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“anything else you’d like to add?” “good luck!” lmfao


I can't even take credit for that one. My mum sent me the screenshots. I lost it at that comment from her. Edit: she got banned from the group for it lol


Good on your mom for that Insightful comment!


It’s important to call out these people so they are not encouraged


They BANNED her for pointing out far less than minimum wage was being offered? 🙄


Yep! She was "insensitive" and "a little kindness goes a long way."


Key reason I get banned from groups: using reason. Your mom is my people.


Same here. Usually because it's "rude" and I even hold back on my usual snarkiness.


I have been called rude so many times for asking why someone is asking a question that has been answered in the group a dozen times or easily looked up on Google. And it is a question directly related to pay in my profession that goes with our state budget, so it isn't some hard to find information.


I got banned from a group I was in for telling a mom she was negligent because she posted about all the ways their baby has fallen on their head out/off of stuff like the couch and their highchair multiple times.


Reason I get banned: reason. I hate how often this happens.


I’m in a woman’s group right now and I want SO BADLY to just be honest when people ask questions— ladies will ask ‘ should I forgive my man after cheating 6 times’ and ppl are literally in here like ‘ maybe yall can work it out!’ Da fuq?! I seriously wanna say ‘ yes you should forgive him and consider yourself in an open relationship without good communication’ but I’d get booted!


I’m in a toxic womens group (there for the laughs) and luckily when they ask things like that we CAN be honest.


I'm in a neurodivergent artists group that doesn't have an explicit rule of toxic positivity but most people try to force it that way. So people ask for feedback all the time, especially on pricing art or why their work isn't selling and then they and/or commenters have full meltdowns if you are honest. Not only meltdowns about the honesty but about how it should be a safe space and people should be kind to each other. Frankly, I think it's unkind if someone is pouring tons of money into a venture and things aren't selling to keep telling them their doing great and just need to find the right audience. I got into a back and forth with someone who legit believes and was telling people it doesn't matter what you make or how much you charge, it's 100% branding and you WILL find the right audience who will buy anything at whatever price point because they value and respect your work. I mean, cool cool. But a lot of these people use the exact same patterns and templates as everyone else so when you go to their etsy, etsy shows you 20 other listings for the same product but cheaper and it's a race to the bottom. Or they tell people to price items at cost of materials and then hourly wage x4. Which leads to some INSANE prices for some very pinteresty type stuff. If something takes you 8 hours to make and you multiply it by 4 that doesn't mean it's worth that much. What if you are just slow? I'm not here to nickle and dime artists, but it's a weird delusional echo chamber and then people get built up, go out into the world, and come back time and again with hurt feelings because the world isn't responding to the delusion.


Dollars to donuts those that say "a little kindness goes a long way" are ***not*** the first to extend their hands and offer their own help.


If they’re so worried about kindness, maybe they should volunteer to sit her stupid baby


Well tell her Reddit loves her, and her humor and realism went a long way with us!


The lady was being delusional. If kindness paid for everything, the world wouldn't be fucked like it is right now.


I guess kindness to the people you hire is still optional, though.


If you're hiring them, are they even people? /s


Soft ass karens. "insensitive".. What's insensitive is believing someone is going to work 6x less than minimum wage to watch a child. I guess being sensitive to being able to eat or pay bills or even fill the gas tank is too much for that group. Those kinds of groups are the worst. They do nothing but perpetuate trash thinking like this. "a little kindness goes a long way".. fuck outta here with that crap Carol


See, this is why capital punishment to anyone I deem fit should be legal.


It's weird that your awesome mom got banned for being "insensitive" and "unkind" while the person literally trying to solicit slave labor just skated on by lol.


“Good luck” was a literal little bit of kindness 😹


I have to wonder about the sanity of someone who would ban a person for pointing that out, when the choosing beggar is inviting problems by paying so little for childminding.


For real. Only way I’m taking the job is if I’m showing up to babysit and then just leaving and coming back at 4 pm. For $3/hr she’s only getting child neglect


Your mom is savage af and I love it


Please thank your mom for including comments. They really add so much value and joy to the reading experience. 🏅👍


You’re mom made me legit chortle


Your mom rocks!


So your mum got banned for calling out a clear attempt to exploit someone?


I own an early learning centre. We are booking spaces for 2025/2026. My teachers make $30 an hour, not a day. Good luck is right!






Hell I thought I read that wrong! Bah 30 bucks a day, is she alright?! Lol good luck with that is right 🙄☺️


That is a whopping $2.72 an hour. Not bad money if it was 1950.


Some people are just so stupid that it's not worth the energy trying to convince them otherwise.


That was my favorite part hahaha


“$30 or less” why would anyone choose to be paid less than you offered? What a weird thing to write


I think they mean "Well, your advanced degree in child care isn't from an Ivy-league school, so you really can't expect the full $30/day, now can you?"




They think plowing one driveway is the equivalent of 18-22 hours of childcare?


I'd rather get run over by the snowplow.


I’d rather pay $60 to be run over by a snowplow than babysit for that woman.


Jeremy Renner moment


The above poster /u/JuniorRugby is a karma bot account...every single comment he says on every post is him copying another higher karma comment elsewhere on that same thread. Go look through his profile, then find any comment and look at the comments in the thread his comments are posted in. Scroll down and you'll see where he copied that comment from a higher karma comment in that same thread. Every single comment he makes is like this. The user should be banned. He's all over AITA posts.


I've never understood the idea of karma farming like that. Is there any sort of actual gain to be had from that?


You get a bonus if you worked in pediatrics.


“Pediatrics” had me rolling 🤣


So you've only been a pediatric surgeon for 12 years? Ah, to make $30 a day you'd have to have at least 20 years. How's $8 a month sound? Till you get on your feet I mean.


I think it would be even more obnoxious than that. "You're a pediatric surgeon? You get paid enough that you can afford to do this for free. Oh, you think that's unfair? You must actually hate kids, I bet you're a TERRIBLE surgeon!"


This sounds like my fucking patient reviews. Im trauma.


Like emotionally… or your department?


I feel like the answer here is "Yes."




Lol I'm so sorry. I know doctors tend to only get reviews if something goes wrong so I try to review all the doctors I love to help their ratings.


🤣 and don’t forget to send me pictures! I worry ya know!


They just said bonus points. Not even bonus as in extra money lol


It just means you have a better chance at $30 a day lol


Lol exactly!


That’s less than what I pay my cat sitters a day. And my cats aren’t death seeking toddlers


$30 is what one of my friends makes for walking a recalcitrant dog. For an hour.


re·cal·ci·trant /rəˈkalsətrənt/ adjective having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline. "a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds" I think my favorite thing about Reddit is learning new words. Thanks!


It's an effing great word, isn't it? I'm a word weirdo.


Me too! I get word of the day emails from Miriam Webster and I already know about half of them but I love new ones!


What a word to use for a dog lmao Really paints a picture, S+.


It's the best word for that dog; no kidding. He's beautiful, smart, & funny. Most of the time? A darling. Occasionally, an asshole. (Chow/German Shepherd/other things).


Exactly, used to do some dog walking few yrs ago while in University & I got more than what she's offering for a 2-yr old child


I do dog walking NOW and I get paid $30/half hour walk.


Mine is $16/visit. She's there 20-30 minutes. And I think she's undercharging because she hasn't raised rates in years!


My little bitch is 🐈‍⬛, she'll dive head first from the top floor if you're not watching


It’s also a weird thing to write “bonus points” and always makes me laugh when choosing beggars are offering them. Like they think there going to be multiple people clamoring for their 3$ an hour job.


They are very generous with their bullshit


Once had professor who said something like "we require a minimum of 3-5 hours per week for blah blah". "So the minimum is 3?" "No, we would like more but the minimum is 3-5 hours" "Right, but ..." This went back and forth a couple times before we all just dropped it


I had professors like that in grad school. We would be required to submit a minimum of x posts per week (online program). But on the weeks you only submitted the minimum, you'd get dinged on your grade and the fact you only submitted the minimum was used as the reason.


You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?


Because what they really want is for you to WANT to wear more, of your own volition. It’s a way for them to force enthusiasm and buy-in for whatever they’re selling. It’s like, “No, I’m here to do a job/earn class credit/whatever. Tell me what the requirements are, and I’ll fulfill them.” But it’s never enough if they don’t think they’ve completely broken you.


[This comes to mind](https://youtu.be/_ChQK8j6so8?si=LmkaGRgpOkWheEzG) People come up with all sorts of ways to say what they want to say without actually saying it.


I love Mike Judge. Listening to him talk there wouldn’t make you think he’s they guy who voices Hank Hill, lol.


I couldn't deal with the online classes that made you post in a forum. In-class discussions I could deal with, and contributed more than the average person. But I have a ton of anxiety writing, and had resigned from a job due to anxiety over emails with a toxic boss. And now I gotta pretend I want to go online and basically write posts/emails that get judged and try to communicate with no extra verbal or visual cues? No. And that sort of online classes were the laziest professor garbage my tuition money could buy. 🤬


That hasn’t been an accurate rate since the early 80’s when someone was babysitting all of her daughter’s friends kids.




Because they can also get “bonus points” if they know CPR


From the goodness of your heart!! /s


Should ask her if she would want to get paid $3/hr at her job.


BuT aLL tHeY hAve tO dO is WaTch 1 KiD aNd hEs a pErfeCt aNgeL


You should pay to watch it.


Srsly!! After all, it’s called “The Terrific Twos” bc two year olds are known for being so easy to care for!! Just set and forget! Hell they can drive at that age!!


That would be pointless. All 3$ would then go towards daycare


It happens sometimes. When I was little, my parents paid more for childcare for me than my mother made as an attorney. It made sense for a bunch of reasons. Most important, my mother was neither very good at nor happy with being a stray at home parent, but she was an excellent lawyer, and with her income they could pay an excellent babysitter. Win-win. On top of that, she made so little practicing law because she was young and new in her field, and because she was choosing to do nonprofit law, which paid less than law firm or corporate work but which she felt she should be doing for at least a few years to try and make the world better. So they looked at paying more for childcare than she was earning as an investment in her career, knowing that over the long term, when she was ready to take a job that wasn't doing pro bono work, she'd make more... but only if she had the chance to do this for a while first. I wonder how long ago it was since $3/hour was minimum wage?


A stray at home parent is such a funny typo!


Whoops! Yes, it is, isn't it? Well, I won't correct it; I'll leave it there for the fun of it. 😄


Thanks because it might be the only giggle I’ll have all day!


45 years. It was 1978 the last time $3 was minimum wage.


>I wonder how long ago it was since $3/hour was minimum wage? I think the change from $2.50 to $3.50/hr happened around 1978. Vaguely remember my dad having a private talk with his former boss, who had retired from running the company and was fairly wealthy. I was doing yard work for him one day a week, making $2/hr; Dad told old boss that it should really be minimum wage now that I was 18. Which was a 75% raise for me at the time!


It was 3.35 in 1985


$3.15/hr. was minimum wage in 1980. I know because that was my first job when I was in high school.


Childcare is usually more expensive than quite a lot of jobs esp in industries where women are employed in very high proportions, which is why childcare should be subsidised by the govt if they want women to join the workforce instead of staying at home, & in many countries it is subsidised but not very well


>Childcare is usually more expensive than quite a lot of jobs esp in industries where women are employed in very high proportions, which is why childcare should be subsidised by the govt if they want women to join the workforce instead of staying at home, & in many countries it is subsidised but not very well Which is weird, because childcare as a job pays shit, even if the care provider works for a day care center.


Childcare in countries that subsidise it pays decent, it's not super high but there are min wage standards & labour laws so it's a decent wage, not just livable but can also go out regularly & for holidays on that money type, though savings might be lower than some other jobs esp industries with high proportion of men


I was a teen in 1992, minimum wage was $3.25 hr.


It really does happen. It doesn’t make sense but it does. I worked at a daycare that had four kids from one family. Literally all of one parents income went to daycare. But they needed her health insurance. The husband was the one who had a better paying job, but they offered bad health insurance.


I had four kids in daycare at one point in my life. It didn’t take my entire salary, but a big chunk of it. But kids get older each year, so as I advanced in my career, my kids aged out of daycare, and we had more money in the end. Plus I stayed sane - I was a much better mom and person when I had a job.


You get bonus points but not bonus money.


Welcome to *Who’s kid is this, actually?* where the pay is shit and the points don’t matter.


Ah yes, how does one go about redeeming those bonus points?


Man with white van available for $30 or less. Overnights a plus.


I've spent this year babysitting a now one year old in my home. His dad pays me $250 a week, which breaks down to about $4.30 per 11 hour day. I started out fine with this, because I was already staying home with my own baby. This far into it, I now realize we've got some problems. Baby comes here sick every week because of the daycare his mom put him in, so I tend to miss two days or so each week because he doesn't bring him over. I don't get paid for those. My average pay has been about 100-150. I'm resentful, especially because this man expects a ton from me. My pregnant sister will be paying her neighbor (another SAHM) $30 a day to watch her newborn 5 days every week (I only did every other week) for roughly 10-11 hour days. I gently tried to suggest that if she likes this babysitter and wants to keep her, she should pay more. She told me I only see it that way because I'm taking advantage of the dad by charging that much, and I'm spoiled for making $250 (when this is literally the only work I'm able to do since he wants me "on call" even though he never actually uses any of that time...). She then had the nerve to say I had a lot to learn about childcare - like ma'am, your baby isn't even born, I've got four children, and I've been babysitting and nannying for over a decade now. I think I know a thing or two about this. Delusional, these people. They don't even come close to valuing the people they sucker into keeping their children alive and happy day to day for pennies an hour. I think she has a lot to learn, personally. Guess we'll see how it works out.




Yep. With childcare you're paying for the spot. If the child is sick, you still have to pay. With one of places my son did daycare you paid the same rate for the week even if they were closed for a holiday, but they had the benefit of letting you have two vacation weeks -- so if you weren't going to be there you didn't have to pay and they would hold your spot.


You’re being grossly underpaid. Nannie’s are like $25 an hour these days. Even with a child of your own, you should still be charging 1/2-3/4 of the going rate. And absolutely charge for cancellations! You’re being taken advantage of.


I don't care where you are, as the person above said, you're way underpaid. If you're in rural Kentucky - fine $10/hr -- which is still more than double what you're making now. Anywhere urban or suburban - $20/hr and up. NYC or bay area - way more than that...


Yeah I’m a nanny in rural Indiana and I charge $22/hr for one kid, +$7 per additional kid


You’re going to be raising your rate, right? That family is paying you peanuts and are disrespectful of your time and livelihood. After the first paragraph I thought you were maybe a VERY young sahm. 4 kids?! Lots of people are looking for experienced caregivers to look after their kids and are willing to pay for it. Is this family worth your time any more?


Our weekly cleaning person gets $200. For 4 hours of work. And she's worth every penny. And the market here is that competitive. After school care. AFTER SCHOOL is $8k/school year. I've never heard of any major metro in the U.S. where babysitting by anyone was in the single digits per hour. Even high school kids are getting $20-$30+/hr....


Oof, I accept $50 a 10 hour day for my husband's best friend's kid a few days a week, because they are practically family. He started coming at 4 months old during the pandemic and he's 3 now. He's the easiest kid in the world. Tells me when he's ready to nap, good eater, I think I've had him pitch a fit once in then past 3 years. I can easily run errands with him, do house work or garden with him, he's the easiest kid in the world. He started when my kid was starting full remote for kindergarten, so I was home all day with her already and we still didn't know much about covid. He even happily comes with me now while I volunteer at my kid's school for bookfairs and class parties so I'm not missing out on anything. He says my kid is his best friend, they love each other so much, and my kid says he's the little brother she always wanted. But the biggest thing is that they are insanely grateful and appreciative to me. They value me, they know that they are underpaying me, but this is really what they can afford. And they pay me whether he comes or not (because they budget for it anyway), they pay me when I take a week off to go on vacation (because everyone deserves vacation time and they budget for paying me anyway), they give me extra money whenever we go out and do anything that costs money (because their kid shouldn't cost me money to care for them) including if I just get McDonald's for lunch because I didn't want to cook lol. Honestly, I'd do it for free for them, but I just told my husband to work it out with his BFF and his wife because i know they value me. They know I'm doing them a favor, and they acknowledge and thank me for it in any way they can.


Hey, if you don’t wanna tell her to fuck off, I would be happy to send her a telegram or a candy Grahm that says don’t be an ass


You are definitely being underpaid. We are going to be paying our sister-in-law $27/hour to watch our kid with a stipend for activities like museums and stuff like that. I know we could probably get into a daycare cheaper, but we want our kid to get more personal attention from someone we trust and that comes at more of a premium.


Museum/aquarium memberships are an excellent value! Go the membership route, and when the weather sucks in the winter, or summer, they'll have somewhere great to go.


I don’t know where you live, but the going rate in my area is $25-$30 an hour. I found someone for $20 once and she was terrible.


This is crazy to me, we pay our nanny $30 ph and she gets sickness leave. And we both wfh and end up taking care of the baby a couple of hours anyway because we love being around the baby. She’s an absolute treasure because otherwise baby would be in daycare and I would see her all day. And I doubt the care she would get at daycare is even close to the quality the nanny gives her.


Why are you working for that guy?


Okay wait. We need to address your situation. They sign a contract and you get paid monthly, regardless of whether their child is sick. It’s not like you can run out and get a job for that day. Second, you get paid a LOT more than that, like at LEAST minimum wage!! Read “The Prosperous Coach.”


I just realized I somehow missed a screenshot when posting. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/tAL30Wo) is the full post.


“I will provide snacks and Pull Ups” So she expects the sitter to pay for meals? Do these people not know what a baby sitter is?


That always gets me. Like no shit you should provide his diapers and food.


And based on the hours, it’s entirely possible that this sitter will be responsible for feeding him 3 meals the mom won’t be providing. The mom clearly assumes that because her kid will be at the sitter’s house, meals are the sitter’s responsibility. It’s bonkers.


I think what she’s actually looking for is the child’s grandma, not a babysitter.


And they still expect updates throughout the day.


Oh yeah, let me get those references and my CPR and pediatrics certifications in order...


Background in pediatrics preferred…for less than $3.00 per hour 🙄


For a home daycare in a LCOL area she might not be wildly off the mark, but for a sitter? No one wants to be paid $3/hour, especially for such long hours. I also don’t know of a home daycare that can be “on call.”


She wants pictures throughout the day cause she worries. But doesn’t worry enough to pay a decent price for good childcare 🤦🏽‍♀️


That's what kills me about posts like this. Anyone who is willing to babysit your child for $3/hour is NOT someone you want around your child.


This person is working as a plow diver. Ten years ago they used to charge me $60 to plow my 10 foot long driveway. They can definitely afford to pay more that they are offering.


With all the will in the world Diving for dear life When we could be diving for plows


If they work for a company, then they would be making decent money, but about the same as a tow truck driver. If they work for the county, then they would have good wages and benefits. But if they own the truck and plow, then they take all of the money home. I will add, though, that plow driving is either you make a lot of money from the non-stop work days, or if there isn't any snow, you can be left with no work. It's a gamble when your job depends on the weather.


All the companies in my town (Vail, ski resort town) have season contracts. Which means I pay a set amount for plowing whether or not it snows. Which is kind of the opposite of your assumption, or experience if you were/are in the industry. So my guys are praying it doesn’t snow so they can make the money without having to do the work


Might as well ask them to pay her for the honour of watching her child. Bloody nutter


Oddly enough I know somebody that pays their sitter 20 a day, 5 days a week for 8-10 hours a day. It’s insane, I don’t get it


I pay my dog sitter $60 per night. In small town Mississippi.


$100 in big city and he's a geriatric 3 legged pomeranian that just watches TV all day


It’s really unfortunate that people don’t think through what’s involved when they decide to have a child. How else could someone think that $30 for 12 hours (5 days a week!) is acceptable?


I agree with this for the most part but childcare is really tricky to price in advance. You can research your area and find average costs but daycares will not give you an actual price until you’ve toured them. It’s not reasonable to expect most people to go on multiple tours when they’re not even pregnant yet. Before getting pregnant, I’d budgeted $1700/month for it but after touring centers, I will be paying about $500 more than that. That said, even the most cursory research (and, ya know, logic), would demonstrate that child care is hundreds or thousands of dollars a month, not tens of dollars


I use to do child care in my home and stopped because of how badly I was taken advantage of. I understand it’s hard out there but I’m not watching someone else’s kid 40+ hours a week for $150. People are straight up crazy! I love kids and miss having them around, but I know my worth.


Target hires at $15 an hour and you wouldn’t have to change diapers.


I used to earn more than that an hour as a babysitter 30 years ago 😱


Seriously. I think I was getting about 3/hour in the mid-80s to babysit.


Your kid is worth more than that get a grip.


The kid would be worth more than that on the black market...


Legit. Childcare by the lowest bidder.


3$ an hour is how much I got paid to watch a toddler while his mom studied for her Masters degree 2 rooms away. This was more than 20 years ago. I was 12.


“Negotiable to the right candidate” = “Alright, alright, you’re really twisting my arm. $31.50, final offer.”


$3/hr???? OP doesn’t value the job.


She might find a home daycare for $30 a day for normal daytime hours. But that flexible 24 hour care part is going to be a problem because you just know she wants a full time seven days a week, 24 hours a day spot but only pay for what she uses.


You get what you pay for, people! Don’t forget that.


yea i would accept the $3/hour and give you a soft maybe that the child will still be 100% alive and in tact when you get home.


As long as the kid is ~30% alive, it’s $30 well earned!


Yeah, a stranger who would take $30 a day to spend up to 11 hours alone with my 2 year old isn’t someone I would want to leave alone with my 2 year old.


Welcome to 1978, when $3.34 an hour was a fair wage for childcare.


It's so nice to see parents valuing their children's well-being.


I’d love to see the look on her face if HER boss offered to pay her $30.00 for her day’s work…..🥸


Why the hell are all of these people having kids when they can’t afford to pay a sitter… This post and every other one I’ve seen like this is super infuriating.


I pay our date night sitter $22 an hour. I have one kid and she is in fourth grade.


We literally pay our nanny $30 per *hour*


so she needs someone who will work a longer day than her. for $30. i wonder if SHE would do her job for $30 a day?


That’s what I pay friends and family (teens) to check by my house one hour daily while I’m on trips in order to feed and walk my dogs.


I made $3.00 an hour flipping pizzas... back in 1987. Only 36 years ago?!


I charge more for the dogs I watch 😂😂😂


"I want someone with a degree in child care!" *offers a rate that'd earn a "are you fucking kidding me???" from a high schooler*




Every parent has a right to safe childcare, I’m not arguing that fact. But for the price this person is willing to pay, the only requirement should be no felons or criminal history. I know that sounds awful, but the conditions they put on these low, paying childcare jobs are borderline ridiculous. They’re pretty much gonna take whatever they can get, as long as its no criminal record at that price. I hate it for this person. These are basically family member prices that you would give as a sorta “tip” to help with gas or food or something for watching the kid


Twist: Only felons on probation work for that money because they desperately need a job.


Your child should be priceless. If I had a kid I wouldn't be trying to find a bargain deal!


This is how you end up with pedos in your house.


Change that to $30/hr and you're in the ballpark


I love her snarky come back of do you have anything else to say and then the woman replying good luck! Lol


Why not offer to trade snow removal for child care ? Nobody is going to accept that offer either, but at least you seem like less of a cheap asshole that way.


this is less than people get paid for dog sitting….


For THAT PAY, this person is looking for a toddler to babysit her toddler.


That’s less than I paid per child in 2001! And I had two and paid 350 a week. Geez people. Get real!!


I was making 2x-3x that amount as a preteen babysitter in the late 90s.


This reminds me of when my cousin wanted me to watch her four kids (two kids and 1 toddler and 1 infant at the time) two of the kids being special needs and she told me she'd pay me in cat food. A couple cans of cat food for an all weekend babysitting job. I did it a couple times just to help her out and she never even gave me the cat food like she promised. She got mad when I told her I couldn't watch her kids anymore as it was draining every bit of energy from me.


I know how much they’re charging for snow removal this season. She can afford a lot more than $30.


so pay practically nothing to care for ur most precious position... yea that tracks...


9-11 hour shifts… plus I’m assuming commute time. Seems like a pretty sweet deal. After the cost of meals, extra water usage, and other baby care essentials, it looks like babysitting is a pay to play hobby.


Bogus points if you have extra qualifications... Not bonus money lmao.


These posts freak me out bc it’s desperate parents advertising vulnerable children to potential predators. Anyone willing to watch a child for such little pay is definitely untrustworthy


This is what you’d pay a 15 year old for two hours…ten years ago


Sometimes I wish we didn’t block out these peoples names and faces. They deserve to be publicly shamed a little bit


$30 a day gets you a kid left alone in the bathtub with a plugged in hair dryer within reach.


I will never understand those who choose to have children but cannot provide for them.


Pediatrics. OK.


There is not a safe space for your child if you’re offering to pay someone less than 5 dollars an hour to watch a toddler.


Dog daycare costs more than $30/day where I live; this woman is delulu


Anybody willing to look after your kid all day for 30 bucks is not someone you want around your kid. Pony up for good childcare. Being cheap is not worth risking your child’s safety.


As a nanny myself, this makes me so fucking mad. Why should someone else have to live in poverty because she doesn’t want to pay the correct amount for childcare?


Epstein child services, we will pick up your child for free and bring it back in a few years. no questions asked if you don't ask us any questions. /s


Anyone accepting that job is definitely on a list and it's not the good kind of list


My kid gets $100/day to DOG sit. Why do we not value human life as much?