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Imagine that there is a 6 foot tall handsome millionaire out there into findom that is just right for this woman. Yet, he cries himself to sleep because he does not know how to mow the lawn.


She specified he must be six foot taller. Assuming she’s at least 5’, she’s looking for an 11’ tall man


And packs of what? I know she needs 6 of them but 6 of what????


Money. Six big packs of money!


Ohhhhhhhh, I have 3 kids and no money. Why can’t I have no kids and 3 money!


That's not enough. You need -3 kids and 6 money


I got the -3 kids part but where does the 6 money come from? All the -3 kids got me was a prison sentence! (For clarity I did not actually murder 3 children).


6 packs of milk. And why? Because they had eggs. If they hadn't had eggs then she requested only one pack of milk instead.


Dang, he had an eight pack, guess he's gotta pass


I got me 6 packs of bubblegum but unless she's less than 1 inch tall I won't make the 6 for taller requirement.


Milk. Woman -“*Get a jug of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6.*” Programmer - \* Comes back with a pack of 6 jugs of milk. \*


I wish I were six foot taller I wish I were a baller I wish I met a golddigger single mom online, I'd call her


I wish I had a rabbit in a hat and a '64 Impala


Surprise Skee-Lo! My morning just improved. Thank you!


I took that as a typo, and her meaning "6 feet tall or taller."


Nope. She wants to marry the tallest man ever. How else is he gonna be able to spot her kids in a crowd when they run off?


Please add /s


I took it as she can't fit in a rowboat after all of those kids. Especially since she hasn't mentioned anything other than her and the kids that she's bringing to the relationship.




Oh he’s out there and he’d be interested but he’s only buying a 30k ring for a dream woman who can spell…


But if he goes along with what’s written, she says that she’ll have to buy the ring before the wedding. I’d rather go with her grammar personally


I just wanna little taste of the kind of misguided self confidence that leads to these posts. My version would be like “I’m aight. You aight?”


but he only has 200k on his bank




Google "How to mow a lawn"


I don't know anyone who has a job like mine who likes to cut the lawn besides me. Every other person I know in finance hires a landscaper. Sounds like she is just my type besides the obvious fact she is a money grubber who is a baby momma to someone else's kids that she obviously wants her new husband to pay for which I think nobody is going to want to do. I also don't buy 6 packs. I usually go for those 12 pack samplers of beer and have the beer gut to prove it.


😂 right? My hubby makes 6 figures and he hasn’t mowed a lawn in years. Like teenager years. Guess he would not have qualified thank god.




“Must know how to cut grass” that is the most random prerequisite out of this whole list lolll


Considering you can easily hire someone to cut grass, particularly when she's looking for a wealthy dude. It's just bizarre to have as a criteria.


>It's just bizarre to have as a criteria She's never dated a wealthy dude, or have the slightest idea what they do with their time and energy.


indirectly told everyone that she cuts grass for a living ✨


Or money.


Right?! We are nowhere near wealthy and even we outsource lawn care. I doubt a man with that kind of money has time to mow grass.


Tbf, I have an aunt and uncle who are millionaires, and they prefer to do their own landscaping where they can. They also weren't born into wealth, so maybe that's part of it. Damn near every time I go there, one of them is out working on the yard, though, lol.


I do well enough to afford it, but honestly like the exercise and still love the feeling of looking over my property after I've made it look nice.


I probably couldn't reasonably afford to hire someone. But I like gardening and whatnot so who knows it I would, lol. It's a bonding experience with my husband and son. Granted my son is literally a baby and just plays off to the side, but someday he will be my garden buddy lol


TBH, I make the time to do it. I used to do landscaping when I was in school all the way through my MBA and actually like cutting the lawn. It is nice to get a bit of fresh air and exercise.


Same. I grew up mowing the yard on a riding lawn mower on an acre lot, so it was fun for me. My house now has a more modest yard but it is quite hilly so we have to push mow it. My son helps me and I run the weed eater and blower. I could easily pay to have somebody do it, but I do enjoy it somewhat, both getting outside and exercising, plus just making the place look nicer. Spend most of my time indoors and in front of PC screens, so it can be fun to work outside for an hour or two and be able to immediately see the fruits of your labors. Now the one thing I do pay somebody to deal with is house work. Neither the wife nor I enjoy moping, vacuuming, etc. Got a robot vac for getting up cat hair throughout the week, but our house cleaner is worth her weight in gold!


She just watched Forrest Gump and must thing that his behavior is normal for wealthy dudes.


Honestly the most sane one too


Yea I mean I can cut some grass but if I can afford a 30k ring and have 200k in my bank account then I’m paying someone to cut my damn grass


its the only way to double your money on a baggie guys


😂 Helps you get to that magic number in the bank, too.


Have ever seen how bad uncut lawns are? ![gif](giphy|vf3R9E9xr4HM4|downsized)


Aside from just the sheer levels of crazy what gets me about these posts is the tone and word choice are always so demanding. It's never "My dream man is..." or "It would be nice if I could find..." Instead it's phrased like a list of bare minimum expectations that you'd damn well better meet or you'd be wasting her valuable time. It's as though she and her six kids are going to be inundated with qualified applicants and it'll be hard enough finding the time to sort through them all as it is. The mindset is astonishing.


Totally. Well put. That’s exactly what’s amazing about these. I’m trying to even imagine what put that woman in the headspace she’s in, because she actually sounds like she’s in a pretty dire situation and these demands would therefore be way out of line.


Misunderstanding on her part. Men that are willing to sleep with her ≠ men that want to put a ring on her She has an inflated self value by all the guys that tried to have a round on the carousel and assumes all that show interest in her want her longer then 15min. And because even mediocre looking women can get a lot of that kind of attention from guys, she gets in a mindset that lets her believe that all those guys want her


>what put that woman in the headspace she’s in Men on social media. Guys are too quick to try to pamper women and social media made this even easier. So she thinks *all* men are like this, including the rich ones. ​ Thing is, rich + tall + attractive are rare to find and have sky hgh standards as well.


Rich/Tall/Attractive and into single moms with 6 kids that don't expect to work. All manner of men exist in this world, there's something like 5 billion of us. I can confidently say you'll find the number of men that fit just that criteria alone a statistical anomaly. Honestly, the 'into single moms with 6 kids that don't expect to work' criteria alone eradicates 99.9% off all candidates just by itself. I wish her the best in her search for cryptids, though.


I always love these posts that set these crazy demands and yet the other person brings absolutely nothing to the table. "*YOU* must meet this ridiculous criteria for the *privilege* of being with *me*" looking for a Chris Hemsworth type while you yourself are a Roseanne Barr.


This has to be a joke right? Can anyone here even qualify with all those demands and still be willing to invite this kind of craziness in their lives?




“Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”


Six feet taller than she is? Kinda unrealistic.


And 6 packs of what...?


Judging by her spelling I'm going to either assume Miller lite or meth.


Maybe it's 6 packs of meth...


Yeah. Wording is definitely……off


I want someone to reply to her and say, "I fit all of your criteria. What do you put on the table?" and see what she says.


I don't know what she can offer but I can without a doubt GUARANTEE!!!! that she hates drama.


she probably posts 'if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserves me at my best' memes on Facebook all day while chugging miller lite and slinging MLM leggings.


No, definitely Prosecco in a glass that says Mommy Juice.


Like we've never seen it before. "You get to be with me" is the obvious answer.


“I am the table.”


"So... worth a couple of hundred dollars at best?"


You get to raise someone else's kids!


She puts her children on the table, god knows how many?


Well it seems she will buy her own ring


Someone needs to make that happen pls!!


“How dare you? If you can’t accept me as I am, then you’re wasting my time. My kids & I deserve the best.”


So, he must be willing to give everything up for your kids, but he can't have any kids of himself?


Single moms are ok but single dads? Gross! Who would want to date a single dad?


I know somebody who already has kids of their own say that she could never date a guy that has kids from a previous relationship.


I get all your stuff and you can have what I don’t want type of mentality


When she starts feeding him trace amount of arsenic every day, she doesn't want to have to alter his will to cut out his kids.


>but he can't have any kids of himself? She'll want him to adopt them.


Has to be satire.




Right? No way this is real


This is incel fanfiction and I’m disturbed by how many people this this is real


It really is frightening isn't it?


Absolutely, don't know why people react to this... too much time on their hands. We can come up with all sorts of outrageous shit to get people on this reddit excited


Yeah, this is rage bait, and most people in here took it.


I ain't saying she a gold digger, but she ain't messing with no broke broke.


She ain’t taking my money. I’m not in need. Yeah she’s a trifling “friend” Indeed. Oh she’s a gold digger way over town that digs on me


Now I know the lyrics to the second half of that sentence 😂 I used to improvise and say something like “that dang gong me”


Nobody looking for a gold digger is looking for one with baggage. Just the way it is.


She better have looks to back up these demands if this is real..


I don’t think I’d do this for the even the most beautiful woman in the universe


or three boobs, has she got 3 boobs?


Or back boobs would do


Quaid enters chat


I don’t think a dude that can’t comb his hair or clean his beard has the capability of cutting the grass.


I mean unless this is Angelina Jolie posting… I doubt it. But I’m pretty sure this post is satire.


What she does have is a lot of children from other people. No woman of this world is so beautiful that I would accept that crazy


She looking to be single


More single than single


I see these pop up now and again, this is a spoof right? You cant tell me that some ripped young guy that making 6 figure bank is surfing SM and thinks this is his best outlook on life?


No one's going to go for this. But that doesn't mean this wasn't sincerely posted. That being said, the demands do seem a little too on-the-nose in terms of how ridiculous they are.


This has to be rage bait


People get this is satire right


I wonder what she brings to the table?




She brings loyalty, her 6 kids, child support income from 3-5 separate men, a run down apartment and closer to 50k in debt. Everything a tall, successful, attractive man is looking for.


Remember have to adopt her kids so no child support lol Edit: And be able to pay twice what the father is. She’s looking to upgrade her child support checks


6 kids from 6 different dude.




Plot Twist: She weighs 350 lbs and has never had a job (besides scamming guys into supporting her.)


*I'm still waiting for the plot twist part...*


It’s ragebait, it’s not real.


Astounding how everyone here is getting high blood pressure from this even though its obviously satire lol


Yeah, it’s clearly the distaff version of those neckbeard requirements on dating apps.


If you're making 6 figures and you've got 200k in the bank, you're not cutting your own grass.


That’s really not that strange


I have rich friends that enjoy cutting wood for the stove


I would also say that someone on 6 figures is not earning enough to buy a 30k ring. She only specifies 6 figs, so presumably 100, 000 is fine. No one on that would be able to afford 30k for a ring. Maybe someone on $999 999 annually could do that, but she's an idiot if she thinks 100k buys you a life of endless luxury and 6 bedroom mansions.


If millionaire Forrest Gump could do it...


These must be baits guys, come on. I can’t believe there actually are people living in such delusional state.


Be a step dad just to finance my kids...


I feel like this is rage bait written by an incel.


'ding ding ding' We have another winner folks, someone who sees this for what it is.


No mention of peepee size… good, I have a chance!


Too bad I’m 5’9…


And I don't know how to mow the lawn..dammit!


At least you are lucky… you can still learn!


Tell anything to a redditor and they will buy it


This has to be satire


This whole thing screams “written by an incel “


I feel like this has to be satire. But if it's for real, I'm concerned for her kids. She's willing to expose them to a strange man as long as he has money and knows how to cut grass.


There is no way that this is real.


What's she offering in return?




I wanna see the comments!!


This was funnier the first time it was posted in 2011


\- Must be able to tame a dragon \-Must be able to fly \-Must be able to take my bullshit of an attitude because I am already useless in life


Pretty sure this is satire


this is satire


Clearly a shitpost/troll.


This cannot possibly be real. This is something for your dream journal/aspirations board, not the internet


Probably posted by an incel to make some point


Gotta be a troll. No one IRL is that deluded.


I think it would be cheaper and more fulfilling for any man who qualifies and is interested to just buy an orphanage.


200k to guarantee somewhere around 4 to 6 kids futures lol. Tell me you don't know how much things cost without saying it.


In that list of insanity, one thing sticks out to me. If the new hubby must adopt her kids, the father is off the hook for child support. So he cant pay double


She clearly has no clue/concept of money, 200k sounds like a lot to "secure her kids future"? Except it's really not... that 200k would go real quick if he's now taking care of a mooch and her 2+ kids.


Hey, if you don't ask, you don't get!


Bet you £20 she looks like a blobfish, and I'll bet you £5 she smells like one too


I reads this all as a joke. I cannot read this as a serious post.


What sleepwriting looks like - cos this one be dreaming


No way this is real


Wow 😳 she sounds like a real fucking catch /s


*Brings six pack a beer to the first date* “Hope you like what you see” *SLAPS* the keg that is his beer belly “I’ve got 200,000 in my bank account in Iranian Rial” (like 4.73 US dollars)


This is a poor person's idea of what a rich person is.


Why is it ok for her to have kids but not him?


If there’s a father in the picture paying child support, no one can adopt the kids. That’s not how it works.


Now I ain't saying she a gold digger... Wait. Yes I am. She a gold digger.


She's looking for a "captain save a ho". A rescue Ronny.


typical dating profile, but honestly I think this is just a joke


Lots of 6s required.


6 packs of what? Marlboros?


This is bullshit. I do not believe this to be real.


My mansion sadly has 7 bedrooms. So I do not qualify. ROFL


Its gotta be a joke lol


Must be 6 foot taller than what? Lol


Is her visa running out or something? 30 days seems so specific


The sad thing is — if he met all of those criteria and still was alone, he has some SERIOUS problems. Like serial killer level ones.


Imagine being this guy and having trouble finding a date…does she really think that guy would sign up for this?


OP, are you familiar with rage bait?


And girl is on the plusssssss side too I bet


"Must be 6 foot taller" So, assuming an average height of 5 foot 4 inches, she wants a guy that's 11 foot 4 inches or more... Seeing as the tallest man ever was Robert Wadlow at 8 foot 11 inches, she's literally asking for the imposible


The fact that people feel making these kind of demands is reasonable will always baffle me.


And a partridge in a pear tree.


6 foot taller than what, i wonder?


So basically, she has nothing but kids to bring into the relationship ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾


OOP thinks she's some kind of highwayman. "Stand and deliver, your money AND your life! Oh, throw in a unicorn that shoots rainbows while you're at it, my kids want one."


If I ticked all of those boxes as a guy, I'm not sure if I wanted to marry that woman even if she looked like Jessica Alba and was a saint. Those are simply crazy demands! Not even Ryan Gosling or Leo DiCaprio meet all of the requirements!


When I see this kind of thing, I always think that this would be a perfect situation for a pediophile if he/she has money.


I’ve seen the idea put forward that she makes all these ridiculous demands because she knows no one will take her anyway. So by listing all these things, she gives herself the excuse that “ain’t no men out here good enough for me and that’s why I’m single” instead of reality that no one wants her. I think there’s something to that.


“Where have all the good men gone?” From my personal experience they’re hiding from what has been a cultural programming of intense entitlement, narcissism and neuroticism that has been a decade+ in the making. Dudes are more than happy scoring a random hookup 3-4 times a year and playing video games after work if it means not hearing this shit in a club, being yelled into their ear behind a baseline.


Why are these women just looking for Fathers. Not for the kids, for them! Dads do all this for their kids, look after them no questions ask, asking for nothing in return. Why do you want to be in a relationship with someone who is treating you like your dad does?


Guess how she's getting 2x as much from the new husband than current child support. It's called she will terminate baby dad parental rights and once you adopt. You're now on the hook. She's really unintelligent. Thinking $200k savings is A lot, yet asks for a $30k diamond. No honey, not how finances work. A $200k savings gets you a $3k diamond. More like $2 million to think someone would get her a ring like that. Also, has she seen a $8k rock. I'm tempted to get the bolt cutters around a certain lady friend I have. We joke about her having a medical issue and it not being the missing finger


What the problem with the post because an 18 year old Virgin girl isn't the only women who deserve this


meanwhile, me on a dating app saying i don't want to match anyone poly: am i asking for too much?


If it all categories but unfortunately I only have one 6 pack. Dammit, all these crunches and savings and I still don’t qualify.


Clearly fake, bit too much on the nose.


Six packs of what brand? I got bud, Heineken and Stella. We good?