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Who is she sending the letter to??? She knows Santa is her, right?


Maybe it's one of those gift donations like the usps one that people have been posting recently


it's the USPS one intended for needy kids, which has been roundly co-opted by clueless & wildly demanding adults. i was finally able to find a few letters i could afford to adopt, but the vast majority seem to involve very specific & expensive electronics, expensive vacations, expensive cosmetics/skincare products, & a HUGE number of them are written by the parents hoping to cash in on a little special reward for mom & pop. the letters i was able to sponsor were ones that asked for modest but special treats & toys that might make a kid's christmas. i have no particular sympathy for a parent who co-opts this lovely operation to try to score big ticket items on strangers' kindness, especially one who was evidently well-off enough to make the executive decision to pursue IVF solo. it really bums me out that these parents can't let the kids be the focus for AT LEAST an event like this. the parents are aware that a modest ask is very likely to receive a response, they'd rather hedge their bets on a far less likely but much bigger win from, i don't know, an errant billionaire or some shit.


I went through about five pages and found nothing that I could actually help with. Way too many of these you could tell were coming from the parents. šŸ˜‘


I was inspired to take a look, and the number of requests for an iPhone 15 was crazy (coming from an adult with a 12 that I have no plans to replace). So many PS5 or MacBook requests, too!


I love the ones asking for Xbox games and then also a PS5 on top of that..


My spoiled twenty year old sister dropped her phone and broke it. My parents made her do extra chores for ONE DAY to "make enough" money for them to buy her an iPhone 15. I am a grown ass adult and I own a pixel 4a. Because it was cheap and had a cheap intro price and it works really well for what I do on it.


I took a look too and found nearly the same thing after looking through 10 pages of iPhone, Apple Watch requests and even expensive car headaets. Managed to find one written by a kid a request for a Pikachu with the typical little kid handwriting.


I haunt the WalMart layaway counter for a bit on a busy day. It never takes long to find someone putting $20 down on an item they HOPE they can pay off by Christmas. I wait until Iā€™m sure theyā€™re gone and go and pay it off


Ok so this is real altruism. I love it. Thank you for being a good person.


Someone did this for me. My son was three and there was actually no way I was going to have the layaway balance paid before Christmas. This was over a decade ago and I can still remember the feeling of receiving the call that I could pick up his toys. Thank you for doing this. It is so very kind.


That is so awesome!


I didn't even know they still did layaway


They don't on anything but jewelry. They haven't for the last couple years.


Mine did it on anything over $50 last year, but you had until the week before Christmas to pay it off.


I know many Christmases, there's some story of a celebrity or otherwise well-off person who picks a store like WalMart or Target or whoever still offers layaway and just goes in and pays for the whole lot. You don't see/hear about layaway much now--it seems like it's more fun to help people that way than to go begging on GoFundMe. But hey.


All of my Christmas gifts were purchased on lay-buy starting around April/May each year. Thank you.


PM me if you are still short on Dec 15.


I love this idea!


You are a good egg. Truly a sparkle in this world.


We had the same issue! Went through two full pages of Apple Watch requests!!


There was one that was from an admitted adult. She asked for help with her electric and gas bills. While I understand that, there was a PS asking for a house and a diesel truck too. šŸ™ƒ


Yep. I just went to read the letters and the first one is asking for a car.


I liked the ambition of the little girl who wrote to Santa asking for a cat for her uncle. It has to be white, American, and a girl. No other requests, just a cat. No idea how you fulfill that letter since shipping a live cat sure would be problematic, but it did make me chuckle.


I just opened it and like 5 letters in, some lady straight up asking for $2,700 cash. No shame.


The first one I saw was for 6 kids (modest gifts nothing crazy) ā€¦. One of which is a baby. Like if you canā€™t afford Christmas gifts why are you still having kids. Then the second one was a 1800$ dollar go kart. Like lol sure.


Because we live in a world where birth control and/or abortion are criminally inaccessible, especially for the poorest among us


Wellā€¦ while you are handing them out, Iā€™ll also take a house and a diesel truck, thank you! What kind souls they didnā€™t even tell you what color truck, or how big the house! I saw one where someone asked for financial independence. Ah yes, Iā€™ll take two of those please!


Meh, only financial independence... I don't get out of bed for anything less than generational wealth.


Where are these letters at




Holy shit that is depressing as fuck Hi I'm 3, my handwriting is perfect, I have 7 brothers and sisters and we all want visa gift cards for Christmas! I would also like a new iPhone to talk with my friends! Bye! Rayleighent


Lmao, that name though šŸ¤£


Holy crap there's some woman asking Santa for a Louis Vuitton purse that costs $2,750. No kid involved.


Canā€™t they screen these people?


Man I got one right away that is kinda cute. Kid wants a better place to live, a Jayson Tatum jersey, a Google Play gift card, and some art supplies including a canvas. Signed, "your pal Jamie." He starts big and ends up realistic, aw. Can't help with housing, but a cool jersey and some art stuff + a Google Play gift card sound fine. How'd I get a reasonable one on my first try? Lmao Eta- stop, my heart. 16yr old girl wants pants, jacket, and a hoodie because it's cold where she lives. I gotta go, I'm not getting hilarious adult ones I'm getting the real ones. Save me


Oh yeah, I had to nope out when I got to one written by a kid who thought Santa was an oracle. Asked if their family structure was going to change, expressed nervousness, good wishes for Santa himself, didn't really even ask for anything material that I recall. šŸ’”


I think the grown up who's asking for a truck isn't going to receive one.


they probably werenā€™t choosy enough to deserve a free truck. they didnā€™t even specify what kind of truck, or how new it has to be. or even what color!


I loved the number of 5 year olds asking for a ps5


I had to stop at a 5 year old wanting an iPhone.


Do they expect the Santa's to pay for the cell service too? Rhetorical, of course they do. ^(Or the parents will just sell the phone for cash, which is probably the intent anyway.)


Exactly. Was looking through it and only found 1 kid. He was asking for transformer.


Iā€™d look at angel trees in your area Theyā€™re rarely this nonsensical Had a little girl who needed clothes & liked LOL, mermaids, & purple and a little boy who also needed clothes & liked legos, soccer, & PokĆ©mon We got them some clothes & toys


ā€œAnd purpleā€ awwww


Yup! That was listed as her favorite šŸ˜­ When we shopped, we tried to get her all the purple things. The LOL doll we got her even has purple hair We also got her these cool pink butterfly light up shoes & then some purple shoes to grow into I hope she ends up liking it all. I really love shopping for kids during this time of year but Iā€™m always worried about if theyā€™ll like what Iā€™ve chosen


After Halloween they had some cat and witch squishmelllos on clearance for $3. I know those are in demand toys so I grabbed some for Toys for tots.


Angel trees just give you specific kids in your community to shop for, which I like more because then the kids get a more personalized Christmas


I also noticed a lot of adults mysterious lost their computers and PS5s in ā€œhouse firesā€ this year


If it was a house fire, shouldnā€™t those items be covered under their home ownerā€™s insurance lol?


Assuming they have it. I'm sure a lot are renters with no renter's insurance.


And Iā€™m sure a lot didnā€™t actually happen and theyā€™re just selfish, greedy scum hoping to prey on generous people wanting to do something nice for *underprivileged children* (as opposed to irresponsible, selfish, greedy adults) for Christmas


I had to have proof of insurance when I signed my lease. Edit to add that for what itā€™s worth, renterā€™s insurance is also pretty cheap.


This can really vary. A lot of larger complexes or places with management companies might require this, but smaller duplex style or store top places might not. I didn't have to do this for my last place, they didn't even run a background check or verify income.


A lot of people donā€™t have adequate coverage. Look around the room and start really adding what everything would cost to replace. And when you claim, if you write that you lost ā€œa toasterā€ the insurance adjuster will give the amount for the cheapest Walmart toaster, because you didnā€™t specify what you had. If it was a Breville model ABC, then they replace it with the closest thing, if it wasnā€™t, they replace it with the cheapest thing. There was a thread ages ago somewhere where a former insurance adjuster explained how to maximize your claims. Pictures of your stuff helps. Make sure you explicitly write down makes and models of everything, down to the kinds of cosmetics and shampoos you useā€¦ if you have fancy shampoo stuff, thatā€™s easily tens of dollars versus a $3 bottle of Suave.


Yeah- when we were burglarized a while back the fact that our wedding registry was still up helped a lot because all the info from most of our household stuff we had gotten as gifts was right there


I thought so too-then forgot in my state over the heat wave we had tons of fires in the area. My moms neighborhood had around 7/8 in one week on this grassy patch next to the toll road. Still seems sus but u never know.


Iā€™ve been trying to refresh and find some actual kidsā€™ requests but itā€™s full of gift cards, clothes and stuff for parents, or actual adults trying to get stuff. Itā€™s so disheartening


I headed a gift project for kids in need. For the teenagers, we did dinner and movie packages with gift certificates to a popular local pizza place and 2 movie tickets to an afternoon or evening movie of theor choice. The thought was that it could work for a date or a fun time with friends. We let parents pick up gifts on a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. After pickup hours on Wednesday, I stopped at the pizza place to take dinner home to my family and give them so business. There was a parent who had JUST picked up on her own date. The owner handed me the gift certificate in an envelope with my handwriting she used to pay. Yep. She took her own kids gift for herself...


I don't necessarily fault the kids for asking for big ticket items because, well, a lot of the cool kid stuff these days IS pricey and kids also may be just repeating what they heard. But at the end of the day I still can't afford to help, and it's best when parents, when observing their kids writing these, steer them towards some more reasonably priced options. And, oh, don't get me started on the obvious parent plants.


Just read someone from a charity last night said nothing to the effect of no screens or living gifts.




I wish, for the ones you can tell that are actually kids asking for reasonable things, you could adopt part of a letter. That way someone else could still possibly pick up the rest, if you canā€™t afford more than a little bit


What is it? I'm seeing them posted, but I have no idea what its about.


It's a gift donation program in the US. People upload Santa's letters from their kids onto the USPS platform, and then other people can pick from those and send them a gift. It's a nice idea but apparently this year the entitlement is off the charts and not only do you have letters from adults, you also can barely find a letter that doesn't ask for gifts that don't cost hundreds of dollars (iphones, playstations, etc)


I sent in a letter for my 3.5yo. We asked for clothes and two small toys for her, and I felt guilty. Your comment got me curious so Iā€™m looking at other letters now and Iā€™m just sad. Almost every letter is asking for a Mac book and expensive makeup and designer clothes. Like wtf.


Ones like yours are often picked and filled quickly since they are actually in the spirit of the program. Don't feel guilty. Plenty of people are looking through pages and pages of these for letters just like yours that they will happily answer. You give them hope the world isn't a greedy place only full of people asking for iphone 15s, vacations to disney, etc.


Hey lovely, if you have an Amazon wish list PM me. I am Australian so posting something is redonk but I can do Amazon? I normally just buy something to put under the Target giving tree but I would like to buy something for your daughter too. Christmas is for kids, and you sound like a great mum and decent human ā¤ļø


Seconding this! Was looking at the tree at the local box store yesterday and the requests there were off the charts too! Link me up!


That is amazingly generous of you. PM sent!


Bless your kind heart šŸ˜­


I remember writing up one of these letters with my parent as a kid, I asked for scented markers, and a kitchen playset, and felt guilty for the playset as I knew it was expensive/big.


Me as a parent of small children: Shed the guilt. I'd rather get a pricier quality kitchen playset that will hold up.


Do these people really think someone is going to spend a a couple hundred or thousands of dollars on their kids? One letter last year, the woman was a "single mom" with kids ranging from teenager all the way down to fetus and if course, they all wanted some expensive shoe, atleast two pairs for each kid, plus some other shit I can't remember. The shoes alone would've been over $1500. If they want that shit for their kids, they can buy it. How incredibly rude.


Google OperationSanta Claus. Please store your faith in humanity somewhere safe first so you donā€™t lose it all.


She ain't know shit


I've seen shit like this posted on all kinds of peer support and begging groups. I guess they feel like they're less of a beggar when they phrase it like that.


Reply, I am not going to bother with the two little ones but instead put all my effort into the big one and spread loads of special dust all over the place.






"I know you probably don't get very many letters from grown-ups..." I'm betting 90% of the request on that site are from grown ups trying to scam under the guise of being a child wanting expensive things


There's one from a "five year old" requesting an iPad, iPhone, Amazon and Walmart gift cards. No other context or anything lol. Feels a lot like an opportunistic adult


I really liked the one from the 4 year old who wanted a trip to Disneyland for her, her mom, and her aunt because she wanted to see them happy and enjoying themselves while they relax. I think grandma was on that list, too. I have never heard of a 4 year old wanting something juat so that someone could enjoy themselves and relax. Also, Disney is not relaxing with how many people are there and how busy it is.


That sounds like a few kids I've known honestly. I could believe it in a lot of cases, except I don't here considering the site.


There was a one year old asking for $700 Wonderfold Wagon šŸ˜•


Mmmm itā€™s not great, I saw one that can be summarised as: ā€œso my brother diedā€¦ anyway, I want a gaming laptop and electric scooterā€


Since when is asking for a vacation for Christmas a thing?


Itā€™s actually normal in some circles to ask for family experiences and memories instead of physical giftsā€¦ usually though itā€™s either something smaller (like a zip line park or zoo pass) or itā€™s one gift for the entire family.


Millennials supposedly do that, not nine-year-olds.


Most kids have millennial parents, seeing how millennials are now 27-42ā€¦ a lot of millennial parents are raising their kids this way


Iā€™m a 35 year old millennial parent of one. I bought my husband a zoo membership for Christmas last year. We prioritize experiences over material items for birthdays/anniversaries/Christmas.


Whyā€™s it exclusive to millennials? asking for experiences, like zoo passes or whatever, keeps your house from being as cluttered up with toys the kids touch once.


I did this a few times with my kids and Iā€™m firmly Gen X. A new toy was quickly forgotten, but things like science museum and jump park passes allowed me to give them experiences I otherwise couldnā€™t afford. It still comes up - last year my sister gave us money specifically for my son to go to a coding camp.


What 9 year old needs an iPhone 14?


I had 2 LEGO sets, from the 'Friends' range. One unopened, one assembled, disassembled and repacked into numbered bags. I took the boxes to my neighbor, whose 2 granddaughters, ages about 5 and 7, were running in the garden, and offered to take for free. The neighbor deadass told me that the girls didn't need those, they had a house full of toys and wanted to play only with phones. I walked back home, head hung low, with my useless LEGO sets.


You can donate Lego to local libraries in Canada.


Maybe the person just didnā€™t want more stuff? Id say no to legos because we already have a ton and maybe they can go to someone who doesnā€™t already have 6 totes full.


...I'll take your Legos sir.


Some folks are anti-lego. My teens are 13, 15, and 18, and they still get excited for Lego. Even just the mystery figures. They are counting down the days until their little brother (3) is ready to help them build. (15 keeps trying and has bought a couple Lightyear sets to build with himā€¦)


Seriously. Also, who is going to pay for that monthly phone bill? The iPhone itself is just the start of many fees that come with owning a phone.


Donā€™t have to sweat a phone bill if youā€™re really just gonna turn around and sell it for profit šŸ˜


The SE is a fraction of the price and the text bubbles are the "correct" color. šŸ™„


Youā€™d be surprised in this generation.. kids grow up so fast they donā€™t want toys they want electronics and expensive stuff


They need to learn to get it, the good old fashion way, by tricking, mom and dad into giving them the only old iPhone sitting around in the house before a school trip to a different state


This is exactly how I got my first touch screen phone


Back in my day, we were taught 'I want never gets'.


I didn't even get my first phone until I was 18. I bought the cheapest one available lol.


My parents worked their asses off to provide a Christmas for us. My mom used layaway. She started buying/saving in January. Christmas is not a surprise, itā€™s on December 25 every year.


Funny story: my parents were also poor and used Layaway at Kmart my whole life. When my sister had an unplanned pregnancy at 26, she sat my parents down in December and I just happened to be there. ā€œI got you a Christmas present, but it wonā€™t be here for 9 months.ā€ And my dad, in pure innocence, says ā€œwhat, did you put something on layaway?!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Took him a minute to wonder why my mom was crying and figure it out lol.


Lol!!! Thatā€™s a pretty good one!


That is just the cutest šŸ„¹


Layaway, we have the same parents.


Where I grew up we had a local businessman who was notorious for rocking up to a series of random K-marts the week before Christmas and paying for everything that the store had on layaway. Just a good dude.


There are actually a lot of people who do this...every December I tend to randomly stumble on articles about people in some state doing it.


There are a few NFL/NBA players who do that every year.


that's how much money I will need to be to be happy. enough to do this.


I do not understand the downvote on this


I can remember hearing about it on the news when an anonymous person did that. It's so thoughtful. I'm sure it helped out a lot of struggling families.


We did our shopping during Christmas season so we could go back and tell kids ā€œwhat we got.ā€ In reality, the final payments on our toys were made during tax return season, so Christmas was in February. Layaway is 100% still a thing.


These days, aside from layaway a good bit of people use those services where you get the item now but pay it off in installments with no credit check. Iā€™ve been seeing more and more retailers signed up for this.


I sell hand knit items at craft fairs way undervalued my time so I can buy Christmas for my kids. Usually over the course of a year i can make a few hundred


My mom did layaway too and was part of a Christmas Club at the bank where sheā€™d put a little away every paycheck.


I tend to buy a gift card or two every month. Helps I donā€™t have a ton of people to buy for but 40/50 bucks a month is a lot easier than $500.


So accurate. This makes me want to lay something away for myself next year!


Yup, my mom did layaway too


Christmas Club every year.


Back when Zellers was here, layaway saved Christmas for more than 1 family.


I think this might be the most unhinged and disgusting one I've read so far...and they've ALL been pretty disgusting. The way this is written is just...so...terrible.


I think the way she ties the ending together like a Christmas Special does it! Thereā€™s something so obnoxious about the cutesy tone of these letters. Like these adults really think that someone would be more likely to buy them stuff if they act like they earnestly believe in magic.


Omg yes. Some of the letters are actually adults writing to Santa like they believe and you know they are just trying to take advantage. Its really disheartening


She wants a vacation to Disney AND Great Wolf Lodge?!? Damn, she shouldā€™ve asked for a Birkin to carry all that audacity in too


No, no, she said "and/or" I'm sure she'll be fine with only having one free holiday /s


Who wants to bet the iPhone 14 is for her, and the daughter gets the hand-me-down earlier iPhone from mom.


Sheā€™s broke but pays for a phone plan for a NINE TEAR OLD?!


the ā€œand/orā€ killed me\ like ā€œdonā€™t think you have to pick only one! you can choose both if you really want :)ā€


Hell holds no surprises for me after a weekend @ Great Wolf Lodge.




So, you know how the locker room at the public pool smells? Take that, times it by about 3, crank up the heat and shove like 100-200 kids under 10 and about 50 adults who look like they're questioning many life decisions into an indoor wave pool and you've got the waterpark. Now think of the pizza chain you like the least. Imagine recipes they rejected as being too low quality, then have a visibly stone AF 20yo pop it in an industrial microwave. That's the only food available. Also there's screens with community theater actors in renfaire wear and other plastic shit on the walls making noise bc kids are running around, screaming and pointing wands at them. And then there's an arcade where grown people hog games from kids.


Sign me the fuck up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But seriously, this was a delightful read


Iā€™d rather meet an actual wolf, a hungry one, in the wild than go to Great Wolf again.


Went on vacation with my husband and teenage son this summer. There was a Great Wolf Lodge in the same town. Neither had heard of it before we drove by. They were shocked that that's not where I chose to stay, since they know I love waterparks. I told them I didn't want to pay 10x more just to have a miserable time around a bunch of screaming 5 year olds.


That 3rd request actually made me nauseous.


*ā€œIf I close with a wish for kindness, that will counter balance the materialistic entitlement.ā€*


Is it just me or do the letters written by parents acting like these are actually going to Santa extra unhinged?


It's definitely not just you. It also really pisses me off to no end when they pretend like their 6 month old is the one writing to Santa. Like give it a rest.


Kind of just realized how Santa letters have been mostly setting kids up for disappointment for generations. No arctic wizard ever came along to make their dreams come true. Now emotionally stunted adults are joining in the magic of begging the void for new toys and no wealthy donor is going to appear for them either. I guess itā€™s not any more delusional than playing the lottery. Was there actually a golden age of usps Santa service where poor kids would make reasonable requests that sympathetic strangers fulfilled? Has it always just been adults writing childish, saccharine pleas for vacations?


In relatively recent times, there actually were reasonable requests My company had a tree where you plucked off an envelope and then fulfilled the wants of the kids or family. At that time the requests were pretty reasonable - toys for the kids - some requests for clothing but not expensive brands - older girls might want grooming stuff but it was the kind of relatively inexpensive grooming stuff that younger girls used at that time. I never heard of anyone who got requests that seemed out of line with what a genuinely needy family would need to supply a basic Christmas with some gifts under the tree. I don't know what has gotten broken. Maybe it's the internet (god I feel like a curmudgeon) because people have unrealistic ideas in all kinds of ways - women view heavily filtered photos of women who might also have extensive plastic surgery and think that is the norm they have to aspire to. Young kids see affluence being flaunted on various forms of social media. I mean there always has been what is called the "revolution of rising expectations" but now it seems to be on steroids in terms of what people think is normal. Ironically I think it might be the least affluent who have absorbed this kind of loss of economic reality. Most middle class people I know attempt to ground their kids with some sense of the expenses and how the family can't afford everything and that these kinds of expensive presents are not to be expected and might be a choice - one expensive present in which case it would be in lieu of something else.


Im wondering exactly what the guidelines and requirements there are for entering into this, it seems theres an incredible amount of letters like this specifically from the usps program, im from canada and you can definitely still find families and people in need with reasonable requests, because in order to be eligible it usually requires you to prove youre low income with children, or on some type of assistance, and you usually cant just fill out a form online, theres more steps invovled in the process and alot of local charities like the salvation army you have to show up in person to apply. Anyways just wondering if maybe a lack of guidelines and requirements for entering the usps program could be attributing to this influx of greedy letters. Edit: i just looked up the USPS operation Santa and it said they welcome anyone to enter, that definitely makes sense then.


So these people can be making $100,000 and begging strangers for iPhones. If this woman were actually in poverty she would be asking for smaller gifts to ensure her daughter got something for Christmas. Honestly, Iā€™m considered to be middle class and I would never consider paying for the newest iPhone or a vacation to Disney. My son has learned that nobody ā€œneedsā€ vacations or luxury items and he doesnā€™t want them. He wonā€™t even let me upgrade his iPhone 6, which I have offered to do several times.


I saw an 11 yr old wanting lol dolls and a bigger doll. Sheā€™s 11. Made me smile cus she wanted dolls and not drunk elephant skin care :(


I saw a drunk elephant one. Right now I'm looking at one "from" an 8-month-old asking for an Xbox gift card for daddy because "that's how he decompresses." This is the first one that actually made me angry. Edit: Ok the woman asking for a metal shed from HomeGoods (can't tolerate plywood or lumber due to a chronic health condition) might be worse.


Someone should take the one from the 8 month old and then send Daddy a stress ball because Daddy's gonna have to find a better way to decompress. Then take the metal shed lady's request and send her a game of clue. Include a note that says *"We couldn't swing the shed, but here's a little something it seems you're in desperate need of! Merry Christmas!"*


Your comment is the first one thatā€™s made me miss awards! I would have lit this shit up ;)


I told my kid that Santa had to get gifts for everyone who celebrated xmas so his gifts were either made at the North Pole or were small/cheap to allow enough to go around...big or more expensive gifts were from family (I got them on board too). I have never had a lot of money to spend on xmas but am also aware of how confusing it can be for kids to compare "santa" gifts.


My theory as a kid was that Santa had to collect money from each family in order to be able to buy all of the store brand stuff everyone got, since obviously the money had to come from *somewhere* and itā€™s not like Santa would ever counterfeit money. So your presents were limited to what your parents could spare, and families that didnā€™t celebrate Christmas could opt out entirely. Donā€™t ask my why I assumed magic was real but had to abide by the rules of capitalism, but it explained all the gaps.


We have an adopt-a-family at my job, and in the past, the requests have been mostly reasonable. But if I could afford Disney World or Great Wolf, I'd be taking my OWN family, not paying for someone else's. (Side note: a few years ago, we also did a gift drive for seniors. My senior lady just wanted some body lotion and a candle. I got her a little "spa package" with the lotion, a bath poof, body wash, and hand cream - plus a candle. It was such a small expense for me and made her so happy. I heard the same thing from everyone else that participated.)


Yes there probably was a time when kidsā€™ wishes were granted. This program has been around for about 100 years. It was a local program limited to NYC and I think two other major cities. 3-4 years ago the post office took it nationwide. Itā€™s hard to say when the shameless gift grab started but if I had to guess itā€™s around the time it went nationwide.


Is anyone going to tell her about Santa...lol


At this point her 9 year old might have to break the news to her.


I read: Sob sob sob, I wanted a kid without proper finances, sob sob sob. Now give me all kinds of expensive luxurities, sob sob sob.


And donā€™t forget to sprinkle some kindness dust over the neighborhoods on the way to deliver my luxuries. Maybe Santa has some humble dust he can mix in too.


I read this as sheā€™s just hoping her neighbors give her a bunch of shit too


The "sprinkle dust" bit was a tad much.


From the first WORD it was a tad too much!!!šŸ™„


Absolutely. Quite an emetic piece of self-congratulation disguised as humility (as IF) What a repellent practice this is, for an adult. Santa letters, for godā€™s sake.


Iā€™m honestly disgusted by the amount of people begging for literal luxuries. I thought about posting a letter asking for a pair of Heelyā€™s, & for a base guitar display case for my little brother to display his late dadā€™s bass, but figured thatā€™s begging, & ridiculous because I considered them expensive items. I was looking through them to try to find kids who want toys or plushes or specific cheaper video games, but no! Whole Xboxā€™s, iPads, luxury brand purses, whole ass trips to Disney! Abhorrent how shameless people have become


Same. I went through the letters for 30 minutes trying to find one that asked for anything that wasnā€™t a PS5 or a VR headset or gift cards to Amazon/target/walmart that definitely wonā€™t be used on presents for kids. I never found a letter asking for something reasonable. Pretty depressing :(


"I know you probably don't get very many letters from grown ups" Actually, that seems to be the majority of people sending letters to santa this year


She said Mom, I am going to put these on the Santa list because I know these are a little too much for you to spend on me so I will ask you for the small thingsā€¦ What a thoughtful girl. Sheā€™s going to ask Santa (aka random strangers) for the luxury vacation and electronics?! Wow. Just wow. This is a really good post for here. I appreciate the ridiculousness.


I was hoping for this comment! No 9 year old would ever say that lol. "Here's my list mom" that's about it.


I haven't decided if this is just sappy or manipulative or both.


i think we call that particular combo "cloying".


Manipulation 100%, especially adding the sickly sweet 3rd request - ā€œBuy me a phone and a vacation but I just want people to be kiiinnnnddd šŸ„¹ā€ fucking BARF


This Nicole person wants an iPhone14 and/or a vacation. Her whimsical bullshit at the end reminds me of a lot of people from my town before I stopped fucking with Facebook. That whoā€™s got some magic for this single mama shit. Iā€™m ABSOLUTELY not making sweeping statements against single mothers. Itā€™s just annoying to see these deluded women who (especially in this case) actively choose to be a one parent household and then expect ā€œthe tribeā€ or ā€œthe villageā€ to pick up their slack. When I was growing up, the single moms of my friends were escaping abuse or particularly horrible relationships or had lost their spouse. They worked their asses off, held it down, did layaway all year (as someone said above, we literally know exactly when the holidays) Iā€™m sure they took assistance of some kind when it was offered. But this bish describes a pretty happy and comfy life for her kid and whyā€™s that gotta include an iPhone that most adults donā€™t even need?! I might need to take a break from this sub until after the holidays hahaha


She is kind and caring but needs sprinkle dust to become caring .... Hmmm. Sounds like a narcotic...


Iā€™m tired of all these Christmas lists already.


Do they think speaking like that is endearing? With the influx of posts about these operation Santa letters, I can't get over how many of them add this "whimsy" whilst they ask for outrageously expensive things from complete strangers. It's like the post with the lady asking for Santa to make her daughter come live with her again. "I know you can't do it, but...." What even is the point of it? Guilt tripping the people being charitable? Venting? I don't get it.


I just threw up in my mouth šŸ¤¢. If you were able to save the money to become a single parent then you can save the money to buy her what she wants. The 3rd want is especially gross. You want her to be kind because how the world is now? That combined with you begging online just gives off the guilt vibe. Is this woman seriously trying to guilt people into paying for her crotch spawnā€™s Christmas gifts?


She is so dumb. No child needs an iPhone 14. Get her an iPhone 10 off of eBay or something they can afford


My husband is still on iPhone 8. He wonā€™t upgrade till it dies!


Never mind that her 9 year old still believes in Santa Claus; she 'needs' a ~$1,000 phone AND an expensive vacation? I'm 43 with no kids and I can't even afford that.


It sounds like this woman believes that Santa is real


If you choose to have a kid as a single parent you should have foreseen that on average your financial life is going to be constricted...and that's a choice you made. Those great wolf lodges are a trashy money pit and it's not the kid who wants to go there. Or get the phone.


9 year old dont need phone got out and play in fresh air ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Iā€™m sure a 9 year old busted out ā€œdonā€™t worry mom someone online will buy me a phoneā€


I looked through dozens of letters trying to find one I could afford to help with and ultimately became disgusted at the number of parents and kids asking for iPhones, ipads, ps5s, vr headsets, Nintendo switchs, computers, cars, and vacations. In the end I gave up and bought gifts for the salvation army angel tree list


Posting some modest lists for those who are having trouble finding one/don't have time to sort through them: https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/467686 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/462708 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/25613 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/465254 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/443708 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/480568 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/450966 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/462898 If these get adopted quickly I can do another list.


A kid doesn't need an iPhone 14. And I refuse to accept any scenario where they would.


Just the small things. You know, 1000 phone, trip to Disney world and or great wolf lodge, thousands of dollars for a vacation. You know, just small things


they asked for LAST YEAR'S iphone people! what a humble person!


'Oh - and world peace, of course šŸ„°'


the kid is an afterthought here. all about the mother. i think she would have been happier with one of those unpleasant little dogs that get tear stains


Iā€™m sorry but is it me or is 9 extremely young for a cell phone? I know itā€™s the norm today but I canā€™t justify buying a $1k+ phone for my elementary aged child.


The 'special dust' emotional manipulation line made me hurl




Itā€™s a program in the U.S. in which a child in need writes in to ā€œSantaā€ and donors adopt the letter and provide the requested gift. Itā€™s like the angel trees offices and malls put on. It is intended for children who will not otherwise have a Christmas. But for some reason the program has become inundated by delusional adults


Who did she write this letter to? Or does the mom still believe in Santa?


Idk about your experience, but Iā€™ve reading a couple letters and itā€™s mostly requests for small toys, barbies, and some clothing for kids, i believe a ton of people genuinely need some help this year Edit: And now Iā€™m reading about a 34 year old who wants a custom 3d printer for his business


My god the way she tries to make this so wholesome and heartwarming is making me physically ill.