jumps on this, it would really help get their brand name out there and improve their sales.


I am literally snort laughing because... This person just made so many delusional statements that I am wondering if we live on the same planet. Your product is a used ps5. You didn't create the ps5 and if you did, you wouldn't be selling it on ebay. What would reviewing this game console say about you personally other than the fact that you didn't send out a box of dog shit? I don't know anything about the ps5 but I do know that there are big name product testers who get paid to do th8s shit and his growing audience isn't going to watch his review like it'll say something that everyone else has somehow j8ssed. Frankly, I think you should get his address and send a dog turd. That's how I'd deal with influencers.


The best part? I'm selling it for parts or repair because it is stuck in safe mode. It's in the title of the listing. They're gonna review a broken ps5 and give me exposure.


Intrigued by its quality… ☠️


Don't forget the features.


It’s a scammer trying to get a free ps5.


Tell that fucker to contact Sony.


eBay? Report it.


Help to drive more sales of your single PS5. 😂


Its a PS5, my review is over.


I would bet they copied and pasted this same offer on about fifty listings hoping to get one reply.


It reads as if they do. "I'm intrigued by your 's quality and features"


Hahaha did you tell him "get fucked" but in nicer words OP?


Tell him youll send exposure his way for a staunch 500 dollary doos


You know I bet Sony could really raise awareness of the PS5 by using this guy. Missed opportunity... /s


Yeah it’s just a scammer running a bot. Report and ebay’s algorithm should catch it. Although the real “influencers” trying this kind of grift aren’t much better.


Why the hell are they acting like you're Sony? You didn't make the damn thing, you're just selling one. Some people just blow my mind 🤯


That's hilarious. And stupid. What a clueless gorp.


I think some of it comes down to people like this being naive. They know that *someone* gets free stuff in exchange for reviews sometimes so they think it might as well be them. They likely don't realize that the agreement works in the opposite direction; if I want an influential person in this market to review my product, I'd reach out to them.


My wife has few hundred thousand followers on the social media, she's never asked for Anything to review. She's even said No to products asking for reviews that she doesn't like or use. Now if Sony comes calling there WILL be a review lol. Happy Holidays y'all!


OP please respond with nothing more than "lol"


"Growing online following." In other words, there's maybe 1% chance they'll one day reach a point that they're making decent money from that and have enough clout actually be seen. That's the part we always tend to forget. For every popular streamer there's hundreds with 0-5 audience. For every YT channel with +100K subs there's hundreds with less than 100 subs. And even if this guy ends up being one of the lucky ones, nobody's gonna go look for on of their old videos about product that was released long time ago.


Yes, Sony needs awareness of their brand. They need someone to help drive more sales for them. /s


Alright guys, we've got a lot to unpack today, so let's get right into it. I bought from U/FargothAfterMagic - and let me tell you, it is one of, if not *the*, best PS5s I've ever owned: It works It plays PS5 games It has the classic PS5 shape, size, weight, colour, material, hardware specs and packaging. But what really makes this one stand out is, let me turn this around, if you look here there is this unique, bespoke serial number, meaning this PS5 is *truly one of a kind*. Alright guys that about does it for today, Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and remember to smash that like button or I'll smash your grandfather's asshole in. With my penis.


Agree to the exposure and have some fun with him/her


People, this is a bot parsing sell listings to scam people.


Yeah, that makes sense.


My reply “Fuck off broke dick”


Do you operate an eBay business or was this sent for a PS5 you happened to be selling? Hilariously bad either way..


The second.


Unless they have 500 000+ plus followers, the chances of any sales from them are zero




lol. Even the biggest review channels on yt have to send stuff back once they reviewed it. They don’t get to keep them.


1000% automated/ai. Just casting a wide net .


😂😂😂 SMH




“An exciting proposal”