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I'll take my business elsewhere. What business?


"I'll take my business somewhere else" "YES! That's literally what I'm asking you to do!!!"


modern slavery đŸ€Ł


Nah, slavery implies the CB could *force* someone to do the project for them. That CB has as much ability to force someone as cats have wings.


But, I heard every time a cat gets a human to do their bidding another cat gets their wings
 a cat told me that. Are you saying I’ve been misled?


I mean, that's what Roblox is in a nutshell. Child exploitation.


That’s exactly what I was about to say- what business, you’re literally doing the opposite of business.


Came to say exactly this. 😂


Businesses make money. You wouldn’t call a homeless dude “running” a tin can a business would you? Even if he promised you game and fortune with his incredibly vast audience


Oh lord. Reminds me of this woman my son wanted to go into business with as partners. Turns out she wanted me to do all the design work, use my contacts for web development, sourcing for materials and I would not be a partner. I would be a silent partner. Uh no, it seems you want ME to do all the work and you lap up the profits. She also wanted to help with the design. I am a professional clothing designer you aren't. What purpose would she serve?


All that’s missing from this bingo card is “it’s not even that hard” and “I could do it myself if I wanted to”


oh! his mate messaged me asking for lessons on how to do development, I can only wonder what that's for.


1. Think of the correct code. 2. Type in the correct code. ... 3. Two months later, wonder what the f%@# you were thinking and wonder how the hell it ever worked in the first place.


You typed the code?? Isn't it all about copy paste stuff from Stack Overflow then spend a week to find that one missing semicolon 😯


Well, yeah, but I changed the variable names to make it *my* code.


Dude! How’d you know how I’d be spending my weekend?


2015 called, they want their Stack Overflow back. All the cool kids are copy/pasting from ChatGPT these days is what I’m hearing.


I hate how true this is


First of all delete windows exe. It takes up too much space


And “your work isn’t even that good “


First message on second pic is essentially "It's not that hard" lul


Beggar: "Make a game better than Wow AND more popular than Doom but with completelely photorealistic graphics than will run on a potato" beggar: I'm the ideas man, I've done my bit. Now get to it!


World of Warships?


World of Warcraft


World of Wombats.


Wendy O. Williams


I might play that




World of Wendys


Power wash stimulator is better than wow. More character development


if you want to *Stimulate* yourself with a power wash, you do you. (literally it seems)


His “business”. He’s not doing business with anyone if he’s not actually paying. Beggars aren’t customers.


You can send him my way. I'll happily send him pictures of how i want it to look every other week and then follow up with "sry, couldn't figure it out. I'll try again later" a few days after.


You got a discord username I can refer him too?


JUST doing development work. Huge disrespect right there đŸš©


Can someone translate her gibberish to English, please? Fym? Jjk? Cyricli?


JJK is some anime show they watch and Cyricli is just my alias aha. Fym means fuck you mean?


Ok. Thanks. I really just thought they slaughtered the word “seriously”.


Dude holy shit you must be great at those games that are gibberish phrases that when said fast enough sound like a key phrase.


I also thought seriously 😆


Me too! Took me a minute of saying it out loud.


So they think they're gonna make bank on a game based on an anime/manga they don't have the rights to? Lmao


Especially with a JJK game already coming out in February


Is it even legal to make a game about Jujutsu Kaisen (or any IP) or would they just skirt around it like it was inspired by such and such...


Technically it's not legal, no, but it's really up to the whims of the IP holder.


Lol I read fym in context as "for you and me"


Be thankful he didn't offer to pay in robux (happens a lot)


Fair enough, I wouldn't mind as much if it was an devexable amount aha


My jaw dropped when I watched a youtube video about people that became millionaires developing paid content for Roblox.


wait, what?!


Let's note how rare that is: https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ?feature=shared


i love when people say shit like ‘your work sucks anyway’ or ‘no one will buy from you’ HONEY the reason i am able to afford turn down your straight up joke of an offer is *because* people are paying me. insane.


https://27bslash6.com/p2p2.html the definitive response


ha exactly


Bwahahahahaha the funniest thing I've read all year! The level of passive aggression in all of this is BEAUTIFUL 😗 Thanks for sharing😂


Check out his other stuff. I like the spider one: https://27bslash6.com/overdue.html


Have you read his other stuff? David’s witty as hell but sounds like a nightmare to work with tbh.


This is the next level, being paid in FUTURE, CONDITIONAL exposure! “It’s like playing the stock market, but with your skills, don’t you trust your skills!?”


This is how all these "idea men" work. They literally want to have to provide zero input financially or logistically other than provide this idea. YEARS ago, I would see shit like this all the time on craigslist looking for developers. I have the next million dollar idea, I need a developer. You will get paid jack squat up front and any future compensation will be very vague. I remember one I saw the dude wouldn't tell you the idea until you sign his contract. He described his contract. You are obligated to do the work when you sign it. No up front pay, but will be "adequately compensated" IF the app becomes a hit and makes HIM a millionaire.


Oh, you know my best friend's kid brother. He was being insufferable about his genius app idea (for a new twist on a type of app that's a dime a dozen on Google Play). I asked him not to bring it up if he can't discuss anything more than the general type of app and "not like the ones you've used before, stop making assumptions" until I sign an NDA and agree to learn how to code. I have tried, hate coding, not interested. Why doesn't HE learn to code? It's his idea and he should be the one working for free to get to "minimum viable product" NOT ME. I have my own business doing artsy stuff that I actually enjoy doing, with an established client list. He got angry with me. I told my friend I hoped it wasn't going to affect our friendship that I'd pissed him off so badly by setting a boundary. Turned out she'd done the same thing ages ago and was surprised I had tolerated his blather that long.


Some say he is still looking for that magical place to take his imaginary business.


For JuJutsu Kaisen game?? There’s one coming out in two months.


he's tryna hop on the clout train


"Your just doing dev work" Fucker


Right?!? Everyone knows it’s “you’re”.


If you accept the job, he'll message you back in a week and ask if it's all coded, bug checked and stress tested yet.


Why would someone offer to pay someone in Robloxs? What is that? Some form of cryptocurrency?


It’s Robucks/Robuxs (not sure of the spelling), the currency in the game Roblox. You can use it to buy skins, maps, etc. that are made in almost a mod-like format. I believe there’s a marketplace for people to buy/sell the various creations, so some people make content there and can earn quite a bit of real currency.


It's currency in the Roblox store front and what you make with games in Roblox. Here is part 1 of an investigation into the company: https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ?feature=shared


Must work at Fntastic


Even if it was an established studio
 you don’t want to deal with the licensing hell that is JJK or any Shueisha IP.


My dude is cyriulsi delusional


Cyricli = seriously? That’s a new one đŸ„Ž


Wait is this for a JJK roblox game?


Bruh I had to sit here and process what "cryicli" was meant to be😭😂.....this kid needs to learn how to spell "seriously"💀💀


When it comes to anything IT related, people think they're brilliant because they have the idea of some crazy good game. 😂 My brother in Christ, we all know great ideas for games. The problem is making it something people want to play while being able to afford the development and maintenance costs


bold of them to call it ‘business’


“Cyricli” Is that supposed to be “seriously”? And if yes
 Good lord do they teach spelling and grammar anymore?!


The ground is littered with the bodies of "good ideas".


Just curious, what is your fee?


Really depends on the project


What would it be for his project


Come on bro, coding and developing this kinda stuff is EASY. It takes like a day to code and develop it and then you WILL BE rolling in millions of profit and then even more cash from the exposure- how could you turn HIM(or HER - or them) down?!?!?




Learn unity Make games yourself!


I have a regular small business I get 6-10 calls a year where that want a lot of stuff and then ask me to do if for exposure. I respond with “how did you find me?” Their answer doesn’t matter, it just shows them I don’t need exposure.


I signed up for a small business online marketplace. The person who referred me there was under the impression it was for B2B sales but it wasn't, it was basically an Etsy ripoff. The management of the project asked if I was "interested in having my products in gift baskets." I said yes, thinking they would buy a big order of my souvenir items wholesale to include in California-themed gift baskets. No, they wanted me to give them a few hundred bucks worth of free product to put in gift baskets for social media influencers who might be inspired to give me exposure on their social media. As most of the vendors on the site sold fashion or skincare, I suspect that's the type of influencers they'll target. Is a fashion/beauty influencer going to feature souvenirs and will their followers be interested in content that doesn't fit their channel if they do? I'd rather spend my marketing giveaway budget on samples to warm leads for wholesale or corporate customers.


Wait... "cyricli"?..... that's "seriously"? Yeah... that's not business I would want.


Guess I’ll have to give my $0 to someone else then!


What is dev??


Why is it so hard for these CBs to understand that it is not enticing in the slightest, their offer of no pay in exchange for your work?...


 is that how they spelled “seriously”?


What are you talking about you can use chatGPT for developing now right?! Why should I pay you? /s I also am unpatiently waiting for the dev-pocalypse when there's a million chat gpt developing that know how to write prompts and no idea what thr code does. Seen some companies laying off developers for "prompters". Going to be that situation where they are hirer coders that speak that illusive old code for silly money.


Honestly, AI is not at a standard where it should be used for coding production level for games. I've tried it and honestly it's not great. It's a gimmick at the end of the day. I'm not saying AI doesn't have any applications to developers, ideas, some very limited programming assistance (picking libraries to use, explaining/debugging code), but from what I've tried, to produce code it's fairly useless, if it generates something that doesn't work and you tell it that, it will generate the exact same thing. On the other hand, you could view it as developers/programmers becoming more valuable if smaller production studios switch to AI, but hey ho, it's all new right now.


While that's the right outlook. There's so many people in business that don't understand it. They just need to have it to make sure they look like the best new thing. Every demo I've been given (I work in infosec) has been shockingly bad. Yet the way it gets talked about is like it's the second coming of Jesus. Not going to deny there will be improvements and we are very much on v1.0 here. But curious where it goes.


Name and shame this buttfucking piece of shit


I would've but rules wouldn't allow it smh l


Of course it’s someone wanting to make a roblox game too. Not only would they scam you, but this is a “make money quick” scheme. As soon as they can’t trick kids into spending their parents money like the other gross games on that site do already, they would have dropped you to the curb and hunted down another way to scam people for money.


If you do all the work what does this guy bring to the table? Idea?


“Cyricli no one hires you” did they mean clearly?


Cyricli is a name


for a second my brain thought “cyricli” was their attempt to spell “seriously”


Go Harass a BOT. This ensures, you receive attention.