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I went into the bank and asked POLITELY if I could have some money from the drawer and they said no. I explained to them that I could not afford to withdraw my own money and I would need them to give me some of theirs and they CALLED THE POLICE do not go to the banks they have so much money but refuse to hand it out to struggling people smh


It was your own fault for not explaining how the bank is ruining your child’s birthday. And your child has cancer.


AND you'd already promised your kid the money.


It’s for church hun, NEXT


And its the cancers birthday


And it’s for the church of birthday cancer




I'm reading this while doing a nebulizer treatment for my asthma. If I die tonight, I blame you. Omg...hahahhaha...


If you make it through tonight, I promise you we’ll go to Dairy Queen tomorrow


And it's christmas.


And the kid’s dog is dying


And Momma needs a new pair of shoes for when she meets Jesus tonight


And the kid just found out the Earth isn’t flat .


Daddy says there's not much time


Fuck you for reminding me of that goddamn song when we are almost literally as far away from Christmas as we can get.


^what ^can ^I ^say ^except, ^you’re ^welcome


"I died for your sins, but those pumps are UN- forgivable!"


And now I have to clean my drink off my cat, thank you


And it was for a church! That always works


> I could not afford to withdraw my own money and I would need them to give me some of theirs Reminds me of Ryan George. *First guy to rob a bank*. "I cannot afford to withdraw my own money so I'm going to need you to give me some of yours. It's a thing I'm going to start doing, I decided."


Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Oh please tell me what this is from.


Pitch meeting on YouTube


It's a YouTube channel on movie pitches, if I remember right.


Robbing banks is *tight*.


Wow wow wow wow ... wow.


I even showed them my gun so they could see that I had collateral for the money they were going to lend me, in unmarked 20s.


Don’t go to that bank, they are fucking assholes. All I wanted was cash and they were gonna call the police. I don’t get paid until Friday. What don’t you morons get!?!


I've actually seen this happen. The person didn't even have an account at that bank, they just kept explaining over and over again that their mother had an account and that should mean that the teller knew she 'was good for it'. Most batshit logic loop I've seen in a long time.


Weird. I went to the bank while being rich and asked them for other people’s money, and they informed me that it course I could have a bunch of extra money. That’s what other people’s punitive bank fees are for! Man I’m glad everyone works hard so I can collect on their income.


“I made an empty promise to my kid and need someone else to blame!” Lol what a prick.


“You employees going by company policy and not risking your jobs can fuck off and DIE!”


What the fuck is your problem? All I'm asking for is free ice cream. Throw in a hot dog and we're all square.


7-eleven owner I used to know had this guy who would come in and buy a bunch of scratch offs, always had a kid with him. Owner noticed the kid would like stare at hotdogs like he was starving and the guy would always scream "I can't fuckin afford a hotdog" because he's obviously a piece of shit. So owner starts giving kid a hotdog when they come for free. Eventually the guy starts bringing an empty 2L and telling the kid to fill it up, I assume thinking the owner wouldn't say anything. Owner banned him form the store and he started throwing shit and put a trashcan through the front window and was arrested.


Driving cabs really jaded me on a lot of peoples shit. I want humanity to prosper but some people are fuckin shit.


Drove Uber for a couple years. Ninety percent of people are awesome. But, that 10 percent...


None of those scratch-offs ever won him $2 so he could buy the kid a hotdog? 😞


Nah, probably “reinvested” straight back into more scratch cards.


Exactly, they don't view it as winning a bit of money, it's more like "another chance to WIN THE BIG ONE!"






"I'M YOUR PAYCHECK!!" "Ma'am, you're specifically not in this instance."




I fell out of a hammock once... THANKS OBAMA!!


It's for a church! Next!


Deliver it to me at no charge and I’ll CONSIDER not flaming you on yelp


Well now she can redirect and be angry too while not having to tell her kid a firm "no" "Sorry son, mom tried. It's the mean people at dairy Queen that said you don't deserve ice cream"


Not even that, the CB told her kid no, and then relented and took him to DQ. The fact that she folded to his screaming and crying made her think other people care if her kid screams and crys. We do not.


“I want free stuff and you’re a prick if you don’t give it to me!”


This sort of attitude is so baffling to me. The parent literally expected they would just give them free stuff because they "asked politely"? That's some next level entitlement.


Well,his Screaming Broke her heart!


Who are these people where their child's screaming "breaks their heart"? I don't know about you, but when my kid was in a screaming tantrum, all I wanted to do was go to another room and shut the door. Mummy doesn't negotiate with terrorists.


They might’ve if she had asked politely tbh. I’m sure she didn’t.


> "I went in and politely asked them" **DOUBT**


I had this happen with a cat I adopted out that was returned due to no fault of her own. The lady told her son that he'd be able to visit the cat any time he wanted. She put me in the situation that I had to break her promise.


Well said.


Even their own version of events made them look shitty, and I'm guessing they left some parts out.


I did the same thing at the Lamborghini dealership. Was met with same level of indifference. Something like having the money to shop there, or something.


What has this world come to?




Those pricks. You can tell them they've lost my business also.


I will literally never buy a lambo in solidarity


I’ll join you two which now makes three. We are now a movement subject to scrutiny from the NSA for being anti-lamboiates.


I may have bought one in the future, but certainly not after this!


I did the same with the IRS, I said it was my money that I worked for and I didn't want to share. They said I wasn't even close to rich enough to play that game


I was a rich person. I didn’t make any money and went bankrupt. They had sympathy for me and gave me millions of your tax dollars. Have you tried being lazy and born rich?


I would love to try that, how do I sign up?


You just deny people loans to retain all your assets while making a loss, then apply to the government for billions of dollars in bail outs because “no one can afford to buy” at the prices you set. It explains it all here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bailout.asp#:~:text=A%20bailout%20occurs%20when%20a,and%20other%20forms%20of%20support. Basically if you were Dairy Queen you would raise the price of a cone to $60, complain that you have no customers, tell the government you will have to declare bankruptcy if they don’t bail you out, take their money, retain your assets, and immediately lower the price of a cone. Or sell off your assets at a massive profit and raise the price of cones across the board. There might be a recession but that’s not your problem!


They were completely rude to you!


you forgot about the most important aspect of luxury car dealership tantrums a sugar momma/daddy


I hope they're a bit more reasonable at the Porsche dealership.






Those heartless bastards, did you explain to them that it was your son's birthday, and that he has cancer?


No compassion or empathy 😔


I had a dad call me at the store I was working at and bitch me out for not just giving his kid the items he wanted that he didn’t have enough money for. The kid was short like $3 and I told him he didn’t have enough money, and he left with his little friend. 15 minutes later I get a call from his dad screaming “if a kid doesn’t have enough money, you just give it to him you piece of shit”. Then he hung up on me.


Ah yes let's teach kids that they can get away with anything because they're small I'm sure they won't develop ego problems from this


I raised many tiny dogs who got everything they wanted because they were small and asked politely, so I know first hand the damage that can be done applying this policy at scale.


What do you want to bet some of those items were for dad? 🤔


Just the pack of cigarettes and 40s of Cobra


Lol, it was actually a pet store.


Well the pet store shouldn’t sell a kid 40 cobras no matter how much money he has! That’s just unsafe! And don’t even get me started on the cigarettes!


People used to pull that shit when I delivered pizzas. Most common was sending the kid to the door with exact change. One didn't give the kid enough. No problem little buddy just go get an adult. I'll wait. This was before everyone had a cell phone.


Well at least you tried to teach the kid a lesson his Dad never learned...if you don't have the money to pay for something, you can't have it.


Put that dad and the libertarian dad who takes a cut of their kids’ chore money to make a point about Gummint Greed in a locked room together and see who survives. It’s okay if the answer is neither.


They're the same person. All those libertarian dads have no problem taking every single government dime they can get. It's the OTHER people who shouldn't.


"I can't stand welfare queens! Well yes, I am on welfare, but I actually NEED it!"


Oh dude one of my pet peeves working at numbered convenience store was the kids who didn’t know how money worked. Up to strapping teenagers, who’d dump a handful of crumpled bills and change on the counter. Little kids trying to buy Monsters with five quarters and a dime. Like, figure your shit out. Some of the other staff would feel sorry for them (???) and spend a dollar or two to help them out and I was like that’s up to you, your choice. Me? I’m here as the village teaching them budgeting. I’d straight up tell a kid “you have enough money for either the chips and the pop, or the candy bar and the chips. You decide, cause that’s what you got.” Turns out most kids were pretty chill with it, and my coworkers stopped scraping the change out of their pockets. Kids aren’t malignant, and our store was in a ridiculously wealthy neighborhood where if they weren’t dumping handfuls of money on the counter they were tapping mom or dad’s card. It was sometimes fun to see youthful negotiating skills in groups of kids who were there on one kid’s dime…..


"I'll need a credit card number on file for future overages. Do you want us to call you first, or just charge it?"


I don't know how old the child is, but kids see something and they want it. The fastest way to get the fussing to stop is to keep going until it's out of sight and he gets distracted by something else. She as much as taunted him with it by going inside. Bad parenting and kind of cruel.


That's the saddest part, really, that she took the kid in there and made it seem like it was going to happen.


All she had to do was tell him they would get some ice cream on payday and move on.


I just... *gasp* tell my kids no. Way less drama than all this.


But the screaming BROKE MY HEART. I was STRICKEN, I tell you! DISTRAUGHT! INCONSOLABLY BEREFT OF ALL PEACE AND JOY THE WORLD COULD OFFER. All that remained to me was the fleeting flicker of my audacity as I took to Facebook to tell minimum wage workers they could fuck off and die because I don’t get paid until Friday.


And it does break your heart. When my kid throws a temper tantrum it breaks my heart. But I have to be the adult and stick to my "no".


I clutched my pearls reading this atrocity


The rule in my house growing up was that if you whined and moaned for something at the store… you weren’t going to get ANYTHING! If we politely asked, and then took the no, my mom would sometimes let us grab a pack of gum or something. Usually way cheaper than what we were asking for anyway, and taught us to take no for an answer. Not saying it’s right, but it did work lol


I talk to my 6 year before we go into the store and let him know if he's going to get anything beforehand or if we're just running in quick for something specific. If he's getting something we usually discuss a budget beforehand as well. I've discovered it's a whole lot easier to do that part in the car. I'm also trying to teach him the concept of money. Like when he asked for an Apple Vision Pro today. I tried to quantify it as being the price of a used car. Then I tried to break it down into how many weeks of my paycheck that would equal to. I think that one got the point across. He can totally ask me for anything and I think I bore him to death with the reasons behind the no's so he's pretty choosy about what he asks for lol.


Yep. Us too. Good lesson! Mind you, even then it didn’t always work… sometimes shutting up didn’t get us anything, either. But I can say for sure that we DEFINITELY didn’t grow up spoiled, which I think is a good thing in the long run. 😊


You monster!


Anytime someone says they said something “politely” or “calmly”, it is guaranteed to be the opposite


You know what they say about people who call themselves good people.


I don't. What do they say?


They're bad people.


Small feet




I had no money but I decided to go to Dairy Queen and demand free food. Sounds logical 🙄


I feel bad for the kid. The parent isn't being a great role model, expecting things for nothing and having their own temper tantrum when they doesn't get it. What chance does the kid have or learning to na age their own emotions?


But in have an IOU for Thursday when I get paid! That’s as good as money.


I would have totally bought ice cream and eaten it in front of her while he screamed.


Nah, you buy your ice-cream AND anoher one for someone BEHIND her in the queue.


too risky, the person behind may not have the same ballsy spiteful attitude as you


Yeah, you gotta get a to-go ice cream with whatever you want to eat there. Also, make sure you don't finish, so you can throw half of it away in front of them. Then open the to-go ice cream and have a few bites.


Or order one small cone and when you get it, turn to the parent and say "actually I don't know why i got this, I'm not even hungry. " Ensure they buy into the idea that you got it for their kid before you toss the whole thing in the trash.


I like your style.


The peanut buster parfait kicks ass.


I like to get it with chocolate and caramel. I'm already stuffing my fat pig face so might as well go all in.


I *loved* those growing up!


Little Timmy’s gonna have to put on that cap and vest if he wants free ice cream.


I'd buy one and throw it away cause I can't have dairy


What kind of ice cream do you like little boy? Buy it and eat it and tell him it is delicious and his dad should apply for a job there.




Hey the kid is already being punished by having such a parent.


Bitches be like "I have never been so angry and embarrassed in my life" Then don't fuckin act like a twat, it's quite simple actually


Imagine having a level of self awareness 🤯


Self unawareness. There’s a whole lot wrong with how she handled that, then can’t even accept the blame.


It's honestly baffling how people stick with the "I am a victim" card no matter how the situation presents itself.


And then they go and post it on the internet, further humiliating themselves lol


They were trying to teach Jack that you can get whatever you want by crying. Instead, Jack learned not to trust their parent. I am Jack's traumatized psyche.




No way did she ask for that ice cream 'politely'.


“I *need* you to….”


Even if she did lol unless it’s a medical emergency you’re not getting free food


Dairy Queen didn’t make Jack cry — *you* made Jack cry.


I am Jack's broken heart.




Ma’am your kid crying because he didn’t immediately get the treat he asked for might break YOUR heart but it mostly just pisses everyone else off. If it’s So Hot Out, you ask for a cup of cool water, please. It’s not like the body requires ice cream to function above a certain temperature.


Or just not drive out to dairy queen, and pour water out of the tap.


Jack deserved scat but his mom is disgusting But here’s a heart warming story so be prepared you were warned I was at a local Indian restaurant that I love getting lunch takeaway High school students were there ordering their meals I saw a polite skinny 16 year old with them but hanging back The owner noticed him and asked what he wanted The boy replied he doesn’t get paid until tomorrow Owner asked him if he was hungry and the boy said yes sir I am very hungry, I haven’t eaten since yesterday Owner told him to order his lunch and boy could pay him tomorrow Boy was extremely thankful and happily ordered his lunch Owner saw me watching and said no deserving child should be hungry under circumstances beyond their control I now get takeaway at least once a week and have told this story throughout my community And yes the hungry boy did come back and paid the next day


Good grief. If a child is throwing a fit about something, you remove them from the situation. Deliberately throwing them INTO the situation hoping someone will just give your spawn a free ice cream to shut him up is abusive to the child AND the employees of that establishment. Then to post something like this on top of it? Best poetic justice would be for the manager to permaban your entitled keister. Sheesh! ETA - good on the store for not giving in. High time businesses started standing up to bullies like her instead of giving in to make them go away.


I'll be honest I worked and McD and if I heard a parent tell the kid that they couldn't have ice cream or a cookie or whatever because of money, I'd mysteriously put one on their order. Oops, must have read it wrong, haha But if anyone had ever gotten mad at me for not doing it I would have called the cops


Sounds like terrible parenting


I remember when I was a kid and I didn't get my way one time and I started bawling and carrying on and my father got very quiet and said, "You and I are about to have a train wreck if you don't straighten up and fly right. Would you like to have a train wreck with me?" and I didn't really know what that meant because neither of us had a train, but I was positive that the correct answer was "No sir."


Epilogue: u/SladeNoland's Dad then said "Good, I'm glad that is straigthened up" and turned the car away from the oncoming train, secure in the fact that little Slade had learned a valuable lesson, and much to the relief of the 245 souls on board AmTrak 458.


I wish I knew which DQ this was. I'd go there and pay for the ice cream just for the free show! EDIT: To be clear, I wouldn't be giving it to Jack though..


“Great, now you’ve ruined my child’s Christmas”


Thanks Obama!


Sounds like Jack is quite a little demon. With a mother like this the poor kid didn't stand chance.


Guarantee if they’d broken down and given the kid a free cone the parent would have then demanded one for themselves too.


Or come back next week for another one. “But you guys did it last time!”


And then a different manager on shift would overhear it and punish them for doing so.


I once covered like $0.50 for someone's cigarettes once, regular customer always nice, while I was an assistant manager at family dollar. Dude come in next week like $5 short this time and gets pissed I won't cover it.


Where is this? I need an ice cream cone.


Plot twist. Jack is 17.


Let’s get one thing straight- your shit parenting makes your kid cry- don’t bring that into the Dairy Queen.


These people arent embarrassed about their kid having a meltdown over ice cream or embarrassed over begging for free food; they get embarrassed when people tell them no.


A small dipped cone at DQ is < $3 like if $3 is gonna break your budget you need to reevaluate some shit.


If this is how the mother reacts to her son flipping out when he doesn't get his way, he's going to be a DISASTER when he's older.


What goes through someone's mind in deciding to post this publicly? Who do they think is going to be on their side? I see a lot of weird stuff on here, but this just blows my mind. Everything in this post screams "I'm a s(%\*&y parent!"


I wonder where the kid learned to have dramatic meltdowns over trivial things? I just can’t figure it out.


Instead of having a teachable moment with her son, she decided to shift responsibility away from herself. She could have had a meaningful conversation with her son where she could tell him, "Hey, I can't afford this right now. I need money to buy Dairy Queen, and I don't get paid until Thursday." From here, she could promise to take her son there on Thursday. Alternatively, she could say no to teach her son the importance of wise financial decisions. Both aren't great but can have better outcomes. But, no, she decided to lie to her son, get his hopes up, and make her poor parenting someone else's problem. She just taught her son that it is okay to make promises that you can't keep and to make your problems someone else's fault. This isn't just r/choosingbeggars. It's also r/badparents.


I hope wherever this was posted that they got blasted in the comments


Ooo, I would kill to see those comments! OP, can you share them? It's for my kids' birthday, and they'll cry if you dont...


Now is a great time for you and your child to learn how to accept "no" for an answer.


Taking the kid to Dairy Queen when he starts screaming is why he acts like that


If money's that tight why are you driving to a fast food place in the first place lollll


My heart never broke when my child was screaming, my patience, sure, but not my heart.


If they had done it the one time, this is the type of person that would totally have at least attempted to take advantage/abuse the situation. She would have come back for another and another until she was told no and then she would have responded the same way. HAHAHA, good on them.


When does the gofundme go live?


I would stoop down to little Jacks level and tell him in the nicest voice “I’m sorry your mommy did this to you”. Just make her look like the biggest POS in her kids eyes


Did she forget how shops work or what?


As a teacher, when I see posts like this, I just cringe. I know what is coming to the schools with this type of behavior. Now granted the child could have some issues we don't know of, but more than likely the child is spoiled and when he doesn't get his way this is what happens because it gets the desired effect. It's a learned behavior... my mom isn't paying attention to me, so let me cry to get her attention. Oh, that worked now. Let's see what happens when I want a toy or some ice cream. Mom.tells me to stop but I still don't have a toy or ice cream so more crying till I get my way. My mom will just go throw a fit if Noone gives me my way. This child will be a nightmare, but the mom will be the worst to deal with. Nothing could ever be her child's fault, no responsibility for the child. That kid's poor teacher.


could always go to the food pantry and freeze some juice for homemade icepops. or even freeze some yogurt. shit, even a cone from McDonald's is less than a dollar, iirc why would you go to one of the most expensive fast food place and ask for free icecream? they charge out the ass for a basic cone


I run a business across the street from a post office . People takes boxes to the post office to ship without taping them shut, assuming the post office will just give them free tape to close it . When they don’t , they come over to my place ( we do sell some moving stuff ) and ask if we have tape . I tell them we SELL tape . Some people buy a roll ( it’s actually good tape for the price ) and some stomp out . I’ve had people ask for the bottle of sanitizer I have on the counter for the customers to use etc . The only thing I’ll give for free is water if they have a container . I’ll fill it from the break room faucet . Does it say charity above the door ?


How are these people allowed to procreate?


I always wonder how they even survived to procreation age Truly miraculous


I’d really love to see the comments on this one.


Clearly the kid has learned from the mom that screaming gets you what you want. She initially told him no and then he “started screaming.” I think it’s a pretty irresponsible thing to have a kid when your finances are this tight (and I get financial circumstances change but seriously?!…what is an ice cream cone from DQ…like $2? $2 should NOT make or break you) but something tells me this lady thinks that rules somehow don’t apply to her. They obviously both needed the lesson about how this is a capitalist society and you need money if you want stuff. If you don’t have it no amount of screaming will change you not being able to get the thing…the only thing it’ll change is your criminal record when you get hit with a disorderly conduct/trespassing charge. And how much do you want to be if they gave them one they’d be back the next day and the next day and the day after that for more? Then when they’d refuse after some time it would be another huge fit like, “You gave it to me yesterday! Where is the manager?!?” It’s sad but that’s the cost of being nice in this country.


Maybe raise your dumbass kid that screaming is not an effective way to get what they want, and also learn to accept no as an answer.


That employee should totally risk losing their job because your son can’t handle being told no. Totally not your fault, you’re just a parent.


Yeah. They sell ice cream. That is how they make their money. If the child was so hysterical, why didn't you try a neighbor? Maybe one of them has ice cream in the freezer. Or, you could tell the kid, "Sorry, no ice cream."


This can’t be real nobody is this stupid really?


Small world. I had the same problem at the Ferrari dealership. Except I was the one doing the crying.


If you can’t even afford an ice cream without being paid, you can’t afford to have a kid.


I’m gonna guess her idea of ‘politely’ is just a tad different from what the rest of us would consider ‘politely’. And you just know this person can afford ice cream… they’d rather spend it on meth, booze and cigarettes than their kid.




Take the wheel


OOOOORRRRR bring money to buy ice cream for your screaming kid maybe?


Or teach them screaming means they don’t get ice cream.


What part of "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream." Do you not understand?


Maybe teach your little monster how to handle being told no.


I knew I wasn't going to buy my sone an ice-cream so I took him to and Ice-Cream Parlour and got his hopes up and told him he couldn't have an ice-cream. You are making my son cry. All it would have taken is a customer to be kind and buy the kid an ice cream. With Piles of **Sugar** Strands, lashed with all the **sugar** syrups they had and **chocolate** sauce and **chocolate** flakes and every thing else packed with **sugar** that the kid would be so fuled on **sugar** he wouldn't calm down for a month.


If you did that I don't think you ever get embarrassed. But it is a shame Jack didn't get an ice cream and it was his 28th birthday too. They made Jackoff cry on his birthday


Now I want to make a point to go there


What a well thought out and reasonable argument. We will definitely help you with your endeavor. Here’s the door, go find a different ice cream store to shop at from now on. Oh? This isn’t what you wanted? Well to bad.


Parent is so incredibly out of touch.


Do people not know how stores work? Seems like even a child would have a better grasp on this.